R 223 0''''.1; , ~ 8 f' ( RESOLUTION NO. 22':t I BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE. STATE OF CALIFCIOIlA. I 1. WHEREAS. the State of California. under Chapter 20. Statutes >. of 1946 (First Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds I ,-,.. for allotment te provide for financial assistance to Local Agenctes. defined therein as counttes. cities and counti.s. Gr cities. s. that they may engage in a large public works co_truction program ! in order to prevent and alleviate unemplo~nt; and 2. WHEREAS. the City of Arroyo Grande hereinatter designated lftec.lAj..cy" desires to apply tor an allet.ment of State atd fer . - - the ....tnction of a publtc works project under said Act; and S. Wll!REAS. an application to the State Director of FtaRce for such an allotment has been prepared and presented to this Leglsla- I tive Body for consideration; and 4. WHEREAS, Local Agency has made provtshns for payi., that portion of the cost of the project not reque.ted as an aU.t._nt froll the State; 5. NQf~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that Local Ageaey subll1t the aforn.id application for State aid for coastl'UCtioD ofa peltc works project to the Director of Finance. requesttag.an allot_.t . of en. Thousand Seven'Hundred Seventy-eight and 41/100 Dollars <11118.45) .01' an allotment of such amount as ..y he aUotte. hy the State Allecation Board; 8. "", , , \ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that Local Ageacyhe..)y UrUfles that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the Gr..II1.. &all Surfactag of Tall~. Street. City of Arroyo Grande, San-Luis Ob1sp. County, California, for which Local Agency i. llakU./ii a,;let.-tio. 1&mter said Act Is Three Thousand iline Hundred and ao/lOO bU..... (tatoo.OO); and '";' 1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby req1&..t. the State to. pay t.he State's share of the total act_l cut of coastruc- . tiOD of the project for which Local AIiI.mcy 11 ukt.. appUctUoa for aid; , , '__::~;':t,><" . 1;,.:-,.. !0...,-" ,..",~...,_,.(i."",'.". ~. ~ ~ ::) r ~. o. a'IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tor the purpose ot this request )Ju.J'~AA/j} ~~~ be, alld he hereby is, designated as the auf-hori.ed ageat ot Local Agency, and is hereby authorized and directed to sIgn the herein mentioned appHeation of Local Agency and to submit. the sa_ to the State Director of Finance together with a certitf.ed stat_ent of the t~tal estimated cost to be paid tor construction ot the project herein mentioned and such other infor_tt_ a. .y :t>>e re- r qui red; and said authorized agent h fur thaI' au~orlced aad directed as representative of Local AgeBcy to cond_t aU negoUations and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Allocation Board or the Director ot Finance, including reqneats tor pa~nt ot the State's share ot the cost of the construction ot U.e afoRMntioned . public works project. On motion ot Council_n Clark , secoaud by COdcil_. Wa110era , and on the following 1'011 call vote, to__it: AYES: Clark, Waiters, SChnyder, Thtmnumt'> NCESi None ABSElfT: Dixson the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted. STATE (F' CAt. IFORNIA ) . ss . '".. -. , .. " .. " -- .. .' CI'i'Y (F AlUDYO GAANDE ) - I, lira. E1inaM.SchilHng City Clerk and ......n.icl. Clerk ot the City Council ,in and tor t~ Ci ty of Arroyo Gt:a...., Stat. 0 t CaUtorailp., do hereby certify the.t01'efOl'1otOIil!& :hill, tl'1ile and correct copy of an order made by tha C ty dell .s the ..... .ppears spre.. upon their minute book. WITlESS my hand and the seal of said City Coaci!, affixe4 this 6th' clay of April , 1950. ~tf:..);,u~ ~.' I ': .,;:;t!,f:1i~ft;:-\,::;,~},f;:,,-::,: ," .', ' L : '/.;;{/tL-:-;ii~i'i,;:;i~-l -';.,.if- ;_. ,..;..\~' <ii'", . .J '~"- ",'J,' i'~" 1" k'" . ,- ,., '," .'-"" -', " : "_',:'", ",,' c' , '.,";', - ,;' C' :,~ ","