R 222 .... 1"- - :1 [ ,- I RESOLUTION NO. 222 , BEFORE THE CI TY COUNCI L OF THE I i I . . CI TY OF ARH)YO GRANDE. STAT! " CALIFORIfIA i i 1. WDREAS. the State of California. under Chaptor Zf). Stat.te. I of 1946 (First Extra Session). as amead'd. has appropri.te. funds for allotment to provide for flancial .8.i,ta8co to Loca.l Agencies. define. therein as countie.. cities-aad ODuntie.~ or citie.. so th.t they..y engage in a large public werks co..tractioa p~og~.. in or.er to pr.v.nt and alleviate un.aplo,..atJ &a. z. _MAS. the City of Arroyo Graade herei_tter .nigat.d -Local Aielacy- ct..i res to apply tor aa allot.at of State aid for - , - t!l. cOaltrucUon of a public werk. project under 8ai4ActJ ..d ~. WHEREAS. an applicaUon to the State Director ot Fi-.aC. tor n,ch.a .Hotaeat has been preparedaad pre..nt.. to thi8 IAlisla" tive Body for consideratioa; anel 4. 1IDREAS. Local Agency has made prov1sio.. t.r payiat that portion . ot t!le cost of the proJ.ct not requ..ted a. an dl.....at frea th. St.t.J 5. NOW. THEREFoRE. BE IT RESoLVED. that Loc.l A...., ...it the .t.re..id ~pplication tor State aid tor __tnetiea ot. ,dlic wo~k. prGJectto the Director of Fi_ace. requesUJ18 .a allot_nt of One n.1&Iaa4 Eight Hundred aadForty-tift and ../188 .011&rs ($lM5.OG). or an allot_nt of .uch ..ount a. _y Jle .llotted Jly . - the St.t.:".AllocaUon Board; I. n IT FtmTHER RESOLVED. that Local A.geacy horelty enUtie. tat the '-tal ..t'i_ te of co.t to b. paid fer th. G1'.4I:al. Svr.clal aad Dretaiag of Cornwall Avenue. City .t Arre~ er..... Saa L.t. Obiap. eouty. Californi.. tor *ich Local Age.cj i. .kia, applicaU.a under said Act is nree no.." Six ._~.. a. Ntaety aa. a./110 Dollars ($3690.00); aad 7. BE IT fURTHER RES(1VEJ). that Local Agency 11....1ty r......ts the . State to pay the Statei. ~hare .t the t.t..1 actal celt ot CO.tRe- . tio. ot the project for which Lecal Ageacy 18 .ud.. ."U_U_ . . tor aid; . , ~',. r' . ,-~, ~ " e. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purpo.. of this req.st ~,&~,{}:'~~ Jae, aad Ite MUlty is, designated as the a~Uao1'hed agoat of Local ,#.,eacy, sad is heu)y authorhec!..aad cUrecte. to Siaa tho Muia MaUeaed app}Jeat!oa of Local Agency and to sBait the s.. to the Stata Director ot Finance together wi th a certitie. state.at or ~he total uti.tad cost to be paid tor coastructi.a ot the project hereta Mat!ened and such other iator_Uoa as ..y lie re- ..ired; and said authorized agent is turther authorind aad directed as represeatat1ve ot Local Ageacy to conduct all M.oUatiolUlud conclud. all arrangements, with either the State Allocatioa Board or the Director ot Finaace, Including requests tor pa~nt ot the Stato's share ot the cost of the construction of the atore..ntioned public works project. On aotion ot Council... ~~Ae , .econct~ Ity Council..n ~ , and on the toll_lng roll call yete, to.."i t: AYES: Clark, Waiters, SchDyder, DSJI1",."nn US: None ABSENT: Dixson the teregolng Resolution is hereby adopted. , STATE ,CE' c.ALIFORNIA ) : ss CiTY (:I~YO GlWmE ) I; .....EdnaM~ Schilling City Clark pd u-.tflct. Clark ef the City Council, in Il,Ild tor the City of Anoyo Qr"4e,State of CaBrorala, do heuby certify ~ to".aot~ to "~ .. t.u., t,... aad correct copy ot an order ..de by the City oe11.a the .... a,,..r. spread upon their ainute book. WI TlESS rq band and the seal o~ .ald Ct ty Co1lRcl1. attiud this .ci....y ot r'-I. , 1950. . ~~."-J... ;".~ ~ . . ~ ;.Mi... ,-~~ '''--i'-';;'.~o .,,:,, "