R 221 -- ".. . -, ... . ~ ,4"'\ , l\ RESOl.UTION NO. d :l / - . A RESOLUTION OF '1'liB: COUNCIL 011' THE CIT}: OF ARROYO GRAJ:W.It. CJILIJI'ORNIA, BUatI'J.'TI~G TO 'rUt!: QUJ\LUIE:D ELECTORS 01 SAID CITY AT'TliE' GENimALEL&CTION. '1'0 BE figLD IN SAID e1'1'Y ON,. Aj!RIJ.. ll. 1950..A .PRO?OSiW OFlDlNANCEThNTI'1'LED "AN ORDINlJ/CE OF 'lRJI: CITY OF AllROYO GRANDE GI'VUG TO TBf::'CI'1'I COtJl~CIL OJ'. THE SAIDCITI,OIl'.ARP.OYO GRAl'U)E, '1'B.~ l>OWJ!;R '1'Q EXCEED THE Q!iil':f{AL l.J:MI'l'A'J.'IONS IMPOiifED BYLAW UPON. THEIR RItUi''1' ,ro J..EV~ PROp~mY '1'AXEB bY QRAijTINQ TO I:1AI.D ClT:iCOUNCIL 1HK ?OWi>'R 'roM:YY ANNIJAI..l,Y A. PR01)~~TY TAX or NO'!' 11'1 IXCISO of TI!:N CENTS pgn ON!!: HUNDRED .DQLI.hRS OF Vlu.UA!1'rON UPON PBOl>lfJ:1'l'Y 1111 SAID CITY; REQUIRING TllA'l' SAID TAX WHEN COLLECTIW Br. DElJOSITED IN A SEPA,RATJj;FUND AND TJ:.>..r.1'1':OR US~1.i lI'OIi COLimULU'J.'Y R!!:CRitA'l'IqN ,PURjiosrJ:S AND, FOR'NOOTHiffi J:'UPl'O:,H~" " WliMREAS, pursuant to law. a general munioipal election vall be held in the Oity of ' Arroyo Grande, a muni~lpal oorporatIon 01' the ah:tll olas!! on TuElsde..y, April.;ll, 1950; and '"'liiRFJ\,S, the City C0l1no11"ot the City of Arroyo Grande desires to Bubm! t to the cl(jctors ot said City c:t .said general . aleotionoD April 11, 1950, an ordinance permitting s~ld City Counoil to levy II spcc1/il tilX tor .Com:Jlunlty rl3oreatlon purpool'ls a8 'is set forth more particularly in th~ ordinanoe !l;Jrl3inafter set forth: . NOW, TJlr:!1.":FQRE, BE IT Rillro::..VIW OJ' the Council or the C1 ty 01." A:rt'oyo Grande as t'ollovm: First: That the proposed ordinanco ont1t1o<1 "An Ord1n!moe of the City of I.rro~-o GNnde Giving to the City Co~n;;:il. of the Dliid Ci t1 of Arroyo Grunde, tlw Pow",:' to Exceed the GenoJ~al I.11rJl t&t1ons Im)1osed by Law UlJOn '1'he1r Right to Levy Property Taxa/< by Grallting to aaid City Council the Powor to Levy hnnuallY a Property Tax of Not in Exce:;:; of' Ten Cents .Per Cne Hundred Dollara, of Valuat.:!.on Vpon Property in said CItj'i Requiring that 6aidTax When Colleoted . be DeposIted in f.:. Separate Fund and That it be Vsed tor Community Fecreat10n P\lr;.>oses un'd !i'or no 'UtllllrPurvos6s" bf30 submi 1ot"d to the . voters o.1,'the \;1 ty of i.rroyo Grende 4tthu generlll eleotion to oe held, in add City on '1'uesdfil, April 11, 1950. The ordlnunco so aubml tt$d shall be printed on tile .ballots USQd tit such elect10n . ____u..'_ , - substantially as follows: - "Shall the proposed Ordinanoe 6IItitle4 "An Ordinanoe of' the C1 ty . of' Arroyo Grrmde "1 v1.ng to. tho GUy Counoil of the Said W1ty ot Arroyo Grande, the Power to Exceed the Generul Lin! tations Imposed by Law Upon their Right to Levy Property Taxes by Granting to said Vlty Couno1l the. Power to Levy ii.nnudly a Property 'l'ax or not in r.xC6SS ot '1'oa Cents :verOne Hundred Dollars or Valuation Upon Proporty in said Ci ty; .Re~uir1 ng th'jt sald Tax When Col- lected be Deposited in Ii ~eparute Fund and That 1t be Used rorComtJlunity Recreation Pur,poaei'l IU1d tor no Other Purpona.\'''bb adop't0d and JIlade;u.n ordinance or the C1 ty of. A..rro;yo Gro.nde? .....i'th the worde "Yes" and "No" so printed in eonneotion therew! th that the eleoto.rc lIlay expr1!J5$ theirolloloe. , Seoond: '!'he City Clan: of'. the I,;i ty of Jorroyo Grande .is ,. . . hereby ordered to. place on the ballots to be used at sdd eleotlon the question atoreHa1d. On motion or ~ounoilm!m ~"'A'I~_ and seoonded by Counoilman Ii ____ and .on the following roll cell Tote: ~. >>4~, S~/~' w..~~1t-.~, NO ~~s: ADSn.T: ~, ~.tJ the f'or~golng r9801ution was adopted this Id day 0 r )j(~.- J. , 1950. . fI '1_~~~ Jlayor ~ A'1"1'ES'1': fht,.. r~})(. J~Lib( C1t1 l'Jrk. .. c