R 209 .~.I.. :J 17 The premises referred to heretofere and s cnght to be condemned are des- cribed as follO'<ls, to-wit: All that protion of that certain st~pof land described in the deed dated October 1, 1881, executed by Conrad Haub, in favor of the San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria Valley Railraod Canapny, a corporation, recorded in Book N of Deeds at page 431, records of said County, which is situated in lot 102 of Jwes T. Stratton's survey of parts of the Ranchos Corral De Piedra, Pismo lind Bo1sa de Chamisal, in the County of San Luis <bispo, State of California according to map on file in the office of the County Recordei! of said County, and described iD said deed as follows: - A strip of land 60 feet in width, being 30 feet m each side of the center line of the railroad of the San Luis Obispo and Santa M"II'ia ValJQr RaUraad' Company being located and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the 1ntersection of the centerline of said San Luis Obispo and Saanta Maria Valley Rooiroad with the West line of the CO\U1ty ROE\d from San Luis opispo to Santa Barbara ar the point where waid cneterline enters the land of Conrad Haub, running thence South 380 47' \-Test, 1261 feet to land of Frederick Ketchum. On Motion of CO\U1cilman Clark secmded by Councilman Waiters, and on the follvwing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Dixson, Schnyder, Clark, Waiters, and Danmann NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted. Dated this 20th dIV of April, 1949 RESOLUTION NO. 209 , BE IT RF..sOL'lED TIIA.T A GREEN 2'DNEBE ESTABLISHED ON THE SMn SIDE OF BRANCH STREET ON TIlE EASTERLY AND WESTERLY SIDES OF TIlE CROOS1-TALK IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE U.S. POSTOFFICE, AND THAT 'mE RED ZONE ON T lIE NORTH sn)li. OF BRANCH STREET AND WEST OF THE SAID CROSSWALK BE El.IMINATJ!:D. On motion of councilman C]ark, seconded by Councilman .Taiters and on the following roll call vote the foregoing was adopted: AYES: Councilmen Dixson, Clark, Waiters, and Dammenn NOESt None ABSENT: Councilman Schyder City Cl ark of the City of Arroyo Grande, Cdifornia RESOLUTION NO. 210: RESOLUTIOO OF TIlE CI TY COUNer L OF TIlE CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORAtIDVM OF AGREEMENT Fan EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLa:ATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. ..-- Whereas, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the state of B}lifornia in accordance wi fu a project statement, submitted by the City of Arroyo Granie for expen::liture of the gas tax allocation to cities for too fiscal year 1950, and 'IIHEREAS, the city cotmcil has heard relld said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THII!1.I!:FffiE, be it resolvud by fue city coWlc:i.l of the City of Arroyo Grpooe that I'aid project sta-, enent be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed ex-