R 208 '. ~ .,.. I<.es !-:J:Fa< 08 ' . IN ~HE ~TER OF THE CONI>1!JUL\~Ion OF THE - PAOIFIO OOAST RAILWAY RUm!..oF.WAY . BE I~ BESOLVID that the 01 t1 Oounol1 of the 01 ty ot A:1:r070Grande, 'Oounty of Sian LlU.eOb1tpo, 8t.te ot OIllUorn1. haa found and c1ete%'ll1ned and dO" h.1'eby tinc1 anc1 d.te:na1De, that tbtl publio 1nterest uc1, n.~e8s1"7 reqlU.re the -.qut81Uon, oon"':ruot1on, oOJDpleUon ana ma1Dt.unce by the aid 0117 of J.r:r070 Granc1. ot . publio 1IDpro.,...n"t, to.."it I ... publio , .tre... and that the propeJ.'t7 hUe1natte:r a.8mb" 1a n.o88aar7 " thel'efor.. ., - BE If FDm!RI.IR RESOLVID "hat the 01"7 Attorn., tor aatd OU7 of Aft070 Grande 'be, ana h. :L8 be1'eb7 aatbonsed anI!! dueoted to fU. lNoh oon4l11UUktio1t8 lNi t 01' 8U1 t. .a may be neo.ssary to acquire At' p:rope:rt7 and to pro..oute the SUI. . ". 111 aD7 and aU pro~r Oourts '1n the nue of t~ 01 ty of ~070- Grana. .s plaintiff, -a,gainat aD1 and aU proper' persona a. deten4ant. n.o..~ to aoquire t1 U. in te. abaolute to _c1 propm7 in tavol' of 8a1~ O1ty of 4ftOyo Grub for publ10 street pu:rpo.... BB X! Pt:Jir.rHBR RESOLVEJ>, 'that the _4 O1ty Attome7; be, ana bt 1a her.'b1 f\1Zther authon..c1 and directed to ...11: the 1IIIIIec11&:te po....81on of ..1d pr.m.e. and thn1 tb. Cl.rt of the 01"7 of Ar:tO'1O G:rande 4:raw . wv:rant 1D such .. aa 1118'3 be dueoted b7 the JudS. of the Superior Oourt t6 be r.a.onab1.7ad.quate to .eoure the owner or own81'S of the propert7souaMto be taken .. 1IIH41ate p811Ient of oo~eb"" tiOD for 1I110h takinS, anI!! 8D7 a.ages inoident thereto, tbat the tre.aunX' of the C1"y of Arroyo Gnn4e a.poat t _id ..., in Oourt for said purpose. fhepr..18e,. :rat erred to heretofore and aought to ba oon4eaned ce desoribed aa follow8, to Wit, -1- ~_.~~-_. ~--- ---- , . AU tbat portion ot. that oertain strip of land de.Or1be4 11& the 0.00. dated Ootober 1. ~ .:un'eo. bl OoU'&4 : Baub, 1lJ f..... of tbt Sua LQ1. 0 ;ro u4 au a IIU'1a vane,. RaUZoad OOlllpaDl, a oorpora OD, no_d.. 1lJ Book I of De.aa, at pase 4'1. re.oZ'4s of ..1.4 00tIrt,. wb10h is aituate 1lJ lot. 101 Of ,.... ,.. Stftttoa f. ~...,.of pans of thenanobo. OOZnl 4. :J?1.", PS._o u8 Bol_ d. Oham1aa1:, .111 the Oount,. t4 Baa DU.. Obispo, llitate of" OalUorn1a.aooo1'c!1ng to up on :rUe 1n tbe otf1.e of 'th.. oount, Be~4.r ot _8 Dount" ant, ae.tIQ'1be4 in _0. de.4 .. 'tonowat i~, oflan4 .60 te.' in' Ws.4th. bo1DB '0 te.t oa eaob 114_. othe-oente1' 11M of the ~4 of tbe SaD Luis O'b13:8D4 SQt. irar1a Vall~ Ralh*oaa OOJlPdJ, beUJ8 looa, edud 4eaorib_d as fo 0"., to-,,1'. . . :BeV"""'"g at the inter18.Uon ot tbe .0en"erl1lJe .of aa14 San L\11s ObUpo and Santa .)(aria VaUe, Ra11,r0a4 Wi. tb . the w..t 11ne ot 1he Dounty Roa4 tr_ san Lui. Obispo' to saDta Bubara at the po1nt Where U1d oentul1ne . eliters, the land of CoD%'a4 Baub. 1'unn1DS theDoe South .' '8- 47' ,est,. 1261. teet to land of h'eter1oJC Dtob_~ . OJ,\KoUonof Oouno1~ I &-4h-R , ..oonde4 b, Ooun01111an J1~'~A t and on the 0 toU.OJl1nBl"OU Gall vote, .'. ~ ~~~. ADS, d..-....:P ~ ~A?<~ 3 ~t:L..."" ;' NOES, ~, AB81M1t ~. , thefOZ'eg01ngr..o).u1l1on "a8a40pll.4. ~' daJ of ~ 19..,. Dated th18.?-O - -2- - - ..-