R 206 ..." <') 15 ,-' RESOLUTION NO. 206 11 Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande satting the following sarvi.ee fees for ma.1dng connect5.ons, or for enlarging those already in, Inside the City LiInits - 5/8 inch Meter Service . . . .$30.00 ! " 3/4 " " II . . . . 40.00 - , 1 " " " . . . . 50.00 ! 11 " " I' . . . . 60.00 4" Ii " " " . . . . 75.00 2 " " " . . . .100.00 Outside the Gjty Limits - 5/8 inbh meter Service . . . .$45.00 1 " " " . . . . 55.00 1 I' " " . . . . 65.00 L, Ii " " " j . . . 90.00 2 .. " " . ... .130.00 The fees for installtng a 5/8", 3/4" or 1" meter or enlarging meters already installed where the service ccnnection frcrn the water main to the r curb line have been provided for the fronting property, shall be Five (15.00) Dollars. , \ - These anounts to take effect immediately. Upon motion of Councilman Danmarm, swconded by Councilman Sch~er, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote: AYT<.;s : Counci.lJ11en Dixson, Schnyder, CJlark, Waiters and Dal!l1lann. NOES: 110ne ABSENT: Nooe Itw ATTF.ST: Ci V CJ.srk Ma yor RESOLUTION NO. 'lO7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo GraMe shall r- hold a public hearing in connection with the cGtlsideration b;i it of a certain proposed ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande entitled "An Ofdinance Providing far ,the Establishment of Zones in the City of Arroyo Grande, California and Regulating the Uses of Property Therein, Adopting a Mllp Showing saLd Zones, Def:lning the Terms Used in this Ordinance, Providing for its Adjustrrent, Enforcement a nd Amen- dment Prescrib~g Pena1Uesfor its Violation and Repealing any Ordinances or portions of Ordinances in Confiich 1IIIrewith," together with a map entitled "City of Arroyo Grande, California, Zoning Plan" and a map entitled "City ('of Arroyo Grande, California, Master Plan" .