R 199 198 , ( 'J":I " ,,1 '\ "-, RESOLUTION Nb~ 198 -,,' .~',:,::~ t. ')., BEFORE THE CITY COUNCil. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GHANDE RESULuTIOI{ RELATIVE TO '\,,;,', COOTRACT FOR TAX DEEDED PROPERTY .' .' :~;:h;'d::', "/"': ,', ., . , , ,:, :,,,;,,'j,;,"';~i:;;l,\ BE I!,RES(;!LVED, that. the City o.f AIToyo;Gr~e enter into an agreement wi th.the 5~a~Elr;'~:';'}it)t;,;, ' . ' .' ." .,.. . . . .. ..' " "I~" "':,,','1"'.' I', , . >'., ,.,..J.".,tf" of qal1f9fnia iDe1. the County of San LuiB ObiBpo calling for the sale ofcerta1n ">j{V4/h1'.':;'] '..', , "I, 'I. ..r ""'\!,.' Tax-D!leded property ~ocated in the County of San Luis ObiBPo',,'i.:,'::'.'~lh BE:.;T,:,~~.~HER;RE5OL'IED'That the MlIYor o:r th~ Cit,y be.authorizo<1 to'execut~'lIaid':<'V?;!.',.;.Tf;.~ .- . '~t a~ee~ntQ1 behalt '.ot the ' City of Arroyo Granrle. <'.i'Wrfr;; . " ,...." .,' :;.:,..','<:<: .. ,'" \',.."".."J On::~~t~OI1.~t Councilman C1ark,.seCa1ded by C01;!1Cllman Dellllllann, and on the~Oll~~ .:'y[.;t:?;ft-:;:j ri';'W~il;S.'_' ", '" ',,' }';1\\~,,*1'ff! AI", C';".u..'~D~. "'n. S,"""'~. "&1'''' m'D__ " " , ,',iht;i'ij ,. .... "'<i:"""';.'i "."~":';:iW;jl,~;:r,;>! NOESa,",none <.. , " """':'.';;;>""Y"'FJ '. ';,;;j'.'i,;'; ". .! .. ",iA;:#:~:!i~rl} , ABSENT I" None .' . 1 ' .,. ." , , , .,..,..,b", ::;::(~~.'. \~;' "C . . " .,.. .. ,... " '. ":.:.gi::.i:i~i~l:ijj . the: foregoing,'R;3s01ution w adopted.. ,. '. i ,'. ':'-PP~1,,:ti'.;ic " ".',"""" ':', ,>, i ' . , '\ , ' , ",',,:, "'~"'ii.iI\"'I,j ,il"\",'.,h'~',~", '., '., "".' ,~~' . " . '''i,k('t1';<''~''! : I~"~' ~"fY. ~-5 4'" ,. \ I".., . ,,' ,.".w.r~,,,,' 'r 'D4ted,'J~. ',',199. '. ., ..--.,'i. j' )"""" , , '."e" .~ ,.., 'YJ~(~ii:i~::4'~'~~{~Wl?)~.".:.ti:~~'~~~MlIoa;Jt;;~~".~I!!!~~.~ "'~~~~~I~~;,r;~. ",tTi!',I'~ ~ 1';"!" '~1J!t~... , .. ,..;., ." ~"'J\:", =,..I."ti".."" 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Coy. ~e"authOr1'~ed' t.'o ~ake ~t 4n1N~i ~p;~:~~ i~~;~'~:~t1~~i~~~~\t.~1 " ..,~,,".:, "''''''''~'' .', ' ." ,.:. ,. ., "'." "". ".. "'f'!! "~:"!~""'!t~'~~~~ : CO~~?~~~~.~:as':,:~~'~~!i:'1u S~~t1on~51 of' ihe"St~ets " ~c! Hil:hWa; 'Coda, .add~~ ~'~~~:~ti~{~;~Jk;~!;: t . ..'.....;';':,.\;'..:'.';.',.,>~~,'~~.~:t',. '-.'~,':'r'~,:..:.. ,1,.,:,.::"1.;.,, ,., . \. "t',. ,\It.", ..~..,J~:l~'''f),l}iI:.,.~~tJ'l:' .~ " . "'~J "'-""" "'-," "-' 4 , " I' }' 'II.. {'k{,.ltJtq : ~oP:~~~i..~,~,H:':gh~,&T;.~t;,().\ 19 7... ,. , \c. " /;',1' ,I"~ "',:,::';'~"~I;~\ii~i;!}P ,;;,;':i.'i;i'~t<;.,;;;';",ii;::~,/':.;!';'....,.,l::i...i. . . ", ,,'~, Y.;;,.i ....,:';.,. i:I.;'<.~'.'~;;;;rk ";/ 'On /IIotionot;, Counc.1lman:',Schnyder.lSeconded ..by l.ouncilJnlll1 .C1a):'k, 'an dId, th, 't.hi :t~~:~ :";,{, ,'~ ' . "!":':;:';;3~;r:':'1~;" ',::,.,,(/i~~~:':?~?:,;,,(, ....:;' """":;-"'';'<:''}.'j! ' . '. ":'~"'~:,.,', "; .', '~;';;~''';;;~\i.1?~;:1;'''~~ .: '! iiI I 1~1. ~8~roll. cllJ.l 'votIU....;'. ..,.', . ,....; ." . .'~", .. I, ,iI' tl'; ":"!'i~, ~"9'~. .,. (j '..... ."-'. '. .'. ..1........, .,' '.. .c. " 't .'., '. j '.,. ,. .'."..".'.'. '".....' I"'~.~..'..' . '",.,.,'" '. . ... ,. '",' , "', , ,". "',."" .,c.!., Al"ES:'~C~~c:1~:DiXII~, 'S~lvnder, CJ1.\rk, Wait~rs, Md Dammann .' , ' :;<.~i:~"';T\4'~7t,~.,;~;,~ .. ~"'" ,I ...." " ....,. . '., . . . : '.<, , ",f.' :;': ;!"'~1'T~ :;(,1;" !%~ ,.... ..r ~-, 1'" 11 , , j~\;~,.., ,,.. ~)'I ;wf4~ NOI:S:.None', ,', "}....I.,,,:.>'j,;;~,\l4;;, ':' ' " ..' . , .\ . ""'.1. ,'. "".!'..'" ,~,_.,.,..\.,..., ", ".'.; ,,, , . .,.'....",.. '".,'~,.~~~~! ' . '.\"'" "'" . ...' .',. """ ,,,.,,,,,;I~~~ ' .., :,.: .', . .. '''', . , "';,,'" "''':~'i"'':''',''~','''',J''.. 'eU \nSENTa,No~. .', .... , . ,': .'. ;, ,.!: ":"'~':t'illi'I~r'{~!J;" The f~~.\~~i~i~':OlUt1a1 w88~8sed and;ad.~Pted.at. arogual;- mee~in&:,~~;::t;;~'(ri~;;d.~i.~~~_;I\J~. ."I~~ . ,.. ""'~""'" ...... ..' , ' ,,;to... j' . " "\~!'~"!'i:...I'~J~Jli~!:r' '" 'rw:-~r,"t.... , . " ":".: ' . '0' . ,^ ,\' " . . i "Hj", "r ,. .. ~_(j~' ',' (. > 10 ....,-, 'i'",.~', ,,, '.....,. '''' .'.. . ''''''',. ..',.,. '""."""'''''~''''.~, " .\it . Council>h~~t~isS.th,.~y()rJanuary, 1949. J. .. c,.:r:, ::~;.:...~.:;:,:I:.~';.:::.!;~ll~ ..~~ . >';"i'/!W,.c;' . '.',.,',"'::. " :, ';:,,";) , ;.;;,' :..:~,'.('ti;I:t:~oj;':'\i.Mf.~i;(J~. "1: ~ 'Pf''!'!.'ST.''':'_-'',,;,,'''':' .' .'J" ""." \, '"Jr,. ~ .'~'.J'M~~ir~1J;~:I;I'I:'~ , ".,.. . "c';, " ...,'r";"".~'i:ii . 1 ",CitY,'~I:k " '<'., ',ti~':'tJo.Y01" . ,;',;:,.,;.::" .: ~".,:'..' " '.:~1;{1(~~~tPl .... ';:....... "..';., .' '--,:.'-"-~'."'.:"\f;,"J"":"",, -.