R 195 ---------.- ~ ..... . ~ . . <", .. .' - RESOLUTION NO. ]is 4 IlIIiOLUTI())I IoiWIDONDlG A' SHORT PORTION QF. ~.~..i.nNQ BEMllHLOfS JOUR IJiDFlVE OF HILLIKBR .uu> r . T, ~ LtING ALSO BB'!iUII. f.W,1 liO ao.w AND THI PACI1IC COAST IlUJ..1i.AY'J\1G1!f or .WJJt nt TIll CItt or .tIIIOIO 0II.AHDi, COUHTY OF SAN LUIS O!3~,sdnlor.~. . WDD-', on "tho 18t. da1 of September 1948, the CU7 COURO:I.l ot the CU7 of .""'!JO Or", at. a replar _0t.1D8, ~sed a "'91u.Uon of IDWJlt.1on too Abjap4eD a abort. port.1on of a cert.a1n \IIII\Ued road.lyins bet...-n lot.a four .m f1..*>f rq111lrer and WoodbU17 Tract., and ~alao bet.__ "'117 Ho iof.d _~. ,-oUio Coast. Ba:l.l"ay rl,tlt. ot...,. ia tke CU7 of l.J:ftro()r"r11'1t, COWlV of ... ~. _apo, 5t.ate or Q,al1l0m1a, pjI' .. .' -.. .. 1."1 ".__~tu.t.1..,. QU, c:wJt. of ~4 C1w caued. too be. oon.piC\lO\Ull1 P08t.ed alOD8 iM'1iM .01 ..14 ~1... of ... at.not.a, at. iat.ona18 of not. le.. t.bu JOO f.et..ia __tIIoM..,..,. and. _t. 1... t.bata ~ 112 &11. not.ice. of the pa..... 01"". lellODt4..., *_ ..1e1. no\tcos vero .....d., .~. 01 mBlTIOl ro O~ A SSU.*. or :if: mi." BCW) LmG B_III LOtS ~-=:-ta 01 .' MtI.(IOOIJJJURt 2.'RAC'r, 4IID LIDI\) ALSO ' .~. .. ".TalMtlnc oooST WLWA!,-. or ~n~... ctJt,. fIR.. ('jI!~_, COUIITY OF SOl WIS ~,.. ..' c.&LIJOIIUo., and W~.'~J\, taw 01t.1 Clark d.1d, 1n COIItond.. wi_ we! a..ol1At.1on, C&1IPa t.I'1&O ~. of aa14 noUCe t.o be pul:lUslaed at.1.Mat. Moo ill iM~, a ....'...'7 DtWapapar pul:lU.bed and o1rO\lOl.at.ed in t.he .w of..... CJNa6t and desipat.H. by wd COUlilol1) and WB-~''\I, _ persona objoot.o4 too ..14 "'111.".: ftoa~ .11 ~ I .-..t. 1a vr1t.1D8, or otbenr1ae, 111th1n ten (10) ~ Uhr." ~1" ot "the .~ of t.ba. p.UQII,1;ion of w4 noUce, or at. aU. ..~, BE IT USOLVED t.bato t.bat.'~ ot a 0II'W1a . --Td rMd ill t.ba C1. 01 An010 Oran40, Count.7 .r &an Lu:I..~o, 8t.Ittoo of Oalitoraia, \ and hero~ 1ID1'. partioularl1 deson.becI., be. .. the _ 1s taorobr.. ."Ir", aHDC.'~f4.nd 0108S4. Said ponton of. Mid' __~ road ...,.....d \0 1. deacribed a. tollows, to-w1tl 4, abonpvrtion or . c.rt.a~ n..",-d ~.~L bot....),f)U four.... ti.. of ~Jpraaad Woodbu7 'tNoto, W 1t1q' ~" ... to Ie a.d aDd _.l'ao,-#o Ccut. !q111la1 ~t. ~ vq ill _ OU7 of -".rlt.., ea...,. of Su 1iuJ.8 Obtapo, State or CalitClftlia. 011 !lOtion ot Councn..n C1u'k, ssoondM b1 C8UDo1~ s...,..., aDd on the follQViD& roll .call voter ADa, Couno1.lJlan Phillip', ScbDJder, Clark, DiDon, &Qd "Ie JIOJS , IfOne .&BSBIIT11Io11O \_4~~:-,;;t'" r ----- ~. .-. .. - , ~. y Reso' No, /~ the tONlo1ng ae.oluUon was adopt.ed. Dated \hie 8t.b day ot October, 1948. AnuT. ~~(t{/~~/1,. , S'UD OF CALI101UIIA, ) I II. coum or 8.A!I LUIS OBISPO, ) I, Mr.. Edna K. SChlllinl, Clerk ot tM C1. ot Azroto Oftuade, Cour1. ot s.n L\11. Obiapo, Stoate ot Cal1torn1a, do bereby 4$el't.if7 ~\ the tOJ'elO1Dl 1. . !\Ill, tioua and conect. con of iNo1u~........ 19b.- p.nrlll ., .. C1t.7 CoImoll ot the cu.y ot l.rn11o . r'oIe, Coua. of IS.. Lui. ~......... ot Cal1torn1a, on the ~ ot ~,. .~~, and ~t. UJIOD ... pa..... otMid ae.oluUon, ~ ...o~ ... .. toUow.' t.o-w1\. . '" ~ (!. 'J ~ ~'~~~,..~ A AIlS. ,..v~.. ~ / ",i": , - , IOISI ~...AL. AB8IIt. ~, wmlla3 ..,. !wid and Iba hal ot \be Mid 'C1.CoUllll1l et .... 01. ot 1n010 Orenda, CoUDt.70t 5aR L\11. 0ID1ap0, S\ate,,-:OalU.,w., .. 1~- of ~ 19&. ---lii._ ' ;;~;.~.~bj,~;'1't{.;)