R 194 --.. ." RESOl1]TION .NO...;12!' OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF DEID TO REAL ESTATE. BE IT RESOLVED by the CityCouncll of the City of Arroyo Grande, that the deed of LID A. BRISCO and MINTA L. BRISCO, husband and wife, to the hereinafter described real property be and the same is herewith ordered accepted. Said property is descri~ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in Lot 106 of the Subdivision of Rancho Corral de Piedra, said point of beginning being loc~tedas follows, f- . Beginning at the most Souther~corner of TrMt No. 46 as shown on Map entitled "Tract Ito. 46, a subdivision ofs part of Lots ^l B, C, 22 ane..23 'of the TQWll of Grover and Ii part of Lot 10 of the Subdivision of Ranoho Corral de Piedra etc." filed .for record irithe office of the County Recorc1erof San Luts Obispo County, California, in Map Book, at ~age 64, and. running thence N 3022' 30" E, a distance of ;a8. 4 teet.; thence S 860 i4' 30" E, a distance of 49;.;0 feet to the true point of beg nning; thence running from said true point of beginning S 860 34' 30" E, 400.00 feet to a Eoint.; t.hence N 30~;' 30" E, 200.00 feet to a poin~; thence N 8 0 34' 30" W, 400 f~et to a point; thenceS 30 25t 30" W, 200.00 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 1.84 acres, more or less, and being a pO!'t"ion of said Lot 106 of the Subdivision of Ranoho Corral de Piedraeto. Together wit.h rights of way over the following described real property for the construction, operation and mai~tenance of roadW9.Ys and pipe .lipesand "for any and aU other purposes . neoessary and incident' to the maintenance, and operatipnof a: ! reservoir on the hereinbefore described real property. Said I rights of way to cover and effect the following real property -: situated in San Illis Obispo County, St.ate of California and more particularly described as f'ollows, to-wit, 1. Beginning at a point on t;pe East.erly Une of' Tract No. 46A said point being located N 3022' 30" E, a distance of 21. .84 feet from t.he most Sout.herlycorner, of Tract No. 46 as shown on Map entitled "Tract No. 4l), a subdivision 'of a part of' Lots A, B, C, 22 and 23 of' the Town of Grover and a part of' Lot. 106 of the SUbdivision of Rancho Corral de Piedra ete." filed for record in the office o"f the County Recorder of fAn Illis Obispo count~l California, in Map Book ; at page 64, and running thence S 0 34' 30" E, 49;.;0 feet 1.,0 the Southwest corner of above described !jroperty; thence N 60 25" 30" E, 20 feet to a point; thence N 60 34' 30" W, 464. 4 feet to a point -~_....- . Resolution i 194, cont. on the Easterly line of said Tract No. 46; thence S 600 29' \'1, 36.78 feet to the point of beginning. 2. Beginning at e. point in Lot 106 of the Subdivision of Ranoho Corral de Piedra, said point of beginning being located. as follows: Beginning at the mo.st Southerly cornter of Tract No. 46 as shown On Map entitled. "Tract ~To. 46, a subdivision of a p~t of Lots A, B, C, 22 and 23 of the Town ofGI'over and a part of Lot 106 of the subdivision of Ranoho Corral de Piedra ete.", filed for record in the office of the Countl Redorder of san tuis Obispo County, California, in Map Book ~ at 'page 64, and running thence N 30 22' 30" E, a distance of 21 ~84 feet; thence S 860 34' 30" E, a distance of 89;.;0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning S 860 34' 30" E, 100.00 teet to a point. thence N 30 2;' 30" E, 20.00 feet to s point; thence N 8~0 34' ]0" W, 100.00 feet to a point; thence S 30 2;' 30" W, 20.00 feet to the true point , . of beginning and being a 'part of Lot 106 .l!Jf said subdivision of Rancho Corral de Piedra ete. On moti.onof Councilman. SChnyder; ,seconded by Councilman Dixson, and on the following 1"011 call vote, to wi~1 AYES: .Councilmen Phillips, SChnyder, Clark, Dixson, and Hawk NOES: None : ABSENTs None ;' . the for,egoing Resolution is hereby adopted. Dated t . Mayor .' , I, Mrs. FDna M. SChilling, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo'; Grande, County of santuis ObiSPO! state of CalU'ornia, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a ful I true and correct copy of a Resolution made by the City Coune! of the City of Arroyo Grande, . &s the same e,ppears entered in their Resolution Book. Witness I!\Y hand and seal of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this 8th day of October, 1948. ~---