R 185 T?1?<:,t:VJT!01'1 f,! 1B5 , . . , ?Ht.R::;AS, a ho)I'einaftcar dl'lsoribed etr,.1I~t. h.'!!s becAme a l-1t:reet lIP an which Ie) c<,>nsiderable amount of trai'1"1o bae been . diverted.in add1t.1on tQ thotte streets t.llreadJr conai4ored ot " MajOl' I"roport;;..nce" tOl' S~te ittghWa, Fund purposes,aM mrO'ErAs,1t is the f'eel1ng ot t.he City Council ot "the City of Arroyo Granl'ie that. the here1naf'ter deHr:f.bed street. be included within FI list of thos.e atJ."eets known end des182'1l11tP.d ~8 fI .S'l'JV~B)1'S O~~ )'l,!OR IMroR'lA:NCS" :tor the put'poae of: pemitt1ng , allocation of state H1g11~ Funds theaoefor, NOV: T.1l!1:<Il~FI)f1B,BB: :t'1' R~OLV1:I) that. the fOllowing r,:treet be, !'IIC! it. 18 herewith designated as"STl17:,,;TS Off 'MAJOR tr~?()m'ANCi~' " for the purpose or pel'lJdtting alloo!il"tion ot State HIghway ~1nd8 to secure improvements thereon. said !;ttJ."~0t. is described Q8 t'olloll8,to wit~ Grand Aven!.18 i't"OIll its 1nte....ec~on with Halcyon Road to ,.. its conjunction wit.h i1.S.101 nigbw$J. On motion of CouncU,1II8t1 SciUvder, seconded byCouncilnian Cl!-trk on We :following 1"011 call vilte. AYES, Counc:f.lma Phll11P8,~1chn.YdU',RountreetClark and Dixson. NOES. None. . ABSFNT. None. the ~oreg()ing ree.olutlon wa9 adopted. t,hereby certify th;1Jt thin is IJI trUe t~nd correct copy ot r~B~Om'1'In?i ],'(). IB,,\'ih.ich ~ma ';Ml"ed find I~dopted bj'"the Cmty Council or t.haCHy of' Arroyo Crpnde at :1 re-g\llr...... II'IEli?ting held April 21,1948. ~.JJ;M.~ ., -.~._------~.._- -----