R 164 . '- . .- , - , I RES 0 L UTI 0 N {I It. tf . ---------- BE IT RESOLVED. WHEREAS, that po~10n ot Whiteley Street and that portion ot Ta:!.ly-Ho street in the 01 ty of Arroyo G3:,"ande whioh are here1nafterdesoribed are not required tor street purposes,. arid WHERF'..AS, ! U appearsthat:\, t' will be an advantase :tio the C1t10f Arroyo Grande to,olose and abandon those poniM8 of sa1d streets as hereinafter desorived, and W1IE1lEAs, the portions of said streets are partioularly desoribed as tollows, to wit: .- Wh1teleyStreet tram the creek to Branoh Street. Tally-Ho Street from Branoh Street to LePoint Street. ItOIY 'l'HImJ101!E, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that it 1e the intention .. '. ... " ,"?i~ of .the Coun011ot the City of Arro$oGrande to abandon and olose up that portion of Whiteley Street and Tally-Ho Street aboye r.. , . described. Said Counoil will hold a hearing in 'oonneotion Wit~ .'. said intention to 01088 and abandorl the POrtion s of Wh1 teley and Tally-Do St'recta hereinbetore.deso:r1bed, whioh eaid hear1ns. will t>e held in the Oouno~l Chamsers of the 01 t1 Oouncil of the Oity ot Arroyo Grande in the Oity Hall, City of Arroyo Grande, County ,of San.I.tt1s ObiSpo, State ofOal1fo.J:1l1a at the hour of. 7,'0 1'. M. O.D the 1st day of OO~Citl~, 1947, at wh10h time and plaoeall.persons interested in, or ob;!eoUng to the proposed 0].08ill8 ot said. portions ot the aforesaid streets mar appear and be heard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Citl olerk ot the 01ty of Arroyo Grande shall oause notioe of this Resolution ot intention to order theo].os1ng ot the aforesaidpO~1Qns of said streets to be published 1n the Arroyo Grande Derald-Deoorder,a w.ekl7 newspaper published and o1roulatedm1n the Oity ot Arroyo Grande, Oounty ot San Luis ObiSpo, State ot California, at least onoe prior to said hearing, and ..1.. -.-".- -....------- , - , DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cler~ ~tthe City of Arroyo Grande, County 01. San Luis Obispo, State of California, be. and.she is hereby ordered to provide tor the poatins of notioes 01' intention to c~~8e a portion of the aforesaid streets t~ bepo,$edconsp1cuously along the line of the streets, or parts "I1.ereof, proposed to be olosed, whioh said notiaes shall " be posted not more than three hundred (500) teet apart, provided that in nQ event shall less than three naUoes be posted on .each. poriionofelilc1lStreet. , Said notioes shall be in form as follows, to~w1tJ .' "NOnCE OF INTENTION TO OWSE 1'OD!rION or- WHITELEY S~ FROM THE C1lEEIC TO BRAItOHS:rnm AND TAL!.Y..HO STREET FROM BRANCH STtlm!l'O LE roINT . s~;rl{1':HE CITY OF ARROyo GRANDE, OOUNTY OF .,SAN . ..S OBISPO, STATE OF CALXFORHIA.. lotioe1s herewi1ihgiven that 'the. Oi ty Oounoil of the 01"tY of ~royoGrande intends to olof.lean~abandon the portionll!of ,.,..: ',.....,. Wh1teleyStreet and Tally-Ho Street,'parlioularll. desonbe4 IisfO).1ows, t~..":1. t t Wbiteleystreet from 'the Creek: to BranQh Street and!Ca:j.ly-Ho Street from Branoh~t~eet to Lt!Po.1nt 811"8.81;,'01tY 01. Arro'l'O. Grande,OO'\U1ty of San Lu1~ ObispO, State ofoaUforn1a.' . A~esCi);\1~iOn\Of intention 80 to do was paasedby the City '-' ,",- .,.... -,' ..... . " .' OQ1p1011on the-. 'rd day of Sep1lembel', 1947. "',;"'.,',,.,.':,','. , -',- , " .,',:j' , ' AhEI~ng in connec'tion "ith the proposed abandonment and olosing 01' those portions ot said streets hereinabove desortbeel will be held at the Oity Hall in the 01ty ot Arroyo Grande, County ot San Luis Obispo, State-of co11forn1a, on the 1st. dar of ootober, 1947, at the hour at 7.'0:P. M. at "hich time those persons interested in or objeot1ns to the propoae4 olos1ng 1181 appear and be heard. ..2- - --- "- -- .' -. - On motion of Counoilman L1erly . and seoonded by Oounoi~ Sohnyaer , lIhe foregoing Resolution is adopted on ~he following roll oall ,. vote, , AYESt Counoilmen Ih11l1ps,SoM;yde:r, Menny and Lierly. NOES, Bone " ABSm, Oounoilman Rountree. . ,.. . ....' .j, -,- \ . .~. ------.. - ---------- - ------....-