R 161 .,......, - RES 0 L UTI 0 N # 161. . WHEREAS, oerta1n hereinafter desoribed streets have beoome streets upon whieh oons1derable amounts ef traftlo are being d1~erted, in add1t1on to those streets alreadr oons1dered of ItMaj or Importan08;"" tor State Highwar Fund purposes, and WHEREAS, 1 t is the heling of the 01 tr Oounoil oft~e , 01tl of Arrolo Grande that the hereinafter desor1bed stre.~s < ~ ., <. .8h~Uld . be 1noluded wHh1n a list of those st:reeh kno1U1 an~.. . :d,s1gnated as ItSTREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANOE" for the purpos . . . , of permitting allooaUon ot .State Ripar Fun~s therefor, \ . . < < NOW THEREFORE, BiI IT RESOLVED tbat the following ., , ., jl streets be, and they are herewith des1gnated as "STREETS o~ . ':..' . ..1 MAJOR IMPOraANO:S". for the purp'ose of permi t1iinS alloeanoni, of state Highway Funds yO secure improvement8thereon. Said streets are desoribed.as follows, to wit: , Tally - Ho Road - Grand Avep.ue - Cornwall Avenue and Walnut;. Avenue. fir, / i,\ I '\' f ;1 J-, .'.\ , < ) On motion of Councilman q"n~~A~ ~ < seconded by Counoilman Tj-~'T on the tollowing roll oall votet ~ ; \ AYES<<ouncilmen Phillips,SCh.nyder,Lierly and J,{e11D3". !j \, NOES rNone. 'r \ I ('\ ABSENT:Councilman Rountree. i\ the foree;cing resolution was adopted . ;\ < \ \ " .~ " f --.-. --- --------- -- ,-'-'-'--~------