R 151 ;, RESOLUTION NO. I ~-/ A nESOLtJ!rIONOF IIJTENTION TO VACAT~ AJWlDOl'f AND ~~l~.~~~~~~~&l~~~t:6~~~~ riHEHEAS, that portion ot Alpine Street, "h10h 18 herein- after described, 18no"l: required for street purposes and i8 not required or necessary foringres8 or egress to any ot the lots faoing on said streeet, and is It publio hazard 1n enter.. .in6 u.S. Highway 1To. 101, and should be abandoned, and WliJID1~8, it also appoors that 1. t Will be an advantage to the said City of Arroyo arand~to olose and abandon said portion of J.J.pine Street above l!Ie~1"tioned; ana WJlEITEAS, that au1d portion of Alpine Street 11S particul- ~ly de8cribed as fOllows, to-wits Thatport10n of Alpine Street shown on that certain map entitled nuap of th~ Western Ad- ditionof theTOWI't. 01' Axroyo Grande, surveyed Maroh, 1094, by C"W. !tender8on~, and being bounded on the Eaat. by Bloak 14, on the Ncrth by U. S. Hithway Ho. 101, on the West by Block: 15 and on the South by .the ~,ortherl.Y bounc'tary line of Peeh Street, saving Emd excepting, how- ever, a right of way on.the Easterl~ 10 teet ot .' th~'SaH Alpine Street', for the purpoeeof ma1n- tainins. repairing and/or reoonstruoting the sewer 11ne, water.'llne and for 80s and eleotrioity. NOW, THEPJ~roRE, IT ra HEREBY ORDEHED that it 18 the 1n.. tention of the City Oouncll of the City ot Arroyo Grande to abandon and close up that pcirtion ot Alpine Street above des- cribed. IT IS l;'UJ\TIU,'R ORDERED that, a hearing shall be held in oonneotion with flsid intention on the part of the City Council of the Clty of Arroyo Grande to vacate, ~banaon and close that portion of .A~plne Street hereinabove desoribed, Whioh said hear- ine shall be held on the 5th day of ?~truary, 1947, at tbe C1ty Hall in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ObispO, - - 1 . --~--- '--- , state ot 0a11torn:1a, at the hour of. 7.'0 0'010011: P.M., at whioh 'Ume aU persons interestea 11'1 or objeo'U.ng to the proposed vaoating, abandonment and 01081ng otthat portion of Alpine , Street above desoribed, ma;; appear and be heard. IT IS l'URTHER ORDERED that the Oity Clerk at 'the C1ty at. Arroyo Grande Bhall cause to be oonspiouously posted along the , line of std.d portion of said Alpine Street proposed to be 'ft- cated, abandoned and olosed, at a distance of not mare than '00 feet apart, and not less than three C,) not1ces in .11, the following not10e wh10h Bhall be headea. , "trOTICr, OF nl'rmiTIon TO VACAT.E, AnANroN AND CWSE A POFTI011 OF AL.l:'If1E S1'P.l':ft III THE CITY OF APJ10YO GRANDE, COUNTY OJ!' S.ur LUIS amsro, t>1'.ATE O}' CAl.ni.mIrrA," whloheaid nO~loe shall read as fallows, to-"1t: . '.,':d , "' Noo.'ICB 01~ IlJT1';liT!mi~O VACATE, A1:IA.1HXJN AND croSE A PJP!.rIm: OF' Ar.m:mi 8'rPJ::ET III Xlill OIn 011' AJmOYO Gfu\HDE, cotn~y OP SA.tr f,I1IS OBISpO,. STATE OF cALIronmA. Uot1oe is herewith given that the city Counoil " of the City of I1):.%'0yo Grande intends to vaoate, aban- don and olose that portion of Alpine Street lOMted in aaid City and particularly desoribed as fOllows, to-wit. " -, "That. portion of Alpine Street ohow.n , on that oertain lIIap entitled "Map ot the Yest~rnAdd1t1on ot the Town ot .\rroyo Grande, surveyed Maroh, 1894, by C. W. Henderson", and being bounded on the East by mock 14, on the N.orth by U.S. Highway }!o. 101, on the Weet by Blook 15,. an,d on t1'1e South by the Hortherly boundary line ot li'eab street, saving and exoeptiUGi ho-.eTer, a .r~ht ot way on the Easter y lOt1feilll)ot".the.'f said Alpine St:r~et, tor the purpose ot maintaining, repairing and/or :reeon- . struoting the se"er line, "ater line andioX' gas and eleo'tr1:c1't,y. A resolution of its. intention so to do was passed by the . C1 ty C.o~oll on the "12tid day of'Janl1~, 194'7. A hear- ine in connection With the proposed vacat1ng, abandon- - , ' . - 2 - ----.- !Dent and closing of that po:rt10n of sa1d Sireet herUn- above des01"1bed w111 be ,held at 'the C1ty Hall on the 5th day of February. 1947, at the hour of 7.'0 o'olook P.M., at wn10h t1111e those persons interested in or objeot- ins to the proposed vaoating. abandonlllent and olosing may appear and be heard. htu,,~ ~ - Oler 0 16ft y ~l ot the City of Arroyo or e. IT IS P'URTJflm 01nJEmm that the Oi ty Cleric ot 8n1d cay oause the atoresa1d notioe to be published at least twioe in the , Herald-Recorder. a woekly newspaper publ1shed ana Circulated in the City ot Arroyo Grande. On mO't1onof Counoilman . ~ ~ ) . _. seoon<led bl oOune',--> " t~~ .'" ~"" eo 'be fell..",. roll ..11 ""t., AYES:~~ ~($~~/~,~,~, NOBS, ~ · ABSENT: ~ The foregoing resolution was. adopted. .. - day of eo....- r.~. .. lated "lih1ft 'A. ~ , 194..2... . V I / , ,~~ '. flrroyo Grande. ATTEST: ~,~Jn-i2~' C1 ty () erk o~ the 01 ;y~ ' Arroyo Grande. . - , - .......... - ., .. , ---