R 134 ORO Appl1oatlon No. 26888 100 Appln. 110 5Q00&-Sub. ..11 Exh1blt No. - Wi mesa RE~OLUTIO.N NO~ /..9 ~. A RESOLUTION OF 'l'11E OOUtC:IL OF' THE aITY OF- ARROX"O GRANDE TO THE HONORABLE RAILROAD OOlllU3SION OF 'mE STATE (]!I OA~ORNIA WHtmBAS, the PONY EXPRESS STAGRS ot to. Angelea. OalUornla. ba~e.tl1ed an applloatlon wlth y~ur Honorable Oommi..lon, .e.king authori ty to operate a pusenger .tag. .ervioe on U. S. BIghway No. 101 between Loa Angeles and Sm Francisco over regular' route8 on tiXed schedules! and have o1'tered to establIsh passenger tares 01 one cent per1llUe ror long hauls, and :relat~ tares 1'01" sborter haula. glv1Dg a ale.p1ns coach servlce, In addlt1on.to da,. ooaoh 8orv1oe~ IInd ' ,.' . WImRBAS, the 01ty or Arroyo Grande, and the o1t1llena tbereo1" wUl benefit by ,the utabllshmont ot the PI'Opo.ed .ervlo. or the pOi! EXPRESS STAG"€S, and 1f1mREAS. we belle.... It to be in the publio interest tbatSlt-. proved ad eOlllpeUt1ve .orvlce atlOQr fare. be mada a-n11able to the c1t1&ena, of the 01tyor Arroyo Grande ind beoau.. wo' do.1re the pto- posed n....nlc. of the PONY KXPRESS STAGKs to be iluthor1sed 117 your f-, !Yonorable OOllllll..lon, , lIOWT.mm"EFORE, we, the Oounoll at the 0Ity"ot A:noyo Grande, State ot ,Oa11torn1a, do hereby endorse and g1ve our support to the applicatIon of PONY EXPRESS STAGES.'f and re.,peot.ru111 r.que.,t that tbe RaIlroad 00mal.s10n ot the State or OalUornla grant to tbe POKI EXPRTmS STAGES a c.rtiflcate at public'.oonvenienc. and neoeasity as ~ra,..d for,b7 tbe .aid applloant. STATE OF OALIP'ORltIA ) . ) ss. 0011Jll'Y (]!I SAW LUIS 013151'0) - ~~'~ I, .. . lty 01erk In and tor the Oity ot Arroyo Grande, Oal orn &1 -t: ere ert1f'1 that tho toregolng 801ut1on W8.. r.ad at a l'eguJ.ar meeting t .the City ,Oo\U1011 h.ld . 1946, and adopted b)'. the following vot. on o. AYES, ~<:-:~,,1, 4/Jt-a, NAYS. Oounollmen. ~ ABSENT. Oounollmen. h;. "- DI WI'l'NESS 'fTIBREOF, I have hereunto .~ rq band ~ at't1xed the .e&1 ot the 01 ty ot Arro,-o Grande tbis )9 _ _ da:r ~ ft . 1948. f ~z;LJJ;~ City er'.. d!~ 0'/ 70 CL I HEREBY APPROVE '1'l1E FORRGOIliG RESOLUTION THIS /7~. ~ 0_ , 1946. ~ {I Uayor o. 0 ,. 70 Oran<1O J ss , . . . . . , Clt,. 01.rk in. and tor the 01ty ot Arroyo Orand., Oal 0 a 0 e oertlt'7 1:hat the above 18 a t'ull, tru.e and oor,reot oopy ;I RKSOL ION O. 'f, adopted b7 the Oity Counol1 at their regular meeting held ~. ~#J. 'City Olerk ___.___.m~__