R 129 ~ ;29 - -------, WHEREAS, a petition bas been filed bl the Bank ot Amerioa lational 1!%'\1st and Savings A$8ooiation, a National. Bankins As.o.o- 1a'Uon, p%'ar1n8 that the Citl Counoi~ of 'libe Oitlot Arroyo Grande atnkepe.rmanelJtly froJil i lIs tax roU. anl an4 all a8sesSllMtntsan4 val'L\aUonsot personal proper~ owned 1:\1 said Bmk and 100alled upon tbe bere1nafter desoribed real property in the Oitl of Arro70 Grande. State of Oalifornia, to..w1t1 '. n THE CITY OF ATlROYO GRABDE THAT PAra OF THE KEVADA TRACT CONVEYED BY W. H. RY.Alf TO B.Ui'K OF ArmOYO GRAnE . BY DEED REOORDED IN VOLUJm 66 OF DEEre AT PAGE 139 and, . 'I'lHEREAS, it appears tb. City of Arrol0 Grande has as.~..ed tor the purposes of taxation, oertain personal 'Propertl3' 100all&d upon said real property f and, WIlERF.AS, it appears that bl virtue of Seotions 1, 2 and , ot Aot 8"67, General Laws ot the stato at Oawornia, tbat auob banks are required to pay to the state ot~o1i1'ornia a tax ',whiob $lid ~ax is in lieu of all other taxes and 110enses, State, Oounty and Mun1~pal exoept taxn on real properi1, and WHEREAS IT \YOUtD appear that said taxes have been erroneou81y leVi.eI, .. . TRE'RER>RE, 1n aooordanoewith the prov1S1ona of. SeoUon 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation OO4e, .. IT IS HMREWITH O>>DDmD b7 the 01117 Oouno1lot the Oity ot Arroyo Grande, Oounty ot San LUis Obi8pO, state of Oalifornia, that the taxes levied asainst said BEak of America JfaUonal 'l'2U8tand Sav1ns8 A8sooiation upon personal propert7 tor the year 1944-45, whioh 8814 tax 18 now unooUectedt be, and the 8ame 18 hereby oaoel1ed, and the clerk of the CUy 18 here.,i__h 411'8oted to strike pUlllan8n1l17 ~_ the. rolls all aseGS8IIl8nts ofperlJonal prope2:1l;y owne' b7 saiel 1!IIDk. , Upon JIlO~10~ ot ~J h...._ ~ ' .eoolJded by ~t.:I ~ S ' and upc>n the .tollow1ng roll oall vote, to-"U'. ~. )Jt.1L~~~~) ~ AYES, ~J /M- , ,~-,--I - -?[ .. (/ ~07 BOES. ~, ABSERrt ~. ." the foreSOing order is hereby adopted. . ., COlifSE1f'.C 0]' THE CITY' ATTORlIET OP' TIm CITY OF ARRQYO GTWlDE. certain proof' having be.n ,_d. that the abOv.t reterred to tax has been erroneously levied, I therefore. in aooord8l1_ ,,11;h tbe proVisions of Subdiv1a1on b oi seotions 4986 ad 4986.2 0:1' tbt BeTelJu.and ~axat1on Cod!. do hereby OOlJsent to, their o8l1oellaUon. ~~~. . '7 0_7 co1/iii .. Arro1oGrande - --------------