R 101 /01 - RESOLUTlON NO. . . WHEREAS, Arroyo Grande-Union High School District has acquired and now owns Lots 37, >9, 41, 43, 45 and 47 in Block 28 or Beckett's Crown Hill Addition to the City ot Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, at the time said School District acquired said real property, certain taxes ot said City of Arroyo ,Grande were a lien upon said premises; and .. WHEREAS, because ot such pUblic ownership by said School District, the said real property is not sub3ect to sale tor de- linquent taxes. ., NOW, THEREFORE, the appropriate officers ot the said City or Arroyo Grande, to-wit, the City Tax Collector ~ tne City Clerk, are hereby ordered and instructed to cancel on the tax rolls and/or delinquent tax lists or the Ci11Y of Arroyo Grande, all taxes which are or may b~ Ii lien against the said preJllises and more particular~ as tollows, to-wit: Page 32 ot the 1940-1941 assessment roll, Lots 37, 39 and 41 in said Block 28, assessed to Laura E. and Darral P. Waiters; :t'1rst installment, ninety cents ($.90), second installment, ninety cents ($.90). Page 47 ot the 1940-1941 assessJllent roll, Lots 43, 45 and . 47 in Block 28, assessed to Earl and Anna Wood; first installment, ninety cents ($.90), secone installment, ninety oents (..90). PASSED AND ADOPTED on the 2nd day ot January, 1941, by the following vote, to-wit: . AnSa G~ 6'V\ 11'...t:JJ.':'r ,we;J.f~)~dO~'; Jt,.(a-~ NOES: 7( ~ ABSENT: Y1,~ --- -- - STATE OF CALIFORl~IA, ) . : ss. CO~~TY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, ) 1, Vi. W. ROUTZAHN, Clerk ot the City of Arroyo Grande, County or San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Reaolution NUlIiber /0 ( , passed by the C1t,y Council ot the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ObiSpo, State of California, on the 2nd day of January, 1941, and that upon the passage of said Resolut1on, the. vote wa~_'al3 follows, to-wit: . uJ;1~ ~ . Ayes: council@en(54..fM, ?k..dtJ ~J ~.Y'~ .. ~., Noess CouncillJlen ?1~ Absents Councilmen 7') p.P- WITNESS my hand ana the Seal of the said City Council of the City 01' Arroyo Grande) County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, this ~~f day of January, 1941. ( SEAL ) Arroyo ; ; , .