R 81 RESOLUTION # 81 . RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE BANK OF AJlERICA, ARROYO GRANDE BRANCH, AS TIC BANK IN WHICH ALL CITY' UONIES BE DE-POSITED. On motion of CouncilJllan Phillips, 2nd. by CouncilJDan Schnyder, the fOllowing resolut.ion was adopt.ed by the following vote on roll 'calll "YSSI Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, Sclulyder and .1"h1, t.lock. NOES I None. ABSENT I Councilman Conrad. Resolved that the Bank ot '.mericiil. ,\rroyo Grande Brancb, be deaignat.ed as the Bank in which all City mODie. be deposited. , ,,180 that the sum of', $10,000.00 be deposited as an in - active account, to bear interest. at the rate of' J.$., Passed ano adopt.ed ata regular meeting of' the C1 ty' Council held this 21st.. day ot September 1938. . (JJ. CE. ~ " ty lerk .