R 2-d .. .,.. ," - . (.r~ .., . . . -~ I " RESOLUTION No. 2-d . '.." A IIESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DEED "'ROM W.SEVEIR TO TilE CITY or ARROYO GHANDE,CONVEYING A RIGHT OF WAY TO CONSTRUCT SEWER ACROSS PHOPERTY SITUATP. IN THE city oi' arroyo GRAl'IDE.COUJITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. CAI.IF. ' , , Be it resol Ted by the Council of the Ci ty 01' Arroyo Grande,. ' as follows I .' '", .' ", ".' . ",., ...-j,....;\{.~..;(~. ~'.~,...,,:....._...~......t....;..1<'t':,,'......;.:.:..;.t~~.., _,,;.., \;~~'">,:..._::,, }":,j'< ':.. '<>' ", ,_ ',,;. ..,..," That that certain 'deed dated June 3rd. 1D2&,_ade by W. SeTeir to the City of Arroyo Grande, conTeyinc the right to'construot, I and maintain an Outfall Sewer,' a1'nl the line hereinafter'~" it.scribed, is. hereby ac.cepted l1Y. said City. ;. , ,'! ".- . Commencin~ at a point on the Southerly boundary line or,. Lot 107 of Rancho Dolsa de Chem:Lsal as shown on' .,Map, now" . on i'ile in the County Recorder's orrice, San l,uis Obispo, ' Caltf., and entitled"Map 01' parts or the Ranchos Corral' de' . Piedra, Pismo, lIolsa de Chemisal,' San Luis Obispo County. '1" ' Cal ., sUbdiTided by Jas. T. stratton sept. 1873," whioh ' , " . point of be~inning 1s distant East 864,0 reet i'rO. the " , Southwest corner of 'said T,ot1071 Thence runn:!.nc N. 44 16"" E. r.40.0 i'eet to'a point on the Northerly buundary'line ' of' the lands of W. SeTeir. '" ' ','.. . ,- Introduced and adopted' this 2nd. day' of septemJler IP25',':"'/F;, by the following Tote. . ' , . , ' '., '." '......."..1: ........ ", ...., ....~!..-.':'~f"l' .,:',' .;.~::,: :~... ;. ~;-':., "", _.,. ~",_,,".>:I~:,~ '::'"';', ..' :: "n.. ,." ::,:,'- ",........M-.. ...: Ayes; Trusteesl lIennett. Noble, Cox,' PocHe and Conrad. . Noes; , " 1ri:iii1.ees: None. . ' " Absent j Trustees: None. " Signed this 2 d, da or sePte~~.. ..',' , . Atte8t,~. tew~rt, _j" .'... ~ff .,.. " Clwek. Pres dent of~ard of Trustee, ';...;".... " ,. ..'," "r"; "" I hereby certifY that the ab~Te 1s a true oOPY of Resolution No. 2-d, of, the City or Arroyo Grande, adopted September 2nd, 1~25. . ,. --,"- :~:-.- c!?Y~~ - D, F. Ste.art~ .. -. '_ City Clerk. - , , .... ." . ~ ' .. '..""...., -'...:<oi...;.......-:... I ' '1' . '. <f' -~':l:, "', i . ,,---- -.---.-------....--..