R 2-c , .. - ') '-i RESOLUTION No. 2-c .\. HESUr.U'l'WN ACCEPTING A DEED FHOM PHILLIP MOIGNARD TO 'l'HE CI'l'Y Ul" AIlIWYO GRANDE, ,CONV~'YING A nIGHT OF WAY TO CONS'l'HUC'l' SEWER ACROSS PIWPilllTY SI'fUATE IN SAN LUIS 01lISl'U COUNTY. the city of" De it rcsolvt!d by the Counci],. ofA....rroyo Grande as 1'ollows; That that certain deed dated June 11th, 1925, made by I'hill ip Moignard to tlle City of" .d.rroyo Grande, conveying . the right to construct and maintain An Vut1'all bewer, along , the line hereinafter described, is hereby accepted by said City. Conlluencing at a )!oint in the Northerly line oi' Lot 114, oi' llancho Dolsa cle Chemisal as shown on a Map now on file . , in the County llecorder's ui'rice, San Luis Ubispo, Calif"ornia, and entitled "hlap of parts or the ItlLnchos Corral de J.'iedra, J.-ismo, Bolsa de Chemisal, San Luis Obispo Co. Calif". Subdi- vided. by Jas. 'f. Stratton Sept. 1873, .which IJo:;l.nt of beginning is distant S.!:IH 46' E. 6.6.feet f"rem the Northwest corner of said Lot. 114; 'J.'ht!nce running f"rom said )Joint ot' beginning , ~;. a~ 12' E. 849.6 f"eet to a point on the Southerly line or \ the land or the said I'hillip Moignard. . , - Introduced and adolJtecl this 2nd, d,ay of ::ieptember 1D25. i by tIle following vote. ' I " , " -, Ayes; Trustees; Dennett, Noble, Cox, Poole and Conrad. " Nocs; Trus~ees; None. { Absent; 'l'rustees : None . _. . Signcd th;~ 2ncl, day oi' sePtenrne~25. dlXem:wcar ~ ~ ,LL Attest, r. F. Stewart., . '?/// C:lty Clerk. I'resi ent 0 ~1Coard og 'l'rusbees I hereby certif"y that the above is a true cOllY of . Hesolution No. 2c, of the City of .d.I'DOYO Grande, adopted Sel!tember 2nd, 1025. &;z:'~cu:?' - B. F. Stewart. City Cleric. .~. ~~i~:::~~~~;:;;.'''''~'J',";~''~'''<'' ~.. .' - .... ~. -, .... " l -~--