R 2-b .. " '~ -' , .. , i , HESIJPU'l'IIN No. 2b. j , " , , A IIESUWTION .i>.CCEP'pNG A. DEED FROM CONIIAD GRIEB, Tv THE CITY llF ARHUYU GHANDE, CONVEYING A RIGHT OF lVAY 'l'O CUNSTRUCT SEWEll ACHUSS l'RUl'l~n'rY SITUA'l'E IN SAN LUIS OBISl'(J COUNTY. " , , , ! i i De it resolved;by the poun~i1 of the City of Arroyo Grande, as roll O\rS ii' 'That that certain deed 9-ated May !Jtll, lH25, maue by , Conrad Grieb, ~o the City' of ~rroyo Grande, conveyin~ the right to const.rllct arid maintain an outt'all sewer, along the line here1nll.fter:des~ribcd, is hereby accepted by, said City. ~ ! , , ~ . COlI,!lDencing at a point o~ the Westerly boundary of Lot 8 or lIancho Bolsa de Chemfsal as shown on a ~lap now on , rHein the' C~lUnty ;l\ecorder' s Off'ice, San IJuis Obispo Calif', and entitled "Map of parts of the ,Ranchos Corral ~~; Pie-drp. , , Pi :o;nlU, Bol sa, de Chemisal, San T,uis Obispo, ,.-, oun~y, Calif. ~ubdiV1d~d by' JaB. T. Stratton C.E. SeFt. / lS7~ . Which point of' b~ginning is distant North ,3.7 feet ... :fro I the Southwest corner oi' said Lot 8; Thence runnin, i ~om said Jloint of' }1cginning N. 420 32' E. 756.4 fect o a )Joinj;,\ 'i'henceI4 .1Ho 13' E. 38H.2 :feet to a })oint ,;, "hence N./-:-JOo41' E. 471.0 feet to a point; Thence N. ,440 16' l~;.' 8 feet to a point on the Northerly I ine of. . said Lot, 8. , / I -' -. Introduce::d and adopted this 2nd, day Se)ltember, 1025, < , , by the fOllowing vote. ' -..". \ ' .'- \ .- -. , i , , , , !,:ayes: Trl1~t ,.,,.4:.. V_nn_t t No"ble ~9X J'nnl"" !JInrl Co....r~,.l . .,.,~ I 'l'rllstees; None , Noes: ~~/!.~, I .,' , Absent: Trustees: None. r ! ' .}' if sign2?;;b:.d of ::;eptember 1f125. Attest, n. F. Stewart, ~~ : I City Clcl'k. l'res 'ent 0' t Ie oar oi' Truste.', I ! . I 1\ ;, , " I hereby c~rtify that the above is a true copy of n'hsolution No. 2b, or the City of Arroyo Grande, adopted. September 2nd, 1f125. . --- (IY~,~ - - ' " '_ B. . Stewart:. , " - City Clerk. - - - - . i:."'. ,...~ , ..~ - -..-. _..u_ -- ...~...._.._. -- - --