R 2-a .... .-..... - .. ,f . '...... '._ ',.,;' .,"_ '';' ......:;,.,\.,i~-,:. . -' ,." .,<:..::>...:J":.;:;;.::.:-":'.'r''':~''''_,j.,...' :'~"~".":..,.,;,.~{~:t!.:.;..;~..., """-' RBSOLUTION No. 2a. ~ - "~ or" .."-- ',."- .. ... . A RESOLUTIUN ACCEPTING A DEh'D FRON GI!:ORGE ann:n; AIm FnED- A. GRIF.B TO TilE CITY OF AnnOYO GRAHDE, CONVEYIMI'IA. . RIGIIT OF WAY TO CONSTRUCT A SEWER ACROSS' PROPERTY SITt/A.TK, IN TII8 CITY OF AnROYO GRANDE,:'COUNTY' OR' SAN LUIS OB~SPO.,:;,;... Be it resolTed by the. Counoil of' the City or A....oyo G..ande, as rol1ows J .' . That thet certain deeddated,)iay.u9th, t921S, made 1I;rG'eorge': Grieb and Fred A. Grieb,to the'City orbA..roYo:Grande,'CClnTeyiDJI; , the ri~ht to oonstruct and lIIathtain &l'!outf'a1,l aewer.;a1on,. . tlle line hereinafter described, is bereby accepted b'.....id . .Ci ty , . . ,.... .~' . .". . . , . '. ',," "":', . '. '-',' . , ",..>' Commencing at a point in Lo't 1070r.Ranch~BOla.de CbeNi.al..';. as shown on a lIa)) now onti1e in the '.CouWt.y.fteco..dtir'.J"Orttce r;. .... " ..};an...Lu,i!l__,O.bispo, County, Cal1r ..'and entitled,' !Ilia.. 01'. Patot.'o" '.. ...... , . .. th~ l'IaChCUJ -OOtll'irdtf'p1eitfiC-VfQ.lS"'!""i. jlri'if"fl"dtt"'"'ct~. 1'!\i~i~~..1.b""'."~<';":""'~ . Luis Obispo Count.y Calif. s\lbdIifddd".liy Ji8.~. 8C'flJln'r,,:)l~ .'. septelllber_ .1873-. .-i.hioh point Or'b811nnlhl,iI 41it.attt ta8t. .' . . 840.0 reet. to a,point; 'rbenoe. Ih';'44G11fl"J)' &O~., feet"t.~ a . point; Thence N.'''63 () itO' ,t.. ;l0.21'eet. from the'~outhwe.fI"oJ'ne.. ..,,~:,:' '" of saiii Lot 10'1 ; Thence rut1D:(~' trolll 8&1d pOintofbefi.nJl1.D~.';;ii.f>.:;;'i/;. N. 63" 4Ul E. 164,0 reet to' a point; 'rhetlce.N .14<1,&9 i,E.:r.'.. i.:;f:i:?;',,;:,.'~(, 327.7 feet to II. .point; Thence S.'BD'" 351 1!:. 434.4 teet t.o a.;': ::/';,;.\':}' point; Thenoel'l. 44 0 ft2' E. 729.8 reet to. Ii point. Thenoeq'f. '". " :,....".:... 89047' . E. 14f1.6 feet to a point; Thence N .5'9 04' E. .21".0 ..... . to a point on the West.erly line of t.he Art'oJo.Qrandelbld '.'" . . .' ,",' ',I .;>.' Oceano Road. . ..". ;.' .... .;;..... . ,",'". . '.-, '.,:,;.:". Introduced and adopted t.h18 2nd,' day or'Sept.ember. lD26. by the followinlTote. . ............... ." ", ,. ....:....;.,...,...;.:..'.~,..;...';,......':.:.:.... . . . . r'" ;. " . . . . ~ . A.yes: Trustees! Dennl!t. to J,' 'Wh'h1 ,. j C01" Pnn1 _ Gh~1 ~nft"iu1 J , Noes: Trustees: None, . ' I'" Absent: Trusteesl None.' ""i:" ....':-. , Signed this 2nd t dRY of Septelllber 1925. . ....,. 'L}.'" ~ ....~ ,~"'.," "i.... . "~,~..,J,t..,,, '<:"'~,"-'".i.~II''''I'J'''-''';'L'I::'.' . JV ' . . '.' ..' ............ Attest, ~~ ft:l' , --. .. . C ty er. res 0 . oar , . ..,;........... ','" ,. " I het'eby certify'that the aboTe is a true copy'of . neSO)lUtion No. 2a of the City of ArroJo Grande t. .:' adbpted September 2nd, 1926.. . '. " . . . . - . -, "-'~-',~Mi~o- - "' :, ." .' _"." ,.,;~-.;"'. .; a 'I." e..It....-.:... ;,': .~ : .........Wil..........;ii;i.t\;..,;..; . __ . "',,',ftl).Il!"t:."!"~~.,:>,. ",...' , , .~~. ~ "f,., ,," .. --, . "....... ',:--""" "., '.-.-- ' '. '""-'~"';""--'''~~~::''J;.~:,,;..,,~;~;::.,~';:;2':~~' ".' . .~: . . - -~ . '