O 020 C.S. ,) /' 0 ORDINA~CE NO, 20 C,S, ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA~DE ADDING SECTION (g) and (h) TO ARTICLE 001, CHAPTER 7, TITLE 6,OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO A MONTHLY WATF.R CHARGE TO BE KNOWN AS THE "LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT CHARGE" AND PROVIDING FOR BILLING FOR SAID CHARGE AND AMENDING SEC~IONS (a) and (f) OF ARTICLE 22, CHAPTER 7, TITLE 6 RELATING TO SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGESo THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COES ORDAIN AS FOUOWS: , S€ction 1. S€ction (g) is added to Article .01, Chapter 7 of Title 6 of the Arroyo Gran~Municipal Code relating to Lopez Water Contr~ct Charge, to read as follows: 6-7.01 (g) In addition to th€ monthly wat€r charges set forth in this Chapter,each Arroy'o Grande City water user shall be charged an additional sum each month to be disignated "Lopez Water Contract ChErge" in accordanc€ with th€ great€r of the following schedules: SCHEDULE I SIZE OF .METER INS IDE Q!!X OUTSIDE CITY 5/8 to <'/4 inch $6000 8.50 1 inch 8,50 11.00 It to l~ inch 11.00 13.50 ' 2 inch 13.50 16.00 3 inch 16.00 18.50 4 inch 18.50 21.00 SCHEDULE 11 PURPOSE OF USE AND WHERE UNMETERED SERVICE INSIDE CITY OUTSIDE CITY Single Family Dwelling 6.00 8.50 Each additional Single Family Dwelling on same mEiter. 6.00 8.50 Business, not otherwise provided for herein 6.00 11.00 Each additional business on same mater 6.00 11.00 Multiple Dwelling One Unit 6.00. 8.50 Each additional Unit on same meter 3.00 4.50 Motel, Trailer Court, Cabin One Unit 6.00 8.50 Each additional Unit on same meter 1. 50 2.25 Section 2. Section (h) is added to Article .01, Chapter 7 of Title 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to billing for the Lopez Water Contract Charge, to read as follows: 6-7.01 (h) Billing for said Lopez Water Contract Charges shall be prepared and shall be deposited in the mail on or before the 1st of each month that the bills provided for under Section 6-7.07 are not sent. Section 3. Section (a) of Article 022, Chapter 7 of Title 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 6-7.22 Service connections, installations, and extensions:' CHARGES (a) Upon the approval of an application fpr a service connection, an order for service may be issued sUb~ect to payment of the service connection fees to cover1he expens of m~king such connections, which fees shall be as foIl we, excluding eubdivisfuons: u_._._.<, ,..._ ~_.__,__,,_,__,,__'____________'_ -.-------.-.- ------- --- . \ . ! -SIZE OF ~ INSIDJf CITY OUTSIDE CITY 3/4 X 5/8 inch $150,00 $170.00 1 inch $210,00 $225.00 1* inch $315;00 3340.00 Any met~r lar~r than one and one-half (li") inch in size shall be': (1) A compound me.ter only; (2) Attached pnly to~l or larger sized Hrvice leads; and . (3) Installed only upon payment by the.applioant of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars plus the actual cost of the meter and the materiala -8.ndtlu! la.hor involved in the installatiob th~~f, , Se-v~nty-five (75%) percent of theestimatecl Wtal cost shall be paid at the time- of the application, and. the balaneeahall be pliUd ..ithin -ten (to) -days.-after the c~l.e-ti~ of -such install-ati<lftEt. Section 4. Section (f) of Article .22, Chapter 7 of Title 6 of the Arroyo GPande Municipal Codeie-..amend-ed to ~d as follows: (f) Meter service- chargee for sub~ivisionswnere service has ~ install-edby 'lihe developer shall be as follows: . METER SIZE INSIDE CITY OU'l!SIDECITY 5/8 X 3/4 inches $125.00 $150.00 Any meter l-arger than th~f1)Urths (3/4") inch in siz-8shall .~ in9tall-ed only upon the payment of Se-vent:r-Five ($75.00) Dollars plust-he actual c-&Stof t-he'-meter, -mater;ial-s. -andl-abor involved. in the in9tallation ther-eof. Seventy-five (75%) )ercent of the -estimated total cost shall be paid, within ten (10 days after the comple.- tion of -s~h. in9tallatona. . Section 5. This ordinan~ -shall be in full for~ -and-e-ffect thirty (0) uysafter its -pasoag-e ,and wi thin fift-een (15) ~s ~fte~ its passage it shall be published once, together With the names of the Councilmen voting thereon,' in the Arroyo Grande ijerald..._ Recorder. On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson,and on th~ faolowing roll call, vote, to wit: Aye s : Ooncilwoman Thompson, eouncilmSfi Levine, Schlegel and Mayor Wood"" Noes : None . Abs-ent: CQUnc ilman Burt the foregoing Ordinance WaS passed and adopted this 19th dl!-Y of December, 1967. ./s/ Add~son B. Wood Mayor ATTEST:/S/ Polly S. Mill-er I, Polly S. Miller, City Clerk of the City' of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, 'do he~eby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 20 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular adjourned meeting of said Oouncilheld on the 19th day of December, 1967. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 20th day of December, 1967. /S( pOllk S, Miller ! Oiy Cler j -.--- -------_. ,-~--- -------