O 004 C.S. ~ ' '_..~7" "-,,,",, . ~)- ! ). ',,," ,~"t1'" '. J \ .tlWt~ .~~ CS I I _flMClOft 1'HI et'y "A"" G"'" ~f.S~T'" (~, i II'HCTfOi.. QfAPTIR ~.'t'f1\E', "'11II.A.YCf.IWIDt:~fTV ' Ill!tlU IVL _I ',IU,- Af<<D:&S1'AtLllJit. ,S"EVlltSIRV'CE tt!AMU Th. Council of the C't'(of Arroyo Grende oroln. II follows: , Section I. Chept.r 6. Title 6. of the' Arroyo Grende Munlclpe' Code fixing end .s~b'l.hlng'.ewer,s.rvlce' cherg.. Is emen~4 by ....ndl"9 $,Ub..ctlon (e) ~f sectIon ZO*f1!9~..d .. foHOWIt 0, :' "',"'~_:' "':,";{'_>""':'" :~_;:', ;;'{;' " ~ ..... '" _.' . (e) Ttt.r.'.......vl.vncf.nd ,..._.-', uPon ~h','M\.r .roccuplftt of .ny p,r.f... wfthl'n'.tfteChy of.l\rreyo Gr~"1 hevlng Iny ~_r con- n.ctlon wIth the ..-......y't..'Qf cheCJt'(_fAforoyol.r.,.. '1' other- "" loll.. dl,cherglng s..".,~l~. "J'th..t.t.,~.~,tb~htlltJ._th San 1.111. .'.po e.unty:~."ft,I~OftDt~t"ct,_,......":~V~". I,"'r ..rvlce ch.,.. .. fte"'f""ft'.'.,.,~t....~..,~,of'" ,folfowfnt .....: ....'.;\ .... fl.' 0 JIa ,.",,~ j , '.'~"~~; :'::'> I. RHld.l,lc.s 'end Aplrtment. t .50 ",fOt::..ch, t,.,.c. or I ' , IPlrtllllnt. f 2. Tre".r sp~c.s e~d MOtel $ .25 fq(:'.c:b,trelJ.rs,eceor , unIts Ind. 'Hotel unitt. '.lIIQc.1 unIt and hot., unit. '3. ~rclerf:.t.bll_nu .$ .$0 for each commer.clal ..t.b.. , ' . , . . . f!shment 'loll tho 5 IIIIploy... I' ' or INs . .' . .$,.t:O fJn' ..ech e4,dlt10nel employ.. ebove i.HIgher rat. wh.re ohievy. dla~rVI ~r charlct.r CIIf o"Wlg',Wlr~lnt.. 4. B.euty Shops 0, $ .50 for "ch))lau~.hop S. :Eltlftt Est.tillahnleilcs $1.00 'for.IGb utlns Iltlbllsh.. o IIIInt 'wIth ...tlnt' capacity" of20.or'I.... $ ..25 for ..ch -addltloMI 10 s~t" ebov.20, 6.LlundtoMU $'.25 p.r wlllhln8' IIIIchln.. $1.50 MlnllllUlllcherve' 7. S'fovlel, Stet Ions '$1.00 for',lch ..rvlcl stetlon " ' with no Wish reck. $1.75 for.leh ..rvlcl .tet,Jon , wi th' We.h ...ck. .. .... o 8.. 'Ictorl.s, IridustrJa1 Plant. $2;00 "or.ach t.ctory or' I'naus.- , trle'l pllnt wIth 20 .,.,IOy. 0< ... or .1.... ' $ 010 'fore.ch:eddltlonel,ismploy- el ov~r to; . H ISti.r, ...t. wher. h.lvy. dlschlrg' or chlrect.r of .eweg. Wlrr.nt. 9. ct:1urch.. $ ..50 for'l~h thllrdi 10. Plln~. II! whIch Del ry o' $2.00 for~ech Ix!ttllng' .pl.nt. Proclv!=U', Wet.r or Hlv"'r rate If'Il..vy dl.- I.v.re.g"~ er. bottl.d.... cherv.-or chareot., of " sewag. wan.nU. . - . II. Schools (non-Bcerci I ng) $ .50 par month.for ..eh 100 . 'av.reg, 11:,11'1 ittencianc.. . .0. ;, 'i 0 \ :;.....:;.;..,~,i.,:.."". ,~,>j'~"'~,J;;...;",.;;,......d. ,.,'.~,.,.' ';:.": ~"i" .2t';;';;i;'i;i~":2";: "", . "_.___ r-;~ _.~.H r': 145 , ~ , ~ 'eo I ' ~;>"" ..,.". , ' i i ORDINANCE NO. 4 C S 12. Schools (boarding) $ .10 per average daily attendance for all schools. 13. Garbage Grinders (~ed in $1.50 for eating establishment establishments other than with seating capacity of residences.) 20 or less. i $2.50 for eating establishment , with seating capacity over j 20. , 14. Unclassified Uses $1.00 for premises having a i sewer connection but for which a spec.lflc classi- fication for sewer service: ! charges has not been set ji forth In this Section. l j COHPUTATION OF RATE I , i. ~ (I) Sewer service charges computed on average dally attendance ~ will be based upon. the records of the 'entity charged with or having the , 0 ~ ' I ~ responsibility of keeping such records and said attendance figure shall U be furnished to the Cfty of Arroyo Grande upon written request by the U CI ty. of Arr.oyo Grande. " . (II) Whenever requl red, sewer service charge rate computet Ion Information shall be fur,nlshed, to i:he City of Arroyo Grande, on forms furnished by the City of Arroyo Grand~, upon written request therefor. (Ill J I n the event of fa" ure to furn 1.1i rate computat Ion I nfor- matlon when requested and wlthl.n the time allowed" the City of Arroyo Grande may compute the rate based on such I nformat Ion u It finds reasonably available end such cOmputetlon shall be conclusive and final. . ,This Ordinance shall be In filii force and effect thirty (30) deys .ft.'r Its pusage, and within fifteen (15) days after Its palSage It shan be pub II shed once, together wi th the names of the Counc limen voting thereon; In the Arroyo' Qraode Herald-Recorder. . On motIon of Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and by the following roll call vote, to wit: , 'AYES:" Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levi ne, Schlegel, Burt and.Haydr WQod NOES: None ABSENT: 'Nelne the foregoing Ordinance wu ad.opted this 10th day of January 1967. ATTEST:~~MA~ /A4tJ6t/~J C1ty CI . "', . Hayor ' . , I, POLLY S. HILLEK, City Clerk of the Clty'of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that.the fore- going Ordinance No.4. c, S Is.~ true; full and correc.t copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the .CI ty Council of the CI ty of Arroyo Grande at a regullH meeting of said Council on the 10th day of J_uary 1967. . 0 WITNESS my han4 and the seal of the City of Arroyo. Grande 8fflxed this 11th day of January 1967. . . . , '. 0.. \ ~.ji.g::,;'_"",-;,,;,<:,,!,:~;{~;;,:~-'..;),~/.":_, ',':,; ; ';',':.':'i;--'" , . ,,. ,.,~ ,.;;.,..;._ .,e " ",", ~''''';';-. ;i... _ ~.. . -- -....