O 182 ~ .. . ........ -'" ORDINANCE NO. 182 AN ORDINiINCE OF 'JlIR CI'JY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDWG ORDINANCE NO. 157 OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, SO AS TO RE-ZONE CERTAIN PROPImTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. THE CIty COUNCIL OF THE CITY oF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FO~S: SECtION 1. Section 3.2 of Ordinance No, 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, said Ordinance being known as "TIlE ZONING ORDINANCE OF rilE CITY CF ARROYO GRANDE" is herewith amended as follows: The "ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE" referred to in said Section 3.2 of Ordinance No. 157 is amended so that the zones and bOl11ldaries of certain of the Districts shown therein and thereon are changed so as to be the zones and boundaries as shown and designated on the Map attached hereto, and by reference ! 1i1Corporated herein. which map is entilted "A SECTION OF TIlE ZONIUG MAP OF THE , CITY 00 ARROYO GRANDE, AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 182 , OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE". and said map and all notations and references shown thereon shall be as much a part r of this Ordinance as if the matters shown on said Map were all fully described herein, and the Districts and Zones and Boundaries as shown on the Map attached hereto shall be the Districts and Zones and Boundaries of the property shown therein from and after the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance, The properties intended to be Re-Zoned and the changes in the zoning accomplished here- by are described as follows, to-wit: The following parcels of real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, aDd particularly described as follows: ---~-- "at ..Of) ~'. ':F;, 'lU";,clAr. ila Ot.- ~p~" ~t;;tf? 'of ~0rdt~vto ~sr f :~d l~r ~e~cra J!Jne S, '. ?? i.l~ ~.f~(;'i~.n,"th~.(I,{ft:~e_/c.f:. tho (d. 9, ':Co~nt.y, . de5c!-ib~d a,s.' fCp1loJF8'~ ' c'''.' , :'. .:_"".,.":.,.,_,,. ,..''', . ii"i)i.nf. too'th; S(ut,he~s 1;"'1'1 y 1,' r.. ~~) ~.: .s:e~',t tr ~ t"f' .:'7J !; ):' :~[; .~ '. c- _": 'I 1"..~, -:; t .. ...., '.'" ~. -';- \f f-:' :;-~ .. ....,.0 .... 5 '! East) -"9 ", [oat f'romp,}lr: t S.. E, !v{,,, ~. Et t, the .) : .L. .)..) ~.;..-" . r 'd r '~W' ..,~ '" _r tP~'"11~r'- most S01...:therlv' C'o~'n~!' 0.. sa!. ..0t .t,; 5;J.:C i'('.:n. u. _,,:..~. _ J~ . ~ 1;" "!- . ....> rr. ..... r~.. .:',,~~ a....,..o...dft1tl tllSG beIng the Most ~a!!tt<r.i.Y corr,et' o. ,1';>.,,,, __.- "~ c _', - , 10 '(;6" - y 6 a~ " -p ',I, o~ "'~psc to rr..e.'D recor-dea rlay \', ":";.' : ~ r: t'i'3C, ... t.:.t,.. ~ ...... _ _ ". ~". <: ~ . . . 0 5-' :1 N . t '"".,. c ,,' ~~u g.6- ~ a' "" n~ thence North 37 7' EE,gt Irce'cr' or ~ -', ,-' ,~.._., ,~ , se!d S~utheasterly line of Lot I, tD a pci~t ~h;~n t~!rs 2SC feet !l1; right e.n~les frQm tC16 'i.J~'t:,east"r; y 11~:(, c:' . . .' " N".' '10~-'I#i''''+-'''oa''''''1'''' saId Tract. No. 273; tnenze j,'')~',-n L:J ~> $.:,,, 10. ~.V_;:_'_ on tr.e SorthwesterJy line of 9!!~~ t.~.t 1; th€-n~e So'~tn <'11" 59t-~<.e'~~ (r~ccrd g':)u:h-?5c WiJ::.'t; a:on~ !~~.d N'lr~,:1fieRt,4!!",:Y .l-. . 'b ,. 0-' ",~~ "'')1W'')~'' r-"'~m "he pcjn" 1"re'''0 s '"'o-f'9"'t......_~C-! ~ar~: cr...h' 1.,......" ...~\...,__ ......... . v .I.. L',~, ~;.1. ~'''''' '" _.. , . , ~r he\P"'r.'~' thenre 30\)',h430 }~E&nt 8b-,5JI r~~t (:-~co~c ......... ,'" -.... '")J ... ," .. 8611 ',t'e6~) to the POi,t 'i; begj~~ng. '...' ...' ..f PARCEL NO. 2 That portion of lot 104 of thu Map of Parts of the Ranchos Corral de Pi~dra, P1smo and Bolsa de Chamisal, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as shown on map filed in Book A, page 65 of Maps, in the office of th~ county recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at the southerly terminus of course No. 3, as described in the deed to th~ State of California, ri..:- corded May 19, 1954, as instrum~nt No. 5882, in book 757 page 241, Official Records, in th~ office of thG county recordor of said county; thence along the bo~~dary of the land described in said dc~d as follows; North 150 34' 09" \)est 116.40 feet; dorth 150 32' 33" E<:1st 39.20 feet and North <<:'40 12' 41" East 1~8.51 feet; thcnc(..; South 250 47'19" East 150.00 f0Eot; thdnce \;(:st0rly in a dir<:..ct line to the poir,t of beg inn in:;. -- -- - ...... . . 'I SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in lull fnrce and et:fe~t t1>J,.~'1.1 (:$0) days after its passage, e.nd within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shell be published once, together with the names of the Councilmen voting thoreon, in tho Arroyo Grande Herald Recorder. On motion of Councilm~_.~~il , seconded by Council~ Jacoba , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Counc ilmen McNeil, Jacob a .d !!Iayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIlUID nOM VOTlHG I CouncillB8n Wood the foregoing Ordinauoe \fas adopted tb.is _~9-tb. day of Sep......her ,19..RJ..... k__ ,~.a PwVC ~:~ ATTEST: ! ~~,f Wpk CITY RK I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ord- inance No. 182 is a ttue, full and correot copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of ArrQYo Grande at II regular meeting of said Council on tho 24th day of jI"ph_h..r , 19~. WITNESS my hand end the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixc:d the 25th day of SeDt....her ,19~. ___.._ u