O 148 . ' - - ~ , ~' . " . ORDINANCE NO~ 148 AX ORDIJWfCI!: OF THE CIn OF AlUt010 4UNDE CALLIIG FOR A SPECIAL 8LBCTIOJf 1'0 BE BBLD O' 11IZ :'-0'111 DAY or AOOUST. 11160, PBltfAIJfIIIG to 'l'BE AJlRXATIOII or "OCBAJrO..IIALCYCMI AD.", ALSO D010J AS "OCBAMO ADEI", TO THE Cln 0' ARROYO GRAJrI>>: WHEREAS, on tbe 10th daJ of Kay, It60, the CitJ Council of tbe City ot ArroJo Grande dtipas. and adopt Resol~tion 10. 440 ,iYi., notice ot its intention to call a special election to be beld in certain inhabited territory conti&~o~s to the eitJ of I Arroyo Grande, wbicb said territory i. proposed to be annexed to said City, for tbe purpose of s~baittin& to the qualified electors re.idin& in said territory tbe q~estion of wbetber or not said territory shall be annexed to said City; and ~HEREAS, a copy of said Resolution wa. p~blisbed a. required -, law; and WHP.~EAS, at a tt.e not later than the ho~r .et by said Re.. 01~ti~n tor bear in, objections to the proposed election no written or oral prote.ts were ..de by the owner. of a ..jority of separate ; parcels of property witbi. the territory propo.ed to be an.exed;and WHEREAS, all proceediD" bave been had in accordance with said Re.ol~tion and the AnnexatioD Act of 11113, reference tbereto bereby beiDI ..~e for furtber particulars; lOW THEREFORB, the CitJ Council of tbe City of Arroyo Grande doe. berewith ordain a. follows: SECTIO' 1. A .pecial election i. bereby called to be beld on the 30tb day of Autyst. 11160. in the territory bereinafter described wbicb territory it i. proposed be annexed to the City of Arroyo Gr&ade, for the p~rpose of subaittin, to the q~alifie4 electors re.idin, in .aid territorJ the q~estion ot wbetber or not sucb territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and ..de a part of ..id City of Arroyo Grande, and whetber or not tbe propertJ in said territory .a-ll, arter .~cb aaaexatioft, be subject to taxation, equally witb tbe propertf witbiD in tbe City of Arroyo Grande. Said territory is described as Collows: -I- I / - ---_.~ -----~--~- ~. . . All that land .ituat~d in tb~ County of Szn Lui. Obiapo. Stat~ of California. includ~d within th~ ~xt~rior boundari~a d.ac~ib~d aa f ollowa: 8~ginning at th~ Soutbw~.t corn~r of th~ Town 01 Grov~r. according to th~ .ap th~r~of r~cord~d ~arch 23. 1892 in 800k A of Mapa, at pag~ 6, r~cord. of said County: thl!nc~ South 69. 1.5' East along th~ South~rly line of .aid Town of GroY~r a diatanc~ of 2188.18 f~~t to a point on thl! W~.terly line of th~ Southern Pacific Railroad Co.pan,'. right of way. aaid We.t~rly line b~in, also the East~rly 1in~ of Vi.ta D~l Encanto, Subdiviaion No. 2 according to th~ .ap th~r~of r~cord~d June 6, 1929. in Book .5 of ~ap., at pag~ J. r~cords of .aid County; thenc~ South~aat~r1, a10n, aaid ri,ht of wa, to a point which beara We.t from th~ Northw~at~rly corn~r of Lot 4 of Piamo Beach Gard~na No. 2 accordin, to the ~ap th~r~of r~cord~d Nov~.ber 2.5, 1924, in Book 3 of Mapa. at pa,~ 49, r~cord. of .aid County: th~nce Eaat acro.a .aid railroad right of way and County Road No. 1.56 to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 4 and a point on tbe South~rly lin~ of Th~ Pik~: thencl! Ea.t a10n, th~ Soutber1y line of The Pik~ a di.tanc~ of 1944.80 fe~t to an ang1~ point ther~in; th~nce South alon, th~ Weaterly liRe of The Pike a. .hown on .ap of Pi..o B~ach Garden.. r~cordi!'d Septe.b~r 3. 1924, in Book 3 of Mapa, at pag~ 4.5, record. of .aid County, a di.tance of 868.00 f~et to an an,l~ point th~rdn; thence Nortb 89. 4.5' East along the,Southerly line of The Pik~ accordin, to the .aid .ap. a di.tance of 2463.00 feet to a point on th~ Southerly prolon,ation of the Ea.t~rly line of Lot 13 of .aid Pi..o leach Garden.: th~nc~ North acroa. The Pike and a10n, the l&.t~r1y 1in~. of Lot. 13 and 12 01 .aid Pi..o leach Garden., and the Northerly prolon,ation of said Lot 12. acro.. Parroll Road a di.taace of 1612.00 f~~t . to a poiDt on the , Soutberl, line of Lot 14 of .aid Pi..o leach Garden.; th~nc~ -2~ - , . ~ South 890 45' West a10n, the Southerly line of said lot 14 a distance of 67.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence Nortb aloDI the Westerly lille of add Lot 14 a diatallC:e of 743.80 feet to the Horthweaterly corner thereof; thence North 890 58' 1.5" East along the Northerly 11 ne of said Lot 14 . diatance of 60.n feet, .ore or le.s, to the Southwest corner of the Pair Oaks Addition No. 1 to tbe City of Arroyo Grande accordin, to the .ap thereof recorded January 21, 19.59. in Volvae 978 of Official Recorda. at page 324. et ae'!.. recorda of aaid County; thence continuing North 890 58' 15" East alon, the said Southerly line of Pair Oaks No. 7 a distance of 16<11.08 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 23 of said Pis.o Beach Gardens, said point alao bein, the Northwest corner of thr Pair Oaks Addition No. 12 to the City of Arroyo Grande. accordln, to the .ap thereof filed August 24. 1959 under Re- corder'a Series No. 1<1238. recorda of said County; thenc~ alonB the Westerly and Southerly boundaries of said Pair Oak. Addition No. 12 the following six couraes and diatances; (1) South 00 15' East 743.20 feet; (2) North 8~ 45' East to the Northerly prolon,- atloD of the Westerly line of Lot 24 of said Pis.o Beach Gardena; (3) South 00 1.5' East 806.3 feet; (4) South 890 4S' We.t 76.15 feet; (.5) South (yO 15' Ea.t 725.04 feet; (to) North sf/J 45' J:.ast 5(H~ .75 feet to a point on the Northerly line of The Pike; thence con- tinuln, along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly Ii ne of The Pike North 890 45' East to the Westerly line of Block 30 of Beckett's Addition to the Town of Oceano accordinB to the .ap thenof recorded February 4. 1908, in 800k 1 of Record of Surveya. at pa,e 103. records of said County; the!lce South 00 IS' East aloDS aaid Westerly line of Bloc.. 30 to the Southwesterly corner thereof; 0 East aloD, the Southerly line of Bloc... tbeDce Morth 89 52' 30, 19, 18. 7 and 6 of Beckett's Addition. and the Easterly ex- tension thereof a distance of 2697.80 feet .ore or Ie.. to the Ii.sterly line of Halcyon Road.(also known a. Cienega Road). - 1 - -.. said linr also bf'ing thf' Wf'stf'rl, 11 Dr of Lot lOq of thr Rancho Corral df' Pif'dra, accordins to thf' aap rf'corded in 80011: A, at palf' "5. of Maps; thf'ncf' Southrrly alons thr "atf'rly lille of Halcyon Road and thr W"st"rly line of Lots lOq, 110 and III of said Rancho and thr South..rly ..xt..nsion thf'rrot to a poiat on the Southrrly lin.. of California Stat.. Route S.L.O. S~- E; th..nee \ljf'st..rly along th.. South..rly lin.. of said California Stat.. Hi,hway to i fa intf'rSf'ctlon with the East..rly lin.. ot Pirat Stre..t (now known aa 26th Strf'rt) in thr Town of Oc..ano al shown on the official .ap at aaid Town and fil..d for rreord in th.. of Her of th.. Coun ty Recorder in Book A of Maps, at pag.. 1~7. r..eorels of said County; th..ncr South along thf" East..rly lin.. of said First Str....t (now knoWII aa 26th Str....t) in said Town of Oc..ano to i ts inters..ction with th.. Eaaterly ext..n.ion of th.. South..rly linr ot Riv..r Str....t (now known a. 13th Strr..t) in saiel Town; th.."c.. W..at along th.. South..rly 1 i... of aaid Riv..r Str....t (now known as 15th Str..rt) to its int..rsrctioft with the W..sterly 1 i n.. of Ninth Str....t; thrne.. North along th.. Weat..rly lin.. of Ninth Strf'..t to th.. Southrr ly lin.. of Hip~o Str....t; thf'ncf' W..st along thf' Southf'rly 1 in.. of Ihpo.o strr..t to the Wut..rly linr ot Tf'nth Str..rt (now known as 13th Strrrt); th..nc.. Morth alon, thr Weat..rly lin.. ot T..nth Str..rt (now knoWJI a. 13th Strf'f't) to th.. Nor tbe r 1, lin.. of Arroyo Grand.. Avrnur; thenc.. Wrstf'rly and North- we.terly along th.. Northf'rly linr of Arro,o Grandf' Av..nu.. in said Town ot Oc..ano to th.. Southf'aat corn..r of 8lock 8 in Lakr Sid.. Park and th.. North..rly linr of Arroyo Grandf' AVf'nur aa Ihown on tbr offi- cial .ap ot said Lake Sid.. Park on fi1~ 1n th.. offic.. of th.. County .ecord~r of said County and filed for r..cord in Book j of toIapI. at pair 42. rrcorda of said County; th..ncr Northwratf'rly along th~ Wor th- ~rly line oE laid Arroyo Grandr ~venu~ and aloDI! the Northerly lin.. of Pord Lalir in said Lak.. Side Par;; to the East..rly Ii ne of Fiest Str~et (also known as Suna..t Lane) ; th..nce South along the South..rly 4 - , ~ prolongation of said Pirst Street to th~ lIorthwest cor'1er of 8loc~ 34 of Oceano B~ach Subdivision as shown on the official lIap of ssid s.bdivision on file in th~ office of th~ County Record~r of said County; thenc~ West~r1y in a dit~ct line across Pirst Stre~t to the Northeast corner of Block J5 of said Oc~ano Besch Subdivision; thence Westerly along the North~rJy line of said Block 3.'5 and along the South~rly lin~ of Brook Avenue and the Westerly ext~nsion th~reof to its int~rs~ction with th~ W~st Boundary lin~ of Oceano Beach Subdivision No. 1 according to" ap recorded in Book II, at page 149 of Maps; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of Oceano Beach Subdivisions Nos. I, 2 and J, according to Maps r~corded in Book ^, at pages 14Q, 150 and 151. of Maps to the point of beginning and including aJl Lots and Blocks of Subd~vision. loe at..r1 therein, tOlether with the rights of way, alleys and public roads of r~cord. - .'5 . ----, ~ -- \ ! ,.~ SECTIO. 2. The polls at said election shall be opened at 7 o 'clock A.K., of the day herein fixed for the holding of Mid election and shall be kept open I.\ntil 7 o'clock P.K., of tile a_e day, when the polla shall be closed. SECTION 3. upon ballots to be ..sed at said election there shall be printed the worda: SHALL .OCEANO-HALCYON ARn", ALSO KNOW AS "OCF..ANO A)/na", BE ADEXED TO, HICOIlPORATED IN, AND KADE A PART OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND mE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERJUTOiY BE, AFTER SUCH AREXATION, SUBJECT TO TAxATION EQUALLY WI'l'H DIE PROPERTY WITHIN DIE CITY 010' ARROYO GRANDEr Opposite these words there shall be printed the words "YES" and ".0", and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a voting sq..are. If an elector shall st_p a cross (+) in the voting sqware after the printed word .ygs" , the vote of 'IlIch elector shall be cownted in favor of the annexation of "'1\;1 (e.r"i_ tory to the City of Arroyo Grande; and if an elector Shai, , shll4. ,J a cross (+) in the voting sql.\are after the printed word ")10" ne vote of sl.\ch elector shall be co..nted against s..ch annexation. In all partic..lars not herein recited, said election shall be held in conformity. as near as .ay be, with the laws of the State of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation Act of 1913. SECTION 4. (a) for the p..rpose of said election there hereby are established in the territory described herein three (3) voting precincts consisting of all of the following regwlar San Luis Obispo Couaty Election precincts lying within the hereinabove d~scrib~d terri tory, to-wit: OCEANO #1; OCEAliO 12; and the c~bined preClncts of HALCYON and FA IR OAKS, The polling places for each of said pre_ ciacts and the na.es of the officers of election constitwtj, '1e boards of election for each of said election precincts are 56. .' follows: -6- __________n___ -.-------- . /-. ----- , . , . . A\lfIIst 80, 1960, ia the San Luis Obispo COllnty Telegrall.Tribllne, . newspaper of aeneral circlllation printed and pllblished olltsi48 of the City of Arroyo Grande, bllt in tbe COllnty of San Luis Obi.po, Calif....i. . SECTION 6. Tbis Ordinance shall tate effect IIpon its p.~11oatiOD. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and calise the saae to be pllblisbed once in the Arroyo, Grande Herald-Recorder. On lIotlon of COllncilaan ~Ah~i ' seconded by CollncUllan ~ , and on tbe followina roll_call vote, to....it: ~~~ AYES: ~ ~ NOES: ~ ABSDT: ~ tbe foreCoing Ordinance was adopted this fa.dAy of JIIly, 1960. ~(a tk,,:I-: ATTEST: I bereby certify that tbe foreaoing Ordinance was adopted by the City COllnci! of the City of Arroyo Grande at it. .eet1na held Jllly 5, 1~60, by the vote as hereinabove .et forth. ~~ /p~;e_,-rJ -8-