O 131 - .-- -'_0.'_'_- '__ I ~ ># ."# , , ..... .. " .. . --...... ~ ORDINANCE NO. /3-/ . ORDINANCE OF THE CI'lY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXA TION OF CERTAIN UNINHABI TED TERRI- TORY TO THE CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California, County of San Luis Ubispo, SECTION 1. The hereinafter described parcel of real property designated as "FAIR OAKS NO.7" being uninhabited territory within the provisions of Section 35303 of the Government Code of the State of Califbrnia, and contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, be and the same is herewith annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Said property is described as follows, towi t: -1- [ I DESCRIPTION OF "FAIR OAKS NO.7" All that land contiguoua to the City of krro;yo Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior boundary deBcribed as follows I Beginning at a point on the Wester~ bouDcIary of the City of krrf170 I Grande on the Southeasterly right of wtq line of BriBco Road as 881d right of way was cODft11td to the County of San LuiB Obiepo by deed recorded in , 1 volUBle )00 of Official Recorde at page 12, records of said Count,., which said point bears North $6' 49' )0" East a d1atance of 648.3$ feet trOll the intersection of said Southeasterly right of _y Une with the lIorther~ line of Grand AvenueJ thence iroa said point of beginning 110Mb 33. 10' )0" West acroBs aaid Bruco Road a distance of 40.00 feet to the lIortlDrester~ right of ~ line thereof as cODve;yed to the County- of San 11I1s Obupo by I deed reoorded in vol_ 298 of Official Recorda at page 238, records of said I ! CountYJ thence South $6. Ja9' )0" West along said lIorthv..ter~ right of ~ line to its intersection with the Northerly line of Grand l....nuJ tJleDce Northwesterly along the Norther~ line of Grand I.veune to the SouthvMterly , corner of the property conveyed L. I.. BriBCO by deed recorded in V01UM 2118 of Official Records at page 28$, records of said Countn thence North 3. 22' 30n East along the Westerly Une of the property so conve;yed a distanoe of 1353.60 feet to the Southeasterly corner of the property conve;yed E. B. Wl1lMn.. L , - et ux by deed recorded in volume 303 of Official Records at page 98, recorda , ";.1. of said County; thence North 86. 45' West along the Southerly line of the property so conveyed a distance of 995.$0 feet to the Southwesterly Cornel' thereof and a point on the Easterly line of a 50.00 foot road delineated on the Map of Tract No. 46 recorded in Book $ of Mapa at pap 64, recorda of said CountYJ thence NoMb 30 22' )0" East along the Easterly line of aaid 50.00 foot road to a point which bears South 86. 37' )0" East trOll the South- easter~ corner of the property conveyed to J. J. Zopta et ux by deed recorded in vol_ 931 of Official Recorda at page 472, recorda of .ud COUDtYJ theDce lIorth 86. 37' JO" West aeroas 881d SO.OO foot road ~ 10M -1- ----~-_._--- f i I r So1atl1euterq O~ of the property .0 C....4.".d, ibace Korth n. lB' Wen ~ alolll 1iobe Southerq l1De ot the property 10 c......".d and the Westerq pzoo_ i. loDpt10D therect a d1.t.aaoe ot 275.5B teet to a poin aD the WelterlT l1De I ! of Lot 9 ot Block 7 ot sa1d Tract 110. 46, theDce South 30 22' 30" Welt alolll ~ the Westerq line ot sa1d Lot 9 a d1.taace of 122.Wi teet to the Southve.terq ~. oormr therect, tbence South 30 22' )0" West acree. IInport 1._ a d1staac. ot 100.00 tMt to a point 011 the Southerq l1De of Hnport 1."f8DUe vbich bear. South 860 42' lS" Eat a diltaDce ot 15.)0 teet fro. the )lorth_terq corner ot Tract )10. 109 accord1Dg to the .p thereof recorded 1D Book 5 ot x.p. at page 107, records ot said County; thence Iorth 860 42' 15" Welt a distaace ot lS.)O teet to the lIorthvesterlT oorner ot said Tract 110. 109; theuce South 3. lS' West along the Westerly line of laid Traot No. 109 a distanoe of 483.29 teet to a point OD the oeater line ot BrightOD I.venue; thence lIorth 86. 4S' West along laid oenter line ot Brighton I.Tenue a distance of 336.00 teet to ita 1Dter.ect1011 with the center line ot 21st Street, thence South 3. 15' West aloDC .aid oenter 11De ot 21st Street and the Southerq prolongatioD thereof . distanoe of 919.B2 teet to a point OD the Southerq 11De of Ch-and I.~ vhioh belrs South 86. 4S' !rut a d18taace ot 1075.00 teet froa the Northwest c~ ot Block B7 of the Town ot 01'_, acoord1Dc to the .p thereot recorded in Book I. ot Hapa at page 6, records ot said COID1t;r; thellCe North 86' 45' Weet alone t.bI Sout.berq line ot Orlnd 1."ftlNe . distance of 3Sl.00 teet to the Eaterq l1De ot a 50.00 toot richt ot _y described in a deed reoo~ 1D vo1_ 436 ot Otficial Records (._t._~~7, recoroa'or .aid CoUDty; th...... South 3. 15' We.t aloDS the Eaterq l1De ot the right ot ~ .0 de.cribed a di.taace or 64S.oo teet to a point 011 t.bI lIortherq l1De or the property COl1veyed lingo IanoII:a et 1D: by deed recorded in Tol_ 757 or Orfioial Reoordl at page 206, records or said County; thence South 86. 46' last alone the )lorth- , \ \ erlT line ot the property so conve;red a distance ot 723.B9 teet to the Korth- \ easterlT COl'Dll" thereot at a point OD the Westerq line ot Tract 110. 10 'I accordiac to the III8p thereor recorded 1D Book S or Mapa at page 2B, records 1 1 , . - 2 - t . 4 '~,'kJrfl.".i :'<...J'~t>l"""':"';;""'. --"-'--~-'-- . : , i ; I , , , I : ! . ot s&1d C_t.T, which s&1d po1nt. bMl's South 3. 13' )0. West. a cU.stulce ot 6b.S.00 teet. t.l'oa t.be Hortbwest.erJT CorJIIIl' or s&1d Tract Ho. 10. ..h-." Soat.Ia 3" 13' )On West. alone t.be West.erJT 11M or s&1d 'lhct. 110. lO to t.be South- _t.erJT COI'MI' thereof. theIIce IIorth 89' SO' Jut. aloDc the SoutMr1l' 11M I or s&1d Tract. 10. 10 to ita intenect.1on with the W..t.erJT 11M or IJ.a S"'t.. ~ South o. oS' West. aloIIi s&1d West.erJT l1De or K1a street. a d1at.uioe or 7S7.lO teet. to a point. on the IIIcrtherJT l1De or Lot. 23 ct P!.o Beach Oar.. accord1D& to t.be -.p thereof recorded in Book 3 or Map. at. pap IJS, reocrds or s&1d C_t.T, which said pc1nt. bear. South 89. sa' lS' West. a cU.st.aDee or 20.00 teet. t.l'ca t.be Jlortheut.er~ COrDer or 8a1d Lot. 23. thence Soutb 89" S8' 15. f West. alone the .ortber~ l1De or said Pi_ Beach Garde118 a d1at&Me or 2302.08 f teet. to the Southeast. coruer or Lot. 16 ot BecDt.t.'s QraDd ..,... Tract. aoccrcl- i 1n& to t.be -.p thertlOt recorded in Book B or Hap. at. pap 7S, records ot .aid I " r C01lllt.T; thence Iorth 0" oS' But. aloDc the Iast.erJT 11M ot s&1d Lot. 16 a i , . d1IIt.uace or 7S7.lO teet. to the IIort.beut.erJT CorJllll' thereof. ~ Iorth 89. f , ; SO' Jut. alone the SoutherJT 11M or .aid Beoat.t.'. Orand ..,... '!'not. to . ~ i, point. wh1ch bears South 89. SO' We.t. a cU.st.ance or 892.00 teet. troa the South- " I , _t.erJT COl'JIC' ot .aid Tract. Ho. lO. f-.h-o. Iort.h 3" 13' )0' 1Nt. a d1at.aDce ; , ot 27S.7S teet. to the Nort.beut.erJT CorJIII1' ot the 111_ ".1 CcmT..,ed Joseph . , n-. et. WI: 117 dMd recorded in ,",1_ 1J39 or Official ~da at. pap 911, recorda ot sdd Count.y; thence South 89" ,0' West. along the Northerly line -;. i ot t.he property so conveyed a diatance of 616.70 teet to a point on the r Southeasterly line ot said l'own ot Grover; thence North 31" 15' East along : the Southeasterly line of said Town ot Grover a distance ot 123.75 teet to ita intersection with the Easterly Uneot 18th Street.; thence North 3. 12' East. a distance ot 751.31 teet. to a point wh1ch bears South 3. 12' West a dietance ot 8.69 teet tro. the South West corner ot Block US ot said Town ot GroTer; thence parallel with the Southerly Une ot said Block 115 South 86' 46' Eeet. a distance ot 259.00 teet to a point which bears South 3' 12' West from the South Westerly COrDer of that. propert.7 conveyed to Masako Hatsu.>to by deed - 3 - , "recorded in vo111111if!1 875 ot Official Records at page 21, recorda of .aid Count:r; ! 1- thence North 3' 12' Eaat to said South West corner and along the WesterI,- line , , thereof and it's Northerly extension a distance of 1148.69 feet to a point on r , 1': the Northerly lina of Grand Avenue which bears South 86. 45' East a distance of ! , l 259.00 feet from the Southwesterly corner of Block 8.3 of said Town of Grover; ~'. , I thence North 86. 45' West a distance of 259.00 feet to the Easterly line of North 18th Street; thence North 3. 1$' East along said East.erly line of North 18 Street a distance of 511.94 teet to a point 1Ihich bears North 3' 15' East 192.61 feet from the Southwesterly corner of Block 5.3 of said Town of Grover) thence South 86. 45' East parallel to the Northerly line of aa.ona Avenue a distance of 335.00 feet to a point on the Westerly line of the property cODTeyed J. E. Baxter et ux b1 deed recorded in volume 82.3 of Official Recorde at page 154, recorda of said County) thence North .3" 15' East along the Westerly line ot the property so cOJlVe7lld a di.tance of 74.73 teet to the Northwe.terly corner thereof; thence South 86' 45' East along the Northerly line ot the property .0 conveyed and the Easterly prolongation thereot a distance ot 370.00 teet to a point on the center line ot 20th Street) thence Narth .3' 15' .st along 8&1d center line ot 20th Street and the Northerly prolongation thereof a distance ot 751.80 teet to a point on the Northerly line or Newport Avenue which bears South 86' .37' 30" East a distance of 51.9.3 feet fro. the South_ westerly corner of Lot 5 Block 7 ot said Tract No. 46; thence South 86' 37' .30" East along the Southerq line ot said Block 7 a distance of 541.02 teet to the Southwe.terly corner of Lot 6 ot 8&1d Block 7; thenoe North .3' 22 I .30" But &lODe the Westerly line of said Lot 6 a distance of 221.54 teet to the Northeasterly corner thereot; thence North 66. .37' .30" West along the Southerly lines ot Lots 4 and .3 of .aid Block 7 a di.tance ot 351.795 feet to the South- westerly corner ot the property conveyed E. A. Bello et ux b1 deed recorded in Y0111111if!1 919 of Official Recorda at page .328, records ot said Count,.; thence :, \ I i - 4 - i ~ ( j 1 1 ) 'It , l " h, ---_._._---~- ,,-- '~".~~~ '~A....~,""1:"" .",....~,""',-..,."'T:""~... .........,..".-. -~"'-.,. ,,'~, , , ......J ,- ...- ~ -... . -r'l"""""- ~ "'/Iff.'" ~, .',t.... , I. " , i " to' ,,' ,'-I ~i i~ Nort.h 32' 12' Eut along the Northwe8terly line of the property- so conTey-.d ',,:, and tbe Northerl;r prolongation tbereOt to a point on the Northeasterl;r line , of Hillcrest Drift wI11ch bears South 57. 48' Eut a distance of 20.05 feet ~ " " "". ,\'1 from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 4 Block 6 of said Tract No. 46; the_ ~'\ i ,~' ~, lortb 57. 48' West a distance of 20.05 feet to the Southwsterly corDer oL ,'-,' j-tfi h"-, said Lot 4; thence North 32' 12' East along the Horthwesterly l1De of aa1e1 ;~:~ , ~II'-.,' Lot 4 a distance of 172.50 feet to the South1restarl;r corner of the property- oonv87ed S. J. Horner et we by- deed reoorded in VolUM 538 of Official Recorda at page 520, recorda of said County-; thence South 57' 48' But along the Southvester17 line of the property 80 oonYe18d a di.tance ot lSO.00 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof at a point on the lorthw8ter17 l1De of Lot 5 of said Block 6, thence Nort.h 32" 12' last along the lort.hwsterly l1De oL said Lot 5 a dietaooe of 172.50 teet to the Northwe.terly corner thereof, thence South 57. 48' East along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 5 a dietance ot 127.00 teet to the Hortheaeter17 corner thereof, theuo. South )2" 12' West along the Southeasterly line ot said Lot 5 a distanee oL 172.50 t.et. to the South...terl;r corner ot the propert.7 coav-.,ed Alton Lee .10 ux b)r dHd recorded in vo111118 937 of Otficisl Recorda at page 558, recorda of .aiel , County, thence South 57' 46' East along the SOUtbw8ter17 line of the property- .~ . so conT87ed and the Southeaater17 prolongation thereot a distance ot 317.50 , teet to tbe Southeasterly corner ot the property conV878d C. S. Fl8lliD& et f ~\'; i: ~, ux by deed recorded in volUM 805 ot Otficial Recorda at pap 71, records ot l' said County-; thence North 32' 12 I r..&t along the Southeaster17 line ot the ,. property 80 oonv.,-ed a distance ot 172.50 teet to the Northeaster17 corner ::-.' , thereot and a point on the Northeaater17 l1ne of said Block 6, tbeDce South 57' 46' East along the Northeaster17 line of said Block 6 a distance oL t . 269.90 teet to a point, thence continuing along the Northeuterly line oL .aid Block 6 on a curve to the right with a radiua of 20.00 teet for .. arc d1.8tance ot 41.30 teet to a point on the liorthwester17 line of Hillcrest DriYe' thence leaVing said Northwsterly lin. and rmm1ng South 29" 31' last - S - ---,"'''--- I t ! i ~ i acroes H1l1cnst Ii1..,. a distance of SO.OO teet. to a poiDt on the Horlb- I i _ter:Q- l1De ot the property 004..".cI to the Cal1forn1a Depart_nt of I Veteran's Attairs by deed recorded iD 'Y01Ulle 772 ot Otfioial Recorda at pap SO, reoorde ot said CountYJ thence North 600 29' But alone the Iforth- 1IIIster:Q- l1De ot the properly so oonveyed to the Northnster:Q- 001'1181" thereot) thence South !$7" 48' last along the Northeuter:Q- line ot the property so c.UI&~."..d a distance ot 229.11 t.et to the Iforth....terl;y corner th.r.ot and a poiDt 011 the w.sterl;y line ot the propert,. oonveyed the City of JzTaro Grande by deed recorded in volllllll 428 of otfio:l.al Reoorda, at. page 10!$, records of uid CountYJ thellCe North 3" 2!$' 30" But along the Westerl;y lin. ot the propert,. so oonft)'8d a distance of W.3!$ teet to the Northwesterl;y corner ~eotJ thence South 860 .34' 30. East alone the l'iorther:Q- line ot the i property so conveyed a d1stance of 400.00 feet to the Northeuterl;y CorMl' thereofJ thence South 3' 2!$' 30. West along the Buterl;y line of the property so c_".d a distance of 200.00 f.et to the Southeuterl;y corner thereof , and a poiDt on the Northerl;y line of the properly con..,.,..d E. B. Wilkins et ax by' deed recorded in 'Y011lll8 303 of Offioial Reoorda at page 98, r.corde of said CountyJ thenoe South 86" 4!$' East alone the Norther:Q- line of the properly so conv.,..d a d1stanc. of 100.00 fe.t to the Northeast.erl;y corner thereof and the lIorth1nNlter:Q- corner of the paroel seco~ conve:yed to R. N. Lan~ster et ux by deed recorded in V01UM 9SO of Official Records at page 540, records ot said CountYJ thence South !$7' 26' bon But along the Northerl;y line of the parcel so conv.,.ed a distance of l1l1.!$7 fe.t to the North....terl;y corner there- ofJ thence South !)6" SO' West along the Iaster:Q- line ot the paroe1 eo con.,.,-ed a distaDoe of 673.92 feet to the North.aeterl;y corner of the paroel first:Q- CODVe78d by aa1d deed) thence South 600 55' But along the Nortber:Q- line of the parcel tirst:Q- con..,.,..d a distanc. of 328.73 teet to the Southeasterly corner thereofJ thence South 33' 10' 30" But across said Brisco Road a distance of bo.oo teet to a point on the Southeaater:Q- right of way line ot said Brisco Roa4 as cODVe78d to the County of San Luis Obispo by deed recorded in volu. - 6 _ ,."~-_._._-_.- -- -'.'.--.--- It'.-." ~),':-l;~'r.:\w:,,; j~,1':-~ ' "I' ,'~ 'I:: M"lf'~ ,;,-..""".",t.., )00 ot Otficial Records at page 12, records of aaid County, which aaid point bears South ,6. 49' )0" Weat a distance of 1316.17 teet fro. the interaection ot said Southeasterly right ot way line vith the w.aterlT right ot way line ot Calitornia State II1ghw~ No. 101) theDOe South ,6" 49' )0" West along the Southeast,erlT right ot ~ line ot aaid Brisco Road a diatance of 131.90 teet to the point ot beginning, aDd inCludiq all Lota and Blocks ot Subdiv1aiona located therein, together vith all publio roads, alleya, aDd rights ot way ot reoord. " I - 7 - ----- ------.- --'- . . , ~ " . . " . . . ' . , . SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in f~ll force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be p~b1ished with the names of the members voting for and against the same at least once in the Arroyo Grande Herald- Recorder, a newspaper of general circ~lation printed and published in the City of Arroyo Grande. On motion of Co~ncilman Lee , seconded by Co~ncilman Pence , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: BURT, JACOBS, LEE, PENCE. NOES: NONE ABSENT: HARTWIG the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 25th _day of November , 1958. /Jvw. ~ hr. . ~ ~~ I \