O 127 ,_.._....~.- .-....----- . .... . .~ - .- ... .. - .. , . 0.' _ . ORDINANCE :NO. J~1 . . .AN ORDIJWI(c.E OF TIlE CITY OF ,AAAO'(O WWIDE REQUIRING .AL.L BOOS WHIOi ARE LICPlSED UJU)IJt THE PROVISIOJtS OF LAW TO m: VACC1J(ATID WITH A CAIn. ANTI-JWUES VACCINE, PROV!DIIm PENAlTttS FOR VIOl,ATIOJ( 1HEJ\EOF, STATING THE REASOJtS FOR AD .JWUM} THIS OlUlIJWlCE AN XMERGEKC':( ORDUfAHCE EFFECTlv:t IJMDIATELY. m: IT ORDAINED by the Ci ty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: Section 1. Every dog owner filing a request for a license under the laws of the City of Arroyo Grande, shall at the time of presenting said request exhibit to the City Clerk a cerHfic.ate showing that said dog has been vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian with a canine anti- rabies vaccine approved by the State Department Of Health of the state of California. )fo dog li.:ense shall be issued by the City Clerk except upon proof of such vaccination. Sect Ion 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall be punished by imprisonment in Jail for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) days or by a fine not to exceed Fifty ($50.00) Dollars or by both such fIne and imprisonment. SecHon 3. This ordinance is designed to protect the health and safety of the people of the City of Arroyo Grande. It is of prime necessity that this ordinance take effect as an emergency ordinance immediately upon its passage. The reasons therefor are as follows, to-wi t : The State Department of Health of the State of California has de- clared San Luis ObispO COunty a rabies area and has required the en- forcement of anti-rabies provisions. There pr8senti~ exists no means or method by which the City of Arroyo Grande can require anti-rabies vaccination of dogs withIn the City, therefor it is necessary that this ordinance become effective immediately upon its passage and said ordin- ance shall therefor becOme immediately effective upon its passage and within fifteen (15) days thereafter shall be published once in the ~ . . , . '. - . .. . . . Herald-Recorder, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City or ArrQYo Grande. On motion of COuncilman .t JlR - , seconded by Councilman ao.P~ , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit AYES::q~c.:t~~ ~ ~/r~/ ~~' NOE&:~. ABSEJiT: ~ . the roregoing Ordinance was ad.pted this '!):J?:!L day of l.J7 , 1958. (J ~ ~k~4~ . ~g2~JL ".-.----- ~ --------- ------