O 113 ~ , 1 r- '/'1 . j )<'t ~ . ~~ ' ,.../ . ORDINANCE 1:0. . JJ,~ AI: ORDIIWJCE OF TBIiJ CITY OF A.UOYO , GJWfDB FIXDTG 41fD >>BSIGJfJ.fDTG 'l'JIE fID AJlD JILAU " OR DETI:IG OF Ta CIfY conen. OF TD CITY OF ARROYO GIWJDI, .AJ:D DfBALIR ALL ODU- Al:cES II COD'LICT lI!FU1flTJI. , 1 The City Counoil of the City of Arroyo Gra... 4..s or- 1 dainas fo110wsI S.ctio. 1. The r.gulat a..ti.g of tho City C...oil .f the City of Arroyo Grande .kall ~. h.1d on the let aa' Srd Tuesday of each aonth. The hour of the a.oti.g alla11 Ite . p.a., duriag the .onths of April, )lay, Jue, J.Iy, A.,..t aad Septea- ber of eaoh'year, and at the hour of 7r30 p.a., dariat the re- mainder of the .onths. I. the .v.nt the day designated for uy ae.ting eith.r regular or sp.cial shall fall upo. a 1...1 holi- day, ..ch ...ting shall be h.1d up.. the .ext s.ooeedi.. fay whioh "'1' net b. a holiday at the .... heart".r,of. Section 2. All a..ti.gs ska1l be h.1d i. the C...oil Chaab.rs ef the City Ball i. the City of Arr~o Graj4.. Pro. vided, hewever, that for .eeti.,s of sp.oial iaporta... which caBBot b. held in the CouBcil Chaabere, the p1ac. or ..eti., ...y be chug.d UpOD a four-fifths ...jori ty of the C.uoil ntiD, .0 to do, and upon the~ beiag posted OB the doer.~.r the Co..oil Chaabers a Detie. of the time aad place of the cha.... a..t~g. See tieD S. The Ci t1' Coucil ...y froa tia. te tia. ......,. the da1'S .f the aoath upen which the r.,.lar a..ti... of the COuncil shall be h.1d. This may be accoaplish.. b1' adopti., a R..olutioD so to do b1' a rour-fifths aajority yote of tke co..~ eil. S.ction 4. All OrdiuD088 or porti... or Ord:l.aaac88 i. CODflict ber.with are to the ext..t they". i. c..fliet her.~1' ,---, r.peal.d. ~-".._---------- .'~-~--_._'---- ".' 't . r ~ - . \ J " Seotion 5. Tbis Ordinanoe sba1l _e in full force aad effect tbirt7 (30) 4a7s alter its pas...e, aa. witbia tittee. (15) days thereof it .hall .e pub1i.... oaee ia tbe Serald- Reo order , a weekly newspaper printed, published aael cire1l1ated t~ in, the eU7 of Arroyo Grande, together with tae n..... of the ...- il bers yoting there.a. &:.J,....:!~ , .e.....d by 0. ..ti.n of e.u.oi1". CouDcilman ~, , as.r.. the fo11.wi.. roll call vote, to-witt . ~~ . . VL~ .nESa aw......t'.'PAuv-~1 ~ ~ I . )lOESa ~, ABSDTt ~. j ,},~day of ~A''l , the foregoiag Ordinance was adopted the , 1954. .ayer ot the 01 tJ' ot .arr.,.. dru..e ATTESTt ~,~,J~ j / ~~___m