O 111 , ~ j # '-. . ~ , . ORD:DiAJ'CB )JO. III J.J OD:DiAJ'CB OF TBE CITY OF .....n. &~.. o.ILIFOBNI1, FIXDlG AQ,BSI\DI;IIrG ~. , ",.,1'02- .n. .DDF.iCILJr.. .1Y.CI'tY _r"''''' IfS'DIiJ1 J.'b, JUYD ,. IfBB ftUJlftM OF THE SAD. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Graade 40.. ordaia .. follows: / Definitions. Section 1. (a) Sewerage Ststea: Th..e pipe liD.. and appurtenances construoted, ..,at&in.d and , .:,. ..,.\ :~.,. operated by the City primarily for th. oelloo. tion of sewage and the conveyanc. thereof to the Sewage Plant owned and op~ated hy the Oity of Arroyo Grande. (b) The word .City. .. ..e. h.reia shall . aean the City of Arroyo Grande. (c) Premises as used herein rerers to and shall include a lot, parcel of laad, _.i14i., or estab1ishm.ent. (d) An Apartaent House is definedts _e '.., building oontainiag three or aorellveUing ..Us i with separate p1aabingfaoilities but shall ..t la_ " elude any building co..oa17 "8..". .. hotel, ..t.l or auto oourt. <e) A Rooaing Bouse is .eriDed as bei., aay building other thaD apartaent houses, aotel, hotel or autacourt, where two or aore rooa. are re.ted to others tor lo4gbg p.!'pOses 1t7 the per...la ..Jaaroatt ot suoh bui1di.,. 5eetio... Every perso. ~h..e preai... in the City are .erved by a unaeotten with the Se..rage 5,.ilt.. of the Oit,." 1if1Iereby the -.. ~ .r . . -./ , sewage or industrial waste, or either or both, are disposed of by the City, either through the facilities of the sewage treatment and sewage disposal works owned by the City of Arroyo GraDde, or other_ wise shall pay a sewer rental charg. based as fol1~ws, to-wit: (a) For each single famil~ dwelling the sum of Fifty (50~) cents per month. (b) For each single family dwelling unit in any duplex, double house or other building con- taining only two single family dwelling units the sum of Fifty (50~) oents per month, per unit. I (c) For each apartment house, or flats, the sum of thirty_five (S5~) oents per month for each apartment or unit therein. (d) For each dwelling unit in amy motel, hotel or auto court, the sum of tweot;y..tive (25~) oents per month, per unit. (e) Each club, bUilding, meeting p1aoe, business establishment, manufacturing plant, com- mercial house, industrial building or plant shall pay the following rates for each sewer conneotion, based on the amount of water oonsumption on said premises, payable monthly as follows: First 1200 cubio feet, or fraetion thereof, the sum of Fifty (50~) oents. From 1200 eubic feet to 2000 oubie feet, an additional twent;y..tive (25~) J cents and for each additional 1000 cubic feet, or fraction thereof, an additional charge of forty (40~) gents will be made. The above unit rate being ba__d on one hundred per cent of the estimated cost for sewage treatment, and dis~osa1 per X.G. . 2 _ 'II;';, \.' .~.~'" ..' .-., . ,,'{.I.\ '" ~~g:;~:. '. -, ') (' , . ' -/ . (f) For each church the sum of Fifty , (50~) cents per month. This seotion inoludes . churches only and not parsonages, which shall be paid at the regular residential rate. 1"1!>"f -1;,'1;,- (g) Eaoh sohobl shall pay a sewer rental (IS, f~_~~ fl.p;.. _~ ,s3 73"'~ 1 fee aocording to the fOllowing schedulet 'the sua ler!:J ' If ~ 5~ (J .<tJ.6.. fp ;l CJ f/ 7J. of fifty (50~) cents per month during the school term. for each 100 .a.v.r-age Daily, .Attendance or ~ ~~ ~ ~ ," 7J./f, b 7- .c I part thereof computed on the previous years .~.~3- ~ . attendance. . Section 3. The charges fixed ~y tae foregoing Sectien 2 of this Ordinance, shall be applicable enly to buildings or establish_ ments to which a sewer main is available. Section 4. The City Counoil may, fram time to time, in its discretion and by Resolution, fix, alter, ehange, amend or revise the charges and rates for facilities and services in connection with the sanitatieD,and sewerage system as herein or hereafter, established and fixed. . Section 5. It shall ~e the duty of the City Water Department of the City to oollect all charges herein provided for. SectioR 6. The charges herein fixed shall be colleoted with the charges and rates for water furnish'd by said City. The charges herein fixed shall be billed upon the same bill as ,is pre.. pared for charges for water service, and shall be billed at the same time that such charges for water services are due and payable, and shall become delinquent ten (10) days after date of mailing. The total amount due for the charges herein fixed and fer cbarges for water and disposal shall "e paid as a unit. Section 7. The City Counoi1 of the City shall have the right to require any person, liable to pay aRY charge hereiD fixed, to make a reasonable deposit with said Water DepartmeRt to insure col.. ,~~~ lection of any charge herein fixed. .. 8 _ ;-" '\ ~ . . .../ . Section 8. In the event that any person shall fail to pay any charge herein provid_dwh.a th, same bec..es due, the City, may in addition to any other remedies it has, cut off any of said services of water, and shall not resume the same until all delinquent charges together with any charges necessitated by resuaption of such services and faoi1ities have been fully paid. Failure to reoeive a bill for the sewer service d..s not relieve the CGns..er of lia_ bility. When sewerage service has been discontinued for failure of payment of a sewerage rental bill, the consumer shall pay a service charge of One ($1.00) Dollar for the reinstatement of sewerage ser. vice to him, provided, however, that such charge shall not applYlto reinstatement of sewerageservioe where the owner of the property has paid the delinquent charge and a different oensuaer is occupy. ing the property than the person who permitted the charge to be~ come delinquent. Section 9. Any amount due for sewerage rental wader this Ordinance shall be deemed a debt to the City of Arroyo Grande, and any person, firm or corporation failing, neglecting or refusing to pay said indebtedness shall be liable in an action in the name of said City in any Court of c~petent jurisdiction for t~e amount thereof. Section 10. All funds and moneys received fr~.,the collection of servioe rental charges as herein established shall be deposited with the City Treasurer of the City of Arreyo Gratide wke shall establish and mainta.in a separate fudaan4 acoount to be known as the SEWER RENTAL FIDiD. The money of such fund shall be used only for the acquisition, managemeat,operation, ..inteaanee ancireeoB- struotion of sanitary or sew~ge facilities; provici.., however, that such reve~ue shall not he used for the aequisiti8n or con_ struotion of new 100al street sewers or laterals as distinguished from main trunk, interceptor and outfall eewers. Seotion 11. If any seotion;--.uDseotion, ...hace, olall.e .. ..,,- - ,"". . (" ') .',.' 4' ~ '~ ~ . j phrase of this Ordinance is for any rea.o. he14 to be unconstitu_ tional, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Graade, her..y de_' clares that it would have passed thisOr4iDance irre'spective Gf the fact that anyone or more sections, subsec..., sent.Does, clauses i or phrases thereof be declared uncoDstitutio~kl. Section 12. This Ordinance after its passa,e and approval shall be published once in the Hera1d~ecorder, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Arroyo Gran4e, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and shall take eftect aDd be in tul1 torce aDd effect thirty (30) days from and after said passage. On motion of Councilman ~ , seoonded by CouncilllUln , ~4.~ , and OD the fo;L1ewiag roll call votel AYES I ~~ ~J ~~ V~ NOOSr ~ ~ ~. . ABSENTI &"....e..'R htA...- ~ the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this ~ day Gf~,"""c..J , 1953. Xayor of ne City at ..In'070 9raade California ATTEST r 'i t&..!~i-dJlf.{ . ~