O 086ORDINANCE NO. AN )RDINANCE OF THE cITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON AND THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON THE PUBLIC STREETS OFTHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, PROVIDING PENALTY THEREFOR AND REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY.THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF-ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. Whenever in this ordinance the follow- ing terms are used, they Shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this section: STREET. Every way set apart for public travel except alley-way~. ROADWAY. That portion of a street betwee~...the regularly estab- lished curb lines. SIDEWALK. That portion of a street between the curb lines and the adjacent property lines. INTERSECTIONS. The area embraced Within the prolongation of the property lines of two or more streets which Join at an a~§le, whether or not one such street crosses the other. · RESERVED SPACE...That space 9n a roadway, adjacent to the curb, not over twenty feet.mn length, dmrectly in froht of a hotel, theatre or taxi stand, or adjacent to the Sheriff's offiCe or Police Statmon. CROSSWALK. That portion of the raadway included within the pro- longation o~ curb and property lines at street intersections. VEHICLE. Every device or animal by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street, excepting devices moved by human power. For the purpose of this ordinance a bibycle shall be deemed a vehicle. SECTION 2. STOPPING AND STANDING PROHIBITED IN SPECIFIED PLACES. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, leave standing, permit to be stopped or permit to be left standing, such vehicle: (a) within 15 feet of an intersection; (b) within 15 feet of any fire hydrant; (c) directly in front of any building in which is housed fire fighting apparatus belonging to the City; (d) on any reserved space, except to bake on or let off passengers. (e) in an intersection; (f) in a crosswalk. SECTION ~. STANDING OR PARKING CLOSE TO CURB, DOUBLE PARKING~ RESTRICTED. The operator of a vehicle shall not stand or park such vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the curb and With the -1 - two right-hand wheels of the vehicle within one (11 foot of the regu- larly established curb line, except that upon those streets which have been marked for angle parking, as provided in this section, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks; and provided, however, that the operator of a vehicle may stop and stand such vehicle as closeto the curb line as possible for such time only, 'as may be necessary to receive or discharge passengers, or to load or unload merchandise or materials. The City Council is hereby authorized to determine by resolution upon what streets angle parking shall Be permitted and to indic~te such placesby painting lines upon the surface of the roadway to indicate the proper angle for parking. SECTION 4- PARKING TI~ LIEITED. Except on Sundays and Holidays, the operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle for a Period of time longer than 60 consecutive minutes on any of the followingnamed streets, between'the hours of 9 A.M. and 6 P.E. Such streets are as follows, to-wit: Branch Street from the Methodist Episcopal Church to Mason Street. Bridge Street from Branch Street to the Steel Bridge. SECTION 4a. The Cit~ Council may, from time to time,, limit or restrict the length of ~ime for which vehicles may be parked upon any streets within the 6ity of Arroyo Grande. Such limitations or restrictions may be effectuated by resolution of the City Council specifying the streets and the limitations and restrictions On park- ing thereon. SECTION ~. CROSSWALKS ESTABLISHED. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and required to establish and maintain upon the surface of the roadway, by appropriate devices, marks or lines, prosswalks approximately equal in width to t he adjacent sidewalk at all intersections where, in his opinion, there is particular danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway. ~ '~ SECTION 6. LOCATION OF RESERVED SPACES. The Council shall determine the location of all reserved spaces. No such reserved spaces s hall be marked as such without the Council passing a resolu- tion specifically designating th& space to be so reserved. Suc~ markings as shall be used to indicate reserved spaces shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 47Z of tko California Vehicle Code. SECTION 7. Marks shall be placed on curbs to indicate the various types of local parking regulations, provided that such marks shall be placed on curbs only by o~ under t~e direction of an o~ficial pro- perly designated by the Cmty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. SECTION S. DISPLAY OF UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS'PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or maintain or to display any device or mahk or sign, other than an official warning or direction signal erected under competent ~uthor~ty, upon or in view of a street, which purports to be, or is an imitation of, or resembles, an officzal warning or direction sign or signal, or~hich attempts to direct or control the movement of traffic, or the parking of vehicles, or the actions of operators, and anyChiefprohibitedsuch device or sign shall be a publi~ nuisance, and the of POlice may remove it, or cause it to be removed, without notice. SECTION 9. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $50.00 or imprisoned a~ a rate not to exceed one day for every Two Dollars of the fine. - 2 - SECTION 10, LEGALITY. If any section, sub-section~ sentence, clau~e or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason~A~[to be illegal and invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions cf t his ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and every par~ thereof irrespective of the fact Shat any one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declargd illegal or invalid. SECTION 11. REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ~RDINANCES. All ordinances or laws,or portions thereof, heretofore passed by the C~ty~ Council of the City of Arroyo. Grande, inconsistent with the fo~eg0ing ordinance, shall be and the same are herewith repealed to the~Xtent that they conflict with or are inconsistent with the provisions Of this ordinance. SECTION 12. PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage and shall be published once in the Herald-Recorder, a weekly newspaper circulated in ~he City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obzspo, State of Calif- ornia, within fifteen (15) days after the date of its passage. On motion of Councilman ~C~JJ , seconded by Council- man . ~ , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: NOES: ~ ABSENT: ~ the foregoing Ordinance was adopted. Mayor Czty Clerk, City of Arro~ Grande, County 1of San Luis~ Obispo, Sta~e of California. (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) : SS. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) I, ~.~.~, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obisp~o, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. ~ is a full, true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of the ~i~y of Arroyo Grande, a~ a regular meeting held on the ~-~.~ day of~,194 WIT~ESS my h~and seal of'the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this~., day of Ja~vma~i 19~7. Arroyo Grande.