O 083lng fee shall not be require C for: 1. Buildings or structures whose total vaulation is less than $5000.00 · 2. Buildings of stud bear- ~r~ wall construction with no. noor or roo~ sv~n l_n,exce~ twenty-tour feet (i~).. s. Alteratiorui and repairs STRUCTION, ENLARGE.~THEREFOR; PROVIDING MENT, ALT E R A TI 0 N, PENALTIES FOR- ¥I0: REPAIR, MOVING, RE-iLATION TgEREOF; AND MOVAL, DEMOLITION, iREPEALING ORDI~ CON V E R S I ON, 0CCU- NANCES · NOS. 47, 69, '~ LEGA~ ADVERTISING OrJ;n~no~ N~ ~3 ~ P A N C Y, EQUW~NT~ . . ~' .'USE, HEIGHT, ~ /new series) AND MA~NANCE. OF AN O~INANCE OF ~ B~GS OR .S~U~ C~ OF A~0YO~RAN-i~S IN'~ CI~ OF D~ ~R~I~G ~ O~-~Y0 ~B~, PRO- ol a non-~o~l n~.' ~ ~ON, ~N-CO~0N 0~ ~8oln~ ~ m~ ~u~ o~ m~ lu~on of '~e~ City Councu. ~ ~ON 5. ~e ~ty ~ may at ~y ~e, ~u~ ~d' p~e"~ e~e of apY oth~ of~ of ~e ~ty, ~e f~cUo~ land du~ - o~ t~e Sulldlng Inspector. SECTION .6. Ordh~ancea No~. i~/, ~ ~ ~d ~ ~d ~I o~r x~ances or p~ of 0~' n~c~ of' ~e ~ty of O~de ~ ~ffi~ ~ ~ or- ~nce m hereby ~me~ , ~ ~ke effect ~.n~ ~ ~ ''~ I fore ~d~ e~t~ ~Y ~ ~au~' I ~to~ me ~ of (15) ~s at~r':i~ ~e) ~,of' ~e ~s ~o~ e~t on~ m ~e ~o O~de )f ~ene~ ~on,'pu~- On_-mot~ of ~Fder, ~, ~er~ '.~un~e. NO~F None. the' for~ Or~ Is hereby aS~. p~i~ ' - Mayor · t~t: ~s. E~a ~ ~flling ' Clerk City ~erk State of C~ifor~a, ~unty of ~-L~ ~,~ City of ~o O~de, -i' L ~s. ~a M. ~g, ~ tY Clerk of ~e ~ of Grande, California, and ex-of-: flcio Clerk of ~e B~ of' ~uncflmen, ~ ~Y CER- ~ ~t ~e forego~g ~di-. n~ No. ~ ~ d~y ~d reg- ut~ly int~uced at a reg~ meet~g ther~f held on the 21st day of Au~st, 1~; and ~t said. ord~ee ~s d~y and re~]arly adopted at a 'regular meetine ~ld on the '4th day of ~p~mber, ~6. I fu~her ce~lfy ~at ~d O~ance No. ~ w~ du~ pub- ~l~hed ~ accor~ce ~ ~w t~d order of ~e ~ard of Counc~en in the Hemld-~- ~er, a .newspa~rpfln~d ~d ~ub~ed in said City, ~n entire e~tion and ~ue of ~pt. WI~*~ ~ h~d d ~he ~1 of ~h~ el~ o~ ~o of ~royo Or~de Sta~ of C~fforn~ ~Pub. Herald-~rder ~t. 13, Friday, the ...... Friday, the ...... Friday, t~:~ Frid~he ...... l~i~ay, the ...... that said notice ~ issue of said news cation ·aforesaid; newspaper proper, Subscribed day of ...... ~ T~ ~ ~ AD~V~I~r ~g; ~, d~o-] ~" · ~ ~AA V~ ~v~illti0n,' ~nve~on~ ~c .G~NDE IN CONFM~ ~l~c~e, ~t, ~~ ~ ~, ,~, ,~___ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~o~ae; D~for~ , ~ · e~h ~d ~ of the ~tions, { IF ' ~c~on 1. The offl~ of E pmv~ons ~n~, conffi~ns~ O~N~, ~ ~r of ~e~ ol ~d ~ms of' sad "Unifom~ ~ ~. , ' [~yo G~de ~ he~ c~ ~ C~e, 1~ ~on,,'[ .... ~d the B~I~ ~p~h a~ h~y ~fe~ed ~, a~p~d~lS ~D1Sp0 J ~by au~o~ ~d ~, ~d ~de a ~ her~f ~ if ' ~ a~mt~r ~d ~o~e.I I~F set out ~ ~ o~; ~ ~, .~ ........ m~ ~o~ of ~t ~ p~lons ~ ~e~ w. O1'~'I'~E, Ol smd County, being f~st ~af~r ~f~ ~[1ON 3. ~on ~ of~Se~ and ~y~: ~ f~.: ~d the foHo~[a ~s, over the age of elgh~en years, and ~e ~d r~ne of ~'~d Count" --~ .......... ~on 3~ of:~d Bufl~ ~e_ y, ~.u w~s a~ ana aunng all said ~ here~ ~tu~d ~ ~e mcr and Pnn~r of ~d.~d of ~t ~ ~ ~c~on-.; 3~ of ~d "Umfom THE HERALD-RECORDER ~g ~e" . . (~) ~fore a b~g ~$t general ~lation n~nt~ and ue a ~t fee ~ef0r t f ~ 'be ~d m me Bu~ Y O A~0 ~mnae, in sam ~ounty of of ~flc~ ~ ~ ~e City ~erk date of Cahfo~la; that the ~d H~RALD- ~e b~d-setthe fo~h~tY ~°f ~ble~WY°No.O~de3-A. ~ ind was at ail times herein mentioned, ~ new~- T~ ~O.3-~ ~B~.~mO v~ ~S I circulation n~ th~ t.~ ~. ~.~ ~'~'~an $20.'~5'~''~'' ;~'~ - so f'~ Political ~ode. an~, as oro~d~ by ~id sec-. ~0 ~ ~ '~d ~clud~ $1~ ~ 1 ~ for t ' ' · - ; ~ ~ w ' ~d ~- "~ oo ~'oo~ he d~emmat~on of local and t~l,~aph~c ~ m~ ~.~, w ~d mc~u~mg $x~0.00 . · . ~.00~ence o~ general character, ha~ng a bona fide Each adffi~on~ $I~.~ 'or f~uon, . 'Of ~ n ' · - [ ~ '-~', ~'-* *'~ ~ ~ ~ 0. p ~ g sub,ribes, and ~s not devoted to Each addi~,~.~;o~-~o'~; .... , publish~ for the enterta{nment or instmc- ~ ~d'~u~g $~,~ - ' $1°°mlar I ' ' ..... ~ .d~{+t~..l *1~ ' f ' C ass, prole~lon, craae, ~lllng, ~ce or - ex~ .~,~,~ .. $0.~ for the ente~nment and inst~ction of any ~t M r~ed. ~ ~ .~e ~T S~S ,~classes, p~fe~on~f .t~des, ~llm~, races or ~.F~.,~f~e%~ ~S ~ ~K~O ~ that at all ~ld t~mes ~id newsuau~r had ........... me~'~ .- y ~-'~',-~ ~'~-~ ' wn.~ ~ ~o~'a ~,ned, p~n~d and published in the sa~d Cit of ~ ~o~ble~ b~ ~! ~m~t oim ~ ~ ~c. ~nde, in said County and S~, at ~lar inte~als nevF ~ ~ f~ I~ ,re ~an one ~r pr~eamg the xl~t pubhcat~on of the comvl~m~ wl~h. t~e .~e~e- ~'~e~ ~e hereto ment~o~d; tMt ~id notice, of wh;ch a .tree cu~on of ~e work nor from prat ~cu~PY lS ner?o atmcnem was pnnted and pubhshed in said ~e~er ~n~ti~ prescrl~ ~n ~pl~ newspaper m its isles da~ ~ foll~s: On (b) Before O~s and s~Hl- Ove~e~ S~phe- F~day, the._..~}.~.~ay of ..... .~!~.~z:hc~ ....... , 194...~. cations are .accepted for check- lng, a plan-checking fee in ad- dition to the building 'permit fee shall be paid to the Build- lng Official or the Ci~ Clerk bf the City of Arroyo~ Grande. The plan-checkir~ fee shall be one-half the building permit fee. EXCEPTION: A plan-check- t _ lng fee shall not be required for: 1. Buildings ..or structuresr whose total vaulation is less, 2. Buildings of stud bear- ir~ wall construction with no[ floor or roof span in excess twenty-four feet ¢24'). s. Alterations and .repairs of a non-structural nattire.' SECTION 4. The Building In- )ector shall be appointed by the City Council and.sh~l! hold ~'offlce at the pleasure of the City .Council. The. Building In- specter =h~l~ receive such sals~ as may be determined by reeo-~. lution of 'the: City council. ' SECTION 5. The City Council may at any time, consolichtte and place~in cha~e of any other official of the City, the functions ,and duties of. the Building Inspector. SE~/'ION 6. Ordtdances Nee. ~?, 69, ~3 and '/? and all other ordinances or parts of ordl- oance~ of the City of A~royo Grande in conflict with tiffs or- dinanee are hereby repealed. ~ECTION ~. Th~ ~ ordinance sh~l! take effect~nd be h~'full force and' effedt'~.; thirty :' (30) days after its final passage a~nd before the exPir~.~on of ~(15) days after its passage: it shall be l~ublished with ~he name~,of ~:the members for and ~ aRainst the · same .~at least once in the Arroyo Oraqde lter~J.d-R~,~rder,, a .n~l~:~r ~ On motion of? Coan~Jin~mlt ~.nny~.r, ~.lld on the followhl~}{ 60~r*' t~ p~ Friday, the ................ day of ............... .t.,.. ........... ,194 ...... Friday, the ................ day of ...... _/ .................... , 194 / Friday, the ................ day of~.... ............................ , 194 ...... l~riday, the .......... ------~f .................................. , 194 ...... Friday, the.~.....day of .................................... , 194 ...... Friday//~e.. .............. day of ................................ , 194 ...... Fri~ ........ :..day Of ..................................... 194 ...... that said notice w~s published in every, regular and entire issue of said newspaper during the period and. time of publi- cation aforesaid; and that said notice was published in said newspaper proper, d not' in a supple t thereto. ~ er and Printer, uh It d- s.o? he,ore this ............... .... day of ...... ~.-..., 194./~.. tary Public in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of CaUfornia. My Commission ~plres July 18, 195D