O 082ORD'IHAN~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND b~E~TING A P?,&WNIN~ CO~SSION I~OR THE 6'/TY OF ARROYO GRANI~ BE IT ~DAINED by the Council of ~he Oity of Arroyo Grande as follows: S~ION 1. A ~y ~l~ Cohesion in ~d for ~he 0it~ of ~oyo Grade, is- hereby establie~d ~d by au~ho~ty of ~ap~er 818, S~a~tes of 1929, State of Oalif- o~ia, as ~ended. S~ION 2. The Oi~y ~[ng Co~ission ~all oonsis~ of nine members; six ~mbers ~o be ap~Ln%e~ approval of said Co.oil, one mem~r hiB ~esi~a~ed depu~7~ one ~mber ~o ~ ~he Ol~y A~t~ey, ~ one ~ber to ~ selected f~m t~ ~y ~il. laet refaced to s~ll be ex-offio~e S~ON $. The City ~ ~eion s~ll ~ a~inted md said Coniston md all ~he ~m~re p~ers ~d ~ties pro~ded for ~ ~p~er 5~, .~a of 1~29, ~d ~end~en~s thereto or o~her sta~es ~ ~ ~t~e ~f ~ifo~ia. ~ S~ION 4. T~s ord~oe, toge~er ~ ~ ~es ~d noes shall be ~blis~d witch ~a~s after ~royo Grade Herald Recorder, a weekly newspaper ~ted ~d pub- lished in the City of ~royo Grade, ~ty of ~ ~ 0~$o, Sta~e of Califo~ia, ~d said or~ ~11 t~e effect ~d ~ in force 30 ~ys after its ~al pass~e. State of Califo~nia. County of San L~_is O. bispo~ City of A~oyo u~anae~ ~ ~y of June,194~, ~d +~-* ---- .... ~ th~o~ held on the adopted a't ~ re~l~ m~' -~u ~n~oe ~s ~ a~ ~e~l~ff ti~ held on ~e 19~ d~ of ~ne~lg~ ~aeco~,a news~-e~ ..~..~i ~ ~ ~r.~P~x~ In the enti~e ~ion a~ issu~;~off ~'~.lo~A~°~snea In .Id Ci~,in its ; e seai of the Ci~ of ~oyo ~de, t~a 26ths~ of June,1946 fseal) ~rando~State of CaliforvLta ~ Ord ee No. $2 ~0 ~ON ~ ~ ~ OF ~0 .O~E' .BE ~ O~ ~ the Co~ of ~e Cit~ of ~r~o ~mn~ ~ To~S: ~ON ~. A Clt~ P~ ~mm~ ~ ~nd ~o~ ~e C~ ~b~hed an~ c~ and b~ ~u~tY of ~pte~ ~8, S~tu~ o~ ~9, 5~ C~o~l~, ~ ~mended: of n~e members; ~ ~ ~ ap~ln~d by ~e M~or, with ~e ~pp~.of.~i~ cll, one me~ber ~ ~ ~e ~neer or h~ des~d de- Du~, ~e mem~r ~ .be ~e C~t~ At~, add one mem~ ~ be sel~d f~m ~e Counc~. ~ ~ m~r~ re[erred ~ ~ ~ members. ~ON ~. ~e City P~- and ~1 the mem~r~ ~al] have ~e ~ers and duties n~vid~ for ~ ~pter ~, ~i~{~s of 1919, and amen~- ~-~rere~ or other s~tu~s ~-the S~ oI C~o~a. ~ge~er ~th ~e ayes ~t_ ~ be pub~ed ~mm days' after l~ i~l p~sage corder, a weekly new~P .~.~ ~nd pub~h~d ~ t~ s~ ~ke eff~t ~nd ~e. On m~tton ol - ' se~nded ~ ~unc~lm~ ~der, ~d on the ~ c~ v~: ~yder, ~Y, ~g ' NO~: None. ~,. la t h · for~o~g' he. by ~dop~d. H. E. p~ps ~yor At.st: Mrs. E~ M. Clerk Ci~ Clerk s~te of C~fo~la, Co~ of Ssn L~ ~, City of Arroyo omnde, I, ~s. ~n~ M. ~lBing, City Grande, CsBfo~ia, ~d flcio Clerk of the Board of Counc~men, ~ ~Y ~ t~t ~e for~O~ Orm- nande No. ~ W~ duly ~d reg- . u~rly ln~uced, at a rear meeting ther~f held on the 5th day of J~e, 1~6; snd said or~nce w~ duly re~larly ~dopted at a regm~ meet~g held on ~e 19~ day of J~e, 1~6. I further ce~ifY ~st said O~ce No. ~ w~ d~Y pub- l~ed in sc~r~nce ~ lsw snd orde= of-the B~rd of Counc~en ~ ~e Her~d-~- ~rder, a newsier Drln~d and publ~hed In s~ .~ty, 28. 1~6. ' Wl~ my hand an~ the seal of the City of ~oyo o~nde, th~ ~6~ dsY of J~e, 19~. ~s. Edns M. ~ling City Clerk of ~e City 8~te of C~lfo~ ~b. Her~d-~order ~une 28, 19~.