O 048 ....-.... .. rIo..... .. 11.,' ~>.. ,.,t .....' ., .".. , . OHDDfAIOE NO. 48. AN ORDIllAllCE OF THE CITY OF A~ROYO ~AIDJ: RJ:GULATDfG = BtJSIRESS OJ' SELLIIG , SERVING, FURlfISliIIG OR GIVIIG J{f, t TO OTHERS VINOUS, 1fUT OR SPIRITOUS ....IIIJ.'OXIOA'l'IIG BEVERAGES CONTAI1rIIm 1fatlE THAlrORE-IU.Lr 0'1' on PER 0D'1' OJ' ALOOHOL BY VOLTJJIE AID lOT 1fO'RE'l'BAlr '1'BR1I:E AID ft~'l'UTBS PER CEll! OF A~OHOL BY BlaBT; PROVIDING AID ESTABLISHIIIG LICElfSJ: RES !'OR Tn SALE OJ' StJOB BEVERAGES. AID'OR TiE ISStJAlOE AID REVOCATIOJl OJ' LICJ:ISES: PRESaAIBING PDAJi'1'IES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH QRDDAICE:" AID DEOLARIIIG SUOH OR'OIJlARCE '1'0 BE AN EIlE'RGDOT IlU.StJREI , The city couull of the Oity of Arroyo Grande, do ordain as fal10nt SECTION 1.. Ths term be..,erages as used in this Ordinanoe means beer; Lager beer. ale, port w121e, similar fermented. malt or the ..,inuous liq,uor, and fruit juice, oonta1211n& a.e than one-balf of one per oent ot alcohel by ..,el.e and net more than three" and two-tenths per cent of aloohol by "'i&h~. SEOTIn 3. No person, firm. a..o:oiation club or oorp- oration with121 the City of Arroyo Grude. shall sell, .."e gi..,e away barter or furnish to other. aDf be..,erage without first ha..,int:secured a li~enae so to do from s&14 Oityas in this Ord ance pro..,~e . SEOTIO>>1 3. r..,ery perscn, firm uscc~t1O'n olub ar oorporation desiring to ...11, .er..,., gi..,e away barter or furnish any be..,.nge to' othue, shall tile an appl1cation for a license with the tlity Clerk" which appl1caUclII chall be in' writing upcn a form furnished. and ap~OTed " the a1.ty CO'uncil, said application shall conta the Dame and address of the applicaD!t, a statement as to' whether or not the applicant, if other than a olub a.scoiation or corpo- raUO'a i. a oitizen cf the united. State." and m the cue g:t;t of a club, uscoiaUon or oorporation a statement' 11..,- the name. and the ciUzenship of the pr1210ipal O'ff oer. cf the same and the length of tble during Which such olub" ..sooisrtlon or oO'rporation hae bND erganbed. . I Said appl1cat iOJr> shall further ehow the place where the ~U applicant intends to' oarry on the busine.. of ...lUac,. SerTing, giT121g aW81, bartertng or furnishing such be..,er- ages and Whether the applicant desues an.onsale" or "off sale. license. SEOTIOlri 4. kny license granted. UDder thu Ord:bwxoe shall at all t:lmes be reyooable by the City Counou. and shall be reTOked When..,er it appears to the aounoU, after a hearill at which the holder cf .dd 110ense shall be eDJtitled to be heard, that the holder of suoh lioense 1. not a f1t~ to' oonduot thebusiness of .ellmg,. gi..,ing aft1. barcam:Lq . or furnishing bnerages1 or that the place Where .uch budne. i. conducted. is not a t t and. proper plaoe tor such bUllines., or that said bueiness 18 not being. oMducted. m an crderly manner, 0'1' that the holderot such lioense has ..,iolated any ot the proTO.4ons ,at thu Ordmance, or any other law or Ordmane whether rederal State or ~uniolpaJ. SEOTIOW S. All holders of licenses iasued under this Ordmance shall be eubjeot to euch rule. and regulat1cas as may be adO'pted f~CIIII t:lme to t:lme by RescluUO'n of sa~ city CO\ll1'Ol1. . SEOTIOJl> S. }fo L10enee 1eaued under thl8 OrdmuoB shall be transferable" ~less the traneferee shall make applioat1oD to the City OOU11Ctll m. the eame JDa1U1el' ad eubjeot. to the saDIe conditions aa an original applicatio~ , t ~.. I - O'RDIlfANCE nj. 48 Continued. SECTIOI ? X separate 110ense shall be applied for and a separate license fee paid for each branch establishment or separate plaoe of business. SEOTIOJJ a. The lioense t#ssued under the terms of this Ordinanoe shall be of the types as fo1l:ows1 r. 'Wholesale Off Sale Lioense'which shall be alioense iesued to any person, firm or oorp~ration, Who ..11. euch beverages to SOlllll other person, firm or oorporation fOl'lawful resale, and Who does not ~ell such beverages for oomnaption on the premises where 801. 3. ''RetailOff Sale Lioenses' which shall be a licen.e 1eeued to any person, firm or oorporation, Who .ell. such beftraaes at retail in .sealed, oorked, or oapped oontamere for ocmeUlllp - tion by the purchuer off the premises where sold. - 3. On Sale License- which shall be a 110ense issued to any person, firm or corporation operatinf a Botel, lIe.taI'UIt, Cafe, Grill, Fountain Lunch, Oafater a, Lunch stud, Lunch Room or soft drink busine.., and whosell. such beftraps for oonsumption by the purchaser on the premis.. Whlll'e sold. 4. 'Club On Sale Lioens.' Whioh shall be a license ieeued to a duly moorporated Club, which sel],s such beveragee for consumption. by the purchaser where sold.. SEC'1'1OI $. 'The lioense fee to be paid for such lioense ehall be as fcrUon: 1I'IIr a 'Wholesale Off Sale Lioense.,> the eUIII of Three dollars per quarter year in advanee. For a 'Retail Off Sale L1oense" the SUIII of three dollars per quarter year in advanoe. For an -On Sale License' the Ium of five dollars per quarter year in advance. For a Club 'On Sale License" the sum of Five dollars per quarter year in adV8Dae. SEO'1'IOI') 10. No license ehall be iesued, exoept upon a payment of a full quarterly 110ense fee Whether such license is issued at the beginning of a quarter or not. i SEOTIOll 11. NO lioenee under this Ord1Danoe shall be 1eeued to aD}' private hCllle or dwelling house, but euch 11oen.. shall be 1esued only to bonafide publio plaoes of business or duly inoorporated Club'. SEOTIOIl 13. ~ll .On Sale Licenses. shall entitle the holder thereof, to sell and furnish beverafes for ocmeumpticm off the premises whsre sold without add tional 11canse. SEO'1'101l: 13. Nothing in th1e Ordinanoe oonta1De4 IIhall prahib1t the serving or furnishing of beverages by any person at hishollle to mellllbere of hi. famil1y or to his guests as an aot of hospitali~, when no money or thing of value 18 received in pa1lllent therefor, and whensdd hOllle ill Dot a place of publ10 resor~. - --.--- - -~-_._- '., . ORDINANCE No. 48, oontinued. . SEO'l'ICII! 1.&. bJ,y pereon, firm, corporation, auociation or Club violating any of the provis1one of th1e Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a llisdelllelUl.ol', and upon conviotion thereof shall be puniehable by a fine not less than ten dollu8, noe more than three hundred dollare, or by imprisonment in the County ja11 for a puiod of not more than J:inety days, or by both suob fine and 1!IIprlaoDlllent. SECTIOJ; 15. The C'1ty 01erk 18 hereby directed to cauee th1e Ordinance to be pubUlhed onoe in the Herald-Recorder, a DeWe paper, printed and pubUshed in" the City of AuO'fo Granch, and of general oirculation theretri. . This Ordinanoe ehall take effeot and be in foroe th irty days after final passage, and approval. Introduoed, passed and adopted " the City Counoil of the City of Arroyo Grande, at a regular llleetmg thereof held on the 7th, da:y of June, 1955-. By the following vote. Ayes, CounoilJllen, Hoee, Couno1lJ11en, Absent ,. Oouno:1lJ11en,. Prennted' to:,and approved by me this 7th, da:y of June, 1953. } w ~w:/;or:, Mayor or tne C1ty or Arroyo Granc!e. A:ttest, Clerk or tne cIty of Arroyo Gr&Ddli.