O 047 :r. ~ i' - -;...,,..~~ . ~ .. ,',.,' --.:- 1'_ ~.,,~ . :',- , ORDIlfAlfOE so. 4'f \ \ . AN ORDIB:ABCE. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRABDE, 1U:GULATIIG THE EREOTIOI,. COBSTRUOTION, ALTERATIOII, REPAIR, .onlG, DEKOLITIOI' OF :BtJILDIIGS" THE REPAIR ALTERA'l'IOI 00 BtmoDDG 0]1'" SIDnAI.1CS OR S'l'RD'l'S IlIJ THE OITY OJ' A'RROTO CJRAJIH.., AID PROVIDUGJ'O'R 'mE ISSU11'C1 or PIRIrI'l'S AID OOJ.1ZC'1'I.S 01' nzs. THJm:1I'OR~ .AlII) PROVIDIlrG PlRL'l'IES J'OO 'l'SE nOnA'l'Ia THEREOJ!.. .. The City Couacil of the City of ArroYffJ GraDde do ordain as fOl1!en; SEOTIOlf 1. It shall be urdaw1'ul for anr persOD~ firm or c011)oration, to c8lllienoe the ereotion of anybuildiDg. sidewalk or street improvement, remove, tear down, ~ltsr or .eplaoe anv building in the 01ty of Arroyo Granctle, without first applying to the City OOUDc11 for a permit therefor. SEOTIOJ;i 3. Every person!. 1'11'D1 or oorporation, applymg for a permit UDder seotion , of th 18 Ordinanoe muet first present to the City Counoil a descn'i~t1ODof the property CD which the said improvement is to be . ooated, desoribing the same by Lot and ~lock, and Subdivl8ioa, 01' some other method Whereby the. Ocnmcil may dstermine the looatiom of the improvement" they must also present the pl&D8 aDd apeoit1oaUo iOD of the 1mprovem~t , together with the approximate ooat of sams when oomplete . SEOTIOIfi 3. Every person, firm or corporation1, dPS1;'inJ ~obu4l~iDgtpe1'Dlit under this OrdtDance shall at the t1ae 0 filing an. application therefor, pay to the acting building iD1lpector, . , , fora value of '5d.. 00 01'1.... no fee, . fora value of .from 15d..OO to tlOOo.OOpay a fee of .a.OO . and of additicmal fee of ,Ii.oo for eaGh add.1ticmal '10 00; Provjded that the Oity of ArroyO' GraDde, the CoUDlty of San Luis Obispo, the State of Oalifornia, or the United States of Amedoa, shall be exempt frOll~the payment of any fees for building permit.. The person aotiag as building Inspeotor, shall keep a permant aDd aoourate aocoUDt of all fees oolleoted or reoeived under this OrdtDanoe, and ehall p~ the aae to the Oity Clerlt WhO'shall deposit eame in the General funds of the C1ti. . SEOTIA 5. a1Jnd1'01'Dl Building mKle 1930 Eddit10n prepared by pao11'1o Coast BUilding Offioials Oonferenoea" 18 hereby aooepted as the ofUoial guide by the Oity Counoil" as the standar~ of buildiDgs aDd materials that may be used in this CU. . SEOTIOIJ 6. Any Person firm or oorporation violating &DJ of the provisiODs of this Ordinanoe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oCDviotiOJl! thereof, shall be punished by a fine of '600.00 or impri.sODllent in the County JaiD for a te1'Dl of siX Konths, or by such fine and imprisoDlllemtl. SEOTIOlI t./The City Clerk 18 hereby direoted to cause this Ordinance to be . published cm:oe in the Herald- Reoordsr, a newspaper printed and published intheJ:ty of Arroyo Grande, and of geD1lral oirculation there ~. ,. " . ~L~_',,;_ ,~,-,-.,- ~I,. ' !'''<.. J" . dn . ...", , -------- .. <"~f ~ --.. r f ! SEOTIOI S. This Ordinanoe ehall take effect and be 1m foro.om the,thinywfirst day after 1tsfinal pa88age and approval. IJ1'!troduced passed aDd adopted by the 0ity Councl1. of t~ city of Arroyo GraDfe at ,a regular meeting thereof,. held on the 7:th, day of June 1933. by thefol1Ori1tg Tote: . Ayea, Counc1lmen m:n.s, .. Abent, . , ., Pre:Jtted to ami approved >>y .e 'this 11th" day of June" 193 .. , J tAr ~ I Kayor or the c:Cty olur010 Grande, AUest, C1ty . Clert. , I , '. , .'