O 041 ., '01rlmUNCE No.41. - AN OtmINANCE -OF THE CITY OF ARROYO: GRANDE" PROVIDIltG FOI THE NUJlBERIltG OF HOUSES BUILDINGS AVD LOTS FROI'TING 01'- STHIETS AJrn OTHER PUBLIC"THOROUGaFARES'nr THE' CITY OF ARROYO GRANDI" CALIJI\oo orn1~) AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE nOLATION' THEREOF. The CUy Council of the City of Arroyo Grande" do ordain u foU en; SEOTIm. .fll hou.ea, building. and lota fronting on street. and ot.her thorough1'aru,. .hall be lNIDber.d in the fol1_1ng mann.r. a.ginrinC: Branch Str..t Which shall b. us.d the .t.rtU1g place for numb.r both E..t and We.t th.refrom, aDd beg~ at 'eTidge Street Which .hall be us.d for the .t.rtilrg Jll.oe for numbering both North and south th.refrom~ and .llowing ..oh Lot to b. t".nty-t'iTe fe.t, fronting on .ach blook shall be entitled to one odd or .yen) bUJllber Wh:l.oh.ver the oa.e may be. building. and Lote shall b. numb.r.d oo~eoutiY.ly, eyen number., plao.d on the dght hand aide of the Str..t "hem faohg in the IibecUoD'! in "hich the numb.ring Ihall progre.., and odd nuabeu sh.ll b. plaoed on the left hand aide of the stre.t in Wh 1e1l the :r.wmbeu progr.... The firetnumber at the .tarting p46nt sh.lr be on. (100) hunared. SECTIOlt 2. The figure. to be used sh.ll be lIiokel plat.d or allum1D.um) and sh.ll be .t leut t~l'ee 1n:ohs. high, proyid.d that "h.re tnlJIIber. are painted on "incto". or other pan. of buli2ne.~uhous.. the .ame shall be de.med as .utttoient. SEC'l'IOI' 3. Th. Stre.t Superint.nd.rot .hall haT. charge ot the matter of numbering hou... and lota, and shall upOD! request gin any property owner or oocupant of any house or bulld1D>g the number of hie premb.., and it .hall b. his duty to notify houuholder. and other. to plaoe. proper number. Wher. requ1r.d, Said notic. shall .tate the number r.quired, and upon the f.i1ure of the oocupant .0 to do h. may cauee the lame to b. done at the exp.n.. of the p."on or p.rsons notified, whioh eXp~e .hall be oolleot.d from the p.rlon liable th.r.for. ~ per. on failing to plaoe a number within ten days aft.r being notified .0 to do" shall .110 be guilty of miedsmeaDOl' and sh.ll be pUDdabed by a tin. ot not more than fifty dollar.. SECTIOR;' -'. Thi. Ordinano. .h.ll be publieked ODce in the H.rald-Reoorder. a n."'paper publ:l..hed and pr1nted in the City of Arroyo Grande " and sh.ll take .tf.ct and be in foroe 1mm.d1.- eley upon the .xpir.UOJ11 of thirty day. .tter ita pa..ag. and approyal. I h.r.by oertify that the tor. going Ordtaano. "a, duly p....d and adopted by the Couno11 of the C1t~ Arroyo GrQde, at a r.gular me.tinlg thereot held on the ~ d.y of Janlla1'1, 19&2. by the following yote, Ayes, Counoilmen" conrad, Gibson. Moor. and Poole, Noe.. Councilmen" Non. , Ab.ent" Counoilmen. Morgan. D WITBES! WHEREOF, I have her.unto set my hand and ..ffix.d the Corporate ...1 ,of the City of Arroyo Grande. thb 30th day. January) 933. ~ ~ ( , cau ot e y 0 1'1'0yo ~-;mm. ' , . App' M.yor. '. .--~-'--- ------- -~--