O 035 , , ~ . ( Eii ,. f .f...A.., , ,~. 1\ .- ' I . . I I . , . :' , \.... ,. '. ORDINANCE NO. 36" . - ' . AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL EL';;QTION IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION OF INCUPJUNG A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMP:yETION OF THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT OF SAID CITY, TO WIT: A WATER WORKS SYSTEM, INCLUDING LANDS, WATER, WATER RIGHTS, RIGHTS , . OF WAY, PUMPS, PUMPING PLANTS, RESERVOIRS, STORAGE FACILITIES, PIPE LINES, MAINS, HYDRANTS AND OTHER WORKS, PROPERTIES AND APPLIANCES NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT. FUR SUPPLYING SAID CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS WITH WATER; IECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT, THE AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTED- NESS TO BE INCURRED THEREFOR, AND THE RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID TKEREON; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID ELECTION, THE MANNER OF HOLDING TKE SAME, ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION AND APPOINTING BOARDS OF ELECTION THEREFOR, ;.lID PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. ------ WHEREAS, the council of the City ,of Arroyo Grande by resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 17th day of February, 1929, by affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of all of its members, did determine that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition, construction and completion of the municipal improvement hereinafter mentioned and did further determine the cost of said proposed municipal improve- ment will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenUe of said municipality, which resolution was duly entered on the minutes of said meeting of said Council, and is now on file and of record in the city Clerk's office of said city, -1- NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. That a special municipal election be and is hereby ordered and will be held in said City or Arroyo Grande on Monday , the 1 Rt." J day of March ,1929, - at which election shall be submitted to the qualified voters or said city the proposition or incurring indebtedness or said city in the principal sum of $60,000, for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing said municipal improve- ment in said City of Arroyo Grande, to wit: A water works system, including lands, water, water rights, rights of way, pumps, pumping plants, reservoirs, storage facilities, pipe lines, mains, hydrants and other works, properties and appliances necessary or convenient for supplying said city and its inhabitants with water. That the estimated cost of said proposed municipal improvement is the sum of $60,000, and the amount of the principal of said indebtedness proposed to be incurred for said municipal improvement is the sum of $60,000.. Section 2. That the said Council proposes to issue and sell bonds of said City of Arroyo Grande in the said amount of $60,000 for the object and purpose specified in the ssid proposition set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance, if two-thirds of the qualified voters voting at said special election shall vote in favor of said proposition. Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and of the character known as serial, and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-quarter (5-1/4> per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Section 3. The said Council does hereby submit to the qualified voters of said City of Arroyo Grande at said special muni- cipal election the said proposition set forth in Section 1 of this -2- ----_..,._,---- --~-_.._- 'ordin(;.nce, and desiJm~tes and refers to said propos i tion in the form of ballot hereina.fter prescribed for uS.e at sD.id election. Section 4. The polls at the polling places hereinafte.r des icnated shall be opened a ts ix 0 'clock in tlle morninG of said day of election and shall be kept open continuously thereafter until seven o'clock in the evening of said day of election, when the polls shall be closed (except as provided in Section 1164 of the Political Code), and the election officers shall there- upon proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat. Section 5. Said special election shall be held and conducted, and the vote s the.reof canvassed, and tl,e re turns the re of made, and the result thereof a.scertained and determined as herein provided; and in all particulE,rs not prescrilJed by this ordinance said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of municipal elections of said city. The returns of said election shall be made out and signed by the election officers and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk, together with the ballots cast at said election; and this Council shall r:,eet and canvass said returns on the first Honday after said election at the hour of - 7:30 o'clock, P.Y.; and if upon such canvass it shall be found that at lea.st two-thirds of the qualified voters of said city' votinc; at s8.id election voted in favor of said proposition, tllen bonds of said City of Arroyo Grande in the said umount specified in said proposition, to-wi t, $60,000, will be issued and sold by said city for the purpose therein mentioned. -3- Section 6. For the purpose of conducting and holding said special election, the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby consolidated into one sj;)ecial election precinct. The territory embraced wi thin said special election precinct shall cons ist of the entire City of Arroyo Gr<:,nde. comprising General Election Precincts knovm as Arroyo Grande General Election Precinct No. 1 and Arroyo Grande General Election Precinct No. 2, as last established of record by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo for the holding of the last preceding state and county election. The polling place of said special election precinct herein established and the election officers appointe.d to conduct Elaid election thereat are as follows, to-wit: . SPECIAL l1UNICIPAL BO.HD lUJi:CTIW PRECIlTCT Polling Place~ 01 ty Hall of' the C1 ty of' Arroyo Grande Inspector: Lilly C. Casteel Judge: Edna Sebiling Cle rk : Mae C. Ketchum Clerk: Lestra Kyte -4- Section 7~ All persons qualified to vote at municipal elections in said City of Arroyo Grande upon the date of the election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the proposition hereby submitted at said special election. Section 8. The ballots to be used at said special election shall have printed thereon the following: MUNICIPAL TICKET SPECIAL MUNICIPAL BOND ELECTION CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE March 18, 1929 INSTRUCTKrnS TO VOTERS: To vote for or against a proposition stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "Yes" or after the word "NO". All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain another. PROPOSITION: Shall the City of Arroyo Grande incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal sum of $60,000 for YES the object and purpose of acquiring, construct- ing and completing the following municipal im- provement of said city, to wit: A water works system, including lands, water, water rights, rights of way, pumps, pumping plants, reservoirs, storage facilities, pipe lines, mains, hydrants NO and other works, properties and appliances neces- sary or convenient for supplying said city and its inhabitants with water? Section 9~ Each voter to vote for said proposition hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition, and to vote against said proposition and against incUrring said indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "]f0" on the ballot to the right of said proposition; -5- Section 10. Said bonds, if authorized to be issued, will be sold by said city for not less than their par value and accrued interest. Section 11. This ordinance shall be published once ~ week for two weeks in the Arroyo Grande Iierald-Recorder .. , a newspaper published less than six (6) days a week in said City of Arroyo Grande, and one insertion each week for two succeeding weeks shall be a sufficient publication in such newspaper and such publication shall constitute notice of said election. No other notice of the election hereby called need be given. Section 12. This ordinance shall be forthwith entered upon the minutes of this Council and in the ordinance book of said city. This ordinance shall take effect from ~nd after its final passage and approval. PASSED the 20th. day of February ,1929, by the following vote: AYES: Oox, Oonrad, 1!organ, Noble, Poole NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing ordinance is presented to me for approval and is he~eby approved this 20th. day of February ,1929. .~%~ Mayor of e y 01" Arroyo Grande, California. Attest: r:79.~~C~-- -6- , CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No~5{New Seris of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, was introduced and read the first time at a regular meeting of the Council of said City of Arroyo Grande on the aoth day of February, 1929, and that said ordinance was thereafter finally passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said Council held on the 27th. day of February , 1929, by the fOllowing vote: AYES: Cox, Conrad, Morgan, Noble, Poole , NOES: None ABSENT: None And that said ordinance after its said passage was ~provedby the Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 20th, day of February 1929. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance is spread upon the records of the City Council of the City of Arroyo t ~' Grande, at page Iff of Book I , of .O<<~_~ WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City of Arroyo Grande this 27th. day of February , 1929. f6(/. L~/ , ~..~ ~ rW!. .y.. .... - . . 7' <1.... " A .~ ~-'" / ...,_~, ,~40 City Clerk or the C1 y 0 ArrOyo'randl California. I I I'