O 034 :JLf- i ORDIHJ\JWE No. ~ AN ORDINANCE AUTHOTIlztNG THE CITY COUNCII, OF TIm CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, TO E8TABJ..ISn BOULEVARDS AND BOULI1'VAIID STOPS, PROVIDING A llETIIOD OF ESTABLISHIHG TIlE SMJE, AND PTIOVIDIrW A PCN1J..TY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SAME. Be it ordained by theConncil of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows; SECTION 1. The City Council of' the City of Arroyo Grande, is hereby authorized to (lcclarc l)y resolution, any Street or portion of any Street within the City of Arroyo Grande, to be, and constitute a boulevard, and may like~ise by resolution rescind such declaration. SHCTT:': ? Jmy operator of any veli~cle traversing any Street intersecting an;1' bonlevard, declaredAsuCI1 by resoh1tion of' the City Council, shall stop such vehicle at the place where such Street meets the nearest property line of the lJoulevard, 'bef'ore enterin, such boulevard, provided the property line is clearly marked or sign-posted as required by the Ordinance. ' SECTION 3. The Chief of' Police, or the City Harshal, is hereby authorized aml required to place and maintain, or cm1se to 'be plE.ced and i,Iaintained upon each and every Street intersecting a 1Jol11evard and at or near the property line of the boulevard, ar~~opriRte SihllS upon the street, or ,devices or marks, to bear the ~crd STOP, or tIle worqs"nOUL;w..1nD STOP~ in such position withletters of a size to be clearl:r legible for a distaacc 01' fifty (50) f'eet along the Street intersecting the TIouleY~rd. ,")o;OT1ol1 1. An:}' persons violating any of' the proviciop::; of tl~is Grdinance shall be deemed guil ty of' a r1is(lemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall 1)e fined not to e~ceed the S1~~ of t'rrcnt:"-:r:Ivc (~;2G .00) claHars ,. or imprisoned in the Oi ty or County jail not to exceed five days. SECTION 5. 'l'11is Grc:.il2aJ1Ce shall taltC effect immediately ~pon the Fublication of' the same, date of' final passef,e JlU1e 20 th, 1028. Approved June 20th, 1028. '/:!!(h Ui,IaYOr. / I, D. F. B tewart, City Cl erk of the Oi tJ' of Arroyo Grande do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly presented and read at a regtuar meeting of' the City Council held on the 6th, day of June 1928, and passed second reading at a regula~ meetin~ of the City Conncil held on the 20th, . day of June 1928, By the following vote. Ayes, Conncilnen H.E.Cox,W.C.Poole, W.A.Conrad Noes, Councilmen,. None, Absent, Counoilman, C.S. Noble. -..- -_._~--