O 032 ;-, J ..r ,- ,," ORDlNAJ((lE NQ ~ 32 ~O~.:-." 0' '1'R& ot.,..... ., ,... __1., BU'!'Ift .- 'l'b.e Board of Tn.te.. aif n.e Of" of A.......,.. _1JiA~ .. ordain a. follo.. I SBOnON I. A ..,80ul....1.1..1 e1;.-tcIia I.. _..... ..1~ ... the propodticm of in~a 8" ....U, Oi1:1' h\ Qe .~~ .1: --.d for tu p..-po.. laer.~ _n f~ u .u m rt~_~ .... at .aid election will be. ~.... .. ... _u..... ~ of ..id aity. SBO'.rION II ~ 1he object. aad~.' ..- wId,. ""d~,.. ne.. idpopoud to 1M iCIII 1/(~.e4.... * .....~cm. of I_ 01l*fall ..wer li_ of approxiaatal)' .. ~ln "!!iIi" (1"',_> e_' b. t.qth I :z:"UIlRing fl"f* the 011:1 __'I' ,,... .... .......... .~t 1n ~4 ait,., to the ."'1' d18pOul plftt ...~U" ...~, .. .....1'- tion of qpl'oxillat.l,. f:L~t)' (SO) ..... of Mal ,.,....~ [ ....bt- r inl of, or in the vicinity 0', th :Lt. C. "11 "tilt, fat,~ 1.1 . .' . '. t of the bubo Bo18a de ma.~lt ... _ 4.r-1~"'"'1'"M: 'tt-~"f b,. cOUlltftctlq th..-8OIl .. ...... ~~.-l. pld.1:, _.... . I-.IIoff or other diapo...l. t". i ... ....... 00*'t. of t,.-. po- po.ed iIIprov-.nts b th.. .. of *""~... ..11...... <...,011). "., " i SDrl'ION III. By ra.ol...It.... ~ ......,.. at .. '.....~ .et1:ng of thb Boar4 b,. a lavorAb1.. you. .. ......I&b'<<a o.f *U ~... ~ ,. ,....... of the Board, it .. d..,..,., .. C.......... .,*t .u ojr.1i!M m- proveaenta ...tional! ia S..t1;_n .f .... ont~ .... f-~.d b)' the pblic intU'e8t ,..d " .. J'iM.i. 1.\.....i1:y' ... 1:1.-.1: trh eatiNtad coat thereof it_... of MI"t:)' .~j..1aII ($30,0"0" .u tbat t:1:re ".." of'" t auayrM,I....le tde .....t to be taili ..1: of t1ua on~ ."wl ...1\1.1..... ......... of aaid cit)'. SBOnOJl .... 'Ill. _o_t of t'" P~.tpal of ..~. ,-ro- , , poNd. to 11. incun"ed b 1:b_ d.~ ....... Dol~ ($SO,_> and 1:11. _te of tueraat'tlOh ~_ ...... .1I1~.lJtjU.,.1e five ';;'.,~"",L .,-, )~ - , . . OJ'Unanc. No. 32 ~ Page 2 (5) Per Oat par a111!l'- p..,.~l. ...i~QJIIPlL:r both. ,J,"irlci,,-l ...d 1.nt.re.t .,..,.1>1. in &014 Gata a~ ....u.t.. BUt.. d ~11'1._. SIR'lOJl 5. 'fh.a ...... of___!~""t::fM1 ~l MI.. follows f (a) Aa proTidad in thb or6i:A-....., (b) ,b pro"'1". ~ taw f1Jr -1CiIirI el.O'I:1... of ~ kind henu caU'" in ..14 C!q.. Ticket. ..t lie of .r4J.n.,. al..ttot1.tt_t _... ... ... .ba and .\ape a. to contain the 'f1.'O,..'f~ t. .. ....11:11'_/0 to .tacti.n hereby ca1l.d. ".4"" .1 .-k ~t"h ~ k "S".ctal _tcd-pal :Ilaet1.on~Oi1E7 of ki....... Qu......ft .. "npo8i~ tion to H .......itt.d at _1.4 e:l.-a1:1.-....t M P*"itt.,b4 .. ... ticket. .. foll.e... f Yea B~".I tor a...r .".-tea $:10,... ...............~...'.....,......, Jlo Said worda "Yaat" ...d .....t" ....UM .....," \:Iut ..id ,,0,u1t18n and in ..parat. 11... au oppoa:t-.. U111Lof ...i4 ,....... "." ...4 "No" th.ere ....11 De a votiac .......... Eaoh yotar .hall iD.41.eata h1a wi'-,teYeta in '''''.'' of ~pI'Opoai- t10n b7 atallpill.g or CMIdq. to H""tIlU" . ...... (., :fa the ntinl .....re oppoait. t" wrd ...... ... ahaUi..t.,. 1d. wiah. to vote ..a bat the pro.,.aitio. by ......1... CJII' __1q ~.. k .taape4. .. CIt'O.. (JI() in .. .et.. 'U 1.-,. i........... ,.4 ...." 'lh.. follCJwiD,l .hell Ite ~ .t . _lip ot t_ ,... ":l t1lia ticket: "IU'1'a'UIn1_ '1'0 ~ 11 To vote in f.....r of .. ,,:t'ifP4t-.ttieD. at.... .... (lIE) in the vetiag ~ra o.,poa:1.t. the 'third ~." "To ....t. apUet tbe pnpe,b1.o. .... . ... ('f> U tile 'YC!ltin. .quare oppe.ita th. WGI'4 .... "All 1lU'k8 UiCQ1: th.e on.. (a) .. forld...... 11 All diatiap1a1dq'._ or ........ aft ,hrW.... Ih14 JUke th. ballot void. "If ,..- wroqlJ' ....t t:.- .. ..,... _. ..1:1.,., ....... . ~~.,.~....,,~iIl>-., ~~~.,. -~.,,' - -- ~ ---- . ,""'-. '...... - . " ordinance No. 32 - P.ge 3 it to the Inspector of El.ction an"- QtIt.in another." SECTION 6. Said election is hereby ~lled. for and .ull be held on the Monday" October 27. 19*4~ in the Oity of Arroyo at-d.., S.n Luis Obispo Oounty" OalUom1a" ... aotie. theno.f i, uftby given. SECTION 7. For the purpoae of .a,id .1ection the Oi"y of' Art'Oyo Gr4U\d.e _U11 constitute . aiacle ,.....bI.d1:" the --.a.ri~ of which .hall be the exterior boa:aL48:l'l.. o.f .&:lel oi~. 'fh~ voting place .hall be the "City "U" on tke""" Biel. of ......~ ,StJ:W.t in _aid City. SEC'1'ION 8. n. poll ."-11 ba op~ at the hoar of 6 .'lateck I A.M. of aatd. Menday" 001:0"''1' 271rh, 1_. 4U\d _hall ~:l~ open I i _til 7 0 'clock P.M. of _d,d ..,. ad. than k clea_. SBC'1'ION 9. ne fa llowinl bi)ard of d..-ton for ..tel aI_ion is h.J:Wby appointed, naaaly: In.pector - W. '1'. Whitlock bdl.. - Ly4taCol'lrU, Viola LoB Clerka - Lily oa.te11, .. bt.__, lidtr81 ~e. SECTION 10. nis ordtn..,. hlet1uir with the a,... &ail ... _ball be pabaahed in th. ~4""'c0t'4.., ....1.)' ae.M--.r !Of 14U\U'al circulation printed al'ld pablb1ted onCe ."'~ in ..id O~ty in its isaued of $.pt_bar 11th and. 8..t.....18.h, 1", and de1;obar 9th , and October 16th, 1'14. Introduced .nd p....dthi. 17th ~ of S.......r, :1"-. .~ by the followi.. vot.a: AtBS : '!'ru.t.a. Saua.1*, Nobl., OOx, Poole, ..4 O~_ad NOBS : Non. ~D1'1': Non. (I' ._~ett h"~.. .. ~ ~....., .o~ :rta.. of.. 01. .f~HP ....., Att.at: ' .I.~.I:~ Oity at*" ...., Olark 101'..1.4 hard ,~{.:, I, m..__