O 029 I ORDINANCE, IrO. 29. An Ordinance. granting to the Standard Oil Co~any.~ a California Corporation. permission and authority to locate, erect, maintain and operate warehouse or warehouses. storage tanks and other necessary buildings and appurtenanoes. together with all necessary pipe lines and conduits cn that certain tract ot land in the City of Arroyo Grande, described as tollows: Beginning at the Northeas.erly corner of Block NO. 10, which ccrner is at the intersection of the Southerly boundary line ot Ide Street, and Westerly boundary line of the Pacific Coast Railroad right of way and rUnning Easterly along the said Southerly boundary line ot Ide Street 100 feet; thence at right angles Southerly 200 feet; thence at right angles Westerly 100 teet to the Westerly boundary line of the Pacific Coast Railroad right-ot-way; thenoe Northerly along said boundary line 200 feet to the point of beginning. For the storage and distribution of petroleum, its products, and all other kinds of merchandise produced by the said company. I Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande; I I Seotion 1. That the Standard Oil Company, a California Corporation. organized and existing under the laws of the Stateof California, and lioensed to do business in the State of California. be, and it is hereby granted permission and authority to looate. ereot. maintain and operate a warehouse or warehouses, storage tanks, and all other neoessary buildings and appurtenances, together with pipe lines and oonduits on and OTer that oertain traot 01' land in the City of'Arroyo Grande, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Blook NO. 10, which corner is at the intersection of the Southerly boundary of Ide street, and Westerly boundarY line of the gaoitic Coast Railroad right..of-way, and running Easterly along the said Southerly boundary line of Ide street 100 teet; thence at right angles Southerly 200 ~eet; thenoe at right angles Westerly 100 feet to the Westerly boundary line ot the Pacifio Coast Railroad right-of-way; thence' Northerly along said boundary line 200 teet to the point ot beginning. For the,storage and distribution of petroleum, its produots, and all other kinds ot merchllondise produced by the said oompany. Section 2. That the said proposed structures and improTements shall be erected and maintained with all proper safeguards and in conformity tn the practices followed by said oompany at its Tarious stations, and said improTements shall be maintained and oonducted under and in confOrmity to the ""'ll' ordinanoes now existing. Seotion 3. That this ordinance shall take etfect and be in torce and effect immediately upon the expiration of thirty days from the date of its passage and publioation, or posting aooording to l_w. Section 4. All ordina.noes or parts of ordinances in confliot herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the Board o~ City 01 Arroyo Grande, this 7th day of June, 1922. '. Chairman Trustee - %. . Trustee ~'O)..ffl , Z I' ~ Trustee ..t/P 0 -C ./ ,;, , I ""'". Trustee. ATTEST ~~~ ;/ .. _ '-Po.. Clerk 0 said Board of Trustees. -------