O 010 Proof of Publica4-~ ,..~ No. 10 I Ordinance STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ An Ordinance requiring all Motor County of San Luis Obispo \ V,-hielea to uae Li,ghta and Muf. fie.., and Limiting the Speed of Motor Vehielea and all _ Other - V.hielea. Alao Prohibiting tbe Riding of Bieyelea on tbe Side. walkB, in tbe City of Arroyo W. H. SMITH, of said county, being first duly sworn, de- Grande. poses and says: That he is a citizen of the United States, The Board of Tfnstees 01 the City of Arroyo Grande do ordain a8 {oUowa: over 21 years of age; that he is the printer of The HER. Section 1. Every periOD operating a motor vehicle in the city of Arroyo i '" Grande, must use lights at ui~ht when ALD-RECORDER, a weekly newspaper published and printed riding or driving a motor 1'chic e on the stre.ts, lights to be placed both front and rear, on automobile. at Arroyo Grande. in the county of San Luis Obispo, state of Sec. 2. Every person operating a mOM tor vehicle, in the city of Arroyo Gran.. California, that the notice of which a tm c copy is hereto at. dc, must use a muffler or other device i which will effectively subdue the noise S first published in its issue d,ltcd the.. o//~day of the motor. tached, Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any . _UA~___., A. D. 19.0:3.; that the person or persons to ride or propel any of. bicycle, trIcycle. tandE'mor use anyoth- er means of locomotion of similar nat"; Iblished in regular and entire issue of ev- ure, except rolling chairs propelled by or for cl'ippled perSODS, upon any of the sidewalks of the city of Arroyo Grande. ery number of s'1id newspaper during the period and time of Sec. 4. It shan be unlawful for any person or perSODS to operate or drive a pu blication aforesaid; that is to say, on motor vehicle or any other vehicle in the city of Arroyo Grande, or caU86 the same to be operated or driven, at a ---------------------..------ --.------ greater rate of speed than one mile in four minutes, or fifteen miles per hour. --..------.-- - ---. - - - - - - - - - ~ - - !ec. 5. Within tbirty days after the - final passage of this ordinance, the street superintendent shall have placed -------- -_._-----.- ------ ------.----. conspicuously on each main public hiJZ:b. way where the boundary of said city crosses the same, signs of not l~ss than --------- -------------- .--------------.------- two feet in depth bl three feet in width bearing the words' slow down to fifteen miles per hour," and ahilO an arrow ---------. ------ ---------------. pointing in the direction where the speed is to be reduced. ---- .-------- ----.-- ----.- --,- I Sec. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordina.nce shall ------------- -------------- .----- be deemed guilty of a misdemanor and .. , upon conviction thereof Ihall be fined a J~' i not less than five dol1ars not' more than and...' ~.lA/'LJ.. __ ----.i)..--, A. D.19.~. one hundled dollars, or be punished by I , I imprisonment in the city jail er county That said notice as published in said newspaper proper and i jail for not less than ten days nor more , than ninety days, or by both fine and imprisonment. not in the supplement ther~, __' _ /, ' 1 Sec. 7.. AU ordinances or parts of or~ dinances in conflict herewith, including c._______ /1l/f,.-;---(j/vvued aU ordinances or parts of ordinances .----.- __V........__,,_.__..__. .1-\ limiting the speed of vehicles of any character, are ~ereby': repealed. su.zb~~nd sworn to before me this. . . . . . . . . . - . . . Sec. 8. This ordinance shall go into ~~ full force and etfect thirty day. after ita I tinal paesage. day of .~I'-i.... __ __ . _ __ A. D. 19 ~ ;/ Signed this 6th day 01 AnW)st, 1913. F. E. BE NEtt, I' ///1-' ~ r President of the Board of Trustees of . - _._----..---~.~-~~-~-~---- t.he City of Arro,}'o Grande. -, Attested this 6th day of A~ust. 1913. B. F. STE ART, I City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of iTrustees, City of Arroyo Grande. Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis [Seal] Obispo, State of California 1,.8. F. Stewart, clerk of the city of Arroyo Grande, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 10 was in- troduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Arro~o Grande, held July 16, 1913, and final y passed at i a regular meeting of said board held Au~ . gust 6, 1913, by the following vote, to I wit: Ayes.Trustel's Bennett,Gilliam,Grieb. Hawkit. s, . " NQes, none. Abient, C. S. Noble. - 11, Ii. STEW<\.RT, . Oi~J' CleEk, -----.---