O 007 , 1 ...., .. o R DIN A IT 0 E No. 7. A!T ORDINANCE FOR POLlOi::.: REGULA'rrrm RlELATING TO PLACES ','!REHE SPIR- I'fUOUS, VINOUS, ;!~ALT OR ~.:rXED I,IQUORS on ALCOHOLIC DHINKS Artl:~ !,;PJTUFACT- DR-ED, DEPOSITED, DISTRfBUTED, SOLD, DEI,TVER:';U, 01, GIV"N 1\'7AY IN THE CITY 0];0' ARHOYO GRANDlE : :!tAKING UNI,A'NFUL THE I.1ANUFACTURE. SALE: on GIVING A\VAY OF ,3ucn LIQUORS OH DRH1KS 'HITHDr 'mE CITY OF AHROYO GRi\ND1E : PRO'.TIDING FOR 'THE SALl~ OF SAME BY DRUGGISTS UNmm GUAHDED HESTIUCTIONS . : - : : - : : - : : - : . / ~ The 136ard of I'rus tees of ~he 01 ty of Arroyo Grano,s doea.', rdain .,.' aB fOllows, to-w1~ : Section 1. Any pernon,flrm, corpol'at1on,olub or association,or tOem- bsr of such 01U1) oc assooi,J,tlol'1, who, wi thin the corpor'ato limi to of ~ s u th~ . ,i ty of Arroyo Grande establiell.82, or ke8po a plaee whore op:i.ri tous vinous, .malt or mixed liq,wrs or any alcoholic drinks aro nw.nu~~~EJ..1, !lold. f~i811od, diHtrib.Jd.:!&d, delivo~oj or gi~a~~ in any quantity: or who within said city, .either as owner, employee, agent or othorwiso !Jli111\!:t:.a.Q.~u~B , sells, f~~6, <1il3trib~, !ii vidss, ,,;i .~lJ3iay or keeps ..lrr._c_~_U_aFs, vaults, warehouses or any house or building any IJ,q- uora or alcoholic drinks, excopt fOr the purposes herein spocifiad shall be guilty of a misdomoanor. The prohibitions of this Bectlon shal1 not apply to . . (a) 'f.'he sale of Uquors for bona .fide medical purposos by a regularly lioensed druggist upon the writton p!'oscrip~iol1 Of a physician entit1e~i \ to practice medicine under the lawB of the )'tate of California , pro-- " vided, howevor, that s,dd prsscription she,ll De wri tton, Bie;:tlOd and dated by the physician within twenLy-four hOUl'," of the date of aale , and that the name of the person applying pel'Bonally for the prescription and the name of the person for whose personal use the proscription is made, shall be inserted therein by the physician ism,ling the an.mo at the time tho prescription ls made or given ; that the proscription shall be presonted to and filed by the druGgist beforo IJ.ny sa.le or furnishing is made thereon ; that all proscriptions shall be numbered and kept in regull1.r succession by the druggist ~ t~ filing or filling the same on a separato file convenient for and open and bJ' . su oot dUl'~n> IS ______.._____..____ _ .n"_~ all business hours to the inspection of the ~y Marshal or any per- Don who shall from time to time be designated by the Board of Trus- tees of said city , that only ono sale shall be made on ono prescrip- tion ; and that the prescription shall be given only when in the opinion of the physician such liquor is necotll~ary as a medicine for the person named ther~~Tl~ Any physician whogi'J~~_~ pre- - - - - - -. scription to any well person to enable him to prooure any such liquor or alcoholic drink to be used as abeverage, or who violates n or assists ij violating or evading any of the terms of this sub- , section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemoanor . ( 1;.,) f1J:'1 . 'rhe serving or di spensing of liquors by any person f1 t hiB own home to his l',uestB as an act of hospitality, \7hen such home is not a place of public rosort, and when no money or thing of value is receivedin return for such liquors. (c ). The use of vinous liquors at church sacr~aents. Sec~ 2. It shall be unlawfUl for any person or persons to have at his or their place of residence, on anyone calcndar day, more than one (1) gallon of any spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed liq- uors. y ciub or association hav- Sec~ 3. Evert person, firm corporation, ing in its possession within the City of Arroyo Grande anu spirit- uous, vinous, malt or mixed liquors or alcoholic drinks, or vessels, 0 decaP.lters, or other articles with intent to use the same in vi~tion of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor . y Sec~ 4.Evert person who lets, leases or rents any place to be used, or permits the same to be used, for the purpose of violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor . 3ect~5.Svery person who at any time visits or is present at any place, the establishing or keeping of which is prohibited by this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor . provided that . no person, otherwise. competent as a wit~sss, is disqualified from testifying as such concerning any offense set forth in this or-- dinance on the ground that such teotimony may incriminate himself, -------~ , , .. but no proseoution oan afterward be had against Duoh an one for any offense ooncerning whioh he testified . Seotion 6. Every persun, firm or oorporation who transports within the ,P'1. ty of Arroyo Grand(~ spi ti tuous, vinous, malt or mixed liquors or ooholio drinks, or vessels oontaining the smne, to any plaoe, the os- tablishing or keoping of whioh is prohibited by this prdinanoo ;' deemed gull ty of' a misl1.0meanur-. -_._~ ... .."; >c~ Seotion 7. All liquors and alooholio drinks, and the vossels the same, kept in violation of this ordinanoe, are hereby declared pub- lic nuisanoes, and the owner or possessor thereof, on demand of the .< (I ./ City Marshal of the C'ity of Arroyo Grande shall abate tho smne, and tr.e refusal or negloot for five days after such demand to abatA the same, shall be a misdemeanor and. the City Marshal of said ci ty shal~ have the right and it shall be his duty to abate such nuisance by seizing and destroying all liquors and alcoholio drinks found in such plaoes. , _.. li Section 8. It shall 'be the dU'!:,y of the 01 ty Marshal of the City of Arroyo I Grande to put peL .,n.s suspeoted of violating ~"".j ordinanoe under police surveillance and to use all legal means in deteoting and oonvioting persons violating this ordinanoe, including the exeroise of the right of search given by the state law, and Chapter 3, Title 12, Part 2 of ", the Penal Code of th~tate of California, 80 far as the same does not now apply to aotione or prooeedings under this ordinanoe, is hereby, as far as the Bame can be made applioable , made to apply and be in force in the City of Arroyo Grande. The City Marshal shall also colleot ev- idenoe and take all necessary steps for instituting and c",rryin:~ on actions in the proper court in the name of the City of Arroyo Grande to abate all nuisanoes mentioned in this ordinance. Seotion 9. Every person taking out, or having taken out, a Iloan88 for any business for which a license is required by the ordinances of the City of Arroyo Grande, who shall be convioted of eetablishing or keeping a plaoe oontrary to thi's ordinanoe, shall, in oases where suoh unlawful plaoe has been esta'blished or kept in oonneotion with such lawful business ,forfeit suoh license and no new lioense for such law, -------- -~---~--- " \ ful business shall be issued to suoh person during the period of two (2) years next thereafter. Seotion 10. Any clerk, sorvant,agent or person oommitting any act in violation of this ordinanoe, or any part thereof, shall be deemed guilty as prinoipal . Seotion 11. Every person found guilty of a violation of any of tho provisions of this ordinance shall be fiYlsd in the sum of not less than ~25.00f, nor more than $300.00 or be imprisoned in the city jail for not more than three (3) months, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment, and he may be imprisoned until the f1.ne be satisfied which must not exceed one day for every two dollars (~2.00) of the fine; and any person found guilty a second tlme for violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall . - \ ... more than t11ree (3) mon the, and suchj:H3r.BII>rLa.ha.1..l-.Jwt. ho"," tho 0' - . .~._..lerriative of pa:f'ing'.~- fi.~~ al'f.the-penalt~ therefor, or he may be ,.. I punished by suCh impr1,sonment and a fine ad not le80 than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. Section 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and the same shall be ~d ~ ~ tZwr,; rf~,~~,f;,p~ . and the sarno shall take effect and be in .,~ force and virtue on and after the /0< day Of~ 1912. ,;',' Introduced by 1~ 4:~ - ~aI 0PtI~ ~ ~ /.5--d ~ tj #tcut.I,/2- :4~~wt,~C7), ~~, . ~_~~~'~J~ . -.1t~ ) ~ ~- JI~ _' , - -" - , , , , ~ j I ~ . .' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . j \ \ . .' ,_....~_.-.,...--_.- ._....._--~