R 3221 RESOLUTION NO.3 221 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES r AND APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND RELATED ENTITIES ; I : ! f i : I WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency r Agency") has adopted a ~.; Resolution authorizing transmittal of the proposed Redevelopment Plan ('"Plan" or "Redevelopment Plan") prepared for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project to the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, Section 33346 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (CCRL) requires that before the Plan is submitted to the Arroyo Grande City Council ("City Council") by the Agency, the Planning Commission shall have the opportunity to review and report on the conformity of the document with the City's General Plan and pursuant to such review may recommend to the Agency for or against the approval of the Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes no changes to land use designations of properties located within the Project Area for the Redevelopment Plan, as designated herein, and land use designations contained in the Redevelopment Plan are the same as those land Lise designations contained in the adopted land use map of the City's General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes no changes to- existing development standards for properties located within the Project Area, and development standards applicable to the Project Area, as enforced by the Redevelopment Plan, are the same as the development standards contained in the City's Municipal Code; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by its Resolution No. 97-1608, found and determined that the proposed Redevelopment Plan confonns to the General Plan of the City of Arroyo Grande . ("General Plan") and recommended approval of the proposed Redevelopment Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Agency, the City, the County of San Luis Obispo, and related entities .-. (collectively herein, "County") entered into discussions concerning the Project Area boundaries for the proposed Redevelopment Project Area, and such discussions have resulted in a settlement agreement ("Settlement Agreemenf, which is attached hereto as Attachment No.1), which has been approved by the County, and which Agreement '- . provides, in part, that the Project Area boundaries be modified to consist only of that area described in Exhibit "A" to Attachment No.1, hereto, as the "Proposed Project Area," and not the "Deletion Area" (the latter being that area so designated in Exhibit .. B" to Attachment No.1. hereto), and that on the basis of such modification, the County will not oppose the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan; and, -- --..-- ----~~ RESOLUTION NO. 3221 PAGE 2 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by its Resolution No. 97~1616 on April 22, 1997, r approved the modification of the boundaries of the proposed Redevelopment Project Area so that they consist of the Proposed Project Area and not the Deletion Area; and WHEREAS, the Agency by its RDA Resolution No. 97-11, on April 22, 1997, approved l the Settlement Agreement and the modification of the boundaries of the proposed Redevelopment Project Area so that they consist of the Proposed Project Area and not the Deletion Area; and WHEREAS, to effectuate settlement with the County,. the City Council approves the Settlement Agreement and the modification of boundaries of the proposed Redevelopment Project Area so that they consist of the Proposed Project Area and not the Deletion Area. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESOLVES THAT: , Sedion 1. The City Council approves the Settlement Agreement and authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute the Settlement Agreement on behalf of the City. Sedion 2. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the City Council approves. the removal of the Deletion Area and approves and determines that the Project Area consists of the Proposed Project Area, as designated in Exhibit U A · On motion of Council Member Lady, seconded by Council Member Fuller, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: Ayes: Council Members Lady, Fuller, and Mayor Dougall Noes: None Abstain: Council Members Runels and Tolley the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1997. r l -~~ ~- RESOLUTION NO. 3221 PAGE 3 /' , ATTEST: 17 Mv~ a. ~ NANCY A. ~VIS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~ laJ- L. ~~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: . I I " .J ___~~_'__"__"_ _n RESOLUTION NO. 3221 Page 4 I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. 3221 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a meeting of the Arroyo Grande City CounciVRedevelopment Agency on the 22nd day of April, 1997. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 6th day of May, 1997. -1J tJM(f;A a. ~ NANCY A. A VIS, CITY CLERK J -.-------..- --- ~-.-__._- ---- --+.,~ .... ' \ 0- ~~ te~ 2: ...: >- .~ ~' '" .~~ . ~ = S! - Pt{ "' :: ''is ~\ " ;~ ~ In ::: w: ~\ .;. .. rn , S' ~t -d: ~ to- Pit -- ~l c:t:) -- :J~ ?;j : . (l)~ ~Q ~ Q.) t'\S S ~ ~ 0.. u dop o~ ~ ~>~ o Q.) ~or"(j ~~ . PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) A({~o'{v Gf!. ~Y'C PARCEL 006053001 I. r f-l-C ~ '.,.J f,"!.vJ'Z':'""':';~ fryr.p. ) 006 053 002 006 095 001 006095010 006 151 023 006 151 025 006 151 026 006 152 024 006 152 033 /' 006 152 036 006 161 008 006 161 013 006161 018 006 161 019 006 161 020 006 162 012 006162013 006 162019 006 162 020 006 163 008 006163014 006 163 016 006163017 006 163019 006 164 001 006 164 003 006 164 005 006 164 006 006 164 007 006 164 008 006 164 009 .006164010 006 164 011 006 164 012 006164 013 006164 014 006 164015 006 164016 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1,1997 --._-'"~--- - -~--~._.,".__._~-- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTL=MENT) 006 165 021 006 165 022 006 165 025 006166001 006 166 003 006 166 004 006 171 003 006 173 002 006 173 003 006 173 009 006173010 006173012 006174001 006 174007 006174009 006 174 01 5 006 174 016 006 174 019 006174020 006175005 006175006 006 175 015 006 175 016 006 175017 006 175 019 006175020 006 175 021 006311 020 006311 059 006311 063 006311 066 006311 071 006311 075 006311 077 006311 078 006311 079 006311 080 006311 081 006 391 047 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 -~---_....- -- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 006391 048 006 391 049 006 391 050 006542006 006 542 007 006 542 009 006 542 012 006 542 013 006 542 014 006 542 015 006 543 024 006 543 025 006 543 C32 006 543 033 006 543 035 006 543 037 006 543 038 006 543 039 006 543 043 006543 044 006 543 045 006 543 048 006 544 018 006544 024 007 011 044 007 011 045 007 011 046 007 181 002 007 182 001 007 183 008 007 183 009 007 183010 007 186 060 007 188 001 007 191 001 007 191 018 007 191 019 007 191 022 007 191 025 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1.1997 -.-- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETIL:MENT) 007 191 026 007 191 027 007 191 035 007 191 036 007 191 037 007 191 038 007 192 007 007 192 008 007 192 009 007192010 007 192 011 007 192 022 007 192 023 007 192 026 007 192 027 007 192 028 007 192 029 007 192 030 007 192 031 007 192 032 007 192 033 007 192 035 007 192 038 007 192 039 007 192 040 007192041 007 192051 007 192 055 007 192 056 007 192 057 007 192 059 007 192 060 007 192061 007 192 062 007 192 065 007 192 066 007 192 067 007 192 068 007202001 AG NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 ~- -~_._-- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 007 202 002 007 202 003 007 202 004 007 202 013 007 202014 007 202 017 007 202 018 007 202 019 007 202 024 007 203 009 007 203 011 007 203 012 007 203 013 007 203 014 007 481 001 007481 002 007481 004 007 481 005 007 481 006 007 481 007 007481 008 007481 009 007 481 011 007481 012 007481 014 007481 015 . 007 481 018 007 481 019 007481 020 007482003 007 482 006 007 482 007 007482009 007 482 010 007 482 018 007 482 019 007 482 020 007 483 004 007 483 006 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1. 1997 ---~.~ - --~------- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 007 483 007 007 483 009 007 483 010 007 483 011 007 483 033 007 483 034 007 483 036 007483037 007 483 038 007 491 002 007 491 003 007 491 013 007 491 024 007 491 038 007 491 039 007 491 040 007 491 041 007 491 042 007 491 044 007 491 046 007 491 047 007 491 048 007 491 049 007 491 050 007 491 051 007 491 052 007 491 053 007 491 054 007 492 004 007493018 007 493 019 007 493 020 007 493 021 007 493 022 007 493 023 007 493 024 007 494 011 007 494 013 007 494 014 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1.1997 PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETILEMENT) 007 501 005 007 501 006 007 501 007 007 501 030 007 501 031 007 501 032 007 501 033 007541 013 007541 016 007 541 037 007 541 040 007 541 042 007 542 002 007 542 003 007 542 007 007542008 007542009 007 542 010 007542015 007 542 021 007 542 023 007 553 001 007 553 002 007 553 004 007 553 005 007 553 006 007 553 039 007 553 053 007 553 054 007 553 056 007 553 057 007 553 058 007 553 059 007 553 065 007 553 066 007 594 011 007 594 014 007 594 015 007 594 016 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 .- --.--- _ c___________..___ - -~~ PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETILEMENT) 007 594 017 007 594 018 007 594 022 007 594 023 007 594 025 007 594 027 007 594 028 007 594 029 007 594 030 007 594 031 007 595 002 007 595 005 007 595 006 007 595 007 007621 039 077 011 008 077 011 009 077041 001 077 041 002 077 041 003 077 041 004 077 041 005 077 041 007 077 041 008 077 041 009 077041 010 077041 011 077041 012 077041 013 077041 014 077041 015 077041 017 077041 018 077041 019 077 041 038 077 041 039 077 041 040 077041 041 077 041 044 ---~..~ AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077 041 045 077 051 010 077 051 011 077 051 012 077 051 013 077 051 015 077 051 016 077051 017 077 051 018 077051 019 077 051 020 077 051 021 077 051 028 077 051 042 077 051 045 077 051 047 077 051 049 077 051 050 077 051 057 077 051 059 077051 061 077 052 001 077 052 002 , 077 052 003 077 052 004 077 052 005 077 052 006 077 052 007 077 052 008 077 052 009 077 052 010 077 052 011 077 052 012 077 052 013 077 052 014 077 052 015 077 052 016 077 052 017 077 052 018 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 -- -- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077052019 077 052 020 077 052 021 077 052 022 077 052 023 077 052 024 077 052 025 077 052 026 077 052 027 077 052 028 077 052 029 077 052 030 077 052 031 077 052 032 077 052 033 077 052 034 077 052 035 077 052 036 077 052 037 077 052 038 077 052 039 077 052 040 077 052 041 077 052 042 077 052 043 077 052 044 077 052 045 077 052 046 077 052 047 077 052 048 077052049 077 052 050 077052051 077 052 052 077 052 053 077 052 054 077 052 055 077 052 056 'J77 052 057 A.G_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 --._~, - PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPME:NT PROJECT (SETILEMENT) 077 052 058 077 052 059 077 052 060 077052061 077 054 001 077 054 002 077 054 003 077 054 004 077 054 005 077 054 006 077 054 007 077 054 008 077 054 OU9 077054 010 077 054 011 077 054 012 077054 013 077054 014 077 054 015 077 054 016 077054 017 077 054 018 077 054 019 077 054 020 077 054 021 077 071 009 077 071 010 077071 012 077 082 036 077 082 037 077 082 038 077 082 039 077 082 040 077 091 010 077 091 011 077091 013 077 091 018 077 091 019 077 092 009 AG_NEWP~.WK - MAY 1. 1~97 PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077 092 010 077 101 020 077 101 021 077 101 022 077 101 023 077 101 037 077 101 039 077103018 077103019 077 103 020 077 111 009 077 111 011 077 11 ~ 012 077111014 077 111 021 077 111 022 077 111 024 077 111 025 077 111 026 077 111 027 077 111 028 077 1 i 1 029 077 111 030 077 111 033 077 111 035 077 111 036 077 111 041 077 111 049 077 111 050 077 111 051 077 111 054 077 111 055 077 111 056 077 111 057 077 111 060 077 111 061 077 111 063 077 111 064 077 111 071 AG NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 ._-~- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077 112001 077 112002 077 112003 077 112004 077 112005 077 112006 077113001 077 113002 077 113003 077 113004 077 113 005 077 113006 077 113007 077 113008 077113009 077113 010 077 113 011 077 113 012 077113013 077 113 015 077 113 016 077113017 077113020 077 113022 077 121 005 077 131 001 077 131 002 077 131 003 077 131 006 077 131 007 077 131 008 077 131 009 077 131 011 077 131 022 077 131 024 077 141 018 077 141 022 077 141 023 077 141 024 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 ----------- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077 141 025 077 141 026 077 141 027 077 141 028 077 201 009 077 201 010 077 201 012 077 201 013 077 201 014 077203012 077 203 013 077 203 014 077 203 015 077 203 020 077 204 014 077 204 024 077 204 026 077 204 027 077 204 028 077 204 029 077 204 031 077 204 036 077 204 037 077 205 001 077 205 002 077 205 003 077 205 004 077 205 005 077 205 006 077 205 007 077 205 008 077 205 009 077 211 008 077211 009 077211 010 077211 015 077211018 077 211 022 077211 023 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1,1997 -- ---'".__.__._-_.~-.._- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLE~ENT) 077 211 024 077 211 033 077 211 035 077 211 036 077 211 037 077 211 045 077 211 046 077 211 047 077 221 002 077 221 003 077 221 017 077221 026 077 221 027 077 221 028 077221 029 077 221 030 077 221 031 077 221 036 077221 037 077 223 005 077223006 077 223 008 077 223 012 077 223 035 077 223 037 077 223 038 077 223 039 077 223 040 077 223 041 077223042 077 223 043 077 223 044 077223061 077 223 062 077223063 077 223 064 077 283 002 077 341 049 077 341 054 ~----- _____.f4.G-NEWP A.WK -. MAY 1, 1997 ---.---- PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SETTLEMENT) 077 341 068 077 341 069 077 341 072 077 341 073 077341 074 077 341 075 077 341 076 077341 077 077 341 078 AG_NEWPA.WK - MAY 1, 1997 '------- -- _....._.~.__..~'._.,- -- . -----......------- - , '/;<7D.. ~ r:: " --..:.:;X~;." ..'/0 I' · -' ~ " g,,' """ .' '" <. ,,/~ " '" } -~' _ ..,,;. / /0' ,'" /" " N ~".,:" ~ =_ ",,'.' .' .. " _ .0 CLJ --::: .,.... '..// " ,. """."'" <-- . .- . _.' I. . ,'" . - 0' ..... ,,, .,.. .' - ;,fJ! /" '. '. -;:,/ , <:' :' fiiii\ ,.. , .~ "/','" . ' u:I ~. ," j." ',... ' .' -, .-"." =" ,-' .)"/' ' , C#: " ' / ,/ /" - "" v . . ~ C#~' " ///' / I " S' ,. ..,1 .' '=' , ' .~' . I ~ i I """". ' ~' ';~ \ ~ >- ..- :: 8 ~~ :s ~ o. y;,>::':~ tI: ,..:."...- ~ l~i;l{;'; ~t,~-:,',--:71~' ~..,:"A;~;''':i.....~CI')''~i' . - -,~r.;i:':;:.::r+p \ CLJ ''1:'<:'':':.:/ \~ ... '" o >- o ~ -< , ~~ \ . ~ ~ .5 ~ \J"tI ~ ~ E ~ ~ 1-1 Po. 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" Adoption Proceedings" means proceedings pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), as have been commenced and are being prosecuted to completion by the City and the Agency for the Proposed Redevelopment Plan. b. "City" means the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation. c, "County Representative" means the County Administrative Officer of the County. . d. "Deletion Area" means the area designated by the legend "Lands Proposed to Be Deleted From Project Area" at Exhibit "B". A list of assessor's parcel numbers has been included for verification purposes; provided that, in the event of conflict, the pictorial representation shall control. A legal description of the Deletion Area wi~l be prepared in connection with the joint public hearing and the Ordinance in connection with the Adoption Proceedings. e, "Existing Configuration" means that territory as so designated in Exhibit "C". f "Ordinance" means an ordinance of the City which adopts a redevelopment plan for the Proposed Project Area. g. "Proposed Project Area" means the Existing Configuration less. the Deletion Area, as depicted on Exhibit "A" . h. "Proposed Redevelopment Plan" means a redevelopment plan similar to that submitted to the Planning Commission in connection with the consideration of Planning Commission Resolution No. 97-1608, excepting that the proposed project area boundaries are to be revised to remove the Deletion Area. 1. "Related Entities" means APCD, Flood. Library, Water and any public entities in which one or more of the members of the Boaz:d of Supervisors of the County is a member of the governing board J. "Scheduled Hearing Date" means May 13, 1997. AGREEMENT - NOV\1, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and the covenants hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby j acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: , ,-" 1. The City and the Agency shall conduct Adoption Proceedings which are to include the adoption of the Proposed Project Area and not the Deletion Area. It is contemplated that the Agency and the City will conduct a joint public hearing for the consideration of the adoption of Proposed Redevelopment Plan on May 13, 1997 (the "Scheduled Hearing Date"), The County shall, at the 181614.3\094\22897.000 1 04'18/97 2 --. earliest feasible time, which shall be prior to the Scheduled Hearing Date, provide to the Agency a revised base roll value for the Proposed Project Area (reflecting the removal of the Deletion Area), 2. Based upon the agreements herein set forth, and subject to Section 3, below, the County and the Related Entities agree to refrain from submitting further comments in connection -- with the Adoption Proceedings, including without limitation the environmental documentation and process relative to the Adoption Proceedings, from submitting or presenting objections, orally or in writing, to the adoption of the Proposed Redevelopment Plan substantially as it consists as of the date hereof, and further from initiating or participating in a manner adverse to the City or Agency in any litigation concerning the adoption of the Proposed Redevelopment Plan. 3, As conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement, the Planning Commission of the City shall have, on or before April 23, 1997, approved a resolution substantially in the form of Exhibit "D" hereto (the ''Planning Commission Resolution"), to remove the Deletion Area, In addition, the Agency shall have, on or before April 23, 1997, approved the removal of the Deletion Area. Thereafter, the Agency shall not take action as part of the pending Adoption Proceedings to include the Deletion Area. 4. Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to each of the other panies hereto that: a. such party has the power and capacity to enter into this Agreement; b. such party lacks actual knowledge of any agreement, obligation or law that would be violated by such party's entry into this Agreement; c. such party lacks actual knowledge of any agreement, obligation, pending litigation or asserted claim that would materially affect such party's obligation to enter into this Agreement or to perform its obligations under this Agreement; d, such party has been represented by counsel of his/its own choosing in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement; e. such party acknowledges and agrees that he/it enters into this Agreement based upon his/its own investigation, knowledge andvolunwy assumption of all of the risks associated with the transactions contemplated hereby; and r'" f such party will act reasonably and in good faith in implementing the I provisions of this Agreement. I -, J 5, Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants to each of the parties hereto that: a. the signatory has actual authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the party for which. the signatory has signed; 181614.3\094\22897.0001 04'18197 3 ~- b. the signatory has carefully read this Agreement in its entirety; and c, the signatory is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party for whom the signatory signed. 6. By entering into this Agreement, no party hereto admits that the claims of the other were or are valid or meritorious. Each party hereto has in the past denied and continues to deny the claims, assertions, allegations and contentions of the others, and this Agreement is strictly for the purpose of compromising a dispute. 7. The parties hereby agree that this Agreement is made, executed and entered into, and is intended to be performed within, the State of California, and is to be governed by the laws of the State of California. 8. There are no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 9, In the event this Agreement fails to become effective or ceases to be effective for any reason, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Evidence Code Sections 1152 and 1600, neither this Agreement nor any prior drafts or negotiations with respect to this Agreement shall be admissible as evidence in any proceeding or litigation (except litigationaIleging violation of paragraph 2 or 3 hereof) for any purpose, except to prove the terms of this Agreement. 10. The undersigned, and each of them, declare and represent that in effecting this Agreement, each has received full legal advice as to hislits respective legal rights, and each hereby certifies that he/it has read all of this Agreement and fully understands the same. This Agreement shall be interpreted reasonably to effectuate its terms. This Agreement has been fully negotiated by all the parties hereto and shall be construed as if drafted by all parties. n. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter herein, and supersedes, terminates, cancels and replaces any and all previous negotiations and agreements between the parties, whether oral or written, concerning the Proposed Redevelopment Plan. This Agreement shall not be deemed applicable to the right of the Agency or City to hereafter establish redevelopment project areas other than or in addition to the Proposed Project Area; provided that the County and the Related Entities reserve all of their. rights with respect to such establishment of such redevelopment project areas. 12. This Agreement may be amended at any time by an instrument in writing with the consent of the parties to this Agreement. i 13. Except to the extent required by law or otherwise permitted by this Agreement, J failure or delay by any party to perform any obligation imposed by this Agreement constitutes a default under this Agreement. To parties intend that, to the greatest extent legally allowable, specific performance shall be available to enforce the terms of this agreement. 14. All notices required by this Agreement or by law shall be in writing and delivered by personal delivery, by United States mail, prepaid, certified, return receipt requested, or by a 181614.3\094\22897.0001 04'18/9':' 4 ._----_...,,--~ _. ---- reputable document delivery service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery . Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery shall be effective upon receipt. Notices sent by United States mail shall be effective on the second business day following deposit. Notices shall be addressed to: If to the Agency or the City: City of Arroyo Grande Attention: City Manager 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 With a copy to: Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Attention: Mark J. Huebsch 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 If to the County and/or Related Entit1ed: Robert Hendrix County Administrative Officer County of San Luis Obispo County Government Center, Room 370 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 With a copy to: Office of County Counsel Attention: Jac Crawford, Assistant County Counsel County Government Center, Room 386 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 And an additional copy to: Brown, Winfield & Canzoneri Attention: Thomas F. Winfield, ill 300 S. Grand Avenue Suite 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90071-3125 IS 1614.3\094122897.000 1 o.n819- 5 15. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation Dated: a,tlJJJ. . 1997 By: K.vkLT L. fIu....,.,. City Manager ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic Dated: Url-L1 J.).. . 1997 By: 'Ktlu.T L. ffu;:;;"' Executive Director COUN'IY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND RELATED ENTITlliS Dated: q,.-vr .l.~. 1997 BY:~? /~ Robert Hendrix County Administrative Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT JAMES B. UNDHOLM, JR. COUNTY COUNSEL ~S OBISPO COUNIY C_' /--/ By Deputy County ~ Date '/IZ,7-/1i 181614,3\094\22897.0001 04'18/97 6 ~-. ...." _. ." ;/ 4.1 .. .< II .. "- ... .. i" 0- U ... ~ 1f~ 4.1 ;' '. -t~ "e- .. c;l il... - ~~ .,'1 !!CI.. '''\ >- Gi .. .~ ~\ :I S .~~I s' " ~.'I . ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - I-- ~ - c:o - - ...a- ~ . . , . . i ~ - ." .... CI'.) ~ \ t: < .\\ ~ ~ I ~ c \ t:: C1.) C'V a i ~ ~ 0 ~ u 0 = 0 --- C1.) C1.) :.:. >-. > 0.0 = o C1.) ~ "0 ... ~ ~"'O ~ .. 0. - ~ .. ~ .c:: ~ ,... ~~ ~ ~. ~ - - :( N . . .- < , =~ ,- . -< Q~ .,ii(' tj ...~ ~. 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'"""'-" ...1. ~7'~}~5~ . \,..- tJS" -,... .- - ~ OJ e.:]ti:r"::~ \".1 ~- .........~...,.:. -. ~ ,;"..;~: 0 :::> >. :::> ... ... <. w.# V t: '"0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .; ~ ,....., u ... o 0 t: ~, u: - tU \: o ~ on .. ~ ~~<C ~ :5 .. ., 2-0 Q >> C4 CD =~ S '" ~ C,) I () . -<~ I = ~ 0: EXHIBIT C ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT April 22, 1997 Existing Configuration Map (Map Available in City Clerk's Office) RESOLUTION NO. 97-1616 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MODIFYING PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES AND FINDING THAT THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONFORMS TO THE ARROYO GRANDE GENERAL PLAN AND RELATED MA TIERS CONCERNING PROJECT AREA BOUNDARES - WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency ("Agency') has adopted a resolution authorizing transmittal of the proposed Redevelopment Plan rPlan" or "Redevelopment Plan") prepared for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project to the City of Arroyo Grande ("CitY') Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, Section 33346 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (CCRL) requires that before the Plan is submitted to the Arroyo Grande City Council ("City Council") by the Agency, the Planning Commission shall have the opportunity to review and report on the conformity of the document with the City's General Plan and, pursuant to such review, may recommend to the Agency for or against the approval of the Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes no changes to land use designations of properties located within the Project Area for the Redevelopment. Plan, as designated herein, and land use designations contained in the Redevelopment Plan are the same as those land use designations contained in the adopted land use map of the City's General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan proposes no changes to existing development standards for properties located within the Project Area, and develppment standards applicable to the Project Area, as enforced by the Redevelopment Plan, are the same as the development standards contained in the City's Municipal Code; and, WHEREAS Section 65402 of the Government Code provides in part: (a) If a general plan or part thereof has been adopted no real property shall be acquired by dedication or otherwise for street, square, park, or other public purposes; and no real property shall be disposed of, no street shall be vacated or abandoned, and no public building shall be constructed or authorized, if the adopted general plan or part thereof applies thereto, until the location, purpose, and extent of such acquisition or disposition, such street vacation or abandonment, or such public building or structure have been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to conformity with said adopted general plan or part thereof. RESOLUTION NO. 97-1616 PAGE 2 (b) A local agency shall not acquire real property for any of the purposes specified in paragraph (a) nor dispose of any real property, nor construct or auth~rize a public building or structure, in any county or city, if such county or city has adopted a general plan or part thereof is applicable thereto, until the location, purpose, and extent of such acquisition, disposition, or such public building or structure have been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency having jurisdiction as to conformity with said adopted general plan or part thereof ....; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has, by its Resolution No 97-1608, found and determined that the proposed Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City of Arroyo Grande (KGeneral Plan"), and recommended approval of the proposed Redevelopment Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Agency, the City, and the County of San Luis Obispo and related entities (collectively herein, KCounty") entered into discussions concerning the project area boundaries for the proposed Redevelopment Project Area, and such discussions have resulted in agreement that the Project Area boundaries be modified to consist only of that area described in Exhibit -A" hereto as the .Proposed. Project Area", and not the KDeletion Area- (the latter being that area so designated in Exhibit -8", hereto), and that on the basis of such modification, the County will not oppose the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE A~ROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDS AND RESOLVES THAT: Section 1. The Planning Commission approves the removal of the Deletion Area and approves and determines that the Project Area shall consist of the Proposed Project Area, as designated in Exhibit KA". Section 2. The Arroyo Grande Planning commission finds and determines that the Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the City's General Plan because it does not make changes to land uses permitted in the Project Area, or other general controls and i limitations; and the land use designation, circulation system, public facilities, proposed I projects and programs, and development standards, and all other contents of the Plan I are in conformity with the City's General Plan. The Planning Commission finds and determines that the Redevelopment Plan will help the City to further implement the long-term General Plan goals, objectives, and policies contained in the City's General Plan and Municipal Code. Section 3. The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission finds and determines, pursuant to Section 65402 of the Government Code, that the location, purpose, and extent of any - -- RESOLUTION NO. 97-1616 PAGE 3 acquisition or disposition of real property for street, square, park, or other public purpose by the Agency for the purpose of carrying out the Redeve~opment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City. Section 4. A recommendation is hereby made by the Planning Commission to the Agency that the Agency approve the Plan as drafted. Section 5. The Planning Commission directs that copies of this resolution be filed in the office of the Planning Commission. On motion by Commissioner Haney-, seconded by Commissioner Greene, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: Commissioners Haney, Greene, Rondeau, and Chair Lubin NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner O'Donnell the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1997. ATTEST: 11 a.~ .~~ Nancy ~ City Clerk - ~andY LtJ~o/ Doreen Lt erto-Blanck, Community Development Director , , , -,...,----------~-~ - --,'. .. ~ " ... 0- 2: ~; - ~~ >. . .~, ~\ :I .~~I s' ~' . . I t ~( ~ ~, rIjJ ~ ~ ~ ~ J;ifl to- ~r5 - - -'- >< u.J < j cw~ i ~ ~ I ~ Q) ! ~ a ~ ! C) ~ u o ~ i o Q) Q) 7 >.. ~>OJJ = OQ)~ "= - .. ~~ ~ i .. - Q,) .- .. ~~ -- .r::. -- -- ~ - ... ~'; ~ 0'. 0- -- - ~, :5 N ~! - I . ' x r; t::I , ILl '- j <: < i i ;;; I ti ILl .- . .C' ~~ "- ... - .~i "I,;'! "'-,1 ~ ;:1 ~. . . . Ift- . -( , .- Qi)~ ~ tiilil _ Q . = ~- = ~ ;;:' -='-0 F ...JoE,,: >. - ... - U ... - ~ 5 .::..:..'.,..:...,: :-:'.'::;,~"::.-:-. ; ,~:.t2ti~fI: _. ..as ..... ~ ILl r' ---., \ ."u-- .. . ~~ \g 0 >. 0 "- ... <: .;...I (l) r-' ] "'0 ~ i = ~ ~ ,,; Cd _ .. ~ 0.. u ~ o 0 C &:: iC - (l) ~ o \;) o.c ~. :5 ~>< :: >. o \;) ~CII lEI z" . 0 ~--O ' .. ~ ~ C) .... .. o .. <(~ z e- It