R 3638 RESOLUTION NO. 3638 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE ALLOCATION OF PROPOSITION 50 FUNDS WHEREAS, the California electorate approved Proposition 50 on November 5, 2002; WHEREAS, Proposition 50 includes a set aside of $525 million for allocation amongst specified Counties including $1.2 million for the City of Arroyo Grande; WHEREAS, representatives from twenty-five local agencies have proposed to allocate this $15 million set aside to meet the water, wastewater, drainage and open space needs of San Luis Obispo County as detailed in the attached worksheet; WHEREAS, City of Arroyo Grande concurs with the proposed allocation and wishes to encourage the California Legislature to award the $15 million San Luis Obispo County set aside for as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby approve the following actions: 1. Supports allocation ofthe $15 million San Luis Obispo County set aside as detailed on the attached worksheet. 2. Respectfully requests that Assembly Member Maldonado and Senator Bruce McPherson work to secure the specific line items appropriation of the $15 million San Luis Obispo County set aside as detailed on the attached worksheet. On motion of Council Member Runels, seconded by Council Member Dickens, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Costello, and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of December, 2002. - RESOLUTION NO. 3638 PAGE 2 TONY~ ATTEST: u()jUL MORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~~~~ITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~ CITY ATTORNEY . _ __. __.___ SAN LUIS OBISPO PROPOSITION 50 FUNDING ----- -+--------- LIST A -- ~--=r- -- _AGENCY . PROJECT AMOUNT Los Osos CSD _ __ lLos Osos Wastewater Project _____ $2,700,000 ________l~_ LIST A SUBTOTAL~ $2,700,000 LIST B - ----- I _ n._~GENCY ._~~- -~=--==- _ PROJECT. ! AMOUNT AI1l~ric:<!nL~mdgonservancL___ .iMolinari Ranch Acquisition --- -- .--- . $300,000 C~ty of Arroyo Grande_____-jResevOirNo.1 Replacement Project=:"'~___ +-__ $390,000 glt~_of AtascadeiO_ _ .. !AtascaderoLake Water Quality .. . $300,000 Avila Beach CSD-______ -IWater Syste~ Master Plan &Syster1!Reha~ilitatlon--- - n-i-- $300,000 Cambria ~SD_ __ ~.. ..~. -IMolinari RanchOpen Space &Watershed Protection_prOject~_1=---$30~,OOO C::13~uc~s SanitaI}'Distri<:!...____1 Pump Station N9. 2 Relocatiol!/Force Main Replace.l1lent + .!300,QOO Centra'-C()13st Salmon Enhanc:ernen~_ iTally Ho Cr~ek Restoration Project.. ' . $300,000 gQasta~an Luis RCD ..______~___ Los Berros Creek Flood Plain-Restoration Project -.. .-r - $300,000 City of Grover Beach Groundwater Infiltration ----- $300000 _~___.__._ __..____u______________ ____ __ +---- .. - - __ I... - - _..' Heritage Ranc:b_CSD_ _____ -iAlternative 'v'V~ter SupplyProjecls (s>==. . ---$300,000 Los Osos CSD .. . ~s Osos Wastewater Project ------- -- --- - $300,000 Programatic Funding for the Retirement of Developmental Potential on I Remaining Privately Held Undeveloped Natural Shoreline Within Morro Bay Morro Estuary Greenbelt Alliance Estuary --- --- .... -,' fitLQf Morro Bctl DeSai Energy Recovery Nip~mo CS~___ ___ InnerTie w/Santa Maria ___+ gi!'iof f'~~o_~obl~s Alternative Disposal of Wastewater Discharge -~--J Cit~ of Pisl1l0 BeactJ.__ _~ ~_ iWastewater Treatment Plant Flood Protection Port SC'I..'l L_ui~ Harbo[' District ~orm Water Pollution and Flood Control Project ~n Migu~1 CSD ______ !Water Systems Rehabilitation~___ San Simeol!_C~Q__~.. iRecycled Water Project _~___ __ c::it)/of~an_Lui~()bispo _ ~id Higuera Bypass Channel SLO Co Flood Control & Water Cons District ! Disenfection/Disenfectants By Products Rule Compliance - --------.. ~~~-.~._~- --+--~_.-._---~~----- . .-"-~---- So sL2_gounty~Sanitaiton District ___~Wat~r Recycling Project________ SLO Parks, Open Space and Trails Found ,Santa Lucia Wilderness Expansion Temp1et0r1 9SE5-===: .___ .. iWastewaterDi~osal System/Silva Water WeUReplacement Templeton USD ...... ~__ ____ I/'{astewater[)lsposal System~Meadowt:)rook _Vl/WTP ___ i _ $3Q92000 _ ____~____________~_ LIST B SU~TOT~$7,500,000 . LIST A + B SUBTOTAL! $10,200,000 -----.. ._~------ ----_._-------~- ------~- --~ , LIST C -~-- -, ---- - -1 ____.AGENCY ..~ f)ROJECT . AMOUNT San Simeon CSDWater Master Plan and Water Tank Replacement : $150,000 - .__ ____ _. - .____.___.._ ... .-. ...-----------------t----..-.---- San Simeon CSD . . Correct Water System Deficiencies ... . ' ... $200,000 Cit~if Pisrno Beach _.. . ---.1 Wastewater Treatment PlantFlood Protecf~. ~=____ ~ __~OO,OOO City of p.,rroyo Grande .... ._ _~esevoir No.1 Replacement Project .____ i- __~ilQO,OOO ~L()_ ~~_FloocJg_ontrol &liVaterCons District... Disenfe(;!ion/Disenfectants By Products Rule Compliance___i $700,000 c::~yu(;os Sanitary_ District .. .. Pump Station No.2 Relocation/Force Main_ Replacement . __ J $400,000 So SLO cou..n....ty Sanitaiton District ~IWater Re. .c. ycling P~oject ______ n.!100,00Q City of Atascadero Atascadero Lake Water Quality $250,000 Templeton CSO- -iWater Storage and Pressure System Upgrade $1,000,000 ---- ----- .._-------_.'._-_.~_. --- ,- ...- -_._.~ ~ity otpaso Robles ....__~ . SWMP ~___ I $300,00~ P~rtSan Luis Harbor District _~_ _ StormWater Pollution and Flood Control Project .. I $200,000 i LIST C SUBTOTAL $4,800,000 _..-~-- t- LIST A, B, C, SUBTOTAL $15,000,000 --- ------- --- LIST D -~--- -- ---- AGENCY-- -~--- PROJECt---- ! AMOUNT American Land Conservancy---~ Molinari Ranch Acquisition -- - --. $206,000 Cambria CSD------- .... ---___. lMolinari~anChOperlspace &yv.CIfer~ed-Pr()t~tion Project -$600,600 City of San Luis Obispo iAhearn Property Acquisition . $400,000 -----.--.--- ._-_._~_..- -+----.-....-----------. ---- -- ~---._---_. -------..--.--.--- Cityof San Luis Obispc> -. 'Modify Parks and Playgrounds to Use Recycled Water $300,000 CWy of San Luis-Obispo-- . Water Efficient Washing Machine Rebate Program . $50,006 City of Morro Bay -- DeSai Energy Recovery .. $100,000 NipomoCS6 i InnerTie w/Santa Maria------- $1,350,000 --- -- ---- LIST D SUBTOTAL I $3,000,000 ~ ~~-- LIST A, B, C, D GRAND TOTAL $18,000,000 -.,.------.- . RESOLUTION NO. 3638 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3638 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 10th day of December, 2002. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of December, 2002. ~ U1Ltf)/fN- . KELLY ET ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK