R 3651 RESOLUTION NO. 3651 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 894 TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY. STATE AGREEMENT FOR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS NO. 000199 FOR THE BRANCH MILL ROAD REHABILITATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City and the State have entered into Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199 on August 2,1999; and WHEREAS, Program Supplement No. 849 to the Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funding Projects No. 000199 designates the State funds requested and the matching funds to be provided by the City of Arroyo Grande for all phases of work on the Branch Mill Road Rehabilitation capital improvement project; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to receive State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds for this project; and WHEREAS, the Branch Mill Road Rehabilitation capital improvement project is programmed to receive $15,000 of STIP funding in FY 2005/06 and $229,000 in FY 2006/07; and WHEREAS, Program Supplement No. 849 to the Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funding Projects No. 000199 allows the City of Arroyo Grande to use its local funds to implement the Branch Mill Road Rehabilitation Project now and also the State to reimburse the City in the fiscal years in which the project is programmed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council ofthe City of Arroyo Grande hereby: A. Approves Exhibit "A" attached, entitled "Program Supplement No. 894 to Administering Agency-State Agreement for State Funded Projects No. 000199" B. Appoints the Mayor as the official representative authorized to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 894. On motion of Council Member Dickens, seconded by Council Member Costello, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dickens, Costello, Runels, Lubin and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of February, 2003. RESOLUTION NO. 3651 PAGE 2 TONY ATTEST: UV~ ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: j)~ ~ /7 STEVEN ADAMS, CITY ~ER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ ~C7 TIMO ~ EL, CITY ATTORNEY -..'-...---..------ Exhibit A PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 894 Date: February 4, 2003 to Location: 05-Sl0-o-ARGO ADMINISTERING AGENCY-5TATE AGREEMENT ProJect Number: RPL-S199(019) FOR STATE FUNDED PROJECTS NO 000199 E.A. Number: 05-4A 1504 Locode: 5199 fPtJo; 01 /i'1 A This Program Supplement, effective . is hereby incorporated into the Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 000199 for State Funded Projects entered into between the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and the STATE with an effective data of 08102199 and is Subject to all the tenns and condllJons thereof. This_ PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT is adopted In accordance w~h Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY on (See copy attached). The ADMINISTERING AGENCY further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds encumbered to this project, ~ accepts and will comply with the Special Covenants and Cond~lons set forth on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION: Branch Mill Road Rehab. Grind and Overlay the existing AC Pavement, stomi drain Improvements. and striping. TYPE OF WORK: Road Rehabllflatlon EstImated Coat neI. "atelllng Funds . SB45 STATE $244.000.00 LOCAL OTHER $244.000.00 $0.0< $0.00 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STATE OF CAUFORNIA Depertment of Transportation By ~Ief. OffIce of ~ct Impl.mentatlon TItle Dlvlalon of Local ~.I"'nce Dllta Data AU'" I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are avaUable for this encumbrance: (7~ be.. ~t:::: ~,,!t if tJ.;o.tI tJlttl< ere: a.1(ocJe., f-J)) $244.000.00 Accounting . DIlle Chapter Statutes Item Year Program BC Category Fund Source AMOUNT . Progl'1lm Supplement 00.0199-894- SERIAL Page 1 of 4 05-SLo-o-ARGD 0210412003 RPL-S1 99(01 9) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Special Covenants for AB3090 Agreement (Version January 31, 2003) 1. This PROJECT is presently programmed to receive future funding from the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) under one or more components. In addition to other requirements, a STIP Amendment that replaces the original PROJECT programming with a PROJECT programmed for reimbursement must be noticed and approved by the CTC before that reimbursable work can occur for. the component identified herein. 2. This PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT has been prepared under the authority of Government Code section 14529.7(b)(AB3090) in order. to allow the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to use it's local (non-state and non-federal) funds to implement PROJECT earlier and allow STATE to reimburse ADMINISTERING AGENCY's eligible PROJECT expenditures with STIP funds at a later date, if and when the CTC allocates such funds and State Budget Authority exists. The earliest commencement of reimbursable expenditures is restricted to the later of 1) the effective date of the Master Agreement, 2) the effective date of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, 3) the effective date of the STIP Amendment, or 4) the authorization date of the E-76 (if federal. funds are involved). 3. Execution of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT does not encumber any STIP or other State or Federal funds. Programmed reimbursement funds can only be encumbered by a subsequent STATE Issued finance letter if and when those funds are allocated by the CTC (and State Budget Authority exists) and subsequent to the conversion of Advanced Construction to federal funds (if federal funds are involved). 4. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that reimbursement will only be authorized for allowable PROJECT expenditures and will be limited to the amount originally programmed in the STIP or that amount allocated by the CTC for the PROJECT. The PROJECT scope may be modified within CTC STIP guidelines when approved by both . the STATE and the CTC. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to bear any cost differential resulting from a change in scope or a cost overrun. Reimbursement of programmed STIP funds is subject to that payment schedule set forth by the eTe in any amended STIP programming document, is limited to the eligible PROJECT expenditures as set forth in the final invoice, and said amount shall not exceed the total amount originally programmed in the STIP or the amount allocated by the CTC, whichever Is less. STATE agrees to reimburse ADMINISTERING AGENCY upon the encumbrance of these funds, if and when allocated by CTC, and the passage of the State Budget Act authorizing the expenditure of those funds. 5. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that subsequent to an AB3090 STIP Amendment Approval by the CTC, the scheduled PROJECT programmed for reimbursement may be re-programmed for a later fiscal year by CTC. The revised programmed year will become the reimbursement year if and when said allocation occurs and State Budget Authority exists. ADMINSTERING AGENCY agrees that the CTC may allocate these STIP funds for reimbursement of eligible PROJECT expenditures in one lump sum, or may provide funds in one or more fiscal years if and when said allocation occurs and the necessary Program Supplement 00-0199-894- SERIAL Page 2 of 4 OS-SLO-O-ARGD 0210412003 RPL-5199(019) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS State Budget Authority exists. 6. PROJECT will be administered in accordance with the CTC STIP guidelines, as then adopted or amended, the CTC Advance Local Funding and Reimbursement Guidelines (AB3090), the latest published Local Assistance Program Guidelines, and the Local Assistance Procedures Manual, all of which are, by this reference, made an express part of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT. 7. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to notify the appropriate Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)/Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) within 30 days of that CTC approval of the STIP Amendment for this PROJECT and request that the MPO/RTPA submit a request for the FTIP amendment to the STATE and FHWA for approval, if necessary. 8. ADMINISTERING AGENCY will reimburse STATE for the ADMINISTERING AGENCY'S share of costs for work requested to be performed by STATE. 9. All project repair, replacement and maintenance involving the physical condition and operation of the PROJECT improvements referred to in Article III MAINTENANCE, of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be the responsibility of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and shall be performed at regular intervals and as required for safe and efficient operation of the completed PROJECT improvements. 10. If PROJECT construction is completed prior to the CTC allocation of funds, ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall prepare the final Report of Expenditures and draft final invoice, and submit to the District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) for verification and final inspection. The eligible expenditures in the draft final invoice will not be paid until after the CTC's allocation of funds, the passage of the State Budget Act containing these funds, and the submittal to the DLAE of the final invoice (with a current date) by ADMINISTERING AGENCY. 11. ADMINISTERING AGENCY is required to have an audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMS A-133 if ADMINISTERING AGENCY receives a total of $300,000 or more in federal funds in a single fiscal year. Any federal funds received under this PROJECT may be a part of the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CD FA) 20.205, Highway Planning and Research funding (OMB A-133 superceded OMB A-128 in 1996 and any reference to OMB A-128 in a Master Agreement (if any) is superceded by this covenantto conform to OMB A-133). 12. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the DLAE immediately after PROJECT contract award. Please refer to Section 15.7 'Award Package' of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 13. If federal funds are to be utilized for this PROJECT, ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to first submit a request for 'Advance Construction Authorization' to the DLAE. ADMINISTERING AGENCY also agrees that ADMINISTERING AGENCY will only proceed with PROJECT work authorized for specific phase(s) after receipt of a STATE Program Supplement 00-0199-894- SERIAL P8ge 3 of 4 05-SLo-o-ARGD 0210412003 RPL-5199(0191 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS issued "Authorization to Proceed" for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phase(s). 14. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall conform to all State statutes, regulations and procedures (including those set forth in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual) relating to the Federal-aid Program, all Title 23 Federal requirements, and all appli-::able Federal laws, regulations, and policy and procedural or instructional memoranda. 15. STATE shall process ADMINISTERING AGENCY's request for Advance Construction Authorization after execution of this PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT and approval of the STIP Amendment by CTC once PROJECT is in the triennial period of the current FSTIP. 16. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit a written request to the CTC and STATE for allocation of programmed reimbursement STIP funds at the beginning of the fiscal year in which the PROJECT was originally programmed or at the time ADMINISTERING AGENCY has completed the PROJECT, whichever comes earlier. 17. Following CTC allocation, the PROJECT will be subject to the timely use of funds provisionS enacted by Senate Bill 45 (SB 45), approved in 1997, and ~dopted in the subsequent CTC guidelines. However, if the award of contract happens prior to the CTC allocation, ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to complete PROJECT construction within 36 months of that allocation date. 18. If PROJECT is still under construction if and when CTC allocates the STIP funds for PROJECT and State Budget Authority exists, ADMINISTERING AGENCY will be reimbursed only for eligible PROJECT expenditures for work completed to date, and shall . thereafter submit progress reports and invoices for any remaining eligible PROJECT expenditures monthly in arrears. 19. If PROJECT will be combined with other projects with STIP and other State and Federal Funds into one contract, a separate Program Supplemental Agreement will be prepared and executed, if and when the CTC allocates these funds. .- Program Supplement 00-0199-894- SERIAL Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 3651 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califomia, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3651 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 11 th day of February, 2003. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 12th day of February, 2003. iJJl~ ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK i -.--- -~._-