R 3202 . . RESOLUTIQN NO. 3202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THAT THE STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLOW THE PASADENA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (OES) ASSISTANCE BRANCH TO RETAIN JURISDICTION TO AID IN [ SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY/CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOVERY EFFORTS FOR DISASTER #1155 . WHEREAS, in 1995 the City of Arroyo Grande began the difficult task of processing multiple damage site daims as a result of severe storm damages caused by the Disasters #1044 and #1046 with the aid of the Pasadena Office of Emergency Services Assistance Officer's; and, WHEREAS, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Public Assistance Section is responsible for representing the City in ma~ers related to the Public Assistance program; and, WHEREAS, the processing of Damage Survey Reports for the City has been very complex and requires substantial support from OES A~sistance Officers and Inspectors, both for the completion of Disaster #1 044/#1 046 processing, and now for #1155; and, WHEREAS, The State decision to reassign San Luis Obispo County assistance jurisdiction from the Pasadena Office to the Sacramento Office for Disaster #1155 will result in an eXtraordinary duplication of effort for both local and State Administrative activities; and, WHEREAS, the City wishes to retain the existing, functional, OES processing structure for. Disaster #1155; NOW,' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HEREBY RESOLVES that the City of Arroyo Grande formally requests that its State Legislators, the Honorable Senator Jack O'Connell and the Honorable Assemblyman Tom Bordonaro, convey to Dick Andrews, Director of the State of Galifomia Office of Emergency Services, that the City, in concert with the San Luis Obispo County Emergency Services Coordinator, and other San Luis Obispo County subgrantees, wishes to remain within the jurisdidion of the Pasadena Office for Disaster #1155, with the on-going support of State Public Assistance Officers Gilbert Najera, Hugo Gonzales, David Rickard, Daniel Thorpe, and others. [- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Pasadena, Office of Emergency Services Team, . has earned the deeply held gratitude of the City of Arroyo Grande for the aid they have given throughout the difficult storm recovery process. RESOLUl'ION NO. 3202 .:. I On motion of Council- Member Lady , seconded by Council Member Tolley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council M:mbers Lady, Tolley, Fuller, Runels, and Mayor Dougall NOES: None ABSENT: None ion was passed and adopted this 25th day of February 1997. \ ~ ATTEST: NANCY A APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~.~~ -I.~ - J< . T, M CA . MEL.. AlTORNa-: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~L, Htw, ~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER I, NANCY A DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the following Resolution No. 3202 Is a true, full and correct copy of.said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 25th day of February ,1997. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 3rd day of March, 1997. !1 a.~ NANCY~S, CITY CLERK . FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.S. NO. 3067-C033 NOTICE OF INTEREST IN APPLYING FOR FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE cxp;r.s May 3'. , 996 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response. This includes the time fc . roviewing instruc1.io",s: searching existing data sources. g.atheri!1g and ma;~ta;ning the data needed: completing, reviewing. and submltU1g the form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this reQuirement including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections. Management. Federal Emergenc- Management Agency. 500 C Street. S.W.. Washington. D.C. 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget r'perwork Reduction Project (3067-0033J. Washington, D.C. 20503. I OTE: Complete form and tUrD ioto tbe Covernor', Authorized Rcpn:.seaudve at the Applic.aats Brierang for this majo I ster~ but Dot later tban 30 days afCa your County is designated eligi'ble for Public AssiSUnce". I ;lARATION NUMBER PROJECT APPUCATlON NUMBER NOe OA TE \ II 115 5 (For Agency Us. OnIy-FPS tI) - 2-14-97 FEMA- -t>R The purpose of this form is to list damages to property and facilities so that inspections may be appropriately assigned for (orma' sUlvey. REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL DAMAGE SURVEYS A. DEBRIS CLEARANCE B. PROTECTIVE MEASURES rn On public Roads & Streets incfuding ROW UJ Ufe and Safety rn Other Public Property rn Property I Q Private Property (When unMtt~ken buy /oQJ golft.lon:es) 13 Health 4I Structure Demolition []StreamIDrainage Channels ." C. ROAD SYSTEM D. WATER CONTROL FACIUTtES CiI Roads OJ Streert [j Control Traffic o Dikes o Dams o Bridges OJ Culverts . 0 · ~ "1)rainage Channels o 'nigationWorns o levees (!]. Basins E. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT F. PUBUC UTtUTY SYSTEMS IX] Buildings and Equipment I!J Water OSanitary Sewerage GJ Supplies or Inventory lXJ Stonn Drainage 0 UghtIPower [II Vehictes or other equipment O. . IX] Transportation Systems .. O. .: G. OT~E~ (Not In the above C3tegories, rn Park Facilities ~ Recreational Facilities J · 'ndicate type of facilitiy NI : OF POUTfCAL SUBCMSION OR EUGIBLE APPUCANT (NOTE: If PRIVATE NO~ROFIT COUNlY pi . NOtJ..profit, proWJe aanw of faclity .nd/or Non-Prolit Own." ity of Arroyo Grande DYES GJ NO San Luis Obispo REPRESENT A riVE 1. REPRESENTATNE 2. John L. Wallace Robert L. Hunt Public Works Director City Manager - QIJSINESSADDRESS (IncJud. ;Q;'.";Qd') BUSINESS ADDRESS (lndut>> Zip Code) , P.O. Box 550 P.O. Box 550 ,Arroyo Grande~ CA 93421 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 . BUSINESS TELEPHONE (InduM Are. Code end &t. nsionl TELEPHONE (Include Ala Code and Extension) , (805) 473-5440 (80S) 473-5408 i ---... ~-- nn Aft .~^V QA nr. .... ,.....~ ...... .....r.. ""'..A..L- ._! ...........-.....- - . . Stat~ of California Disaster Number 1155 OFr;ICE OJ!' Federal PA Number - '.-... EMERGENCY SERVICES State Application Number DESIGNATION OF APPUCANT'S AGENT RESOLUTION BE IT RESOL VEC BY THE City Council , OF THE City of Arroyo Grande IIIaMf of DIe-. or ca-nina IIocIyI ...... of 0..........11oo.. John L. Wallace Public Works Director ,- THAT . f I IN__ of _0WIgneCed A4Iemt (11tIet l OR Robert L. Hunt . City Manaqer IN_ of Deslplecl AQend nTIIIt OR Lynda Snodgrass Finance Director . IN_ of O~ecI A4Iemt Int.t is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of ~..zs~~rde . a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, this application and to file it in the Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L 93~288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafforc Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or state financial assistance under the Natural Disaste, Assistance Act. for Flood . which occurred in December 28 of 1996 CFIr.. Flood. e.ntIcIu8.... .Ieol lMombIDelel IV.." - THAT the City 0 f A ~~Il1P . a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State Office of emergency services for all matters pertaining tc such state disaster assistance the assurances and agreements required. Passed and approved this ~~~r day of Febrli!l. . f9 9~ . -, ArK. "Pete" Dougall, Mayor INerM end11de of ~ 8aenI or Council Membert Mi~h~pl '~nYI M~ynr Prn-TPm !Heme end TIIIII of ~ 8aenI or Council MemIteI1 Michael Fuller Counci.1.Izalber . 'D'tc.IMR A. Rnnpl ~ ~ Cb1.mci1.inembP..r./SteVe Tollev, CoUnd Inanber INerM end ,... of AppnMno 8aenI or Council Membert CERTIFICATION I, Nancy A. Davi s . duly appointed and City Cl erk . of (N_III (I1IIe of Clerk or CertIfyIng Otflclell City of Arroyo Grande , do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy 0: !Heme of o._.lu.doo" a resolution passed and approved by the Ci ty Council of the ( IIIo8N of 0fNc(0ra or GcNwnIng IIodyt [ City of Arroyo Grande on the 25th day of February . 192L- IN"",. of 0fpIIDdant IO.w IMonthI O'atl - Date: Februa ry 25, 1997 vfl' .a,~ lan<<~~ancy A. Davis, City Clerk ~Leu L. I-JtJ;:J:' ISIQnatuNf Robert L. Hunt, City Manager aes Form 130 In.... 819410...8 Form .- --.-...". '-oIt;1t \. uy. ,.\1..,.... I v ~'U .....u'- V"v ." 'tJ ~.,..,-.J U<., tVI t;J, ..,. -T_. ... - --- - -~- ... ~/~- " . . "O'~A~'W'~G'~CYM~~'M("1'AO'NCY .. "'(UMIHAR., DAMAGE ASSESSMENT SITE ISTfMATt .NGttI. IiIIo. ~~/. . O$"- 4. 7~"$"~,* ~ f ".. ~... . ....1..'tf.If. Infoi.. ~"UCTroH .. 0...... .....ov... ... .lIIOnCTfYC ... .ev.... ~ ...IVA", 11II0"""0.11' L "'",IC "'C"'~T~ S 3." /.t!.$ . ?~;''''.::J I t:!!,"t UJ," ~ .. "'Z~t:1 - -- ~_ B:,""U:l i- ,.~/Jk~.(;bdl,.I,.~.:$ I~-~~ - . .- . , ..., z~ - " . IW'ACTI H,.""~.,z I " CO""UTI COST UTIWATa - .4' 'D~ II~- \.OCATIGtt Iu.. ..... ......... ..........1Ie.I t.. .. J/~I' '*'4flc<- .s G'J#~ 8...?1.:-'" "... ... e~~"-~'~- ...., J e.. ..~ '."'... '.....CT: . CO""'''' casT UTI.....T. n/"",~ ~ o 0 e>% 52 t!?t:> - CA ft. I.OCA 1'10" IV...... -.c...... ~ ......, p:-,./J k4!;d'~ GO"'" S""e'~ ~ . ~'"' 14>' .- ~ - 0$'" d' ~4c:! i<,. FI~d ~j,.;~1i. iJ~t1#1 ~,;4-.q{ 4'1 f>f-,c( e,uA~~ ~: . .' J,~$ J...s;"~ ~ . " CoMPun COST .ST'.... TI ,...,..CT: sd. ~/I ~t:1 15. (;JC# - ....., , sn. CAn. '- , , - -, fIIO. 00..... -:;J r~.::r 6'k _ .. ';"".e.#- . . - 4- f!:,. . . ,- -g It "' .t' e:;/.;r ~ #7 ~/ b aISCfl.ftTION O' DAMACK- ' . '~6/~ ~ ~ ~ tI.~ ~.'~1' +e".4 B'#:"tG" gsoo ~o , ,,0- , . CON#..aTI COST UT.....T. ~ ~ .....CT: Iv( ;A ,. r"7';'/ 0 2.5',,0 ..- ....0fW. NO. NAMa Oil' I..~'CT.O.. . hCY o..Ice t~1 oj.lId rd/J.!.<. 6.&d.6'- .i-l:M A30,ovo, :::. f70,DOO;' - I 11/1__. ..., Jh7;~ tv.",(_g/I..-Ju.(,"I:&/~'d()../;.~ -~- ____'-""""'11'\ NDOR'DkTA RECORD . ' :quired In lieu of IRS W-9 when doing business with the State of California) ~ (REV, 6-112J OEPARTUEHTIOFFJa: PURPOSE: Infonnationcontained inthis form .EASE wiD be used by State agencies to prepare Info.- EiuRN STREET AOORESS mation Returns (Fo11111~) and forwithhc;Jfding TO: on payments to nonresident vendors. CfTY. STATE. ZIP CODE (See Privacy Statement on reverse.) JOR'S 8USINESS NAME OWNERS FUU. NAME tt-. RnIt. M.IJ City of Arroyo Grande .:er AOORESS - P.O. Box 550 ~1U-l - iSM.........,. RJ Fomt W", . STATE.ANO ZIPCOOE Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 o YES 01 NO - ,STRUCTIONS: (1). Check box indicating type of business entity and provide taxpayer identification number. (2). Check box indicating n.sfdent or nonresident (S.. 1VV81S81or addIt1ona1lnformatlon). (3). Check one or mont VENDOR ACTIVITY boxes specffyfng vendor acdvIIy type. " : o EQUIPMeNT /SUPPlIES (E-.,t.... sr. wifNtddi..gJ .' o ReNT 0:::' o :'4W ;noN thIWnr 0 EQUIIMENfJSl.lPPUeS -............ eCI ~.... $We wiIhhoItAtfI) .' o MEDICAl. thIWnr~ ~. . .......... ..., .' ,..",........ """"tfI). .. o ' Ron Resifent (S.. Reverse) esldent (Estat~ - Decedef1t was a CA resident . . the time of eath Resident (Trust) - At least one trustee Is a C I'8sldei'1t . I f I ! \ - Director NONRESOEHTwnHHOlDlNG o NONEYf'lOYS: 0 MEDICAl.. o REHr 0 '011ER o STANDARD RATE COMPEHSA1'IQM seRVICES JRTASLE tt<<:OMe COOE PER STATE AOUlMSTflATIYE arMtIAlSEClaf1422.S. PMdrOlooJ INI1W..S GATE tNITW.B) o WAIVED i 1 02 03 o. 05 06 07 o REDUCED RATE % - ---~, - - ~---------" '- - -- ~ .. (/ ~---~....'" r ~J.J ..._ / Federal Emergency Mana&ement Agency 8-.;--IY ~"'U9S-OI. Disaster Field Ornee 369S BU'('tq'T Y ~fA.TlIEJl, CA HS5 '(916) 364-3000 FAX: "16) J6f.3%OO [ January 26. 1997 " " Ms. Nanq Wani Deputy Swe CoaldiIwiDg Offic:cr Ciovemor'J OffICI: of Emergea;y Scl'o'kcs 2800 Meadowview 'Road. Sac:ameaco. CA 95832 Dear Ms, Ward: This is in IESpOI15e co YOIIr Ictta of IJnJ97. cazamiftc an ty.....don of lhe 3O-d3)' d-lli.nlt fer submiaing Notices of 1JIrues1 (NOIs). . All additional 3<HSay exlCmioa is approved. The DeW. fiaaJ dcadIiD: for submissiQIl of NOIs on FEldA 1155-0R.-CA "'ill be March 6. 1997. Ie lIIere ate any quesUOlIS. please COJltlCt Hugh Ward 11 (916) 364-3033. SiDcmly. D. Swanson Federal Coordizwing Offu:er