O 547 -- -,." ORDINANCE NO. 547 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING, AMENDING, AND ADDINGPROVISIQNS TO TITLES 1,2,3, AND 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters and Sections are hereby repealed: . A. Repeal Section 2.12.100 - Premises after fires; B. Repeal Section 2.44.050 - Applicab~itv ofoofSonnel f4tes to ~in e~empt positions; Section 2.44.060 - ApQOihtme(lW'\, theC9ff'~"'rv~; Section 2.44.070 - ApPoint~nts suJ>iect to qjaoter Qrovjlions: S8cti0n 2.44.080 - Probationary period; Section 2.44.090 -Suso~OfIQn; Sec:\ion 2.44.100 - I Demotions. dismissals and reductions in ~: Section 2.44.110 - Qiagiglinary I action - Appeals; Section 2.44.120 - ~; Section. 2.44.130 - I Emplovee incapacitation; Section 2.44.140 - DiscriqJina~n; Section 2.44.150 - Contract for special services; and Section 2.44.~160 - Aopr;ooriatioo of funds. C. Repeal Chapter 3.12 - Transfer of Prooertv Tax Assessment and CoUection Duties to County. D. Repeal Chapter 3.16 - Real Property Transfer Tax. E. Repeal Section 3.40.040- LeVY of taxes. F. Repeal Chapter 3.48 - Special Continaencv Reserve Fund. G. Repeal Section 16.08.060 - Plannina qpmmission. H. Repeal Section 16.08.070 - Architec~ral review committee. \. Repeal Section 16.08.090 - Community development director. SECTIOt4 2: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal. Code Chapters and Sections are hereby amended to read as follows: A. Amend Section 2.08.120 - Actina city rylanaaer- Bqnd re9~ired. In order to provide for the performance of his or her duties during his or her temporary absence or disability, the city manager shall designate in writing a qualified administrative officer of the city to so act. \fifth the approval of the council. In the event of the failure of the city manager to make such designation. the council shall designate an officer or employee of the city to I I I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 2 perform the duties of the city manager until he or she shall return or his or her disability shall cease. Any person so designated to act in the absence of the city manager shall first furnish a bond in the form required of the city manager, unless such person is a city officer who has already filed a similar bond with the city. The person designated in accordance with the provisions of this section to act during the absence or disability of the city manager shall be the acting city mansger and shall exercise all the powers and carry out all the duties of the city manager. provided, however, no eftioer ,or employee ..~ lie GitV 8hall be appointe<:l, r~move<:l, pmmoteEi, <:Iemeted, 6Y$peRded, or .......... 4ieeipliA9a by the aGting city m:mager '/lithQYt the prior a,pFO\~1 of tM eewAeil. B. Amend Section 2.12.080 - Drills and instruc;tion. The fire chief shall, at least four times each month, provide for suitable drills covering the operation and handling of all equipment essential for effickmt fire department operation. In addition, instruction in first aid, water supplies, and other related subjects generally considered essential to good fire suppression and prevention shall be provided. C. ' ~' ....~'.._, :.-, ,..'!'!<.....,.:'.~";.'1 Amend Section 2.12.120 - Mutu,11A~Aid. The city council is authorized to enter intp agreements or contracts with nearby incorporated communities or governing bodies of otherorpnizations to provide the .members .of such communities or organization$ with fire . ,t"-',"': ",,-','..:.<",.:-, ",':"- '-''oj protection or to establish a mutuall@ytQniltJg aid system. D. Amend. Chapter. 2.16 - Finance DeoartmeAt aoo FiAQRGe Qi",Gf. Fiijlncii'1 $eMces';Deoartmerit~ E. Amend Section 2.16.010. Created. A fina... fIDim;ilL.~ department is created and established and shall be subject to the general administrative direction of the city manager. F. Amend Section 2.16.030. '-,,~-'~-'''';'''~:~ -.':'-"';; p - '''ft,' "'C".af" ';;;';';\. , ti.;':;' ; '. The position of tiAcmce fi..~:tIi.yJ.~j director is created and 'establl$hed and shall be filled by E1.P~~!!t~~'7~!,,~~n~ serve at the pleasure of, th.e city manager. Th~ finance fiD~nc;JjL\iQ~~.J director shall be fuDy responsible for aU th~ functions. and . ...,.~t"',~..."""-~:~.'.':"""'J'OI(-----'- ...~._...",,., duties of the finance finI1i~~ department as established by state laws, ordinances, or resolutions. G. Amend Section 2.16.040. Finanee ~ ~r-F;noncial and accountina duties. Pursuant to the provisions of S~n 31209 and 40805.5 of the Government Code of the state, allttle financial and a~nting duties imposed upon the city clerk by Sections 37201 through 37208 and Sections 40802 through 40805 of said Government Code are transferred to the finance ~~~ director. . H. Amend Chapter 2.20 - RecFe3tion Parks. Recreation. and Facilities Deoartment. I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 3 I. ~~~rl~.Section 2.20.010 . Created. The recreation P.~r:ks~"i~t}QD,:.J~Od fagUm~~ department is established for the city. J. ~~~nd. SI3~ti,on2.~0.020 - Functions. The functions of the reGfeatioA ~~l '. ,. r~g~~tiQO,>,~:m~:L; f~c;;Uiti~s department shall be to provide opportunities for wholesome, year.round public recreation services for each age group and to develop and maintain in an attractive and safe manner the recreation areas .."...:."t--=..~ . , pj,rPJ and facilities of the city. K. Amend Section 2.20.030 . ~.. p~~,..{!.~:~ director - Dowers and duties. The recFeatlOF'lp'-~~~.. . ,'Jt:Jf> ! ..~. ........ director shall: a. Attend meetings of the parks and recreation commission and make such reports to the commission and to the council as shall be required; b. Recommend to the city admiAistr:ator mJ.1J,~ required part-time personnel. such as assistants. supervisors and leaders; c. In cooperation with the director ofpubtic works, administer. operate and maintain existing park and recreation areas and facilities and plan for acquisition, development and operation of the proposed facilities in accordance with policies approved by the parks and recreation commission and the cc>uncil; d. Inform the general. public of the services and facilities being provided by the p~: recreation .Ijtli~ department; e. Solicit suggestions from the general public to improve or increase the effectiveness of the services being provided; f. Cooperate with governmental and voluntary organizations and agencies in the furtherance. of recreation opportunities; g. Prepare manuals. bulletins and reviews on recreation problems; h. Provide. upon request. assistance of a technical nature to community agencies and organizations having problems relating to recreation and park areas and facilities and programs; i. Counsel with officials of public and private organizations and interested groups concerning community recreation and leisure activities and assist them in the promotion of recreation services; j. Conduct studies of local cOnditions and needs for recr4:tfltion services ~iir:LP.iit<Ao~jfp..@n.:,p.aQ@ :ft6JtWfjJ and assist with. the recruitment and training of recreation persOnnel; aR9 lS1ilPrepare a rooreation budget and, with the cooperatiGA 81 the director of publis '....orks. a park busget for the approval of the city "'?--..,...,.......-., manager and the councilf'll~ [!~~~ijjniiiiijhgw.:Qfmlil_e~~ L. Amend Section 2.24.050(8.) Secretarv. The oity maAagor ~jDfrRiiU~ ~t.iQ.n;j..l\ll!aclliJles. shall appoint a secretary to the commission who shall maintain accurate minutes of the activities of the commission. , / ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 4 M. ~rT)e~d .S~~ti,?n 2.28.050(C.) Secretary. The city manager c;t~;.Qtpa~. r~pn:m~jQQ;A;lOg ff:lc..i.litj~s shall appoint a secretary to the commission who shall maintain accurate minutes of the activities of the commission. N. Amend Section 3.04.020(F.) The amount claimed if it totals less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) as of the date of presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of any prospective injury, dama~ or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of 1he claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. If the amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10.000.00) no dollar amount need be included in the claim. H~~r,it sAall iAGlisate ..vhether jYFilMtielieA ever the claim wOl:Jld rest in municipal or sl:JpeFior GOYFt. O. Amend Section 3.08.020(E~2.) ~ublic Projects ofSev8R')' Fi'.. Thot:Jsand DollaFS ($75.000.0(}) Qn~.1Ji!Yn~~JbQ\l",iJ,ct;poft,fi,[{$.:1~QO) or Less (Informal Bidding Procedures).. Put;>lic .PrQ~S~!..~.!f!e!4..;~l.~he.,~,..of ~!!€!A~ fi~:e~Rousand dollaF$ ($76.000.00) qlJ~t_.:afQ.ffm (.l'I~~QQQ...QQ) or less may be let to contract by informal procedures as set forth in Section 22032, et seq., of the Public Contract Code. P. Amend Section 3.08.020(E:3.) Public Projects of More Than SeveRty Five . '."y.:.".'1:~"'~'""::"-'" .- ..":'."~H~""",~':""'""-'~',:,_":~,_,,,,:,,:~,,;,:,,.,, ..,_.:....' -..... _.-...._.~ Thot:Jsand Dollar:s ($15.000.00) QJiELQti~!'~~..1OYljO'tjj;.LQQJJ@JJ (f[Dg;QQQ!QQj (Formal Bidding Procedures)... For al',,~~~,,~~ of. ~()re than seventy five thousand del1aFS ... ($75.000.00) 9.nt.l:~b.Y~..;,~~ 1'>~":~~~~;!~"'.'""r""-' ...... .... ," . ,., ".'-,'-"'-'.'~' .., t.tQJtl.!'JJ$lO.Q.QQ.Q.QP), a contract shall be awarded pursuant to a formal bidding procedure as set forth in the Act, and subject to the exemptions provided for therein. Q. Amend Section 3.24.020 - Definitions. "Tax administrator" means the Gity GIefk. ~D~.ij'GJ!I.tiiiyl~iJJlrftaQr. R. Amend Chapter 3.40. Capital Ot:Jtla'ls Ft:Joo ImorovementiPf00r8ni S. Amend Section 3.40.01~~9.~~~t~~."~.,~~D~.Js created for capital ~~ys for public impFovements ImpmY.IDHLnt~~ pursuant to the provISIOns of Sections 53730~~ through 53137 of the Government Code of the state. , . T. Amen? Section 3.40.~20. Dasig~a!.k.?n:. .,~Y,9hJ~.~2'''1Ia~!,,~~~f.1....~~.~h"e "Special Fl:JnG for Capital Outlaye CIP)1JJ;.lrnpIPvtmto!: ... .. . _~Jhjt(Qle}. SECTION 3: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters and Sections are hereby added to read as follows: A. . Add Chapter 2.17 - Community Development Departm~nt 2.17.010. Established. The community development department is established for the city and subject to the administrative direction of the city manager. I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 5 2.17.020. Communitv DeveloDment Director - ADDointment. The position of community development director is created and established and shall be filled by appointment of, and serve at the pleasure of, the city manager. The community development director shall be fully responsible for all the functions and duties of the community development department as estabfished by state laws, ordinances, or resolutions. 2.17.030. Functions. Title 16, also known as the "Development Code" shall be administered by the community development director, whO$e responsibilities include the following functions to be carried out either directly or by subordinate employees under supervision or direction oHhecommunity development director. A. Powers and Duties; 1. Application Process. All applications for permits, licenses, and approvals pursuant to Title 16 shall be submitted to the community development director for processing. The community development director or his or her designee shall be r8$ponslble for: a. Determination of completeness of applications; b. Responsibility for cor:npletion of appropriate documentation under the California EnvironmentSlQuality Act for permits issued and actions taken pursuant to the development code; c. Collection of applicable fees; d. Establishment of petmfment application files; . e. Posting/publication of public notices; f. Preparation of reports; g. PrOcessing of appeals; and h. Presentation of staff reports to the planning commission and city council. 2. The community development director or his or her designee shall have the authority to review and approve the following: a. Temporary use permits; b. Viewshed review (if planning commission hearing is not necessary); c. Minor exceptions; d. Home occupation permits; e. Plot plan review; f. Business .license clearance;. g. Administrative sign permits; h. Minor architectural review; i. Large family day care permits. j. Minor use permits (MUP). B. . Interpretation. The community development director or his or her designee shall have the responsibility to provide information regarding the provisions and requirements of Title 16 to the public. C. Coordination. The community development director or his or her designee shall refer and coordinate matters related to the administration of Title 16 with other agencies, city departments, and city boards and commissions, and shall provide information on the status of development proposals to interested parties. - ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 6 B. Add Chapter 2.18 - Plannina commission. 2.18.010. Created. A planning commission In and for the city is established and created, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 65000 through 65906 of the Government Code, as now or hereafter amended. 2.18.020. Membership. The commission shall consist of five members, who shall be qualified electors of the city, but who shall not otherwise be officials of the city. The mayor and each respective member of the coune" shall appoint a representative to the planning comrnissionsubject to approval by a majority of the council. All commission members shall serve at the pteasure of the council. 2.18.030. Terms of Office. Members of the planning commission shall serve a term ending the January 31 st following expiration of the term of the respective appointing mayor or couocil member. Members of the planning commission may be removed by a majority vote of the council. 2.18.040. Appointments-Vacancies. Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled in the manner set forth for appointments. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. 2.18.050. Officers. The council delegates to the planning commission the authority to appoint its own chairperson and vice-chairperson from the commission membership. The planning department secretary shall act as secretary to the planning commission. The terms of office of the chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be established by regularly adopted rules and regulations of the commission. 2.18.060. Absences. Absence from three consecutive regular meetings, or twenty-five (25) percent of the regulat meetings during anyone-year period beginning in July, without the formal consent of the council, shall COftstitute the resignation of such absent member and the position declared vacant. 2.18.070. Meetings. Regularmeetings of the planning commission shall be held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the city council chambers located at 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, during a time established in its bylaws. 2.18.080. Powers and Duties. The planning commission shall be appointed, and the members thereof shall have the powers and -duties provided for by Sections 65900 through 65906 of the Government Code, as now or hereafter amended. \ In addition, the planning com~isslon shall have the responsibility to: 1. Investigate and mfjl<e recommendations to the city council regarding reasonable and practical means for implementing the general plan or any lelement thereof, so that it will serve as an effective guide for of'derfy growth and development,preservation i I / ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 7 and conservation of open space and natural resources, and for the I efficient and effective expenditure of public funds relating to the I I subjects addressed in the generaJ plan; 2. Provide annual reports to the city council on the status of the general plan and progress in its implementation; I 3. Clarify ambiguities regarding Title 16 as set forth in Section I 16.04.050; 4. Review and approve items as set forth in Section 16.08.060; 5. Make 'recommendations to the City Council on items as set forth in Section 16.08.060. C. Add Chapter 2.19 - Architectural review committee. 2.19.010. Created. There is established the Arroyo Grande architectural review committee, (the "committee"), consisting of five members, who shall be qualified electors of the city and shall serve without compensation. 2.19.020. Terms of Office. Members of the committee shall be appointed to serve for a term as specified by resolution of the city council. 2.19.030. ADPointments and Vacancies. Appointments for the committee and the filling of vacancies shall be made in the manner provided by resolution of the council. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms only. All members of the committee shall serve at the pleasure of the council. 2.19.040. Qualifications of Committee Members. Qualifications of members of the committee shall be established by resolution of the city council. 2.19.050. Nonattendance. Absence from three consecutive regular committee meetings or twenty-five (25) percent of the regular meetings during any one- year period, without the formal consent of the council, shall constitUte the resignation of such absent member and the position declared vacant. 2.19.060. Rules. The committee shall adopt bylaws, which shall establish rules, regulations, and procedures to conduct meetings. The bylaws shall include provisions for selection of a chairpe~n and vice-chairperson. 2.19.070. Meetinas. The committee shall hold at least one regular m,eting each month, during a time established in its bylaws; additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. All the committee meetings shall be held in public at City Hall, unless otherwise noticed. 2.19.080. Functions. Duties and Procedures. 1. The function of the committee shall be to make recommendations to the council, commission and/or community development director (the "director") regarding the administration of the provisions of Title 16, whenever applicable, in a manner that will: a. Be consistent with the requirements of the general plan and of Title 16; ORDINANCE NO. 547 i PAGE 8 b. Develop and maintain a pleasant and harmonious environment; c. . Promote and enhance real property values; d. Conserve the city's natural beautY; e. Preserve and enhance its distinctive visual character; f. Ensure the orderly and harmonious development of the city; and . , g. Preserve historic structures and neighborhoods. 2. The committee shall prepare, review and recommend appropriate architectural standards and guidelines, subject to commission and council approval. Standards and guidelines are to be set forth in pictorial and/or narrative fann and. mayitlustrate undesirable as well as desirable examples of design. The committee shall periodically review these standards and guidelines and may make recommendation for appropriate amendments. 3. The committee shall make itself available to advise and assist the council, commission and director iothe application of its architectural standards and guidelines to projects during schematic and development stages. 4. The committee shall review and make recommendations to the council, commission and/or director regarding. applications for architectural review and planned sign program review, pursuant to the development code, unless the committee .or the director certifies that the nature of the work is minor or incidental and need not be reviewed by the committee. When, in the opinion of the director, applications for projects ott1er than architectural or sign review may create an architectural impact contrary to the objective of Title 16, the committee may review the application prior to the planning commission and/ot city council hearings. 5. The committee shall have the authority to review and approve plans pursuant to conditions of project approval imposed by the planning commission or city council. 2.19.090. GuidinQ Purooses in Revi,wil19 Praiects. In reviewing projects, the architectural review committee shalt be guided by the following purposes and intent: 1. To ensure consistency with the general plan and compliance with the provisions of Title .16; 2. T.o recognize the interdependenc~ of the land values and aesthetics and to provide a method by which the city may implement this interdependence to its benefit and to the benefit of its individual citizens; 3. To preserve and enhance the beauty and environmental amenities of the city; and 4. To promote and protect the safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 9 D. Add Chapter 2.30 - Public Works Department. 2.30.010 Established The public works department is established for the city and subject to the administrative direction of the city manager. 2.30.020 Functions The functions of the public works department shall be to serve the city and the public in providing professional services to design and construct capital improvement projects, land development review and . to. maintain the city's infrastructure for use by residents, businesses. and visitors. The capital improvement projects division administers the design, construction and inspection of all publicly funded capital projects. The development engineering division ensure all construction in the public right-of-way related to land development entitlements comply with adopted codes and engineering standards. Development engineering Is also responsible for all subdivision processing. The public works department operates and maintains the equipment, tools, and other resources necessary to construct, operate and maintain the city's infrastructure. InfrastruCture consists of water system, sewer system. road network. and storm drain system. The puOlic works department also maintains the city's vehicle fleet. 2.30.030 Public Works Director - Position Created - AoQQigtrQeqt - Ptltles The position of public works director is created and establf$hed and.shallbe filled by appointment of. and serve at the pleasure of. the city manager. The public works director shall be fully responsibl. for all the functions and duties of the public works department as established by state laws. Ofdinances, or resolutions. The public works director also serves as the City engineer. The public works director or his or her designee shall: 1. Make recommendations to the city manager, other city personnel, engineers, supervisors. and maintenance workers regarding technical issues; 2. Establish limited parking zones, prohibited parking zones and stop sign locations; 3. Approve final subdivision maps, accept related offers of dedications and enter into agreements to complete subdMsionagreements; 4. Participate and provide technical assistance during times of . emergencies. E. Add Chapter 2.34 - Police Department. 2.34.010 Established The police department and the office of the chief of police is created and established. The chief of poHce shalJbe appointed or removed by the city manager with the concurrence and confirmation of the city council. 2.34.020 Responsibilitv and Authoritv The responsibility of the police department is to maintain the peace within the city; the enforcement in the city of all laws of the United States. the State of Ii ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 10 California, and ordinances of the city, except when such enforcement is by law made the responsibility of another department, or when such enforcement is the sole responsibility of a State or Federal agency or officer; and to perform other public safety related services as necessary. The chief of police and police officers of the police department are peace officers pursuant to California Penal Code Section 830.1 and/or other applicable State law, and shall have all the powers and authority granted to such peace officers and. shall be entitled to the same protections as provided by law. 2.34.030 Authoritv. Chief of Police As set forth in California Government Code Section 3863O(a), the police department is under the control and direction of. the chief of police. The chief of police shall, in the lawful exercise of hislher duties, have a" the powers and authority that are now and hereafter may be conferred upon the chief of police by the laws of the State of. California and shall be entitled to the same protection, including that specified in California Government Code Section 41601. 2.34.040 Duties and ResDonsibiJities. Coief Qf Poliqe The chief of police will organize, administer and maintain the police department. The chief of police is responsible for the supervision and control of all functions and components of the police department and for the performance of those functions therein. In executing these responsibilities, the chief of police has. the authority to establish organizational goals and objectives, and to develop and implement policies, procedures, rules and regulations for the administration and operation of the police department, including the fixing of duties, responsibilities and authority, setting standards for performance, establishing rules of conduct and discipline, establishing standards for and designating uniforms and equipment,regurating the use of discretion, deployment of personnel,. eStablishing standards for the training and development of personnel, prescribing pel)alties for viOlations for any such rules and regulations and providing for their enforcement, and the implementation of other such policies, procedures,rules and regulations as he/she deems necessary. 2.34.050 SUDervision. Chief of Police The city manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the chie.fof police, and all policies, directives, and orders to the chief of police shall be made by or transmitted through the city manager. 2.34.060 Personnel The police department shall consist of the chief of police and such subordinate police officers and other personnel as recommended by the chief of police and authorized by the city council. All subordinate personnel are responsible to and subject to the orders of the chief of police, either directly or through the established chain-of-command and shall be subject to call by the chief of police, or his/her designee, at any time during the day or night. ----~--_..- / ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 11 F. Add Section 16.08.060 - Plannino commission review. 1. The planning commission will review and approve the following: a. Conditional use permits, 1 b. Surface mining permits, ,. i c. Variances, d. Tentative maps, e. Vesting tentative maps, f. Lot line adjustments, g. Lot mergers, h. Reversion to acreage, i. Certificate of compliance, j. Notice of violations, k. Planned sign program, I. Viewshed review permits (if necessary), m. Planned unit development permits, n. Extensions of time (for projects originally approved by planning commission), o. Architectural review, p. .Appeals of planning director determinations; 2. The planning commission will make recommendations to the city council on the following: a. General plan amendments, b. Specific plans and amendments to specific plans, c. Amendments to this title pursuant to Section 16.16.040(8), d. Development agreements, e. Permits, licenses or approvals within an approved pla~ned development. SECTION 4: The repeal of an ordinance herein shall not repeal the repealing clause of such ordinance or revive any ordinance which has been repealed thereby. SECTION 5: This ordinance does not affect prosecutions for ordinance violations committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance, does not waive any fee or penalty due and unpaid on the effective date. of this ordinance, and d08$ no~ affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit posted, filed or deposited prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 6: A summary of this Ordinance shall bf) published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least fIVe (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A. certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be. published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the fun text of such adopted . Ordinance. Ii J I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 12 SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. On."motion of Council Member Costello, seconded by Council Member Runels, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Costello, Runels, Dickens and Mayor Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lubin the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of October, 2003. I I ORDINANCE NO. 547 PAGE 13 ATTEST: , ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~~ ST E ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~_.~------_....._-------------- - _.----'---_0.... __n__ . I I I OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I i I I, . KELL Y WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of I the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury, that the attached is a true, full, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 547 which was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on October 14, 2003; was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 28" day of October, 2003; and was duly published in accordance with State law (G.C. 40806). WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of October, 2003. Uu1~ ORE, DIRECTOR OF APMINISTRATlVE $ERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK