O 550 -,~~_. ORDINANCE NO. 550 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 03-005) TO INCORPORATE REGULATIONS AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO CREATE AN AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT OF 100 FEET AROUND AGRICULTURALLY ZONED PROPERTIES FOR THE PURPOSES OF AGRICULTURAL BUFFERS, REQUIRING ADEQUATE FINDINGS FOR SUBDIVISION OR REZONING OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS, IMPLEMENTING MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS AND REVISE LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR ALL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City Council of Arroyo Grande adopted the updated General Plan on which became effective o.n October 9, 2001 which recognizes the historic role of agriculture within the community and outlines goals, objectives and policies regarding the retention of agricultural lands within and adjacent to the City; and WHEREAS, the City has a responsibility to assure adherence to the General Plan in meeting the needs and desires of the residents and the community; and WHEREAS, the City is required to complete a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Development Code and zoning map for consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and WHEREAS, on August 26, 2003 the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande reviewed and considered the information in the Report on the Conservation of Agriculture in the City of Arroyo Grande, as well as public testimony presented prior to and at the public hearings and adopted Resolution No. 3699 to initiate implementing ordinances and programs; WHEREAS, Chapter 16.28 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code implements the policies of the General Plan by providing for areas wherein uses are limited to agricultural and compatible pursuits and wherein development regulations restrict the intrusion of urban and rural development; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed and considered the information in the proposed Ordinance and public testimony presented at the public hearings, Planning Commission recommendations, staff reports and all other information and documents that are part of the public record for this matter; and -"-",,.,,~",.._-,,-_.,.....,_.~ ORDINANCE NO. 550 PAGE 2 of 5 WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Map and revisions to Title 16 is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan, and is desirable in order to implement the provisions of the General Plan based on Resolution No. 3699 and further finds that: 1. The acreage of prime agricultural land within the City limits is a particularly important resource, has unique qualities and benefits the community through the provision of productive open space, economic activity and employment base, wildlife habitat and an important filter to rain runoff, sustaining rural community character, and the provision of locally grown produce. 2. The acreage of agricultural land within the City limits has rapidly decreased over the previous three decades and is particularly threatened due to encroaching urban development, available infrastructure and land costs that are substantially higher than average costs of agricultural lands within the County of San Luis Obispo. 3. The protection of agricultural acreage within the City's Area of Environmental . Concern is important to preserving a strong urban edge and preventing urban sprawl. 4. The protection of agricultural lands within the City limits is the City's greatest priority as described in the 2001 General Plan followed by lands adjacent to the City limits, and thirdly, other agricultural lands within the City's Area of Environmental Concern planning area. 5. It is the policy of the City to work cooperatively with San Luis Obispo County to preserve agricultural land within the City's Area of Environmental Concern planning area, beyond that deemed necessary for development; it is further the policy of the City to protect and conserve agricultural land, especially in areas presently farmed or having Class I or II soils or areas that are presently or were historically farmed or are potentially capable of being farmed. 6. Some urban uses when contiguous to farmland can affect how an agricultural use can be operated, which can lead to the conversion of agricultural land to urban use. 7. By requiring conservation easements as a condition for land being converted from an agricultural use and by requiring a one hundred foot buffer, the City ---.- ORDINANCE NO. 550 PAGE 3 of 5 shall be helping to ensure prime farmland remains in or available for agricultural use. s. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Map and revisions to Title 16 will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Map and revisions to Title 16 is consistent with the purpose and intent of Title 16. D. A Program EIR was prepared and certified on October 9, 2001 for the 2001 General Plan update which incorporated an analysis of agricultural buffers within the City of Arroyo Grande and the proposed amendments to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR and the potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendment are determined by this Council to be less than significant. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Development Code Section 16.24.020, also known as the "Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande", is hereby amended to incorporate overlay district D-Ag-2.2 as shown in Exhibits "A 1-A4" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "S" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: a. Amend Sections: 16.04.070.C., 16.16.040.E., 16.20.060.C., 16.20.070.C., 16.28.020.C., 16.28.030, Table 16.28.030-A, 16.28.040, and Table 16.28.040-A; b. Add Sections: 16.12.170.E., 16.12.170.F., and 16.28.020.C. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrases be declared unlawful. SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council ORDINANCE NO. 550 PAGE 4 of 5 meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. On motion of Council Member Dickens, seconded by Council Member Costello, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Council Members Dickens, Costello, and Mayor Ferrara NOES: Council Members Runels and Lubin ABSENT: None the f<:>regoing Ordinance was adopted this 9th day of December, 2003. ~_.~..- -_.._---'.._---._-,_.-._.~ . .- . ORDINANCE NO. 550 PAGE 5 of 5 ATTEST: UOfLJ-- ,DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: c;-.-.-...... . ..d:~~~._~'J __ STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: RNEY . ~ m >< ~~ ;T ...... . tT ~. ...... )> CD .., -- I .., 0 ...J... 0) c: '< 0 --0) en . I ~_ -c o .., . I CD )>en G)CD I :< 1\.)0) - . I I\.) -- la' 0 .......... :~~~r :J Q 2 N r- .:< CD 0 (I) c ... ~ . _ CD (Q ~ 2. ~ II (I) fit 9 ~ :::J fII ... 9: o. a. Sl =- )> ~ (j) (j) I N ~ ~" 1181HX3 - - m x ;:J ...... . 0- -- ,...... )> I . ~. / 0)> <CQ CD ~. .... . ..., 0 Q) c: '< .1 t: O~ .... - en . I ..., -- 'l . )>(1) G) I Q) loe ............ 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C.) -A- Agricultural conservation easement: The granting of an easement over agricultural land for the purpose of restricting its use to agricultural land. The interest granted pursuant to an agricultural conservation easement is an interest in land, which is less than fee simple. Agricultural land or farmland: Those land areas of the county and/or city specifically designated or zoned as Agriculture, Agriculture Preserve or Agricultural General. Agricultural mitigation land: Agricultural land encumbered by a farmland deed restriction, a farmland conservation easement or such other farmland conservation mechanism acceptable to the city. -F- Farmland deed restriction: The creation of a deed restriction, covenant or condition which precludes the use of the agricultural land subject to the restriction for any nonagricultural purposes, use, operation or activity. The deed restriction shall provide that the land subject to the restriction will permanently remain agricultural land. -Q- Qualifying entity:. A nonprofit public benefit 501 (c)(3) corporation operating in San Luis Obispo County for the purpose of conserving and protecting land in its natural, rural or agricultural condition. The following entity is a qualifying entity: Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo. Other entities may be approved by the city council from time to time. 16.12.170. Right to farm provisions and farmland preservation. E. Agricultural buffer. 1. In conjunction with General Plan policies outlined in the Agriculture, Conservation and Open Space Element, and specifically Objective Ag5, the city has determined that the use of property for agricultural operations is a high priority. To minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and nonagricultural land uses, including the protection of public health, the reduction of noise and odor, and the reduction of risk to farm operations from domestic animal predation, crop theft and damage and complaints from neighboring urban dwellers, all new development adjacent to any designated agricultural district shall be required to provide an agricultural 1 --...- .~----_.....- --'--'""""""--"- - buffer. "Development" as used in this section, means subdivision of land, use permits and building permits for new residential units. 2. The buffer area shall be a minimum of one hundred feet, measured from the edge of the designated agricultural district. Optimally, to achieve a maximum separation, a buffer wider than one hundred feet is encouraged and may be required if it is determined through environmental review under CEQA and/or recommended by the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner. A decreased buffer distance may be allowed if it can be demonstrated that a physical buffer exists (eg. Arroyo Grande Creek) that is adequate and approved by the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner. 3. The minimum one hundred foot agricultural buffer area shall be comprised of two components: a twenty-foot wide agricultural landscaped transition area contiguous to an eighty-foot wide agricultural buffer adjacent to the designated agricultural district. The twenty-foot transition area may include pedestrian access. The combined one hundred foot agricultural buffer shall not qualify as farmland mitigation as required by section 16.12.170.F. 4. The following shall be permitted in the one hundred foot agricultural buffer: native plants, tree or hedge rows, roads, drainage channels, storm retention ponds, natural areas such as creeks or drainage swales, utility corridors, storage, and any use, including agricultural or limited commercial uses, determined by the planning commission to be consistent with the use of the property as an agricultural buffer. No new residential use shall be permitted within the buffer area unless it is determined there would be no other economically viable use of the property. Restoration of a damaged residence within the buffer area may be pursued in accordance with Section 16.48.110. 5. The one hundred foot agricultural buffer shall be established by the developer pursuant to a plan approved by the Community Development Director and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director. The plan shall include provisions for the use of integrated weed and pest management techniques and soil erosion control. An agreement in the form approved by the city attorney shall be recorded, which shall include the requirements of this section. F. Agricultural land conversion. 1. The city shall require agricultural mitigation by applicants for discretionary entitlements which will change the use of agricultural land to any non agricultural use. 2 -'-'-~--,- 2. Agricultural mitigation shall be satisfied by: a. Granting a farmland conservation easement, a farmland deed restriction or other farmland conservation mechanism to or for the benefit of the city and/or a qualifying entity approved by the city. Mitigation shall be required for that portion of the land which no longer will be designated agricultural land, including any portion of the land used for park and recreation purposes. At least as many acres of prime agricultural land shall be protected as was changed to a non agricultural use within city limits, or up to two times as many acres of agricultural land shall be protected outside the city but within the city's Area of Environmental Concern, as was changed to a nonagricultural use, in order to mitigate the loss of agricultural land; or b. In lieu of conserving agricultural land as provided above if the city council determines that the payment of in-lieu fees provide a superior opportunity to satisfy the goals and policies of the General Plan, agricultural mitigation may be satisfied by the payment of a fee, established by the city council by resolution or through an enforceable agreement with the developer, based upon a farmland replacement factor of up to 2:1 to be used for acquisition of a farmland conservation easement or farmland deed restriction. The in lieu fee option must be approved by the city council. The fee shall be equal to or greater than the value of a previous farmland conservation transaction in the city plus the estimated cost of legal, appraisal and other costs, including staff time, to acquire property for agricultural mitigation. The in lieu fee, paid to the city, shall be used for farmland mitigation purposes, with priority given to lands with prime agricultural soils located within the city. 3. It is the intent of this program to work in a coordinated fashion with San Luis Obispo County and State agencies, and, therefore, farmland conservation easement areas may overlap partially or completely with habitat easement areas approved by the State Department of Fish and Game. Up to twenty percent of the farmland conservation easement area may be enhanced for wildlife habitat purposes as per the requirements of the State Department of Fish and Game and/or San Luis Obispo County management programs; payment of appropriate maintenance, processing or other fees may also be required. 4. Comparable soils and water supply. a. To the greatest extent possible, the agricultural mitigation land shall be comparable in soil quality with the agricultural land whose use is being changed to nonagricultural use. 3 -~-_.__.~---_.._---_.- b. The agricultural mitigation land shall have an adequate water supply to support agricultural use and the water supply on the agricultural mitigation land shall be protected in the agricultural conservation easement, the farmland deed restriction or other document evidencing the agricultural mitigation. 5. Eligible lands. The first priority for agricultural mitigation land shall be farmland located within city limits. The second priority for agricultural mitigation shall be farmland located adjacent to city limits, and the third priority, farmland located within the city's Area of Environmental Concern, as shown in the 2001 General Plan. The criteria for preferred locations or zones for agricultural mitigation land shall be determined by the city council after receiving input from the planning commission and San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner. In making their determination, the following factors shall be considered: a. The preferred locations shall be compatible with the 2001 General Plan and the general plan of San Luis Obispo County. b. The preferred locations shall include comparable soil types to that most likely to be lost due to proposed development. c. Agricultural mitigC)tion land consisting of contiguous parcels shall be preferred. d. Land previously protected by a conservation easement of any nature or kind is not eligible to qualify as agricultural mitigation land. 6. Requirements of instruments; duration. a. To qualify as an instrument encumbering agricultural mitigation land, all owners of the agricultural mitigation land shall execute the instrument. b. The instrument shall be in recordable form and contain an accurate legal description setting forth the description of the agricultural mitigation land. c. The instrument shall prohibit any activity, which substantially impairs- or diminishes the agricultural productivity of the land, as determined by the planning commission. d. The instrument shall protect the existing water rights and retain them with the agricultural mitigation land. 4 e. The applicant shall pay an agricultural mitigation fee to pay the costs of administering, monitoring and enforcing the instrument in an amount determined by city council. f. Interests .in. agricultural mitigation land shall be held in trust by a qualifying entity and/or the city, in perpetuUy. Except as provided in subsection (g) of this section, the qualifying entity or the city shall not sell, lease, or convey any interest in agricultural mitigation land which it shall acquire, except to continue agricultural uses in accordance with the encumbering instrument. g. If judicial proceedings find that the public interests described in Chapter 16.28 of this title can no longer reasonably be fulfilled as to an interest acquired, the interest in the agricultural mitigation land may be extinguished through sale and the proceeds shall be used to acquire interests in other agricultural mitigation land in San Luis Obispo County, as approved by the city and provided in this chapter. h. If any qualifying entity owning an interest in agricultural mitigation land ceases, to exist, the duty to hold, administer, monitor and enforce the interest shall pass to the city or its designee. I. Each qualifying entity shall monitor lands and easements it acquires under this chapter and shall review and monitor the implementation of the management and maintenance plans for these lands and easement areas. 7. Violation. Any person or entity who violates any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding the maximum prescribed by law. In addition, any person or entity who violates any provision of this chapter shall be liable to the transferee of the property for actual damages. 16.16.040. Amendments to zoning districts and other provisions. E. Required findings. The city council may approve amendments to this title, including amendment to the zoning map only if all of the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner: 1. The proposed change of zone (or revision to this title) is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the general plan, and is necessary and desirable to implement to provisions of the general plan; 5 ---------- --".._.._-~ ~,-,._,- 2. The proposed change of zone (or revision to this title) will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern ; 3. The proposed change of zone (or revision to this title) is consistent with the purpose and intent of the title (or the portion of this title it is amending); 4. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed change of zone (or revision to this title) are insignificant, or there are overriding considerations that outweigh the potential impacts; 5. For applications to amend this title for the purposes of rezoning property in an agricultural district to a non-agricultural district, the following additional findings of fact must be made in an affirmative manner; a. That the uneconomic nature of the agricultural use is primarily attributable to circumstances beyond the control of the landowner and the city, and there are. no other reasonable or comparable agricultural uses to which the land may be put, either individually or in combination with other adjacent farmland parcels; and b. The proposed change in zone (or revision to this title) is for a parcel, or . for a contiguous set of parcels, that is legally nonconforming as to minimum area in the Agriculture district; and c. The proposed change in zone (or revision to this title) will not result in, intensify, or contribute to discontiguous patterns of urban development; and d. The proposed change in zone (or revision to this title) will not likely result in the removal of adjacent lands from agricultural use; and e. The proposed change in zone (or revision to this title) is for an alternative use which is consistent with the applicable provisions of the city's General Plan; and f. That there is no proximate land, which is both available and suitable that would provide more contiguous patterns of urban development than development of the subject farmland. 16.20.060. Tentative tract maps. c. Findings. Any action taken by the planning commission or city council regarding a tentative tract map shall be supported by the findings required by applicable provisions of Section 21100 of the California Public Resources Code and Sections 66412.3, 66427.1, 66473.1, 66473.5, 66474, and 66474.6 of the California Government Code. In addition, the following findings shall be made in the affirmative prior to the approval of a tentative tract map: 1. The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as any applicable specific plan, and the requirements of this title. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 6 - -~~--_.__.- -------- -.----..- 4. The design of the tentative tract map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. The design of the tentative tract map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-Iarge for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative tract map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed in Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative tract map to support project development. 9. For a proposed subdivision that includes, or is adjacent to an Agriculture district; the design of the tentative map or proposed improvements shall provide an adequate buffer, according to Section 16.12.170.F. and as further determined through environmental review under CEQA, to minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and non-agricultural land uses and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 16.20.070. Tentative parcel map. c. Findings. Any action taken by the planning commission or city council regarding a tentative parcel map shall be supported by the findings required by Section 66427.1, 66573.5, 66474 and 66474.6 of the Government Code and Section 21100 of the Public Resources Code. In addition, the following findings shall be made in the affirmative prior to approval of a tentative parcel map: 1. The proposed tentative parcel map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as any applicable Specific Plan, and the requirements of this title. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 4. The design of the tentative parcel map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. The design of the tentative parcel map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative parcel map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that 7 --~_._.__.- __________._n_ these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed by Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative parcel map to support project development. 9. For a proposed subdivision that includes, or is adjacent to an Agricultural district; the design of the tentative map or proposed improvements shall provide an adequate buffer, according to Section 16.12.170.F. and as further determined through environmental review under CEQA, to minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and non-agricultural land uses and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 16.28.020. Agricultural districts. C. Agricultural preservation overlay (AG-2.2) district. The primary purpose of the AG-2.2 overlay district is to provide for a mechanism to minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and nonagricultural land uses. This district is to provide for an agricultural buffer transitional area and requires that new development and changes in use require discretionary approval in accordance with Section 16.12.170.E:. 16.28.030. Use regulations for agricultural districts. Subject to applicable general plan policies and Arroyo Grande ordinance provisions, the following. uses identified in Table 16.28.030-A shall be permitted uses where the symbol "P" appears in the column beneath each agricultural zone designation as shown. Where the symbol "MUP" appears, the use shall be permitted subject to the minor use permit process pursuant to Section 16.16.060. Where the symbol "c" appears, uses shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.16.050. Uses not identified in the table are prohibited. 8 Table 16.28.030-A Uses Permitted Within Agricultural Districts Legend P Permitted MUP Minor Use Permit C Permitted Subject to Issuance of Conditional Use Permit NP Not Permitted Use AG AP A. Agricultural Uses 1. Field crops, flower and vegetable crops, tree crops P P 2. Greenhouses used only for the purposes of onsite MUP MUP propagation and culture 3. Grazing of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, or other farm P P stock or animals, not including hogs, but including the supplementary feeding thereof 4. Farms or establishments for the selective or experimental P P breeding and raising of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses 5. The commercial or noncommercial raising of hogs C C 6. Farms for hatching, raising, butchering, or marketing of C C chickens, turkeys, or other fowl, rabbits, fish, frogs, chinchilla, mink, or oth<er small animals 7. Farms for commercial egg production, including ancillary C C activities or grading washing, and packing of whole eggs, and containerizing those eggs incidentally broken during such ancillary activities 8. Dairy farms and dairy calf, heifer, cry cow and herd C C replacement operations, including the grazing of cattle B. Residential Uses 1. Ranch or farm dwelling appurtenant to a principal P P agricultural use 2. Single-family detached dwelling on conforming parcels P P 3. Single-family detached dwelling on legal non-conforming C C lots pursuant to Section 16.16.050-0.2 4. Farm labor camp (temporary, only during harvest season) MUP MUP 5. Employee's residence (permanent - subject to second unit C C regulations) 6. Second residential dwelling unit C C 7. Guest ranches MUP C C. Commercial Uses 1. Temporary stand for the display and sale during harvest MUP MUP season of the agricultural produce of any permitted use that is produced upon the premises and related products 2. Permanent stand for the display and sale of the MUP MUP agricultural produce of any permitted use that is produced upon the premises and related products 9 .._....-"..._..~.. ,....."...".- Use AG AP 3. Temporary or permanent stand for the display and sale of CUP CUP agricultural produce of any permitted use that is produced . on or off the premises and related products 4. Feed stores C NP 5. Commercial stables C NP 6. Riding academies C NP 7. Kennels and catteries C NP 8. Winery and appurtenant and incidental uses with C C established onsite vineyard 9. Greenhouses (not otherwise allowed under No. A-2) C C 10. Wholesale nurseries - C C 11. Large animal Veterinary office C NP D. Industrial Uses 1. The breaking, separation, pasteurization, containerizing and freezing of eggs a. For eggs produced onsite C C b. For eggs produced elsewhere and brought onsite for C NP processing 2. Packaging, processing and marketing of agricultural C NP waste products other than those produced onsite 3. Drying, packing, canning, freezing, and other accepted C C methods of processing the produce resulting from permitted uses when such processing is conducted primarily in conjunction with onsite farming operation 4. Packaged fertilizer and agricultural chemical storage a. For exclusive use onsite P P b. For offsite use C C E. Public/Quasi-Public Uses 1. Public utility and public service substations, reservoirs, MUP MUP pumping plants, and similar installations not including public utility'offices 2 Community gardens C NP 3. Other public facilities when required for health, safety or C NP public welfare F. Home Occupations P P (Subject to the provisions of Section 16.12.090, and the issuance of a home occupation permit) G. Accessory Uses 1. Guest quarters C C 2. Private swimming pool, tennis court P P 3. Other accessory uses and structures located on the same P P site as a permitted use 4. Other accessory uses and structures located on the same MUP MUP site as a use requiring minor use permit review 5. Other accessory uses and structures located on the same C C site as a use requiring a conditional use permit H. Other uses similar to, and no more objectionable than C C the uses identified above, as determined by the planning commission 10 -'--'-'-'-~---- 16.28.040. Agricultural district development standards. The following property development standards shall apply to all land and permitted, or conditionally permitted buildings located within their respective districts. The standards stated herein shall not be construed to supersede more restrictive site development standards contained in the conditions, covenants and restrictions of any property. However, in no case shall private deed restrictions permit a lesser standard in the case of a minimum standard of this section or permit a greater standard in the case of a maximum standard of this section. A. General Requirements. Table 16.28.040-A sets forth minimum site development standards for agricultural development projects. Table 16.28.040-A Agricultural Site Development Standards AG AP 1. Maximum Density a) single family dwelling 1 1 units per parcel) , . b) farm worker housing As determined through discretionary review 2. Minimum parcel size (gross 10.0 10.0 acres) 3. Minimum lot width 330' 330' 4. Minimum front yard building 50'* 50'* setback 5. Minimum rear yard building 50'* 50'* setback 6 Minimum interior side yard 30'* 30'* setback 7 Minimum street side yard 30'* 30'* setback 8 Maximum height for buildings 30' 30' and structures B. Accessory buildings and structures. 1. Accessory buildings and structures shall be sited to minimize disruption of agricultural operations, avoid conversions of productive farmland and take maximum advantage of existing infrastructure. 2. Accessory buildings and structures shall be permitted in the rear and side yards provided no building or structure is allowed in the side yard within sixty (60) feet of the front lot line, nor within ten (10) feet of the side property line, nor permitted in any street side yard. 11 \ --~.- . -- - OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury, that the attached is a true, full, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 550 which was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on November 25, 2003; was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 9th day of December 2003; and was duly published in accordance with State law (G.C. 40806). WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of December, 2003. [ Iu!.R-JLitDM-- \ KELLY WETMOR , DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~--_..._-