Agenda Packet 2004-01-13 CITY COUNCIL Ctt! of AGENDA ArrOlo Grancle Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Sandy Lubin Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Joe Costello Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL COUNCIURDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: CAMP FIRE, WI-BE-FU-LO-FRI-GI 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR RICHARD SCHARN 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. J AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters D2! scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. S.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period December 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003. S.b. Statement of Investment DeDosits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of December 31, 2003. S.c. Consideration of Cast- Flow Analysis/ADDroval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the November 2003 cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at November 30, 2003. S.d. Consideration of Annual Adiustment of ImDact Fees (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution approving the annual adjustment to the City's Impact Fees. S.e. Consideration of In-Lieu Fee for Off-Street Parklna Adiustment (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt the Resolution approving an adjustment to the in-lieu fee for off-street parking in the Parking and Business Improvement Area of the Village. j AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.1. Consideration of ReDort on DeveloDment ImDact (AB-1,oQ). Fees (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Accept and file the report on the receipt and use of AB- 1600 fees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 8.g. Consideration of Communications Site Lease Aareement with Pacific Bell Wlreless.LLC dbaCinaular Wireless (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Communications Site Lease Agreement with Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC dba Cingular Wireless for use of approximately five hundred ten (510) feet of property located at Reservoir #4. 8.h. Consideration of ADDroval of Minute~ (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meetings and Regular City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Meetings of November 25, 2003 and December 9, 2003 as submitted. 8.L Consideration of AcceDtance of Federal FIRE {Fire Investment and RMDOnse Enhancement} Act Grant Fundlna (FIBICH) Recommended Action: Accept the Federal FIRE Act Grant funding in the amount of $237,867.00. 8.j. Consideration of Authorization to Purchase ReDlacement Canine Vehl~le (TerBORCH) Recommended Action: Authorize staff to purchase one (1) replacement Police Department canine vehicle from Mullahey Ford for $22,897.50. 8.k. Consld,ration of Ordinance Ame'ldina the ~edeveloDment Plan to Extend the Time Utnit of the ~develoDment Plan bv One Year (ADAMS) [COUNCIURDA] Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance amending the Redevelopment Plan to extend the term of the Plan by one year. 8.1. Consideration of Authorlz~Jlon to Refund ADDlic.tion fees for Chvs""as Concert In the Gaze~o. Ch[istmas Parade an~ Tree Llslbtlml (STRONG) Recommended Action: Approve the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association to refund the fees for Temporary Use Permits 03-029 and 03-030. 8.m. Consideration to Award a Contract for Phase I of the Water ConservatiQ" Proaram tq SLO Plumbln...a (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program to SLO Plumbing in the amount of $267,650; and, 2) Direct staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other necessary contract documents. AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 4 8. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.n. Consideration of AcceDtance of the Soto SDOrts ComDlex Llphtina Pro'ect. PW 2003-02 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements as constructed by Lee Wilson Electric Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorize release of the retention of $19,292.50, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.0. Consideration of DeveloDment Code Amendment Q3-006 - AdoDt Orctnance Amendlna the Zonlna MaD and Portions of )1tJe 16 of ~.. ArroYO Grande MunlclDal Code for the Traffic Way and 'tatton Way Area (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance amending the Zoning Map and portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03- 006), rezoning a portion of the Highway Commercial, General Commercial and Village Mixed Use Districts to Traffic Way Mixed Use; and amending Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District D-2.11. 9. PVBLlC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of AdoDtion of a MJtiaatest Neaatlve DeclaratJon for. th, Reservoir No.1 ReDlacement Prolect (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project; and 2) Approve tree mitigation recommendations. 9.b. Cons~deration of Preliminary ADDroval 9f Fiscal Year ~O3..2004 Commun~ DeveloDMent Block Grant Protects (CQ,W (STRONG) Recommended Action: Provide preliminary approval on the proposed funding of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 CDBG Projects. 9.c. Continued Public Hearina - Consideration of an. Ordinance ~iDQ 1 Ordinance No. 355 and ADDrovlna DeveloDment Code Ame~t B::II1...ImI ~~:~==~;~I!'aw~J: I P'anned DeveloDment: Lot 1~ and Portion of t..9t .. Tract j~anev (STRONG) Recommended Action: Introduce an Ordi~ance amending Ordinance No. 355 and approving Development Code Amendment 02-001 and adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005. I I 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 5 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Aareement and ADDrODriatlon to Contract for a Retal' Trade Area Determination Study and Community RetalllD Proaram (ADAMS) [COUNCIURDA] Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors appropriate $11,000 in the Redevelopment Agency budget and authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to enter into an agreement with The Buxton Company to prepare Phase I of a retail trade area determination study and Community RetaillD Program. 12. CITY COVNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) Discussion of Requested Use of South County Regional Center by Local Senior Group for Senior Activities. (DICKENS) b) Request to provide status report and discussion regarding retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings. (COSTELLO) 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No.formal action can be taken. a) None. 14. COUNklL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. ST AFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND S"'GGEJTIQNS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT ----.- ---~ -~ AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 6 +++++++++++ All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. +++++++++++ Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoarande.ora ,-.-------- ____nd_ -_.._--~_.- , 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISo4 SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TtFICA TION DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period December 1 - December 31, 2003. FUNDING: There is a $2,667,625.35 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - December 2, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - December 5, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4 - December 5, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Registef Attachment 5 - December 12, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 6 - December 12, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 7 - December 12, 2003 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks Attachment 8 - December 12, 2003 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks Attachment 9 - December 19, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 10 - December 26, 2003 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 11 - December 26, 2003 Payroll Checks an~ Benefit Checks Attachment 12 - December 30,2003 Accounts Payable Check Register .._---~.,-_.- __U'___'~'___ A IT ACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS ?7M tk p~ ~ 1)~ 17~ 1)~ 31. 2003 January 13, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period December 1 to December 31, 2003. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. December 2, 2003 Accounts Payable Check 113399 2 $ 4,589.29 December 5, 2003 Accounts Payable Cks 113400-113455 3 247,219.71 Accounts Payable Check 113456 4 3,292.90 250,512.61 December 12, 2003 Accounts Payable Cks 113457-113595 5 689,841.84 Accounts Payable Cks 113596-113597 6 408.82 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 7 344,519.74 Payroll Cks & Benefit Cks-Sick Leave/ Admin Leave 8 21,554.02 1,056,324.42 December 19, 2003 Accounts Payable Cks 113612-113700 9 828,792.47 December 26, 2003 Accounts Payable Cks 113701-113768 10 51,298.18 Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks 11 322,014.05 373,312.23 December 30, 2003 Accounts Payable Cks 113783-113843 12 154,094.33 One Month Total $ 2.667.625.35 I T CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 -Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building &. Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin &. Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Ughting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index for Council ---------- ~.TTACH!1.EN.J: u vchnst Voucher Ust page~ 1 1210212003 10:07:45AM Ctty of ArroYo Grande sank code ~ bOa Voucher Date Vendor invoice pOI oescr\pt\onl~CCount ~",ount ~ -- --- -- --- -- -- - 11~399 1212/2003 000058 BANK OF AMER\CA 11/08.2059 C\S iREAM tJliG SUppL\ES C\S i~EAtJI tJliG SUppL\ES 010.4211.5501 25.73 FUEL 010.4211.5608 21.71 11/08.2083 DiBA tJlEEi\NG (RS.) DiBA tJlEEi\NG (RS.) 010.4130.5501 43.17 COP\ES 010.4130.5201 27.89 HOUS\NG AUiHOR\n' MiG 010.4130.5318 52.00 OFF\CE SUppL\ES 010.4145.5201 157.51 UCLA CLASS (JB) 010.4130.5501 245.00 UCLA CLASS (JB) CRED\i 010.4130.5501 .215.00 CONF. HOTEL (RF) 010.4'\30.5501 113.54 11/08-2091 HALLOWEEN SUppL\ES HALLOWEEN SUppL\ES 010.4001.5504 274.66 LOCC '04 REG\SiRA T\ON 02/04 010.410'\.550'\ 475.00 11/08.2581 OFF\CE EXPENSE OFF\CE EXPENSE 0'\0.4301.5201 410.93 iRAVEL AWWA CONF . SAN 0\ 640.4710.5501 37'\.05 page: , vch\\st Voucher List - 1210212003 10~01~45AM City of ArroYo Grande Bank code ~ bOa ~ ~ "endor invoice _ ~ I)OOCd onIj>.COOUnt NnOunt - - - '\'\3399 '\ 2/2/2003 000058 BANK OF AMER\CA (continued) '\ '\ /08-4272 FUEL FUEL 0'\ 0.4 '\ 20.550'\ 44.00 PERS CONF ROOM - SNODGRA~ 0'\ 0.4 '\20.550'\ 4'\8.05 TV SiANO - SNODGRASS 0'\0.4'\20.520'\ 42.89 TV SiANO (RE1URNED) 0'\0.4'\20.520'\ -42.89 TV SiANO _ SNODGRASS (SMAL 0'\0.4'\20.520'\ 32.'\6 '\3" TV - SNODGRASS 0'\0.4'\20.520'\ 86.'\9 '\ '\/08-7762 OFF\CE SUppL\ES OFF\CE SUppL\ES 0'\0.4425.5255 435.45 SPEC\AL E.\IEN1S - HALLOWEE 0'\ 0.4424.5252 253. '\1 SNACK SUppL\ES 0'\0.4425.5259 396.32 PLAYGROUND SUPPUES 0,\0.4422.5256 80.2'\ '\ '\/08-9'\63 OFF\CE SUppL\ES OFF\CE SUppL\ES 0'\0.442'\ .520'\ 2'\.44 F\\JA PROCESS\NG 0'\0.442'\ .520'\ 25.58 '\ '\ /08-9436 LOCC LEAGUE LEADERS - REN LOCCLEAGUELEADERS-REN 0'\0.400'\.550'\ '\27.95 page: I . --------. 'ouchef \..\st 'l/ct\\\St C\tY of ArroYo Grande 12102.12003 10~01'.45AtA aa"~ code ~ bOa pO' ~~ ~ ~~ '0/..- ~~ a~NK OF ~tJtER\C~ l~ t.AIS GUIDE TO G'tI'tIEI! I'CCES ~ ~ 3399 ~ 2J2I2003 QOOO58 ~ ~1Q8-9444 t.AIS GUIPE TO G'tI 'tiEl! j>.CCES 35.95 0'\OA'\40.55O'\ OFF\CE SUpp\..\ES 42.88 0'\OA'\40.5602 S\SKO _ ,.RA \IE\.. 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TALLEY WE 11/14 J. TALLEY 220.4303.5303 652.80 00036647 WE 11/22 J. TALLEY WE 11/22 J. TALLEY 220.4303.5303 795.60 00036712 WE 11/29 J. TALLEY WE 11/29 J. TALLEY 220.4303.5303 489.60 36572 WE 11/14 J. GARCIA WE 11/14 J. GARCIA 010.4420.5101 652.80 36668 WE 11/14 K. ELY WE 11/14 K. ELY 010.4120.5303 636.80 WE 11/21 K. ELY 010.4120.5303 796.00 36710 WE 11/29 L. HENSCHEL WE 11/29 L. HENSCHEL 010.4130.5303 1,094.23 36711 WE 11/25 K. ELY WE 11/25 K. ELY 010.4120.5303 318.40 Page: 2 vchllst Voucher List Page: 3 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113466 12/12/2003 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS (Continued) Total: 5,436.23 113467 12/12/2003 004042 APA PLANNERS BOOK SERVICE 120403 APA BOOK: R. STRONG/COMM. [ APA BOOK: R. STRONG/COMM. [ 010.4130.5503 41.95 Total: 41.95 113468 12/12/2003 000034 APEX SHARPENING WORKS 23592 NEW CHAIN FOR CHAIN SAW NEW CHAIN FOR CHAIN SAW 220.4303.5603 28.96 Total: 28.96 113469 12/12/2003 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 3BPOO027 RIO BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. RIO BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 500.00 Total: 500,00 113470 12/12/2003 000043 ARROYO GRANDE GLASS 22987 REPAIR CITY HALL BACK ENTRP REPAIR CITY HALL BACK ENTRP 010.4213.5303 243.81 Total: 243,81 113471 12/12/2003 002180 AVAYA,INC. 2717204482 SERV AGREE/MERLIN PHONES/ SERV AGREE/MERLIN PHONES/ 010.4145.5403 14.04 Total: 14.04 113472 12/12/2003 000072 BEATTIE, ALBERT 120303 REIMBrrRAINING EXP 11/21-1 REIMBrrRAINING EXP 11/21-1 010.4201.5501 423.48 Total: 423.48 113473 12/12/2003 003161 BOREHAM, TREVOR J. 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 Page: 3 -----.- ----------------- vcbUst Voucher List Page; 4 1211112.003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code; boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice pot ~criptionl'\ccount Amount - - - - - - - - --- - 113474 1211212003 000085 BRANDI,CARL 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Yl0EC 03 \ FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113475 1211212003 000087 BREZOEN PEST CONIROL \NC 103878 QUARILEY PEST CONTROL QUARTLEY PEST CONTROL 010.4213.5303 71.00 103891 QUARTLEY PEST CONTROL QUARILEY PEST CONTROL 010.4213.5303 105.00 Tota' ; 176,00 113476 12/12/2003 000807 BR\NKERHOFF, PETER 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total; 30,00 113477 1211212003 000090 BR\SCO M\LL & LUMBER 116624 SUPPLIES FOR WOMEN'S CTRI SUPPLIES FOR WOMEN'S CTRI 010.4213.5604 106.91 1169767 MEASURE WHEEL MEASURE WHEEL 220.4303.5273 37.53 Tota' ; 144.44 113478 12112/2003 001577 BURD\NE PR\NT\NG 2110 TYPESETTING - BUS\NESS CAR TYPESETT\NG - BUSINESS CAR 010.4102.5306 18.77 Tota' ; 18,77 113479 12112/2003 000156 C.COAST T AX\ CAB SERVICES 113003 11/14-11/30/03 11/'14-11130103 225.4553.5507 774.25 Total; 774,25 113480 12/1212003 004040 CA PACIFIC ANNUAL CONF., UN\TED ME 112503 RES. #1_TEMP/PERM EASEMEN Page: 4 ---------- ,,- vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113480 12/12/2003 004040 CA PACIFIC ANNUAL CONF., UNITED ME (Continued) RES. #1- TEMP/PERM EASEMEN 350.5905.7501 19,342.77 Total: 19,342.77 113481 12/12/2003 000143 CANBY WELDING, ARON 5793 STEEL TUBING STEEL TUBING 220.4303.5613 37.21 Total: 37.21 113482 12/12/2003 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS-DISTRIB.CT 148-384793 BRAKE FLUID BRAKE FLUID 010.4211.5603 30.80 Total: 30,80 113483 12/12/2003 000160 CHAPARRAL 08180A STAPLES FOR COPIER STAPLES FOR COPIER 010.4421.5602 75.08 221412 MAINTENANCE 12/03-1/03/04 MAINTENANCE 12/03-1/03/04 010.4421.5602 112.00 OVERAGE COPIES 010.4421.5602 16.88 Total: 203,96 113484 12/12/2003 000163 CHERRY LANE NURSERY 5848 21 TREES - RANCHO GRANDE P 21 TREES - RANCHO GRANDE P 350.5512.7001 1,685.81 7025 AGONISTREE-RODEO DR REP AGONIS TREE-RODEO DR REP 010.4420.5308 73.84 7142 IVY-STROTHER PARK PLANTER IVY-STROTHER PARK PLANTER 010.4420.5605 57.87 Total: 1,817,52 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice pot Description/Account Amount 113485 12/12/2003 000164 CHRISTIANSON CHEVROLET 099513 MIRRORS FOR PW-63 MIRRORS FOR PW-63 220.4303.5601 501.01 Total: 501,01 113486 12/12/2003 000177 COASTAL REPROGRAPHICS 59289 FIRE STATION EXP. 2 SETS OF f FIRE STATION EXP. 2 SETS OF f 350.5410.7301 118.92 Total: 118,92 113487 12/12/2003 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY SUPPLY 2300211 JUMBO TOILET TISSUE JUMBO TOILET TISSUE 010.4213.5604 115.51 2301021 H.D. TRASH LINERS H.D. TRASH LINERS 010.4420.5605 160.23 Total: 275,74 113488 12/12/2003 000193 CROTTY. JOHN 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113489 12/12/2003 000801 CSMFO-ANNUAL CONFERENCE 120103 2/29-3/4/03 CONFERENCElSNOD 2/29-3/4/03 CONFERENCElSNOD 010.4120.5501 310.00 Total: 310,00 113490 12/12/2003 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO 279871 SMALL PARTS CLEANER SMALL PARTS CLEANER 220.4303.5603 72.20 Total: 72.20 113491 12/12/2003 000198 CURTIS & SONS, L.N 1032948-00 RETURN DEFECTIVE MERCH. RETURN DEFECTIVE MERCH. 010.4211.5272 -87.95 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113491 12/12/2003 000198 CURTIS & SONS, L.N (Continued) 1041590-00 SUPPLIES - RESCUE EQUIP SUPPLIES - RESCUE EQUIP 010.4211.5206 362.09 Total: 274.14 113492 12/12/2003 000205 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES 23392 STREET SWEEPING STREET SWEEPING 220.4303.5303 2,265.53 STREET SWEEPING 010.4303.5303 3,544.47 Total: 5,810.00 113493 12/12/2003 002241 DEPEW, NICHOLAS 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 25.00 Total: 25,00 113494 12/12/2003 000208 DEWAR,INC., J.B. 802282 FUEL & OIL FILTERS FUEL & OIL FIL TERS 010.4211.5608 43.07 Total: 43,07 113495 12/12/2003 004046 DISALVO, MATTHEW 120803 FIRE MILEAGE REIMB. JUL-DEC ' FIRE MILEAGE REIMB. JUL-DEC ' 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113496 12/12/2003 003998 DJM/BORBON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 2-FIRE STAT I 2 PYMT - FIRE STATION EXP PRe 2 PYMT - FIRE STATION EXP PRe 350.5410.7001 206,211.28 Total: 206,211.28 113497 12/12/2003 002238 DONALD, GABRIEL 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 12111/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice pot Description/Account Amount 113497 12/12/2003 002238 DONALD. GABRIEL (Continued) Total: 30,00 113498 12/12/2003 004039 DONOVAN, DENNIS 112603 OVER PYMT/CLOSED WATER A OVER PYMT/CLOSED WATER A 640.0000.4751 120.18 Total: 120,18 113499 12/12/2003 000904 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. 18478 ADVANCED P/R TRAINING EXP ADVANCED P/R TRAINING EXP 010.4120.5597 918.18 ADVANCED P/R INSTALL 010.4120.5597 3,000.00 EDEN POSITION BUDGET INST 010.4120.5597 1.000.00 Total: 4,918,18 113500 12/12/2003 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO. 218567 5X 1-25 SPRINKLER HEADDS - S 5X 1-25 SPRINKLER HEADDS - S 010.4420.5605 131.27 Total: 131,27 113501 12/12/2003 000241 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 486556989 FIRE STATION EXPAN. SHPMT C FIRE STATION EXPAN. SHPMT C 350.5410.7301 93.14 Total: 93.14 113502 12/12/2003 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,INC 589734 REPAIR TO VALVE EXERCISER REPAIR TO VALVE EXERCISER 640.4712.5603 146.81 Total: 146.81 113503 12/12/2003 004038 FLOWERS, HENRY 120103 OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC 640.0000.4751 165.85 Total: 165,85 113504 12/12/2003 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC 19537 DUPLICATE KEYS & VEHICLE R Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113504 12/12/2003 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC (Continued) DUPLICATE KEYS & VEHICLE R 010.4420.5605 47.62 Total: 47,62 113505 12/12/2003 000605 GAS COMPANY, THE 12/01-140 GAS SERVICES-140 TRAFFIC W GAS SERVICES-140 TRAFFIC W 010.4145.5401 149.84 12/01-211 GAS SERVICES-211 VERNON ST GAS SERVICES-211 VERNON ST 010.4145.5401 119.81 12/03-200E GAS SERVICES-200 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES-200 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 47.38 12/03-208E GAS SERVICES-208 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES-208 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 54.34 12/03-214E GAS SERVICES-214 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES-214 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 63.90 Total: 435,27 113506 12/12/2003 000272 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS,INC 55936N MIRROR PW-63 MIRROR PW-63 220.4303.5613 12.75 Total: 12.75 113507 12/12/2003 002864 GIDLUND, SHANE 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113508 12/12/2003 002865 GOUVEIA, DAVE 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113508 12/12/2003 002865 GOUVEIA, DAVE (Continued) Total: 30,00 113509 12/12/2003 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC. 10054 DESK SIGNS - COUNCIUCOMMI~ DESK SIGNS - COUNCIUCOMMI~ 010.4001.5201 49.55 9718 ENGRAVING FEE FOR RADIO ENGRAVING FEE FOR RADIO 010.4211.5303 16.09 Total: 65.64 113510 12/12/2003 004041 GRAND ESTATE HOME & GARDEN 120403 FACADE IMPROV GRANT-995 E ( FACADE IMPROV GRANT-995 E ( 250.4800.8051 5,000.00 Total: 5,000.00 113511 12/12/2003 000288 GROVER BEACH, CITY OF 112103 SEWER FOR CORP YARD SEWER FOR CORP YARD 612.0000.4751 40.58 Total: 40.58 113512 12/12/2003 003025 GSI SOILS,INC 10540 E GRAND AVE PHS. III - SOIL TE E GRAND AVE PHS. III - SOIL TE 350.5812.7401 645.00 Total: 645,00 113513 12/12/2003 000758 HADLEY, ELIZABETH OR GREG 120803 RFND 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETE RFND 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETE 010.0000.4613 55.00 Total: 55,00 113514 12/12/2003 001066 HAGERTY, SEAN F 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113515 12/12/2003 000943 HAGLUND,NANCY 11 0603 AFSS-TRAVELEXPENSE Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113515 12/12/2003 000943 HAGLUND,NANCY (Continued) AFSS-TRAVELEXPENSE 010.4211.5501 20.67 GASOLINE - AFSS 010.4211.5501 49.73 AFSS-TRAVELEXPENSE 010.4211.5501 21.05 Total: 91.45 113516 12/12/2003 000296 HAMON OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 19337 CABLE FOR GARAGE DOOR CABLE FOR GARAGE DOOR 010.4213.6401 109.47 Total: 109,47 113517 12/12/2003 000297 HANCOCK COLLEGE, ALLAN 120203 REG. SLO CO VOLUNTEER FF A REG. SLO CO VOLUNTEER FF A 010.4211.5501 63.00 Total: 63.00 113518 12/12/2003 001237 HANSON AGGREGATES 93762 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 343.54 93763 ASPHALT ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 230.05 Total: 573,59 113519 12/12/2003 000928 HI-TECH EMERGENCY 102539 HEADLAMP TRIM HEADLAMP TRIM 010.4211.5603 30.26 Total: 30,26 113520 12/1212003 001067 HIDLE, CASEY L 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 15.00 Total: 15.00 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113521 12/12/2003 002820 INDOFF,INC. 178 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5201 45.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 220.4303.5201 65.73 OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 140.95 Total: 252,09 113522 12/12/2003 001692 INDUSTRIAL TRUCK BODIES 4506 DRIP GUTTERS DRIP GUTTERS 010.4211.5603 78.81 Total: 78,81 113523 12/12/2003 003639 INT'L SOCIETY OF ARBORICUL TURE 120503 MEMBERSHIP P. MCCLURE MEMBERSHIP P. MCCLURE 010.4420.5501 135.00 Total: 135,00 113524 12/12/2003 000344 J C LANDSCAPING 120103 LANDSCAPE MAINT.-NOVEMBE LANDSCAPE MAINT.-NOVEMBE 010.4420.5303 562.50 LANDSCAPE MAINT-NOVEMBER 217.4460.5356 187.50 Total: 750,00 113525 12/12/2003 000348 J.W.ENTERPRISES 142601 TOILET RENTAL TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.73 Total: 91.73 113526 12/12/2003 004036 JANAI, HILLEL 111303 OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC 640.0000.4751 111.95 Total: 111.95 113527 12/12/2003 004037 JURINA, TOMMY 111903 OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC Page: 12 ,~.,,"__"'^'"._____"+'"',.":,.,:~:'::::::::'=:=:~::::,::::=:-__w"..",:::::::."""".",;", .c.---h,"","'.~_~#':--~ -'-~~':t\1~' '''' C-:Tv vchllst Voucher List Page: 13 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113527 12/12/2003 004037 JURINA, TOMMY (Continued) OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC 640.0000.4751 117.70 Total: 117.70 113528 12/12/2003 003949 KERN'S PAPER CONNECTION 10218 PAPER SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES 010.4102.5255 883.95 10277 PAPER SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES 010.4102.5255 399.56 Total: 1,283.51 113529 12/12/2003 000365 KEY, LINDA 112503 REIMB. FOR SUPPLIES REIMB. FOR SUPPLIES 010.4423.5253 60.79 Total: 60,79 113530 12/12/2003 004035 LOPEZ, SUNNY 120303 REFUND ON PARKING CITATIO REFUND ON PARKING CITATIO 010.0000.4203 30.00 Total: 30.00 113531 12/12/2003 003952 LORD, JACK & JOANNE 101303 OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC 640.0000.4751 87.94 Total: 87.94 113532 12/12/2003 001070 MALONEY, RYAN S. 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 I FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113533 12/12/2003 001071 MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER L. 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC. 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JULY/DEC. 03 010.4211.5145 20.00 Page: 13 _ _,.~".. .-i. =~T .il vchllst Voucher List Page: 14 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113533 12/12/2003 001071 MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER L. (Continued) Total: 20,00 113534 12/12/2003 004043 MARTIN. CHRIS J. 120803 REFUND - HOP:1564 VISTA GRA REFUND - HOP:1564 VISTA GRA 010.0000.4509 50.00 Total: 50.00 113535 12/12/2003 000412 MATHE, DAVE 120803 FIRE MILEAGE REIMB. JUL-DEC ' FIRE MILEAGE REIMB. JUL-DEC ' 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113536 12/12/2003 000400 MCGRAW-HILL COMPANIES 1526335 MAG. SUBSCRIPTION 4/04-3/05 MAG. SUBSCRIPTION 4/04-3/05 010.4301.5503 82.00 Total: 82,00 113537 12/12/2003 003163 MCLEAN, KEVIN 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113538 12/12/2003 002179 MICHL GAUGE SALES & SVCS.lNC. 33418 BACKFLOW TESTER SERVICE BACKFLOW TESTER SERVICE 010.4420.5605 86.00 Total: 86,00 113539 12/12/2003 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE 0004886 SERV PW-24 SERV PW-24 640.4712.5601 79.75 0005334 LABOR TO REPAIR STROBE LI LABOR TO REPAIR STROBE LI 010.4420.5601 150.00 Total: 229,75 113540 12/12/2003 000426 MIER BROS. 075561 CONCRETE Page: 14 ~ vch\iSt Voucher List .--v- 1211112003 9~10~19AM City of Arroyo Grande sank code: bOa ~ucher ~ _ Date ~ ~ndor Invoice PO# oescriptionlAccount Amount -- -- -- -- - 113540 12/12/2003 000426 M\ER BROS. (continued) CONCRETE 350.5632.7002 95.56 075612 CONCRETE CONCRETE 350.5632.7002 111.00 076357 MANHOLE REPA\R.E BRANCH/C MANHOLE REPA\R-E BRANCH/C 612.4610.5610 43.44 Total: 250,00 113541 12112/2003 000429 M\NER'S ACE HARDWARE. \NC. 01868942 F\LM POLY/SPRAY MARK\NG F\LM POLY/SPRAY MARK\NG 010.4430.5605 22.48 01883658 T\MER OUTDOOR AMP T\MER OUTDOOR AMP 01 0.4420.5605 15.00 01884774 BATTERYfTRAP/GASSER BA TTERYfTRAP/GASSER 010.4430.5605 66.19 01894657 SAW HOLE 1"/B\T PiLOT SAW HOLE 1"/B\T PiLOT 640.4712.5273 13.92 21431727 DUCT TAPE. CABLE T\ES, EYE B DUCT TAPE. CABLE T\ES. EYE B 010.4420.5605 36.80 21431735 BATTERY BATTERY 010.4420.5605 1.38 21432484- PAINTBRUSH PA\NTBRUSH 010.4213.5604 10.04 21433712 SPRAY MARKER SPRAY MARKER 010.4420.5605 10.70 Page: 15 'Voucher \..\$t vch\\st CitY of 1\"0,#0 Grande '\21111Z003 9~10~19I\M ",""ount boa oeseriP'!onI/>........ -=- 8an~ code ~ ~~ o 18 vendor !<lINER'S />.CE 1-li'RP'f'Jp..P.E. INC. \conti"ued'I LG NllRlLE GLO\lE Voucher ~ ~ '\2/'\2/2003 000429 2\434720 LG NIiRILE GLO\IE 23.51 0'\04420.5605 PLUG-SUPER WH\1"E 2\435054 PLUG-SUPER W\'IIiE 2.61 0'\0.42'\3.5604 XMA.S S1"UFF 2\435574 YJV$ SiUff 1.2'\ 0'\04420.5605 SA.tn A. DECORA1"\ONS \ 2\4356\ 5 SJ>.I'Ii />. DECORi'IIONS 23.84 0'\ 0.4420.5605 HOSE CLA.MPS 2\4311\ \ 4 \lOSE clfloIl'S 22.10 0'\04420.5605 ELEC1"R\CA.L SUPPUES 2\438856 ELECIRlCAL SUPPLIES '\0.'\'\ 0'\04420.5605 MA.\U~OX ROUGHNECK aU( 2\439\ \ 5 \AAlLBOJ(. ROUG\lNEC\<' BL\<. '\6.08 0'\ 0.4420.5605 FA.S1"ENERS 2'\439924 FA.S1"ENERS 3.36 0'\04420.5605 BRUS\I \IE\lICLE WJ>.5\11\IANDL 2\44\970 BRUS\I \lE\lICLE W/>.s\IJ\II'I'IDL '\6.30 0'\042'\'\.5603 W 1" A.PE FLA.GG\NG/XMA.S aO 2\4423\\ 1 j>,f'E FlJ'GGINGIJUoIJ>.5 BOW '\ 2.8'\ 0'\ 0.42'\ '\ .5255 aA.11ER'f 2'\444520 aA.11ER'f 35.36 640.41'\2.5255 page'. '\ vchUst Voucher list Page: 17 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113541 12/12/2003 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC. (Continued) 21444989 PAINT BRUSHES PAINT BRUSHES 640.4712.5610 16.90 21445024 HARDWARE: CLAMPS HARDWARE: CLAMPS 010.4213.5604 15.59 21445832 PRUNER TREE 12' FIBER PRUNER TREE 12' FIBER I 010.4420.5273 48.25 21445835 MINI BLlNDIIVORY MINt BLlNDIIVORY 010.4213.5604 13.93 21447393 KITCHEN & LAUNDRY SUPPLIES KITCHEN & LAUNDRY SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 29.42 Total: 474,61 113542 12/12/2003 000439 MOSS, LEVY. & HARTZHEIM 5411 AUDIT SVCS - BALANCE THRU 7 AUDIT SVCS - BALANCE THRU 7 010.4120.5303 7,000.00 Total: 7,000,00 113543 12/12/2003 004034 MUSCARDELLA. JOSEPH 111803 OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC OVR PYMT/CLOSED WATER AC 640.0000.4751 112.74 Total: 112.74 113544 12/12/2003 000444 MUSTANG TREE CARE 2588 WOMEN'S CLUB TRIMMING I WOMEN'S CLUB TRIMMING 010.4420.5303 800.00 2589 MULLAHEY FORD - TRIMMING MULLAHEY FORD - TRIMMING 010.4420.5303 400.00 Total: 1,200.00 Page: 17 -_........--...--==~ --~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 18 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of A"oyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113545 12/12/2003 000445 NACCARATI, DAVID 120803 FIRE MilEAGE-JULY/JUNE 03 FIRE MilEAGE-JULY/JUNE 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113546 12/12/2003 000811 NAT'l VOLUNTEER FIRE COUNCIL 120903 MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2004 MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2004 010.4211.5503 50.00 Total: 50.00 113547 12/12/2003 002849 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 933066312 FIRE EMERG - CELL PHONE FIRE EMERG - CELL PHONE ! 010.4211.5403 107.86 BlDG/SAFETY - CELL PHONE 010.4212.5403 35.88 Total: 143,74 113548 12/12/2003 000474 OUIMETTE, RANDY 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MllEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113549 12/12/2003 000478 PACIFIC APPAREL & SPORTS 5585 YOUTH BASKETBALL REFEREE: YOUTH BASKETBALL REFEREE: 010.4426.6201 161.23 Total: 161,23 113550 12/12/2003 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 11/15-654774 ELECTRIC-JAMES WAY LOT ELECTRIC-JAMES WAY LOT 010.4304.5402 33.63 11/15-889211 ELECTRIC-SIGNAL ON BRISCO ELECTRIC-SIGNAL ON BRISCO 010.4304.5402 21.13 11/19-019097 ELECTRIC - OCT/NOV 03 ELECTRIC - OCT/NOV 03 010.4304.5402 50.93 Page: 18 m=:",~::::;::::::::~:"'~:::::::::;:::ii~,;:-,;::::::::::;:;:::;,."o:.:.1"""';__~_'-';::::="';';'''-'''::;:;-~~:i:;;:~~~:._'{ -~~. i1i1 - vchlist Voucher List Page: 19 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113550 12/12/2003 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC (Continued) 11/19-194097 ELECTRIC- OCTINOV 03 ELECTRIC- OCT/NOV 03 010.4304.5402 15,311.84 11/20-853299 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 1,738.24 ELECTRIC 640.4712.5402 441.65 ELECTRIC 640.4711.5402 11,294.63 ELECTRIC 612.4610.5402 1,532.38 ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 8,655.22 ELECTRIC 217.4460.5355 15.66 Total: 39,095,31 113551 12/12/2003 003904 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES,INC. 46043 RENTAL:MOBILE TRAILER 11/2 RENTAL:MOBILE TRAILER 11/2 350.5410.7001 1.018.88 Total: 1,018,88 113552 12/12/2003 003027 PAPICH CONSTRUCTION 6-EGRANDAV 6 PYMT - E GRAND AVE ELM STI 6 PYMT - E GRAND AVE ELM ST/ 350.5812.7001 291,055.99 Total: 291,055,99 113553 12/12/2003 000489 PERRIN, DOUG 120803 SUPPLlESITEEN CONCERT CON SUPPLlESITEEN CONCERT CON 010.4424.5252 43.73 Total: 43.73 113554 12/12/2003 000504 PORTE, DENISE 120803 PUppy PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES Page: 19 --".~...''''~ . ^--'~"'---~~'."~" -~~"'-"-""~-~'~_~~-:-.:--_:.~-:7',,:",:.;' .,., .. '_~'__'_'.~'" _. .. ,...._....,"~."...~.:_....i..';__'-.~'"._...~..c_,._",.,. 0-. "._.c ,....,_ ",_,~'__'_'~_ ,,_"_"_'~ "",'"".. ~ _ .... _"...._.,,,.._^,.,,.__.~.,,,;;...;-"',.....:..,__..._"""....'_.,",,.__..,.c,.~~..,..,~,,_,,-_,,","'~_"""';~:;;'.i.:IOi Oi.W vchllst Voucher List Page: 20 12111/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount \ 113554 12/12/2003 000504 PORTE, DENISE (Continued) PUppy PLAYSCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 945.00 Total: 945.00 113555 12/12/2003 002792 PULITZER C.C.NEWSPAPER 151867 PH NOTICE PUD 03-004fTMP 03 PH NOTICE PUD 03-004fTMP 03 010.4130.5301 54.00 151947 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ( NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ( 010.4002.5301 48.00 DEV. IMPACT FEE STRUCTURE 010.4002.5301 40.00 159481 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE - BL SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE - BL 010.4002.5301 44.10 159490 PH NOTICE CUP 98-571 & 98-5 PH NOTICE CUP 98-571 & 98-5 010.4130.5301 44.10 Total: 230.20 113556 12/12/2003 003418 REED,KEN 112403 MEALS MEALS 010.4201.5501 24.00 130943 FUEL - FUEL- 010.4201.5608 29.00 JT12622 FUEL FUEL 010.4201.5608 22.00 Total: 75.00 113557 12/12/2003 002670 RICOH LEASING 03123850387 CUST. 349886 Page: 20 " ..,- .'_'_'_~."~~"'_'_~_-__~C_"="~__'_M~"_~~__~'~_~"'"_~~_~~~~"-~"_::-::--::=~-~=_7:=:::::::-~::;~-:::';::;;';~t: "'-~-'~i?'1'! Iii! vchlist Voucher List Page: 21 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POI Description/Account Amount 113557 12/12/2003 002670 RICOH LEASING (Continued) CUST.349886 010.4421.5602 141.25 LATE CHARGE 010.4421.5602 7.06 Total: 148,31 113558 12/12/2003 003089 RINCON CONSUL TANTS,INC. 6096 CONSUL T SERVo TM 01-001 CONSULT SERVo TM 01-001 010.0000.2550 9,040.00 CITY ADMINREVENUE 010.0000.4518 -1,356.00 DEVELOPER DEPOSIT ACCT. 010.0000.2475 1,356.00 6185 CONSULT. SERV FOR TM 01-0 CONSUL T. SERV FOR TM 01-0 010.0000.2550 7,138.75 CITY ADMIN REVENUE 010.0000.4518 -1,070.81 DEVELOPER DEPOSIT ACCT 010.0000.2475 1,070.81 Total: 16,178.75 113559 12/12/2003 003363 RIPPY, NINA 120803 BALLET-JAZZ CLASSES-FALL 03 BALLET-JAZZ CLASSES-FALL 03 010.4424.5351 100.80 Total: 100,80 113560 12/12/2003 000803 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC 26889 MAIL 2004 BUSINESS LICENSE R MAIL 2004 BUSINESS LICENSE R 010.4120.5201 621.98 26923 UTILITY BILLING MAILING - NOV UTILITY BILLING MAILING - NOV 640.4710.5201 1,180.34 Total: 1,802,32 Page: 21 _..' '. ".<+.,. ._.,~.~,,;>~_;...'~~~~ '.",~",_. .:"_:=:,~::'~:'.'::~~=:~.:=v:','~::'::.:::=~",,>~,,,~~,~~==:,:::-~_~::"""""",,';i:;-:::::::,:::'::;:;;;:~;;::;:';;";;:;::;i;',":7~-" ~]C~']1:lTii!-n _ vchlist Voucher List Page: 22 12/11/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# Description/Account Amount 113561 12/12/2003 000569 SAN LUIS PAINTS 498731 FIELD MARKING PAINT -FOOTBA FIELD MARKING PAINT -FOOTBA 010.4430.5255 192.36 499552 FIELD MARKING PAINT - FOOTBI FIELD MARKING PAINT - FOOTBI 010.4430.5255 192.36 Total: 384.72 113562 12/12/2003 000479 SBC 10/23-7801 10/23-7801 \ 10/23-7801 010.4145.5403 78.21 11n-7480 11n-7480 \ 11/7-7480 010.4201.5403 65.18 11/8-9867 9867 9867 010.4201.5603 54.08 \ Total: 197,47 113563 12/12/2003 002246 SCHULTZ, JEROME 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113564 1211212003 004033 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 112503 RES. #1 EASEMENT AGREEMEN RES. #1 EASEMENT AGREEMEN 350.5905.7501 25,762.00 Total: 25,762,00 113565 12/12/2003 000594 SILVA, JEFF 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113566 12/12/2003 003160 SILVA,JR., JOE 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 Page: 22 vchlist Voucher List Page: 23 12111/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice POt Description/Account Amount 113566 12/12/2003 003160 SILVA,JR., JOE (Continued) FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113567 12/12/2003 000595 SILVA,SR., JOE 120803 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MILEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113568 12/12/2003 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY,INC 279132 6549 GALLONS - 91 OCT. GASOL 6549 GALLONS - 91 OCT. GASOL 010.0000.1202 11,031.31 Total: 11,031.31 113569 12/12/2003 002134 SLO PLUMBING 14301 INSPECT, CLEAN SEWER: NEW~ INSPECT, CLEAN SEWER: NEW~ 612.4610.5610 400.00 Total: 400,00 113570 12/12/2003 000849 SMITH PIPE & SUPPL Y 1168780 2" TORO VALVE-SPRINKLER REF 2" TORO VALVE-SPRINKLER REF 010.4420.5605 75.32 Total: 75,32 113571 12/12/2003 000598 SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP 23V/12179431 FLAT TIP, RACHET AND CLIPS FLAT TIP, RACHET AND CLIPS 010.4211.5273 123.62 Total: 123.62 113572 12/12/2003 000838 SNODGRASS, LYNDA 120103 2/29-3/4/03 CSMFO CONFERENC 2/29-3/4/03 CSMFO CON FERENC 010.4120.5501 50.00 Total: 50.00 113573 12/12/2003 004023 SODERBERG,ELlZABETH 120203 RFND 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETE Page: 23 ,_";_~,.<,~",__,<"",;_/_,~,-,-~=~:::;=,~'=~_;::::==-::.:~:-..::::='::-2=-,.,<C...,,::==::=_::::::::'-';";-~"'-",~'i4"_."';--'''~''':_:::;:':""'''-'-i;?,;;""",;.<':;.,~~\iJJj(~"V~'. - :'" vchlist Voucher List Page: 24 12111/2003 9:10:19AM City of Arroyo Grande Sank code: boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO# DescriptionlAccount Amount 113573 12/12/2003 004023 SODERBERG, ELIZABETH (Continued) RFND 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETE 010.0000.4613 45.00 CANCELLATION FEE 010.0000.4613 -10.00 Total: 35,00 113574 12/12/2003 004044 ST. BARNABAS' THRIFT SHOP 120503 REFUND FOR SEWER FEES REFUND FOR SEWER FEES 612.0000.4751 446.95 Total: 446.95 113575 12/12/2003 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGNS 33573 NO PARKING SIGN-RANCHO GR NO PARKING SIGN-RANCHO GR 220.4303.5613 565.74 Total: 565.74 113576 12/12/2003 000618 STOCKS, DANIEL T. 120803 FIRE MllEAGE-JUl Y/DEC 03 FIRE MllEAGE-JUl Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30,00 113577 12/12/2003 000620 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY 368827 2" ELBOW PIPE - NELSON PARK 2" ELBOW PIPE - NELSON PARK 010.4420.5605 29.28 Total: 29.28 113578 12/12/2003 000621 STUMPH, GREGORY 120803 FIRE MllEAGE-JUl Y/DEC 03 FIRE MllEAGE-JUl Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 113579 12/12/2003 002248 STUMPH, MITCH 120803 FIRE MflEAGE-JUL Y/DEC 03 FIRE MllEAGE-JUl Y/DEC 03 010.4211.5145 30.00 Total: 30.00 Page: 24 ~_..,~.~ 9Z :a6ed 00'000'~ ~OZg.g~~~"O~O 3NOHd AS 39\flSOd 3NOHd J...S 39\flSOd ~o~OZ~ ~31S\f~lSOd S31'o'lS 031lNn ~L9000 ~OOZ/Z ~IZ ~ 699~~~ 6'''~~~ ~ ,"'01 9Z.~~ 909g.0~~'0~0 9N'o'H~)(3/M 3^ l'o'^ ~I~1~313 9N'o'H~)(3/M 3^ l'o'^ ~I~1~313 00~L999L~ OZ'~Z 90gg.0~~~.0~0 OlOS '91~~' ~ 3d'o' 1 ~'~1~313 OlOS .91~~I ~ 3d'o' 1 ~I~1~313 00~Z999L~ 9Z.g~ 90gg'0~~'0~0 \ 109 O\1/M )(08 3^1'o'^ OS~nr 109 O\1/M )(08 3^1'o'^ 08~nr 00gvg99L~ Z~.~ 9099'OZ~'0~0 S ~13 NOll'o'9'~~I-~3^0~ )(08 \ S 1N13 NOll'o'91~~'-~3^0~ )(08 00~\7999L~ \ ~~. 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". <0 ww enc.n en I\) 0) I\) c.n .. w ~f OJ .."" \ ~ t:!.t'J ..... c: c.J~ (.0) n c: i 71: ea' n N'" = cI (.0) ... 0 g i ~ < -~ ., c.J 0 N c: c: (;) CJ n go ~, g c.J i a ~ a t s' 0' f.- g: ... 0 f Ii i 8 ~ c i- -.I S- i ..... -.I ... n 0 ~ i ., g ~ a ..... 0 -.I 0) ~ \ ~ c: ~ ~ m '0 i 0 (') a: Q n 11 ~ (0 i,< ~ ".~ =4 go ~ (0 o .. (i)C ;'- ~ i '8 .. i ~. 'i 0 2- 'g ~ c: -t ~ "'" i. w "" g ~ ~ i -t ; 0 g ., ., .. "'0 "'0 ~ ..... ..... c! ~ ~ ~ ~ i -$ .....~ ,.. ~ ~ ..... ~ c.J ~ a. ..... <1' c.J ell --~------~~- - - ------- --------- ~--- I.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE9' BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOq SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of December 31,2003, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). , ------_._--~-- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT //4- ~1)~ 31, 2003 January 13, 2004 This report presents the City's investments as of December 31, 2003. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of December 31, 2003, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investmentS based on book values as of December 31,2003 compared with the prior month and the prior year. Date: December 2003 November 2003 December 2002 Amount: $11,800,000 12,300,000 14,000,000 Interest Rate: 1.57% 1.59% 2.33% ---~--_._--,. -- -,-----~- 8.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K, SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF CASH FLOW ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANCES FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the November 2003 cash report, . Approve theinterfund advance of $1,185,196 from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of November 30, 2003. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. DISCUSSION: Revenues in individual funds are earned in uneven amounts during each month of the year; however, expenses in these funds are paid out in fairly consistent amounts. These differences cause some funds to have temporary cash deficits while waiting for revenues to equal expenses. For investment purposes, the City pools cash in individual funds into one bank account. Since the City pools the cash of all funds, individual fund shortages are not readily apparent. However, in reality, funds with excess cash are "financing" the shortages in other funds until revenues equal expenses. This report is. prepared to present to the City Council individual fund shortages and the funds financing those shortages, By year-end, all funds are expected to have positive cash balances. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation and accept the annual report; - Do not approve staff recommendation and decline the annual report; - Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: A - Cash Balancellnterfund Advance Report --- -------..__._--~--- --------- ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE / INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT At November 30, 2003 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund Advances Balance 010 General Fund 1,674,694 1,674,694 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees 180,754 180,754 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 33,317 33,317 213 Park Development 564,896 564,896 214 Park Improvement 130,975 130,975 215 Recreation Community Center 9,990 9,990 217 Landscape Maintenance 31,984 31,984 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 72,180 72,180 221 Traffic Congestion Relief 42,971 42,971 222 Traffic Signalization 471,714 471,714 223 Traffic Circulation 464,843 464,843 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,876,343 1,876,343 225 Transportation 16,392 16,392 226 Water Neutralization Impact 759,121 759,121 230 Construction Tax 105,095 105,095 231 Drainage Facility 26,264 26,264 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 920,991 920,991 241 Lopez Facility Fund 1,097,049 1,097,049 250 CDBG Fund (10,631) 10,631 0 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 60,502 60,502 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant (7,259) 7,259 0 279 00-01 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 67 67 284 Redevelopment Agency (45,187) 45,187 0 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 129,728 129,728 350 Capital Projects (1,122,119) 1,122,119 0 612 Sewer Fund 39,596 39,596 634 . Sewer Facility 156,850 156,850 640 Water Fund 2,982,573 2,982,573 641 Lopez 490,580 490,580 642 Water Facility 1,293,130 (1,185,196) 107,934 751 Downtown Parking 20,073 20,073 760 Sanitation District Fund 66,793 66,793 Total City Wide Cash 12,534;269 ,0 12,534,269 THE ABOVE LISTING ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 2003 ~r~ B,~~ da K. Snodgrass Director of Financial Services -~._-- _ .------- "-.-.".-- 8.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K, SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONDISERATION OF ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT OF IMPACT FEE~ DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the annual adjustment to the City's Impact Fees. FUNDING: The adoption of the attached Resolution will increase the Impact Fees charged for new development projects in 2004. The revenue generated from this increase is dependent on the amount of new development in the community during the coming year. DISCUSSION: In order that Impact Fees remain current with inflation, Section 3.36.040 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code states that the fees shall be adopted by resolution and shall be adjusted each January by the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. The calculation specified in Section 3.36.040 adjusts the fees as follows: Factor = 1 + Current Index -Base Index For Date of Adootion Base Index For Date of Adootion The calculation is as follows: 1.0334 = 1 + 6782 - 6563 6563 The 1.0334 factor is multiplied by the modified November 2003 Impact Fees as shown on Exhibit A of the attached resolution, -'-'-'--"'~-'~'--'- ~~- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT OF IMPACT FEES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation to increase Impact Fees; - Do not approve staff recommendation and retain current fee structure; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. -------~._.- _~_M.___.._. ----- RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES BY THE CHANGE IN THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.36.040 of the Municipal Code, Development Impact Fees are to be adjusted annually by modifying the adopted value up or down in conformance with the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fees and fee schedules set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days after its adoption per Government Code Section 66017. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2004. -_._-_. "--"---'._~~ RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -"-~-- -- EXHIBIT "A" Definitions: Development Tvpes -Residential and commercial development divided into sub- categories. Units of Development - A standard measure of the cost to provide services. The acre is the fundamental unit measure, which is divided into a smaller component, the dwelling unit (DU). Asset Cost Per Acre - The calculated cost to provide additional serviceslfacilities to new development. Calls Per Unit - The number of yearly additional police calls generated by new development. Facilitv Cost Per Call - The cost per call to expand current police facilities to accommodate new development. Persons Per Unit - The number of persons expected to reside in the unit of development. Costs Per Capita - The cost of new or additions to the current community center, on a per person basis, to maintain the current level of service of recreation facilities. Impact Fee Per Unit - The fee to be levied per unit of development in order to recover future cost of new or expanded facilities. Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay Development Impact Fees for fire protection, police facilities, traffic signalization, transportation facilities, community centers, park improvements, and water facilities based upon the following schedule: \ --.-.-- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES REVISED 1/13/04 Fire Protection Development Fee per Acres Fee Type Units Acre Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 2.500 $ 3,432.21 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 1.000 $ 1.372.88 . Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 1.000 $ 1,372.88 Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1.372.88 0.090 $ 123.56 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 1.372.88 0.120 $ 164.75 Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.091 $ 120.77 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.091 $ 120.77 HotellMotel Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.050 $ 68.64 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 1.372.88 0.077 $ 102.19 Industrial . Thousand Square Feet $ 1.372.88 0.067 $ 88.57 Police Facilities Development Fee per Calls Fee Type Units Call Per Unit \ Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.250 $ 28.65 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.250 $ 28.65 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.750 $ 85.94 Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 1.320 $ 151.25 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.750 $ 85.94 Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 3.909 $ 447.92 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 2.273 $ 260.42 HotellMotel Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 1.195 $ 136.93 Professional Office . Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 0.095 $ 10.93 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 0.045 $ 5.19 Traffic Signals Development Fee per PeakTrips Fee Type Units Trip Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.2 $ 605.82 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.2 $ 605.82 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.0 $ 504.85 Residential- Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 0.7 $ 353.39 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 0.5 $ 252.42 Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 7.0 $ 3,533.93 I Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 4.0 $ 2,019.39 HotellMotel Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 1.8 $ 908.72 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 2.8 $ 1,413.57 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 0.8 $ 403.88 -- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES REVISED 1/13/04 Street Improvements - Development Fee per PeakTrlps Fee Type Units Trip Per Unit. Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.2 $ 1,653.62 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.2 $ 1,653.62 Residential - Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.0 $ 1,378.02 . Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 0.7 $ 964.61 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit .$ 1,378.02 0.5 $ 689.01 Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 7.0 $ 9,646.13 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 4.0 $ 5,512.07 HotellMotel Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378,02 1.8 $ 2,480.43 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 2.8 $ 3,858.45 Industrial . Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 0.8 $ 1,102.41 Community Centers Development Fee per Persons Fee Type Units Capita Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.7 $ 101.59 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.7 $ 101.59 Residential - Sin~le-Family Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.7 $ 101.59 Residential- Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.0 $ 75.25 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 1.5 $ 56.44 Park Improvements Development Fee per Persons Fee Type Units Capita Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.7 $ 1,753.18 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.7 $ 1,753.18 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.7 $ 1,753.18 Residential- Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.0 $ 1,298.65 Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 1.5 $ 973.99 Water Facilities Meter Size Fee 5/8 inch - 3/4 inch $ 713.83 1 inch $ 1,189.71 1 1/2 inch $ 2,379.40 2 inch $ 3,807.05 3 inch $ 7,138.21 4 inch $ 11,897.03 6 inch $ 23,805.38 8 inch $ 47,610.80 ---~ B... MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K, SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO IN-LIEU FEE FOR OFF- STREET PARKING DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving an adjustment to the in-lieu fee for off-street parking in the Parking and Business Improvement Area of the Village. FUNDING: The adoption of the attached Resolution is not expected to materially affect the revenues received in the Downtown Parking Fund. DISCUSSION: Ordinance 489 C.S. established the option of payment of an in-lieu fee for off- street parking spaces in the Parking and Business Improvement Area of the Village. Resolution 3251 authorizes that the in-lieu fee shall be adjusted each December 31st according to the corresponding annual increase or decrease in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index (ENR). The calculation has been completed for the December 31, 2003 adjustment. The calculation shown below provides documentation that a 3.34% increase in the ENR warrants an increase in the in-lieu fee to $4,057 from $3,926 per parking space. Overall Index ENR Index ENR at December 2003 6782 ENR at December 2002 6563 Change 219 Percent Increase 219/6563 = 3.34% Fee Adiustment Current Fee $3,926 3.34% Increase' 131 Updated Fee $4.057 --_.._-~._-_._-.- ------- _.~- -- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO IN-LIEU FEE FOR OFF-STREET PARKING JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 The Community Development Department is also working with the Downtown Parking Advisory Board on an overall review of this in-lieu fee program. Therefore, additional recommendatiot:'s for changes may be brought forward to the City Council later in the year. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation and adjust the in-lieu fee; - Do not approve staff recommendation and retain current fee; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. --._-.._._---- RESOLUTION NO._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING THE IN-LIEU FEE FOR OFF-STREET PARKING IN THE PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OF THE VILLAGE BY THE CHANGE IN THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 489 C.S. establishing the option of payment of an in-lieu fee for off-street parking spaces in the Parking. and Business Improvement Area of the Village (hereinafter referred to as the ''Village Improvement Area"; and WHEREAS, Resolution 3251 authorizes an annual adjustment in the fee based on changes in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. NOW, THEREFORE BElT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fee set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. This Resolution shall take effect. sixty (60) days after its adoption. . On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2004.' ~_...._-- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY , ~ - - - --,,,- J ~-- EXHIBIT "Au The amount of the in-lieu fee shall be $4,057 per parking space, as shown in the following calculation. Overall Index ENR Index ENR at December 2003 6782 ENR at December 2002 6563 Change 219 Percent Increase 219/6563 = 3.34% Fee Adiustment Current Fee $3,926 3.34%. Increase 131 Updated Fee 14.057 ~-_._-- ---- --- 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ~f\S FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES q"' r SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT (AB- 1600) FEES DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the attached report on the receipt and use of AB-1600 fees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact from this action. DISCUSSION: Government Code Sections 66000 et seq. requires local agencies to provide an. accounting of fees charged for development projects. These fees (typically titled AB 1600 fees) are intended to mitigate certain cost impacts of current development. The basic accounting and reporting responsibilities require the City to provide a detailed reporting of the use of development impact fees every five years (beginning with FY 1997-98). The City complied with this five-year reporting requirement in January 1999 and is required to report again in 2004. The City must comply with two basic requirements. First, the City must report findings on the amount collected for each fee, the use of the fees, and any unexpended portion at year-end. After the first report on collections and expenditures up to June 30, 1998, the City is required to report every five years thereafter. These findings must: 1. Identify the purpose for the fee; 2. Demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it was charged; 3. Identify all sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete financing of incomplete improvements; 4. Designate the approximate dates these funding sources are expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund. When sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing or public I I improvements are in progress but not completed, the City has 180 days to identify an ~. j --------~- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT (AB1600) FEES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 approximate date by which the construction of the public improvement will begin or be completed . The second requirement provides that the City shall establish separate capital facility accounts for each improvement funded by project development fees. Interest shall be earned and recorded in each account. The City is required to make available to the public the following information: 1. A brief description of the type of fee in the account. 2. The amount of the fee. 3. The account's beginning and ending balance. 4. The amount of fees collected and the interest earned. 5. A description of the improvements on which the funds were expended and the amount expended on each improvement including the percentage of the improvement funded with development fees. 6. An approximate date by which the construction of a public improvement will begin if the City determines that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing on the incomplete improvement. 7. A description of each inter-fund transfer or loan made from the account. 8. The amount of any refunds. Attached to this staff report is the required financial information as of June 30, 2003 (Attachments A-F). The information consists of beginning and ending fund balances for each fee charged by the City, including interest earned, and details of all expenditures made from these sources. The information in the Attachments agrees with the yearly audited financial records. There are eight active fees identified as subject to AB 1600 reporting requirements. Three of the eight fees were reported in January 1999 CQmplying with the five-year reporting requirement. Those three fees are the Traffic Signalization Fees, the Transportation Facility Impact Fees, and the Drainage Facility Fees. The Water Neutralization Fee is required to report for the first time this year. The remaining four development impact fees are exempt from reporting at this time as they were established in recent years and are not required to report financial activity for the first five years of activity. The remaining four fees are the Fire Protection Fee, the Police Protection Fee, Recreation Community Center fees, and the Park Improvement fees. A summary of financial activity for the four fees (Attachment F) is attached for your information. The City utilized the following funds to track development impact fees: . Traffic Signalization Fund (Fund 222) , _M.__ --~ J CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT (AB1600) FEES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 Ordinance 346 was adopted in May of 1986 as a mechanism for assessing fees on new developments in proportion to the amount of anticipated traffic generated by a given development. The fees were restricted for funding the construction of traffic signal systems, signing, and other traffic control devices. This development impact fee came under Government Code Section 66000 in January 1989, when AB-1600 fees were recognized. . Transportation Facility Impact (Fund 224) The fund was established in January 1994 to track fees paid by developers for the construction of improvements to streets throughout the City. When a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. . Drainage Facility Fund (Fund 231) This fund was established in January 1986 to track fees collected from developers to acquire and construct drainage facilities with a designated drainage zone attributable to new development. This development impact fee came under Government Code Section 66000 in January 1989, when AB- 1600 fees were recognized. As with the Transportation Facility Impact fees, when a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. . Water Neutralization Impact Fund (Fund 226) This fund was established in October 1998 to account for mitigation fees collected from developers to neutralize projected water demand, of development projects, above historical usage amounts. When a project serves both new and existing development, only the portion related to new development is charged against this fund. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600 and is required to report five-years of activity this year for the first time. . Fire Protection Fund (Fund 210) The Impact Fee Study of March 2000 instituted the Fire Protection Fee. This fee is to be used for facilities to house fire fighting personner and equipment serving future development. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600. . Police Protection Fund (Fund 211) The Police Protection Fund was established in March 2000 to account for monies that were collected from new development for the expansion of police facilities. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600. . Park Improvement Fund (Fund 214) - -_._._-~---- _J - CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERA TION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT (AB1600) FEES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 4 This impact fee resulted from the Impact Fee Study of March 2000. This fee is to be used to improve parklands in order to maintain 4.0 acres of neighborhood and community parks per thousand residents. This fee was established pursuant to AB-1600; however, FY 2000-01 was the first year monies were collected for Park Improvement. . Recreation Community Center Fund (Fund 215) The Impact Fee Study of March 2000 instituted the Recreation Community Center Fee. The fee was enacted to ensure community center facilities be maintained at 542 square feet per thousand population. The City utilizes fund accounting to segregate development impact fees from other City revenues. Although the City pools its cash for investment purposes, interest income is allocated to each of the seven funds based on their respective cash balances. Staff examined the accounts to determine if any development fees collected between January 1989 and June 30, 2003 remained unexpended. It was determined that all Drainage Facility Fees have been expended within the time period. However, sufficient funds have been accumulated in the Traffic Signalization Fund for two traffic signals. The Capital Improvement Program has included $179,862 for a traffic signal at Grand Avenue and Halcyon Road and $175,000 for a signal at West Branch Street at Camino Mercado. In addition, approximately $1.2 million of impact fees have accumulated in the Transportation Facility Impact Fee Fund. Though the City has appropriated $165,000 for capital projects in FY 2003-04 and FY 2004-05, significant amounts of this funding has been reserved for the Halcyon-Brisco off-ramp project. It is anticipated that the City will meet AB-1600 provisions and no additional findings will be required. Approximately $683,400 of Water Neutralization fees has amassed since the inception of the fee. The City started a water conservation program, which should use significant amounts of this fund. The remaining four funds, the Fire Protection Fund, the Police Protection Fund, the Park Improvement Fund, and the Recreation Community Center Fund have been in existence for less than five years and not subject to expenditure requirements. The attachments to this report are as follows: . Attachment A - Traffic Signalization Fund history for a ten year period from Fiscal Year 1993-94 through Fiscal Year 2002-03. . Attachment B - Ten year history for Fiscal Year 1993-94 through Fiscal Year 2002-03 for the Transportation Facility Impact Fund. . Attachment C - The Drainage Facility Fund history for a ten year period from Fiscal Year 1993-94 through Fiscal Year 2002-03. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT (AB1600) FEES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 5 . Attachment D- Ten year history for Fiscal Year 1993-94 through Fiscal Year 2002-03 for the Water Neutralization Impact Fund. . Attachment E - This schedule, which is not required by the Government Code, summarizes the fees received and expended for the four funds since either the inception of the fund or the date AB-1600 became effective, January 1, 1989. This schedule demonstrates that the City is actively using the fees collected for the intended purposes. . Attachment F - The revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the four development fee funds not required to report findings this fiscal year. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation to accept and file the report; - Do not approve staff recommendation and request further information; - Modify staff recommendation and approve; - Provide direction to staff. ---.----..-- ~-- ---._------ .~_._--- (/) 'Z U1 U- ~ , ~ 4:. ~ r- ~ ... cD cD CO '" '" '" '" ~ '" '" ",' ' 0- -~ '" · ~ ' ~ '" ~ ,_ ",N ~ . ~ ~ '" g~ ~~ '" ~ '" '" ~ ~~ N '" ~ ~ ~ ~ u.. f:It '" '" - '" $ $ N "'- '" ~ '" ~ ~ $ , ~ ~ q~ ~\I\ '" . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _~ 6~ · ~ ~ - '" '" - - ~ 09 _- N - - ~ ~ ~.. ~ < ~- - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ co'<t 0 "0 o ~ ~ _ gNN '" 2 _ ~~ '" '" '" * \1\ ~ ,~o.o. "'. \< q1 ~~ 0. . = ~ ~.o ~ ~~. \1\ ~ 81\ \;;~ * '" '" !g ~ ~ ~ ~... ~ ~ .., ~ ~ 8 ... 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CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS, LLC dba CINGULAR WIRELESS DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Communications Site Lease Agreement between the City and Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC dba Cingular Wireless for use of approximately five hundred ten (510) square feet of property located at Reservoir #4. FUNDING: Cingular Wireless will pay the City rent of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) per month. Rent is increased each year by an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the rent for the previous year. Additionally, Cingular Wireless will pay a one-time administrative review fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000). DISCUSSION: Cingular Wireless has expressed an interest in leasing a portion of the Reservoir #4 property for a communication facility site. After extensive negotiations, the parties drafted the attached Communications Site Lease Agreement for an approximate five hundred ten (510) square foot portion of the Reservoir #4 property located on Branch Mill Road. The term of the Lease is for five (5) years with three (3) five (5)-year extensions. On December 16, 2003, Cingular Wireless obtained approval from the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit to operate the proposed facility. Prior to any improvement of the Lease site, Cingular Wireless will be required to obtain all necessary permits for its proposed facility. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; or - Provide direction to staff. ! ---- _J COMMUNICATIONS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT This Communications Site Lease Agreement (Ground) (Agreement) is entered into this day of January, 2004, between PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company doing business as CINGULAR WIRELESS ("Lessee"), and CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California ("Lessor"). For good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1, PREMISES, Lessor is the owner of a parcel of land (the "Land") located on Branch Mill Road, Arroyo Grande, California, commonly known as the Reservoir 4 site. The Land is more particularly described in Exhibit A annexed hereto. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee leases from Lessor, approximately five hundred ten (510) square feet of the Land and all access and utility easements, if any, (the "Premises") described in Exhibit B annexed hereto. 2, USE, The Premises may be used by Lessee for reasonable activities in connection with the provision of mobile/wireless communications services. Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, make application for and obtain all licenses, permits and any and all other necessary approvals that may be required for Lessee's intended use of the Premises. Lessee is aware that Lessee must obtain a conditional use permit from the City of Arroyo Grande and comply with conditions imposed thereon as a condition precedent to occupancy of the Premises. 3, TESTS AND CONSTRUCTION, Lessee shall have the right at any time, following the full execution of this Agreement, to enter upon the Land for the purposes of making appropriate engineering and boundary surveys, inspections, soil test borings, other reasonably necessary tests (collectively, "Tests"). Lessee shall comply with the repair provisions of Paragraph 15 below during and after all Tests and related work. -----'" 4, TERM, The term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years commencing on the date Lessee obtains a conditional use permit as specified in Paragraph 2 above (Commencement Date) and terminating on the fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date (the Term) unless otherwise terminated as provided in Paragraph 10, Lessee shall have the right to extend the Term for three(3) successive five (5) year periods (The Renewal Terms) on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein. This Agreement shall automatically be extended for each successive Renewal Term unless Lessee notifies Lessor of its intention not to renew prior to commencement of the succeeding Renewal Term. 5. RENT, (a) Within fifteen (15) business days ofthe Commencement Date and on the first day of each month thereafter, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as rent Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500,00) per month ("Rent"). Rent for any fractional month at the beginning or at the end of the Term or Renewal Term shall be prorated, Rent shall be payable to Lessor at City of Arroyo Grande, P.O. Box 550,214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421; Attention: Financial Services Director. (b) Rent shall be increased on each anniversary of the Commencement Date by an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the Rent for the previous year during the initial Term and all Renewal Terms. (c) Rent payments made after the tenth (10th) day of any month will be considered delinquent, and shall accrue interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum on the . delinquent account. If the tenth (10th) day of the month is on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, then Lessee has until the next business day for the payment to be received by Lessor. (d) Within thirty (30) days of the full execution 'of this Agreement, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as additional consideration a one time administrative fee of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000,00) for City transactional costs associated with preparation and processing of this Agreement. 6, FACILITIES; UTILITIES; ACCESS, (a) Subject to the terms and conditions herein, Lessee has the right to erect, maintain and operate on the Premises radio communications facilities, utility lines, transmission lines, air conditioned equipment shelter(s), electronic equipment, radio transmitting and receiving antennas, supporting equipment and structures thereto (-Lessee Facilities"). In connection therewith, Lessee has the right to do all work necessary to prepare, maintain and alter the Premises for Lessee's business operations and to install 2 -~--------.__....-------_.. ---.-.---..--- transmission lines connecting the antennas to the transmitters and receivers. All of Lessee's construction and installation work shall be performed at Lessee's sole cost and expense and in a good workmanlike manner. Except as otherwise specified herein, title to the Lessee Facilities shall be held by Lessee. All of the Lessee Facilities shall remain Lessee's personal property and are not fixtures. Lessee shall remove all the Lessee Facilities at its sole expense on or before the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement; provided, Lessee repairs any damage to the Premises caused by such removal. Additionally, upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Lessee shall surrender the Premises to Lessor in good condition, less ordinary wear and tear. Should Lessee fail to remove the Lessee Facilities from the Land within thirty (30) days of the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, Lessor may remove and store the Lessee Facilities at Lessee's sole cost and expense. If Lessee does not claim the Lessee Facilities, and provided that Lessor has given Lessee any third party financing entity sixty (60) days prior written notice, the Lessee Facilities shall be deemed abandoned, Lessee shall post a Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) surety bond for removal of the Lessee Facilities. The aforementioned surety bond shall be in effect for the initial five (5) year Term and all Renewal Terms of this Agreement. Lessee agrees to increase the amount of the bond for each Renewal Term in the same proportion that rent increases in said Renewal Term. (b) Lessee shall pay for the electricity and all other utility services it consumes or uses in its operations at the rate charged by the servicing utility company, Anyeiectrical upgrade, if necessary, shall be at Lessee's sole cost and expense, Lessee shall have the right to draw electricity and other utilities from the existing utilities on the Land or obtain separate utility service from any utility company that will provide service to the Land (including a standby power generator for Lessee's exclusive use,) (c) Lessee, Lessees employees, agents, subcontractors, lenders and invitees shall have access to the Premises without notice to Lessor twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, at no charge. During the Term of the Agreement, Lessor grants to Lessee, and its agents, employees, contractors, guests and invitees, a non-exclusive right and easement for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress across that portion of the Land described in Exhibit B. (d) Lessor shall maintain all access roadways from the nearest public roadway to the Premises in a manner sufficient to allow pedestrian and vehicular access at all times under normal weather conditions, Lessor shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing such roadways, at its expense, except for any damage caused by Lessee's use of such roadways, (e) Prior to commencing construction of Lessee's Facilities, Lessee shall obtain Lessor's approval of Lessee's work plans. 3 ---- 7, INTERFERENCE, (a) Lessee shall construct, repair and operate the Lessee Facilities in such a manner that will not cause interference to Lessor including, but not limited to, Lessor's re- broadcaster for its fire, police and other public safety departments, and other lessees or licensees of the Land. All operations by Lessee shall be in compliance with all Federal Communications Commission ('Fccn) requirements and all applicable laws, (b) Subsequent to the installation of the Lessee Facilities, Lessor shall not permit its lessees or licensees to install new equipment on the Land or property contiguous thereto owned or controlled by Lessor, if such equipment will cause interference with Lessee's operations. Such interference shall be deemed a material breach by Lessor, In the event interference occurs, Lessor agrees to take all reasonable steps necessary to eliminate such interference, in a reasonable time period, Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event Lessor fails to comply with this paragraph, Lessee's sole remedy is to terminate this Agreement. 8, TAXES, If personal property taxes are assessed, Lessee shall pay any portion of such taxes which are attributable to the Lessee Facilities. Except as provided immediately below, Lessor shall pay all real property taxes attributable to the Land. Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for any increases in real property taxes which are assessed as a result of Lessee's improvement to the Land. As a condition of Lessee's obligation to pay such increases, Lessor shall first provide to Lessee the documentation from the taxing authority indicating the increase is due to Lessee's improvements. 9. WAIVER OF LESSOR'S LIENS. (a) Lessor waives any lien rights it may have concerning the Lessee Facilities which are deemed Lessee's personal property and not fixtures, and Lessee has the right to remove the same at any time without Lessor's consent. (b) Lessor acknowledges that Lessee has entered into a financing arrangement including promissory notes and financial and security agreements for the financing of the Lessee Facilities (then Collateran with a third party financing entity (and may in the future enter into additional financing arrangements with other financing entities). In connection therewith, Lessor (i) consents to the installation of the Collateral; (Ii) disclaiming any interest in the Collateral, as fixtures or otherwise, and (Iii) agrees that the Collateral shall be exempt from execution, foreclosure, sale, levy, attachment, or distress for any Rent due or to become due and that such Collateral may be removed at any time without recourse to legal proceedings. 4 10, TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated on thirty (30) days prior written notice as follows: (i) by either party upon a default of any covenant or term hereof by the other party, which default is not cured within sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of default. provided that the grace period for any monetary default is ten (10) days from receipt of notice; (ii) by Lessee if it does not obtain or maintain any license, permit or other approval necessary for the construction and operation of the Lessee Facilities; or (iii) by Lessee if Lessee is unable to occupy and utilize the Premises due to an action of the FCC. including without limitation, a take back of channels or change in frequencies; or (v) by Lessee if Lessee determines that the Premises are not appropriate for its operations for economic or technological reasons, including, without limitation, signal interference. Should this Agreement be terminated pursuant to this Paragraph 10. Lessee shall pay the Rent due up to the effective date of termination. 11, DESTRUCTION OR CONDEMNATION, If the Premises or Lessee Facilities are damaged, destroyed. condemned or transferred in lieu of condemnation, Lessee may elect to terminate this Agreement as of the date of such damage, destruction, condemnation or transfer in lieu of condemnation. by giving notice to Lessor no more than forty-five (45) days following the date of such damage, destruction, condemnation or transfer in lieu of condemnation. 12. INSURANCE, Lessee shall maintain the following insurance: (1) Commercial General Liability with limits of $5,000.000.00 per occurrence, covering Lessee's use. occupancy and operations on the Premises; (2) Automobile Liability with a combined single limit of $2.000,000,00 per accident; (3) Workers Compensation as required law; and (4) Employer's LiabUity with limits of $ per occurrence. Lessee shall provide to Lessor a certificate of insurance evidencing the coverage required by this paragraph prior to entering the Land. Each policy of insurance shall be endorsed to state that it shall not be suspended, canceled or reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Lessor. 13, AsSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Lessee may assign this Agreement or sublet the Premises or any portion thereof to any entity, subject to Lessor's prior written consent and the assignee assuming all of Lessee's obligations herein. Under any such assignment or subletting. Lessee shall not be relieved of any future performance. liabilities, or obligations under this Agreement. Lessor may assign this Agreement upon written notice to Lessee. subject to the assignee assuming all of Lessor's obligations herein, including. but not limited to. those set forth in Paragraph 9 ("Waiver of Lessor's Lien") above, This Agreement shall run with the property 5 --~---- and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, personal representatives, heirs and permitted assigns, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Lessee may assign. mortgage, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise transfer without notice or consent its interest in this Agreement to any financing entity, or . agent on behalf of any financing entity to whom Lessee (i) has obligations for borrowed money or in respect of guaranties thereof, (Ii) has obligations evidenced by bonds, debentures, notes or similar instruments, or (iii) has obligations under or with respect to letters of credit, bankers acceptances and similar facilities or in respect of guaranties thereof. 14, WARRANTY OF TITLE AND QUIET ENJOYMENT, Lessor warrants that: (i) Lessor owns the Land in fee simple and has rights of access thereof and the Land is free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and restrictions, except as disclosed by the public records: (Ii) Lessor has full right to make and perform this Agreement; and (Iii) Lessor covenants and agrees with Lessee that upon Lessee paying the Rent and observing and performing all of the terms, covenant and conditions on Lessee's part to be observed and performed, Lessee may peacefully and quietly enjoy the Premises. 15. REPAIRS, Lessee shall be required to make any repairs to the Premises or Land necessitated by reason of Lessee's action or inaction, including, but not limited to, Lessee's tests and/or Lessee's construction, use, operation and maintenance of the Lessee Facilities, Except as set forth in Paragraph 6(a) above, upon expiration or termination hereof, Lessee shall restore the Premises to the condition in which it existed upon execution hereof, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 16. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, Lessee agrees that it will not use, generate, store or dispose or permit the use, generation, storage or disposal of any Hazardous Material on, under, about or within the Land in violation of any law or regulations. To the best of Lessor's knowledge without investigation, Lessor represents, warrants, and agrees (1) that neither Lessor nor, to the best of Lessor's knowledge without investigation, any third party has used, generated, stored or disposed of, or permitted the use, generation, storage or disposal of, any Hazardous Material (defined below) on, under, about or within the Land in violation of any law or regulation, and (2) that Lessor will not, and will not permit any third party to use, generate, store or dispose of any Hazardous Material on, under, about or within the Land in violation of any law or regulation, Lessor and Lessee each agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other and the other's partners, affiliates, agents and employees against any and all losses, liabilities, claims and/or costs (including reasonable attorneys- fees and costs) arising from any breach of any representation, warranty or agreement contained in 6 this paragraph, As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Material" shall mean petroleum or any petroleum product, asbestos, any substance known by the state in which the Land is located to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity, and/or any substance, chemical or waste that is identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation. This paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 17. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY, (a) Lessee shall exonerate, hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Lessor and its directors, officers and employees from and against any and all suits, actions, judgments, legal or administrative proceedings, arbitrations, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, liabilities, interest, attorneys' fees, fines, penalties, losses, costs and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (collectively, "Claims") arising out of or resulting from: 1) operations or performance under this Agreement by Lessee or its officers, directors, employees, contractors, subcontractors, lenders or agents, including, without limitation, the use, occupancy or enjoyment of the Premises by Lessee or any work, activity or other things allowed or suffered by Lessee or Lessee's directors, officer, employees, contractors, subcontractors, lenders or agents, invitees or lenders; or 2) any injury to or the death of any person or any damage to property, if such injury, death or damage arises out of or is attributable to or results from the acts or omissions of Lessee or its directors, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, lenders or agents, including, without limitation, the use, occupancy or enjoyment of the Premises by Lessee or any work, activity or other things allowed or suffered by Lessee or Lessee's directors, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, lenders or Agents on the Premises. Neither the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement nor completion of the acts to be performed under this Agreement shall release Lessee from its obligation to indemnify, as to any Claim, so long as the event upon which the Claim is predicated shall have occurred prior to the effective date of any such expiration or earlier termination or completion and" arose out of or was in any way connected with performance or operations under this Agreement by Lessee, its directors, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, lenders or agents or anyone of them. 18. MISCELLANEOUS, (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements concerning the subject matter contained herein, Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. (b) If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable with respect to any party, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision to persons other than those as to whom it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 7 (c) All of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assignees of the respective parties. (d) Any notice or demand required to be given herein shaU be made by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or reliable overnight courier to the address of the respective parties set forth below. LeSSOR: Lessee: City Manager Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC City of Arroyo Grande 6100 Atlantic Boulevard P. O. Box 550 MailCode GAN02 214 East Branch Street Norcross, GA 30071 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Attn: Network Real Estate Administration With Copy to: Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC 3345 Michelson Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92612 Attn: Legal Department Lessor or Lessee may from time to time designate any other address for this purpose by written notice to the other party. All notices hereunder shall be deemed received upon actual receipt. (e) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. (f) Upon request either party may require that a Memorandum of Lease be recorded confirming the (i) Lease commencement, (ii) expiration date of the Term, and (iii) the duration of any Renewal Terms, (g) Lessee, at its sole cost, may obtain title insurance on its interest in the Land, Lessor shall cooperate by executing documentation required by the title insurance company. (h) In any case where the approval or consent of one party hereto is required, requested or otherwise to be given under this Agreement, such party shall not unreasonably delay or withhold its approval or consent. (i) All Riders and Exhibits annexed hereto form material parts of this Agreement. S 0) This Agreement may be executed in duplicate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed as original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. LESSOR: LESSEE: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS, LLC a Nevada limited liability company TONY M.FERRARA, Mayor By: GSM Facilities, LLC, its sole member By: CINGULAR WIRELESS, LLC ATTEST: its agent KEllY WETMORE BY:~.';~Df.~..~- CHARLES RANEK Director of Administrative Services/ Regional Director, Deputy City Clerk Network Deployment APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ATTEST WITNESS: STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager 1/ J, /0 <.t. Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: / TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, City Attorney 9 ~_.__._- _.._~" ~ ~- EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LESSOR'S PROPERTY (LAND) Lessor's Property (Land) of which Premises are a part is legally described as follows: APN: 007-611-016 All of that certain real property located in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: THAT PORTION OF LOT 91 OF THE MAP OF THE RANCHOS CORRAL DE PIEDRA PISMO AND BOlSA DE CHEMISAl, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK A, PAGE 65 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUN1Y, DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO AMASA W. DIXSON RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 302 OF DEEDS RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY MARKED BY A POST SET BY A F. PARSONS IN FEBRUARY 1892, PReSENTlY MARKED BY AN 1 ' 1/4 INCH DIAMETER PIPE TAGGED RCE 6923 AS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED. IN BOOK 8 PAGE 120 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS IN SAID COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE. ' THENCE NORTH 540 EAST 664.00 FEET TO A POINT, FROM WHICH THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LAND OF DIXSON BEARS NORTH 540 EAST 537 30 FEET MORE OR lESS MARKED BY A POST ESTABUSHED BY A.F. PARSONS, IN FEBRUARY, 1892: PRESENTLY MARKED AN OLD FENCE CORNER, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. - . THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH 360 EAST 240.00 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH 540 EAST 272.00 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH 360 WEST 240.00 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE SOUTH 540 EAST 272.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. APN: 007-611-016 PAP-CEI. I!: 1\1\ e4S~"'~;'1~. over 1;1\..1 t: port.ic\I\ of r,DL CJ J ar the If\"'P of the ~tJnchos Cor de Piedro., Pi~c:lo .:\nc1 ~ols,) c1e Chl:mi~:\1, in t:h~ City of Arroyo c;rcandel County o! Son l.uis Obi~po. St.,)tc of Ci1Jtrorn!a. AS per m'i1p filed in Dook 1\, Page 65 of t-103"'~ in the nffi co of t.he C;ourity Recorder ot said Coune:y. [or pu~lic utility purposcs e;r1ccifi.cOllly including water t:r." ",ission liroes ~r\d ..c~~s!: ro..(\~, to'Jotht:c \Olt.h al'l'nccess~ry appurte- nances therec:o both cst.ovc Clnd belo'" "round level. in.cluCling the right to. imp cove. rapDir ;\nc: rn~intain ~01icl ro:tc1\4C1Y 'nnd water trClnslllission 1 oe9inninCJ at. .Dn ."n') 1(: point. in thc ~OUCh'~l'ly right: of way line of Llranch t-li 11 no~t1 ''''c;"corcUng to thc' c1('~.1 to the COQnty of Snn Luis Obis fro::! 1\. H. oi:>;$oO rc&:orc1e<1 in BOClk IIU u:' UC!cc1s ot. Page 405 in' said CouI\ty Recorder's n!fic.:, \.,hich .,n<,lr. pt.fnt is on the Northeast.erly line of the land' d~scrihC'd in th\: c1cC!d to l\JI\lIsa W. oixson ;recorda::!. i" Dook 15, Pi1ge J02 of D<hHls, R.:'\:ord~ Df ~..id County. .nd said an91e r~oi'nt hcil\CJ o!Jposi.t.<! t.ni'lt point nC't:cr1 <Hi -"cation. 40-22" (sic) which_ on the "'ortner}y :d.h: uf !ildc1 ro~.<1. :.1:;0 rrClI1I $ai<1 an9~e point: an 1. 1- c1ia"'ct~l" piper T.;\99c..\1 ,.:'; 37'>(', bC'...,.~ Uurth 12- 4'>' 4':)- East. 26.26 feet: clisti1nt; . ..' , .., -,-,_._._.~ "._,._-.._~ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DeSCRIPTION OF LeSSOR'S PROPERTY lLANO} "... 0 ~hence along'said'uorth~~stcrly lina of ~h~ l~n~ of Dixson South 36- . 58" J:;asc 31.0.0. fcet:.. to &. point: Thence leav~ng sai~ line ~orth 26- 20' 0.4" East 30.8~.feet to a point on the.SOutberly r~~ht of wa~'lln~ o! s~id Branch ~il1 Road f~o~ ~h~< the p03.nt of bC!rinn:a.ng be~rs South 940,58' 42" WeSot 32....9 feet 4ist:.aEl .Thence.a~o?90Sa d r~9h~ of way lin~ South 840 58' 42"~st 32.49 fe~t to the P~inc of Be9~nn~n9' ~ , , PAACEL c: . . 'lui easemenc to: pU~'lic util,t.y purpOSC5- spec~fically including .v..ter transmission ,l:Lnes .'nd aCCC$$ ronds tn'gc!thcr. with a1.J. nece..;ary .'P~~ cenances th~reto.both abo,:,e nr:'4 below 9round level, S-ncludlng the- ~is to '.ifttprove. rep:'I.1,T nl\d m:u,nttl11\ s~lct roudway and w~ter .t:.rdn:sml:ss1.on : lines 10 feet wide over that portion of Lot 91 of the map of parts 01 the Ranchos Corr~l de Pl~dra, ?ismo and ~olsa ~e Chemisal. in the Cit of Arroyo Grand~, County of S~n Luis Obispo, StDte of California, as p~r map filed in.DQQk A, Page 6S of ~~ps, in the Office of. the Count~ Recorder of said County. described l1S (allows: . .. 0 Bog.inning at: the: IROSt. Southerly corner of Parccl V.J'.. dc:scribed .in tt deed to ~ernon L. ~re~erick and wife recorded in Book 1943, Page 993 of official ~ec:-orc1s. in sa~d Coun~y 't~cordcr' S Offi.ce,. be'ing re~1.te<i as stake 1.' No.' l' thel"~in: Thence along the Southwcs~crly line o( said Parcel V.A. North 3.. 13 He~t 1496.48 feet, ~orc or 1cis5, to the TRUE PO~NT OF BS~INNING. fro! \lhich th~ rnos~ ~outhc:rly corner Q! the,land de':scJ;'ibed 1n 'the. deed to 1.mi1sa H. Dixson rccol"ded in nook 15, Pat:!O :102 oF. Deed"s, records of. s: COUl\ty bears t10rth 34.J13' West, 700.00 feet distant tnarked by a post 'n$t.ablish~d ~y ,'\. F. t"o1r:>oos in loebruary. 1892. presently r'!.,r."o.:1 by ; 1 1/4 inch diameter ?i~e t~99C" ~CF. ~92) as shown on the map :filcd i: Dook 8. PC)9~ ).20;"of P.ccord5 of Surv~y in !;ll id CO<:lnty Recordl!r' ~ Offi. Thence North 34O'}3' \'1c:s t; 700.00 !ec:t to soio'most Southerly corner the 1~nd of Db:sc)u: Thencc Norr.h S40 I~.~st. 61.4.00 fcct'. U, OJ !Jui.nt front wn ich th~ most Eas corner of s~id l~nd of ni~son b~~rs North S4O,EDS~ 537,30 feet.. Dore lus$. rno"lr:kcQ by ~ PQst csti'lbl ishr:d ~y I\~ 50', t"brsons in Fe,bruary, 1.89 prascntl:y m~C'l<c:c' by ~I\ old fence corncr: .. Thence at ri9ht cIl19}~S Sou~h .36' 1~.).!;1: lO.nO fect to a point: Thence O1t ri9ht. ~1\~J}cs South 540 WeRt GS4\. 3l fe~t to a line ",hic~ is parallel w~th ~>>d di$=nn~ 10.00 ieet North~~stc:rly from said Sout:h- uesterly line or PDC'cul V,I\.; , Thence alDr.9 s"iC\ p.;tr.11\el ll"~ :.out.h 340 1.3' Focst 6'J0:31. feet co a poin t froln ,..'h.ich the "rup: i'oint uf Oc~i.n1\in9 bears South 55. 47' He! 10.00 fent. di s t"h t': Thence South 5~. 4" \~c;o;t 10.00. f.eet: to the True Poi~t of 8e9innin9~ . . -- EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LESSOR'S PROPERTY (LAND} - PI\ac:r:L D: An ease~ent for public utiti~y purposes specifically ~ncrudin~water "transmLss1on 11nes and access. roads. together with all necessary app~ tenapces thereto both ~bove and below g~o~nd level. including the rig to i~prove, repair. and maintain said roadway and wate~ transmission " lines ov~r that portion of Lot 91 of tho map of the Ranchos Corral de piedra, Pismo and Dolsn de Chemisal. hi t.ho C1ty ot Ar.royo Grande, Cc: -of San Luis Obispo. S.ti'1tc of Cal1fornio, DS per map ~~~d in Book A. Page 6S of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder 0 ~aid County. included witbin 8 strip of lend. 2S feet wide ly~na ~2.5~.feet, on e.c~ side of t;.t}e folloW'ing described centerline: :: '. " ._. .' Beginning Dt the most Southerly ~orne~ ot the land describea in ~he deed to Amasa.W_.Dixson recorded in book. IS. 'Page 3~2 of Doede, r.co~ of said County. marked by 8 po~t.set by A. F. Parsons in February, l€ presently mark~d by an 1 1/4 inch diameter pipe. ta9ged RC~ 6923 as ;sho~ on the map filed in Dook 8, ~age 120 of Reeo~d~ o~ Survey in sz County Recorder's Office: Thenee No=th 54. Eas~ 478.52 fe-at to .a poi'nt. frcnn which the most; Easterly c;:orner of said land of Dixson bears Nort.h 54. Ea.st 722. 7e. fE ~ore or less. m~rkcd by a post. established by A. F. Parsons in Februz 1892, presently marked by an ol~ fence corner. said point being the TRUE POINT or DECINNIN~: . . - . ~~. Thence Sout.h 44D 01' 00" \lest 77."4 fc~t:' to it poin.t::.. Thence con~inuin9 5ou~hwcsterly along a~an~ent'cu~ve concave E~s:er: with a .rad.iu:J of 70....00 feet through a c.:nt.ral an91~ 'of 87~ 311' 03, 8:, arc distancc.of 101.02 feet to 0 point: Thence Sout:h 43D )"'4' 55" Enst 44:67 tcc:t ,to a po~nt: ., Thence continuing 5~uthc~~tcrly 010n9 n tnngcnt curve concave No~the. with it radius of 150.UO.fuc~ ~hrou9h D central ~n91e of 117D 39' 57. ~n arc dist<l.nr.c of 30IJ.OS Ec:~t. to a point: . . . Thence North lS- 45' OS" E~st 95.33 teet to a point on the Southwest line of Parcel ~ hcrcLn dC$criped. 1~c si~clines of this CH\SCInCnt $:hall be c:xt.cnded or short:ened as .nec ~~ry ~o ter~inetc ~ort~wcsterly at th~ Southeos~er~y line of said la of Dixson a~d South~ns~erly ~t the Southwesterly l~ne of Parcel A herein described. -_.~-~~--- -, -~ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LESSOR'S PROPERTY (LAND) 1>1I.RCEL E: , .;' ~n .easeme~t fo~pUbli~ u~iilty purp?ses specifically i~lUdin9 vater .transmiss~on lines. an~ ~cc~ss ro~d~, together with all ecessaxy appu tenanees ~hereto both above and below ground ~evel, ioc~Qding the ri~i to ~pro~e. repair and maint~in said roadway and water transmission lines ovex: that. portion of ~t 9l at: the 1h4p of the RAncbos COJ:ral de Piedra. pisUlO and Bo1.sa~ de Chemisal. in the City of Arroyo Grande. County of San Luis Obispo, Stat.e of CalLfornia, as per map filed in Book A. Page 65 of. Maps in the Office of t.he County Recorder of said County, included within a strip of lan~ 20 feet wide lying lU.OQ.feet on e~ch side of the fol~owin9 d~scribed centerline: . - Beginning.at the most Southerly corner of. the land described in the deed ~o Amas~ W, Di~son recorded in Book 15, Page 302 of Deeds, recorc of ~aid County marked by a post set by 1\, F. Parsons in February, 189:2 , px:esently marked by a 1 1/4 inch diam0tec iron pipe tagged RCE 6923 as shown on the map filed in Book B. Pag2 120 of 'Records of Survey in said County Recorder's Off~ce1 . .l;' Thence North SA" East. 478..52 feet to a point, called hereln, for con~enience only, POINT ~: Thence continuing North 540 East 7Z2.78 feet, more or less, to the most Ea.st.erly corner of..said land of Dixson snark."ed by a post set by ~. F~. Parsons jn February, 10'2, p~c5ently mark~d by an old fence corner; . . , Thence North 36'"51' 59" '~est ;99..39 faet.. more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING from. whicl1 an angle point in the southerly.right. of way line of Drancl\'Mill Road desc~ibea in the d.ed to the County of San Luis Obispo from A. W, D~xson re~orded in Dook 88 of Deeds' at Page '485. records of said County ~ears North )6.S1'S8~ West 1.9.62 teet dist.ant, which nngle poin~ .i~ On thc N9rthenst.erly line' or the lan~ .described in the deed to ^ma~a W. Dixson.recorded in Book. lS. Page 302 of Deeds,Records o~ said County, ~nd s~id angle point is OPPo5~t.e.~hat point noted as "st~ti.on 40-22'! (sic) which is 01\ the Nort.h~rly side o~ said road. also from sAid ~n91e point an 1 inch diameter pipe ~a9ged . LS 3756 bears North 12045'49" East 2G.'-' feet di~tont; Thence crossing said land of Dixson ~lon9 said centerline South 260 28 04" Hes~ 6.40 feet to. a point; Then<:~ co.ntinuit\g Southwesterly along a tilngent curve conca.ve North- westerly with a radius of 250.00 fc~t through a cent.ral angle of 20. ,20' 33- a~ arc dist.ance of 08.76 feet to ~ point~ . Thence 5ou~h 460 ~B' 37" ("~st 46.83 fE:ct'to a point; 'l'hence South 390 35' 30" West 87.75 feet to a point:. "hcIICC Sou.th 420 ., l' 3'j" \~~st. 64.91 fe.c.t tQ ~ poi.nt: --- EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF PREMISE~ The Premises consist of those areas described/shown below and where Lessee's communications antennae, equipment, cables and utilities occupy Lessor's Property, The Premises and the associated utility connections and access, including easements, ingress, egress, dimensions, and locations as described/shown below, are approximate only and may be adjusted or changed by Lessee at the time of construction to reasonably accommodate sound engineering criteria and the physical features of Lessor's Property. See Site Plan dated 12/16/03 VY -465-01 A final drawing, Site Plan, or copy of a property survey substantially depicting the above will replace this Exhibit "B" when initialed by Lessor 1. This Exhibit may be replaced by a land surveyor Site Plan of the Premises once it is received by Lessee. 2. Setback of the Premises from the Lessor's boundaries shall be the distance required by the applicable governmental authorities. 3. Width of access road shall be the width required by the applicable governmental authorities, including police and fire departments, 4, The type, number and mounting positions and locations of antennas and transmission lines are illustrative only. Actual types, numbers, mounting positions may vary from what is shown above. .- _____d ___.___. -"--- '. . ~ < .. 6 ill II <<;1 ~ 1,,1, [J ~ ;- ~ ::J I ) ~. . ", I · I ~ I! ! H ~ ,iasl 01 ~~, ~ il ZU!! '1 - S ~ .- ~ .. ." i ~ b . s::~, .2. ~ ;\"i M, ! W j:;1I fj ~ -:: :. I ~ I :Jt~ 'u Ail I '~h .[30.1 :i;;:; 1111 i. ~ ~ !all f Iii ~ ~ i . ! J! CD 'Sr, . 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MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,2003 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin and Costello, City Manager Adams, and City Attorney Carmel were present. 2, PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3, CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a, PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54957;;_ Title: City Manager b, CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Unrepresented Employee: City Manager 4, RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.rt;l,. Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk -'-----~ .~._.,--._- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2003 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City CounciVRedevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2, ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Lubin, Costello, Mayor Pro Tern Dickens, and Mayor Ferrara were present. RDA: Board Members Runels, Lubin, Costello, Vice Chair Dickens, and Chair Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, Community Development Director Spagnolo, Associate Planner Heffemon, Associate Planner McClish, and Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Hernandez. 3, FLAG SALUTE Sharon Ellenson, representing Rotary Club of Arroyo Grande, led the Flag Salute. 4,INVOCATION Rabbi Norman Mendel, Congregation Beth David, San Luis Obispo, delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6, AGENDA REVIEW None. 6,a, Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Lubin moved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7, CITIZENS'INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8, CONSENT AGENDA Council Members Lubin and Runels requested that Item 8.k. be pulled for a separate roll-call vote due to financial conflicts of interest. In response to a question by Council Member Runels regarding Item 8.j., Director Spagnolo clarified that the consultant would be preparing and reviewing traffic studies for the City based on the criteria in the City's approved Traffic Monitoring Program. -- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 2 Council Member Runels moved, and Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.j.. with the recommended courses of action. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8,a, Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listings of cash disbursements for the period November 1, 2003 - November 15, 2003. 8,b, Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund, Action: Received and filed the October 2003 cash report and approved the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at October 31, 2003. 8,c, Consideration of Resolution Establishing the Arroyo Grande Career Firefighters (AGCF) as a Separate Group in CalPERS Medical Insurance Program. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3722. 8,d, Consideration of Approval of Minutes, Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular City CounciVRedevelopment Agency Meeting of November 11. 2003 as submitted. 8,e, Consideration of Cancellation of December 23, 2003 City Council Meeting, Action: Canceled the reguJarly scheduled City Council meeting of December 23, 2003 due to the holiday. 8,f, Consideration of Appointments to Traffic Commission and Senior Advisory Commission, Action: Approved appointments of Scott Metcalf to the Traffic Commission and Paul Toms to the Senior Advisory Commission as recommended by Council Member Lubin. ~,g, Consideration of a Resolution Requesting a Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA) for the Bridge Street Bridge Feasibility Study, Action: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 3723 requesting a Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA) for the Bridge Street Bridge Feasibility Study thereby extending the federal funding for an additional year; and 2) Directed staff to forward the Resolution. to Caltrans by December 1, 2003. 8.h, Consideration for Relief by Mid State Plumbing and Drain Cleaning, Inc, and Authorization to Re-Advertise Bids for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program, Action: 1) Consented to the relief of the low bid by Mid State Plumbing and Drain Cleaning, Inc.; and 2) Authorized the re-advertisement of bids for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program without the bond requirements. 8.1, Consideration of Acceptance of Easement Agreements, and Authorization of Payment for the Reservoir No, 1, Project No. 2000-04, Action: 1) Accepted an easement agreement with the Central Califomia Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventist, and authorized payment in the amount 'of $25,762; and 2) Accepted permanent and temporary easement agreements with the Califomia Pacific Annual Conference of the Methodist Church, and authorized payment in the amount of $19,342.77. 8,J, Consideration to Approve a Services Agreement for the Citywide Traffic Monitoring Program and Retainer Services to Prepare and Review Traffic Studies, CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 3 Action: 1) Approved a three year Consultant Services Agreement with Omni-Means in the amount of $71,998 for the Citywide Traffic Monitoring Program and retain services to prepare and review traffic studies; 2) Authorized the City Manager to approve and execute contract amendments in the amount of $7,200 for unanticipated services during the three year term of the Agreement; and 3) Appropriated $46,998 for the Consultant Services Agreement and $7,200 for unanticipated services for a total of $54,198 from the Transportation Facility Impact Fund. 8,k, Consideration of Approval of Parcel Map AG 02-0446; Subdividing One (1) Parcel Into Two (2) Commercial Parcels; 1540 E, Grand Avenue, Recommended Action: Approve Final Parcel Map AG 02-0446, subdividing 1.75 acres into two (2) commercial lots. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens moved to approve Item 8.k. as recommended. Council Member Costello seconded the motion, and the motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Lubin, Runels 9, PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9,a, Consideration of Resolution Approving the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Bonds by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority for the Financing of the Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L,P, Senior Affordable Housing Project and Discussion of Extension and Requested Changes to the DlspQsltlon and Development Agreement, [COUNCIURDA] City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving the issuance of tax-exempt bonds by the Califomia Statewide Communities Development Authority for the financing of the Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. Senior Affordable Housing Project; and direct staff to prepare the modifications to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) requested by the applicant for consideration at the December 9, 2003 meeting. City Manager/Executive Director Adams introduced Tim Mulrenan from Rosenow, Spevacek Group, Inc., who gave an overview of the applicant's efforts to obtain tax credits for the project and responded to questions from Council. Larry Persons, Pacific Harbor Homes,. addressed the Council and responded to questions regarding prevailing wage requirements. Mike La Pierre, representing California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA), responded to questions regarding how the bonds are issued. Mayor/Chair Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding prevailing wage requirements; the timeframe for issuing the bonds; the potential financial impact to the City; concern regarding the reduction of affordable units in the project; and the need to explore funding strategies to ensure success of the project. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 4 Following discussion, City Attorney Carmel noted that there was a typographical error that needed to be corrected in the 2nd recital in the Resolution stating that the proposed project is a 108-unit multifamily senior residential rental facility, not a 10-unit facility. The correction was noted. Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as amended, approving the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition and construction of the Courtland Senior Apartments. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: Runels ABSENT: None There being 4 AYES, 1 NO, and 0 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,b, Consideration of a General Plan Amendment to Change the Land Use Category of a 10,3-Acre Property from Low Medium Density Residential (LM) to Medium High Density Residential (MH) Allowing up to 9.0 Dwelling Units Per Acre; Development Code Amendment to Change the Zoning Designation from Residential Suburban (RS) to Condomlnium/Townhouse (MF); Planned Development Amendment to allow more flexibility in design and more efficient use of land; and Vesting Tentative Tract Map to Subdh,lde the Property .Into Sixty-Five (65) Residential Lots for Property Located on the North Side of Farroll Avenue between Oak Park Boulevard and Golden West Place; Applied for by Don McHaney, Associate Planner Heffemon presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment Case No. 02-001; 2) Introduce an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande and amending Planned Development 1,5 (Development Code Amendment 02-002 and Planned Development Amendment 02-001); and 3) Adopt a Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures, instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) CaSe No. 02-002, as amended, subject to certain conditions, Associate Planner Heffemon reviewed the proposed revisions to the Conditions of Approval for VTTM 0-2-002 which eliminated all references to a Homeowner's Association and that maintenance of all common facilities will be financed and administered through a Maintenance District, Mayor Pro Tem Dickens acknowledged that a letter that had been distributed. to Council from Jacqueline King and asked staff for clarification. Associate Planner Heffemon explained that Ms. King's concems related to access and drainage issues as they related to her adjoining property. Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez reviewed the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation regarding the alignment of the proposed trail. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 5 John Mack, representing S&S Homes, gave a presentation of the project, stated that the applicant agreed with the Conditions of Approval, and spoke in support of the project. Jim Guthrie, Arroyo Grande, referred to the General Plan Circulation Element and commented on the proposed trail. He also commented on the proposed design and size of the retention basin. Joe Giloin, representing SLO County Bicycle Coalition, spoke regarding the proposed recreational trail as it relates to crime and stated that all three proposed options have good sight lines. He favored Option C and encouraged the City to allow bicycles to use the trail. Paul Savaae, Dixson Street, expressed concems regarding the proposed lot sizes on 13 of the lots; concerns about the cut-through of the trail from Dixson Street; and the need for parking on Dixson Street. Ted Aclan, Brighton Avenue, spoke in support of the proposed trail and stated as an advocate for cyclists, he hoped the trail did not exclude the use of bicycles. Dan Miller, Golden West Place, expressed concerns regar{jing the design of 2-story homes along Golden West Place, which are 1-story homes and the loss of privacy. He also requested additional and improved landscaping along the project frontage than what currently exists along Farroll Road. He further expressed concern with the density of the proposed project and the loss of access to the gate at the rear of his property. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the project's proposed density; the need for affordable housing units; the trail options (there was consensus for Option A with a 10-foot width); supporting bicycle use on the trail; the need for landscaping and maintenance on Farroll Road; expanding the drainage basin to increase its capacity; modifying the, placement of windows on two of the proposed units (lots 13 and 14); and incorporating conditions for providing workforce housing. Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan Urban Land Use Element Map; General Plan Amendment 02-001, applied for by Don McHaney. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Costello, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Lubin moved to introduce an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to designate the subject property as CondominiumIT ownhouse (MF) with a Planned Development Overlay; Development Code Amendment 02-002 and Planned Development Amendment 02-001, applied for by Don McHaney, for property located on Farroll Avenue. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 6 Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution, as amended (Conditions of Approval 6, 15, 17, 114), adopting a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures, instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No.' 02-002, located on Farroll Avenue, applied for by Don McHaney. Council Member Costello seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Costello, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the'motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:55 p.m. The Council reconvened at 10:05 p.m. g,c, Continued Public Hearing - Development Code Amendment Case No, 03-005 and General Plan Amendment Case No, 03-001. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1 ) Introduce an Ordinance amending Title 16 of. the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-005) to incorpQrate regulations and amending the Zoning Map, placing a perimeter overlay district of 100 feet around agriculturally zoned properties for the purposes of agricultural buffers, requiring adequate findings for subdivision or rezoning of agricultural lands, implementing mitigation requirements and revising land use regulations for Agricultural Districts; and 2) Continue General Plan Amendment Case No. 03- 001. Associate Planner McClish also noted that Exhibit B to the Ordinance had been modified to add language in Section 16.12.1740.E.4. which had been inadvertently omitted. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Reuel Estes, E. Cherry, spoke in opposition to buffer zones. John Keen, N. Elm Street, spoke in opposition to buffer zones. He stated that the proposed Overlay District was not necessary with the existing Right-to-Farm Ordinance in effect, He suggested the Council continue the item for further public noticing and public comment. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the pUblic hearing. Following Council comments, Council Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance, as amended (Exhibit B, Section 16.12;170.E), amending Title 16 of the Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-005) to incorporate regulations and amending the Zoning Map for Overlay District A-1,2, placing a perimeter overlay district of 100 feet around agriculturally zoned properties for the purposes of agricultural buffers, requiring adequate findings for subdivision or rezoning of agricultural lands, implementing mitigation requirements and revising land use regulations for Agricultural Districts. Mayor Pro T em Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: Runels, Lubin ABSENT: None ... CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 7 There being 3 AYES, 2 NOES, and 0 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Council Member Costelio moved to continue General Plan Amendment Case No. 03-001. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: Runels, Lubin ABSENT: None There being 3 AYES, 2 NOES, and 0 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,d, Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of General Plan Amendment Case No, 03-005 - 2003 Housing Element Update, Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council review changes made to the 2003 Housing Element since the November 11, 2003 Council meeting, receive public comment on the document, and adopt a Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 03-005 - the 2003 Housing Element. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution adopting the 2003 Housing Element of the General Plan; adopting a Negative Declaration and instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11, NEW BUSINESS None. 12, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a, MAYOR TONY M, FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A), Discussed funding strategy for Boardwalk project in Grover BeachlPismo Beach; reviewed personnel issues and evaluations. (2) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA), Discussed whether IWMA should become the Local Enforcement Agency for San Luis Obispo County. (3) Other, None. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 8 b, MAYOR PRO TEM JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Reviewed three areas of the sewer collection system, two of which are located in Arroyo Grande - the Bakeman sewer trunkline and the Fair Oaks sewer trunkline. A study to evaluate deficiencies is being conducted. Also reported on routine maintenance at the Plant. The Plant is running well within the guidelines. An issue of concern regarding a proposed SLO County Ordinance to limit bio-solids distribution was discussed. (3) Other. None. c, COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board. Lopez Lake is at 50% capacity; the Plant is running well. State water has been shut off; other entities are relying on Lopez water. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. d, COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Received Annual Report. Staff was directed to distribute copie$ to Council. (2) Economic V!tallty Corporation (EVC). No report.. (Council receives weekly President's Reports via e-mail) (3) Other. None. e, COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). Reviewed budget and two new programs. Applying for grant funds for greenwaste chippers. (2) Other. . . 13, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14, CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Ferrara requested, and Council concurred, that an item be placed on the next City Council agenda for discussion regarding the designation of the Califomia Integrated Waste Management Board as the City's Local Enforcement Agency. 16, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: City Manager Adams gave a status report on the Vehicle License Fee issue and its potential impacts on the City. . 17, COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 2003 PAGE 9 18, ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 11.58 p.m. Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor/Chalr ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servlcesl Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) -- --' MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9,2003 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Ferrara called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin and Costello, City Manager Adams, and City Attorney Carmel were present. 2, PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3, CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a): Name of Case: Vanderveen. et al. vs. City of Arroyo Grande. et al. San Luis Obispo Superior Court No. CV 031144 b, CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to <3overnment Code Section 54956.9 (c): one (1) potential case. 4, RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5, ADJOURNMENT TO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/ Deputy City Clerk - .--- ..--,------------ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9,2003 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:10 p,m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Lubin, Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Dickens, and Mayor Ferrara were present. RDA: Board Members Runels, Lubin, Costello, Vice Chair Dickens, and Chair Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Snodgrass, Chief of Police TerBorch, Community Development Director Strong, and Associate Planner McClish. 3, FLAG SALUTE Jack Gatz, Arroyo Grande Lions Club, led the Flag Salute, 4,INVOCATION Pastor Paul Jones delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5,a, Presentation of Medal of Merit for Sergeant John Allen. Mayor Ferrara presented an Honorary Resolution awarding the Police Department's Medal of Merit to Sergeant John Allen recognizhlg him for meritorious conduct, 5.b. Mayor's Commendation Recognizing Eddie EI-Helou, Mayor Ferrara presented a Mayor's Commendation to Eddie EI-Helou in recognition of outstanding efforts in organizing the first Arroyo Grande Christmas Parade and contribl:ltions toward coordinating other Village events, activities, and beautification. I 6. AGENDA REVIEW ! r 6,a, Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Mayor Pro Tem Dickens moved, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived, ., ii I [ -. I --.--- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS'INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Connie Dunbar, Arroyo Grande, encouraged the installation of a solar system in the design of a new civic building. She displayed a photo of the solar panel that was installed on her home, Jeff Peters, Myrtle Street, spoke in opposition to adoption of the Ordinance in Consent Agenda Item 8.f, and asked what happened to his request that Mayor Pro T em Dickens step down on the issl,Je. John Wvsona, Grover Beach, spoke regarding traffic issues on N. Oak Park Blvd. and stated there was a need for a stop light at Brighton or Newport Avenues. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Lubin requested that Item 8.f. be pulled for discussion and a separate roll-call vote. Mayor Pro Tern Dickens moved, and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8,h" with the exception of Item 8.f., with the recommended courses of action, City Attorney Carmel read the title of the Ordinance in Item 8.g. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Costello, and Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period November I 16, 2003 through November 30, 2003, 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of i :1 November 30, 2003, !lJ 8.c. Consideration of Annual Financial Report - FY 2003-03 Receipt and Use I of Water and Sewer Development Fees. Action: Accepted and filed the annual report of the receipt and use of water k and sewer development fees and charges in compliance with Government Ii Code Section 66013. 8,d. . Consideration of Employment Agreement: City Manager. Action: Approved the Employment Agreement between the City of Arroyo Grande and Steven Adams and authorized an appropriation of $2,903 from the General Fund. 8,e. Consideration of Award of Contract for the Crown Hili Sewer Lining Project, PW 2003-06. Action: 1) Found that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (e); 2) Directed the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Exemption; 3) Awarded a contract for the Crown Hill Sewer Lining Project to Sancon Technologies, Inc, in the amount of $64,860,00; 4) Authorized the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 3 contingency of $6,486.00 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and, 5) Directed staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to proceed with other necessary contract documents. 8.g. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance - Development Code Amendment 02-002 - Amending the Zoning Map for Property Located on Farroll Avenue; Applicant: Don McHaney. Action: Adopted Ordinance No, 549 amending the Zoning Map and Planned Development 1.5 for property located on Farroll Avenue, 8.h, Consideration of Approval of Final Parcel Map AG 03-0111; Subdividing One (1) Parcel Into Two (2) Parcels; 159 Pine Street. Action: Approved Final Parcel Map AG 03-0111, subdividing 0.35 acres into two (2)lots. 8.f. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance - Development Code Amendment 03-005. Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance amending Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (DCA 03-005) to incorporate regulations and amending the Zoning Map to create an Agricultural Preservation Overlay District of 100 feet .around agriculturally zoned properties for the purposes of agricultural buffers, requiring adequate findings for subdivision or rezoning of agricultural lands, implementing mitigation requirements and revising land use regulations for all agricultural districts. Council Member Lubin said he had received calls from people who were not aware the item was being considered and he recommended that the item be opened up for public comment. Mayor Ferrara opened the item for public comment. Jeff Peters, Myrtle Street, asked what the status of the petition was requesting that Mayor Pro T em Dickens step down from consideration of this item due to a conflict of interest and requested that the Council hold off on adopting the Ordinance, Mayor Ferrara suggested to Mr. Peters that he contact Mayor Pro Tem Dickens outside of this meeting to discuss the issue. Reuel Estes, E. Cherry Avenue, agreed that some people might not have been aware of this proposed action. He spoke in opposition of the 'buffer zone. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the item to public comment and brought the issue back to Council for consideration, Mayor Pro Tem Dickens responded briefly to the inquiry regarding a potential conflict and read a letter dated October 17, 2003 that he had written and sent to the petition signers. -.. - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 4 Council Member Lubin commented that his concern was that the buffer would apply to existing residences, and his intent was to apply the buffer to new development only. He opposed imposing the regulation on existing residences, and therefore did not support adoption of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro T em Dickens moved to adopt an Ordinance amending Title 16 of the Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-005) to incorporate regulations and amending the Zoning Map to create an Agricultural Preservation Overlay District of 100 feet around agriculturally zoned properties for the purposes of agricultural buffers, requiring adequate findings for subdivision or rezoning of agricultural lands, implementing mitigation requirements and revise land use regulations for all Agricultural districts. Council Member Costello seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: Runels, Lubin ABSENT: None There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9,a, Consideration of Ordinance Amending the Redevelopment Plan to Extend the Time Limit of the Redevelopment Plan by One Year, City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance which will amend the Redevelopment Plan to extend the term of the Plan by one year. Special Counsel Mark Huebsch responded to questions from Council, Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arroyo .Grande amending the Redevelopment Plan for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33333,2{c). Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the amended motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. - -- CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 5 9.b, Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of Development Code Amendment 03-006 - Proposed Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code for the Traffic . Way and Station Way Area. Associate Planner McClish presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance amending portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-006), rezoning a portion of the Highway Commercial, General Commercial and Village Mixed Use Districts to Traffic Way Mixed Use; and establishing Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District D-2.11, Associate Planner McClish responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Connie Dunbar, Arroyo Grande, commented on the lack of sidewalks on Traffic Way and supported the consideration for installation of a sidewalk for pedestrian access. Bob Christianson, Christianson Chevrolet, stated that the proposal simplifies the zoning issues in the area, He supported the proposed Ordinance. Ed Dorfman, La Cresta, referred to the development of the parcel at Traffic Way and E, Cherry, Scott Celero. Short Street, expressed concern regarding traffic and requested support for a mid-block closure between 115 and 121 Allen Street. Marie Cattoir, Orcutt Lane, expressed concerns regarding any consideration to close Allen Street. Ellen Gaver, Allen Street, referred to the requirements for screening and stated that five (5) years for compliance seemed excessive. She suggested shortening that timeframe, Delores Danner, co-owner of a neighborhood flower shop inquired as to how this proposal would affect her business, Associate Planner McClish replied that her business was not located in the proposed District. Steve Ross, Garden Street, commented on the Design Guidelines and Standards and stated that he did not think the look was consistent with the Village, Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Following Council comments, it was agreed that changes requested by the Council would include refinements to wording in Section 16,52,060A,4, regarding screening, inclusion of wording concerning sign colors, and a photo replacement of the service station on the .first page of the Design Guidelines and Standards, Council Member Costello moved to introduce an Ordinance, as amended, amending portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-006), rezoning a portion of the Highway Commercial, General Commercial and Village Mixed Use Districts to Traffic Way Mixed Use; and CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 6 establishing Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District D-2,11, Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Costello, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: .None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:24 p,m. The Council reconvened at 9:34 p.m. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. Mayor Ferrara requested, and the Council concurred, to move Item 11.a. to the end I of the New Business Items. I 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.b. Consideration of Proposed Disposition and Development Agreement With Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. [COUNCILIRDA] City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report, Special Counsel Mark Huebsch and Consultant Tim Mulrenan responded to questions from Council regarding the terms of the Agreement. Mayor/Chair Ferrara opened the item for public comment. Larrv Persons, Pacific Harbor Homes, stated he was available to answer any questions. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor/Chair Ferrara closed the item to public comment. Council/Board Member Lubin stated he supported the concept; however he expressed concerns that there was no completion date for this project, and he had. concerns with regard to Section 4.15.7 Limited Subordination of Covenants in the Agreement. Extensive discussion ensued with regard to Section 4,15,7, Special Counsel Huebsch indicated that clarifying language could be added to limit the bank's ability to convert the affordable units to market rate only in the case of foreclosure. Board Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution of the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency approving the Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement Between the Agency and Courtland - Arroyo Grande Partners, LP, with - CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 7 an amendment to the Inter-Creditor and Subordination Agreement to specifically detail that the subordination of the Agency Agreement would only be upon a bank foreclosure or deed in-lieu of foreclosure. Board Member Costello. seconded the motion. Following further discussion and clarification, the motion passed on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Costello, Ferrara NOES: Runels, Dickens ABSENT: None There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.c, Consideration of Invitation from the City of Grover Beach to Participate in a One-Day Joint Meeting Regarding Potential Consolidation of Police Services. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council' review the invitation received from the City of Grover Beach to participate in a facilitated joint City Council meeting to investigate interest in consolidation of Police services and provide direction to staff. City Manager Adams then invited a representative from the City of Grover Beach to address the Council. Grover Beach City Council Member John Shoals addressed the Council, stated that the intent of the joint meeting would be to discuss the possibility of sharing services, and encouraged the Council to accept the invitation, Council Member Lubin moved to accept the invitation received from the City of Grover Beach to participate in a joint City Council meeting to investigate interest in consolidation of Police services and directed staff to work with the City of Grover Beach on scheduling a jOint workshop, Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Costello, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.d. Consideration of Discussion and Public Comment Regarding Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and Consideration of Resolution Calling Upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to Review with Great Care any Licensing Proposals Submitted for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 8 City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council receive public comment regarding issues related to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and consider adoption of a Resolution. Tom Jones, representing PG&E, gave a brief presentation on activities at Diablo Canyon and invited the Council to come out for a tour. Larrv Wolmac, Arroyo Grande resident and Diablo Canyon employee, expressed concerns regarding the proposed Resolution, Ron AlsOD, representing Office of Emergency Services, presented a brief overview of the County/Cities Nuclear Power Emergency Plan. Chief Rick TerBorch, AGPD, spoke about emergency response training activities and exercises and acknowledged the 1998 update to the City's Emergency Operations Plan, Rochelle Becker, representing Mothers For Peace, spoke about the appeal that had been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and requested the Council support the appe.al. Marie Cattoir, Arroyo Grande, requested support for Mother For Peace's appeal and urged adoption of the proposed Resolution by the Council. Connie Dunbar, representing Mothers For Peace, spoke in support of the proposed Resolution. Council Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande calling upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to review with great care any licensing proposals submitted for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.e, Consideration of Designation of Integrated Waste Management Local Enforcement Agency (LEA). City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council provide direction to staff regarding designation of the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) for integrated waste management. Mayor Ferrara gave a brief overview of the SLO County Integrated Waste Management Authority's unsuccessful efforts to apply for certification as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) and requested that the Council consider supporting the SLO County IWMA Board's position to designate the California Integrated Waste Management Authority as the City's Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), ~ . - I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 9 Following Council comments and discussion, the Council directed staff to prepare a resolution for consideration at a future meeting which would designate the California Integrated Waste Management Board as the City's Local Enforcement Agency. 11,a, Consideration of Selection of Council Member Lubin as Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council appoint Council Member Lubin as Mayor Pro Tern for the next one-year period, pursuant to existing Council policy. Mayor Ferrara moved to appoint Council Member Lubin as Mayor Pro Tem for the next one-year period. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Ferrara, Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None, 13, CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Pro Tem Lubin requested that the Grover Beach Holiday Parade and the Arroyo Grande Holiday Parade be telecast on the City's government access channel. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p,m. -, CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2003 PAGE 10 Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: , Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servlcesl Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Meeting ) I , , ;! 8.1. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY FIBICH, DIReCTOR OF BUILDING AND FIR~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE FEDERAL FIRE ACT GRANT FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $237,867,00 DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council accept the Federal FIRE (Fire Investment and Response Enhancement) Act Grant funding in the amount of $237,867.00. FUNDING: The 2003 FIRE Act Grant received by the City has a Federal share of 90% or $237,867, and a 10% match or $26,429 as the City's share. The total approved project costs amount to $264,296. Because of the uncertainty of this grant being funded, several of the items were requested through the General Fund Budget process for FY 2003-04, and were also included for partial funding through the Construction Bond for the Fire Station Expansion. Since these items were among those approved in the total project costs of the 2003 Grant, this funding is now available to apply toward the City's 10% ($26,429) share. Following are-the funds that are identified as being available to apply toward the City's 10% share of funding: Radio Base Station - $4,000 FY 2003-04 Budget, 010,4211,6201 Fire Apparatus Intercom System - $10,000 FY 2003-04 Budget, 010,4211,6201 Apparatus Bay Vehicle Exhaust System - $12,429 Fire Station Expansion Bond, Equipment is currently shown as a $90,000 Deductive Bid Item (deduct only $12,429 from this Item). By transferring the above amounts, an account has been created that will provide the City's $26,429 10% match, upon City Council approval. -~---- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL FIRE ACT GRANT FUNDING JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION: The Division of Fire and Emergency Services has received a grant of $237,867.00 from the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program administered by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The program assists rural, urban, and suburban fire departments throughout the United States. The award is part of $750 million being distributed to over 7,000 fire departments in 2003, in response to a total of 19,000 applicants. Unique to this Grant, it is being made directly to our City, free of any administrative share or deductions. Commonly, these types of grants are handed down through multiple levels of government, with each level taking a share of the grant. The Division of Fire and Emergency Services will use the Grant to address critical needs in the area of Firefighter Safety and Operations. Its purpose is to enhance the City's ability to protect the health and safety of the public, as well as that of the firefighting personnel facing fire and fire-related hazards. Following is a listing of the items that have been approved for funding through this Grant, and the costs associated with the procurement of the various equipment. ITEM QUANTITY COST TOTAL Radio Base Station 2 $ 1,800/ea $ 3,600 Mobile Air Refill Station 1 $54,100 $54,100 Fire Apparatus Intercom System 6 $ 4,125 $24,750 Rapid Intervention Crew Lighting 1 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Rapid Intervention Crew Radios 2 $ 900/ea $ 1,800 SCBA Fit Testing Equipment 1 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Thermal Imaging Device 1 $10,505 $10,505 Radio Repeater 1 $10,116 $10,116 Fire Sta. Alerting/Notification System 1 $64,127 $64,127 Vehicle Exhaust Removal System 1 $57,098 $57,098 Personnel Immunization and Physicals 40 $ 725/ea $29,000 The relevant requirements that apply to the acceptance of the FIRE Act Grant are as follows: The City will maintain current spending levels; The City will pay a 10% match of $26,429; The City will participate in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). --- .-.- -~------ -------------.--.- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL FIRE ACT GRANT FUNDING JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 Relative to the City meeting this criteria, there will be no reduction in the overall spending level by the City, a 10% match is provided for upon City Council approval, and the Division of Fire and Emergency Services is currently inputting data, as required, to the National Fire Incident Reporting System. The period of performance (grant period) is from 15 December 2003 to 14 December 2004. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation to accept the FIRE Act Grant . Do not approve staffs recommendation and reject the FIRE Act Grant; . Modify allocation of funds necessary to provide City's matching share; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. FEMA Letter of Approval Panel Review Attachment 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 Mr. David L. Mathe Arroyo Grande Fire Department Post Office Box 550 Arroyo Grande, Califomia 93421-0550 Re: Grant No.EMW-2003-FG-03187 Dear Mr. Mathe: ! Congratulations. Your grant application submitted to the Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate (EP&RIFEMA of DHS) for the FY03 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program in the program area of Fire Operations and Firefighter Safety has been approved. The approved project costs amount to $264,296.00. The Federal share is 90 percent or $237,867.00 ofthe approved amount and your shareofthe costs is 10 percent or $26,429.00. As part of your award package, you will find EP&R's grant Agreement Articles. Please make sure you read and understand the Articles as they outline the terms and conditions of your grant award. Maintain a copy of these documents for your official file. You establish acceptance of the Grant and EP&R's grant Agreement Articles when you request and receive any of the Federal grant funds awarded to you. For your convenience, we will have an on-line system that will accept payment requests. The first step to request your grant funds is to ensure that EP&R has your correct direct deposit information on-line. Please log onto https:/Iportal.fema.gov/ using your userid and password and confirm the direct deposit information. Once you have confirmed your direct deposit information, print a copy of it by clicking the Print SF 1199A button on the screen. Sign the form and take it to your bank to complete the bottom portion. Please write your grant number on the top of your SF 1199A before mailing it to EP&R. Once your bank has completed and signed the form, mail it by priority mail, with the original signatures, to the address below: Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate (EP&R) Financial & Acquisition Management Division Grants Management Branch Attn: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program 500 C Street, SW, Room 334 Washington, D.C. -20472 If you currently have Assistance to Firefighters Grant with EP&R and your direct deposit information has not changed, you do not need to resubmit that information. If your direct deposit information has changed, please follow the detailed instructions in the preceding paragraph. The second step will be to request your grant funds. Grant funds should be requested to meet your immediate needs and should therefore be requested as close as possible to the time that you will actually spend the funds. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the process to request your grant funds, please contact your Grants Management Specialist, Marilynn Grim at 202-646-3459. Sincerely, ~./~ Patricia A. English Sentor Procurement Executive Pane1 Review Page 4 of8 Agreement Articles Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 AGREEMENT ARTICLES ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM GRANTEE: Arroyo Grande Fire Department PROGRAM: Fire Operations and Firefighter Safety AGREEMENT NUMBER: EMW-2003-FG-03187 AMENDMENT NUMBER: TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Project Description Article II Grantee Concurrence Article III Period of Performance Article IV Amount Awarded Article V Requests for Advances or Reimbursements Article VI Budget Changes Article VII Financial Reporting Article VIII Performance Reports Article IX FEMA Officials Article X Other Terms and Conditions Article XI General Provisions Article XII Audit Requirements Article 1- Project Description The grantee shall perform the work described in the approved grant application's program narrative. That narrative is made a part of these grant agreement articles by reference. The purpose of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program is to protect the health and safety of the public and firefighting personnel against fire and fire-related hazards. After careful consideration, FEMA has determined that the grantee's project, as detailed in submitted project narrative and budget information, submitted as part of the grantee's application (and considered part of this agreement by reference), was consistent with the program's purpose and worthy of award. As such, any deviation from the approved program narrative must have prior written approval from FEMA. Please contact your Grants Management Specialist if you are seeking a deviation from the approved program narrative. Article II - Grantee Concurrence By requesting and receiving Federal grant funds provided by this grant program, the grantee accepts and agrees to abide by the Panel Review Page 5 of8 , terms and conditions of the grant as set forth in this document and the documents identified below. All documents submitted as part of the application are made a part of this agreement by reference. Article III - Period of Performance The period of performance (grant period) shall be from 15-DEC-03 to 14-DEC-04. The grant funds are available to the grantee for obligation only during the period of performance of the grant award. The grantee is not authorized to incur new obligations after the expiration date unless the grantee has requested, and FEMA has approved, a new expiration date. The grantee has 90 days after period of performance to incur costs associated with closeout or to pay for obligations incurred during period of performance. Award expenditures are for the purposes detailed in the approved grant application only. The grantee cannot transfer funds to other agencies or departments without prior written approval from FEMA. Article IV - Amount Awarded The amount of the award is detailed on the Obligating Document(76-10A) for Award attached to these articles. Following are the budgeted estimates for object classes for this grant (including Federal share plus grantee match): Personnel $29,000.00 Fringe Benefits $0.00 Travel $0.00 Equipment $235,296.00 Supplies $0.00 Contractual $0.00 Construction $0.00 Other $0.00 Indirect Charges $0.00 Total $264,296.00 Article V - Requests for Advances or Reimbursements Grant payments under the Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program are made on an advance or reimbursable basis for immediate cash needs. W1en the grantee needs grant funds, the grantee fills out the on -line Request for Advance or Reimbursement, after completing the SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Form, on -line. Payments under this grant program are made via direct deposit, therefore before a payment is made, grantees must confirm their on-line Direct Deposit information, print a copy, sign it and mail (with an original signature) the hardcopy to FEMA by priority mail to at the following address: Department of Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate (FEMA) Grants Management Branch 500 C Street, SW, Room 350 Washington, DC 20472 Attn: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program Article VI - Budget Changes Generally, changes in the budget-line items are permitted, as long as the original program narrative is accomplished. The only exception to this provision is for grants where the Federal share is in excess of $100,000.00. In grants where the Federal share exceeds $100,000.00, the budgeted line items can be changed, but if the cumulative changes exceed ten (10) percent of the total budget, FEMA must approve those changes. Please submit a request for an amendment through the on-line system by ______u_..__..__.._ -~-_._- - Panel Review Page 6 of8 , clicking the Grants Management option and selecting the option for amendment requests. Article VII - Financial Reporting The Request for Advance or Reimbursement mentioned above will also be used for interim financial reporting purposes. At the end of the performance period, or upon completion ofthe grantee's program narrative, the grantee must complete, on-line, a final financial report that is required to close out the grant. The Financial Status Report is due within 90 days after the end of the performance period. Article VIII - Performance Reports The grantee must submit a semi-annual and a final performance report to FEMA. The final performance report should provide a short narrative on what the grantee accomplished with the grant funds and any benefits derived there from. The semi-annual report is due six months after the award date. Please log into the firegrants system when your department is eligible to submit a semi-annual performance report. Article IX - FEMA Officials Program Officer: Brian A. Cowan, Chief of the Grants Program Office, is the Program Officer for this grant program. The Program Officer is responsible for the technical monitoring of the stages of work and technical performance of the activities described in the approved grant application. Grants Assistance Officer: Richard Goodman, Chief of the Grants Management Branch, or Sylvia A. Carroll, Grants Management Specialist, is the Assistance Officer for this grant program. The Assistance Officer is the Federal official responsible for negotiating, administering, and executing all grant business matters. Grants Management Specialist: Marilynn Grim 202-646-3459 is the Grants Management Specialist for this grant award and" shall be contacted for all financial and administrative grant business matters. Article X - Other Terms and Conditions A. Pre-award costs directly applicable to the awarded grant are allowable if approved in writing by the FEMA program official prior to the award and after the close of the application period. B. The grantee agrees to maintain their operating expenditures in the funded grant category during the period of performance at a level equal to or greater than the average of their operating expenditures in the two fiscal years preceding the fiscal year in which assistance is awarded. ... C. The grantee agrees to provide information to the National Fire Incident Reporting System for the period covered by the grant. D. The grantee agrees to complete timely closeout of the grant. E. The grantee agrees to keep an official grant file, maintaining copies of all actions taken on the grant from application through to closeout for a period of three years after the official grant closeout date. Article XI - General Provisions The following are hereby incorporated into this agreement by reference: 44 CFR, Emergency Management and Assistance Part 7 Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs Part 13 Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local govemments .~..~--- ------------ Panel Review Page 7of8 . Part 17 Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-free W:>rkplace (Grants) Part 18 New Restrictions on Lobbying 31 CFR 205.6 Funding Techniques OMS Circular A-122 Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations OMS Circular A- Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements Wth Institutions of Higher Education, 110 Hospitals, and Other NonProfit Organizations Assistance to Firefighters Grant Application and Assurances contained therein. Article XII- Audit Requirements All grantees must follow the audit requirements of OMS Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. The main requirement of this OMS Circular is that grantees that expend $300,000.00 or more in Federal funds (from all Federal sources) must have a single audit performed in accordance with the circular. . As a condition of receiving funding under this grant program, you must agree to maintain grant files and supporting documentation for three years after the conclusion of the grant. You must also agree to make your grant files, books, and records available for an audit by FEMA, the General Accounting Office (GAO), or their duly authorized representatives to assess the accomplishments of the grant program or to ensure compliance with any requirement of the grant program. Additional Requirements if applicable Pantl Review Page 8 of8 ~ FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OBLIGA TING DOCUMENT FOR AWARD/AMENDMENT 1 a. AGREEMENT NO. 2. AMENDMENT NO. 3. RECIPIENT NO. 4. TYPE OF 5. CONTROL NO. EMW-2003-FG-03187 0 95-6000668 ACTION W358175N AWARD 6. RECIPIENT NAME AND 7. ISSUING FEMA OFFICE AND ADDRESS 8. PAYMENT OFFICE AND ADDRESS ADDRESS FEMAlFinancial and Grants Management Division FEMAlFinancial Services Branch Arroyo Grande Fire Department 500 C Street, S.w., Room 350 500 C Street, S.w., Room 723 140 Traffic Way Washington DC, 20472 Washington DC, 20472 Arroyo Grande Specialist:Marilynn Grim 202-646-3459 Califomia, 93420-3376 9. NAME OF RECIPIENT PHONE NO. 10. NAME OF FEMA PROJECT COORDINATOR PHONE NO. PROJECT OFFICER 805-473-5490 Brian Cowan (202) 646-2821 David L. Mathe 11. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS 12. METHOD OF 13. ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 14. PERFORMANCE PERIOD ACTION PAYMENT Cost Sharing From:15-DEC-03 To: 14-DEC-04 15-DEC-03 SF-270 Budget Period From:01-0CT-Q3 To:30-SEP-04 15. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION a. (Indicate funding data for awards or financial changes) PROGRAM NAME CFDA NO. ACCOUNTING DATA PRIOR TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED CURRENT TOTAL CUMMULATIVE ACRONYM (AACS CODE) AWARD THIS ACTION AWARD NON- XXX~XXX-XXXXX~XXXXx- + OR (-) FEDERAL XXXX-XXXX-X COMMITMENT AFG 83.554 2004-57-641 ORA-6321 0000-41 01- $0.00 $237,867.00 $237,867.00 $26,429.00 D TOTALS $0.00 $237,867.00 $237,867.00 $26,429.00 b. To describe changes other than funding data or financial changes, attach schedule and check here. N/A 16 a. FOR NON-DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO FEMA (See Block 7 for address) Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program recipients are not required to sign and return copies of this document. However, recipients should print and keep a cop of this document for their records. 16b. FOR DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN This assistance is subject to terms and conditions attached to this award notice or by incorporated reference in program legislation cited above. 17. RECIPIENT SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) DATE N/A N/A 18. FEMA SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) DATE Sylvia Carroll 19-NOV-Q3 - --~ 8.J. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL RICK TerBORCH. CHIEF OF POLICE ~ FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE REPLACEMENT CANINE VEHICLE DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to purchase one (1) replacement Police Department canine vehicle from Mullahey Ford for $22,897.50. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY 2003-04 Police Department Budget includes $30,500 for the purchase of one replacement canine vehicle. The recommended purchase price is for $22,897.50. Additionally, there will be approximately $7,200 for the acquisition and installation of the necessary canine and emergency equipment which is included in the budgeted amount. This, when combined with the purchase ofthe vehicle, is approximately $402.50 under the amount budgeted for the acqui~ition and equipping of the vehicle. DISCUSSION: I n adopting the FY 2003-04 City Budget, the City Council authorized the replacement of the Police Department's canine vehicle. The replacement vehicle is to be a full-size sedan which complies with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) specifications for patrol vehicles. The current CHP specifications are for the 2003 and 2004 Ford Crown Victoria. Staff received bids from three (3) dealerships that regularly supply police vehicles. All three submitted bids for 2003 or 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptors which comply with CHP specifications. The bids are as follows: Company Model Year Cost Mullahey Ford, Arroyo Grande, CA 2003 $22,897.50 Villa Ford, Orange, CA 2004 $22,718.44 Fairway Ford, Placentia, CA 2004 $23,149.91 -- 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE REPLACEMENT CANINE VEHICLE JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 All bids include a three year, 36,000 mile warranty (the Police Department currently participates in the Ford Quality Fleet Care Maintenance Program). Upon factoring in the five percent (5%) local bidders preference allowed in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 3.08.020.F.6, Mullahey Ford's bid equates to $21,752.63 and is, therefore, the low bid for the canine vehicle. Mullahey Ford has supplied police vehicles to the City in the past and currently performs all factory service on the Police Department's Ford fleet. The budgeted amount also includes the acquisition and installation of new emergency response and canine equipment. Upon factoring in the acquisition and installation of the equipment (approximately $7,200), the total cost to purchase and equip the vehicle is approximately $30,097.50. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Reject bids and direct staff to solicit additional bids; - Reject bids and provide further direction to staff; or - Do not approve staff's recommendation. Attachment (1 ) ~ ~<t ,s:;~ ~ ~ '% .;, () % :0 8. 0\ II '" o .... ....t 0 ;0 "'1 ".. $ .., ~ P '" -e ." \;0 -:1. '" ~ ".. .a .... ...-ri:!S O"aM"",t-.. .. Q ('4"\ (iJ ~ ;.- S '" g. ~ M ... oS '" .. '.. 0 J! S ... '" '" '" p.. ~p.. ~t- ' ~ U ?': <. ~""'~ ~ ~ -0 -< ~ -;:. 00 ~ -0 ..... o ~ .~ (). \2 -'h ~ ~ or; .g ~ P .... ;0" 00 ,;I. '" ... ~ ~ ..... ';Z, .!\ \-< 'i!!' '" n ~ ..: . ~ N i<I '" i-! '" a ~ '" ;, ... '" .... 00 ,,"'''' '" "'" ....t- "'" M ...(' -0 ~C) 0 '"" 2" ~ 0 0 "'" ~ 0 ;7.s ...'" 0 ".. -0 . ~ 0 .... "a 0 .t: ~ .,.; .... .s b; aPt" \p." ~ ~ '" .... .... .a 00. a ';Z,~ ....Q'" ~~ ~ u N .sa i<I" ~o",~oo'" ... oS '" a ;0 .. -;; 0 '" p.... '" '" '" o ~ -:1. ::; ~ 0.9 .....~ ~1 '" '" . . ;;. .. ~ '" s o ~ ~ ''a ctI.~:o.$.t: .~ .~ ...., ;:> ....... '% ... u~ ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g \;; .. J2." '" '" 0 C/ P 0 ,v;:> \-< ~.~ ..0 a ('4"\ ~o Q ';:) o -oG)~ ~ t:: ~ ~ '1' .. p ~p..o';:) ~ ~ ~~p..o;- 1;" ~ '" 0 .~ :it ~ '0 ~ w~g a ~ ~ G) ~ p ('4"\ .~ 8s(;i S ~ g~ G) ~ 0. 0..... M P......E p.. p .' Q '"" -0 o.~. .' G) ~..... .' ..... ~~.2 ~ t:O g.~ ~ ~ -0 ~ '"" ~ G) ~ p.. ~ ~ ~~ ~G ~ ~ \-< \ ,,~~ ~ ~ ... 1 p-"""/-"""/ - p.. 8.k. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BY ONE YEAR DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance, which will amend the Redevelopment Plan to extend the term of the Plan by one year. FUNDING: There is no direct cost impact to the City from this action. It will ultimately result in one additional year of tax increment revenue to the Redevelopment Agency. DISCUSSION: The City Council activated the Redevelopment Agency by City Ordinance No. 479 C.S. on August 27, 1996. In May of 1997, the Agency adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project Area by City Ordinance No. 487 C.S. A Redevelopment Plan is enacted for a period of 30 years. Over the past two years, the State has transferred tax increment funds from local redevelopment agencies to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). As an apparent means of compensating agencies for these funds, SB 1045 established the ability for cities to extend the term of a Redevelopment Plan by one year on a one-time basis without having to conduct many of the steps that would otherwise be necessary. While staff does not feel this provision justifies the State's actions in taking local revenues, it is to the City's benefit to take advantage of this opportunity. The ordinance was introduced by the City Council at the December 9, 2003 meeting and approval is respectfully recommended. . S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\1.l3.04 Extension ofRDA.doc , -- --_._----~- CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE EXTENDING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BY ONE YEAR JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the Ordinance; - Amend and reintroduce the Ordinance; - Continue item and direct staff to provide additional information; - Do not adopt the Ordinance; - Provide direction to staff. ~..__. ---..------------ - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33333.2(c) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Project (the "Project") was adopted by Ordinance No, 487 C.S. on June 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan") for the Project authorizes the collection of tax increment as provided for in Health and Safety Code Section 33670; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 33333,2{c) established as an urgency statute under sa 1045, Chapter 260, Statutes of 2003 ("Sa 1045") provides in pertinent part: When an agency is required to make a payment pursuant to Section 33681,9, the legislative body may amend the redevelopment plan to extend the time limits required pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (a) by one year by adoption of an ordinance. In adopting this ordinance, neither the legislative body nor the agency is required to comply with Section 33354.6, Article 12 (commencing with Section 33450), or any other provision of this part relating to the amendment of redevelopment plans; and WHEREAS, the Agency shall make a payment during the 2003-04 fiscal year pursuant to Section 33681,9; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to take advantage of S8 1045 and adopt an ordinance which extends by one (1) year the time limits required pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 33333.2 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the enactment of this Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) ("CEQA") pursuant to CECA Guidelines Section 15378{b){4) because it is a fiscal activity which does not involve any commitment to any sJ?ecific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. Subsection 7 of Section 602 of the Plan is amended to read as follows: As provided for in Section 33333.2(a){3) in the CCRL, the Agency shall not repay indebtedness with the proceeds of property taxes received pursuant to Section 33670 of the CCRL after the latest time allowable under SB1045 for the repayment of indebtedness, which, for reference purposes, will be treated as forty-six (46) years from the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. After the time limit established pursuant to this paragraph, the Agency may not receive property taxes pursuant to Section 33670 of the CCRL. 2. The first paragraph of Section 900 of the Plan is amended to read as follows: Except for the nondiscrimination and non segregation provisions (which shall run in perpetuity),. or the obligation to repay any indebtedness as provided in Sections 601 and 602, the provisions of this Plan and other. documents formulated pursuant to the Plan may be made effective for the longest period allowable pursuant to SB 1045, which, for reference purposes, will be treated as the thirty-first (31st) anniversary of June 10, 1997, the date of adoption of the Plan by the City Council. Provisions in documents providing for the payment or repayment of indebtedness may be made effective for the longest time legally allowable, as provided for in Section 33333,2{a)(1 )(A) and (B) of the CCRL, for the purpose of repaying in full all bonds, obligations, and indebtedness of the Agency to the extent required by law. 3. Except as amended herein, the Plan shall remain in full force and effect accordiog to its terms. 4. All required proceedings and considerations precedent to the adoption of this Ordinance have been regularly taken in accordance with applicable law. 5. The Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a Notice of Exemption with the County of San Luis Obispo pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15094, -"...,~- ------ ----- -_.._--------.- ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 3 6. A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo. Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk, Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance., This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . The foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this _ day of January; 2003. . . i ';: ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 4 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: STRADLING YOCCA CARLSON & RAUTH, A PROFESSIONAL CZ/ ~EL . 8.1. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~~ FROM: BY: ANDREA KOCH, PLANNING INTERN AK SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO REFUND APPLICATION FEES FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN THE GAZEBO, CHRISTMAS PARADE AND TREE LIGHTING DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association to refund the fees for Temporary Use Permits 03-029 and 03-030. FUNDING: A fee refund will cost the City $220.00. (The application fee for a temporary use permit is $110.00, and the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association filed two applications.) DISCUSSION: Temporary Use Permits 03-029 and 03-030 were issued to the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association to hold a Christmas concert in the gazebo on 11/29/03 and a Christmas tree lighting and parade on 11/30/03. The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested a refund for the full amount of the Temporary Use Permit application fees, $220.00. Staff has reviewed the request and found that the activities meet the criteria for a fee waiver adopted by the City Council on September 25, 2001. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Refund the fee; - Do not refund the fee; or - Provide direction to staff S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\TUP\03-029\TUP _03-029 and 03-030_CC_RPT.doc -,._.__._-~-----_._-_.- ..-----'. -- 8.m. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER M SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR PHASE I OF THE WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM TO SLO PLUMBING DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. award a contract for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program to SLO Plumbing in the amount of $267,650; and, B. direct staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other necessary contract documents. FUNDING: The amended FY 2003-04 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget includes $275,515 for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program to perform plumbing retrofits. As of June 30, 2003 the balance of the Water Neutralization Fund is $713,282, to be used for the implementation of water conservation measures. DISCUSSION: On November 25, 2003, the Council authorized the re-solicitation of public bids for the plumbing retrofit portion of the City's Water Conservation Program. The project was re- bid with the elimination of the bonding requirements and other minor changes to the bid specifications. On December 18, 2003, three bids were publicly opened for the project. The apparent low bidder, SLO Plumbing submitted a bid of $262,050. The bid by SLO Plumbing was adjusted to $267,650 based on the mathematical extension of the faucet aerators from a quantity of 1,400 to a quantity of 2,800 as specified in the bid package. At $4.00 per aerator, this resulted in an increase of $5,600. However, when the miscalculation was corrected, SLO Plumbing was still the low bidder. The remainder of the bid by SLO Plumbing has been reviewed for accuracy and found to be in compliance with the contract specifications, including all references. The contract is for one year with a provision for two one-year optional contract extensions. The contract will be reviewed each year to determine if the contract will be extended and presented to the Council for consideration. If necessary, additional appropriations will also be made at that time. -~.._- --"-- -------- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO AWARD BID FOR THE CITY'S PLUMBING RETROFIT PROGRAM JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 The plumbing retrofit program is part of Phase I of the City's Water Conservation Program and consists of retrofitting the following plumbing fixtures: 1.6 gallon ultra-Iow- flow toilets, 2.0 gallon per minute (gpm) indoor faucet aerators, and 2.5 gpm showerheads. The program will also include checking and adjusting or installing new pressure regulators not to exceed 80 pounds per square inch (psi) where applicable. The program will concentrate on single family residences built prior to 1985. It has been estimated that there are approximately 3,700 single family residences needing retrofit. The retrofit program will start on the west side of the City, where there is the largest contingent of homes needing retrofit. Retrofit Request Forms will be mailed in blocks of approximately 300 at a time. Once the forms are returned to the City by the owner/occupant, the contracted plumber will be notified to proceed with the work. Work is expected to begin in February 2004. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendations; . Do not approve staffs recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Bid Opening Log Sheet --~._- . --. BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BID OPENING: December 18, 2003 Plumbing Retrofit Program BIDDER'S NAME. CITY TOTAL Mid State Plumbing and Drain Cleaning, Inc, $ 348,665 Pismo Beach SLO Plumbing 262,050 Pismo Beach Waterboys Plumbing 388,404 Arroyo Grande . \ Mary Basse Executive A sistantlDeputy City Clerk c: Director of Public Works City Manager - _.._-~_.._---_.- -"-- a.n. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER N SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING PROJECT, PW 2003-02 DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: A. accept the project improvements as constructed by Lee Wilson Electric Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project; B. direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. authorize release of the retention of $19,292.50, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. FUNDING: On June 24, 2003, the City Council awarded the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project to Lee Wilson Electric Company in the amount of $202,200 and authorized a contingency of $20,220 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. The total construction budget was $222,420. One change order was approved for $3,925 bringing the total actual construction cost to $206,125, $16,294 under budget. DISCUSSION: Lee Wilson Electric Company has completed all items of work on the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project in accordance with the plans and specifications. This lighting project is part of the original concept for the Soto Sports Complex. The majority of the sports fields were equipped with lights with the exception of the Pilg and Campbell field and the Don .Roberts field. The Pilg and Campbell field is a combination field that can accommodate either two softball diamonds or one soccer field. Eleven (11) light standards were placed around the perimeter of the Pilg and Campbell field, creating a three-zone lighting' system to accommodate the customized requirements for different sports. --,--.--------- - --. -.. -- ------- -~ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING PROJECT, PW 2003-02 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 The project scope also included the installation of one (1) light standard along the third base line on Porter field, which completed the original design. Lee Wilson Electric Company has completed all items of work on the Soto Sports Complex lighting Project in accordance with the plans and specifications, including the one approved change order. Staff is recommending the Council accept the improvements as constructed, authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion, and release the remaining portion of the 10% retention ($19,292.50) to Lee Wilson Electric Company thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens are filed. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Notice of Completion , ._----_..~- RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ATTACHMENT 1 CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate stated below the property hereinafter describe. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is: The City of Arroyo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is: 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. California 93420 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSONS, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSOR'S in interest of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the conunencement of the work of improvements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None 7. All work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED Januarv 13. 2004 { 8. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is: Lee Wilson Electric Company. 9. The street address of said property is: Soto Sports Complex 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project, PW 2003-02 Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California thatl am the Public Works Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Don Spagnolo, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 13, 2004, Arroyo Grande, California -- END OF DOCUMENT -- _..___.__u__ . .._-~-_.._~~~._. -.._- , 8.0. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCil ~ FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 03-606 - ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE TRAFFIC WAY AND STATION WAY AREA INCLUDING TRAFFIC WAY MIXED USE DISTRICT AND REVISING DESIGN GUIDELINES. AND STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT D-2.11 DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map and portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code rezoning a portion of the Highway Commercial, General Commercial and Village Mixed Use Districts to TraffIC Way Mixed Use and amending the Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District D- 2.11. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. DISCUSSION: Backaround The proposed Ordinance was introduced at a public hearing on December 9, 2003. The Planning Commission initiated Development Code Amendment 03-006 on August 5. 2003 as part of the Citywide Development Code Update. The Ordinance contains recommendations for the Traffic Way Mixed Use (TMU) zoning district, including appropriate permitted and conditional uses, development standards and the Design Guidelines and Standards for the Vicinity of Traffic Way and Station Way (please refer to Attachments 1 - 4). Amendments to Municipal Code The proposed TMU district is shown in Exhibit "A". Revisions to the Municipal Code are contained in Exhibit "B" of the proposed Ordinance. Changes requested by the Council include refinements to wording for Section 16.52.060.A,4 regarding screening and inclusion of wording concerning sign colors and a photo replacement on the first page of the Design Guidelines and Standards (Attachment 1) document. {Staff is waiting for removal of the Smog Check banner and installation of the approved new signs before inserting the new photo into the final document,] CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 03.Q06 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 Public Comment Staff held a public workshop for business owners and the public on August 17, 2003 to facilitate discussion and receive public input on preliminary concept plans, On September 5, 2003, 285 notices were mailed out to owners of properties within 300 feet of the area proposed for amendment. Additional public comment was heard at the Planning Commission meetings of September 16, and October 7, and December 2, 2003 and City Council meeting of October 14, 2003. The proposal was re-noticed with a display ad on Friday, November 28, 2003 in the Times Press Recorder and 285 notices were mailed out to surrounding property owners. Environmental Determination The proposed change of zone and revisions to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan Update and the potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendments are determined to be less than significant. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the Ordinance; - Continue consideration of the Ordinance and Design Guidelines and Standards; - Do not adopt the Ordinance; - Provide direction to staff and refer back to Planning Commission for review and comment. Attachments: 1. Design Guidelines and Standards For Design Overlay District 2.11. 2. Current Zoning Map. 3. Public Comment letters. 4. Planning Commission Resolution recommending approval of DCA 03-006. S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\sPECIAL\DEV _CODE_UPDATE\Teresa Traffic Wa'ljll;c 120903\CC sr 0113Q4Traftlc Way.doc -~- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 03-006), REZONING A PORTION OF THE HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL, GENERAL COMMERCIAL AND VILLAGE MIXED USE DISTRICTS TO TRAFFIC WAY MIXED USE AND AMENDING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT 2.11 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the 2001 General Plan on October 9, 2001; and . WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65860 requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Development Code and zoning map for consistency with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has a responsibility to assure adherence to the General Plan in meeting the needs and desires of the residents and the community; and WHEREAS, the City held a public workshop on August 14, 2003 to facilitate public comment and the City Planning Commission held duly noticed public hearings on September 16, 2003, October 7, 2003 and December 2, 2003, and recommended certain amendments to the Development Code concerning the Mixed Use land use designation for the purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies; .and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered Development Code Amendment 03-006 at duly noticed public hearings on October 14, 2003 and December 9.2003 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the infonnation and public testimony presented at the public hearings, Planning Commission recommendations, staff reports, and all other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. The proposed zone change and revisions to Title 16 will satisfy Objective LU5-5 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which requires the City to "define different Mixed Use overlay or combining designations concurrent with Development Code revision for General Plan consistency to clarify allowed, conditionally permitted and prohibited uses in each MU subarea", and; LU5-8 which states that the Mixed Use corridors are to "provide for different combinations, configurations and mixtures of commercial, office and residential uses designating the East Grand Avenue, EI Camino Real and Traffic Way corridors as Mixed Use (MU)" and is therefore desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. ---- ~_...- --.-- ---- ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 B, The proposed zone change and revisions to Title 16 reflect that both the existing zones and proposed zones are predominantly commercial, contain historical residential use, promote continued mixed use and will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C, The proposed zone change and revisions to Title 16 sati.sfy Section 16,36,010 of the Municipal Code, which states "It is the purpose of this chapter to provide regulations that implement those goals, objectives and policies, and that are aimed toward the provision of adequate and appropriate commercial areas within the City", D, The proposed zone change and revisions to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan Update, and the potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendment are less than insignificant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: , SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16,24,020 (Zoning Map) is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: a. Amend Section 16,08,010,A.; b, Amend Section 16,24,010,C,; c, Add Subsection F, to Section 16,36,020; d. . Add Table 16,36.020 D,; e, Existing 16,36,020 subsection F, shall be renumbered as subsection G, f. Existing 16,36,020 subsection G, shall be renumbered as subsection H, g, Existing 16,36.020 subsection H, is amended and shall be renumbered as subsection \. h. Amend Table 16,36.030-A1 in its entirety, i, Amend Section 16,52.060 in its entirety, SECTION 4: If any. section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. ---.---.- -- ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted, A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk, Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of s.uch adopted Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of . . --- ----- - - -- -.- ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 4 TONYFERRARA,M~YOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: . STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --- ---~ -.------ - EXHIBIT A \..- ./' " X,~~-;, ~/'- \'(~<\". '\,' //<~ ,/\, ! '. " ',>- /' '< \ .... 1/ ./ \. "- /'" ......./ /"\ \. )( > /< \ "Y'< '\ ./ ',\. \., fi'/\ \. ' ~/('" \ \., /( '\ ' ,; '''.,', "., // \., ' \... "\ \">-. ~\. /" \.. 'y/ \ \(.? '<'y><:, i ~: ""'" '\ / \. \. \ /~/ '. >)r j '. - I ;> f ,"o- f t//> . //\, /\ "" " </ \~"\ '->",. 0" f..' '\V'x.. / > .'", // \ ;' / '\, "C: ./' 1(' /., ',/ "-. / )C'. /', '\ ; / /\ \.('/ ./~\, \/' r ,,<// ( '\. \. ,r \. '\" '\'Y)/ .,/""\ \. " ';/" /"\ // ( , '/ A'^', 0, '. \./ /.,\ \., \ \)(,/ \,/ //', "", \" ');/ .\v/' ~ /'- ,/ /), V<" · '" /' ',,/ /...... '\,/\, ' $ / \\ '"', \,)>>, '\ II' '\ v'/ ,;. -< / / ~/ ,,.<' \ , . ' ,( , ' / ' ' .,. , \ A;:/ /" /\", t(^ / ,/,,'Y ,.\ / \(,,\'/ o/'~ ,\,,\,Y f ' " y' ,../ \\, / ',,'\ I \ ' I ' , / '" ' I ',', I '\ ' I · \ , / 'j, "\ ' ! ." ! . ,,~,,~ ' I ~ ....C't1tC't C I . ,.' c . .. I 'I) t'].'].'.~~ I 0\ ou.iOJ 0 I QI ",s,.1I · i .;1 -0 I "'/\ r--0 I ittt ' \j / ~ \ C=--t=-~\ \ ' .-i L----~ f'~ \ ~ ,../' \ ~_/ \ _/-1 \ /-" , /,/ - \,------~\---/.\ \ /0::.'/ \ \---- \- ~ \ ///' ..-- ~__-1. -~- . \ --~ \ ~ \ /'~~ ~-- ,v-- ,~- } .,/~ -----~ ,./~"~----- EXHIBIT B 16.08.010. Incorporation by Reference. The following documents are incorporated by reference into this title: A. Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay Oistr.ict (O-2.11) pertaining to the Traffic Way and Station Way area (as amended); 16.24.010. Created. C. Commercial and Mixed Use Districts: 1. General commercial (GC) district; 2. Village core dow,ntown (VCO) district; 3. Village mixed use (VMU) district; 4. Traffic Way mixed use (TMU) district; 5. Office professional (0) district; 6. Highway commercial (HC) district. 16.36.020 Commercial and Mixed Use Development Districts and Site Development Standards, F. Traffic Way Mixed Use (TMU) District. The primary purpose of the TMU district is to provide for vehicle sales and services, related retail and office uses and visitor serving facilities convenient to both freeway traffic and vehicles or pedestrians from the nearby Village area. Developm$nt standards and design guidelines are intended to enhance this specialized mix of uses at thesouthem gateway to Arroyo Grande which include automobile and small truck sales and service, equipment rental, repair and related services, offices, wholesale and retail sales including outdoor display, motels, restaurants and limited residential uses functioning as live-work units. The TMU district implements and is consistent with the Mixed Use land use category Qf the General Plan, See Table 16,36,030-A-1 for allowable uses and Table 16,36,020-D for site development standards. See Design Guidelines and Standards for the vicinity of Traffic Way and Station Way for additional requirements. Exhibit B, Page I -- Table 16,36.020-D Traffic Way Mixed Use 1. MaxImum Density MIxed Use Projects New residential limited to live-work units in conjunction with allowed uses. DensIty determined by discretionary action. 2. Minimum Lot Size 10.000 SQuare feet (QfOSS). 3. Minimum Lot WIdth 80 feet 4. Front Yard Setback o - 15 feet. exceptions may include areas for outdoor sales determined through discretionary action. 5. Rear Yard Setback 0- 15 feet. Wherever a lot in any commercial or mixed use district abuts a residential use or a lot in any residential use dlsbict, a minimum building setback of twenty (20) feet measured from the property line shall be required for proposed commercial use.). 6. Side Yard Setback o feet. Wherever a lot in any commercial or mixed use district abuts a residential use or a lot in any residential use district, a minimum building setback of twenty (20) feet measured from the property line shall bel'8Qulred for c:ommercIal use. 7. Street Side Yard Setback o - 15 feet. exceptions may Indude areas for outdoor sales determlnecl throuah d ac:tIon. 8. Building Size Umlts MaxImum height is 30 feet or ttvee stories, whichever is less; a maximum of 36 feet is allowable through the CUP process for visitor serving uses. MaxImum Building Size is 50,000 square feet; a greater size may be allowed through the CUP process. 9. Site Coverage and Floor Area Ratio MaxImum coverage of site that may be covered by structures and pavement is 75%. MaxImum Floor Area Ratio Is .75. 10. Site Design and Signs See Design Guidelines and Standards 0-2.11. Additional sian s alto in SecIIon 16.60. 11. Off-Street Parking and Loading See DesIgn Guidelines and 0-2.11 ExhIbit 'A' for shared parking 1qcatIona. See Also SectIon 16.56.020. ExceDtions allowed by SectIon 16.16.120. G. Historic Character Overlay (HCO) District. The primary purpose of the historic character overlay (HCO) district is to identify, promote, preserve and protect the historic, cultural, and/or architectural resource values and encourage compatible uses and architectural design, 'The architectural review committee is responsible for advising the community development director on historic, cultural, and/or architectural component of projects, The historic character overlay district implements and is consistent with the village core land use category of the general plan, H. General Requirements. 1. The creation of new lots within mixed use or commercial districts following the date of adoption of this title shall conform to the minimum dimensions, except in the case of condominium lots or individual lots within a shopping center, in which case minimums shall be established by Conditional Use Permit and/or subdivision map approval provided: a. A conceptual development plan for the entire center has been approved pursuant to the provisions of this title; b. Appropriate easements for reciprocal access, parking and maintenance are recorded, and maintained. Exhibit B, Page 2 ---.--...----- - I. Special Requirements Mixed Use and Commercial districts, 1. Wherever a lot in any commercial or mixed use district abuts a residential. use or a lot in any residential use district, a minimum building setback of twenty (20) feet measured from the property line shall be required for proposed commercial use. A minimum of five (5) feet of this setback area shall be landscaped; the remaining area may be used for required off-street parking, 2. Commercial projects within Mixed-Use districts shall be subject to applicable provisions for Mixed Use Projects contained in Section 16.48,065 in 'order to achieve compatibility within the district. .3. Unless specified differently in section 16.36,020, in any mixed use or commercial district, a two-story addition closer than fifty (50) feet to an existing single-family residence shall require a minor use permit prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Where off-street parking areas are situated such that they are visible from the street, an earthen berm, wall, or combination wall/berm three feet in height shall be erected within the required landscape area to screen the parking areas. 5. In all mixed use or commercial districts, required front and street side building setback areas shall be landscaped. The landscaping shall consist predominantly of plant materials except for necessary walks and drives, A minimum landscaped area five (5) feet in depth shall be provided between the property line and the off-street parking area, with additional landscaped area between the parking area and the building, unless otherwise approved by Minor Use Permit. 6. A street side building setback area shall be used only for landscaping, pedestrian walkways, or driveways, Required rear and interior side building setback areas shall be used only for landscaping, pedestrian walkways, or driveways, unless otherwise approved by Minor Use Permit. Exhibit B, Page 3 -- Table 16.36,030-A1 Uses Permitted Within Commercial and Mixed Use Districts (Development Code Update 2003) Uses Permitted Within Mixed Use and Commercial Districts VCD = Village Core Downtown VMU = Village Mixed Use TMU = Traffic Way Mixed Use HCO = Historic Character Overlay District (Design Overlay District 2.4) P = Permitted Use MUP = Minor Use Permit CUP = Conditional Use Permit NP = Not Permitted PED = Not permitted in pedestrian oriented storefront locations Table 16.36.030-A1 Allowed Land Uses and Permit Required By Olstrict Specific Use Permit Requirements All new comm81 c/al bu"dlnftfll rlKJul,. a Conditional Use Penn/t Standards LANO USE TMU MU~2 MU-4 MU-6 VCO VMU MU-5. MU-3 OP RC 0- 0-2.11 2.11 HCO 0-2.4 A Services - Business, Financial, Professional ATM P MUP MUP _. Bank MUP MUP MUP Financial Services Medical Services - MUP MUPI MUP doctor's office PED Medical Services - clinic, MUP CUPI MUP lab, urgent care PED Medical - hospital NP NP NP Office - accessory P MUP MUP Office - govemment CUP MUP MUP Office - processing CUP CUP MUP Office - professional MUP MUP MUP Veterinary clinic, animal CUP NP CUP hosDital B. Services - General Adult day care - NP MUPI MUP 16.52.120 14 or fewer clients PED Adult day care - NP NP NP 16.52.120 15 or more clients. , Automotive and vehicle MUP NP NP 16.52.210 services - Major repair or bodvwork . Automotive and vehicle MUP NP NP 16.52.210 services - minor maintenance or repair Includlna tire services Catering services MUP MUPI MUP PED Child day care center - NP MUPI MUP 14 or fewer PED Child day care center - NP MUPI MUP 16.52.120 15 or more PED Drive-through services CUP NP CUP Equipment rental CUP NP CUP Kennel. animal boarding CUP NP CUP 16.52.100 Exb.11>it B, Page 4 -- Allowed Land Uses and Permit Required By Dlsbict Specific Use Permit Requirements All new comme' lal "'ulldlnllJ' ....u/re a Condltlonal Use Pennlt. Standards LAND use TMU MU-2 MU-4 MU-6 VCD VMU MU-S MU-3 OP RC D- D-2.11 2.11 HCO D-2.4 Lodging-Bed & breakfast MUP MUP MUP 16.52.080 inn lodging-Hotel or motel CUP CUP CUP Lodging-Recreational NP NP NP Vehide (RV) Park MaIntenance services- MUP NP MLJP dlent site services Mortuary, funeral home NP NP NP Personal services MUP - MUP MUP Personal services- CUP NP NP 16.52.030 Resbicted Public safety facility P MUPI P PED Repair service- MUP NP CUP Equipment, large appliances etc. SocIal services CUP NP CUP organization Tele-communlcation MUP NP CUP fadUties (commercial) C. Indu.try~ Manufacturing & Processing, Wholesaling, Storage Agricultural product CUP NP CUP orocesslna Construction contractors NP NP NP Furniture and fixtures NP NP NP manufacturing, cabinet shoo Indusbial research and NP NP NP develooment Laboratory - Medical, CUP NP NP analytical, research and develooment Manufacturing! NP NP NP no - Heaw Manufacturing or CUP NP NP Processing - Ught Printing and publishing MUP NP NP - Recydlng - scrap and NP NP NP dlsmantllno Yard Recycling - Small MUP MUP MUP collection fadlity IPED Storage - OUtdoor MUP NP NP Storage (mlnl- storage) NP NP NP Wholesaling and CUP NP NP dlsbibution Winery CUP NP NP D. Retail Trade Accessory retail uses P P P Subject to Business Ucense dearance Alcoholic beverage sales CUP CUP CUP Artisan shop MUP MUP MUP Exhibit B, Page 5 -~- Allowed Land Uses and Permit Required By District Specific Use Permit Requirements All new commercial bulldlnas l'IttJulre a Conditional Use Pennlt Standards LAND USE TMU MU-2 MU-4 MU-6 VCD VMU MU-5 MU-3 OP RC D- D-2.11 2.11 HCO D-2.4 Auto. vehicle and heavy MUP NP NP 16.52.060 equipment sales & rental 16.52.070 Auto, vehicle parts sales MUP NP NP w/lnstallatlon services Building and landscape MUP CUP CUP materials sales-lndoor Convenience store MUP MUP MUP DrIve-through retail CUP NP NP Extended hour retail MUP MUP MUP Farm supply and feed CUP NP CUP store Farmers market MUP MUP MUP Fuel dealer CUP NP NP (propane for home and farm use) Gas station CUP NP NP 16.52.170 General retail-5.ooo sf or MUP P P Subject to less Business Ucense clearance General retail- CUP MUP CUP 5,001 to 19 999 sf General ntail- MUP NP NP Note: Maximum 20,000 sf to 102,500 sf Building Size per/district and Section 16.52.220 Groceries. specialty MUP CUP CUP foods-20 000 sf or less Groceries, specialty foods CUP NP NP Note: Maximum 20,000 sf to 102,500 sf Building Size per/district and Section 16.52.220 Outdoor retail sales and MUP MUP MUP activities MobIle home, boat, or RV CUP NP NP sales Produce stand MUP MUP MUP Restaurant, cafll. Coffee MUP MUP MUP 16.52.180 shoo Restaurant, drive-through CUP NP NP 16.52.090 fast food Second hand store NP MUP MUP Shopping center NP NP CUP Warehouse retail CUP NP NP 16.52.160 E. Recreation, Education & Public Assembly Uses 'Barltavernlnight club CUP CUP CUP Club, lodge. private MUP MUP CUP meetina hall Commercial recreation or MUP CUP CUP soorts facility Indoor Exhibit B, Page 6 I -- Allowed Land Uses and Permit Required By District Specific Use Permit Requirements All new etlmme lal hulldlnm: lWIIulre a Conditional Use Permit Standards LAND USE TMU MU-2 MU-4 MU-6 VCD VMU MU-5 MU-3 OP RC D- D-2.11 2.11 HCO D-2.4 Commercial recreation or CUP NP CUP . sPOrts faciUty - Outdoor Community center CUP CUP CUP Conferencel CUP CUP NP convention facility Equestrian facility CUP NP NP Fltnesslhealth facility CUP CUP CUP Ubrary, museum CUP MUP MUP Park, playground CUP CUP CUP Religious facility CUP CUP I CUP PED SchooI- Elementary, NP NP CUP middle secondary SchooI- Specialized MUP CUPI CUP educationltraining PED Studio - art, dance MUP MUP MUP martial arts music etc. Theater, auditorium NP CUP CUP F. Residential Uses Assisted Uving NP CUP CUP Home occupation MUP P P 16.16.090 Uve/work unit CUP CUP CUP Prohibited in conjunction with restricted personal services and vehicle malntenancel repair. Use established in new or commercial buildings must comply with appropriate occupancy separation reauirements of the UBC. Multi-family housing not NP NP CUP located within a mixed use Droiect Multi-family housing in a - NP MUP MUP mixed use project IPED Residential care facility NP MUP MUP IPED Residential care facility, 7 NP CUPI CUP or more clients PED Single family residential NP NP MUP within a mixed use Droiect G. Other uses similar to, and compatible with other uses Identified above, as determined by the Planning Commission, subject to a Conditional Use Permit or Interpretation 16,52,060. Automobile dealerships, A. Purpose and Intent. This section is to ensure that automobile dealerships (both new and used) do not create an adverse impact on adjacent properties and surrounding neighborhoods by reason of insufficient on-site customer and employee parking, traffic generation, including road testing of vehicles, obstruction of traffic, visual blight, bright lights, noise, fumes, or drainage run-offs. The following special conditions shall apply to automobile dealerships. Exhibit B, Page 7 --. ----.--- 1. Applicability. All new automobile dealerships (for both new and used vehicles) shall comply with the development standards for the district in which they are located, and with the provisions of this section. 2. Parking. Areas designated for employee and customer parking shall not be used for vehicle storage or display. 3, Vehicle Display Areas. Landscape and/or decorative curb strips shall be provided along the street frontage perimeter of all vehicle display areas, Width of strip and final design treatment shall be subject to review and approval by the architectural review committee. 4, Screening. The site, including parking areas not used for vehicle display, shall be subject to applicable screening requirements in Section 16.48.130. Landscaping, to effect a 90% screen for a height of twelve (12) feet shall be required for interior side and rear yards abutting a residential district or use, subject to ARC approval. 5. Lighting. All lighting shall comply With the provisions of Section 16,48.090 with special consideration for nearby residential uses. 6. Loading and Unloading of Vehicles, Loading and unloading of vehicles is permitted only within the following constraints. The dealership operator is deemed to be responsible and liable for any activities of a common carrier, operator, or other person controlling such loading or unloading activities; to the extent any such activities violate the provisions of this subsection, a, Loading and unloading of vehicles is limited to the hours of eight a.m. to six p.m. Monday through Saturday, excluding legal holidays, b. Off-loading shall be on-site, or off-site subject to the approval of the city engineer. Loading and unloading shall not block the ingress or egress of any adjacent property, 7. Storage of Vehicles to be Repaired. No vehicles to be repaired shall be parked or stored on any public street or alley, 8. Repair of Vehicles. The repair and service facility portion of any automobile dealership shall comply with the provisions of Section 16.52,210, 9. Queuing of Vehicles. An adequate on-site queuing area for service customers shall be provided, The queuing area or lanes shall be large enough to hold at least one and a half vehicles for each service bay in the facility, On-site driveways may be used for queuing, but may not interfere with access to required parking spaces. Regular parking spaces may not double as queuing spaces. 10. Noise Control. a. There shall be no outdoor loudspeakers. Interior loudspeakers shall produce no more than forty-five (45) dBA at a boundary abutting a residential parcel, under normal operating conditions (e,g., with windows open if they are likely to be opened). b. All noise generating equipment exposed to the exterior shall be muffled with sound absorbing materials to minimize noise impacts on adjacent properties, and shall not be operated before eight a,m, or after six p,m. if reasonably likely to cause annoyance to abutting residences, c. Rooftop storage areas shall be screened with landscaping or noise absorbing materials to minimize noise impacts on adjacent properties, 11. Toxic Waste and Storage and Disposal. Gasoline storage tanks shall meet all applicable state and local health regulations. and shall be constructed and maintained under the same conditions and standards that apply to service stations. Exhibit B, Page 8 -" "- Attachment 1 Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay . District (D-2.11) - Traffic Way and Station Way TRAFFIC WA Y Purpose of this Design Overlay District The primary purposes and goals of this district are to encourage the use of design that will not detract from the neighboring Village districts and to enhance the character and appearance of this southern commercial gateway to Arroyo Grande from Freeway 101. Much of the existing development in the area is modern, there are many buildings and sites reflecting the former highway route, prior to Freeway 101, from the Guidelines and Standards 1920's through 1950's. The intent of these guidelines and standards is to protect the best examples ofJhese Special Considerations existing historic period buildings, and to A Concept Enhancement Plan is enhance the character of this major included in Attachment "A" to facilitate entrance to the Village. There is no one the goals for the district. The Plan proper architectural style, but the design shows areas planned for auto retail . element and "automobile age" character uses, visitor serving uses and shared of this era and the use of elements or parking. scale found in adjacent buildings is encouraged. Examples include historic 1. Along a portion of the east side of "Route 66" style building elements and Station Way, both sides of Traffic Way, architectural styles such as "Streamline and along the south side of Fair Oaks Moderne" and" Art Deco". Examples of Avenue between Freeway 101 and such elements are shown in Traffic Way (APN's 007-483-009,010, photographs at the end of this section. 011,033,039. and 040; 007-542-007, 015,021, and 023; 007-594-017, 018, 027, and 029), permitted use shall be limited to automobile and light truck sales and services, or related automotive parts stores, repair shops, and similar vehicle sales, services and accessory uses, All other Permitted uses and Minor Use Page 1 --,-'".~.- .--.......---.----.- - ,-,---- --_._----- Permitted uses shall be considered trees shall be incorporated where subject to Conditional Use Permit, functional circulation will not be including a finding that vehicle sales and obstructed, Street trees and sidewalk services and lor the similar related uses planters aFe within the public right of prescribed are not feasible due to site way should be supplemented with specific building and/or property private street yard planting, landscape configuration and conditions. strips or feature areas to enhance appearance and encourage outdoor 2. On the southeast of the intersection uses. of E. Cherry Avenue and Traffic Way (APN's 007-621-001 and 007-621-073), 5. Streetscape improvements shall permitted use shall be limited to visitor conform to the established sidewalk serving uses, including motels, and paving, lighting and street furniture, related accessory uses. fixture and feature designs approved by the City. All other Permitted uses and Minor Use Permitted uses shall be considered 6. The desired configurations and subject to Conditional Use Permit, locations for off-street parking lots, in including a finding that visitor services is order of preference, are: not feasible due to site specific building a, Double loaded aisle to side or rear and/or property configuration and of building on-site. conditions. b. Shared double loaded aisle to side Site Design or rear of building partially on-site and part off-site on neighboring 1, All new projects or renovations shall parcel. adhere to site development standards of c. Shared off-site or public parking the Development Code. lot within 200 feet. d. Single or double loaded aisle in 2. Buildings and sales uses shall be front of building(s). oriented to the public street while Building Design service, storage and accessory uses shall be oriented away from the street to 1. Buildings shall be one to three interior areas of the site. stories, small to moderate scale, have horizontal massing and include both 3. All accessory structures or functions, pedestrian and vehicle-oriented features including off-street parking, service evident from public streets, particularly buildings and enclosures for service Traffic Way. areas, trash containers or outdoor storage shall be designed as part of the 2. Along both sides of Traffic Way and overall project or building. the south side of Fair Oaks Avenue, building material textures and colors 4. Landscaping should retain existing shall be consistent with the character of trees and add feature areas or strips of the best examples of "automobile age" planting to achieve screening or (1920's through 1950's) buildings in the softening of building and outdoor display area. On side streets east of Traffic Way areas visible from public streets. Street adjoining Village Mixed Use District {D- Page 2 J .------ _nJ 2.4) the building materials, textures and Signs colors, as well as architectural character Signs shall be architecturally integrated, should transition to Historic district meet all requirements of the design guidelines and standards, Development Code and the provision of including elements of both eras. these guidelines and standards, If a conflict exists, the most restrictive 3. The height, lot coverage and floor to requirements shall apply. area ratio of new buildings shall not exceed the development standards However, because of the unique nature, allowed in Title 16 of the Municipal Code multiple functions and special for the TMU district, unless the project characteristics of the combination of adjoins the VMU district in which case new and used car, truck and/or other those standards may be allowed. vehicle and related retail and accessory 4. To the extent feasible, original uses, the approval of Minor Use Permits or Conditional Use Permits may include structures and materials, and design exceptions including height, size architectural details should be integrated and total area of signsge allowed. into project design and retained, renovated, or replaced with materials 1. Color and materials samples shall be and features that match or reflect the submitted as part of the pennitting original design. process, The use of limited florescent, 5. Construction materials should be "neon" or "day-glo" colors on building facades may be allowed if used to compatible with those used on adjacent depict the "automobile age" era. developments. New buildings should incorporate traditional materials, but 2. Signs should be located should not attempt, or pretend to be symmetrically in relation to fayade bays historic. Victorian period details should and should not obstruct architectural not be used when not in context with the features of the building, building. 6. The number of colors used on a 3. Wall signs should be located above the entry to the building to better relate building or project should be kept to a to pedestrian traffic, minimum, to include a base color, trim color and accent colors. 4. Window and door signs should be 7. Color and materials samples shall be applied where they will not obstruct visibility. submitted as part of the pennitting process. The use of limited florescent, 5. Signs on awnings or canopies "neon" or "day-glo" colors on building should be placed where they may be facades may be allowed if used to seen by pedestrians as well as by depict the "automobile age" era, passing traffic, 8. Color palettes should be compatible with those of adjoining buildings. Page 3 ---.-.--.,------ Examples of Architectural Elements ~ ENTRANCE PE~~"t'GN l _ 111.:..,.....1 DOOR Example of a fayade that incorporates Streamline-Modem style architecture Example of art deco inspired architecture: Former Volkswagen Showroom Building (circa 1937), Maple and Olympic Boulevard, South Beverly Hills Typical art deco inspired architecture: Greyhound Depot in Ohio (courtesy Andrew Wood) Page 4 --------~_.- All other Permitted uses and Minor Use Station Way Permitted uses shall be considered subject to Conditional Use Permit, Purpose of this Design Overlay including a finding that visitor services is not feasible due to site specific building District and/or property configuration and The primary purposes of this district are collditions. to encourage the use of design that will 2. A shared parking facility should complement the neighboring Village be considered at the interior districts and provide a transition portion of the parcels located at between these districts and the Traffic 208,210 and 216 Traffic Way Way corridor. The predominant de~ign (APNs 007-483-41, 42 and 7). for the Station Way area are wood-sided or smooth plaster single and two-story Site Design structures with green ribbed metal roofs 1. All new projects or renovations shall as depicted by the Village Promenade. adhere to site development standards of the Development Code. 2. Buildings and sales uses shall be oriented to the public street While storage, parking and accessory uses shall be oriented away from the street to interior areas of the site. 3. All accessory structures including off- street parking, service buildings and enclosures for service areas, trash containers or outdoor storage shall be designed as part of the overall project or Special Considerations building. A Concept Enhancement Plan is 4. Landscaping should retain existing included in Attachment "A" to facilitate trees and add feature areas or strips of the goals for the district. The Plan planting to achieve screening and shows areas planned for visitor serving softening of structures and parking and uses and shared parking. highlight pedestrian walkways and 1. Southeast of the intersection of public areas. Street trees shall be incorporated where functional circulation E. Grand Avenue and Freeway will not be obstructed, 101, on the parcel behind the Chevron Station (APN 5. Streetscape improvements shall 007,481,006) permitted use shall conform to the established sidewalk be limited to visitor serving uses, paving, lighting and street furniture, and related accessory uses. fixture and feature designs approved by Page 5 '---~ .-.-.-----.- the City. 4. Construction materials should be compatible with those used on adjacent 6. The desired configurations and developments. New buildings should locations for off-street parking lots, in incorporate traditional materials and order of preference, are: reflect agrarian features. a. Shared double loaded aisle to side 5. The number of colors used on a or rear of building partially on-site building or project should be three or and partially off-site on fewer, to include a base color, trim color neighboring parcels. and single accent color, b. Single or double loaded aisle in front of building(s) with substantial 6. Color and materials samples shall be landscaping. submitted as part of the ARC process. c. Shared off-site or public parking The use of florescent, "neon" or "day- lot within 200 feet. glo" colors is not appropriate. Building Design 7 .Color palettes should be compatible with those of adjoining buildings, Materials and Colors Signs 1, Buildings shall be one or two story, Signs shall meet all requirements of the horizontally massed, and small to Development Code and the provision of moderate scale structures, with these guidelines and standards. If a pedestrian features evident from public conflict exists, the most restrictive streets, particularly Station Way. requirements shall apply unless otherwise approved by ARC, On the east side of Station Way the established materials, textures and 1. Color and materials samples shall be colors of the existing buildings shall be submitted as part of the ARC process. utilized or reflected in the building, The use of florescent, "neon" or "day- landscape and signage designs. glo" colors is not appropriate. 2. The height, lot coverage and floor to 2. Signs should not obstruct area ratio of new buildings shall not architectural features of the building, exceed the development standards allowed in Title 16 of the Municipal Code 3, Wall signs should be located above for the VMU district. the entry to the building to better relate to pedestrian traffic, 3. To the extent feasible, original structures and materials, and 4, Window and door signs should be architectural details should be integrated applied where they will not obstruct into project design and retained, visibility, renovated, or replaced with materials and features that match or reflect the 5, Signs on awnings or canopies original design. should be placed where they may be Page 6 ----, ----.-.---....... seen by pedestrians as well as by passing traffic. Page 7 --------- , \ \'^' ;/ \~ '~', / .' ., "". /,- .' '. ' "'''" ,/ /\.' / " / ,. ,/' ", /./ // /x" // .</ ". '\, ., " ..~ , .' .' ~ ./ (. " '.. 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I ...OOO..~~.O..........~ ~ .-- c: ~ en c: .~ .. .--- ~ i ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ '- r-- -- fr -s:. .-- '> , ~-------_. ------------ -------- ATIACHMENT 3 . ':;EIVED. ~ ..-..--~. ...._. -...........---.. - ..-.-. ... . ' -- ELLEN & BOB GAVER ocr 0 2 2003 " 121 Allen Street CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE . . Arroyo Grande~ CA 93420 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 805/473-2919 .. missellv@charter.net " September 30~ 2003 Dear Planning Commissioners: We live at 121 Allen Street and have o~ed this property since 1993. We are deeply concerned about the proposed re-zoning in progress to create Traffic .WayMixed Use. On the re-zoning map~ as previously presented, the property,acrossthestreetftom us, as wen as the property immediately next door (115 Allen St)..both owned by Christianson Cbevrole~ will become Traffic Way Mixed'Use. . . .,. . Our primary concern relates to the unavoidable metion that will "occur with a Commercial automotive structure and/or use immediately next 'to our residence. ' We are concerned about noise~ view, lighting; privacy~ traffic, and most ofall;c,'our, property value. This is our home and we intend to continue to live here indefinitely, According to the new zoning plan as presented at the last Commission meeting, there 1;lppears to be little or no buffering offered between these properties. We can't imagine that this will be good for our property, its value, or our quality of life. We are making a specific and formal request that procedures for buffering and mitigation be included in the re-zoning Resolution. . . Sp~cally regarding traffic and parking. this has been a growing problem on Allen Street ; for'sometime now. Overflow parking :trom the new auto service station on the comer of , Allen & Traffic Way and from Heacock Welding has made movement.a1ong Allep. Street very difficU1t and unsafe~' We expect this pr,?blem to worsen as more properties on Allen Street transition to auto service uses. ' . Weare making a specific and fonnal request that Allen Street be closed at the property line between 115 and 121, thereby maintaining the residential nature of , Allen Street.to the east, as well as providing access for the businesses to the west. ) I ._~_. - J '-- PJCEIYED - ;;-.. "" ~ vO'~O\ \\nt" "'.','.1 ....r i i\" U I "-:'l\;~"~"'" ....' ; ~ \..1 ~,l \ 03 GEC -4 M111: 43 ELLEN & BOB GAVER 121 Allen Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805/473-2919 missellvtmcharter.net December 3, 2003 Dear Mayor Ferrara and City Council Members: Weare writing this letter to express some lingering concern regarding the new Traffic Way Mixed Use Zone, particularly with regard to buffering and screening issues as they relate to our property and our neighborhood. The Design Guidelines and Standards as proposed for this zone are veryc1ear.with regard to screening and buffering requirements of auto dealerships. . On the surface, these revisions to the development code appear to do their job'intermsofprotecting the residential neighborhood abutting the auto dealerships. Nothing that we've seen, however, addresses the issue of enforcement. It has become quite clear during the ten years we have lived on Allen Street that the car dealerships are given leeway and latitude that other persons and businesse$ are not. We certainly understand the desire to keep the revenue in our city, but as these dealerships expand into residential neighborhoods, there needs to be consideration of the neighbors. The lighting ftom Christianson Chevrolet is absolutely excessive, even more so since the screening that was there has been removed. We (and our neighbors) have brought this to the attention of the city pumy times. We have even filed a complaint with the Code Enforcer. Nothing has been done. The chain link fence surrounding the dirt lot on Allen Str~ was supposed to be decorative, but it's not. According to the new Design Guidelines, that fence will need to be screened by landscaping. . . . who will enforce this? All of the potential situations discussed in 16.52.060 of Exhibit B, i.e., lack of screening, excessive lighting, equipment noise, outdoor loudspeakers, etc., exist now. Each one of them has worsened considerably over the past couple of years. Can we ~ that these existinll problems, which are prohibited under the new Development Standards for this area, will be addressed when the zoning changes? How can we be assured that the businesses on Traffic Way will be required to abide by these Standards when they have not done so in the past? (!: tj~ Cc~ CA'!-'1 M~~ Qi-hf ~~ ~~~ cf C.otI\M ~. ~OC-. PID..J4.wMCCli's."-. ____.. DI~.rlAAA1.~~\__ Yes, the auto dealerships were here when we purchased our home ten years ago, but they were not in expansion mode. The trees were growing bigger everyday, blocking more and more light from the car lots. Those trees are gone now. There was a cute little old Loomis house across Allen Street which is now gone, replaced by a dirt lot and chain link fence. There was a quiet foreign auto repair shop/tackle shop on the comer (and no, it was not very attractive) which has been replaced by a busy and NOISY auto repair shop with increased parking and traffic congestion. The Highway corridor is being developed, as it should be. It is, however, already encroaching on our quiet residential neighborhood, and the zoning hasn't even changed yet. We are worried for the future of our neighborhood. In conclusion, we would like to say that we are generally accepting,of.the~direction in which this issue is heading;. our concerns remain mostly with enforcement. Many of our neighbors have attended Planning Commission, Traffic Commission and ARC meetings. Our traffic and parking issues are being addressed in various other City departments, and we are confident that we will have a positive solution to our problems in this regard. We have received tremendous help from Rob Strong, Teresa McClish and the Community Development Department, and they have worked diligently to address our concerns. For this we are grateful. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, :&b~8~6~ Bob & Ellen Gaver 121 Allen Street Arroyo Grande ^ .~~~... "----- --- .... ---------- ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT DEVELOPMENT CODE. AMENDMENT 03-006 REZONING A PORTION OF THEHIGHWAYCOMMERICAL, GENERAL COMMERCIAL AND VILLAGEMIXEDUSEDISTICTS TO TRAFFIC WAY MIXED USE; . REVISING DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR THE VICINITY OF TRAFFIC WAY AND STATION WAY, WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the City of Arroyo Grande,.Development Code and revised zoning map, which became effective June 13, 1991, and indicated that modifications to the Development Code may occur to refine the document; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Arroyo Grande adopted the updated General Plan on which became effective on October 9,2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Development Code' and zoning map for. consistency in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and WHEREAS, The City has a responsibility to assure adherence to ;theGeneral Plan in meeting the needs and desires of the residents and the community; and WHEREAS, City staff held a public workshop, August 14,' 2003 to consider amendments to the Development Code concerning Traffic Way and Station Way for the . , purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Development Code Amendment 03-006 at a duly noticed public hearing on September 16, 2003, October 7, 2003 and December 2, 2003 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that the following Development Code Amendment findings can be made in an affirmative manner: A. The proposed change in zone and revisions to Title 16 will satisfy Objective LU5- 5 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which requires the City to "define different Mixed Use overlay or combining designations concurrent with Development Code revision for General Plan consistency to clarify allowed, conditionally pe'rmitted and prohibited uses in each MU subarea", and; LU5-8 which states that the Mixed Use corridors are to "provide for different combinations, configurations and mixtures of commercial, office and residential uses designating the East Grand Avenue, EI Camino Real and Traffic Way corridors as Mixed Use (MU)." and is therefore desirable to implement the _'-___0._- .J RESOLUTION NO. 02-1854 PAGE 2 provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed changes in zone and. revisions to Title 16 reflect that both the existing zones and proposed zones are predominantly commercial, contain historical residential use, and promote continued mixed use and will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare'orresultinan illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed changes of zones and revisions to Title 16 satisfy Section 16.36.010 of the Development Code, which states '''Itiscthe.purpose of this chapter to provide regulations d,that implement7ithose'w,goals,;'.objectives and policies, and that are aimed toward the provision of adequate and appropriate commercial areas within the city", D. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 GeneraIPlan..Update, and the potential environmental impacts of proposed amendmentare lessthan.insignificaot. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby recommends that the City. Council. ,approve.Development Code Amendment 02-006 with the above findings and subject to the 'conditions asset forth in the Ordinance attached hereto and incorporated herein by this.reference. On motion by Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2nd day of December 2003. ATTEST: L YN REARDON-SMITH JIM GUTHRIE, CHAIR COMMISSION CLERK ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council at a Regular Meeting to consider thefoUowing item: CONSIDERATION OF INITIAL STUDY AND DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE RESERVOIR NO.1 PROJECT Project Description: Staff Project No. 03-021 & PW-2003-07 to demolish and remove a buried 780,OOO-gallon concrete water reservoir and construct a new 2,OOO,000-gallon buried concrete reservoir and appurtenances. The Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration describe any potential significant or significant adverse impacts the. project may have. If any potentially significant or significantly adverse impacts have been identified, the Initial Study describes the recommended course of action, i.e., mitigation measures. Project Location: Approximately 1 ,400 feet northeast of the Old Ranch RoadlWest Branch Street intersection. The new reservoir would replace the existing reservoir at the end of the Reservoir access road. Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Representative: Michael Linn, Assistant City Engineer Comments on the Draft Negative Declaration may be either mailed to the Public Works Department, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421; or delivered in person to the Public Works Department at 208 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA. Any person affected or concemed by this proposal may submit written comments to the Public Works Department .. before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: JANUARY 13, 2004 AT 7:00 P,M, PLACE OF HEARING: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE CA 93420 Kelly W or , Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 Time, Friday, January 2, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER A- SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE RESERVOIR NO, 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council; A. adopt a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project; and, B. approve tree mitigation recommendations. FUNDING: The FY 2003/04 Capital Improvement Program budget includes $2,129,450 for the construction of the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project. The costs of the proposed mitig~tion measures are included in the overall project costs. The original project budget assumed a $1.2 million State grant, which is no longer expected. However, staff has determined that sufficient reserve funds exist in the Water Fund to proceed with the project. DISCUSSION: The Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project includes the demolition and removal of the existing buried 780,000 gallon concrete water reservoir built in 1929, and the excavation and construction of a new 2,000,000 gallon buried pre-stressed concrete water reservoir. The project scope of work also includes the installation of a new water line, drainage facilities, all weather access road (Reservoir Road), fencing, trees for screening the above ground portion of the reservoir, and associated appurtenances. All proposed facilities are on City-owned property, public right-of-way or dedicated easement. A Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures has been prepared for the Reservoir NO.1 Project and a notification of the public hearing dated December 29, 2003 was sent to all residents and property owners within a 300-foot radius of the Reservoir No. 1 Project. The City hosted a town hall meeting on December 18, 2003 with the adjacent property owners and residents as a follow up to previous town hall meetings. At the meeting, concerns regarding the permanent fencing and tree screening were again discussed. Attendees indicated that the City had addressed their concerns with the current design and concurred with the project plans on these issues. ~_..-._._- -...-------- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE RESERVOIR NO, 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 The project plans require the removal of 42 trees, including 12 coast live oaks. The City's Community Tree Program requires replacement of the oak trees at a 3:1 ratio. The remaining trees, which are Monterey pine trees, require replacement at a 1:1 ratio to visually screen the new reservoir. Monterey pines or Monterey cypress trees will not be replanted due to current pitch canker problems on the central coast. Staff researched the possibility of relocating three (3) of the coast live oaks with a firm claiming an 80% success rate in transplanting oak trees in California. The relocation scope of work would require excavation around each tree and building a large wooden box around the root ball, temporary relocation to the clearing north of the reservoir prior to construction, careful monitoring and care by the tree firm during construction, and the relocation and replanting of the trees at their permanent location upon completion of the project. The firm believes the oak tree relocation will be successful, however, the cost ranges between $17,000 and $38,000 per tree, dependent upon the number and size of trees selected. It is recommended that the Council approve the alternative tree mitigation plan outlined below: . Relocate three coast live oaks as described above at an estimated cost of $66,000 to $72,000 (approximately $22,000 to $24,000 per tree). Replace the remainder of the coast live oaks at the 3: 1 ratio with 15-gallon trees. . Replace a portion of the existing trees with a combination of Italian Stone pine and Toyon trees. California Pepper trees were originally selected to provide screening for the reservoir due to their rapid growth characteristics. It is believed that the Italian Stone and Toyon trees, although slower to mature, would more likely survive the specific environmental site conditions and will provide a better long-term aesthetic appeal to the area. . Planting additional trees on the southern and eastern hillsides would meet the mitigation requirements and aid in the screening of the new reservoir facility. The Parks & Recreation Department may pursue native oak reforestation at the northwestern hillside as a community project at a future date. The City Arborist believes that the cultivation of new oak trees from acorns could be pursued as a community project following completion of construction. --_.__._._-~--~.-. ----......-.------ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE RESERVOIR NO, 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 Staff brought the item forward at this time to obtain Council input and direction on the important tree mitigation and related environmental issues. This will enable staff to modify the project plans as the Council determines is necessary or appropriate. Staff intends to request Council authorization to solicit bids for the project within the next few weeks. The project is expected to begin at the end of April 2004 and complete in January 2005. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve the Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures; . Do not approve the Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures; . Modify the Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures as appropriate and approve and/or recirculate; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Exhibit of Tree Mitigation Alternative ---..- RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE RESERVOIR NO. 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT PW 2003-07 WHEREAS,' the City Council has held a public hearing on this project in accordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration can be adopted; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Required CEQA Findings: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines. of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project PW2003-07. 2. Based on the initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for public review. A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and related materials is located at City Hall in the Public Works Department. .3. After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering the record as a whole, the City Council adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and finds that there is no substantial evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code or on the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. Further, the City Council finds that said Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration with the above findings and subject to the mitigation me;;Jsures as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. --- -~---- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this day of January 2004. ~ RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. 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CITY OF ARROYO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande LOCATION: Citywide PROPOSAL: The City Council is requested to provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for Fiscal Year 2003-04. The City of Arroyo Grande is a participant with the County of San Luis Obispo and other cities therein as an "Urban County" under the Federal Department of Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Categorically Exempt REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Bergman, Assistant Planner In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEM), it has been determined pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(1) of the CEQA Guidelines that the activity is not a project as determined in Section 15378. Any person affected or concerned by this proposal may submit written comments to the Administrative Services Department before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project. . Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: TUESDAY, JANUARY 13,2004 AT 7:00 P,M. PLACE OF HEARING: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 UU2t<JVUor-uL Kelly W tmor , Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 T, Friday, January 2, 2004 L._nn' -- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~ BY: JIM BERGMAN, ASSISTANT PLANNEN-S SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2003- 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS (CDBG) DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council provide prelimInary approval on the proposed funding of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 CDBG projects. FUNDING: The County has estimated that $130,164 in CDGB funds will be available to the City in the fall of 2004, The available amount is equal to the adjusted figure for the 200212003 fiscal year. DISCUSSION: On July 15, 2002 the City Council approved a Cooperative Agreement with San Luis Obispo County for joint participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) Program. The Agreement is for a period of three (3) years, 2003, 2004, and 2005. The City, as a participant in the HUD designated urban county program of San Luis Obispo County, receives an annual formula based allocation of CDBG funds, These funds are available for a variety of Community Development activities as long as the activities meet at least one of the three national objectives. The objectives are: 1. Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; 2, Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. 3. Address urgent community development needs that pose a serious or immediate threat to public health or welfare. The County sent out a Request for Proposals and notified the public that the County and participating Cities would accept applications for funding until October 20, 2003 (Attachment 1). In addition, staff held a "Needs Assessment Workshop" on October 1, 2003 to gather input from the public regarding the allocation of CDBG funds. Below is a list of the applicants. project type, last year's recommendations, requested amounts for this funding cycle, and proposed recommendations. Please refer to Attachment 2 (CDBG applications) for background information on each of the requests. ...--...- ----- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS (CDBG) JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 Project Project Type lIocated 003 Funds Public Services 1,300 Public Services 3,300 Public Services 2,900 Public Services 1,800 Public Services 1,800 Public Services 6,224 Public Services 2,200 Public Services Public Services %15 CAP = $19,525 19,524 Housing 10,000 Code Enforcement 11,900 Public Facilities 14,000 Economic Dev. 50,000 Economic Dev. 3,000 %20 CAP = $26,033 13,044 SUBTOTAL Other 110,640 OTAL ($130,164 available) 130,164 *Lifespan Foundation for Human Services and D.R.E.A.M for Kids Foundation did not apply for 200212003 funds. ** Includes $8,696 for Capacity Building received in 200212003 and requested for 2004. It should be noted that two organizations (Lifespan Foundation and D.R.E.A.M. for Kids) have applied for funding for the first time this year. Since the City has not had experience with these organizations in the past, and no new funding is available for these applications without decreasing funding to other applicants, staff has not recommended allocating funds to them. However, if the City Council would like to allocate money to these organizations, it can be done by decreasing funding to other applicants receiving funds for public services. Public Services funding requests are based primarily on the proportion of the population expected to be served in the City. CDBG regulations stipulate that at least 70% of all funds be spent on activities that benefit low income persons and no more than 30% may be spent on activities that eliminate blight. The recommended allocations meet these requirements. The primary City project is proceeding with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance improvements. This year's funding will allow the completion of ADA improvements to the interior of the Woman's Center. Staff also recommends funding for the fa~ade improvement program at a reduced amount. The program has been very successful, but fewer applications are now being received since the program has been underway for several months. The City Council is requested to review the applications and determine which projects should be recommended to the County for funding. Staff has prepared a recommendation using the criteria listed on page three of the RFP for the Council's consideration. Particularly, it must be demonstrated that the project can be completed as budgeted by June 30, 2004 for HUD -..-...- -- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS (CDBG) JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 compliance. The cooperative agreements between the County and the cities give the cities great discretion regarding their allocations of funds. Unless a City's recommendation to the County for funding is clearly in conflict with CDBG regulations, the County will approve the recommendation. The final decision for funding priority is tentatively scheduled for a public hearing at the City Council's February 24, 2004 meeting. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Accept staff's recommendations; - Modify staff's recommendations; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: RFP for County of San Luis Obispo CDGB applications (14) --- ----- RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DETERMINING THOSE PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITH THE CITY'S ALLOCATION OF PROGRAM YEAR 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS WHEREAS, via a Cooperation Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo (hereafter referred to as "County") executed on July 15, 2002, the City agreed to become a participant for a period of three years with the County and other cities therein as an "Urban County" under the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereafter referred to as "HUD") CDBG program; and WHEREAS, via the Cooperation Agreement, the City retains the authority to determine which projects are to be funded with its allotment of CDBG funds; and WHEREAS, the County wishes to submit to HUD a "One-Year Action Plan of the. Consolidated Plan" as required by 24 CFR Part 91 to establish which activities 2004 CDBG, HOME and ESG program funds will be used for by the County; and WHEREAS, the City expects to receive $130,164 in entitlement CDBG funds in 2004; and WHEREAS, in October 2003, the County published a "Request for Proposals" for projects to be funded under the 2004 CDBG Programs, which provided that proposals were to be submitted by October 20, 2003; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of January 13, 2004, the City Council gave preliminary approval to the proposed listing of 2004 CDBG Projects; and WHEREAS, the County published a notice in the Telegram Tribune, indicating those projects to be proposed in the Public Review Draft One-Year Action Plan to receive CDBG funds in 2004; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2004 the County conducted a public workshop for the City to ascertain the housing and community development needs to be addressed in the One-Year Action Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2004 the City Council held a Public Hearing on the City's Program. Year 2004 CDBG projects. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California, to recommend that the Board of Supervisors for the County of San --- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 Luis Obispo adopt the 2004 Draft One-Year Action Plan, which shall include the programs listed in Exhibit A to this Resolution, to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds, On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of February, 2004. ..-- -- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY -~~._-- -- EXHIBIT "A" 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ALLOCATIONS Pro ect EOC - Fo Wonderful Public Services EOC-Senior Health Screenin Public Services EOC - Teen Parentin Public Services Literac Council Public Services SlO Co. YMCA Public Services The Harvest Ba Public Services Bi Brothers/Bi Sisters Public Services lites an Foundation for Human Services Public Services D.R.E.A.M. for Kids Foundation Public Services SUBTOTAL Public Services - %15 CAP = $19,525 EOC - Home Re air Housin Cit of AG - Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Cit of AG - Buildin and Fire Public Facilities Cit of AG - Fa de Grant Pro ram Economic Dev. Cuesta Colle e Economic Dev. Economic Dev. Administration** %20 CAP = $26,033 SUBTOTAL Other TOTAL $130,164 available **Includes $8.696 for Capacity Building received in 200212003 fiscal year and requested for 2004. - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSHOPS TO INVITE PUBLIC INPUT FOR THE PROPOSED 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS ACT AND THE EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT FUND PROGRAMS FOR THE URBAN COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO The Urban County of San Luis Obispo is requesting proposals and comments regarding the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) funds and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) fi.mds within the cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover Beach, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and within the unincorporated areas of the county. These five cities and the county have been designated by the federal Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmeIt (HUD) as an "urban county" eligible to receive annual, formula-based grants of CDBG, HOME and ESG funds directly from HUD. HUD has not notified the Urban County of the fmal funding levels for the 2004 funding year, but they are expected tQ be the same if not lower than the previous funding year from the program year starting July 1,2004. The preliminary funding estimate for the CDBG program is $2,585,000. Funding estimates for the HOME and ESG programs have not been released, but last year the funding levels were as follow: $1,514,401 in HOME funds and $94,000 in ESG funds. The resulting estimate of allocations of 2004 CDBG funds is shown below for each participating jurisdiction of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo. Arroyo Grande $130,164 San Luis Obispo $789,047 Atascadero $231,655 Urban projects fund $141,833 Grover Beach $150,936 Unincorporated county $803,720 Paso Robles $337,645 CDBG funds may be used for a variety of community development activities as long as the activities meet at least one of the three national objectives, as follows: 1. Benefit primarily to families with incomes below 80 percent of area median; or 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. Address urgent needs that pose a serious, immediate threat to the public health or welfare. Each year HUD publishes income limits, adjusted by family size, for families with incomes below 80 percent of area median or below 50 percent Qf median. The income limits for 2003 in the San Luis Obispo County area are the following: $32,320 $36,920 $41,560 $46,160 $49,840 $53,560 $57,240 $60,920 $20,200 $23,075 $25,975 $28,850 $31,150 $33,475 $35,775 $38,075 1 -- ~~._~..._----+ -....._-~ CDBG-eligible activities include: acquisition of real property, affordable housing activities, construction or rehabilitation of public facilities and improvements, clearance and demolition of buildings, provision of certain types of public services, relocation payments and assistance, removal of architectural barriers, housing rehabilitation, historic preservation, code enforcement, commercial or industrial rehabilitation, special economic development activities, planning studies and grant administration. In addition to meeting one of the national objectives listed above, at least 70 percent of total 2004 CDBG funding must be approved for activities that benefit low- income families, and the overall CDBG program should not exclude benefit to very low-income families. HOME funds may be used only for affordable housing related activities that benefit low- income families. There is a local funding match requirement equal to 25 percent of the HOME funds. Numerous other program requirements apply, as described in the HOME regulations, copies of which are available from the county Planning and Building Dept. The County is also seeking comments on potential uses of federal Supportive Housing Program (SHP) funding which is a competitive (non-form~a) grant program created to address the need to move homeless persons into housing. Any individual, group or organization wishing to apply for CDBG funding must submit a CDBG application to the county or applicable city, using the official proposal forms. The deadline for complete applicatiom to be received by the county and participating cities is 5:00 P,M, on Monday, October 20, 2003. The CDBG and/or HOME regulations and proposal forms are included in the complete proposal packages, which may be obtained starting today, during normal business hours from the County Department of Planning and Building, 1194 Pacific Street, Suite 102, San Luis Obispo. The application packages also may be requested from the county by telephone: Ask for Tony Navarro, (80S) 781-5787. You may also obtain a copy of the CDBG/HOEM and ESG applications by visiting the following city/county web sites: Arroyo Grande: www.arrovo2l'8D.de.orw'comm dev/index.ohp ~ Atascadero: www.atascadero.org Grover Beach: www.lUover.org Paso Robles: www.prcity .com/~overnmentldeoartmentslcommdev/housing San Luis Obispo: htto:/ /www.slocitv.orw'communitvdeveloomentldocuments.aso County of San Luis Obispo: www.slocoolanbldg.com or from one of the participating cities by contacting the following persons: . Jim Bergman, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5420. . Valerie Humphrey, Department of Public Works, City of Atascadero, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422-4299, (80S) 461-5020. . Susan Zaleschuk, Community Development Dept., City of Grover Beach, 154 S. Eight St., Grover Beach, CA 93433, (80S) 473-4520. 2 ~._~-_._- ~- ,--- . Ed Gallagher, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., CA 93446, (805) 237-3970. . Jeff Hook, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 990 Palm St., CA 93401, (805) 781-7170. . Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, County Government Center, Rm. 317, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787 (1194 Pacific Street, Suite 102, San Luis Obispo, CA). Please specifY whether the CDBG, HOME or ESG packages are desired. Criteria that will be used to evaluate the proposals prior to funding decisions by the cities and the county include the following: 1. Consistency with federal regulations and laws . 2. Community support (for example, approval of project by a city council) 3. Seriousness of community development need proposed to be addressed by project 4. Degree to which project benefits ]ow-income and very low-income families or persons 5. Feasibility of the project to be completed as budgeted and by June 30, 2004 6. Cost effectiveness of funds requested and leveraging of other funds 7. Organization's experience or knowledge regarding CDBG or HOME requirements The following criteria, in addition to those listed above, will be used only to evaluate proposals for funding under the "Special Urban Projects Fund" allocation of CDBG funds, pursuant to the cooperative agreements between the county and each of the participating cities: 1. Degree of benefit to more than a single jurisdiction. 2. Need by the project for more funding than is available through the other allocations. 3. The project provides direct benefit to most needy groups such as very low-income and/or handicapped persons, at-risk youths (gang prevention, etc). The project schedule required as part of any CDBG or HOME proposal should describe realistic milestones leading to completion of activities for which funding is requested by June 30, 2004. This is necessary to enable the county to maintain expenditure and activity perfonnance at levels acceptable to HUD. This, in turn, will prevent potential future actions by HUD to "de-obligate" unspent CDBG or HOME funds or apply measures to correct slow perfonnance of activities. The cooperative agreements with the cities give them a high degree of authority over funding decisions regarding their allocations of CDBG funds. Where appropriate, some jurisdictions may consider "sharing" their allocations to support activities located in other jurisdictions, perhaps contingent upon some fonn of future compensation. Unless a city's recommendations to the county regarding which projects to fund (witQ its allocation of CDBG funds) is clearly in conflict with CDBG regulations, the county will approve those recommendations. Each city will conduct one or more public workshops for public 3 ---~--_.. ---- discussion of the draft 2004 One-Year Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan, which will include the projects for which that city proposes to authorize CDBG funding. The public workshops will be held at the following locations, dates and times: Oceano -7:00 P.M., Monday, September 29,2003, 1655 Front Street, OCSD meeting room, Oceano. Arrovo Grande -7:00 P.M., Wednesday, October 1,2003, Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. San Luis Obispo - 5:00 P.M., Wednesday, October 1,2003, City/County Library Community Room, Human Relations Commission hearing, 995 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. Contact: Jill Sylvain, 781-7251, staff to the HRC if you have questions relating to the HRC hearing. Paso Robles - 7:00 P.M., Monday, October 6,2003, Paso Robles Library Conference Room, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles. Atascadero - 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, October 7, 2003, City Hall, Rm. 1026500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Cambria -7:00 P.M., Wednesday, October 8, 2003, Veteran's Memorial Building, Dinning Room, 1000 Main Street, Cambria Grover Beach - 6:30 P.M. Thursday, October 9, 2003, City Hall, City Council Chambers, 154 8th Street, Grover Beach. Los Osos -7:00 P.M., Friday, October 10,2003, South Bay Cmty. Center, 2180 Palisades Ave., Los Osos If you have questions or need additional information about the funding programs, or about the citizen participati>n process, please contact Tony Navarro, Planner III, at the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building, (805) 781-5787. 4 \ -_.~ - ~ South Central Coast SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 3566 S. Higuera Street, Suite 100 . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 t(Q)f1f (877) 549-8349 · (805) 549-0401 · FAX: (805) 543-5198 E-mail: sccsbdc@arrival.net . www.smallbusinessinfo.org SaudI Centro! Coal - October 20, 2003 Jim Bergman, Community Development RECEIVED City of Arroyo Grande OCT 2 0 2003 214 E. Branch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Planning & Bldg RE: CDGB APPLICATION Dear Mr, Bergman, Attached is an application/proposal request for 2003 CDBG funding from the City of Arroyo Grande for the Cuesta College Smalf Business Development Center Program. . This program provides business technical assistance to the small business. . community, We work with and assist businesses via one-on-one consulting, research support, access to capital information, loan packaging and a variety of other business topics. We also offer a menu of workshop and training courses for small business. Cuesta College is requesting $3,000 of CDGB funding, which will allow us to provide 100 hours of direct client services specifically designed to assist your business community. As you. may be aware, through a program developed with Steve Adams, City Manager, and Diane Sheely, former Economic Development Specialist, the SBDC is currently working with some of the Village small business owners in regards to marketing and merchandizing. We are also involved in developing workshops to assist small business. If you have any questions after review the proposal, please feel free to call me at (805) 549-0401. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Best wishes, ~~ ty/ Director Partnership 01 Cuesta College ' Allan Hancock College ' Santa Barbara City College ' State of California ' U.S. Small Business Administration --- c 0 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta College SBDC C""") ::Q 1.1.1 0 m > 0 ~ ~ COUNTY OF SAN LUIS qSlsPO / - 0' . I.LI 0: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK G~NT,(CqBG) . PROGRAM U ~ .S l- e: APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING '2003 P,RQGRAM YEAR 1LI u e: (Attach additional sheets if necessary), ~ 0 ccs - a.. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposaL A copy of a HUD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request. from county staff. Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1, Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: . Cuesta College Contact: 'Toni Sommer - (805) 546-3973 P.O. Box 8106 or San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-8106 David Ryal- (80S) 549-0401 2, Title/name of proposed project or program: Cuesta College - Small Business Development Center (SB~C) Provide business consulting for existing and start-up small businesses for low to low- middle income residents and small business owners in San Luis Obispo County and other CDBG jurisdictions within the County. (Included in this target market is individuals on public assistance). Self-help Business Information Center (BIC) has been developed in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). 3, Please describe the proposed project or program, Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will, be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program, Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones, The Cuesta College SBDC provides hands on assistance to residents who are interested in starting a small business as an alternative to finding employment at a local business. The SBDC also provides services to county-based stnallbusiness. The services include one-on-one business technical assistance, a resource center for individual study and various workshops and extended training opportunities. The SBDC provides mentoring, guidance, research support, marketing strategies, business I plan development outlines and samples, counseling arid reviews and financial analysis. 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business Development Center The SBDC pool of consultants consists of legal, financial, marketing, international trade, agriculture, loss prevention, emergency preparedness, business plan, technology and e*commerce, franchising and human resource specialists. The Cuesta College SBDC offers a wide range of workshops to help existing businesses and pre-venture small businesses. These offerings include: Start-up Business Orientation, Access To Capital, Introduction to E-Commerce, How to Market your Product or Service and How to Buy Advertising. The SBDC also offers a six-week business plan development class titled Small Business Success Sessions and a four- week Preparing for E*Commerce class. Finally, the SBDC partners with the Economic Vitality Corporation to offer an International Trade course, and we .partner with Mission Community Services Corporation to offer a fourteen-week Self-employment Training class, which .is targeted to low income women and minority residents. . The Cuesta College SBDC is planning a series of conferences to be held throughout the County in 2004. Discussions have begun with local resource partners to hold ~hese events in Atascadero, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and San Luis Obispo. Again the target market will be the low to middle income resident and business owner who normally could not afford to pay for consulting services to obtain the information, which will be offered. Small Business resources from State and Federal Agencies aleng with private sector resources will be brought in to conduct the conference. (As an example, the SBDC will offer conferences that deal with Labor Law and. Employment issues). SDecial Proiects: Business Information Center (BIC) - The Cuesta College SBDC is working in collaboration with Mission Community Services Corporation in operating the Business Information Center for San Luis Obispo County small businesses. The BIC is located at 3566 S. Higuera Street - Suite. 1 0.0 in San Luis Obispo, the main office of the SBDC. The SBA has provided a bank of computers for use by small businesses and residents of the area looking to start a small business. A reference library and other resources are part of the BIC. The location is DSL ready, ADA compliant and has an adjacent classroom. (Classes have been held in the facility and a new Web Success Group has started to meet in the Center). Entrepreneurial TraininQ in EnQlish and Spanish - This 18-hour course guides the participants through the steps of business plan development and start-up issues. Four English classes and two. Spanish classes are slated for offering in 2004. CAL-POL Y Senior Student Proiects - The SBDC works in concert with Cal-Poly SLO's Business Department in providing small business clients with senior students to develop business plans and market surveys and plans for the business. (Currently, there are four projects being worked on. One group of students is dedicated to helping the Paso Robles Main Street Association in developing a marketing strategy to attract customers to the various Paso Robles retail sectors). 2- 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business DeveloDment Center Government Procurement Workshops - these programs are designed to help small ~ business take advantage of opportur:Jities. to do business with government at various levels. Both federal and state agency representatives take part in the programs offered. Export Training - ExportWise is a six-week - twenty-four hours course, which provided information on government regulations both home and abroad, export financing and lines of credit, distribution networks and other necessary issues to do international trade. Aariculture Entrepreneurial Trainino - this is a ten-week - thirty hours entrepreneurial program that focuses on the Agriculture industry. Special focus will be given to wineries and the agtourism industry. The program is produced by NxLevel, an entrepreneurial training component of the University of Colorado. Small Business Facade and Micro Loan Proaram - The Cuesta College SBDC compliments. various small. business loan programs. that are offered by the different communities within San Luis Obispo County. The SBDC can assist cities with loan package reviews and help the lending small businesses with fiscal projections and cash flow management. . 4, Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 50.000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to: Cuesta College is applying to the County of San Luis Obispo, and the cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover Beach, Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo. If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $3.000 City of Paso Robles: $3.000 City of Atascadero: $3.000 City of San Luis Obispo: $5.000 City of Grover Beach: $3.000 County of San Luis Obispo: $33.000 County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003. 3- ~ 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business Development Center 5. Please describe the -budget for the proposed project or program, a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 50,000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $181,000 Total Revenues $231,000 Other Funds are provided by the U.S. SBA, other grants and service contracts. a. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Acct. # Item Amount 1000 Director/Administration $ 4,000 2000 Clerical support $ 8,000 3000 Fringe Benefits $ 2,400 5000 Consultant reimbursement $20,000 Business Information Center $ 5,000 Operational expenses $ 8,600 . Entrepreneurial Training - Spanish $ 2,000 · 6, Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDSG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. --X- Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. See current income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals, _ b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be qesigned to addr~ss one or more ~onditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. _ Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the ~ealth or welfare of the community, and no other funding soLirces are available. 4- ~ 2004 COBG Application Organization: Cuesta Colleqe Small Business OeveloDment Center . NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. The SSOC program works with low to moderate-income residents and small business owners of San Luis Obispo County. These individuals would not be able to afford the services for business technical support from the private sector. Working with this classification of residents, the SSOC program provides information and guidance for determining if self-employment is a viable option for obtaining/creating a job. Many of these businesses are home-based. Working with small business owners, the SSOC program assists in business expansion, which helps to create jobs for the residences countywide. The SSOC program also provides assistance with access to capital. This comes in the form of loan packaging assistance and. developing a working relationship with the various funding options available to bring positive economic impact to San Luis Obispo . County. These options include; bank financing, SSA loan guarantees, refer~als to the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County's revolving and micro loan programs, California loan guarantee programs and other forms of financing. . . , The SSOC has written and video information that pertains to disaster preparedness. 7. If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or housenolds who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): ~ Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51%- 80% or less of the County Median income)? ~ Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. 'Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very 'low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median income)? ~ Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 5- 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business Development Center 8, Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Elioible CDBG Activities) _ Acquisition of real property _ Disposition of real property _ Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) _ Privately-owned utilities _____ Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvemE:!nts, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim. assistance _ Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit orga~izations, and/or farms . Removal of architectural barriers - _ Housing rehabilitation _ New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Code enforcement - _ Historic preservation .. - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation --2L- Special economic development _ Special activities by subrecipients Public services - , _ Planning studies f~ [I II ! ~. !J I fi I 6- - 2004 COBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business OeveloDment Center " 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? The Cuesta College Small Business Development Center (SBOC) is the only agency of its kind in San Luis Obispo County. The mission of the SBDC is to provide business technical assistance to existing business and pre-venture small businesses (residents) that they may not be able to afford on their own or that they may not have access to in their community. Thepdmary assistance the SBDC provides is one-to-one counseling for the pre- venture business and business client. We assist and. mentor small business in the development of business plans; marketing strategies, personnel issues, government procurement proposals, loan packages,. certifications, licensing and permit requirements and' a variety of other business related topics. The SBOC also offers a menu of small business workshops and seminars, as well as entrepreneurial training in English and Spanish and in-depth educational programs for e-commerce, international trade and agriculture. Based' on the business demographics provided in the 2002 Economic 'Outlook Publication presented by the University of California at Santa Barbara, 78% ,of all San Luis Obispo County businesses have fewer than 100 employees. Based .on size standards set by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , over 90% of the county" businesses would be classified as small business. There are now over 6,200 businesses in the county. Over 85% of the jobs created in this county are created by small business and people opting for self-employment. Thus, it is imperative to pro'iiideas much support as possible to aid small business' to expand and to help individuals be successful in opening a small business. Since its inception in July 1999, the Cuesta College SBDC has served 803 clients with 266 of them being HUO clients. Of the 4,681 hours of consulting, 1,200 hours have been dedicated to HUO clients. In the year 2002-2003, the SBOC saw 68 HUD clients and provided 220 hours of consulting services. Since 1999, the SBOC has created 76 job. Twenty jobs were created in the past year. HUO clients have benefited from over $1,000,000 since 1999 in loan proceeds to start or expand their businesses. $150,000 was loaned to HUD clients in the past year. Assisting small business clients helps to generate needed tax revenues via increased sale tax or by decreasing the clients need upon county assistance programs. Providing this economic development assistance via the SBDC program also helps to relieve the number of clients seeking assistance from other county non-profit agencies. Other CDGB clients have taken advantage of the workshops that are' offered on a monthly basis. 7- ---~._----- .~- - 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta ColleQe Small Business Development Center The SBDC program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). These federal funds must be matched dollar for dollar by" local cash and In-kind match. Without local CDBGfunding, the federal funds would be decreased and the services of the SBDC could disappear. The SBDC program is a good way to leverage federal dollars. Many of the services provided by the center are at no out-of-pocket costs to the client. Thus the consequences for the Cuesta College SBDC program if not funded could be that Cuesta College not achieve the required local "cash match goal for its contract with the SBA for hosting the SBDC program. Cash match requirement for 2003 is 30%. Starting January 1, 2004 the requirement increases to 100%, at lease 50% cash and the remainder In-Kind. Without adequate local match, the SBDC program could be lost for the" County. 10, Please describe the specific organization(s) method to implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience in operating. similar programs; etc,), , The Cuesta College SBDC will implement its program and projects with internal capabilities via full-time staff and part-time consultants. The SBDC will also implement projects with developed partnerships. The partnerships, which the four-year old SBDC program has developed includes, the Economic Development Corporation of San Luis Obispo County, Consumer Credit Counseling Service of San Luis Obispo County, the Private Industry Council, Mission Community Services Corporation, the chambers of commerce in Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Los Osos, Morro Bay, Atascadero, Paso Robles. Grover Beach, and San Luis Obispo, the Main Street Association of Paso Robles, Cal-Poly - San Luis Obispo, the U.S. Small Business Administration, USDA, U.S. Department of Commerce, California Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, California Department of General Services, the Service Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE), financial institutions within the county, Pismo Beach Business Improvement Group and the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association. The SBDC can also provide resources through Cuesta College's Institute for Professional Development and Community Education. 8- -----~-_.- ----~--- - 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Cuesta Colleae Small Business Development Center '. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. ~:~~ 10 /2D(02) Ignature Date Toni Sommer Dean. Community and Economic Development Pri.nted or typed name Title , . \ . . 9- _..--- -- 2004 CDDO Application Organization: D.R.E.A.M. For Kids Supplemental/Oaritication, to CDBG Application RE: Question ##4 - The D..R.E.A.M. (or Kids Foundation would like the distinct jurisdictions reviewing our applicatioD to understmd a few of the key factors regarding the population we serve ( foster kids. and emancipated foster youth) that can make it difficult for us to make a precise breakdown in fimds requested per jurisdiction. Because D.R.E..A.M. is a non-profit. and unlike county, city or state funded agencies (like the Department of Social Services- DSS). we do Dot have access to '. -..--. .- - foster kids in the system, their files or profiles, thus maJciDg it difficult for us to know how many kids there arc in foster care in each city within San Luis Obispo County. Also, as is the nature of foster care and the kids placed in the system. housing placementS for the kids are most often hishJy cbamgcable and mobile, making it hard to consistently track where a child is cuneotly residing (foster care placements are usually for 18months, but many kids don't even last that long). ._._~. Therefore, our organization often serves as a refenal agency for county and city deparbnents dealing with foster children. Agencies like DSS call us to request funds for kids 1.blder their mandate and care, for educational or per.;onal expenses. Rec:e:otly. D.R..E.A.M. was able to sponsor several children nom DSS -SLO County to attend a seminar on self-esteem, professional and life skills training, in San Jose. Although were contaded by DSS for the request, wc aren't given information on which cities in San Luis tbcsc kidsresidc. For this "- reason it is nearly impossible (when serving kids in the system) to give a break down in # of kids served per city in San Luis Obispo county. D.R.E.A.M. helps ANY foster child we are put in contact with in SLO County, and we serve as a key resource and support orpn1~;on for those ". kids who've recently Icft foster care (emancipated foster youth). As it stands, there are about 500 children in foster care in SLO County and only 75 licensed foster homes exist to care for these kids. Every year 45 of our SLO county children are sent out to high-level group homes. As an independent. non-profit organization, we can step in where and when other agencies are over-burdened in serving fost~ kids needs in the system, aDd even more imponandy we can help kids in the interim period as they exit the system and are tceterios on the edge of falling back into an already over.1axcd system.. .becoming homcless, incarcerated or on welfare. ~ Taking into account the above infonnation regarding the population we serve, and in order to meet the CDOO jurisdictioo requirements for breakdown in fimds requested ($30,000). the - D.R..E.A.M. for Kids Foundation has specified bellow what we feel would best serve our needs and the population we serve city by city through San Luis Obispo county: City of Arroyo Grande: $5.000 Cityof~aso Robles: .ll.OO2 City of AtaSCadero: aaoo City of San Luis Obispo: $5.000 City of Grover Beach: $5.000 County of San Luis Obispo: $5,000 . . - - - ".~~._...., -'-- 2004 CDBG Application OrganiZation: iJ, ((. f. A. t.t ter~;~s - ~4~""on.... - ~ COUNl'Y OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDRGi) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 20M PROGRAM YEAR (Attach additionat sheela if necessary) - NOTE: (1) Please review the CCBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this ptOpOHI. A copy of a HUD-prepared COBG etigibility guidebook is available upon reques1 from county staff. Also, please caU county and/or <oity CDBG staff with any Ques~ about how to complete the fam or about ttte rating criteria and prtJ4:ess. - ~..._... (2) If the information for any of the questions below requlre=$ mora room to proVide a complele explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1. Name and maiUng address of applicant organization. with contact person and phone number: -. ._.....:. ~ ~--g.4M. -(r '-<~ ~~~on CO~,'5.: :0. &e}t \~<<C'ST '~~~~L ~~b.r' s.~\..u\~do\~po, CA- ~1a'ioto-~~c:;~ ~_~2.~a\'Q . . ~~ c.w.L4 s.wA6i?'-~ - ~ TW_S$~---GT~1 ---~ ~_1<r ~ ~ ~t:1(,;'" ~~-&..~~"'it ~~ ~.. ~... 2- S"-t'=t I -r.o., 80~ ,~~~ - s,o...n L\.)h 0IDt~ to, ~~\io"- ~~T . I 3. Please describe the proposed ,project or program. Include a description of the groups who wit. benefit and an 8)CpIanation of how they wilt benefit from the plq)OSed project or program. For projecb~ describe the tocetion oIlhe project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For program$. $tate the location ti'om which the program wiD be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also. please include a schedule of projectlprogram milestones. y~ .Saa.. ~~~ (~3) - . - --.-r _. - -- .-----...-- ~"~-, ..< ,. -;~ Organiution: D.R.J.A.M for Kids #3. D.R.E..A..!'\of. is an acronym foT Discovering, R.eaching, Embracing. J\Spirations - for the MiUennium. and became a California non-profit colporation on February I", 2001. The D-R..E.A.M. for Kids :Foundation is a coalition of ~oncemcd community volunteers who want ,to help local mster chi1dt'eft- throl18h ages 22- reach the1r fuU pote:atial. Our ultimate goal is to build a campus in San Luis Obispo County tbat will house. educate and provide treatment 10,. foster cJWd.ren. especially M-risk cbiJdreu and teens. ensuring a therapeutic. stable and loving environment to meet the needs oftbcse '- children in their own community. Our eur....tneed and .......ediate goal, as weD as the proposed PrGKrAlft for which D.R.E.A.M. Is .PP"ing'for the Co..mun.lty Develo,lIIeat Block Gnnt (CDBG), is to devc"p .... i..ple.neat an late....... OD",_C, GeetI-ltuetl Sclaolanbip '. - Prognun, tar:etiG, aDd be.efttla. '.Ole child..... aetti.1 o.t 01 the loafer care --.-... system. The program~s goal is to be able to provide individuaJiud Vocational, Eduearional and/or Professional Scholarships to those fosten' you.th seekJna support during the oft= fragile and. tenuous transition time between leaving foster Can': aDd establishing a fully fi.lDetionina life out on their own.. So far, D.R.E.A.M. bas only been abJe to offer fUnds on a limited basis to .-...I......; emancipated fuster youth seeking support for thinss such as schooling needs (i.e. computers and tuition), personaJ or professional development (i.e, scmiDar-job skills training, housing and vehicle maiDtenance). Most of the kids' request. for npport comes to us through county agenci~ like the Department of Social $c::rviccs and the F-.u1y Care Network.. The more D.R.LA.M is able to teach the kids in. need through \he county ascncies or through kids who hrA: left the system and conta~ us. the more We aCe able to ensure tbat tho future for these children is not one ofretumiDg to our overly burdened ~t~, ' ........... . An estimated IS.0oo 18 year aids arc turned loose every year in the U.S., .._. untrained, uned~ated and unmotivated on lID unsuspecting and non-dJalant public Wesat, Ioc. ofR.ockville, MD., found that 25 to four years after yout'hs left foster ~ ;~:h:d~t ~mpleted high school. 38% had not held a.job for more than one year ' . " n ome1ess f'or at least Olle night 600.4 of young women had' birth ' chsld, and 40~ had be bl"' . gtven to a some othe 0 ~ en on pu IC DSSJstanc", incarcerated or a cost to tbe cormnunity in rwny. - TIle D.R.E..A.M. for Kid, Fomad:atio.'. proposed Scholarsbip p . :;.::e:. by our foundation, While moS! of our business is run through 0'::::: :n be Obispo f and ~y our team of c,ommumty volunteers and Board Members in San Luis recently ~::~VJc~~ and suppo~ encompass the needs of foster children, Ot those . Scholarship Pro~am'C::~~ O~:)Qpe is that with the help of the CDBG our fOster youth throughout ou~ county.cl1trcaJ and weU-known resource fur emancipated . . .- -- - _._~--------------._- ..- ~ - 2004 CD8G Application . Organization: .1) a~t' ~,'.!J!. - 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the ~4P pruposal, and explain below that apples. to the proposal, and explain how.,. project or activity meets that national objeetive, ~ eA<<a. V Benefits law and moderate-income pefSons as defll'1E!d by the U.S. ~~ Department of HoUSing and Urban Devefopment (HUD). ~lo ~ ) - NOTE: To meet this national obJective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in .. particular area of the c:oun\Y or participating city, at least 51 pen::ent of whom are low and moderate-lncome perscns. See cUn'ent income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. b. AidS in the prevention Of" elimination of slums or blighl --...--. NOTE: To meet this national objective. the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area. and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a partiCUlar urgency where --..:. existing conditions pose a serious and Immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are lIWailabl$. NOTE: To meet this national objective. the proposed activity must be provided to 0- deal with major catastrophes Of emergencies such as ftoods or earthquakes. 7. If the pro;ect or progtaM is designed to me.t the National Objective of Pro"lding ~efit to lOW..... Moderate iQoonMt persons, pie... e""" the number of persons (or hOUS:8ho.cIsl to ben8llt from the project and ......k that -- estimate down by income grvup as follows:. a. Total number. of persons or household$ who witl benefit from the project ...- (regardless of income graup): -I' P\C&k, ~ ~ ~seholds (circle the applicable unit) (':S-+ .....) b. Of the total number of persons or hOus8I\oJds entered alMWe. how many will be e- ::J-B>) low-inoome (earning 51 % - 80% or less of the C~ MedIan income)? 1r P\~ ~~ €rsO~Duseholds (cirde the applicable unit) C!:: '7-C ) Co. Of the tolal number of persons or households entered above. how many . .be very low-inoome (ea~ SO% or loess of the Counw Median il'lcome)? .. ~ 0 .~.1..,j ~useholds (circle the applicable unit) - . . i - .. - ..~- - ._.~-- ---- OrganiZltion: D.R,E.A.M for Kids --...--' #6A Emancipatcd foster youth. or those children leavins the foster care system, are DO longer wards of the Court system or assisted by a foster bome environment. Any money that was di:rected to their needs and growth is terminated at the time ofreJease. Their status quickly becomes one of1ow. limit~ or no income in their trials to make a go of'it - on their own. This is where CDBG and. D.R.E.A.M. tor Kids can step in and provide assiStance while they learn what it takes to be prepared to meet the challeuges of work and self-sufficiency (i.e. finding a job, independent living skills and educational development). -,..-... #7 A,B&C The number of kids we can help will be determined by the amount offupdina we are able to receive. The more D,R.E.A.M, is able to ptO"jde scho1arship support for --..._~. emancipated foster.youth. establishing relationships and coumunity outreaeh recopitiod. the more foster youth who leave the system will know where and to whom they cm tum. At least 90% of recently emancipated fOster youth &11 in to the low-income or VCIY low- income category. Currently. there are anywhere 1iom 400.600 chiklren in foster care in San Luis Obispo county, 0aIy 75 Jicensed foster homes exist to care for these children. Every year appr-oximalcly 4S of oW' San Luis Obispo Coullty children are sent out ofthc county to tush tevel homes. Nationwide, an estimated 15,000 18 year olds arc turned loose every YC8%'. - .... ~ . . . - -- -.. ------ ---- 2004 CDSG Appllcatron . Otganization: ~~ F tl:.'dJ;., ----- 4. ToIalamountofCDBGfundsrequested: $ 30A~ r ~ Please identify. the jurisdlc:tion(s) you are applying to*: Caur'\~ -\.0 \ .\e. If you are requatlng CDBG funds from more then one j&lriscficlion. please break down tha - amount shown aboVe by the jurisdiction listed below, City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robfes: city of Atascedero: City of San Luis Obbpo: _;. _'. City of Grover Beach: County of.San Luis Obispo: County-wide: ~ .a::::o ~: If you are applying 10 one or more cities, please provide a copy of the apPflC8tian to the ~ by lhe application deadtine 01 october 20.2003.. . +Wt. 4JfI!. afC.W' tD '\~C'" ~;o\\ee. 4.\~~ f"Ns '\0 ~ 1-...... eo~~ \I~~,-, Ci~~~f\. ~~~ I~""u.. ~!,~Q1D~ .oa.\ Ceu.n~ f-lerd...i~. 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or praoram. a. Re....ues: .1. CDBG Funds requested $ ~ ~ 2. Other funds (please describe below) $ . Total Revenues $ ~ _~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~t"'- \ge........-.,.;..d ~~ ;.a...e ~ - ""'-IV... ;~ . ~ ~........ ~ -..-...t.(-m-..... fno-.......u.. ,- ~::~"' . 'So\0 ~""-\ ~ ~~ N1 d L6. ib ~'&.... ~ . -- ...\._,-~_. ~~ tC:1I860 Cf: ").0,000" ,-....". 100~. of"'-'c.~ '-Y'\~ 40 dI . b. --ndibINs: Ust below by item or cost category. '"'hs 'k. ck\ \~ . ~~\\~ ~~ ~~ ~q~~ ~t\\.-.~ ~(~ ~~ CW~"'- ~~D....cnrr ~'ro~"'~ ~~. I\,eore. ....~ "-c> ~i+.~ -c.~,tut'e..4 cf<< ~~ """"e.. CO~6 f'" aA cUb-kd ~ ~ uj . _ ~ - 2004 COBG Application Organization: f)tt~ 1::,.,'A.Sl 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed -. project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide fa E'iqible CDBG Activities) _ Acquisition of real property _ Oisposition of real property - _ Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisltlo". construction, reconstruction. rehabilitation or installation) _ privatety-owned utilJties _ Clearance. demolition. removal of buildings end improvements. andlor -;~_.. movement of structures to other sites ~'nterim assistance _ Relocation af individuals. families, businesses. non-profit organizeUons, and/or fanns . .....".... _ Removal of architectural barriers _ Housing rehabilitation _ New housing construction (under limited circumstances) _ Code enforcement - _ Historic pres&rvation .... _ Commercial or Industrial rehabilitation ../ Special economic de\lelopment '\/' Special Bcthtities by subrecipien1s _ Public serviceS _ Planning studies - ~ PI~~d~ ':'t'~ ,,~ ~ ~ ~ eh..q;b\~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ i~~ ,~q.'" .~ ~~ 3 ~one.. . . . , - - - ... _. ----_......__.~ "- --. 2004 COBG Application Organlzation:J) ~ <fr K.\'cl.$ 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the Proposed projeCt or ---. program, What would be the consequences if the proposed PI'DJ8ct or progr.ilm is not funded in the next year? ~ Q. R- ~. A. M rt \.c...\~ ~~~ ~-r..... 1b s..~ ~ ~~ '0 ~"'\"a~\\\~~ ~6f~~ ~\cb ~~.~U-"''' (,e.. b'~'~.)J\A,)~ ~~~~\t' ~ ('~~"'\oL\."'7' -n ~~ tA.-,I&. ~~~~ &8. -r1o\~ _;~__. ~~ IC.(~ ~ \ecw~ ~ ~'i~~~" r".:.J CLk.d L. _~ ~,,~ ~ ('('CI""+ad ~ ~ ~ bt.urc. SlC.:, \\~ CLo,d 'i\~od.~ II\~~'" 4<')~ ~ f~ ~~"ZA. ~.s.~ . .,. . --.4....:. ~ ~ ~o.:kd' f~ 'i.o~ c&..,rQ.. . \J~\.~t~ ~ ~ ~,,~ ~~ - ~~'J ~ ~ t.AAL ~'-t~ ~ ~ \...~ M 4.Act. ~O\~ ~~-\O ~~ ~e. ~Qe.~...z.- ~ "'--" ~f"t\. (\.~ULo\.~'d\, ~\tc.. t)..Qs.t:s.~ I etc-.) ~ ... ~.R.E.A-."'" ~'a.~ ~ -hiL ,,\o)\U~~<..~a.d- -to (lDRQ-""'- 1'--~-M. ~-V\U.d. U~~ ~. CQ.t.~~.t.c'~ \.\.e- ~ ok- ~ ~ t..~ ~~ OL ~ . Sin"" D_ ~ &''i~ .4.~v~'6' 6..a.d ~ <fu~ \~hX"~ ~* ~~~_ <<-~~~\L~o-.)~4.uL ~ ~~~.~_. . . ~ .....-' 0- _ ---........-- - 2004 CDBGApplication Organization: Qu~ t<;dq, . ~ 10. Please describe the specific organization(s) method to implement the proposed. project or program: (single or multiple group. with roles: publie agency?; non-profit7; fOl\-profit7: experience 1ft operating similar programs; etc.). ~ \).j!,.~.~f.l cSr v:...~ ~\<bn. ~ ~ '<'cn-\'~ 'T^~ ;jc.A.v(,,& ~ ~~ D~\O ~,~ \fSkA ,.~..- A CJ- ~-~. ~ GA.t.. a~.kd) \o<f-4..~~ tou-r <;..~ ~ ~ L(1l&-~ ~.II!...~"~~ I ~.....~ \.JO~ ~ \ ~ ad,.~ 1i'~ ~~ (3'..;oQ~ "* (~Ca.. Sa...v(fit~_:- ~.. ;:m.,~.:~~\. ~~~~ \'#\~u~ ~ #paL. ~\~'-W\.~~~ ~...r~~,:=r:4MA... ~ ~ ~ p~~ .....t~.. ~ "1;:'~ .-. . ~. ~ ('~~ ~ 10 ~ \1\0., ~~~ . ~ c,...J../or ,V\..L\'Jt~-~ Il.>>-O....L..~,.Q ~ ,-\O~ I ~~ o..u\~ "- ~Ie. ~OI. \6e.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ c::L6 ~ ~~~ ~ 1Qe4+ 10 ~~"'t. ~v......~ ~"cLL. CJrL ~ \~6I~t.Ja4 ~ '4\D--t\ ~ "1...~ . "--'" I certify that the information In this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability itnd knowledge. (k~ ... ID- Ie, 03 Date G...-lA. s....~ - ~ <Js:. ~nda,fG\ ~~. Printed or typed na .. Title -:b~ f-- l(:. ,. clg. , - - . . .....,...., -- -'. - ----- . r " 't(Q)[P)f RECEIVED OCT 2 0 2003 -. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Planning & Bldg COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR 1. Nalile and mailing address of applicant ~rganization, with contact person and phone number: . Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County, Inc. 1030 Southwood Drive, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Program Contact: Jim McNamara, Program Director 805/541-4122, ext. 11 Organizational Contact (for contracts, etc.): Elizabeth Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer 805/544-4355 2, Title/name/address of proposed project or program: EOC Home Repair Program 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. Provide home repair services for very low income households residing in single family homes, mobile homes and multi-family units throughout San Luis Obispo County. Repairs will include roofing, plumbing, flooring, carpentry, electrical and drywall repairs, removal of architectural barriers (installation of wheelchair ramps, hand rails and grab bars and the reconfiguration of bathrooms for access), correction of safety related problems and building code violations, and the testing, repair and replacement of gas appliances (water heaters, stoves, ovens, ranges and furnaces). The program will have an overall goal of assisting 15 (10 in Grover Beach and 5 in Arroyo Grande) very low income households. The estimated average repair cost per household is $2,5000 with a proposed maximum expenditure per household of $4,000,00. The target population will be reached through EOC's existing outreach network and by the promotion of the service through other social service agencies, non-profit organizations and community groups. EOC currently operates a home repair program with CDBG funding in some areas of the County, If this application is funded as requested, the program will be able to remain in continuous operation for the year, allowing EOC to address emergency needs of clients as they arise while maintaining a small crew of home repair technicians year around to handle ongoing home repair requests. EOC is a licensed general contractor and home improvement contractor (State Lic.#623259). Work done under this contract will be perfonned by EOC staff that have expertise in the various phases of construction that are covered under the program. Existing vehicles, tools, equipment and storage space will be used for the proj ect. . ~ _._~------- -- , . ' . ': '"\ .... .~' '.-.. '\,<" - . . .- ~ 1 . ., ~: "'. iJ " ..."" '.~,,,, 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opportunity Commission: Home Repair' ~ The goal will be to serve the numbers of clients listed for each area within one year of starting the contract. Quarterly benchmark goals can be established with each contracting City and the County for expenditures and the number of clients to be assisted. In addition to completing needed home repairs, clients will be advised of a wide range of services available to the lower income population' through EOC and other social service organizations. If eligible for one of EOC's weatherization programs, clients will also receive attic insulation, weatherstripping, water heater blankets, replacement of doors and windows, water saving devices, compact fluorescent lights, replacement refrigerators and energy conservation education 4. Total amount ofCDBG funds requested: $ 37.000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to: Grover Beach, Arroyo Grande If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below, City of Arroyo Grande: $12.000 City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: City of San Luis Obispo: City of Grover Beach: $25.000. County of San Luis Obispo: County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003. 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested .. $ 37,000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $ -0- 3. Total Revenues $ 37,000 b. Expenditures:'List below by item or cost category. Program Salaries $ 17,920,00 ' Construction Materials 11,100,00 Rent (office and warehouse) 2,775.00 Vehicles (fuel and maintenance) 1,425.00 Supplies, telephone, insurance 1,040.00 Administration 2.740.00 Total Expenditures $ 37,000.00 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. x Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by HUD. -- --~ , . . 4 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opportunity Commission: Home Repair Providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): 15 Persons4tousehold~ (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51 % - 80% or less of the County Median income) -0- persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median income)? . 15 Persons~ousehold~ (circle the applicable unit) 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations a,nd Guide to Elilrible CDBG Activities) . - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, . reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) . - Privately-owned utilities . - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or fanns -1L Removal of architectural barri~rs --L- Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients - Public services - Planning studies 9, Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Adequate housing continues to be one of the most crucial needs for our County's lower income population. The problem is being addressed through a variety of methods, including the Homeless Shelter, subsidized housing programs through the Housing Authority and the construction of housing by People's Self Help Housing Corporation. There remains, however, a large percentage of the low income population that resides in existing housing that is often - -.- ,. .. " > I _ 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opporturiity Commission: Home Repair substandard and in need of repairs. EOC's Home Repair Program addresses this problem by providing a variety of home repairs for lower income families, seniors and disabled individuals. Needed repairs include the removal of architectural baniers that restrict disabled and elderly individuals' abilities to move in and around their own homes. This is accomplished through the installation of wheelchair ramps, grab bars, handrails, accessible showers and widened doorways. Other repairs include roofing, carpentry, electrical, drywall, flooring, plumbing repairs ranging from leaky pipes to broken water heaters, safety related repairs and water damage restoration, Completing these repairs helps improve existing housing stock, oftentimes allowing people to stay in their own homes longer, while addressing the housing problem in a cost effective manner. EOC currently operates a Home Repair Program in some areas of San Luis Obispo County, It is targeted at the very low income population (as defined by HUD) residing in both rural and urban parts of the county, If the program is funded as requested in this proposal, home repair services will continue through next year, enabling EOC to maintain continuous operation of the program so that emergency repair needs can be.met in both jurisdictions. 10. Please describe the specific O'rganizatiO'n(s) methO'd to' implement the prO'pO'se.€I prO'ject Dr program: (single or multiple grO'up, with rO'les; public agency?; nO'n-prO'fit?; fO'r-prO'fit?; experience in O'perating similar prO'grams; etc.). EOC is a private non-profit corporation with over 38 years of experience serving our county's lower income community. The program will be administered directly by EOC's Energy Conservation Services department, which has over 20 years experience. operating home repair, weatherization and energy conservation. EOC works closely with a variety of private non- profit and public social service agencies including the Area Agency on Aging, Lifesteps, Transitions, Adult Protective Services, Social'Security Administration, and local senior centers while also benefiting from EOC's own community outreach efforts in Head Start, Health - Services, Migrant Head Start, Promotoras' Comunitarias and State and Utility Company funded weatherization programs. I certify that the infO'rmatiO'n in this applicatiO'n is true and accurate to' the best O'f my ability and O'wledge. (() (2-eJ1 0 ") Elizabet "Biz" Steinberg Date Chief xecutive Officer -~-~..__.- ---~_._-- ~_.-- . ((;(O)\F>'Yr .,. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM. YEAR 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: Economic OPportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County, Inc. 1030 Southwood Drive. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Program Contact: Jim McNamara, Program Director 805/541-4122, ext. 11 Organizational Contact (for contracts, etc.): Elizabeth Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer 805/544-4355 2, Title/name/address of proposed project or program: EOC Home Repair Program . 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. Provide home repair services for very low income households residing in single family homes, . mobile homes and multi-family units throughout San Luis Obispo County, Repairs will include . roofing, plumbing, flooring, carpentry, electrical and drywall repairs, removal of architectural barriers (installation of wheelchair ramps, hand rails and grab bars and the reconfiguration of bathrooms for access), correction of safety related problems and building code violations, and the testing, repair and replacement of gas appliances (water heaters; stoves, ovens, ranges and furnaces). The program will have an overall goal of assisting 15 (10 in Grover Beach and 5 in Arroyo Grande) very low income households. The estimated average repair cost per household is $2,5000 with a proposed maximum expenditure per household of "$4,000,00, The target population will be reached through EOC's existing outreach network and by the promotion of the service through other social service agencies, non-profit organizations and community groups. EOC currently operates a home repair program with CDBG funding in some areas of the County. If this application is funded as requested, the program will be able to remain in continuous operation for the year, allowing EOe to address emergency needs of clieQ.ts as they arise while maintaining a small crew of home repair technicians year around to handle ongoing home repair requests. EOCis a licensed general contractor mid home improvement contractor (State Lic.#623259). Work done under this contract will be performed by EOC staff that have expertise in the various phases of construction that are covered under the program. Existing vehicles, tools, equipment and storage space will be used for the project. _...~- --..--- --~ -,,'. ..1.....'... - . .~- . . . , . . " .... ..." '-.. " .~ 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opportunity Commission: Home Repair '" The goal will be to serve the numbers of clients listed for each area within one year of starting the contract. Quarterly benchmark goals can be established with each contracting City and the County for expenditures and the number of clients to be assisted, In addition to completing needed home repairs, clients will be advised of a wide range of services available to the lower income population - through EOC and other social service organizations. If eligible for one of EOC's weatherization programs, clie~ts will also receive attic insulation, weatherstripping, water heater blankets, replacement of doors and windows, water saving devices, compact fluorescent lights, replacement refrigerators and energy conservation education 4. .Total amount ofCDBG funds requested: $ 37.000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to: Grover Beach, Arroyo Grande If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please breakdown the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. . City of Arroyo Grande: $12,000 City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: City of San Luis Obispo: - . City of Grover Beach: $25.000 County of San Luis Obispo: County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003, 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a, Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested - $ 37,000 2. . Other funds (please describe below) $ -0- 3, Total Revenues $ 37,000 b, Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Program Salaries $ 17,920,00 Construction Materials 11,100.00 Rent (office and warehouse) 2,775.00 Vehicles (fuel and maintenance) 1,425.00 Supplies, telephone, insurance. 1,040.00 Administration 2.740.00 Total Expenditures $ 37,000,00 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one ofth.e three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. 'a. x Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by HUD. --- < 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opportunity Commission: Home Repair Providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): . 15 personsJthouseholds\ (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51% - 80% or less of the County Median income) -0- persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median income)? 15 personSJthouseholds\ (circle the applicable unit) 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities) . - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) , - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or mQvement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or fanns .-L Removal of architectural barriers --L- Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation .- Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients Public services , Planning studies - 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Adequate housing continues to be one of the most crucial needs for our County's lower income population. The problem is being addressed through. a variety of methods, including the Homeless Shelter, subsidized housing programs through. the Housing Authority and the construction of housing by People's Self Help Housing Corporation. There remains, however, a large percentage of the low income population that resides in existing housing that is often --~- .'- 2004 CDBG Application Economic Opporturiity Commission: Home Repair '. substandard and in need of repairs, EOC's Home Repair Program addresses this problem by, providing a variety of home repairs for lower in~ome families, seniors and disabled individuals. Needed repairs include the removal of architectural barriers. that restrict .disabled and elderly individuals' abilities to move in and around their own homes. This is accomplished through the installation of wheelchair ramps, grab bars, handrails, accessible showers and widened doorways,' Other repairs include roofing, carpentry, electrical, drywall, flooring, plumbing repairs ranging from leaky pipes to broken water heaters, safety related repairs and water damage restoration. Completing these repairs helps improve existing housing stock, oftentimes allowing people to stay in their own homes longer, while addressing the housing problem in a cost effective manner. , EOC currently operates a Home ~epair Program in som~ ~eas of San Luis Obispo. County, It is targeted at the very low income population (as defined by HUD) residing in both rural and urban parts of the county, If the program is funded as requested in this proposal, home repair services will continue through next year, enabling EOC to maintain continuous operation of the program so that emergency repair needs can be.met in both jurisdictions. 10, Please describe the specific organization(s) method to implement the propos~4 project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non~profit?; for-profit?; experience in operating similar programs; etc.). EOC is a private non-profit corporation with over 38 years of experience serving our COUIity's lower income community. The program will be administered directly by EOC's Energy Conservation Services department, which has over 20 years experience operating home repair, weatherization and energy conservation. EOC works closely with a variety of private non- profit and public social service agencies including the ~a Agency on Aging, Lifesteps, Transitions, Adult Protective Services, Social Security Administratiori, and local senior centers while also benefiting from EOC's own community outreach efforts in Head Start, Health Services, Migrant Head Start, Promotoras Comunitarias and State and Utility Company funded weatherization programs. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability aOWI:dg~ 10'(2-0(0 ~ Elizabe "Biz" Steinberg . Date Chief xecutive Officer - -- -- 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2003/2004 PROGRAM YEAR 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: San Luis Obispo County YMCA South County Progr~mming Office CC~~V ~ -, A TTN: Kelly Vough, South County Regional Director B .. - - .' 340 Pomeroy 0 " ~ ~ Pismo Beach, CA 93449 ~) (805) 773-4182 f'.'\ - ') c:> - - -:1 -\ ~.- < . 2. Title/name of proposed project or program . . - , . , - .) Y Teen X-Treme Program '.? 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from ~he. proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic are'a served by the program, AIS"O, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The YMCA's Y Teen X-Treme Program directly serves the early adolescent and middle school students arid their families at Judkins (Pismo Beach), Paulding, and Mesa Middle Schools (Arroyo Grande), and Flamson as well as Daniel Lewis Middle Schools (Paso Robles). These schools serve all middle school students who reside in these cities as well as in Grover Beach, Oceano, and Nipomo, In Shandon, the Y T,een X- Treme program will be available to middle and high school students as they are combined at one school. Y Teen X-Treme is offered after school every afternoon (due to ~udget constraints through Thursday only in Paso Robles) -and is located on one of the school campuses (Mesa), while the Judkins and Paulding program is held daily at the South County YMCA Programming facility (known to these students as the Y Teen Beach House). The Paso Robles program is located at Centennial Park and is offered through a partnership between the city and the YMCA. Shandon's program will be held at the community center adjacent to the school campus, Each site is convenient for students and their families to access, and in the South County and Los Osos, buses are provided for transportation home at the end of the program day, Y Teen X- Treme is offered free to families and. is available to all students attending these schools. The San Luis Obispo County YMCA created a 'Teen Philosophy' to guide curriculum at this first-of-its-kind in the county, after school program for middle school students, We first defined teens by the interests and social patterns that are indicative of that age i - . 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA group, We solicited the input of young people to determine that if they were an "- adolescent that was living their life to the fullest, they would likely be drawn to parties, dances, relationships, the night, fun, and food, while also feeling the need for personal rights, parental guidance, and expression. We recognized the probability that if a middle school youth was living life to the fullest and engaging in all of these activities during non-school hours, without adult supervision or intervention, that these behaviors . could lead to risk-taking and leave opportunities for poor decision making. The YMCA has a long history of positive youth development and by design, is asset- based and utiliz~. p-:rtfl'fary preyeotiqn strategies to attain desired outcomes, We developed our w~tef6f Clyb qhoic~~ to speak to the interests of teens while creating a secure environment with a.wid~~ariety of skills-building activities for them to choose from, Participants will experience the benefits of interaction with consistent, supportive and well-trained staff in a safe, supervised setting. - Teens will arrive after school to engage in activities that they choose from the Wheel of Club Choices (3 choices offered each day.) Facilitated by trained staff, these options include but are not limited to clubs such as the Homework Club, Rad Reporters (journalism through press releases/newsletters highlighting teens in the cOmmunity,) Great Growers (garden/composting areas at sites,) Roving Recyclers, Career Seekers (guest speakers and job shadow opportunities,) and Teen Connections (participa!1ts interact with older adults at local senior residences/ visit younger children at one of the YMCA's After School Adventures Programs/intermingle with high school memberS of the Y Earth Service Corps.) Art, music, cooking, and sports are also favorite selections among the teens and are options that are offered every day, Live & Learn is presented to the students one-two times each month and features an array of guest speakers who tell their personal stories of success with emphasis on the benefits of making wise choices and living healthy lifestyles. In addition to the after school program, the YMCA will offer monthly Friday night Teen Dances, Teen Trips on scheduled weekends throughout the year, and local educational field trips after school. We will continue to add skills building selections to our club choices that challenge teens and appeal to their interests, as well as offer presentations by health professionals designed to engage these young people in dialogue to promote communication about teen health issues, Partners in determining program direction and identifying age-appropriate components that will be popular with teens are representatives from that group who assist staff in planning and facilitating interactive talk sessions and activities. A component of all YMCA Teen Programs is the Character Counts curriculum, designed by the Character Counts Institute, The Six Pillars of Character; Respect, Citizenship, Caring, Responsibility, Trustworthiness and Fairness are the foundation of our program management plan and is the basis built upon for interaction among staff and participants, and .teens amongst their peers. Hands on service learning projects planned and performed each month by the teens and adult staff will promote a feeling of value and sense of purpose for the teens. Reflection/Recognition exercises will serve to make service a meaningful experience. ---- -- , 2003 CDBGApplication Organization: San Luis ObiS\Jo County YMCA Program Milestones Y Teen X-Treme participants will be involved in weekly. positive after school activities at no cost to the family (minimal fee charged for special events/off site field trip, Financial assistance is available in these instances). Teens will plan and implement 24 events or.activities for their peers throughout the school year. Youth will develop a strong and positive relationship with an adult leader(s), Youth will participate in and reflect on 32 service-learning projects throughout the year that in order to serve the larger community/benefit others, - Y Teen X-Treme participants will be able to define leadership and will describe a significant leadership experience. Youth will have increased experience with the important workplace and civic skills of teamwork, negotiation, conflict resolution and communication, Teens will learn to make decisions, to problem solve as a team, and to be responsible to each other for group outcomes. Youth will demonstrate a better understanding of the positive character traits of caring, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, good citizenship, and responsibility. The number of DSS clients who work will increase. The earnings of DSS clients in San Luis Obispo CountY will increas~, Participants employed in non-subsidized jobs will continue to be self sufficient Work force productivity will increase. ~ - ...... . w.,~. '. ..-. ........... . ..... ..- ...... - _.__.~ ..' ." '. . 2003 CDBG ApDlication Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA 4, Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $14.000,00 ". Ph~ase identify the jurisdiction (s) you are applying to City of Arrovo Grande. City of Grover.Beach. City of Paso Robles. Nipomo. Oceano. Los Osos. and Shandon. If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $4,000.00 City of Grover Beach: $4,000,00 City of Paso Robles $4,000.00 Unincorporated County (Oceano, Los Osos, Shandon): $20,000.00 5, Ple.ase" describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a: Revenues: 1. "CDBG Funds requested $ 32,000.00 2, Other funds (please describe below) $233.670.00 (Other funds include Department of Social Services $200,000,00 City of Paso Robles $ 30,670.00 United Way $ 3,000.00 Total Revenues $265,670,00 b, Expenditures: List below by item or cost category, Salaries & Wages Regional/Program Directors $65,000,00 Key Leaders $49,280,00 Program Staff ~50.490,OO Wages Sub-Total $164,770.00 Payroll Taxes $25.000,00 Total Wages $189.770,00 Supplies Food $20,250 Program Supplies $20,250 Total Supplies $40,500.00 Transportation & Field Trips Lucia Mar School District Buses $10,000,00 SLCUSD Buses $10,000.00 Ride-On Transportation/Silverado $ 9,400.00 Field Trips ~ 6.000.00 Total Transportation & Field Trips $35,400.00 GRAND TOTAL $265,670,00 - --- - " ... ..w..... 2003 CDBG Ap~lication Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDSG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a,_ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U,S, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), The percentage of low and very low-income families in the North County who receive CalWORKs is 44%. Residents there who receive Medi-Cal assistance is 40%, and those who receive General Assistance make up 19% of that population, The percentage of low and very low-income families in the Coastal Region who receive CalWORKs is 10%, Residents there who receive Medi-Cal assistanc:e is 13%, and - those who receive General Assistance make up 14% of that population. The percentage of low and very low-income families in the South County who receive CalWORKs is 33%, Residents there who receive Medi-Cal assistance is 31%, and those who receive General Assistance make up 24% of that population, Many of today's families are supported by a single parent who may work many hours and has likely struggled to pay for after school chiJdcare throughout their . young child's school-age years. Indeed, over 60% of South County families who are enrolled in YMCA after school childcare programs for students in K-6th grade.-. at local schools qualify for subsidized childcare assistance with the San Luis Obispo County Ecgnomic Opportunity Commission (E.O,C.), When their children move on to middle school, they no longer qualify for assistance, as after school care is looked upon as a low priority for this age group, This perspective directly contradicts national and local studies that show that during the non-school hours of 3:00 - 6:00 PM, the highest incidences of youth risk-taking behavior takes place. In fact, just this past September the executive director of San Luis Obispo County's E.O.C. traveled to Washington D.C. to protest new legislation being presented that would exclude the family of any child over 12 years old from receiving subsidized care. Unfortunately that budget measure did pass and many adolescents ~nd their families in San Luis Obispo County will suffer as a result. This program directly addresses the basic need of childcare for this particular constituency. Needy working parents of middle school students are particularly challenged by the lack of safe and supportive environments for their children after school. This is when parents and other community members, but most importantly the students themselves, report a sense of fearfulness, episodes of intimidation and gang and drug related activity, This is also the time when young adolescents are most likely to engage in sexual activity, There is no doubt that these issues affect all students and their families to some degree; however it is those same families most likely to benefit from assistance from the Department of Social Services that also find a great sense of relief knowing their children are safe and happily engaged after school. - - .' .., '.. . ..... 2003 CDBG ApDlication Organization: San Luis Obi~o County YMCA By offering'the Y Teen X-Treme program at no cost to the participants, parents can afford to enroll their teens in 'a structured, organized, supervised, program, As a result, parents are able to focus on their jobs, decrease absenteeism, and feel confident that while they are at work their teens are engaged in positive, safe, enriching, activities after school. By providing transportation for the students {in Los Osos and South County, parents are able to work later in the aftemoon and know that their children have a safe ride home. Participants employed in non-subsidized jobs will continue to be self-sufficient. Our community will be enhanced by maintaining a low unemployment rate, and as a long range goal, will help the youth participating in this program gain skills, pursue their educations successfully, and learn more about the options the work world offers, and will help them become more employable as they mature to working age, - Additionally, youth, who would not otherwise have the opportunity to travel throughout the County after school to learn about their community, interact with businesses, colleges, elected officials, and help to improve their environment, will attend low cost field trips that serve to broaden their view of their personal future, Parents needing financial assistance for fee based field trips or special events for their teens complete a YMCA Financial Assistance Application with income veri~cation included. Assistance is based on income and family size and is awarded on a -sliding scale. 7. If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will' benefit from the project (regardless of Income group): 1150/Households will benefit from the project regardless of income group 633 students who live in Arroyo Grande attend Judkins, Mesa, or Paulding Middle School 312 students who live in Grover Beach attend Judkins, Mesa, or Paulding Middle School 204 students who live in Oceano attend Judkins, Mesa, or Paulding Middle School 710 students who live in Nipomo attend Judkins, Mesa, or Paulding Middle School 300 students who live in Los Osos attend Los Osos Middle School 1625 students who live in Paso Robles attend either Daniel Lewis or Flamson Middle Schools 133 students who live in Shandon attend Shandon Middle/High School b, Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51% or less of the County Median income)? _.. - ---.-.-- ----..-- ,.' .,. ..... . .... . " ......, '" '.. .. ~,..'... ~...... . 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obist>o County YMCA 18% Low-Income Students attending Mesa Middle School in Arroyo Grande 12% Low-income Students attending Judkins Middle School in Pismo Beach 23% Low-income Students attending Paulding Middle School in Arroyo Grande 11 % Low-income students attending Los Osos Middle School in Los Osos 10% Low-income students attending Daniel Lewis and Flamson Middle Schools in Paso Robles 17% Low-income students attending Shandon Middle/High School in Shandon c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County Median income)? 31% Low-Income Students attending Mesa Middle School in Arroyo Grande 30% Low-income Students attending Judkins Middle School in Pismo Beach 17% Low-income Students attending Paulding Middle School in Arroyo Grande 18% Low-income students attending Los Osos Middle School in Los Osos 27% Low-income students attending Daniel Lewis and Flamson Middle Schools in Paso Robles 51 % Low-income students attending Shandon MiddlelHigh School in Shandon -~ M'~ ..' .. - . .... ".. ~, .. ....-..... .'. _. . ._~'.. . . _... .' -, 4...;.. 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately -owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms . - Removal of architectural barriers - Housing rehabilitation - New Housing Construction - Code enforcement - Historic preservation - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development X Special activities by sub recipients X Public services - Planning studies ""- , ,~ ..... -,.. , ... .. 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA ,. 9..Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? The San Luis Obi~po County YMCA, in. paying particular attention to data that determines current and estimated population growth trends determined by age, found that youth between the ages of13 - 17 are the fastest growing in comparison to any . other age group, In light of this information coupled with studies that show this same age group is most at risk for engaging in unhealthy behaviors, we are demonstrating our commitment to filling unmet needs in our community through innovative, outcomes- based programming. Since its inception in 1998, the San Luis Obispo County YMCA's Teen Programs Department has strived to meet the challenge of providing age- appropriate, vC[i/ues-based programming/activities/events that promote good character, personal accountability, and responsible behavior to this ever-growing populace. - The teen program in South County and Los Osos is offered free to participants through successful collaborations between the YMCA, th~ San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services (OSS), mini-grants awarded by the United Way of San Luis Obispo County, San Luis Obispo County, Lucia Mar and San Luis Coastal School Districts, (in- kind facility space), and current CDBG funds. The Department of Social Services has contributed the overwhelming majority of funding to the Y Teen X-Treme program,in these regions as part of its commitment to help move families from monetary . assistance to work. In the North County, the City of Paso Robles partners with the YMCA to offer Y Teen X-Treme there. The YMCA does not currently offer this program in Shandon even though just this year we did partner with that community to offer drop- in childcare at the elementary school. The CDBG funds requested will serve as start- up money for the teen program in Shandon, While we received funding to operate Y Teen X-Treme in the 2001/2002 school years due to available Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Incentive Funds from the Department of Social Services, tho~e funds are no longer available. In 200212003 funds were awarded through CalWORKS monies from that agency. Though Y Teen X- Treme has enjoyed program growth for the past three years, this year we needed to reduce staff and hours they work, the numbers offield trips offered, transportation costs, and program supplies/food. In Paso Robles, shortfalls as expected by the City in order to operate the program dictated that we were not able to open the site one day each day there. We are aware that the outlook for next year's state funding that will affect our county's agencies is again, bleak, and the YMCA's ability to continue to provide this outstanding program to our families is in jeopardy. Preliminary projections of program components that will need to be eliminated next year that directly relate to benefits for our families include but are not limited to, bus transportation home, additional staff cuts, serving fewer teens and a real possibility of being forced to close one or more of the program sites. The need for programs that address the risk-taking behaviors that are prevalent in adolescents, who are not engaged in positive, after school programs that are supervised by caring adults, is clear. A long-term study of American youth, Ado/escent .- . ..... ....... .... . 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA T!me Use and Risky Behavior, found that when comparing teens who spent one to four ~ hours a week in extracurricular activities with thos~ who spent no time in such activities, the "no time" students were 57% more likely to drop out their senior year, 49% more likely to use drugs, 37% more likely to be a teen parent, 35% more likely to drink and 27% more likely to smoke. They also discovered that a kid who had one risky behavior was two to four times more likely to have another, This overlapping would suggest that programs that focus on one type of risky behavior are too narrow and that promoting positive behavior is the best counter. The 2003 Indicator Report for the Action for Healtt)y Communities Survey that tracks the quality of life in San Luis Obispo as expressed by community residents, has just been compiled and disseminated. Here are the important findings as related to issues sited in this proposal: results of the survey question, "Does your child or children have enough activities after school and on weekends, including recreational and cultural?", show that the number of parents who are satisfied with the after school activities in 2003 dropped substantially from 2001, This suggests a growing concern among parents about after school hours. According to the Educational Resources Information Center. "The number of children and adolescents without family supervision after school is increasing." These children risk injury, victimization, bad nutrition, and the negative impact of excessive televi$ion viewing.., Those who IIhang out" with similarly aimless friends may join gangs or -' engage in premature sexual activity, tobacco, drug and alcohol use. and other anti- social behavior". Participation in constructive non-school activities not only lessens these risks but also encourages learning, teamwork, discipline, and mastery of skills. The report documents high school dropout rates and indicators point out that while these rates have on a gradual decline in San Luis Obispo County for the past six years, since the 1999-2000 school year, this decline is slowing in rate, Forthe,2001-2002 school year, San Luis Coastal Unified School District had the highest dropout rate, however for the one-year rate for the same year, Shandon - an area where the YMCA is requesting these CDBG funds in order to operate, had the highest dropout rate in the County, Results of the survey that indicate percentage of teens who use tobacco in San Luis Obispo County is 6% for 7th graders, 17% for 9th graders, and 23% for 11 th graders. Trends have shown that the likelihood of a student smoking increases as students grow older and our local survey shows that is the case, Among young people, the short-term health consequences of smoking include respiratory and non-respiratory effects, addiction to nicotine, and the associated risk of other drug use, Long-term health consequences of youth smoking are reinforced by the fact that most young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood, In addition, teens who smoke are three times more likely than non-smokes to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine, The Teen Birth Rate portion of the survey measured the number of births to teen women between the ages of 15 - 19 in San Luis Obispo County for every thousand women of the same age in the population. Findings indicate that while the county's teen birth rate remains below the statewide average, the percentage of teens giving ---~ ~- .... .. ..... . ..,.. .. .. .. ., .... 2003 CDBG A~Dlication Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA birth in San Luis Obispo County stands at approximately 30%, BecalJse pregnancy and child bearing during adolescence can jeopardize the health of both the mother and unborn child and teen mothers are at greater risk for having pregnancy complications, premature births, and low birth weight infants, teen births represent a significant financial burden to the public, The state estimate that close to 75% of all teen births are paid by Medi-Cal, and the total public program costs for the first year of one teen pregnancy conservatively hovers around $10,000. Young mothers can also face . decreased employment opportunities, lower educational attainment, and increased likelihood of poverty and welfare dependence, Findings from the survey regarding teen alcohol use show that large numbers of San Luis Obispo County high schoolers, about 33% of 11 th graders, participate in binge drinking, Almost one in five freshman and more than one in three juniors 'report drinking five or more drinks at one time. Drinking levels among teens are substantially - higher in San Luis Obispo County than statewide rates, I.n addition to increased likelihood of addiction as well as short-term and long-term health risks, binge drinkers open themselves up to many alcohol-related problems, including losing control over their actions, making poor choices, and taking part in high-risk activities such as unprotected sex and driving while intoxicated, ~--- -- -~--- ~- ..... J '. 2003 CDBG Application Organization: San Luis Obispo County YMCA ,. 10. Please describe the specific organlzatlon(s) method to implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profl~?; for-profit?; experience In operating similar programs; etc,). The YMCA is a non-profit agency that will contimJe to maximize collective assets through partnerships with other community agencieslbusinessesl organizationsl cities/county, etc, to provide programs that meets an' ongoing need, There will always be young adolescents entering middle school-and it is important to offer to this constituency an age-appropriate program at low or no cost. The San Luis Obispo County YMCA Y Teen X-Trame Program is in its fifth year of operation offering a teen program to all Judkins, Mesa, Paulding, Flamson, and Daniel Lewis middle school students. Four years for the program in Los Osos. The Lucia Mar - Unified School District, San Luis Coastal Unified School District, San Luis Obispo County YMCA, City of Paso Robles, and the Department of Social Services, came together to address already defined community needs and assets as they relate to the middle school student. Each entity brings to this collaboration common goals and the clear understanding that by working together with a wide.variety of community based partners, there is an excellent opportunity to significantly change the lives of this community's youth and that of the community itself. - The YMCA will continue to work with local business/agency/city/county/schools and the larger community to secure Program Partners that will support specific clubs offered by the Y Teen X-Treme After School Middle School Program through ongoing funding of club activities and expenses, Funding secured by the County of San Luis Obispo Community Development Block Grant will be used to pay for staff, program supplies, transportation, and field trip costs for the school year, I cert' that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my abi' and knowled , ~ --.- _.._--- . .' t~(P)f o. 2004 CDBG AI)I)lication Organization: The Harvest Bag~ Inc. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISI)O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM. APPLICATION FOR FU~DING DURING 2004 I)ROGltAM YEAR t. Name and mailing address of applicant o."ganization, with contact pe."son and ()hone number: The Harvest Bag, Inc. Contact Person: Mr. Herman E. Olave 0 P.O. Box 628 Phone Number: (805) 489-4223 Oceano, CA 93445 2. Title/name of proposed project or program: "Feeding the Hungry in San Luis Obispo County" 3. Please describe the proposed project or IJrogram. Include a description of theO . g."OUPS who will benefit and an explanation of how tltey will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specifie as I)Ossible, e.g. street address). For I)rograms, state the location from which the I)rogl'am will be operated and/or describe the geogral)hic area served by the ()rogram. Also, please include a schedule of project/I)rogram milestones, Harvest Bag is an aU-volunteer organization whose mission is to provide nourishing, supplemental food, available to all who deem themselves needy in San Luis Obispo County. Fruits and vegetables are gleaned from cooperating area farms. Staples are collected daily from generous local grocers. This food is then distributed weekly to the economicatly disadvantaged which includes: single-parent families, the working poor, disabled individuals and head-of-households, the homeless, and seniors on low, fixed incoPles. . Each Wednesday morning, rain or shine, we issue this food to the needy at the Soto Sports Complex, on Ash Street, in Arroyo Grande, CA. We operate an ambulatory food issue line, a drive-through, disabled issue line and delivery service to disabled, home-bound seniors. We also deliver units of food that same day to community centers throughout the County: Nipomo, Oceano, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, California Valley, and wherever there is a request for such services. Each week, our milestone is to provide ample, nutritious foods to the many needy people that depend on this program. Our greatest milestone. however, is securing sufficient funds, each year, to continue with this grass-roots. much-needed program. Funds are especially critical now to 1). Help meet the monthly rental of our warehouse facilities and 2). Upkeep on our fleet of vehicles in order to transport food to the needy iil all areas of the County . , ~ 4, Total amount of CODG funds requested: $ 20,000.00 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to*: City of Arroyo Grande, and City of Grover Beach Ifyou are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of AITOYO Grande: $10.000.00 City of Grover Beach: $10.000.00 *Note: lfyou are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20,2003. 5, Please describe the budget for the proposed project or progrAm, . a, Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $20,000.00 2. Other funds (please desaibe below) Donations from Supporters. . . . .. . 10,000.00 Donations for food units. . . . . .. . . . 64,000.00 Others Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,000.00 Fund-raising Efforts. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .2,000.00 Rental (sub-leased apartment). . . .. 13,000.00 Total Revenues $104,000.00 ExDenditures: list below by item or cost category. 1. Salaries - All Volunteer Staff. . . . . . . . . . $ 000.00 2. Travel & Mileage reimbursement. . . . . . . . . .2,000.00 3. Professional Services (Accounting). . . . . . . . 2,500.00 4. Postage, Printing, Office Supplies. . . . .. . ... 500.00 5.Rent (warehouse & coolers), . . . . . . . . . , . .. , . . . , . . . , , , , . .. 45,000,00 6.Telephone & website. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .1,000.00 7.Repair & Maintenance of Vehicles & Equipment. , , ..........,..,..1.0,000,00 8.Vehicle & liability Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000.00 9.Food Purchases. . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . .. . 10,000.00 10. General Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..2,000.00 11. Vehicle Operating Costs. (4 trucks, 4 vans, 2 fork-lifts). . . . . . . .. . 15,000.00 12.Utilities. . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000.00 13. Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 Total Expenditures $124,000.00 2 -- . . 6. Does the l)rOI)Osed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of tbe objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that apl)lies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity mects that national obj('ctive. a. X Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by lhe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or partidpating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. Sec.current income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. b. ---..:. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slwn or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration orthe area. c. X Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of . the community, and no other funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deat with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 7, If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate income persons. please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the proje~t (regardless of income group): A minimum of 50P households each week for 50 weeks of distribution equals a minimum of 25,000 households benefit from this program. The percentage of one-person households is not certain but is estimated at approximately 25 (5%) each week. . 25,000 Personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many wi,1 be low~ income (earning 51% - 80% or less ofthe County Median income)? Again, there has been no designation required to determine how many of our clients ~re from one~ member households. We do know that many in our older senior, and single-parent familiy populations fall in that category. The majority of our clients (60%) fall into the low~income bracket. 60% persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, I lOW many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median income)? 40% Personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) 3 -_._,---- -._--- -.--...--- -- . . 2004 COBG Application Organization: The Harvest Bag, Inc. ~ 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that 81)1)ly to the prOI)Osed project or lu"ogram: (Refer to CDBG regulations .and Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or fanus Removal of architectural barriers . - - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circuinstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation X Commercia] or industria] rehabilitation -- - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients --=.X_ Public services -- Planning studies 4 ---~-_...- ~--- I .-- . . 9. Describe the need and tile degree to urgency for the l)rOposedl)roject or program. What ,yould be the consequences if the l)fOI)Osed I)foject or program is not funded in the next year? Harvest Bag, is an all volunteer organization, with a long history of public trust. We remain committed to this community and to our mission, To Feed The Hungry. We operate on a tight budget. As we voiced last year, our equipment and vehicles, mainly used and donated in the first place, are always in need of repair and eventual replacement. Through past, generous CDBG grants, we were abl~ to update one of our freezer units, and purchase a more reliable fork1ift and pallet jacks. Our dedication is strong but our infrastructure is weakening. Equipment and vehicles must be replaced andl or repaired in order to operate with safety. We need help with our burdensome monthly warehouse rent. With the relief of some of this responsibility, funds could be released to extend the program where needed, and to I I purchase staples with high nutritional value to supplement food issues. The following is a list of OUf most urgent needs: Mechanical repairs on frequently used vehicles & equilJment. . . . 5,000.00 Help with warehouse rental ($3,500/month). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000.00 . TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . .. . .$ 20, 000,00 What are the consequences of not receiving grant money" In spite or the many - . other food distribution programs that come and go in our cOllnty~the value and stability of the Harvest Bag program have been proven over the 22 years of our existence. The question, " What would be the consequences of Harvest Bag not continuing its services to San Luis Obispo County?" needs to be answered Without grant money. Harvest Bag would be unable to continue its services to this community. As a result ,each week, approximately 2,000 persons (the majority of whom are children) would be denied an adequate supply of nutritious foods such as broccoli, carrots, and milk. These good, useable foodstuffs, most of which are donated by local farmers and. grocers, would probably be wasted. Harvest Bag finds itself in a position to break this pattern and provide a real service to those persons in our community who struggle to fulfi)l basic needs. Donations from generol,lS individuals and foundations as well as grant money makes this service . possible. 5 ~_. '- . . 2004 CDBG Application Organization: The Harvest Bag, Inc -10, Please describe the specific organization(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience In operating similar programs; etc,), Harvest Bag is an all-volunteer organization. Officials are elected each year and these officers each take on a specific duty needed to complete the many aspects of Ollr work. Board Members are appointed and serve for an undetermined period, helping to define the needs and policies of the organization. There is a monthly meeting of all members at which time a general discussion is held of our progress, practices and problems. Membership dues are collected each year and we are active members of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of San Luis Obispo County. Harvest Bag, even though it is a unique non-profit group, maintains ties and cooperates with City, County and State Agencies. Other food-distribution programs such as "Food Bank" and "Meals on Wheels" often look to Harvest Bag to augment their supply of foodstuffs. We are an honorary member of the State Senior Brown Bag Program. . Because our capacity for food storage and preservation is greater than any - . other non-profit agency in the County, we are regarded as an agency prepared to assist during times of emergencies such as earthquake, flood, or even terrorist attack. Harvest Bag is proud and feels obligated to continue to offer ftll the above- mentioned services to the community. We do admit, however, that we must. depend on you and other granting institutions for the financial support to continue the work of Harvest Bag. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. - /~~n/ i. ~ /0.- /{" ~tJ.:J Signature Date flerlt1o() E (9/a ve.. ) fi!e:s,d d~1 f. Ik ~rl/esf p:~).ke... Printed or typed name , Title 6 \1 -- _._-~ ~ . HARVEST BAG, INC. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS: President: Herman E, Olave 222 W, Cherry Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 473-2114 (Home) 489-4223 (Office) 1" Vice President: Bert Berringer 157 Walnut Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 473-8249 2nd Vice President: Eloise Kohal 923 Mentone Grover Beach, CA 93433 Phone: (805) 489-6138 Treasurer: Vern Sketo 194 N, Elm Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 489-3409 . Secretary: Patricia Collins 517 Rosemary Lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805-489-2321 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President and Chairman: Herman e, Olave Member: Alice Huerta 754 Rockaway Avenue GroverBeach,CA 93433 Phone: (805).473-1792 Member: Bill Holliday 577 Sheridan Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 343-2581 Member: Oscar Wolff 678 Balboa Street Grover Beach,CA 93433 r,; Phone: (805) 489-9~876 , I I; \;; ij I II II I~ .. T,"1'1'I:'D,"'~-T. 01:'111:''""'1:'-- C!o-",n'lf'l?'01:r --"-.---- . ....... . .... ~ ~._y ~_......------.. /. , . - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY p, O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 . .Employer Identification Number: Date: JUN 2 0 2000 95-3581196 DLN: 17053155743010 HARVEST BAG INC Contact Person: PO BOX 628 MITCHELL P TOLOKONSKY ID# 31365 OCEANO, CA 93445 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Our Letter Dated: January 1981 Addendum Applies: No Dear Applicant: This modifies our letter of the above date in which we stated that you would be treated as an organization that is not a private foundation until the .expiration of your advance ruling period~ Your exempt status under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) is still in effect, Based on the information you submitted, we have determined that you are not a private :. foundation within the meaning of section 509(a).of the Code because you are an organization of the type described in section 509(a) (1) and 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) . Grantors and contributors may rely on this determination unless the Internal Revenue Service publishes notice to the contrary. However, if you lose your section S09(a) (1) status, a grantor or contributor may not rely on this determination if he or she was in part responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, or the substantial or material change on the part of the organization that resulted in your loss of such status, or if he or she acquired knowledge that the Internal Revenue Service had giv~n.notice that you would no longer be classified as a section S09(a) (I) organization, You are required to make your annual information return, Form 990 or Form 990-EZ, available for public inspection for three years after the later of the due date of the return or the date the return is filed,' You are also required to make available for public inspection your exemption application, any supporting documents, and your exemption letter, Copies of these documents are also required to be provided to any individual upon written or in pe~son request without charge other than reasonable fees for copying and postage. You may fulfill this requirement by placing these documents on the Internet. penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with these requirements. Additional information is available in Publication'557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, or you may call our toll free number shown above, If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies, the addendum enclosed is an integral part of this letter, - Letter 1050 (OO/CG) ,. ,.t. 'L_._ (C(Q)[Plf 2004 CDBG Application Organization: The Harvest Bag, Inc. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OIIlSI)O COMMUNITY DEVELOPl\1IENT BLOCI{ GltANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGltAM YEAR 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organi7..ation, ,:vith contact ()erson and phonc number: The Harvest Bag, Inc. Contact Person: Mr. Herman E. 01ave P.o.. Box 628 Phone Number: (805) 489-4223 Gceano, CA 93445 2, Title/name of proposed project or program: "Feeding the Hungry in San Luis Obispo County" 3. Please describe the proposed project or l)rogram. Include a description of the . groul)s who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For I)rograms, state the location from which the program will be Ol)erated andlor describe the geographic area served by tbe I)rogram. Also, please include a schedule of Iu'oject/l)rogram milestones. Harvest Bag is an an-volunteer organization whose mission is to provide nourishing, supplemental food, available to all who deem themselves needy in San Luis Gbispo County. Fruits and vegetables are gleaned from cooperating area fanns. Staples are collected daily from generous local grocers. This food is then distributed weekly to the economically disadvantaged which includes: single-parent families, the working poor, disabled individuals and head-of-households, the homeless, and seniors on low, fixed incomes. . Each Wednesday morning, rain or shine, we issue this food to the needy at the Soto Sports Complex, on Ash Street, in Arroyo Grande, CA.We operate an ambulatory food issue line, a drive-through, disabled issue line and delivery service to disabled, home-bound seniors. We also deliver units of food that same day to community centers throughout the County: Nipomo, Oceano, Atascadero, San Luis Gbispo, Santa Margarita, California Valley, and wherever there is a request for such services. Each week, our milestone is to provide ample, nutritious foods to the many needy people that depend on this program. Our greatest milestone, however, is securing sufficient funds, each year, to continue with this grass-roots, much-needed program. Funds are especial1y critical now to 1). Help meet the monthly rental of our warehouse facilities and 2). Upkeep on our fleet ofvehictes in order to transport food to the needy in al1 areas of the County ------- ---- 4, Total amount of COBG funds requested: $ 20,000.00 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to*: City of Arroyo Grande, and City of Grover Beach If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction. please break down the amount shown above by .the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $10.000.00 City of Grover Beach: $10.000.00 *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy ofthe application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003. 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program, . a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $20,000.00 2. Other funds (please describe below) Donations from Supporters. . " .. . 10,000.00 Donations for food units. . . . . .. . . . . 64,000.00 Others Grants. ................ .15,000.00 Fund-raising Efforts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,000.00 Rental (sub-leased apartment). . . .. 13,000.00 Total Revenues $104,000.00 Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. 1. Salaries - All Volunteer Staff. . . . . . . . . . $ 000.00 2. Travel & Mileage reimbursement. . . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 3. Professional Services (Accounting). . . , . . . . 2,500.00 4. Postage, Printing, Office Supplies. . . . . . . '" 500.00 50Rent (warehouse & coolers), . , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . , ,. 0 , . , , , 0 , , , , , , ,. 45,000,00 a.Telephone & website. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .1,000.00 7.Repair & Maintenance of Vehicles & Equipment. . , ................1.0,000,00 8.Vehicle & Liability Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000.00 9.Food Purchases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. . 10,000.00 10. General Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ..2,000.00 11. Vehicle Operating Costs. (4 trucks, 4 vans, 2 fork-lifts). . . .. . . .. . 15,000.00 12.Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000.00 13.licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 Total Expenditures $124,000.00 2 ~.~,- -.-.--.- .-- 6. Does the prOI)Osed project or activity meet one of the tbree national objectives of the CDBG I)rogram? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how tbe projector activity meets tbat national obJective. a. X Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet tllis national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. See current income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. , b. ---'" Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designeu to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. X Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of . the community, and no other funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to' . deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 7, If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to I~w and moderate income persons. please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the projec~ and break thafestimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): : A minimum of 500 households each week for 50 weeks of distribution equals a minimum of 25,000 households benefit from this program. The percentage of one-person households is not certain but is estimated at approximately 25 (5%) each week. . 25,000 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low- income (earning 51% - 80% or less of the County Median income)? Again: there has been no designation required to determine how many of our clients are from one- member households. We do know that many in our older senior, and single-parent familiy populations fall in that category. The majority of our clients (60%) fall into the low-income bracket. 60% personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median income)? 40% Personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) 3 _.~- --- --- 2004 COBG Application Organization: The Harvest Bag, Inc. 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that ftl_._ly to theprOI)Osed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulation~ and Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property -- Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, delnoliiion, removal ofbui1dings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or fanns Removal of architectural barriers . - - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation X Commercial or industrial rehabilitation -- - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients -:.X_ Public services - Planning studies 4 ------"-- -- 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proJ)()sed I)roject or I)rogram. What would be the consequences if the I)rOl)Osed lU"oject or program is not funded in the next year? Harvest Bag. is an all volunteer organization, with a long history of public trust. We remain committed to this community and to our mission, To feed The Hungry. We operate on a tight budget. As we voiced last year. our equipment and vehicles. mainly used and donated in the first place, are always in need ()f repair and eventual replacement. Through past. generous CDBG grants, we were able to update one of our freezer units. and purchase a inore reliable forklift and pallet jacks. Our dedication is strong but our infrastructure is weakening. E<)uipment and vehicles must be replaced and! or repair~d in order to operate with safety. We need help with our burdensome monthly warehouse rent. With the relief of some of this responsibility, funds could be released to extend the program where needed, and to purchase staples with high nutritional value to supplement food issues. The following is a list of our most urgent needs: Mechanical repairs on frequently used vehicles & equil)ment. . . . 5,000.00 Help witb warehouse rental ($3,500/month). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000.00 , TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .$ 20,000.00 What are the consequences of not receiving grant money? In spite of the many other food distribution programs that come and go in our county, the value and stability of the Harvest Bag program have been proven .over the 22 years of our existence. The question, .. What would be the consequences of Harvest Bag not continuing its services to San Luis Obispo County?" needs to be answered. Without grant money, Harvest Bag would be unable to continue its services to this community. Asa result ,each week, approximately 2,000 persons (the majority of whom are children) would be denied an adequate supply of nutritious foods such as broccoli. carrots, and milk. These good, useable foodstuffs, most of which are donated by local farmers and grocers, would probably be wasted. Harvest Bag finds itself in a position to break this pattern and provide a real service to those persons in our community who struggle to fulfill basic needs. Donations from generous individuals and foundations as wen as grant money makes this service possible. 5 ~--_.-- ~~- ~ 2004 CDBG Application Organization: The Harvest Bag, Inc '10. Please describe the specific organlzation(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group. with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience in operating similar programs; etc.), Harvest Bag is an all-volunteer organization. Officials are elected each year and these officers each take on a specific duty needed to complete the many aspects of our work. Board Members are appointed and serve for an undetem1ined period. helping to define the needs and policies of the organization. There is a monthly meeting of all members at which time a general discussion is held of our progress, practices and problems. Membership dues are collected each year and we are active members of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of San Luis Obispo County. Harvest Bag, even though it is a unique non-profit group, maintains ties and cooperates with City, County and State Agencies. Other food-distribution programs such as "Food Bank" and ""Meals on Wheels" often look to Harvest Bag to augment their supply offoodstuffs. We are an honorary m.~mber of the State Senior Brown Bag Program. . Because our capacity for food storage and preservation is greater than any other non-profit agency in the County, we are regarded as an agency prepared to assist during times of emergencies such as earthquake. flood, or even terrorist attack. Harvest Bag is proud and feels obligated to continue to offer all the above- mentioned services to the community. We do admit, however,t-hat we must depend on you and other grfUlting institutions for the financial support to continue the work of Harvest Bag. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. /~yWI,~t/ i. ~ /C) .- /~ ~ 0 ..3.. Signature Date II e ('IYJ a f) E (9/,Q) //~ . f!e::; id drl f. 1ie 4rvesf P:?:qJ LG. Printed or typed name Title ) / 6 .._~- ---"--- --- HARVEST BAG, INC. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS: President: Herman E. Olave 222 W. Cherry Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 473.2114 (Home) 489-4223 (Office) 1st Vice President: Bert Berringer 157 Walnut Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 473.8249 2nd Vice President: Eloise Kohal 923 Mentone GroverBeach.CA 93433 Phone: (805) 489.6138 Treasurer: Vern Sketo 194 N, Elm Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805) 489-3409 , Secretary: Patricia Collins 517 Rosemary lane Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805-489.2321 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President and Chairman: Herman E, Olave Member: Alice Huerta 754 Rockaway Avenue Grover Beach, CA 93433 . Phone: (805) 473-1792 Member: Bill Holliday 577 Sheridan Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone: (805) 343-2581 Member: Oscar Wolff 678 Balboa Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 Phone: (805) 489-9876 ~------ - ./ - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY P. O. BOX 2508 . CINCINNATI, OH 45201 . <- -Employer Identification Number: Date: JUN 2.0 2000 95-3581196 DLN: 17053155743010 HARVEST BAG INC Contact Person: PO BOX 628 MITCHELL P TOLOKONSKY ID# 31365 OCEANO, CA 93445 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 Our Le~ter Dated: January 1981 Addendum Applies: No Dear Applicant: This modifies our letter of the above date in which we stated that you would be treated as an organization that is not a private foundation until the .expiration of your advance ruling period, Your exempt status under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) is still in effect. Based on the information you submitted, we have determined that you are not a private:. foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code because you are an organization of the type described in section S09(a) (1) and 170 (b) (1) (A)"{vi) , Grantors and contributors may rely on this determination unless the Internal Revenue Service publishes notice to the contrary. However, if you lose your section 509(a) (1) status, a grantor or contributor may not rely on this determination if he or she was in part responsible for, or was aware of, the act or failure to act, or the substantial or material change on-the part of the organization that resulted in your loss of such status, or if he or she acquired knowledge that the Internal Revenue Service had giv~n notice that you would no longer be classified as a section S09(a) (1) organization, You are required to make your annual information return, Form 990 or Form 990-EZ, available for public inspection for three years after the later of the due date of the return or the date the return is filed, You are also required to make available for public inspection your exemption application, any supporting documents, and your exemption letter. Copi:es of these documents are also required to be provided to any individual upon written or in pe~son request without charge other than reasonable fees for copying and postage. You may fulfill this requirement by placing these documents on the Internet. Penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with these requirements, Additional information is available in Publication'S57, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, or you may call our toll free number shown above, If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum , applies, the addendum enclosed is an integral part of this letter, Letter 1050 (DO/CG) '. . ~ . - ------- I COONTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM OCT 1 7 2.003 t (Q) ~ yrUCATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Planning & B\d~ NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal, A copy of a HUD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request from county staff. Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets, 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: The Literacy Council 1264 Higuera Street, Suite 102 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Contact person: Bernadette Bernardi . Phone number: 805-541-4219 2. Title/name of proposed project or program: The Literacy Program 3. Please describe the proposed project or program.' Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit fro~ the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address). For programs, state the location.from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Literacy Council- the Literacy Council for San Luis Obispo County was incorporated as a non-profit in 1982. Our mission statement Js to assist adult Learners and their families in the development of English language communication skills. Our goals are: recruit and prepare volunteers as Tutors in the delivery of quality instruction using a variety of approaches. Provide . individual and group instruction to Learners in reading, writing, speaking, and basic number skills, thereby furthering the ability of Learners to function weUln the community. Promote community awareness and involvement in the literacy process. Our program serves all of San Luis Obispo County. We operate.fourteen leamingcenters located throughout San Luis Obispo County, This past fiscal year 518 tutors served 8141eamers with 15,400 hours of tutoring. Locations of learning centers are as follows: 1. St. John's Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande- Monday and Thursday aftemoons. 2. Peach Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande-Monday evenings. 3. St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Nipomo- Monday and Thursday evenings, 4. Central Coast Baptist Church, Grover Beach-Monday and Thursday evenings. 5. Atascadero Bible Church, Atascadero-Monday and Thursday evenings. 6. Paso Robles Public Library, Paso Robles-Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 7, Presbyterian Community Church, Cambria-Monday and Thursday 'evenings. ------- . 2003 CDBG Application Organization: Ih. -L ll,t~/ 0. fAt CoLt h lA,l 8. La Brisa Marina, Oceano- Tuesday and Thursday evenings. ~ '~.. 9. Oceano Elementary- Monday and Wednesday mornings - . . ; 10, Trinity Methodist Church, Los Osos-Monday and Thursday evenings. ,. , 11, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Morro Bay- Wednesday evenings. 12. St. Timothy's Church, Morro Bay-Tuesday evenings, 13, First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo-Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 14, First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo-Monday evenings. 15. House of Prayer, San Luis Obispo-Wednesday evenings, Saturday mornings. We provide free instruction to adults in reading, writing, and speaking English. We help both English speakers that need to improve their reading and writing skills and English as a Second Language speakers. We hold tutor trainings once per month to have a consistent and replenished resource of tutors. At the Califomia Men's Colony we train inmates to become tutors and provide both CMC East and West leaming centers with in-service trainings and books. Additionally, we teach parents of children five and younger to read by utilizing children's books. After they have mastered a book, we teach them to read it to their children. We work with EOC's Head Start Families and Lucia Mar's Even Start Families, We have more than fifty tutors that work for us independent from any of our centers. Literacy Council staff matches tutors and learners. They arrange schedules and locations that suit their needs. In Fiscal year 2002-03 our learners were: . 525 Hispanic 79 Caucasian-non-Hispanic 90 Asian 15 Afro American 4 Native American 1 Pacific Islander 100 other First languages were: English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Polish, Farsi, French and Italian. The success of our program and projects are evaluated by tracking the number of tutors we are able to recruit and train and the longevity of those trained tutors, Leamers are assessed when they begin in our program. We use the Slosson Oral Reading Test (SORT) for literacy leamers and the English as a Second Language Oral Assessment (ESLOA) for ESL (English as a' Second La",guage) leamers. Follow-up assessments are given to each learner determined by their individual progress through the books and materials in their individualleaming plan. Center Directors send in monthly student progress reports. The progress reports are evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the tutoringlleaming relationship. We assess the learner when they leave the program to determine if they have progressed beyond their initial assessment and how much they have progressed. We track how many learners go on to adult education or junior college programs. We track learners that pass a driver's test, GED, become citizens, become employed, and get better jobs. 2- ~_....- -- .2003 CDBG Application Organization:jk t.. L"~f~o.1 ColA hr,,' , .'. 4, Total amount of CDBG funds requested: S 18,000.00 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to.: If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below, City of Arroyo Grande: $3.000.00 City of Paso Robles: $3.000.00 City of Atascadero: $3.000.00 City of San Luis Obispo: $3.000,00 City of Grover Beach: $3.000.00 County of San Luis Obispo: $3.000.00 County-wide: $18.000.00 *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20,2003, 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program, a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 18,000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $125,350 Total Revenues $143,350 SLO City County Library $ 34,216 State Library $ 19,142 United Way $ 2,500 SLO Human Relations $ 5,400 Prop, 10 $ 17,000 Donations $ 17,000 Associates $ 14,000 Other grants $ 16,092 CDBG $ 18,000 Total Revenues $ 143,350 3- ~- -- . .2003 CDBG Application Organization:'I.k1t. L~'t.tYQ.1 Lat.h""/ . a. ExDendltures: List below by item or cost category. Salaries $ 83,000 Payroll taxes $ 6,900 Health insurance benefits $ 6,050 Workers' comp $ 1,800 liability $ 2,240 Work Study. position $ 1,550 Outside services $ 1,050 Rent $ 13,800 Telephone $ 1,500 Copier $ 1.700 Equipment maintenance $ 1,050 Postage $ 1,250 Mileage $ 775 Newsletter $ 1,000 Marketing $ 1,580 Offi~ Supplies $ 2,925 Staff Development $ 1,341 . Volunteer recognition $ 1,500 Janitorial $ 750 Donor recognition $ 250 Printing $ 1,200 Books for learners and tutors $ 6,000 Leaming Centers~misc exp $ 600 Pre-service training supplies $ 250 In-service training supplies $ 200 Audit $ 1,875 Misc, $ 100 Depreciation-computers $ 1,114 Total $ 143,350 4- ,~_.- ~~-- .2003 CDBG Application Organization:~ \I L l' 4..u- 0.. ~ ~LA nfA ,/ 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? i>>lease check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. L Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U,S. Department of . Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons, See. current income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. , NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c, --.:.....- Meets. community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other :funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes, 7. If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as fo.llows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): Personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) c:7.00~ a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51 % - 80% or less of the County Median income)? personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) 5- ------- "- , - 2003 CDBG Application Organization: ~ t.. L~.ytl.~ ~h~-/ ~ a. Of the total numljer of persons or household~ entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess of the County Median Income)? Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) ~ 8. Check any of the fQllowing eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to EliJrible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities , - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, -families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms - Removal of architectural baniers - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients X Public services -- - Planning studies 6- -.-- .2003 CDBG Application Organization: ~ ~ L'~ T#.Ko.l.t ~ur.(-:/ 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? The need for literacy services in San Luis Obispo County is' great and growing. The National Institute for Literacy publishes adult literacy estimates, Their rating system uses 1 as the lowest literacy level and 5 as the highest. The latest published data for our county is still 1996. It shows that 17% of our population age 16 and older is at level 1- the lowest literacy level and 38% a~e at combined levels 1 and 2, The major consequences of low literacy are: Welfare: 75% of food stamp recipients perform at the lowest two levels of literacy. 50% of adults on welfare do not have a high school diploma or GED. 43% of adults with low literacy skills live in poverty; Crime: 70% of prisoners perform at the two lowest literacy levels, Continuing cycle: Children's literacy levels are strongly linked to the educationallev~1 of their parents. . The most significant predictor for children to have success in school is for the primary caregiver to have graduated from high school or have aGED. Children of parents who are unemployed and have not Completed high school are five times more likely to drop out of school. Literacy is often the first step for a person to become a productive and contributing member of their community, Better English language skills easily translate I~to better jobs and higher wages for our learners. With better jobs and higher wages our learners become active productive participants in their communities. Because our service is provided one-to-one or in small groups, our learners are provided with the level and type of Instruction specific. to their unique needs. Our tutors are prepared to help with such necessary skills as filling out job applications, learning job specific vocabulary, attaining a driver's license, preparing for the GED test, and studying for the citizenship test. They are also prepared to teach parents to read to their children and to help teens Improve their English language skills. Often, a mentoring relationship develops wherein self-esteem and life skills are modeled and learned, The recruitment, training and retention of volunteer tutors are expensive, on-going, and labor- intensive efforts. We offer monthly tutor trainings conducted by Literacy Council staff. Each training graduates, on average, fifteen new tutors. The trainings are twenty-four hours over a three-day period. Most tutors work one-on-one or in small groups of two or three learners per tutor. This low tutor-learner ratio builds bonds between tutors and learners and is an extremely effective teaching strategy. However, it requires a large and constantly replenished pool of tutors, as well as, staff support, books, and materials. Without ever Increasing funding, the Literacy Council would not be able to respond to the demand posed by the ever increasing number of individuals in San Luis Obispo County needing to learn basic English language skills. Recruiting, training, and retaining tutors constitute one component of what the Literacy Council needs to do in order to provide its services. The other crucial component is the assurance that each individual that seeks our help can ultimately achieve the goal of reaching a literacy level 7- ,----- "_.---- --.--- . 2003 CDBG Application Organization: ~ l. L. .1, .e.y IJ. ~ Cc.14 h c.-...J that will improve hislher overall quality of life. . Consistent and new funding sources help the Literacy Council provide the program, books, and materials to learners and to individuals on our waiting lists hoping to be learners. The Literacy Council effectively serves all of San Luis Obispo County. In order to grow and maintain the Integrity of its program, the Literacy Council - needs qualified, professional staff to administer, create, and actualize a viable literacy program that affects every community in our county, If the Literacy Council were not funded next year the consequences would be: 1. The inability to recruit and train the needed number of tutors. 2. The increase in numbers of potentialleamers on waiting lists. 3, Not having enough books and materials, 4, Loss of staff to positions that promise better wages and benefits. 10. Please describe the specific organization(s) method to implement the proposed project or _ program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience in operating similar programs; etc.). The Literacy Council, founded in 1982 as a private non-profit, utilizes the following method to implement its program: 1, Have a diverse and active board of directors that is diligent in overseeing a non- profit organization 2. Have a competent staff that is capable of administrating and coordinating the program/so . 3, Secure funds from both the private and public sector, 4. Uphold accurate accounting of funds. 5; Advertise for volunteer tutors. 6. Be accessible to all potential learners, 7. Offer well designed tutor pre-service and in-service trainings taught by experienced instructors. 8. Maintain a well-trained pool of volunteer Center Directors and tutors, 9. Research for best books and materials and have them accessible to all tutors and leamers. 10, Assure that each lea mer has a leaming plan specific to their individual English language learning needs. 11, Track learner progress. 12. Keep data bases of leamers and tutors. 13. Collaborate with other agencies whose clients may need our services. 14,Participate in other organizations such as United Way Agency Relations, the Children's Services Network, the Chambers of Commerce and the Planned Giving Council. I certify that the infonnation in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and lrnowledge. ~..(--t~.{i;~ ~""""t..<" i~-II,J 2M:> 5 , 19nature ate D ~ N' ('. (I-.. (J\.t.. ~..\.e.. ~ O/V'f\lX yL.- - [" j. .t L.tA ~ ~ D t'( ..e c....J.-o Y' - Printed or typed name Title 8- I ~ I --- \ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2003-2004 PROGRAM YEAR 1, . Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phoneQC.Tn~P. 2003 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, INC. Planning & Btdg EOC Health Services Teen Academic Parentina Proaram tQ)~l( 1030 Southwood Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Program Contact: Raye Fleming, Health Services Director (805) 544-2478 x 11 Organizational Contact (for contracts, etc.): Elizabeth Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer (805) 544-4355 2, Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Matching funds for operating expenses for the Teen Academic Parenting Program (TAPP) 3. Please describe the proposed project.or program, Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program, Also, please Include a schedule of project/program milestones, EOC's Teen Academic Parenting Program (TAPP) serves pregnant and parenting teen moms. parenting dads, their children age 0-5 years old, and the siblings of the parenting teens, in Paso Robles, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo, North Coast and the South County. The population served is predominately very low income .and approximately 48% are Hispanic. T APP ensures that pregnant and parenting teens receive health care, education, and mentoring to improve pregnancy outcomes, complete high school education, improve parenting skills, reduce subsequent pregnancies, reduce social isolation, and experience a sense of connection with a positive role model. Asset development is the context for delivering all T APP services. This not only helps the parents and their siblings but also teaches them how to develop assets in their own children. Services, which are provided countywide through case management include: . Development of a case plan . Development of a supportive Individual Service Plan . Oversight and monitoring of monthly or weekly contacts . Provision of health, nutrition, child development, parenting assessment and education to enhance parenting skills . Provision of short and long term planning to implement health (including pregnancy prevention), nutrition, child development and parenting skills . Development of short and long term educational assessment and planning which will lead to high school graduation or the equivalent . Review and monitoring of school attendance and performance . Identification and facilitation of necessary child care . Referral to necessary agencies and community resources such as health care, family planning, nutrition, health education, adoption counseling, mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, transportation, housing, education, financial, emergency. legal, child care, and parenting education services when appropriate . 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 14,400 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to: . City of Arroyo Grande City of Grover Beach City of Atascadero City of Paso Robles ""- ,.' , .Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County: TAPP Program If you are requesting COBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. '. City of Arroyo Grande: $3.600 City of Paso Robles: $3.600 City of Atascadero: $3.600 City of San Luis Obispo: -0- City of Grover Beach: $3.600 Unincorporated community of: -0- County-wide: -0- The Teen Academic Parenting Program provides services to t~en mothers, fathers. and their siblings throughout the county. CDBG funds will be used to support services for pregnant and parenting teens in Paso Robles. Atascadero. Grover Beach. and Arroyo Grande. If .CDBG funding is granted. this program will not approach the cities for funding from their respective "Grants In Aid" programs. The City ~f San Luis Obispo and the County support this program through their Grant In Aid and Community Based Organization funding processes. The cities of Morro Bay Pismo Beach do not participate in the urban county CDBG process therefore the Teen Academic Parenting Program will continue to seek support from their "Grants In Aid" programs. Note: :If you are applying to one or more cities. please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003 ,5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program, , a. a, Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 14.400 2. Other funds - Please see Attachment A $ 324!.661 Total Revenues $ 339,061 b. Expenditures: Please see Attachment B 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDSG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. _X_ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 7. If the project or program Is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate Income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): !persorufhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) 300 b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income ~amin~1 % - 80% or less of the County Median income) 15 erso ouseholds (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-inc~me (e;mg 50% or less of the County Median income)? 285 erson ouseholds (circle the applicable u 2 .' , .Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County: TAPP Program 8, Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eli!:lible CDBG Activities) 2L- Public services 9, Describe the need' and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences If the proposed project or program Is not funded In the next year? The T APP Program .was originally established in response to the significant increase in teen births in our county and the resulting gaps in services for pregnant and parenting teens. When teens become parents, the social and economic realities can be overwhelming. Problems faced by pregnant and parenting teens include isolation and loss of a viable social network; lack of transportation. to school, employment, and health and social services; lack of child care; lack of coping skills; dropping out of school; subsequent pregnancies; gang involvement; and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Substance abuse has its own associated risks such as poor pregnancy outcome, poor judgment and risk assessment, and poor impulse control, all of which contribute to a greater risk of harm to a baby. Lack of parenting skills, low levels of knowledge of child development and age appropriate expectations, ignoring indications when a I baby is sick or distressed, lack of positive role models for parenting, and marginal nutritional practices places these teens' babies at an alarmingly high risk of abuse, neglect, ill health, and accidents. Our TAPP program has evolved into a highly-effective case management approach which is caring, flexible, and very responsive to the needs of local clients and the community in which they live. TAPP has incorporated the Cal-Learn program and Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) Into its scope of practice. During the first six months of 2003 (Jan-June), there has been an 18% increase in teen births in San Luis Obispo County, with 119 babies born to teen mothers. Currently, over 240 teens in at-risk environments are served through subcontracts with the Department of Social Services and County Health Department. These contracts along with a United Way grant al)d private donations help tQ fund this critical program. However, an increased competition for outside funding and the County's AFLP contract requirement for match funding demand that we diversify our funding to sustain this vital program. We are seeking CDBG funding to allow us to further our goal of reaching every pregnant and parenting teen in the county and helping them to become successful in parenting, finishing their education, and becoming financially stable and independent. 10, Please describe the specific organizatlon(s) method to implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-proflt?; for-profit?; experience In operating similar programs; etc.), . The Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County (EOC) is a private nonprofit community action agency providing critical services to low-income county residents since 1965. The Teen Academic Parenting Program (T APP), a division of EOC Health Services, was established in 1986 to serve the very vulnerable population. of pregnant and parenting teens. The paid staff includes eight social workers, a parent educator, and a supervisor and an administrative assistant. The social workers provide the case management services through home visits, school visits, and weekly or monthly support groups. Each social 'worker covers a specific geographic area of the county with two in Paso Robles, one in Atascadero, one in San Luis Obispo and the Coast, two in the South County, one at Lopez High School, and one male case manager for the teen fathers. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledg~ 'I. Date 3- - --------- --,-._,-~- , ..- . Attachment A Proposed 2004 Non-CDBG Funding Sources for EOC - TAPP PROGRAM SOURCES OF NON-CDBG FUNDS SLO County Health Dept.- AFLP $304,661 Other Income - Cal Learn $20,000 Total Projected Non-CDBG Funds $324,661 . . -, - < ., . . .. Attachment B Proposed Budget for 2004 EOC - TAPP PROGRAM USES OF FUNDS TAPP Salaries and Wages $275,545 Program Supplies $9,600 Indirect & Administrative Ex-pense $25,116 Office ~xpenses (rent, personnel hiring,supplies ) $7,000 Transportation $20,000 Training $1,000 Utilities $800 . Total TAPP Budget $339,061 . . -~ --.----- ---------- -- ---..... ------- - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR 1, Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION OF SAN ~UIS OBISPO COUNTY, INC. EOC Health Services Fortv Wonderful Proaram rt;~fP1f 1030 Southwood Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Program Contact: Raye Fleming, Health Services Director (805) 544-2478 x 11 Organizational Contact (for contracts, etc.): Elizabeth Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer (805) 544-4355 . 2, Title/name of proposed project or program: Operating expenses for Forty Wonderful Program 3, Please describe the proposed project or program, Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program, Also, please Include a schedule' of project/program milestones, CDBG funding to EOC's Forty Wonderful Program would be used to subsidize low-income, uninsured and underinsured women, age 40 and older, throughout the county, Peri-, menopausal and postmenopausal women would receive routine pap smears; breast exams; testing for anemia; colo-rE!ctal exams;. follicle stimulating hormone testing; complete blood chemistry; and appropriate medical referral as needed. Hormone replacement therapy will be provided as appropriate. Services are delivered by nurse practitioners and physicians. Forty Wonderful Program services are offered at two EOC Health Services clinics in the cities of San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. A sliding fee scale is based on the woman's income; however, no one. is turned away for an inability to pay. EOC's purchasing contracts with pharmaceutical companies allows the patients to receive hormone replacement therapy at a greatly reduced cost. Milestones: all services are ongoing throughout the program year. 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 8,000 City of Arroyo Grande $2,000 City of Atascadero 2,000 City of Grover Beach 2,000 City of Paso Robles 2.000 TOTAL $8,000 If CDBG funding is granted to the Forty Wonderful Program, these cities will not be approached for funding from their respective "Grants In Aid" programs. The City of San Luis Obispo and the County support this program through their "Grants In Aid" and Community Based Organization funding processes. The cities of Morro Bay and Pismo Beach do not participate in the urban county CDBG process; therefore, the Forty Wonderful Program will continue to seek support from their "Grants In Aid" programs. Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003 --~I . 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. ' CDBG funds requested $ 8,000 ~ 2. Other funds:' Please see Attachment A 58.544 Total Revenues $ 66,544 b. ExDenditures: Please see Attachment B. 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDSG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the pr~ject or activity meets that nationai objective, a. ..1L- Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). b. '. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. ,- c. _ Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available., 7, If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as follows: .' a, Totai number of families (or persons) to benefit? Total number of persons or,households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group) 100 \personsVhouseholds (circles the applicable unit) b, Of the total number of persons or househoids entered above, how many of them will be low- income? 75 \perso~sVhouseholds (circles the applicable unit) c, Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many of them will be very low-income? 25 lPerson~ouseholds (circles the applicable unit) 8, Check any of the following eligible activity ca~egorles that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations a~d Guide to Elialble CDBG Activities) --X.. Public services 9. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded In the next year? The American Cancer Society's Cancer Facts and Figures cites cancer rates in San Luis Obispo County at a rate 13 percent higher than the State average. According to the ACS, "a lack of health insurance is associated with lower survival among breast cancer patients." Breast cancer patients with low incomes have lower 5-year relative survival rates than higher-income patients. California State data suggests that much of the difference in survival rates between cancer pafients with low socioeconomic status and those in higher income brackets is due to late diagnosis. Unfortunately with breast and cervical cancer, symptoms occur late in the disease process and early screening greatly enhances the cure rate and ultimate treatment costs. ~._."------ --- Locally, the funding available for screening exams of non-contracepting women, other than through our Forty Wonderful Program, is very limited. Only two other agencies. the Public Health Department and Planned Parenthood provide similar services, but there is a fee for these services. Without the Forty Wonderful Program, significant gaps in services would remain. The Forty Wonderful Program strives to reduce mortality, and improve early detection and intervention of chronic disease and cancer. Specifically in the Forty Wonderful Program, our highest priority is to assist women age 40 and older with early detection of life-threatening cancer, Since the aging process is also a contributing factor in the risks for breast and cervical cancer, these screening exams become more vital as a woman grows older. With early access to the health system and diagnosis of problem conditions, . financially and emotionally costly treatment can be averted Without CDBG funding, the Forty Wonderful Program would be less able to fill the gaps in available preventative healthcare services. This creates the likelihood that women In this wlnerable age and I Income group would not be able to access medical care until a serious, and potentially life-threatening, r condition had been diagnosed through the other limited services available. . 10, Please describe the specific organlzation(s) method to implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; non-profit or for-profit, experience, etc,), The Forty Wonderful Program is part of the non-profit EOC's Health Services Division, which has been serving San Luis Obispo County's low-income population since 1972 with free or low cost services. Prevention of health problems is the primary focus of our medical and educational services. Because of the medical nature of the services provided, paid staff provides most direct client services. Nurse Practitioners provide medical care at our two clinic sites. I certify that the information In this application Is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge, d' ~ Elizabeth" Iz" Steinberg Date Chief Exe utive Officer , 3 -- --.-- , "- Attachment" A" Proposed 2004 Non-CDBG Funding Sources for EOC Forty Wonderful Program SOURCES OF NON-CDBG FUNDS Fortv Wonderful Operations EOC FundraisinglContribution $15,000 County of San Luis Obispo 7,800 Patient RevenueIMedi-Cal 17,000 City Incom,e 16,344 Donations 2,400 Total Projected Non-CDBG Funds 558,544 . /' \ - ---- Prepared by K.Jackson 10/16/03 Attachment "B" Proposed Budget for 2004 CDBGProgram Year EOC Forty Wonderful Program USES OF FUNDS Fortv Wonderful Operations Salaries and Wages $45,640 Mammograms/Pap Smears 15,700 Indirect & Administrative Expepse 4,929 Office Expenses (rent, personnel hiring, supplies ) 275 Transportation 0 Total Forty Wonderful Budget $66,544 fl - . ;;.' .~ /----------------- -----.~- . ". RECEIVED ; CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM OCT 2 0 2003 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR . ~lannini & Bldg 1. Name and mailing address of applicant 9rganization, with contact person and pone num er: ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, INC. ~ 0 [p l:f EOC Health Services 0 D Senior Health Screening 1030 Southwood Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Program Contact: Raye Fleming, Health Services Director (805) 544-2478 x 11 Organizational Contact (for contracts, etc.) Elizabeth Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer (805) 544-4355 2. Title/name of proposed project or program: Operating expenses for Senior Health Screening 3. Please describe the proposed project or program, Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address),For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program, Include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Senior Health Screening team consists of EOC's Spanish speaking registered nurse and a clerk/aide, as well as volunteer hearing and vision specialists. This team carries all equipment and supplies with them to 20 senior-focused sites throughout the county. Services include: blood pressure, pulse, hemoglobin, blood glucose, cholesterol, hemoccult (to detect colo-rectal cancer), glaucoma, and hearing screening, as well as flu vaccines. Clinics are conducted regularly at local churches, senior centers, residential facilities, mobile home parks, and other locations where seniors gather. Educational topics inciude diet, exercise, lifestyle modification, reinforcement of medication compliance, bereavement issues, and referrals to other health, social, and legal services. CDBG funds will enable EOC's Senior Health Screening Program to continue serving San Luis Obispo County seniors, many of whom are unable to access health screening services. In addition to ongoing clinics, Senior Health Screening will use funds to bring services to well-attended health and cultural fairs in rural communities. These fairs are often a central part of life In many area~ and will provide excellent opportunities for reaching seniors. Program staff will provide clinics at three community health or cultural fairs In rural areas over the next year. Additionally, CDBG funds will be used to provide hemoccult and total cholesterol testing for seniors who cannot afford to pay. Although medically one of the most vulnerable segments of the population, seniors are often reluctant or unable to go to a doctor or get advice about a physical problem or change. The convenience of the regular Senior Health Screening Program, and the comfort and Informality of dealing in a low-stress environment with staff members who are friendly and familiar, help make the screening process more effective. As a trusted resource, Senior Health Screening Is able to help seniors Identify possible problems, make referrals and provide health education, support and social interaction. There are numerous examples of serious health problems, which might otherwise have been ignored, that have been detected and treated because of this: for example, in one case the Senior Health Screening nurse detected a low hemoglobin level and referred the senior to a physician who identified a colon tumor as the cause; In another case, a senior mentioned her increasing loss of equilibrium and was referred for additional tests which revealed a brain tumor. In both cases, early detection resulted in successful surgical outcomes for these seniors. At all of the clinics, dangerously high blood pressure, also known as the "silent kille"", and diabetes are discovered. With lifestyle changes permanent side effects are prevented. Senior Health Screening assists seniors to maintain their health and Independence and to avoid premature and costly institutionalization. CDBG funding plays an essential role in continuing and expanding these critical services to the county's low-Income seniors. Milestones: all services are ongoing throughout the program year. "- I , .2003 CDBG: Senior Health Screenina Economic ODDortunitvCommission of San Luis ObisDO County 4, Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 20,000 City of Arroyo Grande $ 5,000 City of Atascadero 5,000 City of Grover Beach 5,000 City of Paso Robles 5.000 TOTAL $ 20,000 If CDBG funding is granted to Senior Health Screening, these cities will not be approached for funding from their respective "Grants In Aid" programs. The City of San Luis Obispo and the County support this program through their Grants In Aid and Community Based Organization funding processes. The cities of Morro Bay and Pismo Beach do not participate in the urban county.CDBG process; therefore, Senior Health Screening will continue to seek support from their "Grants In Aid" programs. Note: If you are. applying to one <?r more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20, 2003 <- 5, Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG funds requested $ 20,000 2. Other funds - Please see Attachment A 107.475 Total Revenues $ 127,475 b. EXDenditures: Please see Attachment B. 6. Does.the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of-the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. --X- Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 7, If the project or program Is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate Income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a, Total number of families (or persons) to benefit? Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group) 900 !person~households (circles the applicable unit) b. Of the .total number of persons or households entered above, how many of them will be low- Income? 500 !personsV!1ouseholds (circles the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many of them will be very I low-Income? 400 !personsVhouseholds (circles the applicable unit) 8, Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed program: -X.. Public services 2 ~-,--~-- - -- 2003 CDBG: Senior Health Screenina Economic ODDOrtunitv Commission of San Luis ObisDO Countv 9. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for. the proposed project or program, What ., would be the consequences If the proposed project or program Is not funded In the next year? From an editorial In the October 1997 American Journal of Public Health, "the most important health problem of developed nations Is the need for a reduction in the morbidity of our aging populations. With the average age of populations increasing, prevention of morbidity associated with aging represents a central issue forfuture health." As is the trend nationwide, San Luis Obispo's senior population has increased appreciably over the last 20 years. The countY has become a significant retirement community for persons from other areas. The older adult population in the county Increased 28% between 1980 and 2000, rising from 37,075 seniors age 55 and over in 1980 to almost 57,000 in 2000. Of seniors age 60 and over. more than 3,000 live at or below the poverty line and another 5,000 are considered low-income. We are also seeing a growing population of the working poor, people that do not have health Insurance and also do not qualify for Medicare. Through our outreach at events and providing clinics to parents of children in EOC's Head Start programs, we are coming more and more into. contact with this working population, many of whom are age 50-64. In San Luis Obispo County there is a shortage of physicians. Many seniors do not have a regular physician, or if they have, are unable to be seen in timely manner for situations or concerns that arise. The Senior Health Screening nurses help inform their clients about how to decide whether scheduling an appointment will serve their situation, or they should contact emergency service through dialing 911. The delivery of affordable quality health care is a serious need for local. seniors living on fixed incomes. When seniors are poor, non-English speaking, or geographically or culturally isolated, the physical process of aging becomes more difficult for them, their families, health care. givers, and communities. Basic health screening, education and preventive care are critical to the physical, mental and~pcial well- being of our senior community. Seniors who lack transportation and access to affordable health care, remain at risk for undetected health hazards or even life-threatening conditions. Senior Health Screening promotes preventative health through early detection and education for low- income seniors throughout San Luis Obispo County. For several years Senior Health Screening collaborated with the County Health Agency's Preventive Health Care for the Aging (PHCA) program which provided a single comprehensive health assessment. and then referred seniors back to Senior Health Screening for ongoing monitoring. Since PHCA lost its funding there is no other program like Senior Health Screening in the county. Historically, Senior Health Screening Program has been funded by the County, local cities, United Way, and private donations. However, increased competition for funding and escalating client need demand that we further diversify our funding. Without CDBG support, our ability to maintain the level of this essential preventive healthcare service in the county would be compromised. 10, Please describe the specific organlzation(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; non-profit or for-profit, experience, etc.). As the county's Community Action Agency, the non-profit EOC has provided critical services to low- income San Luis Obispo County residents since 1965. Since 1972, EOC Health Services has worked with city, county and private agencies. We have operated this program, the county's only Senior Health Screening Program, since 1978. Program staff members are on local committees including the Adult Day Health Center Advisory Council, Long-Term Care, and Continuity of Care committees. Senior Health Screening collaborates with agencies and organizations that sponsor street fairs, health fairs or other such community events. Other collaborative entities who coordinate services and resources, and cross-refer for patient services include: Lifespan, Longs Pharmacy, the Area Agency on Aging's Vial of Life Program, SLO County Library, Health Plus Pharmacy, the American Heart Association, the Senior Nutrition program, and EOC's Forty Wonderful Project. The Program also collaborates with volunteer hearing and vision professionals in order to provide those specialized services, and with staff/volunteers of the senior and community centers, apartment complexes, churches, and other sites where clinics are operated. 3 I ! -- ~_._--- J . 2003CDBG: Senior Health Screenina Economic ODDOrtunitv Commission of San Luis ObisDO Countv ~ I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge, Date . 4- --- --- . '. Attachment "A" Proposed Budget for 2004CDBG Program EOC Senior Health Screening USES OF FUNDS Senior Health Screeninll Operations Salaries and Wages $71,015 Program Supplies $33,347 Indirect & Administrative Expense $9,443 Office Expenses (rent, personnel hiring,supplies ) $5,825 Transportation $4,200 Training $1,546 Utilities $1,000 . Maintenance & Repairs $1,100 Total Senior Health Screening Budget $127,475 . , t o. Attachment "B" Proposed 2004 Non-CDBG Funding Sources for EOC Senior Health Screening SOURCES OF NON-CDBG FUNDS Center for Disease Control $48,240 County of San Luis Obispo $23,592 Other DonationslPatient Fees $1,712 Other City Income $11,131 United Way $6,000 Other Income $16,800 Total Projected Non-CDBG Funds 5107,475 . ,. .' r ," ce 0 [P Y CHy of Arroyo Grande RECEIVED OCT 2 0 2003 . . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM Planning & B\dg APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR 1, Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County PO Box 12644 San Luis Obispo, California 93406 Contact Person: Kathy Smith (805) 781-3226 en 11 2, Title/name of proposed project or program: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County Community Based Mentoring Programs for Disadvantaged and At-Risk Children and Youth In San Luis Obispo County 3, Please describe the proposed project or program, Include a description of the grouPs who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or pl'Q9ram, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program, Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones, Big Brothers Big Sisters is an internationally recognized organization known for success in serving high-risk and disadvantaged youth by matching them one-to-one with adult mentors. In San Luis Obispo County our agency follows this model and currently serves approximately 4.5% of the children in the community who (according to.the 2000 census) are considered at-risk and high-risk. This population is detennined by four factors: If the child comes from a low-income home, if the child's parent has not received a higher education, if the child comes from a single- parent or foster home, and/or the child lives in an environment where there is substance abuse or criminal behavior, It has been found that these factors contribute to the temptation and influence that drive youth to join gangs, use drugs and alcohol, have an unplanned pregnancy, and be truant. Description of aroups who will benefit and how they will benefit from Proaram . Children in our community need to have a Big Brother or Sister to foster resistance and break the cycles of crime and dependency, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, and unplanned pregnancy. . School-aged children are waiting for their own positive role model, a mentor, a Big Brother or Big Sister to provide guidance, hope and life enhancing skills and experiences. , / 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County of; . BBBS-SLO targets school-aged children primarily from single family, lower incom~ homes. Many of the children and youth are from families with a history of physiCal and .. .. emotional abuse, and/or drug and alcohol abuse. . Nearly half the young people currently served by Big Brothers Big Sisters of San ... Luis Obispo County (BBBS-SLO) come from high-risk families, 30% with one incarcerated parent. . Many of the families served by Big Brother Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County are clients of the Department of Social Services and many receive Section 8 hou.sing assistance, because of their limited incomes and other hardships. . Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County is an asset based long-term investrt:1ent as reflected in studies such as the one conducted by the California Mentor Foundation. That study showed that of 57,000 young people in mentor programs in 1999: ./ 98.4% stayed in school, ./ 85.25% did not use drugs, ./ 97,9% did not become a teen parent, ./ 98,2% did not join a gang. It has also been documented that youths mentored by a Bia Brother or Sister are more likely to: ./ seek higher education and career goals, ./. avoid recidivism ./ make healthier choices. Big Brothers Big Sisters provide volunteer orientation, screening, training and the professional Match Support components of the program, adherf:}s to strict background standards, rigorous training processes, and high quality ongoing case management policies and procedures, Match Specialists assist in the measurement of match goals by using statistical outcome study tools, The. Executive DirectorlProgram Manager I supervise college degreed professional Match Specialists as well as College interns and retired volunteer professionals to provide scheduled ongoing guidance, support and I supervision for the match and family. Targeted marketing strategies are used to identify potential volunteers, and carefully recruit Big Brother and Big Sister mentors. The volunteers are comprehensively screened, trained and matched. Big Brothers and Big Sisters spend a minimum of eight hours a month with their "Little", The time commitment is four hours twice a month of one-to-one mentoring, and a telephone contact on the alternate week. All one-on-one mentors commit to their relationship for a year. Additional funding would be used to meet the demand for an increased number of Big Brother Big Sister positive role model mentor matches, Empowerment Trainings for at- risk children/youths and their guardian, and an increased number of Volunteer Trainings -2- ,--,,------ --. . ( 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County . , for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Big Brother Big Sister matches provide additional assets for the matched young person including a caring relationship with an unrelated adult, increased self esteem which leads to hope and the ability to set productive goals , for the future, opportunities to participate and contribute in community activities, social competence, a positive sense of self and purpose that all lead to resilience. Additional trainings for mentors, children and their guardians are necessary to support growth. All trainings include communication skills including conflict resolution. Small group Empowerment Trainings give children and their families the tools for sexual abuse prevention and identification, as well as other safety issues. BBB$-SLO follows and teaches best practices that include cultural sensitivity and diversity-inclusion. Big Brothers and Big Sisters volunteers provide a catalyst for change that gently leads a young person to become .a caring, competent and productive adult. BBBS-SLO collaborates with the school personnel, recreational facilities throughout the County, SLO County Departments of Social Service and Probation, CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates, Poly Pals and SAFE-SOC. BBBS-SLO goals and measurable outcomes are charted twice a year. , Location of Proiect: BBBS-SLO has office space centrally located at 880 Industrial Way, in the City of San Luis Obispo. . BBBS-SLO has access to office and/or meeting space at SAFE-SOC (SLO County Department of Social Services System of Care) in both North and South San Luis Obispo County, Public Golf ,Course meeting rooms, Churches, and other public meeting locations. I I . The activities and one-to-one relationship between the mentor and mentee take I place throughout the County, The mentor-mentee matches are encouraged to spend I recreational time together that costs very little money, or is free, i.e. hiking, bike rides, the beach, etc. . During 2004, a target project will include researching cooperative mentoring strategies including Boys and Girls' Clubs throughout San Luis Obispo County. -3- - .---..------ --~._..--.._-- -"-- " " 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County GeoaraDhlc Areas Served: All areas of San Luis Obispo County Project Milestones Timeline o RecruitlTrain Case Manager & support staff First month o Recruit Big Brothers & Sisters Ongoing o Orient Big Brothers & Sisters Ongoing o Screen & interview potential "Bigs" As they apply and as needed o Train mentors, children and/or guardians As they apply and as needed o Do home assessments of "Bigs" Ongoing, and as needed o Do home assessments of "Littles" Ongoing, and as needed o Make Big/Little matches Ongoing, and as needed o Supervise staff and matches Ongoing . o Evaluate match goals and outcomes Twice a year o Provide ongoing Match Support Daily, and scheduled o Match Support Reviews *Weeklv. *Monthlv. *Quarterlvand *Annual reviews o Plan and have recreational activities Six times per year (For all matches and children waiting to be matched, the "Cadets" I 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 73.000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to: All areas of San Luis Obispo County (see below) If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: J5.000 City of Paso Robles: J9.500 City of Atascadero: J7 .500 City of San Luis Obispo: J17.000 City of Grover Beach: J4.000 Unincorporated community of: North Coast (Los Osos-Cambria) $12,000 Countywide: Other communities in the County from Nipomo/Oceano to Shandon/San Migue/ $18.000 (Allocations determined by accessed needs) -4- -~--- ---'" , I 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County 5, Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Breakdown of Cost "er averaae Bia Brothers Bia Sisters One-to-One Mentor-Mentee "Match" with Onaoina Match Su""ort The Ex"ense of Each New Match for a Year . Recruit Big Brothers & Sisters $150 . . Potential Big Brothers & Sisters ("Bigs") Orientation $ 30 . Screen & interview potential "Bigs" (fingerprinting, local police, sheriff, DMV records, interview references) $120 . Train mentors, children and/or guardians $ 50 . "Big" written evaluations $ 60 . Written evaluationof "Littles" and hislher family life $ 60 . Make BiglLittle matches & meet with match, complete contracts and document goals $ 60 . Professional Match Support $350 . Evaluate matches $100 . Provide recreational activities $ 20 (for all matches and children waiting to be . matched, the .Cadetsn) Average Cost Der vearfor a new "Match" $1.000 "In-Kind" match of volunteer Big Brother Big Sister hours Average hours vo'lunteered 8 per/month x 12 months = 96 hours per year96 hours valued at $15.00 per hour of "in-kind" volunteer services rIa tch" = 1440.00 Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 73,000 I 2. Other-funds (please. describe below) *$ 207,853 (See attached budget) I Total Revenues $ 280,853 a. EXDenditures: List below by item or cost category. See attached budget for 2004 6, Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. _XX~ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). See Attached At..Risk Assessment -5- --._--------- ------ .__.~_._- I , 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons, b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available. ' NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 7. If the project or program Is desIgned to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate Income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): Persons/households (circle the applicable uniO 73 Households a.,. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income ",' (earning 51% - 80% or less ofthe County Median income)? persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 55% of Households a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or loess ofthe County Median income)? Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 45% of Households s, Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eliaible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities' and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - 6- ----- _J , " 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms - Removal of architectural barriers - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development _ , Special activities by subrecipients X Public services - Planning studies . ,9, Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences If the proposed project or program Is not funded In the next year? BBBS-SLO's ability for capacity building is limited by budget restrictions. 'Qualified Big Brother and Big Sister mentors are available to be matched with at-risk and disadvantaged children in San Luis Obispo County. The demand for services has exceeded the growth of financial resources. BBBS-8LO will have to stop accepting applications from children until additional funding sources are secured for case management and support staff. 10, Please describe the specific organlzatlon(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public ,agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience In operating similar programs; etc,), BBBS-SLO is a non-profit agency. In January 2004 we will be celebrating our ninth anniversary as an affiliate of the premier mentoring organization in the Country, (Big Brothers Big Sisters of America), as well as in San Luis Obispo County, Each year we have received recognition or growth from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. In August of 2003, BBBS professional staff initiated a quality Service Delivery Model to streamline the response to volunteers and "littles" with the ultimate goal of increasing matches at a reduced total cost per match. The target is a 30% reduction in cost with a 15% increase in annual matches. -7- ~. -~-~ I . , t 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County "- This is an economical program for two reasons: 1) The outcomes demonstrated by the young people served by a Big Brother or Big Sister are significant. The children and young people served are less likely to be involved with drugs, alcohol,. unplanned pregnancy, or drug affiliation. 2) The trained, screened and supervised mentors/Big Brothers and Big Sisters provide approximately 8 hours a month of one-to-one attention and activities for troubled youth. Over a year, that is 96 hours, if the time of a trained mentor is valued' at $15.00 an hour, each Big Brother or Big Sister is donating time worth $1440. If this proposal is funded, 75 volunteers will be donating $108,000 worth of services in a year. I certifY that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. . 10/20/03 Date Kathy S ith Executive Director . Printed or typed name Title -8- --..-.- . I -_._~-- I '. - BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF SLO COUNTY Budget ., January through December 2004 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 40000 - Contributions 40010 - Comm. Support Campaign 40,000 40020 - Realtor's CIrcle 20,000 40040 - United Way DesIgnations 1,200 40060 - Outside Events 700 40090 - Misc. Donations 3,000 40130-Ca~Donatlons 2,000 40160 - Albertson's 1,200 40160 - Service Clubs 5,000 40170 - MatchIng GIft Program 1,300 . 40000 - Contributions - Other (Kiwanis) 15,000 Total 40000 - Contributions 89,400.00 , 41220 - Big Event '03 50,000 41240 ' Golf Tournament Event 40,000 Total 41000 Events . 90,000 42200 - Grants/Contracts 42055 - SLO County Cities 33,000 42260 ' SLO County 40,000 42200 - Grants/Contracts - Other 27,000 Total 42200 - Grants/Contracts 100,000.00 _ 44000 - OtherlMlsc. Income 44010 -Interest Earned 39 44015 - DMdend Income 55 44020 - Merchandise Reimburse 33 44000 - Other/Mlsc. Income - Other 1,326 Total 44000 - OtherlMlsc. Income 1,453.00 Total Income 280,853.00 10/20/03 Page 1 of 2 "- " .I ~ BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF SLO COUNTY Budget January through December 2004 Expense 50000 - Gen'l Admin. Expenses 50010 - Bookkeeping Services 5,200 50020 - AuditlTax Returns 4,000 50030 - Miscellaneous 160 50040-Du~Subscriptions 450 50050 - Donor Outreach/data base 4,446 50070 - Bank Service Charges 744 Total 50000 - Gen'l Admin. Expenses 15,000.00 51200 -I Big Event Expense 5,000 51460' Golt Tournament Expenses 12,000 Total - Event Expense 17,000 57000 - Program Expenses 57168' SemlnarsNol Training 1,500 57020 - Activities 500 57030 - AdvertlslngINewsletter 2.500 57050 - Background CklFingrprnt 2,500 57055 - DueslSubscriptions 600 57060 ~ Equip. Purchase/Lease 2,000 , 57070 - Equip. Malntenance/Technology 2,000 57080 -Insurance - Liability 10,000 57090 - Insurance - Health 17,500 57090 - Program Expens~AIM 2,500 67100 -Insurance - Work. Compo 7,000 57110 - OffIce Supplies 3,000 67120 - Postage 3,000 57140 - Promotional Merchandise 1,200 67160 - RenWtillties 13,200 57170 - Telephone 4,000 57200 - Tralning/Cont. - Staff/Board 3,500 67210 - Travel- StafflBoard 7,000 57290 - Building RepalrlMalnl 500 57300 - Staff Payroll 134,000 57305 - Contract Payroll 600 57330 - Board Meeting Expense 2,000 67340 - Payroll Taxes 15,000 67350 - BBBS Affiliation Fees 7,000 57058 . EducationfTralnlng Expenses 400 57215' Travel- Meals 1,500 Total 57000 - Program Expenses 244,500.00 Total Expense 276,500.00 Net Ordinary Income 4,353.00 10120/03 Page 2 of 2 ""-- ~ At-Risk Match Analysis . . . Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County is a non-profit agency linked to a nationally-recognized program with a 99-year proven track record of quality standards and service throughout this United States. . After the five year Welfare-to-Work initiative which developed a growing demand for services from governmental agencies, the Big Brothers Bjg Sisters program finds itself facing some formidable challenges: - Coping with the loss of major funding from the Department of Social Services (TANF funding of targeted high-risk matches). - Recovering from a major "bum-out" - a literal fire that created a need for costly relocation and reorganizatiQnal efforts. - Meeting a growing demand for services (a wait list of more than 50 at- risk youth sensitized by the success of our program efforts). At this time in 2003, Big Brothers Big Sisters has downsized its staff -to 1.5 FTEs administrative staff with 2.5 FTEs providing match support. Our matches clearly reflect the high at-risk nature of our service in support of San Luis Obispo County governmental programs: . Assessina 117 Community-based \matches, , . South County 40% High Risk 49% San Luis Obispo 33% Medium Risk 34% North County 22% (+school based) Low Risk 17% Coastal 5% At -risk life challenaes: I Single-Parent 71% Parent Incarcerated 31% I Low Income 63% Psychological Problems 31% Parent/Drugs-Alcohol 50% Foster Care 16% I Other 38% Deviant Behavior 13% Physical/mental abuse 32% 10120/03 +-_. -- . , . RECEIVED OCT 2 0 2003 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Life$J>an Foundation ~ & B\dg Services (COrP1f COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMJ:NT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 1004 PROGRAM YEAR (Attach additional sheets if necessary) NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. A copy of a HOD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request trom county stafI Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staffwith any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1. Name and mailing address ofT applicant organization, with contact penon and phone number: Lifespan Foundation Inc. Executive Director - Richard Gruner . 660 Pismo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-54+8740 2. Title/name/address of propOsed project or program: Caring CallerslWanda Mcfarlane-Program Director 660 Pismo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. Include a description of the groups who will benefit an4 an explanation of how they will benefit trom the proposed.project or program. For projects, descn"be the location of the project (be specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location trom which the program will be operated and/or descn"be the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PROGRAM SUMMARY _ m ._,__~__ ------ --- , ~ PROGRAM SUMMARY Caririg Callers has been in operation for approximately 22 years, Tl?-e program serves all of San Luis Obispo County and remains the only program of its kind, providing in-home visiting services to senior citizens Iclients, aged 60 and over,. who are frail, homebound and at risk, at no cost to the client(s) and for as long as the client(s) needs the service, The increasing number of older persons who reside alone and are at-risk for substance abuse, elder abuse, scams, fraud, suicide, depression and lowered self-esteem is evidence of the need for the" Caring Callers program. Often a Caring Caller is the only source of social contact for a homebound senior, adding meaning to their lives and postponing or e1iminating the need for institutiona.1i7ation. Caring Callers are also able to locate individuals in need of more in-depth services such as travel to medical appointments, therapy, and other such services. Caring Callers collaborates with.several County departments and programs serving the same target population. Those departments are: Mental health Services; Public Health; Public Guardian; and Social Services. The programs or services include: Adult protective Services, In-Home Supportive Services, and Senior Home Care. Caring Callers volunteers are J09ndated reporters for elder abuse and collaborate with AdUlt Protective Service staff. Caring Caller volunteers are matched with a client and agree to visit a minimum 0.((1) hour a week on a regular basis, The program is designed to stimulate and enhance the social activities of the loD.~ly, frail, mostly isolated aging population.. The mental and social stimulatio~.that many individuals are missing is due to a lack of social/family support and is therefore provided by the Caring Caller volunteer. Many times the volunteer is the only source of human contact on which the senior can rely. The pair may play cards, board games, take walks, drives or go shopping, Caring Callers may also provide transportation to doctor's appointments or therapy secessions, Transportation for seniors was found by the Healthy Community survey to be one of the highest ranked needs in this community, Each volunteer must complete a volunteer orientation before actual visiting takes place. Every senior client receives a complete assessment before visitation begins, "Matches" are made by the Program Director according to personalities, interest, location, and availability. The program has approximately 110+ volunteers making weekly visits to" the residents that have been identified at risk throughout the entire county. These volunteers come in all age groups and walks of life: they are homemakers, students, teachers, lawyers, business people, nurses, and other seniors. The focus of the program has and will always be the enabler for the older individual (clients) to maintain a maximum level of independence and personal dignity as stated in the Older American Act Title m. The primary goal of Caring Callers is to allow seniors to stay in their homes, participate in their community to the extent they are able and remain independent as long as possible, Research points out that removing individuals from their home environment and placing them in congregate care settings significantly reduces their quality of life and often hastens death. Caring Callers is able to measure outcomes using past data and professional judgment. This data can be reported in both numbers and percentages. When the client survey is done on an annual basis the comments reflect how the program has enhanced the life of the individuals it is designed to serve. Over 18% of the clients surveyed state that the element of renewed spirit is what their -'- Caring Caller brings to them. Another element of satisfaction is illustrated by the comments about "having someone and something to look forward to in the future". Collected nata Number of hours to date: 4244 New seniors served to date: 159 ' Number of seniors age 75+: 136 Number of seniors age 85+: 70 Number of male: 36 Number of Female: 123 Number of seniors who live alone: 105 Number of seniors who cannot do: 2+ Activities of daily living: 53 3+ Activities of daily living: 29 2+Instrumental activities of daily living: 149 3+Instrumental activities of daily living: 137 4+Instrumental activities of daily living: 119 * Activities of daily living are tasks such as eating, dressing; bathing, toileting, walking, and getting out of bed *Instrumental activities of daily living are preparing meals, shopping, manltgil18 medications, managing money, using the telephone, doing light housework, doing h~vy housework. Many other agencies such as Senior Infonnation and Referral, In-Home. Supportive Services, Senior Home Care, County Home Health Agency and Senior Nutrition make referral to Caring Callers. During the initial intake process as attempt is made to identifY any client needs that another agency could provide. The refeml is discussed with the senior and if shelhe agrees, a release form is signed and the referral is made. Caring Callers also serves .as an integral component of the community-based long term care system in San Luis Obispo County, working cooperatively with home health agencies, hospital discharge planners, home delivered meal programs and County departments that serve the elderly. Monthly meetings for individuals and like agencies are attended. These groups collaborate in working plans to serve the senior residents' needs and expand services for the best impact and in . better solving of problematic issues. Groups that collaborate are Adult Abuse Prevention Council and the Financial Abuse Specialist Team of San Luis Obispo County. Due to the raising rate of senior fraud and possible adult abuse it is important to have such groups in place. Another collaboration is the HOSPICE, due to the number oflosses the program experiences it is beneficial to have resources for the volunteers to access. There is now a program at the County Library that loan to the homebound. This is just another way of enhancing our clients' life for the better. We may also utilized the resources of the Braille Institute to bring a new avenue to those clients that may be impaired of enjoyment. ---- .,. 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Lifes.pan Foundation For Human Servi~ 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 7000.00 Please identifY the jlirisdiction(s) you are applying to*: City of Grover Beach.. City of Paso Robles. and City of Arroyo Grande City of Arroyo Grande 2000.00 City of Paso Robles 3000.00 City of Atascadero City of San Luis Obispo City of Grover Beach 2000.00 County of San Luis Obispo Countywide 7000.00 *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities~ piease provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 20~2oo3. 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 7000.00 2. Other funds (please descn'be below) $ 17.986.00 Total Revenues $ 24.986.00 PLEASE SEE ATI'ACHED PROPOSED BUDGET b. Exoenditures: List by item or cost category. PLEASE SEE ATI'ACHED PROPOSED BUDGET ------ , 4:19 PM . Lifespan Foundation For Human Services 101181U3 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Cash BasIs July 2004 through June 2005 "-Caring Callers TOTAL Jul '04 - Jun 01 JuI '04 - Jun 01 OrdInary Inc:omeIExpense Income 4 ' ContrIbuted support 4010 .lndlvlbuslnesa contribution 4012 'Uons 500.00 500.00 4013 ' SaInt Barnabus 1,300.00 1,3X).oo 4010 'Indlvlbuslness contribution - Other 500.00 500.00 Total 4010 ' Indlvlbuslnesa contrIbuUon 2,300.00 2,300.00 4130 ,Gifts In kind - goocIsIservIces 11DJ.00 1,aD.00 4410 ' United Way ContrIbutIons 4411 ' UnltedW.y of So luis ObIspo 2,100.00 2,100.00 TobIl4410' United W.yContrlbuUons 2,100.00 2, 100.00 4430 ' Fundnllslng agencies revenue 4,cxnoo 4431 ' Golf cIusIc 2003 4,aD.00 4434 ' HerItage Walk 500.00 500.00 4437 'Senior Prom 1,aD.00 1,aD.00 Total 4430 ' Fundralslng agencies revenue 5,500.00 5,500.00 4640 ' Local goVernment grants 4141 ' County of San luis ObIspo 4,686.00 4,686.00 4M2' City of Atascadero 200.00 . 200.00 4643 ' City of San luis ObIspo 2,200.00 2,200.00 4541, City of Grover Beach 2,aD.00 2,aD.OO . 4147 ' City of Paso Robles 3,aD.00 3,aD.oo 4148 ' City of Arroyo Grande 2,aD.oo 2,aD.(D Total 4640 ' Local government grants 14,a!6.oo 14,a!6.oo Total 4 ' ContrIbuted support 24,S86.oo 24,S86.oo Total Income 24,S86.oo 24,S86.<X> Expense 7200 ' SIIIarIes & related expenses 7220 ' Sa....... & wages - other 18,aD.00 18,aD.00 7210 ' Payroll taxes 3,anoo 3,aD.00 Total 7200 ' SalarIes & related expenses 21,aD.00 21,aD.oo 7500 ' Other personnel expenses 7&40 ' Professional fees - other 7m.00 7m.00 . 7_. Temponry help - c:ontrac:t 1,aD.00 1,aD.00 Total7SOO ' other personnel expenses 1,7m.00 1,750.00 8100 ' Non-peraonnel expenses 8110 'Supplies 438.00 438.00 8130 ' Telephone & teIecoItmllnlcatlons 700.00 700.00 8140 ' Postage. shipping, delivery 4:D.00 450.00 8180 ' Equip rental & maintenance 280.00 280.00 8170 . PrInting & copying <<1>'00 <<I}.OO Total 8100 ' Noni:MnOnnel expenses 2,268.00 2,268.00 8200 ' Occupancy expense. 8210 ' Rent. parking, other occupancy SOO.oo SOO.OO 8220 ' UtIlItIes 100.00 100.00 Total 8200 . Occupancy expenses 1,aD.00 1,aD.00 8500 ' Mise expenses 8601 ' Volunteer recognition 500.00 500.00 8513 ' I"klnd other 1,aD.00 1,aD.00 - . --- , 4:19 PM . Lifespan Foundation For Human Services 10119103 Profit & Loss Budget Overview Cash BasIs July 2004 through June 2005 , 4-Carlng Callers TOTAL JuI '04 - Jun 05 Jul '04 - Jun 05 8620 ' Insurance - non<<nployee 8621 ' Volunteer Insurance fSJ.oo fSJ.oo 8623 ' UabUIty CD.oo CD.oo 8124, Work Camp 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total 8620 . Insurance - non-employee 2,2SJ.00 2,2SJ.00 Total 8600 ' Mise expenses 3.79).00 3. 7SJ.00 Total Expense 29,758.00 29,758.00 Net Ordinary Income -4,782.00 -4,782.00 Net Income -4.782.00 -4.782.00 . - - -- . 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Lifespan Foundation for Human Services 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? PleaSe check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. X Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U,S. Department of Housing .and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective. the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city. at least S 1 percent of who are . low and moderate-income p~sons. See current income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight NOTE: To meet this national objective. the [proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one Qr more conditions that contn'buted to the deterioration of the area. , c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health orwelfare of the cOmmunity. and no other funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective. the proposed. activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquake. 7. If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of Providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the Dumber of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as foRows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit trom the project (Regardless of income group): 140 to 160 ~ouseholds (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above. hoe many will be low-income (earning S 1 % - 800.10 or less of the County Median income)1 92% ~ouseholds (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or house holds entered above. how many will be very low- income (earning SOO.lo or less of the County Median income)1 73%~ouseholds (circle the applicable unit) I I I ----.....-.--- I --- . 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Life$pan Foundation for Human "- Services 8. Check any of the foDowing eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities) Acquisition of real property Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) Privately owned utilities Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, andlor movement of structures to the other sites Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals,. families, businesses, non-profit org;tni7.ations, ana lor farms Removal of architectural barriers - . Housing rehabilitation New housing construction (under limited circumstance$) Code enforcement Historic preservation . Commercial or industrial rehabilitation Special economic development X Special activities by sub recipients X Public services Planning studies I I I _.~-- "- -::,... COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2004 PROGRAM YEAR (Attach additional sheets if necessary) NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. A copy of a HUD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request from county staff. Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 03421 (805) 473-5420 2. Title/name of proposed project or program: Fa~de Improvement Grant Program 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, d~scribe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please Include a schedule of project/program milestones. . The City of Arroyo Grande's Community Development Department would like to offer businesses within the redevelopment area the opportunity to receive grant funds to revitalize their businesses facades with new signs and awnings. 4, Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ $20,000 - Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to*: The City of Arroyo Grande If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: City of San Luis Obispo: City of Grover Beach: County of San Luis Obispo: County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by - -:::~.... 2004 CDBG Application Organization: City of Arrovo Grande the application deadline of October 28, 2002. 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 20.000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $ Total Revenues $ 20.000 a. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. The City of Arroyo Grande ~nticipates making approximately 4 grants of $5,000 per business with the redevelopment area. 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three natlonal objectives of the CDSG . program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. _ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. See current Income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals. b. ~_ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources .are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 7. If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): N/A Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 2- -.-" ----- - ~--.'I 2004 CDBG Application Organization: a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51% - 80% or less of the COUl)ty Median income)? N/A persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County Median income)? N/APersons/households (circle the applicable unit) 8, Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eliaible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms - Removal of architectural barriers - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation -2L Commercial or industrial rehabilitation . - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients - Public services - Planning studies 3- .- -- ... 2004 CDBG Application Organization: 8, Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences If the proposed project or program Is not funded In the next year? The City risks losing businesses in the targeted area if we do not actively work with the business owners and property owners to enhance their businesses. Additionally, if the project is not funded, the consequences could be significant as the existing businesses need to be even more competitive as the City is being approached by major retail chains for vacant commercial/retail sites in the targeted area. 10, Please describe the specific organization(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; . experience in operating similar programs; etc,). The Community Development department with implement the program according the rules established for last years Fac;ade Grant Program. See attached flyer. I 4- \ i --.... 2004 CDBG Application Organization: Community Development - Code Enforcement I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. '7 '2...0 C) Signature - , 1 +(n\-) ,QrOV1fea C'o,^",~uv~\t- -POHolflAAt l)\y"~ Printed or typ name Title .) I I . 5- I I I -- -- COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2003/2004 PROGRAM YEAR. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. A copy of a HUD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request from county staff. . Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 03421 (805) 473-5420 2, Title/name of proposed project or program: Code. Enforcement Officer 3, Please describe the proposed project or program, Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they win benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. One Code Enforcement position will be partially funded through the CDBG program. This will allow for the enforcement of the City's Building and D~velopment Ordinances within the redevelopment project area and low and moderate-income area, Lack of Code Enforcement in the RDA Project area and the low and moderate income areas will result in further deterioration of residential and business properties in those areas and related health and safety violations. Approximately 50% of code enforcement activities have been required in these areas for the past year. Therefore, in the next year 50% of a full time Code Enforcement Officer position is requested. The activities of the Code Enforcement Officer include referring owners of deteriorating properties to resources that can assist in funding the necessary corrective measures. 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ . $19,000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to*: The City of Arroyo Grande ':":.", 2003/2004 CDBG Application Organization: City of Arrovo Grande If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: City of San Luis Obispo: City of Grover Beach: County of San Luis Obispo: County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline of October 28, 2002. j' 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program, a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds. requested $ 19.000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $ Total Revenues $ . a. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. 50% salary for the Code Enforcement Officer 6. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. _ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. See current Income limit schedule In the Request for Proposals. b. _x_ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 2- ..- -.'<. 2003 CDBG Application Organization: 7. If the project or program Is designed to .meet the National Objectlv~ of providing benefit to low and moderate Income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. Of. the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (eaming 51% - 80% or less of the County Median Income)? personslhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (eaming 50% or less of the County Median income)? Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 8. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Eliaible CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property - Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance Relocation of individuals,families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms - Removal of architectural barriers - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) _x_ Code enforcement - Historic preservation - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development 3- - 2003 CDBG Application Organization: - Special activities by subrecipients - Public services - Planning studies 8. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Lack of Code Enforcement in the RDA Project area and the low and. moderate income areas will result in further deterioration of residences and businesses in those areas. 10. Please describe the specific organization(s) method to implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience in operating similar programs; etc,), , The Code Enforcement Officer operates out of the City's Community Development Department as a customer service activity on a complaint basis. The Code Enforcement officer has been employed for the past four years. ! 4- "--:.,.", 2003 CDBG Application Organization: Community Development - Cor:le Enforcement J certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. ~.. ~b"'<Lg7"'1 -, 2.O(J'f 51g ture Date '", -:Rob 'S-t;ro~ ~~\^^\N\.\~ \~_ ~_"..IZ \^\,W\rlAA\- \),r.e...c.k.o'V""" Printed or ty name Title ;) 5- ~- -~~..- COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2003 PROGRAM YEAR (Attach additional sheets if necessary) NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. A copy of a HUD-prepared CDBG eligibility guidebook is available upon request from county staff. Also, please call county and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. (2) If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. 1, Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person and phone number: Larry Schmidt, Chief Building Inspector City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 (805) 473-5450 2. Title/name of proposed project or program: Interior ADA upgrades for the Arroyo Grande Women's Club Community Center 3, Please describe the proposed project or program. Include a description of the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as posslble,e,g, street address), For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones, The proposed project involves substantial upgrading of existing facilities at the Arroyo Grande Women's Club Community Center to provide necessary levels of disabled access to the general public and City employees. There will be citywide benefit for citizens with disabilities by allowing access to all areas within the Community Center facility, which is located at 211 Vernon in Arroyo Grande, California. I 4. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 40.000 I Please identify the jurisdiction(s) you are applying to*: City of Arroyo Grande If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. . City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: City of San Luis Obispo: City of Grover Beach: County of San Luis Obispo: County-wide: *Note: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by I the application deadline of October 28,2002. -..... 2003 CDBG Application Organization: 5. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ $40,000 2. Other funds (please describe below) $ 0 Total Revenues $ $40,000 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Bathroom accessories - Furnish and install Adjustable shelves - Furnish and install . Clean-up Demo Glass ceiling, reframe and drywall Bathroom walls for additions (2) demo Door 36" solid core with lock for storage in men's bathroom Drywall Electrical for bathroom lights to be tied into existing switch Flooring in kitchen and bathroom additions (2) furnish and install Foundation for bathroom additions Framing FRP Grab bars - furnish and install Handicap sign age - furnish and install Install phone partition and reinstall phone Insulation Light fixtures (2) - furnish and install Modify casework Misc. Carpentrylremove cabinet in kitchen for clearance Painting all new drywall areas in bathroom additions, touch up, steel handrails Partitions - Modify and reinstall Plumbing Raise light shelves to 80" (3) Reconstruct counters and lavatories to match existing Remove drinking fountains; door; cabinet Shelves - Remove and reinstall Relocate vending machine Skylights (2) - Furnish and install Bid and performance bonds 2- -~ - 2003 CDBG Application Organization: 6, Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective, a. _X_ Benefits low and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the county or participating city, at least 51 percent of whom are low and moderate-income persons. See current Income limit schedule in the Request for Proposals, b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided within a designated slum or blighted area, and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be provided to deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 7, If the project or program is designed to meet the National Objective of providing benefit to low and moderate Income persons, please estimate the number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by Income group as follows: a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project (regardless of income group): Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (eaming 51% - 80% or less ofthe County Median income)? persons/households (circle the applicable unit) a. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (eaming 50% or loess ofthe County Median income)? Persons/householqs (circle the applicable unit) 3- -- ':::_..;. 2003 CDBG Application Organization: 8. Check any of the following eligible acttvity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and Guide to Elialble CDBG Activities) - Acquisition of real property - Disposition of real property _X_ Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation) - Privately-owned utilities - Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, and/or movement of structures to other sites - Interim assistance - Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms _X_ Removal of architectural barriers - Housing rehabilitation - New housing construction (under limited circumstances) - Code enforcement - Historic preservation - Commercial or industrial rehabilitation - Special economic development - Special activities by subrecipients _X_ Public services - Planning studies ~. Describe the need and the degree to urgency for the proposed project or program, What would be the consequences If the proposed project or program Is not funded in the next year? Public services will be denied to disabled persons at the community facility if funding is postponed. 10, Please describe the specific organlzation(s) method to Implement the proposed project or program: (single or multiple group, with roles; public agency?; non-profit?; for-profit?; experience In operating similar programs; etc,), This project will be implemented by City of Arroyo Grande Staff. 4- "::':..... 2003 CDBG Application Organization: I certify. that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge. ./ Date / / / / ./ /4//, 5- 9.c. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will hold a Public Hearing on the following item: Development Code Amendment Case No, 02-001 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No, 02- 005; Applicant - Don McHaney; Location - Grace Lane; Royal Oaks Planned Development; Lot 182 and portion of Lot B, Tract 1390. The City Council will consider a proposal to subdivide a 29.46-acre property into fifteen (15) residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1.14 acres and designate a 15.95-acre area as perpetual open space. Also in the proposal is the development of four (4) moderate-income family residences on a 1.28-acre site adjacent to the open space parcel. The Council will consider a proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. "Royal Oaks Estates" to increase the maximum allowed density within the Planned Development, and amending the Zoning Map to Designate the property as Residential Rural (RR) with a Planned Development Overlay and a propos~ Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No. 02-005. In complian.ce with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration on the above project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for review at the Community Development Department, City of Arroyo Grande. If the City Council does not feel that a Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate, project. approval will not be considered. Any person affected or concemed by this application may submit written comments to the Community Development Department before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard, in support of or opposition to the project and the environmental impacts at the time of hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, during normai business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The , project application is available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the planning commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. . Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given, DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: TUESDAY, JANUARY 13,2004-7:00 PM PLACE OF HEARING: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 'E. BRANCH STREET ~ ~~ __ _ARROYOGRANDECA93420 ,,[ i)J- Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/ Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, Friday, January 2,2004 '- --"._-_.--- -~- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~ BY: KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDtNANCE NO, 355 C.S. AND APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02- 001, AND A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF A 29.48-ACRE SITE INTO 15 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, 2 OPEN SPACE PARCELS, AND A 1,28- ACRE PARCEL FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF FOUR (4) MODERATE-INCOME UNITS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE ROYAL OAKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B, TRACT 1390; DON MCHANEY DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce the attached Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 and approving Development Code Amendment 02-001 and adopt the attached Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005. FUNDING: No direct City costs related to the subject rezoning and residential subdivision. DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission adopted a Resolution on October 7, 2003 recommending City Council approval of the proposed project (Attachment 1). Backaround The 29-acre site is located within the Royal Oaks Planned Development (PD 1.3) area accessed by a proposed public street called Grace Lane to the north and Rodeo Drive to the south. Surrounding land uses include the Grace Bible Church and single family homes to the north, single family homes within the Rancho Grande Planned Development to the west, and mostly undeveloped County owned PF, Government Center property, and St. Patrick's Parochial School to the south and east. Further to the east are single-family residences along Rodeo Drive. The site is currently vacant. Site topography ranges from relatively flat terrace areas with weeds and grasses to steeply sloped banks thick with native shrubs and oak trees within a "Tree Preservation" easement. --_.-_-_.------"--- - CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02-005 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 The Royal Oaks Planned Development was established in 1987 by Ordinance 355 C.S. (Attachment 2) and was later amended by the following Ordinances (Attachments 3-8): Ordinance No. Title 356 Amending 355 C.S. Re: Lot A and Via La Barranca Drainage System in Royal Oaks Estates 358 Amending Lot A, and Lots 34-40 Lot Lines in Royal Oaks Estates 384 Sidewalk Construction in Royal Oaks Subdivision 406 Amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S, Royal Oaks Estates to Modify Exhibit "A" 418 Amending Ord. No. 355 C.S, Royal Oaks Estates 430 Amending Ordinance 355 C.S, by Allowing a Church on Lot B, Royal Oaks 449 Amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. "Royal Oaks Estates" by Allowing a Church on Lot 184 and Approving and Adopting Specific Development Plan 91-05 Previous Proiect In 1997, the project .site was considered for a 38-lot residential subdivision known as "Rodeo Heights" (see Attachment 10 for tentative map). A Draft Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the project (August 1998) but was never certified. The project was instead placed on hold pending completion of the General Plan Update. 2001 Genaral Plan and Current Zoning Lots "B", 182 and 184 were zoned specifically for "single family estate homes" allowing only one dwelling unit per lot. The 2001 General Plan changed the land use classification of these lots from PD 1.3 residential estate lots to Residential Single Family Low Density with a Planned Development overlay (RSF-LD-PD), allowing up to one dwelling unit per acre. The Program EIR for the General Plan pages EIR-44 to 46 (Attachment 9) discussed alternatives and the Plan allowed this SFR-LD-PD to contain a maximum of 20 dwelling units for the combined two adjacent properties (originally the "estate lot" properties), exclusive of any density bonus. Pre-ADolication The City Council considered a pre-application for this property on May 28, 2002 (see Attachment 11 for meeting minutes). The pre-application included a residential subdivision of fifteen (15) lots and dedication of roughly 17 acres as open space to the City for habitat protection and passive recreation, The applicant contended that architectural design standards should not be imposed since the homes would be custom built. Planning Commission and City Council provided favorable comments about the project, but voiced concerns about localized traffic impacts, street design, driveway configuration and safety of cars backing into the street, soil erosion, and recreation facilities on site. CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02.005 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 Proiect DescriDtion Similar to the pre-application submittal, the developer proposes to subdivide the property into 15 residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1.14 acres, and designate a 0.47-acre area and a15.95-acre area as perpetual open space (proposed Lots A and B). Also proposed is the development of four (4) moderate-income family residences on a 1.28-acre site (Lot C) adjacent to the open space parcel and Grace Church overflow parking lot. If approved, this affordable housing component' of this project will be processed through a subsequent parcel map application to. create four lots with affordable separate single-family residences that emulate the architectural style of the proposed fifteen (15) residences. These four affordable ownership units would be constructed concurrent with the 15 market rate units as required by General Plan policy H3-2 and remain affordable for at least 30 years by deed restriction as required by H 1- 7.1. The proposed Development Code Amendment would change the zoning from PD 1,3 "estate lots" to Residential Rural Planned Development (RR-PD), corresponding with the Land Use designation approved in 2001. Grace Bible Church has submitted a letter verifying its cooperation with project offsite and roadway improvements, and with providing an access easement to benefit Lot C (see letters from the Church included as Attachments 12 and 13). Granting of the easement is contingent upon the Grace Lane alignment modified to not impact the existing parking lot on the Church property. The tentative map has been modified to eliminate on-street parking along the curve adjacent to the Church property. General Plan Consistencv The General Plan Land Use Map designates the project site as both "Planned Development" with an underlying land use of Single Family Residential Low Density (LD), and "Conservation Open Space" (C/OS). The 15,95-acre open space parcel, delineated for the specific purpose for protecting the native vegetation and natural drainage swale that traverse the site, has the added benefit of separating the proposed development from the other developed Royal Oaks properties. The Land Use Element states under implementation measure LU2-2.1 . that to accommodate cluster developments on residential hillside areas, a maximum density of 0,67 dwelling units per acre is appropriate. Clustered subdivisions are encouraged in order to retain steeper slopes, drainage, natural vegetation and other site features as Conservation Open Space. With 29.5 acres and 19 dwellings, the density is 0,64 dwelling units per acre, consistent with LU2-2.1. The General Plan also discusses the need for recreational trails throughout the City. Specifically under Implementation Measure PR4-1.1, development proposals are to be reviewed for consistency with the Parks and Recreation Element (PRE) and require easements, dedications, and improvements when necessary for the establishment of pedestrian trails. The existing informal pathway currently located within the open space area is generally identified in the PRE. Staff therefore recommends that the project be conditioned to record a 10-foot wide easement for pedestrian access only (proposed Condition of Approval No.7). The exact location of the trail would be determined at a ___ _ _ _"W"____ CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02-005 JANUARY 13. 2004 PAGE 4 later date within that 10-foot area. The intent of creating a more formalized trail is to more clearly depict where people are to walk and in so doing. further protect the open space area. The trail would be constructed and maintained via a maintenance district. To accomplish this, an access easement will also be required across Lot C. Affordable Housino Because the project application is vested under the 2001 General Plan and the City's Affordable Housing Ordinance (Ordinance No. 514 C.S. adopted March 28. 2000). the applicant must either set aside 25% of the units. or four (4) units, as affordable for moderate-income households, dedicate buildable land sufficient to construct the units, or pay an in-lieu fee to satisfy affordable housing requirements. The. applicant originally proposed to dedicate land or pay an in-lieu fee. However, the City Council has clearly indicated that payment of the in-lieu fee is an option only if all other alternatives have been exhausted. In this case, a 1.28-acre area (Lot C) has been identified as adequate to accommodate the four (4) units as shown on Attachments 14 and 15. In order to ensure that the units are built, the Planning Commission recommended that a density bonus be granted as an incentive to the developer to construct the units in addition to providing the land. To ensure that the site is adequate for constructing the affordable units, a Condition of Approval for the Vesting Tentative Tract Map requires that the applicant demonstrate the buildability of Lot C prior to recording the final map, If the site proves buildable. then the applicant shall record a restrictive covenant on Lot C that it be developed with a minimum of four (4) housing units affordable to moderate-income households (for reference, a 3-bedroom moderate-income home currently sells for $294.679, and a family of four earns an annual moderate income of $69.250), The applicant must also have active building permits for the affordable units prior to the City issuing a certificate of occupancy for the custom homes. If Lot C does not prove buildable, the applicant shall submit an amendment to the Vesting Tentative Tract Map indicating other alternatives to satisfy the affordable housing requirement. In sum, the issue of where and how the affordable housing is constructed must be resolved prior to recording the final map. It should be noted that if the Council chooses the payment of in-lieu fees as an alternative to on or off-site construction of the affordable units, the fees could be calculated based upon the 2001 Housing Element, which includes a policy that equates the in-lieu fee to 3% of the estimated value of new construction (see policy H1-7.1 below). In-lieu fees could range from roughly $100,000 to $200,000 for the entire project depending on the size of the homes. The fee calculations are based on $90 per square foot of living area and $24 per square foot of garage area for each home, As an example, a 2,500 square foot house with a 500 square foot garage would require an in- lieu fee of $7,125. The 3% in-lieu fee for fifteen (15) homes of the same size would then equate to $106,875. --.---...------------ ___U"" ~~"- CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02-005 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 5 The Pfanning Commission has previously recommended several projects using a density bonus in-lieu fee of 6% in cases where on-site affordable housing feasibility was questionable. This option would double the amount of the 3% in-lieu fee, or provide approximately $214,000. 2001 Housing Element Policy H1-7.1: Such low and. moderate-income housing units may be either for rent or sale, but shall remain affordable for a term to be determined on a case-by- case basis but not less than 10 years. Sites on which fewer than 12 units are allowed shall be exempted from on-site construction requirements, but the City shall consider an "in-lieu affordable housing fee" payment instead of low and moderate-income housing construction, The fee shall be equal to 3% of the estimated value of new construction as computed for building permit, and utilized by the City for qualified low and moderate income housing construction, site acquisition, rehabilitation or acquisition of such units. Gradino and Drainaoe Considerable grading has occurred in the past on the portion of the site proposed for development, including a large flat terraced area near the top (northwestern) portion of the property and a dirt road at the base of the terraces and slope (see Attachment 16 for site topography). The imported fill soils on the site appear to erode easily given the damage that has occurred in areas where surface runoff is concentrated and where drainage devices or erosion protection is absent. An example is the deep eroded channel located at the base of the cut slope along the dirt road. As identified on the Design Guidelines Plan (Attachment 17), the proposed building pads are located on the flatter portion of the property adjacent to the Grace Lane extension to minimize grading. However, because of the high potential for further erosion of fill areas, all existing features at the site subject to slippage and erosion must be repaired, and drainage devices and corrective grading must be incorporated to prevent the uncontrolled concentration of surface runoff. Conditions of Approval No, 82 through 93 for the Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Mitigation Measures No.2 and 3 address grading and drainage issues. Previous Council Review The City Council considered this project on October 28, - 2003 and discussed issues related to affordable housing requirements, traffic impacts, setbacks, pedestrian trail, driveway design, and fencing (see Attachment 18 for City Council meeting minutes). The Council directed staff to work with the applicant to develop project alternatives and adjustments that include the following: 1. Design options for the affordable housing component that eliminate common wall construction. CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02-005 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 6 2. Preservation of the existing trail on the open space portion (southeast side) of the project with better depiction for a formal trail network and trail head sign similar in design to the one constructed for the pedestrian trail along James Way. 3. Widening of the dirt bench along the Grace Lane extension to allow a roadside pedestrian trail. 4. Split rail fencing around the project boundary consistent with the fencing used for the Rancho Grande Planned Development. 5. Clarification of the common driveway design showing adequate maneuverability for proper forward exiting on to Grace Lane. Proiect Amendments In response to Council comments, the applicant has submitted a revised site plan, elevations, grading plan and tentative tract map showing the following changes: 1. The affordable units are shown as detached residences with similar architectural design as the market rate units. 2. The/pedestrian trail access easement and trailhead is delineated. 3. Garage orientation and driveway design is elucidated. The conditions of approval have also been amended in response to Council concerns as follows: 1. Dense vegetation required the first fifteen feet (15') of each lot as an added buffer/barrier between the street and homes. The vegetation shall be shrubs and not grass. 2. Submittal of a perimeter fencing plan that utilizes similar material and split rail design as used within the Rancho Grande Planned Development. 3. Eliminated all language related to CC&R's and replaced with Maintenance District (similar to the Farroll Avenue project). 4. Width of road right of way widened by four feet (4') to a full pedestrian path width often feet (10'). 5. Safety railing along Grace Lane. 6. Pedestrian easement delineated across Lots Band C. 7. Requirement of trailhead sign to be designed similar to the one located along James Way. 8. Fifty foot (50') front setback. Proiect Alternatives In response to Council direction, the applicant has identified three (3) alte"rnatives to address affordable housing requirements. 1. Dedicate the 1.28-acre site (Lot C) for affordable housing and agree to construct four.(4) moderate-income single-family detached units. CITY COUNCIL DCA 02001 & VTTM 02-005 JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 7 2. Dedicate the 1.28-acre site (Lot C) for affordable housing and construct two (2) moderate-income single-family detached units and pay in-lieu fees for the other two (2) units. 3. Pay the in-lieu fees, either 3% or 6%. Environmental Assessment Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and. the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. Based on the review, staff does not anticipate that this project will have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, staff has prepared a negative declaration with mitigation measures for Council's consideration (Attachment 19). AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council's consideration: - Adopt the Resolution and introduce the proposed Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission; or - Modify as appropriate and introduce the proposed Ordinance; or - Do not adopt and provide direction to staff and applicant. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2003 2. Ordinance 355 C.S. 3. Ordinance 356 C.S. 4. Ordinance 358 C.S. 5. Ordinance 406 C.S. 6. Ordinance 418 C.S. 7. Ordinance 430 C.S. 8. Ordinance 449 C.S. 9. Program EIR for the General Plan pages EIR-44 to 46 10. Tentative Map for "Rodeo Heights" 11. City Council Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2002 12. Letter from Grace Bible Church dated February 10, 2003 13. Letter from Grace Bible Church dated August 28, 2003 14. Affordable Housing Site Plan (Lot C) 15. Affordable Housing Exteriors 16. Map of Site Topography 17. Design Guidelines Plan 18. City Council Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2003 19. Initial Study Attachment A: Soils Analysis by Leighton and Associates, Inc. Attachment B: Biological Resources Report: prepared for the Rodeo Heights Project Attachment C: Fuel Modification Specifications ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 355 C.S. "ROYAL OAKS ESTATES" TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY WITHIN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO DESIGNATE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RESIDENTIAL RURAL (RR) WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02-001 ,APPLIED FOR BY DON McHANEY, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON GRACE LANE (LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390) WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map indicates that the subject 29.46-acre property is located within the Royal Oaks Planned Development (PO 1,3) and designated as "Estate Homesn in Ordinance No. 355 C.S., an Appendix to the Development Code; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Don McHaney, has filed an application for Development Code Amendment 02-001 to amend Ordinance No, 355 C.S" changing the zoning designation for the subject property to Residential Rural with a Planned Development overlay (RR-. PD) allowing one dwelling unit per acre; and WHEREAS, adoption of the proposed zoning designation would establish land use, development and design standards for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed Development Code Amendment 02-001 at a duly noticed public hearing on October 7, 2003, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time aU interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Development Code Amendment 02-001 at duly noticed public hearings on October 28, 2003 and January 13, 2004, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time aU interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the, City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings, staff reports, and all other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. Based on the information contained in the staff report and accompanying materials, the proposed Development Code Amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan and is necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. _.- ~ ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 2 B. The proposed Development Code. Amendment will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. The proposed Low Density development is consistent with the surrounding development within the Royal Oaks and Rancho Grande Planned Developments and will not impact public services beyond what the General Plan anticipates for this area. C. The proposed Development Code Amendment is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Development Code, Low density residential development within the project area Would be required to meet development and design standards under the RR zoning designation that insures orderly development. D. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed Development Code Amendment were considered as part of the 2001 General Plan Program EIR, and are less than significant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts Development Code Amendment 02-001 amending Ordinance No, 355 C.S. and a portion of the Zoning Map as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Sections 2(3), 2(5), 5(8), and Exhibit "A" map of Ordinance No, 355 C,S. are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16.24,020 (Zoning Map) is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 5: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 6: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 13th day of January 2004. , - ------.--.- - ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 4 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ---- -~--- ~--_.._- EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ROYAL OAKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD 1,3) 1. Section 2, entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 3, is hereby amended to read as follows: This Planned Development amendment approves a maximum allowed density of 249 dwelling units. Any change or amendment of the uses authorized herein shall constitute a rezoning and shall require an amendment of this ordinance. The final tract map shall contain the following restrictions: Approved Residential Density Lots Dwelling Units Drainage and Park A 0 Patio Homes 11-100 & 157 100 Single Family Homes 1-11, 110-156, 131 158-181, 183 & 185-233 Estate Homes B & 184 2 Custom Homes 182 15 . Agriculture C 1 235 .249 . 2. Section 2, entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 5, is hereby amended to read as follows: land use shall be consistent with the approved development plan and the standards of the R-4-RR, single family residential district for all lots except 11- I 109, aREl-157, 182 and lot B and Lots A, Band C. lots 11-109 and 157 shall be allowed site and lot width, coverage and yard varia~ions; pursuant to Section 9.4.611 of tho R 1 District 16.32.050 ofthe Municipal Code. Lot A shall be a drainage and park-recreation site. Lots 182 and 184, Lot 8 and lot C afe-is intended as an individual single family estate lot6, eaGl:\-restricted to one single family dwelling unit and residential related, accessory or agricultural uses allowed in the R-A zone. Residential Agricultural (R-A) uses permitted are: A. Single -family dwellings, one per building site: B. Light farming, except commercial dairies, commercial rabbit, fox, goat, or hog farms, or commercial chicken or poultry ranches; C. Livestock limit~d to two (2) animals only when combined with a 8.3 District. A like" number of animals may be permitted for additional acreage. Pens or fencing used for the housing of such animals shall be located not less than 150 feet from the boundary of the Residential Agricultural (R-A) District; D. Crop and tree farming; E. One noncommercial guest house; except where there is an existing second residential dwelling unit. F. Mobile homes subject to the provisions of MUl'1icipal Code Section 16.48.100'\ public elementary school on Lot 8 may 1;>0 permitted pursuant to rezoning procedures. The UMCA ana.(or alternative institutional uses on Lots 182, 184 and 8 may be oonsidsr:ed pursuant to PD amendment, zone change prooedures, but in no e'Jent shall additional residential re subdivision be considered. 3. Section 2, entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8. The planned development shall be constructed in two phases. Phase I. The initial and first phase of planned development shall be called Phase I. Phase I development shall permit the concurrent development of all public and private improvements identified on-site and within the area defined as Phase I upon the approved tentative tract map, plus all off-site improvements, excepting "E" Street. Phase I improvements shall include the construction of all patio and other homes contained within the Phase I tentative tract map area, but shall exclude construction of building upon Lots B, C, 182 and 184. Grading, drainage and non- building improvements may take "place upon Lots 8, C, 182 and 184 according to approved City plans during Phase I. Building construotioR upon Lots B, C, 182 and 184 "shall require Council detailed site plan r:e'/iew and approval prior to commencement. No building permits shall be issued for Phase I development until after City acceptance of all water system improvements and until the developer provides the City Council with a construction schedule which Council, in its sole judgment, determines shall provide for the total completion and City acceptance of any on and off-site improvements required in Phase I. Prior to commencing Phase I development, the developer shall provide the Public Works Director with a five-year construction bond guarantee sufficient to cover off- site "E" Street public improvements to be constructed in Phase II. Developer is permitted to grade in the Phase II area during Phase I according to the grading plan approved by the Public Works Director and only for purposes of transporting excess fill from the Phase II area to tha Phase I area. Phase II. The second and final phase of the planned. development shall be completed after Phase I. Phase II development shall permit the concurrent development of all public and private improvements identified on-site and within the area defined as Phase II upon the approved tentative map, plus off-site "En Street. Phase II improvements shall include the construction of all homes contained within the Phase II tentative tract map area. No building permits shall be issued for Phase II development until the developer provides the City Council with a construction schedule which Council, in its sole judgment, determines shall provide for the total completion and City acceptance of all on- and off-site public improvements prior to, or concurrent with, the completion of any residential housing proposed upon said schedule. In no event shall the City issue occupancy permits for residential buildings prior to City acceptance of all public on and off-site improvements required in Phase II. 4. Exhibit "An (map) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is hereby amended to read as follows: Notes: ZONING 1, Lot A zoned PD Drainage and Park 2. . Lot C zoned PO Agriculture 3. Lots 1-10, 110-156, 158-181, 183 and 185-233 zoned PO Single Family Homes 4, Lots 11-109 and 157 zoned PD Patio Homes 5. Lots 182 and B zoned PO Single Family Estate Homes and Conservation Open Space. Lots 182 and B to be developed as a cluster subdivision in order to retain slopes. drainaae. veaetation. and to provide opportunities for open space and recreational facilities. 6, Lot 184 zoned PO Sinale Familv Estate Homes and may include-feF an institutional use ~ '00 (j) ~ E.)(.H\6\\ 6 \0 ~ \ \ ~ , \ \ ~ 1 ." ~ .------------ ... /~ - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, INSTRUCTING THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE. SERVICES TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, AND APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 02-005, LOCATED ON . GRACE LANE (LOT 182 & PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390), APPLIED FOR BY DON McHANEY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande held two public hearings on Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005, filed by Don McHaney, to subdivide a 29,46-acre property into fifteen (15) residential lots, two (2) open space parcels, and a 1,28-acre parcel for development of four (4) moderate-income units in accordance with City Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration can be adopted; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: . Tentative Tract Map Findings: 1. The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent, and requirements of the General Plan map and text, and the requirements of the Development Code, as amended per Development Code Amendment 02-001, 2. The site, as shown on the tentative tract map, is physically suitable for the proposed density because all necessary easements, parking, open space, and setbacks can be provided, 3. The design of the tentative tract map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial damage to the natural environment, including fish, wildlife or their habitat. 4. The design of the subdivision or proposed improvements is not likely to cause public health problems. 5. The design of the tentative tract map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative tract map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalenUo ones previously acquired by the public. -~- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 2 6. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements a prescribed in Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) ofthe California Water Code, 7. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative tract map to support project development. Required CEQA Findings: 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 15063 of the Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No, 02-005. 2. Based on the initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for public review, A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and related materials is located at City Hall in the Community Development Department. 3, After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and City Codes, and considering the record as a whole, the City Council adopts a negative declaration and finds that there is, no substantial evidence of any significant adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code or on the habitat upon which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. Further, the Planning Commission finds that said Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis, \ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a negative declaration with mitigation measures, instructs the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approves Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005, with the above findings and subject to the conditions of approval as set forth in Exhibit "An, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that'this Resolution shall become effective on the effective date of Ordinance No. , On motion by Council Member . , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of January 2004, -- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ~_._- -~ I RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 4 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 02-005 Don McHaney Grace Lane COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS This approval authorizes the subdivision of a 29.46-acre property into 15 residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1,14 acres, two open space lots consisting of 0.47 and 15.95 acres (proposed Lots A and B), and a 1,28-acre parcel for the development of four (4) moderate-income family residences. 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project, 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005 and Development Code Amendment 02-001. 3. This tentative map approval shall automatically expire on January 13, 2006 unless the final map is recorded or an extension is granted pursuant to Section 16.12.140 of the Development Code. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the tentative map presented to the City Council at the meeting of January 13, 2004 and marked Exhibit "B" except as modified by these conditions of approval. 5. The applicant shall, as a condition of approval of this tentative map application, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande, its present or former agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its past or present agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul City's approval of this subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for by law, This condition is subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 66474,9, which are incorporated by reference herein as though set forth in full. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6, A Design Revi'ew application shall be submitted for each proposed residence to determine consistency with the approved Design Guidelines for this project. The Architectural Review Committee shall consider each Design Review application and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director, Submittal requirements shall include a site plan, building elevations, landscape plan, color and materials board, and any other material needed to determine design --.--. RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 5 consistency, as determined by the Community Development Director or Architectural Review Committee. 7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall record a pedestrian access easement across the open space property {Lot B} and the affordable housing parcel (Lot C) that generally coincides with the existing informal pathway that traverses the property, The easement shall be.reserved for pedestnan access only. The applicant shall also submit plans for trail improvements to the Community Development Department, including a trailhead sign. The applicant shall take all necessary steps and pay all costs associated with the creation of a maintenance assessment district which shall be responsible for maintaining the trail. 8. There shall be a fifty foot {50'} front setback for all 15 lots. 9. Dense vegetation (shrubs, not grass) shall be planted within the first fifteen feet {15'} of the front setback for each of the 15 lots as an added buffer between Grace Lane and the homes. 10. a. The applicant shall allocate a minimum of 25% of the units, or four {4} units, for moderate-income households. These units shall not be counted in the overall density for the combined properties designated as Low Density Planned Development {LD-PD} on the Land Use Map. b. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant shall demonstrate the buildability of Lot C (through soils testing and foundation engineering). If the City reasonably determines that Lot C is buildable, the applicant shall submit a parcel map application to create four {4} separate lots and, if subsequently approved, building permit applications to construct the units, and shall record a restrictive covenant on Lot C that it be developed with four {4} housing units affordable to moderate-income households. Prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy for any other lot, building permits must be issued for the four {4} affordable housing units and construction started, If the City determines that Lot C is not buildable, the applicant shall submit an amendment to the Vesting Tentative Tract Map indicating other alternatives to comply with Condition 10(a} above. NOISE 11. Construction shall be limited to between the hours of 7am and 7pm Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. . DEVELOPMENT CODE 12. Development shall conform to the Residential Rural {RR} zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 13. All fences and/or walls shall not exceed six feet (6') in height unless otherwise approved with a Minor Exception or Variance application. - RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 14. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16,20, "Land Divisions". 15. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.64, "Dedications, Fees and Reservations." PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT 16. All walls, including screening and retaining walls, shall be compatible with the approved architecture and Development Code Standards, and shall be no more than 3 feet in height in the front setback area, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 17. The applicant shall submit a perimeter-fencing plan showing all perimeter fences and/or walls. The perimeter~fencing plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director. Perimeter fencing shall generally be 6 feet high, unless otherwise approved with these conditions, and shall be similar in material and design to the split rail fencing used within the. Rancho Grande Planned Development. The applicant shall take all necessary steps and pay all costs associated with the creation of a maintenance assessment district which shall be responsible for maintaining the trail. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE fiNAL MAP 18. To ensure that all common areas and facilities are adequately maintained within the subdivision (including, but not limited to, the open space parcels, pedestrian trail, and drainage facilities), the applicant shall submit a proposed agreement for the formation of a maintenance assessment district. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with the formation of the district, All proposed documents for the formation of such a district and for maintaining the common areas shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and recorded with the final map, 19. A landscaping and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development and Parks and Recreation Departments. The landscaping plan shall include the following for all public street frontages and common landscaped areas: a. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail; b. The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; c. The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: (1 ) Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within five feet (5') of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; (2) Water conservation practices including the .use of low flow heads, drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and mulches shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; and (3) All slopes 2:1 or greater shall have jute mesh, nylon mesh or equivalent material. ... RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 7 (4) An automated irrigation system, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 20. All fencing shall be installed. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 21. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance 521 d.s" the Community Tree Ordinance. 22. Linear root barriers shall be used at the front of the project to protect the. sidewalks, 23. All street front trees shall be 24-inch box and shall be located a minimum of one (1) tree for every seventy-five feet (75') of street frontage, BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS UBC/UFC 24. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. FIRE LANES 25, All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. FIRE FLOW/FIRE HYDRANTS 26. Project shall have a minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute for a duration of 2 hours. 27. Prior to bringing combustibles on site, fire hydrants shall be installed 300 feet apart, per Fire Department and - Public Works Department standards. Locations shall be approved by the Fire Chief. FIRE SPRINKLERS 28, All units must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines, .._---~--- -.---- --'---~ -~- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 8 ABANDONMENT/NON-CONFORMING 29. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, . the applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. OTHER PERMITS 30. Prior to issuance of a building permit, County Health Department approval is required for well abandonment. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS All Public Worlcs Department conditions of approval as listed be/ow are to be complied with prior to recording the map or finalizing the permit, unless specifically noted otherwise. GENERAL CONDITIONS 31, Clean all streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks at the end of the day's operations or as directed by the Director of Community Development or the Director of Public Works. 32. The developer or contractor shall refrain from performing and work that requires City inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P,M.). The City may hold the developer or contractor responsible for any expenses incurred by the City due to work outside of these hours. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 33. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Drawings and Specifications. 34, Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) full-size mylar copy of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction, 35. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Director of Public Works, One (1) set of mylar prints and an electronic version on CD in AutoCAD format shall be required, 36. The following Improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Public Works Department: a. Grading, drainage and erosion control, b, Street paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk, c. Public utilities, d. Water and sewer, e. Landscaping and irrigation, f. Any other improvements as required by the Director of Public Works ---.- .---- -....-- - RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 9 37. The site plan shall include the following: a. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm b. drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. The location, quantity and size of all existing and proposed sewer laterals. c. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. d. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. e. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas, f. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. 38. Improvement plans shall include plan and profile of existing and proposed streets and utilities. 39. Landscape and irrigation plans are required within the public right of way, and shall be approved by the Community Development and Parks and Recreation Departments. In addition, The Director of Public Works shall approve any landscaping or irrigation within a public right of way or otherwise to be main~ained by the City. WATER. 40. Whenever p0ssible, all water mains shall be looped to prevent dead ends. The Director of Public Works must grant permission to dead end water mains. 41. All new water mains shall be a minimum diameter of 8". 42. Construction water is available at the corporate yard, The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. 43. Each parcel shall have separate water meters, 44, Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. If the units are to be fire sprinkled, a fire sprinkler engineer shall determine the size of the water meters. 45. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Director of Public Works, 46, The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: a. Implement an individual water program consisting of retrofitting existing high-flow plumbing fixtures with low flow devices, The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to implementation; OR, b. The applicant may pay an in lieu fee of $2,200 for each new residential unit. --.'-'.-- , RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 10 47. Install fire hydrants every three hundred (300) feet along Grace Lane. SEWER 48. Each parcel shall be provided a separate sewer lateral. 49. All new sewer mains must be a minimum diameter of 8", 50. All new sewer mains shall be pressure tested, balled and mandreled per Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction "Green book Specifications", 2003 edition. All sewer mains shall be video inspected with a video log of all lateral and manhole locations. 51, All sewer laterals within the public right of way must have a minimum slope of 2%. 52. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with California State Health Agency standards, 53, Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main p.er the requirements of the Director of Public Works. 54. Install sewer manholes at the end of every main, where mains intersect, and at any grade breaks or direction changes. 55, Extend the sewer main to the northwest to service Lot C. 56. Obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for the development's impactto District facilities prior to final recordation of the map. 57. Obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District prior to relocation of any District facilities. 58. Comply with any conditions of approval set forth by the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. 59. Provide paved access to all sanitary sewer manholes, 60. Lift Station No, 6 and all associated site improvements on Avenue de Diamante shall be removed entirely, The valves, pumps and miscellaneous equipment shall be salvaged and returned to the City at the discretion of the Public Works Director, 61. Extend an 8" gravity sewer main from the existing facilities through the tract to the sewer system proposed in Grace Lane. PUBLIC UTILITIES 62. Underground all new public utilities in accordance with Section 16,68.050 of the Development Code. 63. Under ground all existing overhead public utilities on-site and in the street in accordance with Section 16,68.050 of the Development Code, 64. Underground improvements shall be installed prior to street paving. RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 11 65. Submit all improvement plans to the public utility companies for approval and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. 66. Submit the Final Map shall to the public utility companies for review and comment. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. 67. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all public utilities shall be operational. STREETS 68. Obtain approval from the Director of Public Works prior to excavating in any street recently over-laid or slurry sealed, The Director of Public Works shall approve the method of repair of any such trenches, which may include, but shall not be limited to an overlay, slurry s~al, or fog seal. 69. All trenching in City streets shall utilize saw cutting, Any over cuts shall be cleaned and filled with epoxy. 70, All street repairs shall be constructed to City standards. 71, Street structural sections shall be determined by an R-Value soil test, but shall not be less than 3" of asphalt and 6" of Class II AB. 72. Overlay, slurry seal, or fog seal any roads dedicated to the City prior to acceptance by the City may be required as directed by the Director of Public Works, 73. Streets that shall be designated as a local streets shall adhere to the following design standards: . 40 feet street width from curb to curb, . 6 feet wide concrete sidewalks with concrete curb and gutter on residential side of the street and a ten-foot (10') wide bench on open space side with decomposed granite surfacing. . 56-foot wide right-of-way, . 25 mile per hour design speed. . Use a traffic index of 7,0, Street lights every 250', alternating sides, I . I . Guard rail along the open space side of the road, 74. Stripe and sign the bike lanes on Grace Lane. 75. Eliminate on-street parking along the curve adjacent to Grace Bible Church property. The curb along this section shall be painted red. 76. Provide design considerations for traffic calming, including but not limited to: a. Bulb outs at each end of Grace Lane, b. Speed humps distributed along Grace Lane, 77. Install "STOP" signs and all associated stenciling and striping at the intersections of Grace Lane and Rodeo Drive. ~--~. ---------...------- ---..--- I -"~ RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 12 CURB, GUTTER, AND ~IDEWALK 78. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk along residential side of Grace Lane. 79. Color any such new facilities as directed by the Director of Community Development or the Director of Public Works, 80. Utilize saw cuts for all repairs made in curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 81. Install ADA compliant facilities where necessary. 82. Install tree wells for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. 83. Similar to Condition No.7. upgrade the existing informal hiking trail currently passing through .lot B and provide a public access easement. This trail is to be maintained by the maintenance district. GRADING 84. Perform all grading in conformance with the City Grading Ordinance. 85, Submit an updated preliminary soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings, All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. 86. Submit a slope stability analysis prepared by a registered Civil Engineer of the slope below Grace Lane, slopes in the areas designated on the tentative map as possible previous fill, and the slopes between lots 11 and 12. 87. The soils report shall address the additional storm water runoff anticipated through the swale adjacent to lot 11 and shall recommend measures for protecting the slope. 88. Grace Lane shall be set back sufficiently to provide a 6 foot wide bench behind the back of curb to the top of a theoretical 2:1 (H:V) slope extending down to the limiting existing grade, No grading of the open space side of the slop is anticipated, DRAINAGE 89. All drainage facilities shall be designed to accommodate a 100-yearstorm flow, 90. All drainage facilities shall be in accordance with the Drainage Master Plan. 91. The project is in Drainage Zone liB" and will require storm water runoff to be directed to the creeks. 92. Detailed storm water run-off calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 13 93. The applicant shall submit an engineering study regarding flooding related to the project site as directed by the Director of Public Works, Any portions of the site subject to flooding from a 100-year storm shall be shown on the recorded map or other recorded document, and shall be noted as a building restriction. 94. The applicant's engineer shall provide a comprehensive drainage plan addressing the following: a. The drainage from Rancho Grande Park, b. The hillside flow from behind lots 1 - 15, c. The grading of the existing drainage swale on lot 15, d. Adequate drop inlets along Grace Lane, e. Erosion and scour control at all storm drain inlets and outlets. 95. The maintenance assessment district (see condition 18) shall privately maintain all drainage facilities outside of the p-ublic right of way, DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 96. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. 97. Abandonment of public streets 'and easements shall be listed on the final map of parcel map, in accordance with Section 66499,20-of the Subdivision Map Act. 98. Street tree planting and maintenance easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all street right of ways, Street tree easements shall be a minimum of.1 0 feet beyond the right of way, except that street tree easements shall exclude the area covered by public utility easements. 99. A Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be dedicated a minimum 6 feet wide adjacent to all street right of ways. The POE shall be wider where necessary for the installation or maintenance of the public utility vaults, pads, or similar facilities. 100, Easements shall be dedicated to the public on the map, or other -separate document appr.oved by the City, for the following: . Drainage easements where shown on the tentative map. The easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. . Sewer easements where shown on the tentative map. The easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. . Water easements where shown on the tentative map, The easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide. . Open space over Lot B. 101. Provide a 20' access easement to the two sanitary sewer manholes off of Avenue de Diamante. -~.~...- --- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 14 I 102. Provide a public access easement through the open space over the existing informal hiking trail in Lot B. 103. Pro.vide a 30-foot access easement for all shared driveways through a legal agreement. 104. An offer of dedication for street purposes shall be provided for Grace Lane. Portions of this dedication are off site, 105. The applicant shall be res'ponsible for obtaining all off-site easements and rights of way associated with the project. PERMITS 106. Obtain an encroachment permit prior to performing any of the following: a. Performing work in the City right of way, b. Staging work in the City right of way, c. Stockpiling material in the City right of way, d. Storing equipment in the City right of way, 107. Obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any grading operations on site, FEES 108. Pay all required City fees at the time they are due, 109. Impact fees to specific capital improvement projects as determined by the Director of Public Works. 110. Fees to be paid prior to plan approval a. Map check fee b. Plan check for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. c. Plan check for improvement plans based on an approved construction cost estimate. d. Permit Fee for grading plans based on an approved earthwork estimate. e. Inspection fee of subdivision or public works construction plans based on an approved construction cost estimate, PROCEDURE FOR PROTESTING FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR EXACTIONS: (A) Any party may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project, for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities related to the development project. by meeting both of the following requirements: (1 ) Tendering any required payment in full or providing satisfactory evidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure performance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition. -.----- -- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 15 (2) Serving written notice on the City Council, which notice shall contain all of the following information: (a) A statement that the required payment is tendered or will be tendered when due, or that any conditions which have been imposed . are provided for or satisfied, under protest. (b) A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. (B) A protest filed pursuant to subdivision (A) shall be filed at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the development or within 90 days after the date of the imposition of the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions to be imposed on a development project. (C) Any party who files a protest pursuant to subdivision (A) may file an action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the imposition of the fees, dedications reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project by a local agency within 180 days after the delivery of the notice, (D) Approval or conditional approval of a development occurs, for the purposes of f this section, when the tentative map, tentative parcel map, or parcel map is approved or conditionally approved or when the parcel map is recorded if a tentative map or tentative parcel mapis not required, (E) The imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions occurs, for the purposes of this section, when they are imposed or levied on a specific development. AGREEMENTS 111. Inspection Agreement: Prior to approval of an improvement plan, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements, 112. Subdivision Improvement Agreement: The subdivider shall enter into an improvement agreement for the completion and guarantee of improvements required. The improvement agreement shall be on a form acceptable to the City. 113. Formation of a maintenance assessment district for maintenance and repair of all common areas and facilities as required by the City, . BONDS 114. All bonds or security shall be in a form acceptable to the City, and shall be provided prior to recording of the map, unless noted otherwise. The Improvement securities shall not expire until the City accepts the improvements. ..~ RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 16 115. Submit an engineer's estimate of quantities for public improvements for review by the Director of Public Works. 116. Provide bonds or other financial security for the following, to be based upon a construction cost estimate approved by the Director of Public Works: a. Faithful Performance: 100% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. b. Labor and Materials: 50% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. c. One Year Guarantee: 10% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. This bond is required prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements, and shall be valid for a period of one year after the acceptance of the improvements, d, Monumentation: 100% of the estimated cost of setting survey monuments. This bond may be waived if the developer's surveyor submits to the Director of Public Works a letter assuring that all monumentation has been set. OTHER DOCUMENTATION 117. Tax Certificate: The applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector's office indicating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the property, The applicant may be required to bond for any unpaid taxes or liens against the property. 118, Preliminary Title Report: A current preliminary title report shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works prior to checking the map. 119. Subdivision Guarantee: A current subdivision guarantee shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works prior to recording the Map, PRIOR TO ISSUING A RUILDING PERMIT 120. The Final Map shall be recorded with all pertinent conditions of approval satisfied. PRIOR TO ISSUING A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 121. All utilities shall be operational. . 122. All essential project improvements shall be constructed prior to occupancy, Non- essential improvements, guaranteed by an agreement and financial securities, may be constructed after occupancy as directed by the Director of Public Works. _.._~._- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 17 MITIGATION MEASURES A negative declaration with mitigation measures has been adopted for this project. The following mitigation measures appropriate City department or responsible agency. The applicant shall be responsible for verification In writing by the monitoring department or agency that the mitigation measures have. been implemented, 1. A covenant shall be recorded for Lot C specifying that construction of the four (4) homes on this property shall be restricted to families having a moderate income as determined by the State Health & Safety Code Section 50093 and converted to San Luis Obispo County's affordable housing standards, The restrictive covenant shall specify that the affordability of the units shall remain for a "rolling" thirty (30) year period, not to exceed 90 years., through a deed restriction. Monitoring: The developer shall record the restrictive covenant regarding the affordability of the four units on Lot C, Responsible Depts: Administrative Services and Community Development Departments Timeframe: Prior ~o issuing a building permit 2. The applicant shall submit a preliminary soils report that includes the following: a, An evaluation of the existing slope supporting the proposed road. b. An analysis of additional drainage introduced to the existing swale (Lot A) adjacent to Lot 11 with recommendations for the protection of the slope bank. Monitoring: The applicant shall submit a preliminary soils report Responsible Dept: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuing a grading permit 3. As part of the tract improvements plan check, the applicant shall provide detailed drainage calculations indicating that increased run-off can be accOmmodated by existing . facilities and/or. provide on-site retention basins, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Monitoring: Review of tract improvement and grading plans Responsible Dept: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to acceptance of tract improvements for construction 4. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water usage, Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets,instant water heaters or hot water recirculating systems, and drip , RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 18 irrigation with drought tolerant landscaping. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy for each residence. Monitoring: Field inspection of each residence Responsible Dept: Building and Fire Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 5. All tract landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, bark, and native plantings, To the 'greatest extent possible, lawn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized, Monitoring: , Review of landscaping plans Responsible Dept: Parks and Recreation Department Timeframe: Prior to construction of tract improvements 6. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: Implement an individual water program that utilizes fixtures and designs that minimize water usage, The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to implementation; or, Pay an in lieu fee. Monitoring: 'Review of individual water program or payment of the in lieu fee I Responsible Dept: Public Works Department I Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit I I 7. During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later morning and I after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. 8, Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation, 9. All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114, 10, Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads 'on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site, .- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 19 11. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. For mAaglJrAK 7-11: Monitoring: Review of grading and building plans and site inspections Responsible Depts: The Public Works and Building and Fire Departments shall inspect plans, and the Community Development Department shall spot check in the field Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit 12, The applicant shall pay the City's Traffic Signalization and Transportation Facilities Impact fees prior to issuance of building permit, Monitoring: The applicant shall pay the fees Responsible. Dept: Building & Fire Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit 13. The applicant shall retain an arborist during the grading and construction phases of the project to ensure tree protection measures are implemented. Monitoring: Field inspection Responsible Dept: Parks & Recreation & Community Development Timeframe: During grading and construction 14. Protective fencing shall be installed around each tree to remain at the dripline, or as directed in the field by the arborist. The fencing shall be installed prior to any site clearing, grading, or demolition activities, and shall remain in place until construction is complete, including landscaping, Weatherproof signs shall be permanently posted on the fences, stating the following: Tree Protection Zone No personnel, equipment, materials, or vehicles are allowed Do Not move or remove this fence [Name of arborist or consultant] [Name and phone number of developer or general contractor] Monitoring: Field inspection . Responsible Depts: Parks & Recreation, Community Development Departments Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit -~- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 20 15. The open space property (Lot B) located on the east side of the project site shall be maintained through a maintenance assessment district, according to the Fuel Modification Specifications (Attachment C of the Initial Study). Monitoring: The applicant shall follow the Fuel Modification Specifications Responsible Dept: Building & Fire Department Timeframe: On-going 16. All construction equipment shall be provided with well-maintained, functional mufflers to limit noise. 17. All construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday through Saturday. No Construction shall occur on Sunday. 18. To the greatest extent possible, grading and/or excavation operations at portions of the site bordering developed areas should occur during the middle of the day to minimize the potential for disturbance of neighboring noise sensitive uses. For m9asures 16-18: Monitoring: Notes shall be. placed on the construction plans referencing the above measures. Responsible Dept: Public Works Department Timeframe: During construction 19. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant/developer shall obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for any development impacts to district facilities, and pay the project's fair share of impact fees. Monitoring: The applicant shall obtain approval from the Sanitation District and pay proportional share of impact fees, as determined by the Sanitation District. Responsible Depts: Public Works/So, SLO County Sanitation Dist. Timeframe: Prior to recording the final map 20. The applicant/developer shall submit a landscape rehabilitation plan to restore the disturbed slopes located on the western portion of the project site. A licensed landscape architect shall prepare the plan. Monitoring: The applicant shall submit a landscape rehabilitation plan, Responsible Depts: Parks & Recreation and Community Development Depts, Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit ____.'0._'_---- RESOLUTION NO, PAGE 21 21. The applicant/developer shall submit a landscaping and irrigation plan in addition to site and building plans for each lot through the Design Review process to ensure proper vegetative screening, building materials and colors. Monitoring: The applicant/developer shall submit a Design Review application for each lot. Responsible Dept: Community Development Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit 22. The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the Tract: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately, The applicant may be required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures, " Monitoring: Construction plans shall be reviewed prior to issuance of a grading permit to ensure the note is in place. Responsible Dept: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit 23. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall pay all applicable park development fees to the City. Monitoring: The applicant shall pay the park development fees to the City, Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit ~_..._--- ---- . ' -."..,..,---.... '. '_"':.' I. ... fO .' ~ ~III ~ t\i .' i I e ~ $2 ~"- ~ I ~ I! UI'ii J !! ~~&: I " ~ ~ ~ rr I I .1 I ; I I ~ (I , ikj; l.i II! Ifill' ~ ~ I!! ,.! !!!!!, ~rll ~Ii ? 3 ". ',;':\!~\\\f~~.~~':~..~:;. .;:00' . r a I I il t s~ \!~ t PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 9 MINUTES ATTACHMENT 1 OCTOBER 7, 2003 Chair Guthrie: . According to the traffic report stacking on Dixson Street would not be a problem. . Size of the lots on Dixson Street although they are smaller should transition. . This is a valuable place for a ponding basin, especially given Option B and this could be fine tuned to allow a couple of other units to be developed. . Did not think the affordable housing units should be reduced in order to build the retention basin -unless the affordable units loss could be made up in some way. Commissioner Keen, referring to Option B, stated if the basin is reduced and there are more lots he would prefer to see them the houses on the other side and not between the park and open space. There was further discussion on the basin with Commissioner Keen stating that he would like to see something that could be used as open space or as a park. Commissioner Guthrie addressed the main issues agreed upon. . 17 affordable units should be required. . The City should require a maintenance district for the park. . Option B would be the recommendation of the Commission. . The road width should be 40 feet {could give up the parkway). . Commissioner Keen would like to see his comments on the conditions of approval addressed in writing. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, to continue review of the project to the meeting of October 21,2003. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Arnold, Brown and Fowler NOES: Chair Guthrie ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM II,E - DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO, 02-001 & VESTING TENTATIVE TRACE MAP CASE NO, 02-005; APPLICANT - DON McHANEY; LOCATION - GRACE LANE; ROYAL OAKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENTMENT; LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B, TRACT 1380, Staff report prepared and presented by Kelly Heffemon. Ms. Heffernon using a power point presentation described the proposal to subdivide a 29.46-acre property into fifteen (15) residential lots; designate a 15.95-acre area as perpetual open space and development of four (4) moderate-income family residences on a 1.28-acre site adjacent to the open space parcel. In conclusion Ms. Heffernon stated that staff is recommending that the Commission adopt the resolution recommending to the City Council that they approve the Development Code Amendment and Tentative Tract Map. After staff answered Commission questions Victor Devens, Public Works addressed the issue of drainage stating they will be requiring that the applicant's engineer submit a very comprehensive plan for their review that will show exactly how they plan on dealing with all the storm water issues. -. _._~~..- PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 10 MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 2003 Commissioner Arnold asked if the applicant was planning on building the four affordable units? Ms. Heffernon says that is the intent. Chair Guthrie opened the Public Hearing. Craig Smith, representative and architect, addressed some of the issues: . They had designed an affordable housing component of four units on Parcel'C' and they had met with staff and members of Grace Church who were very interested in that location and they had talked of replicating a similar set of four units on their overflow parking. . Conditions of approval: #84 and the request for a slope stability analysis, lots 11 & 12 and on the north side should be addressed, but on the south side that is a natural terrain and he did not think it would be necessary and should be left to the discretion of a soils engineer. #86, and the request for a 6-foot wide bench behind that area; he did not think this could be accommodated without disturbing the area, and suggested this also be decided by a soils engineer. Victor Devens, explained that there was a concern with slope stability issues and the intent was not to grade the slope and that the. language would be clarified with regard to the bench. . Commissioner Brown asked if this project was achievable with the problem of soil stability. Mr. Smith replied that it should be achievable and that the soils report would be updated. Commissioner Guthrie asked if the affordable houses would be rentals? Greg Nester, Developer, answered that the affordable homes were single-family homes and that in this area they would prefer to be paying the in-lieu fee. Don Mckuser, 429 Emerald Bay: . A few years ago he was told that 14 lots were acceptable at this site, but now we have 15 lots plus four affordable homes. . He had concerns with traffic and the density in the area. James Cutshaw, 409 Avenida De Diamanta: . Concerns with traffic - if Grace Lane is a through street this will become a freeway. . Additional homes will bring many more people, cars, dogs and noise. . Will bring much grief to homeowners on my street and on Rodeo Drive. Chair Guthrie closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Keen: . Grace Lane was always intended to be an access road from James Way to West Branch, and this is one of the reasons this has taken so long to get started. . Condition #9, consistency of construction hours. . Condition #58 lift station demolition - what happens to land. Victor Devens replied that it would remain an easement as there are two City manholes. . Condition #71 should be clarified to reflect the plan, sidewalk not required on both sides. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 11 MINUTeS OCTOBER 7, 2003 Commissioner Arnold: . He thought this was a very appropriate use of land. . He would like to see it spelled out that the affordable units be built, but he was not sure if it was an appropriate area for them. . He would like to see the number of speed bumps that would be put in to slow down the traffic. . Are the proposed building pads on the plans set. Ms. Heffernon said they are not allowed to build outside the envelopes shown. Commissioner Brown: . He had concerns with the drainage and soils issue - he would like to see a report before approval. . He liked the idea of the affordable lots being built concurrently. . Grace Lane would be an improvement in the area. Commissioner Guthrie: . Concern that the affordable houses will be built. . Concern also with drainage. . He had no problem with the project going forward with the changes suggested by staff. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, to recommend that the City Council approve Development Code Amendment Case No. 02-001 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No. 02-005 and adopt: RESOLUTION NO, 03-1905 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAt THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02-001 AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 02-005 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE ROYAL OAKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIIED AS LOT 182 AND A PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390, APPLIED FOR BY DON McHANEY The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Arnold, Brown, Fowler and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing' resolution was adopted this 7th day of October 2003. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM II,F - AGRICULTURAL CON"RVATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) CASE NO, 03-003 & DEVELOPMENT CODE A.NIlILIENT (DCA) CASE NO, 3-005; APPLICANT - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, Staff report prepared and presented by Teresa McClish and Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman. Consideration of GPA Case No. 03-003 Resolution to create an Agricultural Conservation Easement Program and an Agricultural Enterprise Program; DCA Case No. 03-005 355 C,S, A TT ACHMENT 2 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE OPTHBCITY OP ARROYO OJL\NDB AMENDING A PORTION OP THE ZONING MAP TO RBa.ASSUY CERTAIN PaOPERTr IN TBECITY OP ARROYO cm.ANDB AS PoD., . . PLANNED DBVEURIBNT, FOR A BESlDBHTJAL SUBDIVISION . . . IDBNTIPJBD AS -ROYAL OAKS PSrA'ID", AND REP.BAL1NG . .. . AND 8DPBIt8BDDfGOBDINANCB8 m c.s. .AND 317 c.s. 'Ihe City Council of the City ot Arroyo Grande. does ordain as tol.kw.s: . &:s:tkm 1J '!bat certain ordinance known as "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THB CITY OF ARROYO GRANDB", referred to in Section .302 of T1t1e 9, OIapter 4, ot the MW1icipal cOde, is amended SO that "PoD." District as shown and desJgnated OIl the map attached .thereto and by this reference fncorpctated herein, which map is entitled ~ A Section ot the 2.Dnq Map ot the City of Arroyo Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. 355 c.s. ot the City ot Arroyo GraiJde", and said map and all notations and references shown thereon shall be as IJIICh a part of this ordinance as it the matters shown on said map were an tully described herein, and the districts and zones and bow1daries of the pooperty shown therein tran and alter the effective date ot the adoption of this ordinance, The ~ intended to be rezoned are descrJbed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The referred to property Is hereby rezoned fran "PoD." Planned Deve1o{mmt, as eStablished by Ordinance No, 221 c.s, and as amended by Ordinance No. 317 c.s., to "PoD.", PJaMed Development District as hereinatter provided.; ~1: DBVELOPMENT PROVISIONS. The to1Jowil1r provisions sha1l apply to the planned deveJopment of the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto: 1. PJanned Developnent as provided in Ordinances 221 c.s. and 317 c.s. are hereby , revoked and superseded dele~ reference to KnoUMXJd or Oak Knolls, 2. PJanned Development as shown on Exhibit "S" ~ proposed Tentative Map Tract No. 1390, Royal Oaks Fatates, dated May 5, 1987 inclLll.ive of the conditions ot approval, Exhibit "en dated May 5,1987 shsJ1 be attached as the deve1o(Xnent plan map dep~ besic circulation, open space, land use and approxinte Jot size. . - .:t 35" J ResideD- 3. 'Ibis Planned Deve1qment amencment approves a maxinun allowed .density ot.aM" e1f'I! till c:Iwe11q wntB. Any ~ or amencmentot the IIJeII authorized herein shall consti- DeIIIity and bite a rezoning. and shall reqJ1re an emencment of this ordinance. IPJtitutional The final tract map shall contain the f~ notations: Uses Appwed ~1 Density JA)1B DweJ1bc 'DDits Drainage and Park A 0 Patio Homes 11-109 & 157 100 ~ Family Homes 1-11, 131 110-156, , 158-181, 183 & 185-233 Fatatellomes B, 182 & 184 3 Agriculture C 1 - Total 235 235 , , 64. ..",,-, uv'-> v, .1.<1'" WIU .1.0':1 IlIU)' ue c...onverted to JhSt.ltutiolUll uses upon approval or aty CouncR alter ~ ~blJo he&rq'. Lot B msy be converted to a ~bUc elementary school upon approval or a.ty CoW1cll after rezonirc publlc hearing.. Resubdi- 4, Conditions, covenants and restricUom tor the tract shan prohibit resubdivision or any vision lots. 5. Lond me shnU be comistent with the approved develqment plan and the standord9 of the R-l, ~e tamlly residential district tor all lots except 11-109, 157, 182 and 184 Lot Uses and Lots A, B and Co Lots 11-109 and 157 shall be allowed site and lot width, coverage and yard variations pursuant to Section 9-4.611 of the R-l DIstrict. Lot A I shaD be a drainage and perk-recreation site. Lots 182 and 184, Lot B and Lot Care , Intended as individual ~e family estate lots, each restricted to one sfrcle tamlly dweWng unit and residential reJated, accessory or agricultural uses aDowed In the R-A 2'm1e. Residential Agricultural (R-A) uses pennitted ere: . A. Single-famny~, one per bu1ld1ng site; B. LJght tamir1t, except conmerclal dairies, ccmnercIal rabbit, tox, pt, or hog ~ tlJlTl!;, or cannercla1 chicken or poultry ranches; C. Livestock limited to two (2) anims]s only when carblned with a B.3 District. A like I1lITber ot animsJs msy be pennitted tor additional acreage. Pens or tencing uwd tor the hcMing or such I1I1imIIl9 sbal1 be located not less then 150 teet tran the boundary or the Residential Agricultural (R-A) District; D. Qop and tree tmmr.n Eo One noncOIDnerclal guest house; except where there Is an existing second resldentiol dweWrv unit; F, Mobile homes subject to the provisions ot Munlclpel Qxfe Section 9-4.2405.1. A public elementary school on Lot B. may be penritted. ptD'SU8lIt to rezonil1I procedures. 'The YMCA and/or alternative iRrtitutfonal uses on Lots 182, 184 and B msy be considered pursuant to PD amend'nellt, zone ~ procedures, but In no event shaI1 addftlonal residential resubcUvlsfon be cons1dered. 6. Architectural Review ot all ~ homes on Lots 11-109 and 157 shall be considered alter the Oty CourteD. approvesthfs PD amend11ent 8nd the tentative I1I8p for Royal Oal<s. Gener8JJy, the prelfndnary lot pJam and elevations Arehftee- Inwlvlrc "Z" and '"41" lots with zero setbae1cs on side yards tor Lots 11- Wral 109 and 157 are conceptually acceptable. Oty CouncIl architectural - RevfeIoIs review on aD lots shaD Jnclude tepI efMItatlve renderiIVI and ~ Conditions, OMInants and Restrictions (C.c.a:R.s), which establish a deveJopers adftnItered subdivision ArchItectural Qxrtro1 Cannftteeand describes the proposed architectural style (s) or theme tor holBJIv to be pemitted In the subdivision. Genera1fzed archItecturol theme review tor Instftutfonal1lles shall be JnclucJed with the Oty's architectural review and shaJ1 Include proposed C.C.c\R.s, but not renderiJ1pl or drawings, The developer and/or his architectural review eannlttee shell review each individual bundll1I pJan, and the Cty wID. approve the developer's general c.c.c\ R. plan only.$ 7. 'The developer shall mske avaDable Lot B, a school site of ~tely fourteen acres adplnil1f James Way, to Lucia Mar Unftled School DIstrict tor the District's School luture construction or an elementary school under tenm jointly agreed upon Site by the developer and District In their contractural agreement~ dated March 10, 1987. Any amerdnent ot the March 10, 1987 agreement sh8J1 require Cty Counc!n 2 .... I -"----- -..- ---- 65 concw-rence.. ~ gra~, developrent and access plans of the District oncVor developer tor use of the proposed school site shall be appI"Oved by the City Cow1cJ1. 8. The planned development. shall be constructed in t\\O phases. lbise L The initial and first phase of planned developnent shall be called Phase I, Ph8se I deveJopnent shall permit the concurrent developnent of all public and private ~ in{x'ovements identified on-site and within the area detined as Phase I upon the approved tentative tract map, plus all ott-site improvements, excepting "E" Street. t t Phase I fDtxovements shall include tile construction of all patio and other homes I contained within the Phase I tentative tract map area, but shall exclude construction ..-" of ~ upon Lots B, C; 182 and 184. ~,drainage and non-building , fDtxovements ny take place upon LOts B, C, 182 and 184 according to approved City , I plans dur~ Phase I. J3u11dq consWCtJon upon Lots B, C; 182 and 184 shall require I CouncJl detailed site plan review and approval prior toconmencerr.mt. I No ~ pennitsshall be Ia9uedtorPhase Idevelopnent amt1lafterCityacceptance of all water system f/qIrovements and amtil the developer provides the Cty CoW\cll with r a constnIction schedule whicb CouncIl, in its Sole j.adgement, detennines shall provide tor the total ~tion and City acceptance ot any. 00- and oft-site public ! intxovements prior to, or concurrent with, the COIJ1;ietion ot all residential J10usjng proposed upon said schedule. . In no event shall the aty issue occupancy pennltstor residential buUdii1gs prior to City acceptance of all public 00- and ott-site fDtxovments required in fhaae L Prior to ccmnencing Phase I developnent, the developer shall provide the Public Works Director with a five-year construction band guarantee surticientto cover ott-site "En Street public irqIrovements to be constructed in Phase IL Developer is pennitted. to grade in the fhaae II area ~ Phase I according to a ...-. gradq plan approved by the Public ,Works Director and only tor purposes ot transporting excess tm trom the Phase II area to the Phase I area. R1ase JL The second and final.phase ot the planned developnent shall be .cattieted after 'Blase I. Phase II developnent shall permit the concurrent development at all public and private intxovements identified on-site and within the area detl,ped as Phase II upon the approved tentative map, plus ott-site nE11 Street. Phase II in{x'ovements shall include the construction at all homes contained within the Phase II tentative tract map area. No ~ permits shall be Ia9ued tor Phase II deveJopnent amtil the developer provides the aty Council with a construction 8CheduJe which Council, in its sole jqement, detenn1nes shall provide for the total COIJ1;ietion and aty acceptance ot all on- and att-site pubUc ~vements prior to, or concurrent with, the ~tion ot any residentJal housing proposed upon said schedule. In no event shall the City IB.Ie occupancy permits tor residential buildInp prior to aty acceptance ot an public 00- and ott-site ilqmvements fe9Jired in Phase II. Japove- 9. Japowment PIaIII . lilent PIaIII A. Standord specifications tor PubJlc Works Construction, Jatest edition, and all applicable my Standard PJates shall be the project specifications except as noted otherwise on the approved ia\XOvement plans. The /atX'OveOlent plans tor the project shall be prepared by a Calitomia Registered ava Erttineer and shall be approved by the Public Works Department prior to recordation ot the final map. 3 B. I PJnns shall include, but not be limited to, gra~, drainage, sewer, water and utiUty Jntxoovements. In additIon, a JmSter utility pJan shill be sul::cTitted showing the layout and location ot aU the on-slte and otr-slte utility tacility Jntx'oYement or the project, includlng water, sewer, drainage, gas, electric and. ccmnunicat10n utWt1es. 'Ihe nmter water, sewer and draJnage pIan shall be sul::cTitted and approved prior to presentation ot other frrp-ovement p1ans. The p1an!I subdUed aha1l also include eonstruct1on cost estimates, pIan check f~ soils reports and an pertinent e~Jng design -- : calculations. 'The final /I'8p IIIIY not be med with the aty Cow1cll unless an said ~ plans have been ap(X'OVed by the Public Works Deportment. AD required rights ot way or e~ts shall be dedicated to . the City prior to, or concurrent with, sulxnittaJs ~t the tInol Imp to the City Council tor app'OV8l. 10. 'Water, Sower, Street 'D'ee and Other NJIIc t7tDitles . >. Water, SefIIer, A. An lots shaJl be provided with service tran at)' water supply. This system Street Tree and shoJ1 tie Into the backbone system constructed by Rancho Grande and the Other NJUc Royal Oak Estates developers will be required to pay any 1S8!S1!11l1euts with the UtDitles recordIitlon ot final rmp(s). B. 'Ihe subdlvldor shaJ1 Jnsta11 water rmJns, tire hydrants and service JateraJs In contonmnce with the Water Department Standerd DesIgn and Specltlcations and approved plans. lire now 88 spectrled by the PIre O\Iet and approY8l of the PublJc Works Department 8hen be avafJable prior to obtaining any buR~ pemdts. C. AU Jots shalJ be served with City sewer. ..- D. In addition to specltJc easements shown on the tentative ImP, a six toot easement a10ng and adjoining loca1streets and a ten toot easement aJong and adjoining col1ector streets aha1l be reserved 88 a street tree and public utWty easement. Lot 11. Int ~ ~ A. Deve1~r sh81l provide the final grades and tlnlsh or resldentiaJ lots. C.C.&R;ts sh8Jl advise future property owners that no further grading shall - be pemitted, other than minor detail grading work which requires City pemdt.. B. Ints 220 through 226 shall be developed In nattral terrain.. C. Gra~ at 14ts 221-232 and 14t 183 shalJ be redesigned to renect natural terrain and drainage pottems and conf'onn to cross slope design criteria.. D. Slope banks at the rear at 14ts 181-191 and the 80Uth aide or 14t 205 sh8Jl be designed YI1th Y81'fabJe slopes ot 3 to 1 or greater and Jandscaped In accordance with approved pIan designed by a 1and9cape architect and lnstaDed by the subdivider and rmlntalned as part of the side or rear )'III'ds at the Involved Jots, to bufter residential deveJopnent 1'rcm adjoining ruture .... dew10pnent on County property.. Eo Lot width to depth ratio exceptions are approved tor those porti0n9 ot Lots. 127 through 130, which extend Into the tree preservation ~lIent areo.. . 'I11e rear portion of 14ts 127 through 130 shalJ be designated and recordedaii a scenic easenent.. F. Gra~ ot Lots 127 through 134 shall be mxlltled to pad the tront 125 toot .-i 4 , -' ,"" ~.i i with the rear slope banks reduced to 3 to-! or greater.. G. In dev~t of patio homes, the tentative map Jayout for retaining wulJs is conceptual: When final map, and/or architectural review of comtruction plans tor structures are resolv~ additional waDs may be penn1tted as required. No wood retaining waDs which intercept slopes at property lines shnll be pennitted. 12. ~ Well-Head i Ab&ncbIed A. The deveJopers and the independent soDs ~ shall inspect the site, I Well-Head monitor grading and, If an ab&ndoned welD1ead is tound on-site, shall provide ._-... plans and, upon approval by the aty, properly seal and cap said weD,. . 13- Geoetal DnUn8ge, Gradiqt aod &osian CGIdI'al Geoenl A. ~ete grading and drainage plans shall be submitted to and approved bY the DraioIIge. Public Works Departrrent prior to any tfna1 map. Prior to any site gra~ or Gradiq: and construction, an erosfoia control plan and programshall.besulxlitted to and &Qdco Contlol approved by the Public Works Department, said plan and program to a<lclrt1Q; specific ten'p)rary and pennanent erosion control measures associated wiUI the project.. B. The subdivider shall pay tor a quaJlt1ed Jndependont e~er~ consultant selected by the atyto review ~and c:Ire.inage intxovementplwJs, Inspect the site prior to and during an Jmjor sit~ preparation grading, The subdivider's son ~ shall sulxnit tests and reports to certify an Jots as ready tor construction prior to issuance of building pennits thereon. (Further site or Jot gradine shall be noted on thefmalmap as prohibited except Cor _~ and driveway purposes specltically.approved by the City pursuant to subsequent pennit appUcations.). -" C. DetaiJed site sradiqt, dralnage ~vemant and erCISion control plans Cor the entire subdivision and ott-site In{x-ovemants, inc1uding interim grading of any Jots, If proposed, shall be subI1itted to and approved by the aty Public Works -"..Dlrector. QualIt1ed Independent consultants shIIJl be paid. tor by' the subdivider but selected by the aty. Such IIhIIJl review saki plans Ilnd ~ct the grading. These plans shall be approved prior to any grading pennits tor any pbased deveJq:ment. Site sradins shall be restricted to the Spring or SLmner season, AprIl 1st througI) October 31st, unless otherwise approved by Council; and require replantq tot erasion control In accardonce with plans prepaNl by a 1ancIscape architect, YotUch wiD be ~ted dW'il1t October- November and nrdntaJned cbins at Jeastone wet season, Novem. through March, to1lowIqr ~ to assure udnInun siltation.. 14. Lot A and Via La B8rnIDca DraIa8p S)steaa LotAaod A. The deveJoper shall. be 1'eQWed to design and construct a stonn drainage Via La Bemmca retention tacWty and other ck'aJna&e and park ~acWty on Lot A and upon the Drain&p ~ aty-owned adjacent ott-site (I'Ope&'ty as recPred by the City CoW1Cil. ~vement plans and contracfllllllSt be approved by the Pub11c Works _...... Director prior to construct1an or grading tor these tacWties.. B. The slope bank behind Lots 34-40 shall be part of Lot n An, the proposed dralna(:e detent1an basin; the sJope bank shall be moved westerly to enable a clra1nsge swa1e on site ~ the east tract boundary into the basin. Slope benk, swale and basin Jandscaping sh8Jl be designed by a Jandscape architect 5 nnd installed by the subdivider.. C. The City-owncd Via La Barranca drainage property was accepted 'by the City ror both pork and drainage (AII'p09E!S.' Developer's eonsultfll1ts shall sutmit specific dra1nogo 1anc:19C8~ plaIIJ tor !A)t A, the adjolnJrv Oty-owned Via La I3arronca property and downstream dralnoge Jines or other nitlgatlng meOSUl'CS towards ott-slte drefnege deCiclencfes, where necessary, to the PubJfc WorIcI Director and Pllrks and Recreation Director. The b\Q directors I -,. sholl review and aria1yze such p1an9 to detennlne the adequacy or such plam tol 1) mitigate or reduce CUIT8JIt'and projected l1oodi~oC the~and areas below the current Oty drainage faoWty and works, . and; . 2) mitigate or prevent any further tloodInr of the streets and areas below the current Oty drain8ge CacJUty and v.orJcs to be caUged b1 the pJanned development, and; h 3) provide recreational opportunities upon the site to the lnmedIate neighborhood, and; 4) how those proposed recreational opportunities upon the site COII'{)01'e with opportunities to be provided b1 the currenUy approved park development plans or the Pllrks and Recreation CormUsJon, and; 5) provide security and lI8lety meesuresand durable and substant181 ~nts which can be eCticlenUy and adequately nnlntafned by the aty. The directors shaD subrit a written report or their findings and the proposed specific plan to the Oty Cbuncfl which sbaJ1 detennlne prior to .-. the Issuance ot any gradi~ pennits, the future ownership and responsIbWtJes tor Lot A, the Uge ot the Otyo-owned Via La Barranca drnlnage and specfCfc park and c:Iroinage plan.. 15. Lot 182 Drai.nIIp s,stem A. The developer shall be required to design and comtruct a stonn droInage Lot 182 retention 'tacmty and other drafnoge on Lot 182 as requIred by. the aty - Drofnoge s,stem CouncD. JIrtx'owment plans and contracts nut be approved by the Public Works Director prior to ~on or grading tor' these (,cnities.- . B. Developer's ConwItantB sha1l sutrJit specltIc droinoge and Jandscape plans tor drainage on Lot 182 to the PubUc Works Director. The director shaD review and analyze such p1ancI to detennlne the adequacy or such plans to: a) mitigate or reduce current and projected noodi~ b) provide security and safety measures and dtnble and substantive ~ which can be etClclenUy and adequately maintained. The director shall sutmt a written report or his Cind~ and the proposed speclCla plan to the aty Cbuncn which sha1i detennlne, prior to the Issuance or .-- any grodl~ pennits, the future ownership and responsibWtles for the dmlnage facilities and the acceptabWty of the proposed specl1'fc drafmJge plan.. ! 16. Both Dr8fr18ee SystenI Doth Regarding stonn dreJnoge retention capacity within Lot "A" and the adjoining City Dr8Inoge drainage retention bAsIn, and on Lot 182, evidence or ott-site ensements and design . SystmB solutions accept8bJe to the aty shall be subrritted to and approved prior to gradi~ or concurrent ~1th CIn8l map fntIrovements plans.. .... 6 , --.,-- -- ....-----' -...--- ! 69 The subdivider shall bond tor, provide and restore all OI1-site and ott-site drainage detention bPsJns capacity, reaove sJltation which occurs and provide general maintenance of all drainage tac11ities ~ the three-year period tollowing acceptance of subdivisiOn fatx'ovements by the aty or tollo~ site preparation ~. Thereafter, the at)' sh81l assume total maintenance respomibilities tor same without benefit ot maintenance assessment district.- No 17. No ~ I PBrIcirc A. "No Parking" signs shall be imtalJed on Halcyon Road in front of Lots 110- I ... 113,123 and 1'l8-~81,and, it necessary, a street tree and londscaping control . easement shaJl extend into the 20' ftontyarcl ot these Jots to assure odeqw1te sight distance at the inter8eCtJon with "F" Way. "No Parking" signs shall be installed 011 Halcyon Road in tront ot Lot B.. Park It 18. Park IIDd SIgnal Pees Sicnal Pees A.' The developer shall contribute tW1d! pursuant to tJ1e aty's park in-lieu tee and the signal tee ordinances to provide tor oft-site park and recreatiOl1 and trat'tic iaprovements.- Street 19. Street Names Names A. Street names acceptable to the Pire, Police, Public . Works and PJanning Departments shaJl be submitted prior to or. concworent with tinal map and fatx'ovement plans. (LIst ot paesIble names available trom PlannIng Department). Halcyon Road shall be renamed aJso.- Olf-sit.e 20. ott-site ID{IroWIJIeIdB ID{Irovemeots " A. Any right of way or property 8CCJ.Iisitiorw necessary to ~ ott-site . fntx'ovements required as part of this pJanned development shall be ~ b1 or exclus1ve1y at the expense of the developer.- .-. Street 2L Street 'nee8, l~pUc 8IId 0Irdr0Is Taees, A. A detailed on- and ott-site 1andIJcapq plan, including materia]s ~~ IIDd Irrigation plans tor street trees and other specitlc areas of public It axatroJs . concern (aJong segments of James Way and Halcyon Road), shall be sublritte<2 " to and approved by the ParIes and Recreation Director, prior to any final map approval. A master tencinr plan, including wUtonn design aJong public streets, shall be part of the detaUed Jandscapq pIan.- B. DeveJoper shall plant all1andscaping meteNJs according to the approved ~ plan, and shall maJntaJn and replace, when necessary, all pJantqs tor tv.o years after at)' acceptance of phased public in{x'ovements.- C. A water conservation proenm, psrticuJarly Including cJrousht resistant 1andscaping, shBl1 be provided by the deveJoper concwrent with other utWt)' plans, such as JJIIISter water and sewer plans and specific drainage and park and street tree p1an9.. 1). Street trees as'IJ/or wUtonn slope bank pIan~ on, or near~ street frontages shall be the maintenance responsibWty of ,the Jot owner, unless specifically accepted by the aty. In addiUon to specific easements on-site shown on the tentative map, a six-toot easement, aJoqr and adjoJning local streets, and a ten-toot easement, akq and adjoining coUector streets, shall be reserved as a street tree and pubUc utJ1ity easement.- '1 --_. ___ ~.,_,no~.__, Stondard 22. StondmJ aty Q,nditfons aty "Standard Conditiom ot Approval" tor Tentative Map; In the City of Arroyo Grande OnJitiom are hereby included as it speclticaDy itemized herein.- &lrp)tB 23- &.rpItB 1\'cpcrty l\'operty The developer shaJl note resubdivislon of the prevlouo;ly recorded poreelllllP involving the property and note the abondcnnont ot MY surplU'J rights otway or easements which are to be elininoted by the lInolrmp of Tract No. 1390.- 24. Crcu1atlon (Street) SJstC!lll I , ,-. , Crcu1atlon The fon~ ott-site and on-site street irprovements are to be designed to the (Street) approYBl or the aty and constructed or fntx'oved prior to llnalrmp approvaJs and Systun occuponcy pennits for the appropriate phase of this planned developnent: . A. West Branch Street 1) Constnlct and Irr(Jrove West Branch Street Cran Its tennlnU9 at the South County Regional Omter e8Sterly to a connection through Vernon Way West Branch St. intersection adjoining the Catmmlty Center to a mInfnun or. bvo )(IJ'I(!S, incl~ bike Janes on both sides, with concrete curb and gutter on the ~ freewny side and tefl'l'Ol'Ol'Y asphaltic concrete cub on the opposite side . (unless penmnent concrete cub, gutter and/or sidewalk exist) from the South County Regional Omter paving end through the Veman Way Street Intersectfon in order to ~ete a street conraectfon betYo'eenOok Pork Road 8I1d Grand Avenue and conlonn exisUng street sectfonswfth new constructfon. West Branch Street b1provements shall Include provisions for Ien and/Or right tum Janes at approaches and intersections with Brisco Rood, H81cyon Road, "E" Street and Vernon Street. Grading -'. shell conlonn to the ultJrnate road section adopted In aty Standards Cor West Branch Street, 165-Ag.. 2) The aty shIIJ1 be responsib1efor relocating an CIty sanitary sewer lines which may be necessary to aOO()flolOdate new dewIoper ecntnIctfon in the West Branch 8I1d Vemon intersection. Whatever water Une prObl!B1'8 have to be corrected, between the South County Regional Center easterly to a eonnect1on through the Vernon Avenue intersection - adjofnfng the O:mnthfty Center on West Branch Street, wD1 be done by the City, up to a east or $25,000. If the ccsts are more than $25,000, the developer wD1 pay the extra costs.. 3) The developer shell relocate any other utwtJes,lr necessary. Developer shaD acquJre neceSsary right of way at Veman and West Bronch Street!I from Cal Tram, prior to constnJction. The aty shell provide developer with aty-owned right of way at O:mnunity Center at no cost, prior to construction. Developer shaD not be responsible ror corwtructing a ~ wan tor the c::amuuty Center purkIng lot on west Branch Street as a result or street construction, nor replacing lost .-.. Carmunfty Center par~. (Phase 1). HalCJDl1 B. BalCJDl1 RoIId Rood 1) 0mstnJct and fJrprove lt81cyon road between West Bl'8J'ICh Street and James Way, 40 ft. curb to curb in a 52' right of YoW. Improvements include wldenlngs and frontage fJrprovements across portions or O>unty property.. a ..... -----< I 71 2) Concrete cW'b and gutter shall be installed on the \W!Sterly trontage of Halcyon Road between West Brancl'l Street and the southern tract. boW)dary where pavement wideniqr is required. A tenp)rary asphaltic concrete cW'b will be inIIta11ed on the easterly fron. of Halcyon Road between West Branch Street and the southem tract bow)dary.. 3) Access rights to Halcyon Road tran Lots 94-109 shall be oftered to the I city to prevent driveways directly onto this residential collector street, and the fencing and/rz ~ of the slope banks abut~ Halcyon --- Road shall be desl&ned by a landscape architect, installed by the . subdivider concurrent with street frontage and shall be maintained as part of the side rz rear yards of involved Jots.. 4) The right of way trz the notthem extension of Halcyon road, on which Lots 1-10 tront, shall extend to the north tract boundary and an access denial strip shall be offered to the aty to control said comection until and W))ess approved by the Cty Council. ~ shall be designed by the subdivider and instaUed COlICaneDt with construction of Halcyon Road ~vements after cIesfgn approved by the ParkS and Recreation Director and maintained by the aty. (Phase 1). .Miles Way Co .&Des Way 1) .Tomes Way shall have an ultimate width of 44 teet of driving surface. I between concNte curb and gutters<incl~ gutter P8J:W) with six-foot sidewalks <incluciina C&I'b w1cIth) on both sides. The intx'ovemimt shall be centered within a 64 toot wide right of way. Street inp'ovements shall include all necessary utilities, including cable TV ,telephone .and sewer, In conformance with the approved master utillty plan frz the subdivision.. ... 2) ~vement requirements between the deveJopnent east and west property bow1daries shall confonn to the ultinlBte ~vement section.. 3) ~vement requirements westerly of the tract to Rancho Parkway shall .0 ," be limited to installation of a. water main, ~ trench pat~ with a one-inch pavement over Jay to be appUecI on the full i/rtX'Oved width at the street ~ at the time the water main.Js Installed.. 4) ~vements required on the ~ of James Way e8Sterly of the tract shall be limited to contonnance to the ~ dri~ Janes and any drainage ~vements deemed appropriate to prevent erosion ot the appropriate rights at way proposed tor loBe at the time construction conmences. · 5) Inpovements of James Way northerly of the subdivision (fronting on the James percel wtIich lies outside the corporate 1Jnits at the Cty) have been \'Olunteered by the dewJoper trz .constructlon that conlonm to the u1tJmate sectJon at road between the east and west tract boundaries. 'IbIs Jnt>rovement Is therefore COlISIderCcI a condition to the approval of -.~ the rezonfqr.. , 6) Access right to James Way !ran Lot 1 and Lots 6-34 shall be offered to the Oty to prevent driveways directly onto this coUector route. The tencirv and ~ of these ~ Jots abuttqJames Way shall be designed by a landscape architect and InstalJed by the subdivider concurrent with street frontage fq!rovements and shaD be maintained as 9 part. or the side or rear yarcl9 or involved Jots. (Phose I). other D. other Streets Streets 1) Construct and iIr(>rove "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", AND "F" Streets and Halcyon Road north or James Way - (40' curb to curb, 6' sidewalks both sides, 52 rL right or way). ConstnJct and /rq)rove Halcyon Road, A, B, C, and P Streets C!OI1CUI'1'ent with Phase I. ConstnIct1on and hIprovement or. "D" and "E" Street may be deterred unti Phase II.- 2) ConstnJct"E" ~treet aC1'CS9 the South County RegIonal CeJ1ter property - i southerly to 8 connection with the propcsecI West Branch Street connection.. 3) The right or way for the easterly extension or "pit Way, to enable pcsslble . ruture connection with MUler Way, shall extend to theeastem tract boundary and an access denial strip ottered to the City to control said connectJon untJ1 and unless approved by the City CowtcU. An erergcncy access gate 8haJ1 be designed by a civil engineer and/or .Jandgeape architect and lnstaJ1ed by the subdivider C!OI1C\I'I'ent with . corBtructJon of "F" Way street iIr(>rovements at'terdesfsn approved by h the PubIlc Wor~ Director. 'I11e gate shall be nwdntaIned by the City. (Phase I). 25. Sidew8Dcs SidewaJks A. Six-Coot sldewalJcs sheU be required In the proposed developnent on both sides otJames Way, Halcyonl'08d, "A", "B", "en, "D", "E" and "P" Streets, except Cor the frontages of Lot C on Halcyon Road, and Lots 220-232, 183 and 156 on "D" Street.. . -. ~ B. A short segment of sidewalk shall. be constructed on the westerly frontIJge of Haleyon road southerly ot the tract boundary to a point where the developer sholl coordinate with SL Patrlck's ScI1oo1 a stairway access beb',oeen Holcyon Road and the school parklr1r Jot.. Tree 26. Ttee fte9l!l J8tion 8'eser'wtion A. A detaned. tree preservation plan and progr8II1, Including an Inventory of existi~ trees and/or groves sheU be prepared by a qualified proC_lonal, - including rmps of the species, size and location oCall trees, with respect to lot lines and proposed buD_ areas on each lot (exclusive or those located within the tree preservation easement areas), and sutmtted to the Paries and RecreatlonDJrector prior to final mop or gr~ approval. The Paries and Recreation Director shall feC()I,lhe.1d the designation and preservation of "landmrk trees or groves"-. provided by OrdInance Nwmer 333 C. S., and such nnp shall be cmpleted by the developer and considered by the City Council prior to any gradIrV or tree trIrming or removal, issuance or grading pennlts or final rmp approva]s, whichever occurs flJ'St..* 1) The City shall designate an oUk trees contained within the two tree -.. preservation eesements identJ1'ied upon the tentative map 88 "LandrGrk Groves" In accordance with provisions ot CIty OrdInance NtJmer 333 C. S. Furthermore,the 0nJncfl sh8l1 COIslder another trees on-slte an~ oCC-slte tor "LandnBrk Ttee" designation In aceordance with an provJsJons or OrdInance Nunber 333 c.s. prior to the Issuance of any gra~ penrits or final tract map approvals, whichever comes ClrsL The 10 ....i I '73 . deveJoper shall canply with all provisions of Ordinance Number 333 c.s., except that developer may replace authorized tree removals in 24' containers rather than 48' containers, which Is provided Cor in Ordinance N~ 333 c.s. and replacement trees need not be oak trees it so c:letemined bf the ParkII and Recreation DINotoi'. Tho Dlrootor may authorize a replacement tree ratio trom two-to-one to five-to-one as a variance from Ordinance NIIIIber 333 c.s.- I 2) Scenic and tree' preservation easements tor the boo oak groves shall be recotdecl by thecleveJoper alt.. approval by the City Attomey and Parks -- and Recreation DJrect:oIo. SUch easements shall caI\1ly with State law, , Include provisions of tuture tree maintenance.' and ....protcction as conta.ined in Ordinance Nunber 333 c.s. and bind theowneJ'S, heirs and assigns of all Jot owners overlapping theeaselTents to such tree ownership, aJntenance and protection torever.- SJmilar recordings are required tor any other tree detemJlned by CoW1cil to be a "Landnark Tree.". 0. The tree preMrVatJon eeaements 8hown on the propceed tentative tract Imp shall be offered to the owners, heirs and asDsns of all tract owners, and it shall be stipulated by recorded c.c. and R Is that tree removal, gracIiqr, fencing or ~ shall be pcohibtted in these easements W1les specificaUy approved by the City CbuncD. Addition8l recorded scenic .,.. easements with similar restrictiQns shall be applied to the steep slDpeson Lots 127-130.- C. Developer shall grant to the City a reCiOrdab1e pennanent open.space easement and tree preservation easement~ and restrictll1r the _ of the rear portions of Lots 138 tI1roush 140, 22.0 thr'ouGh 228 and 232 and portions of - ' Lot C and Lot 182, all as nme apecftICally deplcted on the approved tentative map of Tract No. 1390. The first grant deed to each of said psrceJs shall I specitlca11y ref.. to both of said easements and their recordation, and shall - _' further note that the easements are enforceable not only by the owners of the affected Jot but aJso by the City and by all other QWnerS of property in Tn1ct No. 1390. No such easement shall be amended, reJeased, abIIndoned or teminated by the City except by specific amenanent of the Royal'Oaks' I IUMed clevelopnent zoning ordinance or successor ordinances thereto.- 27. 'R~..t,^" ~virv TentatIw Tnct Map . .Asteri&k A. AU paragrapl1l contaJned within tIWI ordinance, toUowed by an asterisk (-), sha1l be Incorporated verbatim as conditions to be attached to the tentative tract map. . SecdaD 31 'IbIs ordinance shaJl.be in tull torce and effect thirty (30) da~ aCter its passage; and within fifteen (15) da~ aCter its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the CouncJl MeatIers voting thereon, in a neNIpAper of general circulation within the City. ! ,,~.. 11 .-.-'.. -,- On !mUon or Councn Merrber Moot s , seeonded by Councn lI1errter Porter , and on the following roU call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: Council Member Millis ABSENT: Council Member Johnson I . +', i the toregoq ?f'dinanee wu pessed and adopted on thJ.s ~ day ot May , "1981. . ~~-::n).~ ~ MAYOR . . Attest: f~a.~ .. CITY CL K I, NANCY A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County - of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No, 355 C,S, is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passe~ and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 19th day of May, 1987, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde affixed this 28th day of May, 1987, ~a.~ , CIT -- 12 .~ --"'--- --_....-.._-- ----~_._--_._.._-_._.~_.--- - "75 Exhibit "A" Ordina~ce 3SS ~.S, . P-D SINGLE fAHILY P-D PATIO HOHES HOMES \ P-D DRAINAGE' PARK \ P-D SINCLE fAHILY ESTATE HOKES P-O SINCLE fAHILY HOMES - , . . ~ ~ ... 'it III I >- ~\ - 'i .. '"" ~\ ~. .. ~ - ~~~ " aa \J~ ~ c ~ tit 1/1 ~~~ Q I ~~~ ~ A. ~ ~ ~ "0 .. .. ~\~ 5 ... ~ .. ~~ ~ 'N ... . ... ~i ~ ~ '" '"' '" N >- I - IJ\ ... .- ~~ GO~e - II '"" ~ "0:1: ~i , c .. . ..0- _01 ~"i .:I. "'...c - '- GO 4'- ~' OIl _A. tit A. ..0 C. 1..U;A.A. . ..;';'~] &~~ & a ~6:-N" ....- ........ II '-.0 11\ ~ ~~ ... ~ ,"0'" c.coe: - A.A...."'.. I _ GO "Q"O G'\- .... ..0 gg~,;,co:" ,...._GOGO ~ .........0'\ 0(1.01 ... ~ III III ... " ... ... ... ...... .. . ... ZOOOOOIl\ - -' -' _I ... -' Z >- ~ ..: c:: .:... ~:2 ,-0 Agric:u\ture . _.- - ..------------ , ''-' ~ , . ATTACHMENT 3 OBDINAHa NO. 3S6 . '" AN OBDINANC2 OP THE an OOUNQL OP THE an OP ABBOYO' GBANDBAllEMDING OBDINAHCB NO. 355 c.s., SICI10Jf 2,' SDB-PARAGBAPH 14, BBLATlNG TO DESIGN, OONSI'ROC'I"IOM AND USE OP LOT A AND VIA LA BABBANCA DBAJNAGB 8D1'BM IN ROYAL OAKS ESTATES JU!SIDBlfnAL SUBDIVISION THE crrr OOUNCIL OP THE QTY OP ABBOYO GRANDE HEREBY ORDAINS AS . . POLLOWa: - . SI!CrlON 1: Section 2, entitled "De~t Ptovislons", am-paragraph 14, entitled "Lot A and Via La Barranca Drainage System" Is hereby amended to read as folJONl: 14. Lot A ... Via La BeneIa DndaIIJ&e Sy8t8D .. Lot -A- aad A. 'Ibe dewJoper has been recJIired to design and sh81l be recJIired to con- La Ben8IICI. struct a storm drainage retention facWtyand other d-ain8ge facflities DNinIIp S:.*m on Lot "A" and upon the aty-.ownedt adjacent off-site property as required by the aty Council. Contracts DUSt be approved by the Public Worka Director prior to construction or ~ for this facility.. B. ~ slape bank behind Lots 34-40 shall be part of Lot "A", the proposed drain8ge detention besIn; the slape bank sh81l ~ !roved westerly to enable n , drainage 8W8le on site akq the east tract boundary into the basin. Slope i benk. 8W8le and buln ~ sh81l be designed by a landscape architect I and IR9taJJed by the subdivider.. C. Developerts consultants have sutlritted spec.lfic <k'ain8ge and Jand9cap.iqc plans for Lot "A" and the ~ aty-oNled Via La Barranca p-operty and downstream cnin8ge lines and mltigatirv measures towarcB off-slte drainage deticiencies, where necessary, to the Public WorIcs Director. 'Ibe Public Works Director has reviewed and analyzed. such plans to detennine the adecpicy of such plans which: 1) nitlgate and reduce CUI"J'*1t and projected tJoodiIv of the streets and areas below the cummt aty ch1nage faeDity and workB, as a result of this project, and; 2) mitigate and lftYent any further tJooc:Iq of the streets and areas below the CUI'I,'eIlt atydrainege facWty and work8 to be caused by the pIamed cleveJopnent, andj 3) provide 8ecLI'ity and safety measures and durable and aUt8ntial fntJrovennts which can be efficiently and adec:Jlately maintained by the aty. lqxovements sh81l not Include an asphalt pathway through Lot "An and the La Barranca site as sOOwn upon developerts pJ.ar& Developer- proposed f~ sI1a1l be tmdified as Indicated on the aty Managerts copy of the plan, in red, initialed and dated o1me 24, 1987. 'Ibe directorts department has subnitted a written report of its tincIqs and the proposed specific plan to the at)' CbuncU which hereby accepts the plan. ..,.t , .-_.~ - =. ~. Page 2, Ordinance 356 c,s. 71 ", .' ~_.. D. The developer and the Oty have negotiated a fair market value to be paid to the Oty in lieu ot (mvictiqI ~vements and recreational opportunities on the La Barranca site. The negotiated contribution shall be ailed for the develqxnent of RancOO Grande Park and sbBJl be paid to the Oty prior to final tract Imp approval. The fair market value Is $20,000. Eo The drainage plan approved by the PUblic Works Director tor Lot "A" and the Oty-owned La Barranca site incJudes: \ 1) Security fencq installed by the developer tor both Jots. 2) A ~ plan prep8red by alandllc8pe architect, which includes drought resistant plants and en:wion control measures tor both Jots. The plan III.ISt be &UCCeSStul1y Jntiemented and COI1{ieted. by the developer prior to NoverJ'ber 1, 1987, and tJnal tract Imp approval. -AD paregraphI contained within this Ordinance, toUowed by an asterisk (-), sbBJl be incorporated verbatim as conditions to the tentative tract Imp for Royal Oaks Patates. SBCDON 2, 'ibis Ordinance sbBJl be in tun force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within tJtteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the nemes ot the COuncil MenDers 1/Otq thereon, in a neNIpIIpeI' of general clrcuJation within the Oty. On Imtion of 0xIncil MenDer MWIs, seconded by CowJcll MenDer .tiMson, and on the t~ roD can vote, to wit: AYES: Councll Meaj;)en MillIs, J:Ihnson, Moots and Mayor MaiJIdns NOES: None ABSENT: eouncn Menbers D. G. Porter the f~ Ordinance was p&ssed and adopted this 14th day ot .lily, 1987. I \~a.h~ MAYOR ATI1i8n ~I a. ~ CITY a.ER I NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of S~n Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No, 356 C,S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 14th day of July, 1987, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of July, 1987, ~a.~ C Y .---...--------- ~~- - - --...------- - , ~ OJWINANCB NO. 358 Co So ATTACHMENT 4 AN OJIDJ1fANCB 01' TlIB an OOUNaL OP' '11m Cl11L" Oil AJIBOYO Q.RA1fl)8 AMBNDINQ OanJNANCK NO. 355 C. So, ~lON 2,SUB-PARACRAPU 14B, AMJOO)1NG1l1t A AND LO'l'S M ,TUROUOlI .0 ll1r LlHJi.S, IN JtOYAL OAKS ~rA'l'ES ~HNTIAL SUUDIVlSlON '111R CITY OOUNClL 01' 1'11H CITY Oil AIlBOYO QIlANDE l1WWUY OJWA1HS AS 'I' 1'01J..0WS; SECl'1ON I; Section.2. enUUod IIJ)ovelGpment frovWolWlI, 8Ub-paraQritph 14B, entitled IlLot A and Via 1.1 BlII't'IInC& Dt~o S)'II1.eIN III ~ MIIInCIGd to l'WId as to1lD\'a: 14. Lot A _ Via La 8MrnuIca ~ ~ Lot A IIIId B. ". aIOpe bMk behind LotII :&....0 stwU be pwot or Lots 301 throu"h 40, W ........ u IU&Mnkld upon Attachnent A to U1is ordinance. The b&l.\.unce re- DrainIcu ~ ~ of Lot A IihaU be provided to U\b Oty lor a IItonndraiNlge lacility III\d la.cWty UCIIIIifo '1be IIIGpe bI&nk shIIl1 be IIOv&ld wetitetly to enubJe II druiruage wale 01. ,lI1to akqU.e out tract botIndarY into tlle basin. Slope bwlk,IiWWC: and bIwin ~"" shd be cbq.'ned by it Wnc1:icltpe fll'c:hilA!Ct und ill:itLLlu:d by UIe IiUbdivklat. Subdivider Iibul1 provide Oty wiU. an ~1IC:llt (l"OI~1 JunICS Way to the dnainII&:e bailin, as WU:Ul'l1ted in Atwc:.IIllunt A, whic:h shu.IJ nleCt UK: IipOCU~tJQns or tho I\IbUc WutL1i Diroetot." -All plll'8Ul'8pOJ contained I!I1UtIn UIIs ordinanI:e, followed by an &l>>tQr~ (.), IIhaU be tncarporated verb&ltim 81 condiUOfW to Uw tUllwtivc trac:t nli1p tor RoY. Oaks FMtates. SICnON 21 'Ibis CIi'dIn&nce shIIl1 be intu11 force and effect Ulirty (30) duys wt4:l' it:i ~o, and within f1ls.een (1S) daa)'S atter pAlillflge, it &hM11 be pubIiIIhed once, tq:ethc:r IMith UK: IWllIe\i or the Council Men'" w~ Uwnon, in a nelMipMpet of general citcuu.tion wiUlin lilt: City, On notion of C4uncll Menmer Johnson, JK.'COnded by Cow\cil MetlIbct Porter, Ulld on Ute r~ rol1 call \IOle, to wi1& AYES, Council MeRbets JoMion, Porter, MiWs, Moota and Mayor MUlIkin:.; NOES: None. AB:mNTJ None. U.e toregoUc Ordin&w:e was pasved and adopted on this 28th day w oldy, 198'1, ~~ h - ~..:.! -~ MAYOR . I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 358 C.S. is a true, ful' and correct copy of . said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Counci' on the 28th day of July, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Sea' of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed . . this 30th day of ~U~y, 1987. ~ 11,~ CIT CLW1(f, " - _.~- --- -" ,~s IJ . .." J>.. ~tJ~ ~~~ 358 C,S, e No, Ord\nanC , I . . ,. . ~ \ n '1 ~. \ 'X. ~ ~ 1 ~ r. ~. t: ~ , 'Z.. . ~ \ '. . . \ " . 3 \1\ . C . -\ ~ . ~ 11\ '^ . \ \ . , . . , , . ,. - ~'..JJ ORDINANCE NO, 406 C.S. ATTACHMENT 5 AN ORDINANCE OF TUE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 355 C,S, ROYAL OAKS ESTATES '1'0 MODIFY EXHIBIT "A". WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 355 C.S,; and WHEREAS, the City Council did consider said proposed amendment to modify Exhibit "A" by adjusting the lot lines between Lot B and Lot 182 and between Lot 182 and Lot 184; and VRERF.AS, the CHy Council has held the required public hearing on the proposed amendment; and WHERF.AS, the City Council finds no substantive impact and, therefore, approves a Negative Declaration; and WHERF..AS, the proposed amendment was found to be consistent with the General Plan, Zoning, Goals and Objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande. HOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain a9 follows: Section 1. Ordinance Ho. 355 C,S. is amended to modify Exhibit "A" by adjusting the lot lines between Lot n and Lot 182 and between Lot 182 and Lot 184. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days atter its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the City Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On motion by Council Member Dougall, seconded by Council Member Smith, and by the folloving roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dougall, Smith, Moots, Olsen and Mayor Millis HOES: ~ne ABSENT: ~ne the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 11th day of April , 1989. - ~::J( 'A, .~;L MAR K. KILLIS Mayor ATTEST: .~a.~ NANC A. VIS City Clerk I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance ~. 406 C.s. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular neeting of said Council on the 11th day of April, 1989. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of April, 1989. f7~r(]' ~ CITY CLEHK - : ,i ~ ~ Ordinance No. 406 C.S. 2'= ~( H ~~ t1. ~ :q == A" Jj~ >- . t") ~l ~ . !::~ I'- ~ ~.. .J 'g G) ~s j1,,;~~ ~t c: '0 lID .: ~ ! ~ ~8 u Q) ..... ..... ..... .... tU .. :{ i'I f ;; P. i::OOogA. ~ , i;;-t~>-..... .!!! , .: tU :::s1lJ._.J...., 0 ;.~ ,1: S ~ .... .... tJ c: 0 tj '0 :::I .. .. III Ilj ., C\l 'II'tI II 0 III a- ~ tD _ '" 0 >oC\l ..;:5tJo~ '" ... Ie 1Hz ! ,.J~M MC\l r:: . a- t: ... ... tU I '-CVC:II..- .. ... . -co.-];o 0 tn i 1: !::ex) 'O....O'IIIO-t e _ CI 1 .- ex) -triC1lt5..- g. ~ '2 f &. . S III t") ._.!( - ~ 0 L J. ~A .- ~ .!l ... 0 :::I 0 ~ ~ J. ......< toO ...:-. ~ 0 41 CI 11" ~0 .!3..2 ~ ] !:I IXI e::\ \,> ...: toO v( .; t:L.< ,~ () ~ ~.S Co, c:: .!J 'j;; o A a 0 41 0 '> ... Ao-3 .!:: Z ... .. :!'~~ . .. ~ - <<r' . ii 4 I "IN El!2 :;S "'" ,.~ 'l f l It v. . :;~:: ~III:": !.u . ~3JJ H Ii ! l. --., I I -- A TT ACHMENT 6 amIrwtc::z 1<<). 418 C, s, I Mf amnwa C6 mE CI'l"I' C6 ARROfO. GIWGE MUDING amIlWfCE 1<<). 355 C.S. RODL aus ml'A'lYS '1'0 KlDIP!' EXHIBIT "A". I IIII!REAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public hearing to consider an amendment to Ordinance No, 355 C,S,; and IIII!REAS, the City Co\mcil did consider said proposed 8111e1dnent toroodify Exhibit "A" by adjusting the lot lines between Lots 221, 222,223 and 224 as ~ em the attached, roodified Exhibit "A", NBEREAS, the City Council has held the required public hearing on the proposed amendnent; and \.... 'NIIERFAS, the City Council finds no substantive inpict and, therefore, approves a Negative Declaration; and 1iIIEREAS, the proposed CllllE!Ddnent was found to be consistent with the General Plan, Zoning, Goals and Objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande, 1Ol, ~, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1, Ordinance No, 355 C,S, is amended to roodify Exhibit "A" by adjusting the lot lines between Lots 221, 222, 223 and 224 as shown on the attached, I modified Exhibit "A", Section 2, 'l'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days I after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage,.it. shall be published once, together with the names of the City Council Mentlers voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, en motion by Council Mentler Smith , seconded by Counqil Member Dougall, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AlES: Mayor Millis and Council MeIi'OOrs Smith, Dougall, Olsen and lotxrt:s NCES: None ABSEIft': None the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 27th:1ay of February, 1990, N~d~ HARK , ILLIS Mayor .A'1"l'ES'l': APPROVED AS '1'0 F(R(: \- '17 ._a,~ 0--- NANCY A~ City Clerk I, ~ A. mvis, City Clerk of the City f Arroyo Grande, County of san Luis Obispo, state of California, do certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No, 418 C,S, is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of February, 1990, WI'INESS my ham am the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 1st day of March, 1990, , '"11A~"'! a. Q.,.~:.) CITY CLERK . i -----.--.-.-- Exhibit "A- , Ordinance 418 ~.S. 12 . p-o PAno KOKES o SINCLt fN\IL't ESTA1t "OI'\ES ... ~~ t 0 ~! :r. >- - ~~ e ...ij .. ..... "- ,,'of. III I, · ~~ ~. - at ~ ,,' ~ -..:~~ ~ - \ ~ .., .VI '" ~ ~ 0 ~ ,,~\ A. 0 '..~ ~ :I: "0 ~~~ ~ .. III C - 0 It ~~~ '.. - ..... ... ~~~ ~ ,.,. ... ... ,.,. ~ ,.. ,.. ~; ~ . - ~~ '^"'- co..e ~~ .. a~ -0:1: () .. ... ~ u ~ : It ~ ~O\ " ~ ~ JI. ,.,...c:1 ~~ .. c::;;~ ~ III ~" . a. ... .00 I " ~u~A.A.~ .. ...._-0-0 .. . :::I . .. .. '&'::~ & &"" ..:I_""~ 1:'" ....... .,........ .....~'^ > ...:",_-0 o ":'-oi" 000C: ~ a.o.-.... .. _ co ~ -0-0 en_ .... .0 ceO- . 00-'...."" "",_COClO ......cr'\ . .c.W"'''''''-l lot ~ .., .. .. .. .... . %00000'" ... -..,1..,1.....,1... :z: >- \ 0....... \ N ... N ...... '^ ~ \ paD Agric:u\tura 1248 Grand Ave.CA 93420 ArrOyo Grande, Engineering,Deve1op.ent ASsociates 1320 NiPO.oistree~ 93401 san Luis Ob sPO, , .... -=- A TT ACHMENT 7 ORDINANCE NO. 430 C.S, AN ORDINANCE OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!'HE CITY OF ARROYO I GRANDE JlHENDING ORDnmNCE NO. 355 C.S. "ROYAL CW(S ,. ESTATES" BY ALLGlING A aroROI <Ii 1m a, AND APPROVING AND AOOPl'ING SPEX:IFIC DEVELOAeft' PIAN NO, 90-03 WHEm:!\S, the City Council of the City of Anoyo Grande has held a public hearing to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 355 C.S. and Specific Development Plan No. 90-03; and MIEREAS, the City Council did consider said proposed amendment to Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. to allow a church on Lot a, and Specific Development r Plan No, 90-03; and WHEm:!\S. the City Council has held the required public hearing on the proposed amendment and Specific Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has certified the EIR as adequate for the Halcyon Hills Subdivision with the previous addenda and the addendl.ltl for Grace Bible Church; and WHEREAS, the propOsed amendment and Specific Development Plan was found to be consistent with the General Plan and Goals and Objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHERlmS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circ:unstances exist: ZONE CHANGE 1. The proposed zone change is consistent with the general plan designation because the General Plan Designation is P.D, Ordinance 355 C,S.and that ordinance allows institutional uses on this site. 2. The subject site is adequate in size and shape to acccmnodate the reasonable requirements of the proposed zone because the lot is 10.8 acres in size and the zoning designation requires a mininun lot size of 10,000 square feet. The o5i te is capabl e of providing adequate setbacks, parking, lot coverage and all other requir~nts of the zone. 3. The proposed zone change is reasonable or beneficial at this time to serve the neighborhood because it allows the Church to more effectively serve its merrbership. 4. The proposed zone change could not adversely affect the surrounding property because mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse ilt1?acts, 5. The project will not have an environmental ilt1?act because mitigation measures have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse ilt1?acts on aesthetics, traffic, and water consumption. ..... --- SPECIFIC DEVELOPHE7fl' PLAN 1. The proposed use is consistent with the general plan because the General Plan Designation is P,D, Ordinance 355 C.S, and that ordinance allows . institutional uses on this site, 2. The site is adequate in size and shape for the proposed use because all setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design. 3. The site for the proposed use has adequate access because it fronts on Rodeo Drive and has proposed a private drive to access the site fraTI that street. A traffic report was prepared for the project and the traffic engineer saw no problems with the proposed access. 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the adjacent property because mitigation measures and conditions have been included in the conditions of approval fraTI the project which mitigate any potential adverse irrpacts. I I , --,.----...-- - I .....V , , ORDIN2\NCE NO. 430 C.S. 5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because all setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design. 6. The project will not have an environmental impact because mitigation measures have been incl uded in the conditions. of approval for the proj~t which mitigate any potential adverse impacts on aesthetics,traffic, and water consunption. 7. A traffic study was perform2d which, on: .the basis of actual derrand, indicated that 240 parking spaces were sufficient for the proposed use. J NOO, THEREFORE, the city Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: Section 1._ That the above statennnts constitute the findings of fact of the City Council an this ffi"3.tter. Section 2. That Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is amended to allow a church on lot B. Secti~ That Ordinance 355 C.S. and the Zoning Ordinance are amended to establish the developcrent standards for this property as set forth in Section 5, Conditions of Approval, of this Ot'dinance,In;thecaseofdevelopmentstandards that are not listed in Section 5, those-development standards incorporated in I Ordinance 355 C.S. shall apply. I Section 4. That Specific Development Plan 90-03 is conditionally approved and adopted subject to the conditions of. approval set forth in Section 5 het'ein bE! I ow. Section 5. Corditions of Approval A. Hi tigation Measures 1. The appl icant shall reduce the overall height of the proposed structure (cross plus sanctuary) fran 81 feet to 69 feet. This will bring the top of the proposed structure below the horizon line at a n\.l"llber of perspectives (Avenida De Diamanta, Collado Corte, Spanish Hoss Lane) and reduce the visual impact of the structure in all surrounding areas. )otani 1;.orinQ DeJ>ar1:m:!nt: Bui 1 ding Department 'rime Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall incor,porate earth-tone colors into all exterior treatments and use the brown exterior roofing material in accordance with the subnitted plans, Also, use nonreflective glass and framing naterials for the proposed skylights. MonitoriM DeJ>ar1:m:!nt: Building Department J Time Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits. 3. The applicant shall plant all landscaping in strict accordance with the landscape plan subnitted with the project plans (except as modified by these conditions) including the diameter, location, quantity, type 'and positioning of all trees shown on the plan. ~torinq Department: Parks and Recreation Departmmt Till):~ Frame: Prior to issuance of final occupancy. 4. One or IOOre of the following measures shall be incorporated into the sanctuary design to break up the large expanse of roof fran overhang to center point: a. Use a step and vegetation filled trellis at nddpoint,between overhang and center point. b. Incorporate well maintained roof gardens into the project design . I , tJl ORDINANCE NO. 430 C,S. . c. Use a stepped roof or double roof design and use textured roofing materials, d. Incorporate donrer or recessed windows into the roof. e. Reduce roof area through redesign of the sanctuary (reduce I square footage). f. The color of the sanctuary roof .and fellowship hall roof shall .r- be identical but differentfranthecolor of the flat roof over the christian education building. Monitorinq DeDl1rbnent: BuildingDepartment and Planning Department Time Frame: Prior to <issuance of .building permits 5. Until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed, the church shall schedule its activities so that no more than 25 vehicles remain in its parking lot at 11:50 A.M., with the exception of Easter and Christmas. This rescheduling will avoid the mid-day peak hour, Moni torinq Depart:nelt: Public Works Department Tine Frame: Until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed. 6. Until Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is 'reconstructed, the tuesday ...- afternoon NomNA youth program shall .be'cCllbined with the evening program, which takes place between 6:30 and 8:30. This rescheduling will avoid the PM peak hour'and place the program ata time when PM traffic is substantially reduced. Moni torinq Department: Public Works Department Time Fraare: Until. Brisco Road/Hwy 101 interchange is reconstructed. 7. As an alternative to rescheduling services, the church could pay a traffic mitigation fee of $2656 per peak hour trip on the backbone traffic system. Said fee shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits, Moni torinq Department: Public Works Department Time . Frame: Prior to issuance of building permits or rescheduling of' services to itq;lact the peak hour. 8. At such time as the sanctuary is remodeled to seat 799, the church I shall provide a total of 462 parking spaces. r Monitorinq DepartJrent: Building Department Time Frame: Prior to issuance of final occupancy when the sanctuary is remodeled to seat 799. 9. All construction shall utilize fixtures and designs which minimize water usage. SUch fixtures and designs shall incl ucle, but are not limitE:Cl to, low flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water recirculating systems, drip irrigation with drought tolerant landscaping and so forth. !'Ioni toriM DeJ>arbnent: BuildiJlg Department T:Une Frame: Prior to final occupancy 10. Prior to final occupancy of any structure, all water conserving designs or fixtures shall be installed. Mani torinq DeParbnent: Building Deparbnent Time Frame: Prior to final occupancy ---_.._-~-,._..__.,._-- _.---- -------- I b~ ORDINANCE NO. 430 C,S, H. All landscaping shall be consistc-nt with water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, nulch, gravel, and bark. To the greatest extent possible, I awn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized. Man.i torinq Department: Parks and Recreation Departrrent TilJlI:!' Fran~;. Prior to isswu1ceof building pennits and prior to final occupancy 12. The applicant shall provide for review and approval by the City council, an individual water Pt"ogram ,which will propose mitigating J measures to neutralize. Pt".ojectecLwater, dEmand for the project. The approv~ program rtUSt be il1q)lem::nt~prior to issuance, of building peL-mi ts . Monitorinq Departrnent: Public Works DepartJrent 'l':i.n~ Prallii:!': Priot" .. to. issuance of ,building petmi. ts 13. Prior to issuance of building petmi.ts the applicant shall suhnit a grading, drainage and erosion contt"ol plan, prepared by a register~ civil engineer, to the Public Wot"ks Dit"ectot" for approval. Said plan shall mitigate apy potential il1q)acts caused by wind or water erosion that may be a resul t of construction. ~kuritorinq Departn~t: Public. .Works ..l);ooparboont ~1II'Lfr~_ Priot" to issuance of any building petmi.ts. B. General Cor~itions 14. 'Phe applicant shall ascertain and ccwl'()ly with all State. County and City requir~nents as are applicable to this pt"oject. 14a. This application shallautcrnaticaUyexpit"e on Novernber 13, 1991 unless a building petmi.t is issued, Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the architectural..approval , the applicant may apply to the PlanningDirectorfot" an extension of one (1) year fran tho;, original date of expiration. Any furthet" extensions beyond one (1) y.:ar shall t"equit"e Planning Comnission appt"oval , aftet" a recorn~r~tion by the Arclritectural Advisory Comnittee. 14b. Prior to issuance of building petmi.ts the applicant shall reimburse the City for costs incurred for preparation of tho;, addendun ErR and costs for the traffic engineer to attend Planning Coomission and City Council meetings. 15. DeveloplTent shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the City Council at the meeting of NovaTlbEcor 13, 1990 and marked "Exhibi t A". 15a. Use of these facilities shall be limi ted to those activities J outlined in Specific DeveloI;mmt Plan 90-03, and other accessory uses which are clearly and customarily incidental to the church. Such accessory uses do not include schools, other than sunday school classes. or child care, other than child care associated with regularly scheduled church services and activities. Mdition of activities which are not accessory us~s shall require modification of the Specific Development Plan and additional environmental review. 16. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or t>1l1ployaes because of the issuance ,of said approval, or in the alt.:rnativa, to r~linquish such approval. The a~plicant st~ll reimburse the City, its agants, officers, or errployers, for any court costs and attorney's fee's which the City, its agents, officers or employees nay be required by a court to pay as a resul t of such action. The City may, at its sola discretion, participate at its own expense in the df:fense of any such action but such participation shall not relievEco applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. -----_._~- -------~ ------ ---~----~._---- . 'b~ I I ORDINANCE NO.430 C.S. C. Planning Departrrent Conditions 17. DE!veloprnent shall conform with the PD zoning requirements and Ordin- ance 355 C.S., unleSs otherwise approved and applicant shall adhere to all applicable conditions identified in Ordinance No. 355 C.S. t 17a. Lot coverage for this site shall not exceed thirteen percent (13%) and the locations of buildings shall be limited to the building envelopes shown on Attacbnent B. r 17b. The color scheme of the entire struct~e shall be approvE:d by the Architectural Advisory Ccmni.ttee prior to. issuance of a building permi t. 17c. The parking lot shall be modified to provide 240 parking spaces. 18. All roof-roounted equipment~ shall be 'painted to match the roof or screened fran view of adjacent'.property.in;accordance with the City's Architectural Review Guidelines. All roof-roounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, and so forth, shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away fran residential properties, All screen designs shall be cClft)atible with the building and shall be subject to the review and approval of the ! Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. 19. All ducts, meters, air conditioning .-equipment and all other r- mechanical equipment, whether on the.grouncl, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened iran. public view with materials architecturally c~tible with the lIIilinstructure. It is especially il1t>ortant that electric transformers be cQt1?letely screened iran public view. 20. M exterior lighting plan shall be subnitted for approval of the Planning and Police Departments prior to issuance of building peL1YIits, and shall include the following standards: a. cut-off luninaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cut-off and prevent projection of light above the horizontal fran the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a flat, clear lens, energy-efficient light source. c. All project lighting shall be confin~~ to the project site. d. Additional lighting shall be provided for landscaped areas on the North, East and West side of property, prior to issuance of building permits. ~. 2l. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 22. Prior to issuance of a building permit, five (5) copies of a landscaping and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be subnitted for approval by the Planning, Police, Fire, and Parks and Recreation Departments. The landscaping plan shall include the following: a. Tree staking, soil preparation (including hydro seed mix) and planting detail;. b. The required landscaping and improvo:srents. This includes: (1) 11 additional trees shall be provided in the parking area (1 tree per 5 parking spaces). If a rEmXlel is approved, an additional 13 trees shall be planted in the parking lot. The parking lot treeD shall be a minimum of 15 gallons. Perimeter trees shall be 15 gallon/5 gallon mix, with banks to .blend in (shapes of shrubs and trees) with the surrounding hillside vegetation; I ( . i '64 ORDINANCE NO. 430 C,S. (2) Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within S' of asphalt or . concrete surfaces and curbs; (3) Water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and bark shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; (4) All slopes 2:1 or greiitershall have jute mesh or equivalent material; c. The use of landscaping.to:screenground-roounted utility and J roochanical equipment; d. All walls, including'screening on retaining walls. All walls shall be canpatible with.,theapproved.church architecture. The walls shall be.. designed. and constructed to incorporate design features such as tree planter wells, variable setbacks, split block face, columns and other such features to provide visual and physical relief along the wall face. e. A vegetation management plan for the undeveloped area. f. All landscaping and ;irrigation ,shown on.. the. approved landscape and irrigation plans and all required. walls shall be car()leted or suitable bonds posted for their caJt)letion. D. Fire Department Conditions 23. All curbs through property shall be painted red except passenger drop-off curb which shall be green -,10 minute 'parking. Curbs shall be painted prior to final . occupancy. 24. Approved fire lane sings in, accordance with california Vehicle Code shall be posted at all red curb locations prior to final occupancy. 25. Automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed through facility prior to final occupancy, 26. Fire alarm system shall be supervised by a local alarm IOOnitoring ca11Pany. 27. All fire sprinkler and fire alarm installation plans shall be approved by Fire Department prior to final framing inspection by Building Department. 28. Fire hydrants shall be installed with flows and pressures required by Fire Department prior to delivery of canbustibles, except concrete frandng materials. 29. All utility roans shall be clearly identified by signage prior to . , final occupancy. J 30. Emergency I ighting and emergency power equipment to be provided prior to final occupancy. 31. The applicant shall provide fire extinguishing system in kitchen plans to be subndtted to Fire Department prior to installation. 32. The applicant shall provide information to the Building Official pertaining to caflPaction of building site in relation to seisadc concerns prior to issuance of building pe~ts. E. Parks and Recreation Department 33. The applicants shall coordinate drainage structure to accept water. that may flow off Rancho Grande Park site. Landscape archi tect to lI~et with Parks and Recreation,Director to review Rancho Grande Park plan. T . 65 ORDINANCE NO. 430 C.S. F. Public Works Department 34. The existing road easement located on site shall be eliminated prior to issuance of a building permit. . 35. Rodeo Drive shall be used as' the street address. for the church and Grace Lane. shall be rerooved as the name of driveway on the nap. 36. street lights shall be providedas..requit'ed.,byPublic Works Director along Rodeo Drive and James Way in conformance with PG&E standards ,. and city requirements. 37. The applicant shall su1:Jn:i.t a grading ,and.drainage plan prior to issuance of building peDllit , for "approval by the Public Works Director. Appropriaten8{<l "drainage.,easementshall be dedicated prior to issuance of.building'peDllit. .Appropriate drainage structures shall be installed as a condition of the building permit. G. Police Department 38. While not a condition, the Police Department suggests that a silent alarm system, deadbol t door locks and window security hardware be , installed. , section 6. This ordinance shall be in. ,fulL force 'and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15)'days.cafteritspassage, it shall be .... published once, together with the names of the City Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On IOOtion by Council Member fotx>t$. seconded by Council MembetOlsen , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council M=mbers fotx>ts, Olsen and smith NOES : None ABSml': Mayor Millis and Council M=mber. Dougall the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 27th day of Novenber, 1990. -,,:.. 15'()AtAd ~ B' ANN SMITH MAYOR PRO rra. A'rl'EST: r ~a,~ NANCY A. DAV , CITY' CLERK i I I I. APPROVED AS TO FORM: : ~~~~. SKOUSE , CI A~ ! ----..------ .---- IH ., J\."t-rJ\.~"t . --'8-- ) BO~Ln~~G~E~OPES ~ . , ~ . ., .4 , . . . - ...... ........ . .:.' ::."' , " .... ... ':~ . .-. " . . . , ,~ " @' @ '.~ ;";i . ~ \ '\'" .... ~ .. ' .~\ ' ,~ . t.. · a, ~. 1"1 ~; \\ \\\~l\}l\ \\~i~" , ',\ ,.~ '\.. ~ \]JjW' . _,' 1 .' . . 2'28 " "' ORDINANCE NO, 449 C,S, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY" COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO A TT ACHMENT 8 GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 355 C,S. "ROYAL OAKS ESTATES" BY ALLOWING A CHURCH ON LOT 184, AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 91-05. WHEREAS, the City Council of Arroyo Grande held a public hearing to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 355 C.S. and Specific Development Plan No. 91-05; and WHEREAS, the City Council did consider said proposed amendment to Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. and Specific Oevelopment Plan No. 91-05 to allow a church on Lot 184 of Tract 1390; and - h WHER,EAS, the City Council has considered the ElR for the Halcyon Hills Subdivision with the previous I addenda and the Addendum for the Arroyo Grande Presbyterian Church; and WHEREAS, based on the staff analysis, oral and written testimony, and. the final AEIR, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation, and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: ZONE CHANGE ...) 1. The proposed planned development rezone is consistent with the general plan designation because the ,. Ceneral Plan Designation is PO Ordinance 355 C.S. and that ordinance allows institutional uses on the sit~. 2. The subject site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the reasonable requirements of the proposed zone because the lot is 7.1 acres In size and the minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet. The site is capable of providing adequate setbacks, parking, lot coverage, and all other requirements of the zone. I 3. The proposed zone change Is reasonable or beneficial at this time to serve the neighborhood and community because it allows the church to more efrectively serve its membership. , 4. The proposed zone .change would not adversely affect the surrounding property because mitigation measures have been Included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse Impacts. I ; 5. The project will not have an ~vlronmental Impact because mitigation measures have been Included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts on aesthetics, traffic, and water consumption. I , SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. The proposed use is consistent with the general plan designation because the General Plan Designation is PO Ordinance 355 C.S. and that ordinance allows institutional uses on the site. 2. The site is adequate In size and shape for the proposed use because all setbacks, parking, lot coverage, and required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design. 3. The site for the proposed use has adequate access because it fronts on Rodeo Drive and has proposed a private drive to access the site from that streeL A traffic study was prepared for the project and the traffic , engineer noted sight distance problems from the westerly driveway. The applicant has worked with the Fire Department and Public Works Department to maximize sight distances and safety at the west driveway. 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the adjacent property because mitigation measurers and conditions have been included in the conditions of approval from the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts. " f I '5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suitable because all setbacks, lot coverage, parking, and i required landscaping can be incorporated into the project design. ......, I 6. The pn~ect will not have an environmental impact because mitigation measure have been included in the conditions of approval for the project which mitigate any potential adverse impacts on .aesthetics, ~affic, landscaping, and water consumption, -"". NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: Section 1: The above statements constitute the, findings of fact of the City Council on tl\is maUer. Section Z: The Exhibit "A" map of Ordinance 355 C.S. is amended by deleting the reference of Lot 184 from Note 5 and adding Note 6 which shall read, "Lot 184 zoned for an institutional use." , ; Section 2(3) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is amended by changing'''maximum allowed density of 235 ' "I ._.."-~ ~._--- , . OI~INANCE NO, 449 C.S, 229 dwelling units" to read "maximum allowed density of 234 dwelling units." The table of "Approved Residential Density" is amended by changing the lots listed in the Estate Home category from "B, 182 &: 184" to "0 &: 182," by changing the dwelling units from "3" to "2," and by adding a new category "Institutional Use" for 1..ot 184 with zero dwelling units. Section 2(5) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is amended by changing "1..ot 184 may be used' for a public/ quasi~ public facility" to "Lot 184 shall be used for a public/quasi public facility." Section 2(5)(F) of Ordinance 355 C.s. is amended by removing the reference to Lot 184. Section 3: That Ordinance 355 C.s. and the Zoning Ordinance are amended to establish the development standards for this property as set forth in Attachment A, conditions of approval, and Attachment B, mitigation measures, of this Ordinance. In the case of development standard that are not listed in Attachment A or B, those development standards incorporated in Ordinance 355 C.S. shaIl apply, Section 4: That Specific Development Plan 91-05 is conditionaIly approved and adopted subject to the conditions of approval set forth in A~chrnent A and the Mitigation Measurers set forth in Attachment B. Section 5: This Ordinance Amendment shall be in full force and effect, thirty (30) days after its passage; and 'rithin fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be published once, together with the names of I Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper published and circulated in said City. On motion of Council Member Smith . seconded by Council Member Gallaqher . and on , :. the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council M:IOOers Snlith, Gallagher and Mayor Pro Tern fobots I NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Dougall and Mayor Millis The foregoing Ordinance was adopted the 28th day of July, 1992. ~ rYl~ Gene Moots, Mayor Pro Tern A lTEST: Nan~ a.~ i City Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chris I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califomla, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. ~is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 28th day of , luly, 1992. "--- WITNESS my hand and the Sea' of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 4t~ diy of JUp;t, 1992. ~t{.~ I . , Nancy A. Davl City Oerk' ~-_..- --..--- - .'--.-- 230 ORDINANCE NO, 449 C.S. .' Attachment A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE and SPECIFIC-PLAN for LOT 184 OF TRACT 1390 I General Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all state, county, and city requirements as are applicable to this project. .. This approval shall automatically expire on July 28, 1996 unless a building permit for Phase I Is issued. 'I 2. Approvals for Phases II and III shall expire on July 28, 1999, and on July 28, 2003. respectively. unless 'I building permits for the respective phases are Issued. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval I for any or all phases, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from'the original date of , I .1 I expiration. " , i 3. The applicant shall agree to defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents. ,. officers or employees because of the issuance of this approval, or In the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City. Its agents. officers. or employees for any court costs and attomey's fees which the City, Its agents. officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a I result of this action. The City may, at Is sole discretion, participate at Its own expense In the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 4. Development shall occur Insubstantial conformance with the plans and exhibits approved by the City Council at is meeting of July 28, 1992. and marked as "Exhibit A". 5. An addendum to the Halcyon Hills Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for this project, All mitigation measures are listed as Attachment B attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference. Said mitigations shall be Implemented as conditions of approval and shall be monitored by appropriate City departments and other responsible agencies as Indicated in Attachment B. The fI11pliCQltt shnll bt 1'f!SJ'onsillfl' for Vl'rifimtiolt in writing by. the monitoring d!'JHIrtment or agency thnt the mitigation mrtlSures hnve b(,(,1I implementtd. , I Planning Department Conditions 6. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Ordinance 355 C.s. and all other City ordinances and policies. 7. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 9-13 of the Development Code. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits. nine (9) sets of the complete and revised construction drawings shall be submitted to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department, Parks and Recreation Department. I Police t>epartment, Public Works Department. Fire and Building Department, and Architectural Advisory Committee as noted, The plans shall be revised to Include the following: a. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment. whether on the ground, on the structure, or elsewhere. shall be screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It Is especially important that gas and electric meters and electric transformers be completely screened from public view. All roof-mounted I equipment which generates noise. solid particles. odors. etc. shall be screened such that the '""'I objectionable material is directed away from residential properties. b. The following Air Pollution Control District construction mitigation measures shall be listed on the construction and grading permits: (1) Water the site and the equipment in the morning and afternoon; , (2) Spread soli binders on the site, unpaved roads and parking areas; . (3) Properly tune and maintain all equipment; .... (4) Wash trucks leaying the site; (5) Use low-sulphur fuel for equipment; and (6) Configure construction parking to minimize connicts with street traffic. c. All wails, including .screenlflg and retaining walls, shall be compatible with the approved architecture, subject to the review and approval of the Architectural Advisory Committee. . I ORDINANCE NO. 449 C,S. I 231 d. An exterior lighting plan shall include the following and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning and Police Departments: (1) Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cut-off and prevent I . projection of light above the horiwntal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. (2) All fixtures shall use a flat, clear lens and an energy-efficlent light source, (3) All project lighting shall be confined to the project site. e. A landscaping and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning, Police, Fire, and Parks and Recreation Deparbnents. The plan shall Include the following: I i (1) Tree staking, soil preparation, and planting detail; I (2) The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; (3) The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: (a) Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within 5 feet 'of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; I. (b) Water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants and bark shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan; , I . ! (c) All slopes 2:1 or greater shall have jute mesh or equivalent material. I t I " Building Department Conditions 1 9. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain necessary permits for work in the public . right of way, retaining walls, and grading. ~O. All structures as regulated by the currently adopted issues of the Uniform Building Code and related codes, ,. are subject to all seismic conditions as they would appiy to earthquakewne 4. I 11. All structures as regulated by the currently adopted Issues of the Uniform Building Code and related codes, are subject to energy regulations as described in Title 24 of the California Administrative Code for climate zone 5. Public Works Department Conditions I 12. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall replace the curb returns at the intersection of the private access road and Rodeo Drive with a driveway approach. 13. All improvement plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer, licensed in the State of California, and shall be approved by the Public Works Director prior to issuance of any City Permits. Improvement plans shall include, but are not limited to, grading, drainage, sewer, water, street, and appurtenant improvements. As required, the plan submittal shall include construction cost estimates, plan check fees, soils reports, and all pertinent engineering design calculations. I 14. "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction", latest edition, and the latest edition of the "Standard Plan for Public Works Construction", as amended by the City, shall be the project specifications, except as noted otherwise on the approved improvement plans. 15. All grading shall conform to the City's Grading Ordinance (303 C.S.) and Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and/or as recommended by the soils report with prior review and approval of the Director of public Works. ~ 16. It Is the contractor's responsibility to control dust and erosion throughout the construction operation. This Includes dust arising from the transport of grading materials to or from the construction site. The developer or the developer's agents or employees shall be responsible for removal and clean-up of any spill on public streets during the construction operation. . , 17. A registered civil engineer, licensed in the State of California.. shall assure that the construction work conforms to the approved improvement plans and specifications, as well as providing certified as-built plans after project completion but prior to final occupancy. . . Fire Department Conditions I . 18. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall design and install (subject to the review and approval of the Fire Chief and the Director of Public Works), ~ looped eight (8) inch water line. 19. All curbs throughout the property shall be painted red. Curbs shall be painted prior to final occupancy. --~ .'232 UHJJ1N1IN\...t. l'N. ~'j.;J '-.... 20. Approved fire lane signs in accordance with California Vehicle Code and approved by the Police Department shall be posted at all red curb locations prior to final occupancy. 0 21. Automatic fire sprinkler and alarm systems shall be installed throughout the facility prior to final occupancy. 22. The fire alarm system shall be supervised by a central station approved by the Fire Department. .23. All sprinkler and fire alarm installation plans shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to final , " framing inspection by Building Department. ' 24. Fire hydrants shall be installed at 300 foot intervals along the project frontage with the private access road and along the interior project driveways, with flows and pressures required by Fire Department prior to delivery of Ctlmbustibles, except Ctlncrete framing materials. 25. All utility rooms shall be clearly identified by signage prior to final occupancy. 26. Emergency lighting and emergency power equipment shall be provided prior to final occupancy. h 27. The applicant shall provide a fire extinguishing system in kitchen plans to be submitted to Fire Department prior to installation. .J 28. Ingress and egress shall meet the Fire Department requirements, including turning radii, grades, and angles .. of departure, and such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to issuanceiof Building Permits. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions 29. Alllandsc:aping materials shall be planted according to the approved landscaping plan. 30. The applicant shall maintain (and replace when necessary) all approved plantings. , I Architectural Advisory Committee 31. The applicant shall submit a final color and materials board to the Architectural Advisory Committee for final approval prior to issuance of Building Permits, with the requirements that the roof shall be red clay tile and the stucco color shall be an off-white with a dashed finish (sprayed on and not knocked down). I 32. The landscape plan shall use the same species of trees used for the formal street trees as design elements in the informal oak landscaping to lessen the abrupt change between landscaped areas. I ; "--' # .... I , I , -.- -'~.,._-- I ORDINANCE NO. 449 c.S. 233 Attachment B I I MITIGATION MEASURES PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE and SPECIFIC PLAN for LOT 184 OF TRACT 1390 1. Any changes to the hours of operation as noted in the AEIR must first be approved by the Director of Planning. Changes that could result in cumulative traffic impacts when combined with traffic from Grace Bible Church shall be analyzed for their significance as part of this review. If a change in hours of operation I shall result in an impact on the City's backbone transportation system, the applicant shall be required to pay the City's standard traffic mitigation fees. . Monitoring lJtimrtment: PlAnning Dtportment Timt Frame: At time of chIInge in hours of optration. '2. For the westerly drive, left hand turns onto and from the site shall be prohibited with appropriate signage. The design of the driveway shall be modified to be perpendicular to Rodeo Drive. . The total width of the ! driveway shall be 20 feet; eight feet used for emergency access may be constructed of~turfblock" or "eco- block" or similar product, provided the material can support the weight of afire truck; <The portion of the . ! ~. driveway intended for emergency vehicle access shall be gated to prevent public use. The final design, location, signage, materials, and gating for this driveway shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief. " One year after church services are held on the site, the City engineer shall study accident reports and i I complaint files to ascertain compliance with left turn prohibition. If patrons are violating the left turn , prohibition and the west driveway poses a safety problem, the driveway should bereconflguredor closed subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and the Director of Public Works. 1 Monitoring Dtpartment: Public Works Dtpartment Time Frame: for revised design, prior to issuance of building pennit; for complaint monitoring, ont,ytar aft" church services are ~ld on site. I 3. The building specifications shall incorporate fixtures and designs which minimize water usage. Such fixtures and designs shall include, but are not limited to, low-flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water, heaters or hot water recirculating systems, drip irrigation with drought tolerant landscaping, etc. Prior to final occupancy of any structure, all water conserving designs or fixtures shall be installed. Monitoring DtplJrtment: Building Department Time Frame: Building pennit plan chrck for the design and prior to Jinnl occupancy for installation. ,. 4. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation and Director of Planning. All landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, and bark. Monitoring Dtptlrtment: Parks and Rtcrtation Dtpartment Timt Framt: Building permit plan chrck. 5. The applicant shall provide for review and approval by the City Council an individual water program which will propose mitigating measures to neutralize projected water demand for the project. The approved program must be implemented pJior to issuance of building permits. Monitoring DtplJrtnrent: Public Works DtplJrtment Time Frame: Building pennit plan check. 6. At plan check, the applicants shall submit a grading, drainage, and erosion control plan, prepared by a qualified person. Said plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Director. The plan shall include methods of revegetation of disturbed areas, grading and planting periods, and maintenance provisions. - Monitoring DtJltlrtment: Public Works DtplJrtment Tipne F;;IIne: Building pennit plan check. 7. All exposed cuts and fills shall be protected from erosion through appropriate methods, Including, but not limited to, hydroseeding, straw bales, energy dissipators, siltation ponds, and other appropriate means. Said I me~hods shall be described in the grading, drainage, and erosion control plan. Monitoring Dtpartmmt: Public Works and Building DtpIlrtments Timt Frame: During construction. 8. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures specified in the grading, drainage, and erosion control report. I I Monitoring DtplJrtment: Public Works and Building Dtpartments Time Fmme: During construction. " 9. The applicant shall adhere to the following construction mitigation' measures established by the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and listed on the construction and grading permits (See also Condition , --~ - ----.---- . 234 ORDINANCE NO. 449C.S. of Approval SIb].) a. Water the site and the equipment in the morning and afternoon; b. Spread soil binders on the site, unpaved roads and parking areas; c, Properly tune and maintain all equipment; d. Wash trucks leaving the site; , e. Use low-sulphur fuel for equipment; and f. ' Configure construction parking to minimize conflicts with street traffic. Monitoring Dflltlrtment: Bllilding DflHlrtmrnt Timl' Fmml': DI/ring constn/clion. 10. Construction activities shall not occur before 7:00 a.m. nor after 6:00 p.m. Monitoring Dtpartment: BI/ilding Dtpllrtmfnt I , Timl' Fmme: DI/ring constrnction. 11. All project lighting shall be designed such that lighting does not extend beyond the project site. Monitoring Dtpartment: Planning Dtpartmrnt Time Frame: Bllilding permit plan check. '12. Prior to receiving an occupancy permit for Phase III, the applicant shall complete the additional 52 parking .. spaces necessary to support the Phase III development. Monitoring Dtptlrtnltnt: Planning and BI/ilding Depllrtments I j Time Frame: Prior to OCCIlpIIncy of Phil51' 111. '-' I .. . I ., I I ,. '-' . .... I .' , , I I , --- -----" --.......------- .. , A TT ACHMENT 9 of providing access and other required improvements for only 2 dweilings is in question, the I ., extent of other environmental constraints is not resolved. A project EIR would be required for ~ General Plan Amendment and PD, Planned Development for any alter.native exceeding S dwelling' units, By restricting Planned Development to S units, the City intends to avoid irreversible changes on , the sensitive environmental resources evident on the bulk of this property which would be further protected by the Conservation/Open Space classification. Because the property is' otherwise surrounded by existing residential subdivisions and no urban service extensions are' required for. I this limited additional residential development, the project is no~ considered growth inducing. 4.) ROVl!/Oaks Estates I Existing Conditions, Prior Plans and Regulations \ This vegetated hillside and creek canyon parallel to and west of Rodeo Drive was designated I "Estate" residential as part of the Royal Oaks Estates Planned Development on the adopted General Plan. The area was subdivided into 4 large parcels ranging from 5 to 15 acres in size, I each allowing 1 house unless converted to institutional uses such as church as occurred at the north and south end, adjoining Rodeo Drive, The church use on the north end was constructed on 10 acres rather than the original 13-acre lot, enlarging the undeveloped two lots to the south by 3 acres creating a 29-acre single ownership parcel with a "flag lot" frontage on Rodeo Drive to I the south, The 7.S-acre southern parcel, approved for church use but not developed has su~sequently been sold to a private rather than institutional owner, Existing PD zoning and Development Code allow only one house per parcel unless PD amendment approved by the City I enabl~ institutional use: Assuming that 3 !-,ndeveloped parcels exist, the current zoning would allow 3 dwellings, exclusive of the area containing the Coastal Oak Woodland grove on the steep hillside protected by a tree preservation easement. The 2000 draft map indicated b'!thchurch I parcels and the two. estate lots as "Open Space", but only the oak grove on the steep hillside to the east is protected by tree preservation ease~ent. .. Impacts olthe Proposed General Plan I The proposed General Plan Update provides for Community Facility classification on the existing church property, while the 3 residential "estate" lots would be designated SFR-LD-PD, Single I Family Residential, Low Density (Hillside), ~Ianned Development, The 13-acre vegetated hillside and creek area, including the Landmark Royal Oak tree protection easement would be classified as Conservation/Open Space, SFR-LD-PD would enable Planned Develo~ment at a maximum of 1 I du/1.S acres, or 20 dwellings maximum on both existing parcels, . The slopes of the western portion of the undeveloped area would require grading for access and . development which would depend on density and design. Potential for increased landslide and I slope stability exposure and erosion are inherent in hillside development, whether residential or institutional. Erosion and siltation are potential hillside development impact issues, which would impact Arroyo Grande Creek rather than Meadow Creek drainage and require on-site" or off-site I mitigation, A drainage detention arid siltation settlement pond may be feasible and appropriate on-site, Water supply as well as water quality due to increased development potential is a cumulative impact Issue, as noted above. Low-density residential development anticipated for the I site Is Inherently automobile oriented but the pattern was established by. adjoining subdivisions, " not feasIbly altered by this residual property, A 20 dwelling Planned Development project, if approved, would contribute 200 trips to Rodeo Drive and possibly require traffic study to I determine off-site mitigation measures. EIR - 44 I -....----.-.--,.- .. -~--------- . ,-_...... .-. ~=.. .- ".._.....~~'~~=...~ . .., . .~" -..-. -- - .-._u . ..~. .....~." .. - I I . I Alternative Institutional uses would be expected. to generate more significant traffic, depending on type of use and would require specific evaluation for air quality. and cir'culation Impacts. One possible benefit from additional Planned Development might be traffic reduction on the. I residential segment of Rodeo Drive if a parallel relief collector or local street were extended ' through this property. The biological resources of the undeveloped 37 acres have not been surveyed nor evaluated, but approximately 13 acres of Oak Woodland are protected by the tree protection easement for the "Landmark" grove east of the creek, while the remainder !s not well I vegetated. Energy and minerai resources are not impact Issues for potential planned. development, but I exposure to landslide and slope stability would be Inherent In hillside development. Noise from ~hls potential Planned Development Is a concern to adjoining residents, but has not been evaluated for other low density residential or possible institutional uses, Public services and I utilities are capable of service to the undeveloped properties, already surrounded by more I Intensive residential and institutional uses, Aesthetics. of additional low-density residential development or alternative institutional uses are not a significant Impact issue, assuming tree preservation and considering the isolated visual exposure for most of the property, Archeological I resources have not been Identified on-site but would be considered by project ElR for Planned Developmel)t, The property is near Rancho. Grande Park and Planned Development would be required to contribute impact fees for park improvement. Additionally, proposed recreational trail I traverses the property adjoining the creek, connecting the West Branch.. Regional Community Facilities to the park and church to the north, I Alternatives, Evaluations and Explanations. Th,e rang~ of land use and planning considered reasonable for these parcels range from 3 to 20 dwelling units subject to PD approval and General Plan Update, Population and housing would I range from 9 to approximately 60 residents depen~ing on number of homes allowe~. Create a PD classification similar to the 1990 and allow one house per existing parcel a. I unless a PD art:1endment Is approved; b. Classify as C/OS-PD and allow 1 house per parcel or 1 du/S ac enabling 3 or more units I depending on whether the tree preservation agreement area is Included In the PD; c. Classify as C/OS and SFR-VLD-PD or 1 du/2,S ac. enabling 2 or 3 urJits per parcel, ; exclusive of the oak grove for a total of 6 to 8 homes subject to PD approval; and, I d. Classify as SFR-LD-PD and C/OS at 1 du/1.S ac. or 1 du/ac. enabling consideration of ,- subdivision to approximately 20 homesites on the three parcels exclusive of the oak 1:- grove. The 2001 General Plan Update proposes alternative 'd', CF Community Facility classification I on the church lot while the 3 residential lots would be designated Single Family Residential, Low Density, Planned Development, limited to a maximum of 20 dwellings total. The vegetated hillside and creek area subject to tree preservation easement Owould be shown as Conservation/Open Space, A project EIR would be required, I Regarding other alternatives, the General Plan Update .at,tempts to avoid the PD classification I used in the 19~0 plan because that classification did not identify the actual uses allowed by I Planned Development, revealed only by research of related zoning and Development Code regulations. ! . I -~--- -_.~.--- .--....-..--..-- --_.~-".._- ElR - 45 " --.-.--- I The C/OS classification or the SFR-VLD-PD classification enabling from 3 to 8 dwellings would be ., I .., environmentally superior alternatives due to reduced residential potential, (Fewer dwellings I generally create less impact both on-site and cumulative), The feasibility of these lower density alternatives is, however, questionable due to required access and Infrastructure Improvements such as street,' underground utilities, water, sewer, drainage and proposed recreational trail, Higher density Planned Development alternatives, such as 1 du/ac or 2,5 du/acare considered I Incompatible with adjoining Rancho Grande low density single family subdivisions to the west .' that. overview the undeveloped subject properties, I The prerequisite for project EIR Is considered the basic niitigationmeasureto'determinepotential impacts and appropriate design and density of proposed PD consistent with the General Plan I Update. 5,) Printz Noves and Oak Park Roads - Northern Sohere or Innvence . Existing Conditions, Prior Plans and Regvlations I North of the City limits, the adopted LAFCO plans Include a large portion of the San Luis Bay- I Inland Land Use Element's Residential Suburban "Arroyo Grande Fringe Area"aswi.thin the City's Sphere of Influ~nce, implying pote~tial. annexation, Most of the properties along Priatz, .Noyes and Oak Park Roads. and numerous local streets and private driveways branching. from these . I three County roads have been fragmented into parcels ranging from 1 to 5 acres, making future conversion to urban residential Improbable, Water, sewer, roads, drainage systems, fire and police services associated with annexatlol) and urban use would be very expensive and require I areawld~ Improvements unlikely with hundreds of partially developed Residential Suburban fragmented parcels, The City's 1990 General Plan did not include this area as part of the Urban Land Use. Element, but I it Is nonetheless within both the City's and South County Sanitation District's Sphere of Influence (SOl) approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), composed of more than 760 acres (1.2 square miles) the western two thirds of this large area Involves approximately 500 I .acres of Canyons No, 1 and No, 2, Including Oak Park Road and Noyes Road respectively, within the Meadow Creek watershed, The eastern third of the area, containing approximately 200 acres of Poorman Canyon and 60 acres of Carpenter Canyon traversed by Printz Road and Carpenter I Canyon Road/Highway 227 respectively, are part of the Tally Ho/Arroyo Grande Creek watershed, These three separate drainage areas are Identified by examination of Map EIR-1, which Is an excerpt of the USGS Arroyo Grande quadrangle map used to depict the Planning Area known as the Area of Environmental Concern, I This Sphere of Influence area Implies a potential "Northern expansion Area" of the City Into only . I a small portion of the large County Residential Suburban and Residential Rural Arroyo Grande I Fringe Area, Involving approximately 2,865 acres, and 3,585 acres, respectively, As noted above, however, the feasibility of this large Northern expansion Is very doubtful, due to fragm~ntation. This 1.2 square mile Northern Expa~slon Area Is both deceptive and detrimental In that It falsely I I. implies potential for more than a 20% geographic addition to the City's current 5,5 square mile I area for futu.re urban growth and development. ~ I Ii 1;1 I I I i . I . EIR - 46 I -... '"='""- .r_...... ~ - - - ~ - - - - - A 11 ACHMEN1 10 - - 1 " J .' - ! : ; ~ I ~ I , , . ; I , I I I . ,I , , f d .', \ , I , I 1 \ .' ," \ I , I I , \ f L .. ..,.,.. ~ ,.. , ... ~ \ . "\ , CITY COUNCIUREDEVE:L..OPMENT AGENCY MINUTES A IT ACHMENT 11 MAY 28, 2002 PAGE 10 was important to align the street; and suggested that it would make more sense to extend the name of Bakeman Lane into the project. Council Member Dickens stated he felt the lots were too big; the City needed more affordable workforce housing, and encouraged different planning to provide tangible affordable housing at this location. He did not support providing second residential units as affordable housing units; stated that a pocket park should be included within the project; suggested that a Homeowners Association be created to maintain a pocket park; addressed the street name and drainage issues; supported buffer efforts on the northern edge of the project, and supported the inclusion of language to alert potential homebuyers of impacts related to Soto Sports Complex. There was further discussion regarding proposed lot sizes. Mr, McHaney, applicant, stated that 6,000-8,000 square foot lots were originally preferred; however, due to the General Plan designation, he was limited to 12,000 square foot lots, Mayor Pro Tern Runels commented that he did not favor flag lots; agreed that the lots are a little large; and suggested that second residential units and homes on flag lots be sprinkled. Mayor Lady stated he would favor a reduction in the size of the lots. Director Strong reviewed several alternatives that included requests for a density bonus, which would provide a commitment for affordable housing, or the applicant requesting a General Plan Amendment. Mayor Lady ensured that the applicant had received sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. There was no action taken on this item. 11,c, Consideration of Pre-application Review Case No. 02-003; Proposed Subdivision of a 29,5-Acre Site into 1.5.Residential Lots and an Open Space Parcel; Lot 182 of Tract 1390, Located on Rodeo Drive. Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report "and responded to questions from' Council regarding the site relating to slopes, soil conditions, and landscaping. Mayor Lady invited comments from those in the audience who wished to be heard on the matter. Carlo Alfono, representing James Land Partnership, stated the applicant would be amenable to raised foundations on steep lots; however, most of the other lots were flat. He also stated that the soil was suitable for compaction. .~o 0.- .' , , ..'. / - CITY COUNCIUREDEVE...vPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MAY 28, 2002 PAGE 11 Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady brought the item back to Council for consideration. Council Member Dickens stated the biggest asset for the City's gain is the proposed Grace Lane extension. Director Strong respoflded to questions regarding the street design. Council Member Dickens expressed concerns with regard to soil erosion. He requested a minimum use of retaining walls; supported the requirement that open space be privately maintained; and inquired whether second residential units would be included in the project. Council Member Ferrara referred to the opportunities for open space areas and recreation facilities in Planned Developments and asked if there had be.en any thought to providing recreation facilities in the development. Director Strong replied that no active use was planned and that the collection of in-lieu fees would go toward improvement of Rancho Grande Park. Council Member Ferrara favored some trail enhancements to use as a pass-through to the park. Council Member Lubin expressed concern with the configuration of the driveways, specifically with regard to vehicles backing up into Grace Lane, Discussion ensued with regard to the alternatives for driveway design. Mayor Lady ensured that the applicant had re~eived sufficient feedback and direction with regard to the proposed project. There was no action taken on this item. 12, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a, MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Reported that there were $10.8 million in reserves; City of Pismo Beach is not pursuing annexation with the District and is pursuing other avenues; the Budget process is underway; and the Plant continues to run well. (2) Other. Attended County Mayors luncheon in Pismo Beach on May 10th; walked down the new Promenade (Boardwalk connecting Pismo Beach and Grover Beach), and received presentation from host (Pismo) regarding major projects in their City. b, MAYOR PRO TEM THOMAS A, RUNELS (1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. Council Member Dickens attended as the Alternate and on behalf of Mayor Pro Tem Runels, he reported that the Board had received a presentation on the water treatment plant upgrade; ---_.~._---- ------... -.-- '-- A TT ACHMENT 12 .. February 10,2003 Rob Strong " Community Development Director City of .Anoyo Grande. Dear Rob: .... Don McHaney ofRFJMAX Ocean West sent us your request for a letter from Grace Bible Church that we would cooperate with project offsite and roadway improvements. We have always known that Grace Lane would continue on and reconnect with Rodeo Drive there above St Pats School. We will cooperate with this project as to being inconvenienced with traffic delays and the normal things that go along with construction. Sincerely, ~~ Jim Matthews Chairman Administration Team Grace Bible Church GRACE BIBLE CHURCH 100 Rodeo Drive, P.O. Box 1210, Arcoyo Grande, California 93421 (80S) 489-4200 · Fax (80S) 489-9296 ~ --~ -. - ATTACHMENT 13 ~-_..__.--.- ~-_.,_._.._-----_.~- August 28, 2003 " Don Mchaney GRACE Remax 1566 Grand Ave. , Grover Beach, CA 93433 Subject: Housing development tract #2236 Mr. Mchaney During the recent informal meeting with Rob Strong, Planning Director for the city of Arroyo Grande and several other concerned people with the above project, Grace Bible Church was ask to respond to the designs as submitted and give our approval or dis- approval based on the information submitted. The following is based on drawings submitted by "EDA" for tract 2236 and submitted drawing design for "parcel C" which shows 4 moderate priced homes. The board of Elders for Grace Bible Church met on August 25, 2003 and approved the following. "The Elders approved by motion to relinquish part of the overflow parking area (to create a driveway to some propOsed housing units) on the condition that they (the developer & City of A"oyo Grande) adjust Grace Lane (to preserve and maintain all the existing parking, approx 12 spaces located in front of office area) and create a r entrance & exit to Grace Lane from the parking lot adjacent to the gym building. " It is understood that the main entrance, 2 lanes entrance & 2 lanes exiting Grace Bible would be directly opposite the driveway for access to the 4 unit housing complex. The only land Grace Bible Church is surrendering in this agreement is for the driveway to the homes. All costs, engineering and permits to accomplish the above to be paid by the developer. Sincerely, /' C/C Rob Strong, AG City Planning Dir. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH 100 Rodeo Drive, Arroyo Grande, California 93420 · (80S) 489-4~00 · Fax (80S) 489-9296 Joe Bubar, Senior Pastor · Roy Fruits, Pastor of Adult Ministries · Bob Williford, Pastor of Student Ministries Karol Brown, Director of Children's Ministries · Delbert Mclaughlin, Ministu of Pastoral Cart . A TT ACHNn:NT 14 \\t\\' \t\\' \t\\' \\t\\' \i \ \i i . \i i \i i \~\i\~ \\ \ \ \ ditt .in ,in i,UI ~"\~ \"\ "\\ \\\\\ t~ .' "' ~ .'JI' 'f .so C '% ::t ~ ""' 0 '% 0 ., ) (I III r- ) '\ 'L \ . \ '\ . ~ G?\~ \ i . . . . . ~ t ~. l t 0 ~ Gl'ACf. ~E T'aia ........... QIOI\<!~ ~,jjI#~ - ~~.... .....iiM',.... 1$- . \ \,,\ ~H , \ \~ ~ ~ c: ~ 0 ~ Q ) ) n " ,. )- Z II t . , 2~~ GIll!!'! .-!!!! ~~ ., .."G_ ,1' ,e'l' ~ ,\ ~~~ . ~~... .....~,...... ~ ... ;.A 11 A TT ACHMENT 15 ---I r- ~..~ Z ,,- , ~ ,-- "P f m .~ .. id. ~ 0 I m 0 ~i '~ :II PI g iI' '/Iii' iI' I 8 :!! ~ ~ ~ ~ c::r I E m f en m ~ )( -I .i m ::0 , 0 ::0 m r- m < )> -I Z g 0 :II .... III % a m ,.. m < a . .... ~ z 0 0 z i ~ ~ ~ ~ i 5 ~ i ~ i ~ ! ~ i .~ .~ "'.It" . 0 '0 '0 ~i 0 f iI' '/Iii' iI' iI' " ~ 2 GRACE LANE --.....- )> I EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GREG NESTER :=.-=~""'% ~ cO ~ AFFOIIDAIU! HOUIINO ELEIIEHT .....--...... 111 NELSON STREET FOR TR6CT UHlOT C ...----..-... ,,'CUITICT b ARAO'tOGAANOE. CA 13G't "'" . 007....1..., ===--::::: . IS "'::"-:5-:T- . I . . ~ I . r I . UMTA .................._...............a...._ ! --.., r-- fa ,- . EI3J fa / - -',I _ '.,"',,/ -------- c__ 11"..... 11i.1I i .... .... 0 0 ,... ".. .J' .J' .J' "I'I m 21'.11' I ~.. ~ 0 i > III! . 0 ~ '0 ;. oil .J' '" '" .J' ~ ~ ~ n '" UJ i a % p: t m :; ~ I m :J:I is :J:I m r- m < /II :I> -4 0 is c -I Z :z: en m r- ~ m < a ~ -I a (5 g z I . . ~ ~ 0 -~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ . ~ i 0 ~ EXTERtoR ELEYATtONS GRACE LANE ~~€5 GREG NESTER AFFORDAaU HOUIING ne....' ........-.-- 111 NELSON STREET FOR TRACT U3I LOT C ---....-- -:.-===-- ARROyQ GRANDE. CA t3AI1 I#t(.Ctat-et1.oct _":::-Il_ ............_..._111_............... ...._.. UNIT . - ! =E [d m ... , , - E8 EB] ',~ , ',,'.'/' h_ __.J ,___ ..go 1'-41 0 i RjJI~ . 0 in iiI 0 ~ ! i/' i/' "'i/' .. :D II! q~ g i B ~ :!! iR . Z i/' i/'~ i .c iii ~; ..~ 11 :c ..~ 0 ~ ~ ! m . . 2 ! ~ 21"11" --~ H . m . x -I 0 m :13 0 :13 m r- m < ~ 0 z (fJ . . (; ~ 0 i 9 . ~ g ~ 0 a 0 . n . . ~ ~ ~ i ~ ! ~ ~ ~ g if " I I. i 0 ,. 0 :~:i I~ 0 i/'i/' ~ i/' i/' i/' .. ~ GRA~N~_. ~~ "ICII1'ICT ~~~ .... C.I.' " EXTERtOR ELIVATtONS QM.G ME.sttR ~~ACT_LOTC ..::.--:e-:T.. .......................................-.......,. 2 AA~d~3~~~ APN'I07-11t..., :J> I ~ cO UNIT 0 Q II ---. ~ A TT ACHMENT 16 ----..------.. .. __.."~._......____...,....v---.-.-.---m-"-"-'-V""'"" -.....- __.y",.-.~r.'''----'----'''''''''''''''' ---- (fI ~ T" ft . J . .;) 'f i ~ - ,.. . .......-- ~ \( .c C- O '- 0' 0 C- O I- Q) ...., .- V\ - ~ 0 . . -.--- A"" AC........,. 17 \" ' ~." '- ,-.,' ~. 'I\~ 1\11 ',1\"'\\ II' \" e '< ' , ' . \i t ,,\. .... . \' , ,:13 \~~IU~II~\\\~ ~ \' i~' , .. 1ft , $~ \ w'-- '\hi ~I\\ ~~ 1III \ I 'i ',- \\\ \ ~ ; II! " r- Ill'" I \ j ~ ..' \1 . X\~ ' 'I~ ~ \~ "\Ii ~ I \ C, \ !\\ \\~ 1 ~ \" \ \ . '\ \) ,'. '0 ~I, \\I ! 'j \' (\ \ \ % ~ I' \ ~\ !~ \' ',. III' ' . 1,.111\ ~" ~I)I;" 'I . . " ," " I' I" . \~\ ~ \ Iii \1 \\ 1\'.' ," \1 O!, ! .' - r ,I i Ij' 1\ ,':.\ I" ' ~\( , \I I II ,. ,iii'S ,>,,\1, ... }:,' \ .~,\\.\ .." 1\\\' \\\11'\ '~. ., ~ \ , I 1 '~.. ,.' . ,.' . 'I' ~ '. .' , .... \1" \ ".... , : 1 .' . , ' " ,I ' ~ ~ ,.' i ,,11,,11 I " I ~, , .\ \ " .'. ~'l\ ?,\1\. , \~~ . ''''~&' "" ~ ~' 1,1. 11'1 \ ~I\ ",,,. . ,-' . \~~ ~~\, Ili~ II ,,\t\~\\ ; .' c.li' 11\ I\'r \~t\ \ . '. ~~ \ I,;.' ..' i\I~ \\\\ \\1\' '. '" '~ ,\\ ~ ~ ' ~~\~\ : ,. I(I.~! '. " ~l' .",' . '" '" i\ I f.i ~\\ ~~ \~ \, \ \f1;\j ,:,"ilfj'~'\ \, '\.. 'C \ \\\1 .,", IIII l' ' , ' \~ i ij'r' '. '" \I '.' I ~;"r' @. ~Ir-!\ :;r~ 'I " ,\~I :~i ,.,t.. ,I ,\ "I \ _\1,\1 1\ ~ I I, '(:I "f I I ,~. ~' I' 'I ' I \'1 ~l I~ ~\fI '.' ire' I\~ I; II,! ~I "I'\! f ,," " ''Ii'' ~iY~\ i\11 ~~\ . (l~f~\ ,\/11 "!"~~' J~ \ '~I'\O "" ~! \ii\~~ \i~ '\\\'li1>1'('O\ Iii I '\'\ I!~ '\"\ ,DI~' Iii "~' ,.1 · 'I' \~' \J~..II ",.\\ ,'i' . ','1\, ~!I III ~., \1\\ \~ ,\:f !'~~ :,1 l1~ 4\ i.' I I\~ i ):.it ~~,II - - il ,,, \ft\~n!\1 ~\" '" ~,p111 ill \ 1,\ ~\ WI 'II \11'" ;/!il l~ t\ \\\\\\,\\~\\ '1 II j !: p. "I '. \, I'. I ' , ! 'I ~ ~ \ I\\\~'\\I, Pi . !;:) . - ,i i \\"1I1~\ 1'\,1.", : \ \\ ~ ~ 1\' "l ., . . : ,. . ,'\1 II' ,I .'., '- \\ \ \i~~\i\~ lW II '1'11 i\ I ~ '\lli-ll ':, "j I i' " ' r' ,'I" " ,., (, ~' Ii II I \ \.\,.1, { ,,', ' \ I' Ii I ,.\\ · \ . \.\,1' " ' i "\ illi \W ,~ ~I 1 ~li ,',;Ii 1, \Ul I f ~~ ,I' " :X} \.' \ \\\\\\~iw~ ~,of ' . '\ ~ ~ { ~ 'I I,j i t l \ I, 1\1 r,.I. I i ,\ \\'\ W, \\1 '\~ v1: '\J : I ; ~\ i \I l~i \\~ U . i' ~ i if / .. . "~ yH\I tI iiIJ;i;1 1\1\'\' II\t i~ ill \\ '." (' "hi "l i ',\'11 " . ,,' I'" II I f, I I : I ':' '! i _,i' .\ 1.ti \ t Ii Iii II ~. ~ \ I I,' : " ' 'I 1" ' . , .. " ',"'" " ' i GRACE \.liKE \ t ~WU!!!" ~VC:]~' 1> ~:r ....~~~tod' :=' ......,.... ... 0 . \ '~'.:"""" ~'" \.... ,...... \ ........~~, \ " -, \ I C) ~ 0 m r- ~ -- ~; ~% ~.... ~ - l!J -0 [1 --- - - -0 - ---0 .- -- ---ill!] ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: [!] ROOF T1I..E, 'EAGLE', COASTAL BLEND [!) EXTERIOR ST1JC(X), tA HASAA'. FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 100) . (!] GUlTE~ IIONID. 'SHERWIN WILUAMS'. POUSMED MAHOGANy SW 2838 [!J FASCIA IIONID. 'SHERWIN WlLlJAMS'. fIOOKWOOD BROWN SW2806 (!J WOOD GRILLE. RED CEDAR WI CLEAR SEALER [!]. ex COLUMNS. REO CEDNlWI CLEAn SEALER [!]-- I!J . STONE VENEEA. t:UL 1UAED S1tJNE' AU'l\JUN PfIO.FIT LEDGESTONE (PF-8015) [!] WATER TABLE. 'CUI.TUREDSTONE'AU1UMN P~LEDGESTONE (pF-80t5) [!] FIBERGlASS ClAD WOOD WINDOWS. BRONZE COLOR _ GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 1b GIIIG-I~MEVEI.OPMENT ... . c . ~ ' . C T TRACT 1231 MAR. 12.2OCIS SCALI!: 1""1'4' ARROYO ~ CA 13421 A . . . II . & , . . APN,007o011.0.t2 ---EJ . --ill ID - --ill ---0 ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: ill ROOF T1lE. 'EAGLE'. COASTAL BLEND [!) EXTEAIOII STUCCO. tA HASAA', ADOBE x-no (BASE 200) ill GUlTEA8ITftIM BOARD. 'SHEAWIN WII.UAMS'. ROYCROFT SUEDE SW 2842 , [!J FASCIA BOARD. 'SHERWIN WlU.lAMS'. DOWNING EAII'TH SIV2820 f"iTiL ~,:..-.,.'" '. . ~. ~:;....".;:!i. ;f~;<i;,b!'Z....'. ) 0 WOODGAILLE.REDCEDAAWlCLEAASEALER '. ~ '..' ,; _ ':-;~'~:'-:';....:t.', ~;,~:~",~':J~;j 1- . .';~:\~'}':""~'\i"'1":'~~;>\: l!Iex~.AEDCEDNlWlCLEAASEALER ~~ :.~ .~~ ~;.~~<'~";;,:':t,_~~~:r~~;~::r~~.;: 0--":':;:':;:; ;"::'~;~;~;'#;~';"~;1,." I!J STONE VENEEII, 'CUI. TUIlED STONE' SOUTHWEST BLEND PfIO.F1T LEDGESTONE (PF-8019) . ~ ,'_ _. ;'}II. ,I., ...,..... , 11\-. .. ..:-;'.:'.:'~:'t~~~~~~~:~f~-::~~ (!I WATER TABLE. 'CtJl:ruRED STONE" SOUTHWESTBLENO PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE (Pf..8019) ...:' ::.;.. ".. .. ~"."'~':o,!;~: '. "'_:;.-;ir;:::! :"-"~;~.,,-,,,,,,'c~""""'';;:'7: [!] FlBEFIGLASS ClAD WOOD WINDOWS, BRONZE COLOR III!I _ GDACE"A1I.lr EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 1a --~.~ An LJ'U".IJ tttlllUCNS11IEET _ . . c . ~ T . CoT TRACT 2238 MAR. 12.2()(D SCALE: ,/r.,..(J" ARROYO GRANDE. CA 13421 .... I'" I ~,.. APN'007~11.oa [!] -0 -ill -- ----0 0--- [J [] [] [!}-. --I}] !!J!J-S III-- ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: [!] ROOF TU 'EAOI.E', SAUNAS ~7 {~] EXTERIORSTUCOO,'lAHABRA',CHAIIlISX.12. (BASE 1(0) !!J.GUTTEASITRIM IIOARD;'SHERWIN WlWAMS'. DOWNING SmAWSW2813 o FASCIA BOARD, 'SHERWIN WlLLlAMS',IIIRDSEYE MAPLE SW2113A -0 o . GATE AND lOCKERS, RED CEDAR WI CLEAR SEAlER 0- I!I COWMNCAPS; PRECASTCONCRETTO MATCH STONE o STONE VENEER. 'CUL'llJAED STONE' FAWN SOUTHERN LEOOESTONE (CSV-20281 0 [!) WATER TABLE 'CUI.'llJAED STONE' FAWN SOUTlfERN LEDGESTONE (CSV.2028) ----[!]!/ ill FlBEROlASS CLAD WDOO WINDOWS. BAONZE COLOR - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 2a GREG _ COHITIIUCTION . DEVELOPMENT 111 NELSON STAEET ::.C::IT.~:: TRACT 2231 MAR. 12.200:1 SCALE: 11r_t'.()" ARAOYOGRANDE.CA _1 APN.007oC111_ . -"-- .__.~ ~-----_..__._~- -----. --'-~._-'------ --.-..-. ----- --0 !!J -i!] 0---' E] - - --ill 0- - . --m 0-- - =-- --I!J!] [iJ- ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: . ill ROOF TIlE, 'EAGLE', COASTAL BLEND (!] m EXTERIOR STUCCO, 'LA HABRA', SAN SIMEON X-34, (SASE 200) m !!J OU1TERSITRN BOARD, 'SHERWlN WILUAMS', WESTCHESTER GRAY SW 2849 m FASCIA SOARD. 'SHERWIN WILLIAMS', SYCAMORE TAN SW2855 o WOOD GRILLE. RED CEDAR WI CLEAR SEALER o ex COLUMNS. RED CEDAR WI CLEAR SEALER [!] STONE VENEER, 'CUI.1VRED STONE' SHALE PfIO.FIT LEOOESTONE (PF-I018) o WATER TABLE. 'CUL1VRED STONE' SHALE PRO-FIT LEOOESTONE (pF-<<!18) [!] FIBERGlASS CLAD WOOD WINDOWS, BRONZE COlOR - ..!!;I!I - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 1c GIIIm__aDlWLOPIII!NT 111 NEUICN STREET ..CR'TSCT TRACT :1231 MAR. 12,2003 SCALE: 118"."-0" ARAOYOGRANDE.CA _1 . ."'CI.,.. APN.OO7-o11_ ill .. m --4!J --ill C -----ill ELEVATION. REFERENCE NOTES: ill ROOF TILE, 'IiAGLE'; SAUNAS 01547 o EXTERIOASTUCCO.''LA HASRA'.IIISTY X-17 ill 0. GUTTERSlmaUICWID;'8HERWlNWlWAMS'. FAIRFAX BRaNN SW2856 [!] FASClABOARD.'SHERW!N WILLIAMS'. ROOI<WOOD TERRA COTTA SW2803 illOATE ANDKICKER8;.REDCEDAR WIa.EAR SEALER . I!) cotUlIN CAPS.PRECAST'CONCRETTO MATCH STONE o STONE IIENEER, 'CULTURED STONE' WAI.MJT SOIJ1I/ERN LEDGES10NE (CSV-2027) (!] WATER TAIILE'ClA.1IJRED STONE' WAI.MJT SOUTHERN LEDGESTONE (CSV4027) ----l!I!J [!J. FBERGLASSa.ADWOOD WINDOWS, BRaaECOLOR - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION ,2c GREG _ CONt1IIIICTIOH . DEVELOPIIENT , 11 f NELSON STREET ..CRITICT TRACT 2231 MAIL 12. 2CI03 SCALE: 111".1'.(1' ARAOI'OOAANDE. CA tI30421 . .......1".... APH.OO7.o11_ ._~_..,. .- _.~-..-._- ~ ill ; ,--0 --0 [!] [1 !] f] - -- -ill ill--- ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: [!] ROOF TILE. 'EAGLF, MADeAA0I541 m EXTEfUOR srucco. 'LA HABRA', EGGSHEll X-73, (BASE 100) o GUTTERS/TAM SOARD, 'SHERWIN WILLIAMS', RENWICK OLIVE SW2815 [!] FASCIA BOARD, 'SHERWIN WILLIAMS', WEATHERED SHINGLES SW2841 ill GATE AND KICKERS, RED CEDAR WICLEAR SEALER I!J cotUMN CAPS, PRECAST CONCRET TO MATCH STONE o STONE VENEER. 'CIJI.1\JRED STONE' CHARDONNAY SOUTHERN LEDGESTONE (CSV-2054) I!J WATER TAIILE 'CUll\JRED STONE' CHAADONNAY SOUTHERN LEDGESTONE (CSV-2054J ---0!] [!] FBERGlASS ClAD WOOD WlNDDWS. BRONZE COLOR - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 2b GRI!II_~._NT 111 NEL80N STREET '.G.~T'CT TRACT 223t MAR, 12, 2003 SCALE: 111"_1'.(1' ARAOI'O GRANDE. CA tI30421 ....ct"... APH' 007-4111_ !II 0 [!J -- ---{!] 0-- --{!I 8 7 ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: ill ROOF TILE, 'EAGLE', COASTAL BLEND ill EXTERIOR STUCCO,'LAHABAA', HACIENDA X-82, (BASE 200) m GUTTERSI'IRN 1IOARD8;:'SHERWIN WlLUAMS', ROYCROFT SUEDE SW2842 [!] FASCIABOARos,.'SHERWlNWILUAMS', DOWNING STRAW SW281S m ex COLUMNS REO CEDAR W/ClEAR SEALER 0.~.- l!lSTONE 1IENEER;'CUl'fIJRED S1ONE' _T BLEND PRO-FIT LEDGESTONE (PF-8019) ..~ ill WATER TABLE 'CUL TUREO STONE' SOIm!WEST BLEND PRf>FIT LEDGESTONE (pF-8019) I!J FlBERGtASS ClAD WOOD WINDOWS, BRONZE COlOR ~~~ - ., , .'. -:' " ,.... - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 3b _ ~ COIII'IIIUCTIOII DEVELOPMENT 111 NELSON STREET 'IC.IT_Cor TRACT 2238 MAlI. 12, 200:1 8CALE: 118".1'0' ARIIOYOGRANDE,CA _, .....:1..'.. APN' 0CI7.e11_ - ---.._- ---,,------ ill m @-- -0 m- ~--m __L {!I?J [!}- ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: ill ROOFT1LE. 'EAGLE', COASTAL BLEND m EXTERIOR STUCCO, 'LA HABAA', SIERRA TAN X-68O, (BASE 200) -[!) m GUTTERSII'RIM 1IOARD8, 'SHERWIN WILLIAMS', ROOKWOOD DARK REO SW2801 o FASCIA BOARDS, 'SHERWIN WlLUAMS', AURORA BROWN SW2837 I!J ex COLUMNS REO CEDAR WI CLEAR SEALER o STONE VENEER. 'CUL TUAEO SlONE' SHALE PRC).f1T LEOOESTONE (PF-8016) I!J WATER TABLE 'CULTURED STONE' SHALE PIIO-FIT LEOGESTONE (PF-8016) I!J FIBERGLASS ClAD WOOD WINDOWS, BRONZE COlOR - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 3a _~_I_LOPIIENT 111 NELSON STREET ...CIIIT.C'f TRACT 2236 MAR. 12,200:1 SCALE: 118".1'0' ARROYOGRANDE,CA _1 .. ... :'.1'1' APN' 0CI7.e11_ ! _..- -~------~---_..- III [!] !!}--- - - ----0 @-- -----0 ---I:!B III- ELEVATION REFERENCE NOTES: ill ROOF '!1I.E, 'I1AGLE', COASTAL BLEND !II EXTER10A snJCCO, \A HAI!RA', ADOBE X-72, (BASE 200) [!] GlIT'IBI&'TRN BOARDS, "SHERWIN WIW_', ROOKWOOD DARK BROWN Sw.!808 ~~~~f~~ o FASCIA _ADS, 'SHERWIN IYIUJAMS', RENWICK GOlDEN OAK SW2824 ill ex COLUMNS RED CEDAR WI CLEAR SEALER I!J STONE VENEER. 'CULTURED STONE' AU'lUMN PRO-FIT LEOOESTONE (PF-80'5) m WATER TABLE 'CUL 1\JRED STONE' AUTUMN PRO-FIT LEOOESTONE (PF-8015) I!J FIBERGLASS ClAD WOOD WINDOWS, BRONZE COLOR --0!J - GRACE LANE EXTERIOR COLOR OPTION 3c _~__"_I.OPIIEJIT 111 NILSON STREET '.CR'TaCT TRACT 223IJ MAR'2, 2003 SCALE: 118'-1'.(1' ARROYOORANO!. CA 93<121 ....:.111. APN.OO7.o11-442 ,- ( A TT ACHMENT 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 2003 PAGE 4 Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Lance Tullis, appellant, spoke in support of the placement of one fire hydrant; however, he requested reconsideration of the requirement for the placement of the second fire hydrant at the rear of the property. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council and staff discussion ensued concerning the current student population, the temporary nature of the original approval, whether or not the buildings at the back of the property were portable, clarification of Uniform Fire Code requirements conceming placement of fire hydrants, and whether or not any consideration had been given to the placement of one centrally located fire hydrant on-site instead of the two being proposed. In the absence of the Fire Chief, City Manager Adams provided an overview of the Chiefs professional opinion of requiring installation of two fire hydrants. Council Members Costello and Runels supported the Planning Commission's action and did not support the appeal, expressing concerns for student safety. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens suggested a need for compromise in order to be consistent with the project's original a~proval. Following further discussion regarding the fire hydrants, Mayor Ferrara suggested goin.g back to the drawing board to review other options. He stated he would like to see specific references in the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Building Code requirements that establish the basis for two fire hydrants. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens moved to continue the consideration of the appeal of Amended Conditional Use Permit 03-004 at 1220 Farroll Avenue and requested staff to bring back additional information with regard to the relevant Fire Code requirements and how the conditions imposed in the previously approved Resolutions for the original Conditional Use Permit have changed to date. Mayor Ferrara seconded the motion. Council Member Costello inquired if the item was being continued to a date specific. City Manager Adams recommended it be continued to the next regular meeting of November 11, 2003. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens agreed to the amended motion, Mayor Ferrara seconded and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Ferrara, Costello NOES: Runels ABSENT: Lubin There being 3 AYES, 1 NO, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,c. Consideration of Development Code Amendment Case No, 02-001 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No, 02-095; a Proposed Residential Subdivision of a 29.46-Acre Site Into 15 Single Family Lots, Two (2) Open Space Parcels, and a 1,28- Acre Parcel for Future Development of Four (4) Moderate-lncome Units for Property Located within the Royal Oaks Planned Development; Lot 182 and Portion of Lot B, Tract 1390- Don McHaney, Acting Community Development Director Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S., approving Development Code Amendment 02-001 and adopting a Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map 02-005. --,-~- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 2003 PAGE 5 Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Grea Nester, developer, spoke in support of the project; however, he did not support the affordable housing component. He stated he would support the payment of affordable housing in-lieu fees. Carlo Alfono, JLH Partnership, spoke in support of the project and 'stated that the extension of Grace Lane is a major component of the project. Bob Miller, Via Vaquero, spoke in support of the project; however he expressed concerns with the existing fence running along the back of Via Vaquero and requested that the fence be replaced commensurate with fences allowed in the Rancho Grande subdivision. Liz Ruth, Avenida de Diamante, referred to the pedestrian tail, which gets lots of use, and stated that it needs to be preserved. She said it can provide a vital link to Rancho Grande Park and the South County Library. Ruth McMillan, Avenida de Diamante, stated this development could 'hinder her view and she does not want to lose the view. She expressed concerns.. regarding the width of Grace Lane, more traffic directed to Rodeo Drive, the price and size of the homes, and whether or not there would be a Homeowners Association for the development. . Jim Guthrie, Planning Commissioner, addressed the issue regarding affordab!e housing in-lieu fees versus affordable housing units and stated that the in-lieu fees wouldnot.be.sufficient. Greg Nester, developer, responded to concerns expressed during public comment. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello emphasized the need to retain the open space permanently; agreed that affordable housing in-lieu fees. cannot compensate for the loss of affordable housing in this project; and supported the project as proposed. Council Member Runels supported the project as proposed. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens stated he was not in favor of the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map Condition of Approval #8 concerning the affordable housing component, and further expressed concems regarding the width of Grace Lane, the proposed design of driveways within the project, the width of the dirt bench, and the fencing. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens recommended the applicant return with modifications to the project to address these concerns. Mayor Ferrara commented on the proposed. pedestrian trail and the proposed affordable housing component. He stated he did not see suitability of common wall housing in this development and stated the design was inconsistent with established zoning patterns. He did not support the project as proposed and encouraged single-family housing in the affordable housing component of the project. He recommended true inclusionary housing for the project or, as a last resort, acceptance of affordable housing in-lieu fees. He did not support the project as proposed. Following discussion, Council Member Costello moved to direct staff to work with the applicant to develop a project to include inclusionary housing, preservation of the existing trail, and fencing around the border of the project that would be consistent with the CC&R's for Rancho Grande. Mayor Ferrara asked for clarification on whether the motion included a better depiction for a formal trail network. Council Member Costello said yes. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion. -. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 2003 PAGE 6 Discussion ensued with regard to the timeframe for returning to CouncU. on this item. City Manager Adams recommended that the item not be continued to a date certain. Mr. McHaney expressed concems with the direction that was being given regarding the affordable housing component of the project. Further discussion was held with regard to density bonuses. The I applicant was encouraged to come back with several. different design op.tions for. affordable i housing that did not include common wall housing. i I On the following roll-call vote, to wit: I AYES: Costello, Dickens, Runels, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Lubin There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES and 1 ABSENT, the motion'is hereby:declarecUobe passed. Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:45 p,m, The Council reconvened at 9:50 p,m, . 9,d, Consideration of Proposed Resolution Amending theClty'sStand~rd Schedule for Development Impact Fees, Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report ,and . recommended the Council adopt a Resolution amending the City's standard schedule. for Development Impact Fees to establish a water facility fee for an 8-inch water meter. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council Member Runels moved to adopt a Resolution amending the City's standard schedule for Development Impact Fees to establish a water facility fee for an 8-inch water meter. Mayor Pro Tem Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Runels, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Lubin There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,e, Consideration of Proposed Ordinance Repealing Chapters 5,04, 5,08, 5,12, 5,20, 5,32, 5,40, 5,48 and 5,76 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and Adding Thereto a New Chapter 5,02 Regarding Business Licenses, City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance repealing Chapters 5.04, 5.08, 5.12, 5.20, 5.32, 5.40, 5.48 and 5.76 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and adding thereto a new Chapter 5.02 regarding Business Licenses. City Manager Adams noted that a revised Ordinance had been distributed to the Council prior to the meeting which added Contractors to the list of specific businesses which would be charged at a separate rate established by City Council Resolution. He further explained that if the Ordinance were introduced, a Resolution establishing a Business License A TT ACHMENT 19 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - INITIAL STUDY - 1, Project Title: Development Code Amendment 02-001; and Vesting Tentative Iract Map 02-005 2, Lead Agency Name & Address: City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550/214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 3, Contact Person & Phone #: Kelly Heffernon (805) 473-5420 4, Project Location: Grace Lane; Royal Oaks Planned Development; Lot 82 and portion of Lot B, Tract 1390 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 5, Project Sponsor's Name & Address: Don McHaney 1566 Grand Avenue Grover Beach, CA 93433 6. General Plan Designation: Low Density (LD) with a Planned Development (PD) overlay; 1 .0 dwelling unit per acre 7, Zoning: Residential Rural (RR) with a PD overlay 1 _. --- ------ -- ::0.-, 8, Description of Project: (Describe the whole action involved, including but not limited to later phases of the project, and any secondary, support, or off-site features necessary for its implementation, Attach additional sheets if necessary.) The applicant proposes to subdivide a 29.46-acre property into 15 residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1.14 acres and designate a 0.47-acre area and a15.95-acre area as perpetual open space (proposed Lots A and B). The open space areas will serve to protect the native vegetation and the natural drainage swales that traverse the site. Also proposed is the development of four (4) moderate- income family residences on a 1 .28-acre site adjacent. to the open space parcel. The Development Code Amendment is necessary to change the existing PD 1.3 restriction of allowing only one dwelling on each original "estate" lot. g, Other agencies whose approval is required (and permits needed): None 2 ~_.._- - ::=:--". DETERMINATION, On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have. a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. X I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposal MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated". An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addres ed. 1/;6/03 - Date ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACT" or "POTENTIALLY IS SIGNIFICANT UNLESS MITIGATED", as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. . Land Use and Planning . Biological Resources . Public Services o Population and Housing o Energy and Mineral Resources o Utilities and Service Systems . Geophysical . Hazards . Aesthetics . Water . Noise . Cultural Resources . Air Quality o Mandatory Findings of Significance . Recreation . T ransportationlCirculation EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1. A brief explanation is required for all answers except Wo Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" question is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project specific factors as ! well as general standards (e.g., the projec1 will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project- level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operations impacts. 3. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if an effect is significant or potentially significant, or is the lead agency lacks information to make a finding of insignificance. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4; "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses", may be cross referenced.) 5. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). Earlier analyses are discussed in Section XVII at the end of the checklist. 6. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). A Source List should be attached and other sources used or individuals should be cited in the discussion. 3 I I ---" .. , / ...\.<i!i..... .. ~!~iJ~'!K '..';',0", !$Ig~;tii;ijnti . I.ffliT~tn Issues (and Supporting Informa1:ion Sources): 'i;;~'f!~.i...... ~g1;l(~Cllnt No -"" .... "I!!,if!g/!~ed I",pact Impllt# Ii. ; . I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Wouldthepropossl: a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? I................. X (source lis): 1,2,3,4) ., , 1/ b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies ..,i,\ . adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? ... (source lis): 1,6,7) X c) Affect agricultural resources or operations (e.g" impacts ..... to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land X usesH (source lis): 9, 11) I d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? (source lis): 2,4,11) .,. X II, POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population ... projections? (source lis): 1,5,9) ,. . X b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or r/.,. indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area I or extension of. major infrastructure)? X (source lis): 9,10) Ii'.. . c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? (source lis): 9,10,11) X III. GEOPHYSICAL. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Seismicity: fault rupture? (source lis): 5,6) X b) Seismicity: ground shaking or liquefaction? (source lis): 5,6) . X c) Seismicity: seiche or tsunami? (source lis): 5,6) X d) landslides or mudslides? (source lis): 5,6) ./, X e) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soils conditions from excavation, grading or fill? ... (source lis): 10) .... X; f) Subsidence of land? (source lis): 5,6) X g) Expansive soils? (source lis): 5,6) .. X h) Unique geologic or physical features? (source #(s): 5,6,10,11 ) . X 4 -=--"!. ( .. 15i~~ntiBI't:\ . Po~t!n'ti~'f! .(~~~/fiCBfI( LeiiiiTlIBn Issues (and Supporting Information ..... \. "$./ll'!ificapt ,fUllless $jj"j1fiCIJl'lt No t,,:) IrnfJBct fifitlgBteC! · I",pact I",pact IV. WATER: Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the Id rate and amount of surface runoff? (source lIs): 10) X b) Exposure to people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? (source lIs): 8) X c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of " I. surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? (source lIs): 9) .. X d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water .. I body? (source lIs): 9, 10) . X e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? (source lIs): 9, 10) X f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception " of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? . (source lIs): 9, 10) X g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? (source lIs): 9, 10) X h) Impacts to groundwater quality? (source lIs): 9,10) X i) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? (source lIs): 6) X V, AIR QUALITY: Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? X (source lIs): 7, 13) b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? (source lIs): 10, 11) X c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate? (source lIs): 9) X . X d) Create objectionable odors? (source lIs): 9,10) VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? (source lIs): 13) X b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? (source lIs): 9, 10) X c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby sites? (source lIs): 9, 10) X d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? (source lIs): 3, 9, 10) X 5 ~~--- --'" /. /, /f1!'t~"titif ... " f!gt~p;tlal1y Si!/.nlfiCll1Jt L"tJ1'~~h Issues (and Supporting Inforl11ation$ol.Il'ces): " *i!liJlfi.cant. .:Unlss8 $.fHijll!Cf!1Jt No : . '..ImjiiJct (j(,fiiigatecl.. tiripii;( ImPact . .. e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? (source lis): 9, 10) X f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? (source lis): 9, 10) ..... . X VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats ;....... (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, X . animals, and birds? (source lis): 6) b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage trees)? (source lis): 10, 11) .. X c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., oak forest, coastal habitat)? (source #(s): 1 0, 11) ... X .... d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? (source #(s): 9, 11) I X e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? . ... X (source #(s): 11) VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? (source lis): 1, 6) X b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? (source lis): 9, 10) X IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation? (source lis): 9) X b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? (source #(s): 9, 10) X c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? (source lis): 9, 10) X d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? (source lis): 9,10,11) X ~ e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, X grass, or trees? (source lis): 10, 11) X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? (source lis): 1, 9) X b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? X (source lis): 9, 10) 6 --- ,- .- _..~: ..... iJ9t~~fjtl1Jt Potentiillly ~llli!f{c~jj't Less Than Isslies (and Supporting Jriforrnati()n~()ut(;esl: Sigtiifiellnt ;Qn/~s Sit/i'lifieallt No .. Impact iM,fi!iiitBiJ lippact I",jisct .. .... i. XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire Protection? (source lIs): 6) ..i X b) Police Protection? (source lIs): 6) '/.. X ..... c) Schools? (source lIs): 6) :,. .'...... X d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? ,.......,...... ... (source lIs): 6) <i .............'.. X ...... e) Other governmental services? (source lIs): 6) 1m." X XII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS, Would the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: I I a) Power or natural gas? (source lIs): 9, 10) X b) Communic.ations systems? (source lIs): 9, 10) .'. . X c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution .. facilities? (source lIs): 6) X d) Storm water drainage? (source lIs): 6) X e) Solid waste disposal? (source lIs): 6) X XIII. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? X (source lIs): 1, 10, 11) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? X (source lIs): 9, 10, 11) c) Create light or glare? (source lIs): 9,10) X XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? (source lIs): 6, 11) , X b) Disturb archaeological resources (source lIs): 6, 11) X c) Affect historical resources? (source lIs): 6, 11) . X d) Potentially cause a physical change that would affect unique ethnic cultural values? (source lIs): 11) X e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? (source lIs): 10, 11) X XV, RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or,regional parks or other recreational facilities? (source lIs): 1, 3) X b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? (source lIs): 1, 5) X 7 --<-"-.-..- --~ Issues (and SuPportiIJ9 Information ..~.~..TIJi!p: ~!lrJl[~'; fl1)/HICti XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE, a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or X prehistory? b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? X c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) X d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X XVII. EARUER ANALYSES. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CECA process, ,one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed by earlier documents. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "potentially significant" or "potentially significant unless mitigated", describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. SOURCE LIST: 1. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan (October 2001) 2. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Land Use Map (October 2001) 3. City of Arroyo Grande Development Code 4. City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map 5. City of Arroyo Grande Existing Setting and Community Issues Report 6. City of Arroyo Grande General Plan Program EIR (October 2001) 7. Air Pollution Control District Clean Air Plan 8. FEMA - Flood Insurance Rate Map 9. Project Description 10. Project Plans 11 . Site Inspection 12. Ordinance 521 C. S. 13. San Diego Council of Governments - Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates 8 , BACKGROUND The project site is 29.46 acres in size and is located within the Royal Oaks Planned Development (ROPD). The ROPD contains roughly 150 acres and was approved for 229 single-family homes (99 of which are within a Planned Unit Development and 4 large estate sized lots), and several recreational and institutional uses. This Planned Development area has had numerous environmental reviews over the last 25 years. Initially, the Halcyon Hills Environmental Impact Report was conducted in 1978, but the project never developed. In 1984, an Addendum to the Halcyon Hills EIR was conducted to examine a revised site plan, however this project was abandoned as well. In 1986, another Addendum to the Halcyon Hills EIR was conducted that examined a project entitled "Royal Oaks Estates". This project was subsequently developed to the layout and density that exists today. In 1998, a Focused EIR was prepared for the uRodeo Heights Project" which consisted of 38 residential and 2 open space lots on the subject 29-acre property. This EIR was never certified, and the project was abandoned. However, much of the information from the document is still valid 'and is therefore referred to in this Initial Study. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The project evaluated by this Initial Study consists of a. Vesting Tentative Tract Map to divide the 29-acre site into 15 residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1.14 acres, one 15.95-acre open space lot, and one 1.28-acre lot for the development of 4 moderate-income housing units. The moderate-income units will be developed per the conceptual plan proposed with the current application, but formally processed under a separate application. The Development Code Amendment is required to remove the existing PD 1.3 restriction of one dwelling unit on each original U estate" lot. The site is currently vacant, and is located in the northwest portion of the City in an area' of moderate to steep hillsides. A portion of the site was previously graded, resulting in topography ranging form almost flat to slopes exceeding 35%. Two drainage swales traverse the site, one identified as Lot A located between Lots 11 and 12 to be preserved as open space, and one located on the west side of Lot 15. Surrounding land uses include the Grace Bible Church and single family homes to the north; single family homes within the Ranch Grande Planned Development to the West; and mostly undeveloped areas to the south and east. Further to the east are single-family residences along Rodeo Drive. Vehicular access to the site is proposed by extending Grace Lane at the northern tract boundary down to connect with Rodeo Drive at the southern tract boundary. The street is proposed to be 40 feet curb to curb within a 52~foot right-of-way. The proposed 52-foot right-of-way would consist of two travel lanes, bike lanes, curb, gutter and sidewalk (sidewalk and parking proposed on the west side of the street only). All 15 lots would be accessed from the public street via shared driveways. The onsite sewage collection and water distribution system will be, connected to existing City facilities located in Grace Lane and Rodeo Drive and extended along the proposed Grace Lane extension. Storm water flows will be conveyed by concrete curb and gutters to a storm drainage system that will tie into existing storm drain facilities. EXPLANATIONS TO INITIAL STUDY CHECKLIST: I. LAND USE AND PLANNING The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 29-acre property into 15 single-family residential lots. The Royal Oaks Planned Development established a maximum density of 235 dwelling units on the approximate 150- acre site. The subject property is designated as Lot 182 on the Planned Development. Under the existing Planned Development, Lot 182 can only be developed with one single-family home, or an institutional use with a rezone. Therefore, the proposed project is not consistent with the Royal Oaks Planned Development, which is an app~ndix to the City's Development Code. The project is, however, consistent with the 2001 General Plan, which designates this property as Low Density (LD) residential, allowing up to one dwelling unit per acre. 9 ------...- ~- ..--- ----- To help offset the need for affordable housing as mandated by the State Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Housing Element Update process, the applicant IS required to either set aside a percentage of the units for moderate. income families, donate land for construction of affordable housing units, or pay an in-lieu fee. The applicant proposes to satisfy this requirement by setting aside a 1.28-acre parcel (Lot C) for the development of four (4) tiomes restricted to families having moderate-income levels. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 1. " A covenant shall be recorded for Lot C specifying that construction of the four (4) homes on this property shall be restricted to families having a moderate income as. determined by the State Health & Safety Code Section 50093 and converted to San Luis Obispo County' s affordable housing standards. The restrictive covenant shall specify that the affordability of the units shall remain for a U rolling" thirty (30) year period, not to exceed 90 years, through a deed restriction. Monitoring: The developer shall record the restrictive covenant regarding the affordability of the four units on Lot C. Responsible Department: Administrative Services and Community Development Departments i Timeframe: Prior to issuing a building permit ! I II. POPULATION & HOUSING I The General Plan and Royal Oaks Planned Development currently allow the development of one single family I home on the proposed project site. The proposed project would create 15 single-family homes and 4 moderate-income housing units. This would theoretically increase the City population by about 47 people (19 dwelling units X 2.45 persons per household). Though . this added population would add to the City' s projected population, it is not a significant amount when added to the City' s theoretical build out projection of 20,000 residents, nor require major displacement of existing housing. Therefore, the impact is considered less than significant and no mitigation is required. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact III. GEOPHYSICAL Leighton and Associates, Inc. conducted a preliminary assessment of the slope stability, erosion potential, and potential impacts to soils conditions for the Rodeo Heights Focused EIR (Attachment A). The soils analysis was used as a reference for reviewing the impacts of the current project since the site has not been disturbed since the report was written in 1998. Seismicitv Based on the General Plan and review of the Alquist-Priolo Zone Fault maps, the proposed project is not located on a known earthquake fault subject to rupture. The proposed project will be subject to the effects of periodic seismic events in the region, including ground shaking. "However, exposure of people to these events can generally be mitigated to an acceptable level of risk by following Uniform Building Code development standards. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact GradinQ and Erosion The portion of the site proposed for development has been extensively graded in the past. A large flat terraced area was created on proposed lots 9:-11, along with a dirt road at the bottom of the western slopes that runs north and south, bisecting the western and eastern portions of the site. Previously imported fill soils on the site appear to be highly erodible given the damage from erosion that has occurred in areas where surface runoff is concentrated and in areas that lack drainage devices or erosion protection. An example is the deep eroded channel located at the base of the cut slope along the dirt road. The quality of the fill soils also appears to be poor, evident in its inability to support vegetation. 10 -- To minimize erosion, bUildi,ng pads are proposed on the flatter portion of the property adjacent to the Grace Lane extension, as identified on the Design Guidelines Plan. However, because of the high potential for further erosion of fill areas, all existing features at the site subject to slippage and erosion must be repaired, and drainage devices and corrective grading .must be incorporated to prevent the uncontrolled concentration of surface runoff. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 2. The applicant shall submit a preliminary soils report that includes the following: a. An evaluation of the existing slope supporting the proposed road. b. An analysis of additional drainage introduced to the existing swale (Lot A) adjacent to Lot 11 with recommendations for the protection of the slope bank. Monitoring: The applicant shall submit a preliminary soils report . Responsible Department: Public Works Department I Timeframe: Prior to issuing a grading permit I IV. WATER/DRAINAGE Development of the currently vacant site will increase impervious surfaces, which in turn will change absorption rates and increase the amount of run-off. Drainage from the site will be. collected by means of an existing 36" RCP storm drain culvert that will divert surface water down into the drainage basin. Existing drainage facilities would accommodate the increased flows with upgrades to these existing facilities. Detailed drainage calculations would be reviewed as part of the plan check process. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 3. As part of the tract improvements plan check, the applicant shall provide detailed drainage calculations indicating that increased run-off can be accommodated by existing and upgraded facilities to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Monitoring: Review of tract improvement and grading plans Responsible Department: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to acceptance of tract improvements for construction The proposed project will not significantly change the quantity of ground water through direct additions or withdrawals, since the project description does not include improvements that would change ground water through these methods. The rate of flow or quality of groundwater is also not anticipated to change as a result of this project. Impacts to groundwater quality or rate of flow will not significantly change due to this project. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact Development of this project will require water for both domestic use and landscape irrigation. Projected water demand is approximately 9.5 acre-feet of water per year (19 units x 0.5 acre-feet). The water consumption by this project would further reduce the amount of available water. This impact could be mitigated through conservation and the development and implementation of an individual water neutralization program. 11 --'" Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measures: 4. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs which minimize water usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow shower heads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters or hot water recirculating systems, and drip irrigation with drought tolerant landscaping. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy for each residence. Monitoring: Field inspection of each residence Responsible Department: Building and Fire Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 5. All tract landscaping shall be consistent with water conservation practices including the use of drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, bark, and native plantings. To the greatest extent possible, lawn areas and areas requiring spray irrigation shall be minimized. Monitoring: Review of landscaping plans Responsible Department: Parks & Recreation and Community Development Departments Timeframe: Prior to construction of tract improvements 6. The applicant shall complete measures to neutralize the estimated increase in water demand created by the project by either: Implement an individual water program that utilizes fixtures and designs that minimize water usage. The calculations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The proposed individual water program shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to implementation; or, pay an in lieu fee. For measures 4-6: Monitoring: Review of individual water program or payment of the in lieu fee Responsible Department: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit V, AIR QUALITY The proposed project would generate approximately 190 average daily automobile trips. Emissions from the trips generated would produce less than 10 Ibs. of emissions per day. Based on the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (SLO APCD) emissions thresholds, the proposed project would not have a significant adverse impact on air quality, but does require mitigation. In addition to the vehicle trips generated by the project, construction activities would generate dust, which could cause potentially significant environmental impacts. In San Luis Obispo County, ozone and PM10 are the pollutants of primary concern, since state health-based standards for those are exceeded in portions of the county in most years. For this reason, San Luis Obispo County is considered to be in non-attainment of the state standards for both ozone and PM10. The major sources of PM10 include mineral quarries, grading, demolition, agricultural tilling, road dust and vehicle exhaust. Grading and construction of the project would occur over a period of months. Short-term impacts related to dust generation from site preparation and grading could result in dust generation that could affect adjacent properties. Conditions placed on the project would reduce short-term dust generation during construction of the project to less than significant levels. Dust generated by the development activities shall be kept to a minimum with a goal of retaining dust on the site. The dust control measures listed below shall be followed during construction of the project. and shall be shown on grading and building plans. 12 -_..~ "- --.--- ---- Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measures: 7. During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after work is completed for the day and whenever wind exceeds 15 miles per hour. 8. Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation. 9. All vehicles hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. 10. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads on to streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. 11. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried on to adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. I For measures 7-11: Monitoring: Review of grading and building plans and site inspections Responsible Department: The Public Works and Building and Fire Departments shall inspect plans, and the Community Development Department shall spot check in the field Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit VI. TRANSPORT A TION/CIRCULA TION Access to the project site is from an extension of Grace Lane to the north that intersects with Rodeo Drive to the south. Both of these roads are identified as collector streets within the City's Circulation Element, which have a 50-foot right of way. Because of the steep topography of the site, Grace Lane is proposed with a 52- foot right of way. This narrower width is acceptable to the Public Works Department in light of the site constraints. Based on trip generation estimates developed by the San Diego Area Council of Governments, the development is estimated to generate 190 new daily trips, with 15 trips during the AM peak hour and 19 trips during the PM peak hour. Traffic operations at intersections in the vicinity of the project are expected to accommodate the additional trips without reducing the level of service to an unacceptable level. Therefore, no project specific mitigations are required. However, the project traffic would contribute to the cumulative negative impact on the backbone circulation system. These long-range traffic impacts can be mitigated by the City' s Standard Condition requiring payment of the City' s Traffic Impact and Signalization Fees as adopted by the City Council. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measu re: 12. The applicant shall pay the City' s Traffic Signalization and Transportation Facilities Impact fees prior to issuance of building permit. Monitoring: The applicant shall pay the fees Responsible Dept./Agency: Building & Fire Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit 13 --- ~. VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES A Biological Report was prepared for the Rodeo Heights EIR in 1998 (Attachment B). The project site contains native.and introduced grasses, shrubs and trees. The majority of the west-facing slope is comprised of oak woodland, and is included in an existing tree preservation easement (proposed open space Lot B). Another coast live oak woodland is located on the east-facing slope located in the western side of the project site. Several of these trees are located within proposed open space Lot A, while the majority are located on proposed Lot 12. Most of the project construction will occur on previously disturbed areas, and no trees are proposed to be removed. However, construction activities will occur near several of the oak trees and therefore the following tree protection measures are required. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measures: 13. The applicant shall retain an arborist during the grading and construction phases of the project to ensure tree protection measures are implemented. Monitoring: Field inspection Responsible Department: Parks & Recreation, Community Development Departments Timeframe: During grading and construction. 14. Protective fencing shall be installed around each tree to remain at the dripline, or as directed in the field by the arborist. The fencing shall be installed prior to any site clearing, grading, or demolition activities, and shall remain in place until construction is complete, including landscaping. Weatherproof signs shall be permanently posted on the fences, stating the following: Tree Protection Zone No perso'nnel, equipment, materials, or vehicles are allowed Do Not move or remove this fence [Name of arborist or consultant] [Name and phone number of developer or general contractor] Monitoring: Field inspection Responsible Department: Parks & Recreation, Community Development Departments Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit IX. HAZARDS The project does not pose an undue risk to project occupants or occupants of surrounding properties. The applicant will be responsible for maintaining the open space area located on the east side of the project site (open space Lot B) for fire protection purposes. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measure: 15. The open space property (Lot B) located on the east side of the project site shall be maintained through either a Maintenance District or a Homeowners Association, according to the Fuel Modification Specifications (Attachment C). 14 Monitoring: The applicant shall follow the Fuel Modification Specifications Responsible Department: Building & Fire Department Timeframe: On-going X. NOISE The proposed project will develop a site that is currently vacant and adjacent to residential development to the north, west and east. Some noise will be generated from additional vehicles in the area. However, noise from residential traffic (stops and starts) is generally within acceptable decibel ranges. Noise generated as a result of residential uses will therefore be less than significant. Severe short-term noise impacts may be created during the construction phase of this project, which may adversely affect surrounding residential properties. Therefore, the. following standard mitigation measures should be implemented. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated. Mitigation Measures: 16. All construction equipment shall be provided with well-maintained mufflers to limit noise. 17. All construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday. No construction shall occur on Sunday. 18. To the greatest extent possible, grading and/or excavation operations at portions of the site bordering developed areas should occur during the middle of the day to minimize the potential for disturbance of neighboring noise sensitive uses. For measures 16-18: Monitoring: Notes shall be placed on the construction plans referencing the above measures. Responsible Department: Public Works Department Timeframe: During construction . XI. PUBLIC SERVICES The proposed project would result in the addition of 19 single-family residences to the City. Assuming an occupancy of 2.45 persons per household, the project would add approximately 47 persons to the City's service area. This added population would increase the demand for fire and police protection services, but not beyond levels anticipated by the General Plan for City buildout. Per the Master Sewer Plan, approved November 13, 2001, the project will add demand to portions of the City's sewer system that are currently over capacity. Through the sewer hookup fees, the developer will pay the project' s proportional share of impact fees to mitigate the additional demand. I \ Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 19. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant/developer shall obtain approval from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for any development impacts to district facilities, and pay the project's fair share of impact fees. Monitoring: The applicant shall obtain approval from the Sanitation District and pay proportional share of impact fees, as determifled by the Sanitation District. . Responsible Dept./Agency: Public Works Dept./So. San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Timeframe: Prior to final recordation of the map The project is expected to add approximately thirteen (13) school-aged children to the Lucia Mar Unified School District based on a student yield factor of 0.7, which will impact the capacity of local schools. As allowed by State Law, the Lucia Mar Unified School District has a development fee established by the school 15 - .~.. ~ district for new residential and commercial construction to finance any new classrooms. The developer is already mandated to pay the school impact fee, and no other mitigation is required. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact XII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS The proposed project will not create a significant demand for new or altered power, gas, communication systems, water treatment capacity or solid waste disposal. The project can tie into the existing infrastructure for these systems to serve the site. The project is within the expected demand for these systems based on the growth rate established in the General Plan. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact XIII. AESTHETICS Although the area of the project proposed for development has been previously graded and has lost its natural appearance to some degree, the majority of the project site vyouldbe left in natural condition and several prominent visual features would be preserved, including the oak woodland area on the eastern slopes of the site, riparian areas, and the natural stream channel. Although the proposed project would not involve additional grading of the steeper slopes on the western portion of the property, this area is highly visible from surrounding areas and in need of vegetation to better stabilize the slopes and improve the existing visual impact. The construction of urban features will also alter the aesthetic character of the project site. Proposed open space and landscaping would provide buffers and would serve to partially screen proposed urban features from the views of surrounding land uses. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 20. The applicant/developer shall submit a landscape rehabilitation plan to restore the disturbed slopes located on the western portion of the project site. A licensed landscape architect shall prepare the plan. Monitoring: The applicant shall submit a landscape rehabilitation plan. Responsible Department: Parks & Recreation and Community Development Depts. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit 21. The applicant/developer shall submit a landscaping and irrigation plan in addition to site and building plans for each lot through the Design Review process to ensure proper vegetative screening, building materials and colors. Monitoring: The applicant/developer shall submit a Design Review application for each lot. Responsible Department: Community Development Dept. Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit. XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES The proposed project is not located in an area that has been identified as a known site for cultural resources. The project site has been previously graded and therefore it is highly unlikely that any cultural resources are present on the site. However, as a precaution, if cultural resources are encountered during the construction process, development activities at the site should cease until a qualified archaeologist has been employed to view and assess the discovery and prepare a mitigation plan. Analysis of Significance: Less than significant impact Mitigation Measure: 16 -----,-._- .-----. - '=-.-< 22. The following note shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans for the Tract: "In the event that during grading, construction or development of the project, and archeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the City has reviewed the resources for their significance. If human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner (781-4513) shall be contacted immediately. The applicant may be required to provide archaeological studies and/or mitigation measures." Monitoring: Construction plans shall be reviewed prior to issuance of a grading permit to ensure the no~e is in place. Responsible Department: Public Works Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of grading permit XV. RECREATION The proposed project would increase demand for City park and recreational facilities. In this case, the Parks and Recreation Director has indicated that this impact w.ould be mitigated by the City' s Standard Condition requiring 'payment of the park development fee. Analysis of Significance: Potentially significant unless mitigated Mitigation Measure: 23. Prior to issuance. of building permit, the applicant shall pay all applicable park development fees to the City. Monitoring: The applicant shall pay the park development fees to the City. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation Department Timeframe: Prior to issuance of building permit S:\COMMUNITY _ DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\TTM\Grace Lane\lnitial Study.doc 17 --,~ ~--- - .--- -"- ---- I LEIIJHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I GeotfthnICIIII and EavtroI.I..'" II......... ConsA-ls March 22, 1998 , Project No, 980070-001 I To: Impact Sciences, Inc. 30343 Canwood Street ATTACHMENT A , Agoura Hills, California 91301 Attention: Mr, JeffBrinckrnan , Subject: Preliminary Assessment of Slope Stability, Erosion Potential, Setback Zones and Potential Impacts to Soils Conditions for the Rodeo Heights Focused Environmental Impact Report, , Tract 2236 Arroyo Grande, California - - References: See attachment I 1. Introduction . I Leighton and Associates, Inc., (Leighton) has conducted a preliminary assessment of slope stability, erosion potential, setback zones and potential impacts to soils conditions for Tract 2236 of . . I the proposed Rodeo Heights residential development. The purpose of this prel~minary assessment is to provide a discussion of pertinent geological and geotechnical issues, and their potetnial impacts, if any, on the proposed development, for inclusion in the focused Environmental Impact I Report (EIR) being prepared by Impact Sciences, Inc. (IS) for the subject site. 2. Scope of Work "- I As requested by IS, Leighton's scope of work did not encompass the full range of issues ordinarily considered by the geology and soils section of an EIR due to the .focussed nature of the EIR. I Therefore, Leighton's scope of work consisted of: . Review of geotechnical reports and a portion of the Initial Study provided by IS for the site I . and surrounding area (see References). A report which documents the current as-graded condition of the site was not provided for review; I . Reconnaissance of the su~ject site on March I I. 1998; . Assessment of the stability of existing and proposed slopes (in particular the existing fill I slopes adjacent to lots 1 to 13); . Consideration of the need for structural setbacks &om the fill slope descending &om Lots I J to 13; , 131344 VIA COUNAS. SUITE I ~2, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 (818) 707-8320 · (800) 273-5552 FAX (818) 707-72S0 --------- i --- - ...----.--.-- --------.---"- I '. { 980070-00 I . Assessment of the potential for erosion of site soils in both cut and fill conditions, with recommendations of measures to minimize erosion; , . Recommendations for avoiding other potential geological and/or geotechnical impacts to the site, such as landsli~es. ground water, faulting, seismicity, liquefaction, settlement and f hydroconsolidation, expansivity, and sulfate content; and, . Preparation of this report. I The scope of work did not include any subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, or quantitative analyses (including slope stability analyses). t 3. Site Descriotion I The site is located approximately 400 feet northeast of the intersection of Rodeo Drive and . I Mercedes Lane in the City of Arroyo Grande~ The site comprises approximately 10 acres along I the eastern side of an unnamed south-trending drainage, and is approximately 300 feet wide and 1,500 feet long. The site is divided by a smaller southeast-trending drainage which joins the main drainage east of the site. Approximately one-third of the site lies to the south of this smaller c!rainage and consists of a natural grass-covered slope; twcrthirds of the site to the north of the I smaller drainage has been rough-graded (which involved the placement offill) to form two large pads covering Lots I to. 13 and Lots 14 to 33, respectively Lots I to 13 appear to be close to design grade although only the eastern portions of Lots 17 to 30 appear to be close to design I grade. A cut slope ascends from Lots 17 to 29, although this slope is not at design grade; a fill slope descends from Lots I to 13. An unpaved access road, which leads north from Rodeo Drive, extends along the entire west side of the site. This road is at the base of the grass-covered slope I and on the west side of the rough-graded pads. ; I I 4. Pro DOsed Develooment I The proposed development consists of a total of 38 lots; Lots I to 33 which have been partially rough graded to their proposed grade, and Lots 34 to 38 that are planned. Lots 1-13 lie atop the i existing access road at the west edge of the site. Lots 14-28 occupy the larger (northernmost) of the two existing pads; lots 29-33 occupy the smaller of the existing pads. Lots 34-38 are proposed to occupy the grass-covered slope at the south end of the site; proposed grades for these ! lots are not shown. Two additionallo~, Lots A and B, have been designated as open space on the . southwestern and eastern margins ofttie site, respectively. The site plan (Engineering Dev~lopment Associates, Inc., 1997) shows the existing topographic . contours, the portion of the site that has been rough graded, and the proposed development. The , plan shows recent erosional channels and re-entrants in the filled areas of~e site. -2- i LEJt:IIfM,. __, lie. - - .---. ..-._-------_..~.-_.... ----- - I : I 980070-001 5. Observed Site Conditions I 5,1 Lots I to 13 I The west (back) part of lots I-I j is crossed by the existing access road at the west side of the site. This part of the access road lies atop an approximately 25-foot-high fill slope. The base of the fill slope is approximately 50-70 feet east of, and approximately 20 feet above; the axis of the , unnamed south-trending drainage west of the site, The fill exhibits numerous shallow soil slumps which typically occur approximately ~o-~irds I the way up the slope, and are approximately 5-10 feet wide and 1-2 feet deep; in a few places, multiple shallow failures have coalesced into an area several tens of feet across. In several places, shallow slumping has increased the slope to nearly 1: 1 (h:v).. , An erosional channel approximately I-foot-deep runs down the middle of the existing access road and across lots 1-13. A larger erosional channel up to 4-feet-deep has incised the fill along the east side of the access road across lots 1-6. The layers of fill exposed in this channel are. sub- , parallel to the ground surface; i.e. they dip slightly toward the south. The east (front) part of lots 1-13 is also underlain by fill. Lots 1-5 occupy part of the small t existing pad, and lots 6-13 occupy part of the I~ge existing pad. A large erosional re-entrant has dissected the fill at the eastern end of lots 5 and. 6.. This feature, which is the destination for runoff &om the large existing pad and cut slope, has a maximum depth of approximately 8 feet. , Fill exposed at the base of the re-entrant is medi.u.m-dense to loose and. ,wet, and typically comprises abundant well-rounded siltstone and shale C?lasts in a matrix of clayey to sandy silt and angular siltstone fragments. , 5.2 Lots 14 to 28 I Lots 14-28 occupy the area of the existing large pad and cut slope. Most of the lots are located near the base of the existing cut slope, and consequently are expected to have only a few feet of . fill. The exact location of the cut/fill transition line is not apparent due to the growth of grass and weeds, and silt deposited on the pad by runoff, Standing water was obserVed at the east (back) , end of lots 27 and 28. 5.3 Lots 29 to 33 , Lots 29-33 occupy the area of the existing small pad. The east (back) ~JMt of lots 29 and 30 (and possjbly lots 31 and 32) are underlain by siltstone bedrock; the remainder of the small pad is fill. t Standing water was observed on lots 29 and 30. The slope between the small and large pads is partly natural, as shown by holes' made by boring mollusks in a hard shale clast embedded in the siltstone bedrock. A low benn at the southwest comer and along the west side of the small pad .( directs runoff to the northwest comer of the pad and onto the existing road near Lots 3 and 4. 5.4 Lots 34 to 38 , Lots 34-38 are proposed to occupy the area of the natural grass-covered slope at the south end of the site. A large area of standing water is present at the base of the grass-covered slope where the , -3- I ~..~rD.1IC. ...------- - ---..- -- .-._-," - . r. _.__.__. . : 980070-00 I access road is partly cut into the siltstone bedrock. An exposure of the siltstone bedrock at the base of the slope shows a layer clayey topsoil several inches thick. A small terrace at the southwest comer of the site (lot 38) appears to be natural; a bench at the same el.evation is present off-site on the west side on the unnamed drainage which borders the site. There is standing water atop this terrace. Two small slumps were observed on the southern margin of proposed Lot 34, Two sma)) slope failures are present on the grass-covered slope. So~ slightly friable, highly- jointed siltstone is exposed in the headscarps of both slumps. Both slope failures are thickly overgrown with grass. 6. Potential Hazards Based on Observed Site Conditions 6.1 Lots I to 13 The west-facing fill slope below the existing access road (west side of lots 1-13) is approximately 25 feet high, with a gradient of approximately 1.5: 1 (h:v). Proposed grading will add in excess of 5 additional feet. of fill making a total height in excess of 30 feet, as shown by the site plan (Engineering Development Associates, Inc., 1997). Previous considerations of filt . slopes at the" site (Buena 1986) are only for slopes of 30 feet or less at a 2: I (h:v) gradient. Until such a time as slope stability analyses demonstrate that this proposed slope of greater than 30 feet in height is stable, Leighton can only assume that the slope is not stable and wiIJ fail, thereby negatively impacting homes built on the adjacent pads. Therefore, the stability of the as-graded fill slope requires quantitative analyses. Such analyses are beyond the scope of the current assessment. The potential for an unstable fill slope along I..ots 1 to 13 is therefore considered a potentiaJIy significant impact. However, it is considered that, with the appropriate analyses. construction of the proposed slope is feasible. Therefore, with these supporting analyses, the potential impact of slope failure could be reduced to one of less than significant. I An important consideration in the analysis of slope stabiJity is the quality of the fill that has already been placed at the site- and which comprises this slope. Such infonnation has not been made available to Leighton. Consequently gross stability of the slope cannot be assessed without additional materials being reviewed, if such materials are available or, in the abse-nce. of additional materials, slope stability analysis and/or subsurface field investigations. future assessments and/or investigations should include: . Detennination of the lateral and vertical extent of fill; . Confinnation of the proper placement of fill (including relative. compaction, deleterious materials, and o~'ersize materials); . Examination of the filVnative contact to confinn removal of a)) vegetation prior to placing fill; . Examination of the filVitative contact to confinn proper benching of bedrock prior to placing fill; and, . . Detennination of the shear strength of the fin and underlying bedrock for slope \ stability analysis. i Portions of the existing site have accelerated erosion due to incomplete development and poor maintenance, Fill soils and slopes typically have a moderate erosion-potential. Significant damage from erosion has occurred in areas where surface runoff is concentrated and that lack drainage -4- UJmmlllNe....... .. .'- - 1 ., J 980070-00 I devices or eros~on protection (i.e. lots 1~6). Proper development. as indicated on the proposed development plan (Engineering Development Associates, 1997) is anticipated to reduce the , environmental impact from site erosion. Therefore, the potential for further erosion of graded . areas is considered a less than significant impact. ,. All existing erosional features at the site must be repaired, and drainage devices and corrective grading must be incorporated to prevent the uncontrolled concentration of sU,rface runoff. Care should be taken to control silt and avoid development of erosion during site.development.FiII soils , that have potenti~1 to be eroded during the design flood should. be protected. We anticipate that drainage systems associated with the planned residential street construction will intercept much of the surface flow that has caused the existing erosion damage at the site. I 6.2 Lots 14 to 29 1 The existing cut slope covers the northeast comer of the site from Lots 17 to 29 and is approximately 600 feet in length. As currently graded, the cut slope faces west and has a maximum height of approximately 45 feet behind lots 19-24. I The existing cut slope is in good condition, with no visible failures and very little rilling... The exposed siltstone bedrock is typically massive, moderately-hard, non-friable, and highly jointed; bedding planes could not be distinguished from joint surfaces in the available exposures. The I surface of the slope has weathered into a rocky "pavement" of angular siltstone fragments I to 3 inches in maximum dimension. A few eucalyptus trees up to approximately 5 inches diameter are growing on the slope, indicating that the cut is at least several years old. . The slope varies from a , gradient of approximately 2.7: I to 2. 1: I (h:v). The proposed cut slope will have a maximum height of approximately 52 feet with a 6-foot-wide \ mid-slope terrace. The proposed cut will increase the steepness of the slope to 2: I (h:v). Previous studies (Buena Engineers, 1986) have stated that proposed cut slopes should perfonn adequately at a gradient of2:1 (h:v) and that they should be constructed to a height of no more than 30 feet. I The proposed cut slope height is higher than the slope height that has been shown to be stable in previous studies. Until shown to be stable, Leighton has to assume that the proposed cut slope will not be stable and that it could fail, thereby negatively impacting homes on the adjacent pads. Therefore, the stability of the proposed cut slope along Lots ]4 to 29 is considered a. I potentia)]y significant impact. Slope stability analyses should be provided to show that the slope is stable as proposed. With these supporting analyses, construction of the proposed slope is considered feasible and the potential impact of slope failure could be reduced to one of less than I significant. During grading, a qualified engineering geologist should examine the cut slope to confirm the absence of adverse bedding. joint or shear planes which might threaten the future stability of the proposed cut slope. , \ The existing cut slope at the site (i;e. cut into the siltstone bedrock) has a low erosion potential. The potentiaJ for erosion on the proposed cut slope is expected to be further reduced by the planned mid- slope tenace. The proposed terrace should include a V-ditch or similar drainage device to control runoff and direct water away ftom the slope. We suggest that a banier and/or drainage device aJso be installed at the top of the slope to prevent runoff water from being discharged onto the slope face. Erosion of cut slopes is expected to be a Jess than signifiC8Dt impact. During Leighton's field reconnaissance, a cut/fill transition appears to extend from Lot 14, across -5- 0 ~,. ASlllQlJII,IIC. - ---- .., -'. - I ; 1 980070-00 I a small cul-de-sac adjacent to Lots 17 .and 18, and across Lots 20 to 30, This is a potentially significant impact. Our concern is that, if left unmitigated, the fill will settle to some extent I whereas the bedrock will not, thereby causing damage to the foundation of any house built across the cut/fill transition. If subsurface water is present. that water could cause bedrock to swell in certain areas and could cause the adjacent fill to settle resulting in damage to the overlying house , foundation, Similarly, ground shaking during an earthquake could induce the fill to settle (whereas the bedrock .would not) therby also creating damnage to the house foundation. 1 In order to mitigate these potentially damaging effects. remedial grading, such as over-excavation of the cut portion of the lots, and restoration to finish grade with properly compacted fill should be perfonned such that the pads are' entirely underlain by a fill blanket. Such remedial grading will , reduce the potential impact to one of less than significant. An area of ponded water was observed across these lots, As with all of the proposed lots at the 1 site, grading plans should incorporate provisions for adequate drainage such that surface waters are directed towards appropriate drainage devices and are not allowed to accumulate. This has been indicated in the proposed development plan (Engineering Development Associates, 1997). I 6,3 Lots 29 to 33 An area of ponded water was observed across these lots. As with all of the proposed lots at the , site, grading plans should incorporate provisions for adequate drainage such that surface waters I are directed towards appropriate. drainage devices and are not allowed to accumulate. This has been indicated in the proposed development plan (Engineering Development Associates, 1997). 1 i 6.4 Lots 34 to 38 I , The portion of the site intended for the development of Lots 34 to 38 appears to be in a natural state, The site plan does not show design grades for these lots; therefore, most potential impacts relating 1 to these lots cannot be assessed at this time. However, during Leighton's field reconnaissance, two shallow surficial slumps within native soils were observed on the slope near the northwestern property line of proposed Lot 34. Slumps occur at shallow depths from the saturation of near- surface soils, The slope which descends to Lots 34 to 38 could produce other, wider areas of ( slumping. Therefore, the potential for slumps at the site is considered a potentially significaDt impact for two reasons: their direction of potential" movement is downslope towards the proposed lots; also, the potential for additional, larger slumps in the same materials exists along the face of I the same slope. However, implementation of proper grading techniques (such' as removal and recompaction ofth~ surficial soils which have the potential to slump), and appropriate landscaping, in association with ar-propriate slope stability analyses, can reduce this impact to one of less than I significant. 7. Structural Setback Zones I Structural setback zones were not recommended in any of the materials that Leighton reviewed. If I the fill slope which bounds Lots I to 13 is shown by appropriate slope stability analyses to be stable I of itself, the proposed residential structures are not expected to unduly load the fill slope. In this respect, structural setback zones would not be required. However, all regulatory re uirements, ! -6- I \ ul&ImIII_ASIICMm. .c. --_..----- ---- i- .... -- -.. ---" I .' \ 980070-001 including those of the latest Unifonn Building Code (ICBO. 1997) and the City of Arroyo Grande. must be met. , 8, Other Potential Hazards I . Landslides and Mud flows: Landslides can occur in bedrock materials if a significant quantity of bedrock material becomes relatively unsupported with respect to a down-slope location. Such a I condition could occur naturally (for example by the undercutting action of streams and rivers), or artificially as an indirect resuh of grading, Clay beds within. bedrock can facilitate sliding along bedding planes as can strong ground shaking from earthquakes. Landslides involving bedrock I material were not observed during Leighton's reconnaissance of the site. However, alteration of the topography by the proposed grading could result in unstable slopes. If these slopes were to fail, then there is a potential for home sites to be impacted. f The potential for muflflows depends primarily on the presence of unconsolidated colluvial and topsoil deposits, the slope gradient, and a rapid increase in soil moisture content due to heavy , rainfall. They often occur when saturated soils on slopes are subjected to . a niinstonn of high 1 intensity, The velocity of the flow depends on the viscosity, slope gradient, height of the slope, roughness of the slope, and the baffling effeCts of vegetation. Again, home sites could be impacted if mud flows were to occur. I The potential impact to the site from landslides and mud OOW! is considered potentially significant but one that can be reduced to less than significant with the appropriate mitigation. 1 As previously mentioned, appropriate slope stability analyses ~ortogradingcould assess this potential impact and, if appropriate, design measures could then be incorporated into the proposed I I grading. I If landslides or mud flows are encountered, or if they should subsequently occur, mitigation . measures could include a combination of any of the following: removal and recompaction of the , landslide debris, redesign to a lower slope angle. design of stabilization fills, or design of buttress fills. Geological conditions, as exposed during grading, must be inspected in order to I make sure that. the exposed subsurface conditions are as were expected during the design phase of the project. During grading, it may be necessary to provide in-grading recoinmendations in order to assure slope stability. , . Ground Water: Previous studies (Bl;1ena Engineers, 1986) did not encounter ground water during subsurface inv.estigations. It was c.onclr ded at that time that only intermittent (i.e. perched) ground water would be encountered during grading and that such water could be either removed I by site grading, or directed into appropriate drainage devices. The impact to the proposed development from ground water is considered less than significant. I . Faulting: The site does not lie within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone (APEFZ); an APEFZ is a zone in which active or potential active faults have been identified and within which site-specific subsurface studies must be perfonned prior to construction to ensure that faults do , not underlie structures intended for human (Hart, 1994). Furthennore, Leighton did not observe fault traces at the site during our field reconnaissance. I -7- I ~_AMM:MIII.IIC. _.1 ... - - _....M ~ . - -. _.-- .- .- ... ------..-- -- :....-..--.-- _. - ..,... .--'- -- --.- .._-~ ..-..-------- ',-~- ..-~~:--_. . .---- .- 980070-00 I However, review of recent studies in Alterman et ai., (1994) shows that the site lies on-trend with sev.eraJ fault splays associated with faults such as the Pismo Fault and the Wilmar Avenue Fault, both of which are at least potentially active, When projected, these fault splays would extend across the subject site, Leighton's concern is that, if faulting does exist at the site, ground rupture during future earthquakes along these fault splays could seriously damage house foundations and associated utilities. Even though it appears that faulting may not occur at the site, the studies that were reviewed as a part of this study.do not address faulting. Therefore, the potential for faulting at the site has not been fully investigated. Further studies, including analysis of historic aerial photographs, should be performed. At this time, the potential for faulting, and therefore ground rupture, at the site is considered a potentially significant impact. If faulting can be shown to not exist at the site, the potential impact can be reduced to less than significant. . Ground Shaking: The site lies in close proximity to several active and potentially active faults (Alterman et aI., 1994),-any of which could induce strong ground shaking at the site during an earthquake. As a minimum, an analysis of the maximum level of ground shaking that could occur at the site as a result of a maximum credible earthquake on anyone of a number. pf - regional faults within 100 kIn (62 miles) of the site must be performed according to California Division of Mines and Geology guidelines (CDMG, 1975) to assess this hazard. Levels of ground shaking that are anticipated as a result of these analyses must be incorporated into the design of the proposed development. The impact of. ground shaking on the proposed development is considered significant but is an impact that can be reduced to less. than significant. There is no realistic way in which the hazard of seismic shaking can be totally avoided; however, design of the structures in accordance with current regulations and grading codes can be expected to satisfactorily mitigate the effects of ground shaking. Construction techniques such as post-tensioned foundation slabs, and bolting houses to their foundations, could serve to reduce this potential impact. I I Liquefaction: Ground water is not expected to be encountered during grading. In addition, any f . granular deposits that could contain perched 'water should be removed during grading. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction at the site is considered less than ~ignificant. . Settlement and Hydroconsolidation: Strong ground shaking can cause subsidence and settlement by allowing sediment particles to become more tightly packed, thereby reducing pore space. Artificial fills, such as those that currently exist at the site, if not adequately compacted, may also experience seismically-induced settlement. However, details o~ the fill that has been placed at the site with regard to the relative compaction of the fill that was achieved at the time of placement has not been made available for review (i.e. in an as-graded report). Given these uncertainties, the impact presented by settlement of the fill is considered potentially significant. If it can be demonstrated that the fill was satisfactorily placed, then the potential impact could be reduced to one of less than significant. . Loose, unconsolidated alluvial and older alluvial deposits underlying any portion of the site intended for further development should be removed and replaced with compacted fill in order to mitigate settlement in those areas. Areas underlain with uncertified artificial fill should also be identified, and the fill materials removed and recompacted. -8- U1tlImIII "~JII.-' i_ - .-----..--------- .._----------- ----- - , . 980070-001 . Expansivity: The expansivity of onsite and. imported soils will vary &om Very Low (EI of 0 to 20) to High (EI of 91 to 130~ (Buena Engineers,. 1986). However. incorporation of standard design methods. will result in a less than significant impact to the proposed development . Sulfate Content: The sulfate content of onsite soils is not documented in the materials that were reviewed (see references), The sullatecontent of onsitesoils should be determined and appropriate recommendations given. The incorporation of such recommendations during grading will result in a less than significant impact. A summary of the potential geotechnical hazards to the proposed. development, and associated possible mitigation measures. is shown in the following table. - I -9- ..,.",.......m, .. ---~.__._---- i ". - --. u_.._ '4_'_ -. ---" : 980070-00 1 GEOLOGIC HAZARD DEGREE OF HAZARD POSSIBLE MITlGATlOS MEASURE .- b- II I I IlfJ fIaZIIrd ActhiC)' ail iil ~j tll~ CaIlSiD& .!1iE Iii CJ.t I- .11:11 Problem !J#- l.~- .fl- . 1+ <i!~i en en ~ 0 fault Movement .r X LiQuer.:tion X X Landslides X X Differential X X compection I Seismic Scalement . - EAR11IQUAKE X X DA.\lAGE Oround shlkinl X X ..;. Tsunami Seiches baultDl 1Id1llZled. floocIina (Dun = or levee fal1ure) Loss of access Deposits covcrecl by LOSS OF MINERAL changed IInd Is:s>>u ItDI 1IdlllZl<<l RESOURCES use ZonUl' ~ CharJ&e in - ground Mfa" levd WASTE DISPOSAL Disposal of PROBLEMS excavated 1_1tDIr.alllZled '. material Pen:olation of : waste material Landslides and X - X mud f1o~ UnSllble cut and X X SLOPE A!\o'DlOR fill slopes FOUNDATION Collapsible and X X INSTABD.rrv expInSive soil Tn:nc:h-NJI X X' stability I Erosion of X X gI3dcd II'C8S Altaation of X X EROSION. runoff SEDIMENTATION, Unprocccted X X FLOODING Inc:rascd X . X impervious surfaces Extraction of ground Mfa". gas. oil, JSSJlUItDI ndlllZl<<l geochcnnal L\.'"D SUBSIDENCE encrzy Hyc!roooml*Xio X X n. fill scalemenl VOLCA~C Lava f10w l__1tD1 IIdlllZled HAZARDS Ash fall · MSpccial Woct.. can include additional invesdption. special site ~ or special foundations. CHECKLIST OF GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS &. POTENTIAL MITIGATION MEASU -10- ~""""',IIC. - .--. . . - -. ..- - ...- --- ._._.. -..--.-----.-- .-------------.----.-.-.. ,-- '. 980070-00 I As became evident during Leighton's review, it 8ppearSthat there may be other reports, pre~ by others, which were not available 'for our review. Such reports could contain further details of the grading that has already occuned and the grading tJtat is proposed. If such materials are made available for review, it is conceivable that the degree of potential impact of the various issues,.as . assessed by Leighton in this report, could be reduced accordingly, . Thank you for this opportunity to provide services to Impact Sciences, Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.- Respectfully Submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. rL~ t:/IA-. -- Gareth I. Mills, CEG 2034 Project Geologist . Attachments: References JGMflRG/GIMIHAM I I ! -11- ...."........ IIC. - ~ ->- _.~ ..._--- - --- .. .~. ~- I : 1 References Alterman, LB., McMullen, R.B., Cluff, L.S., and Slemmons, D.B., (eds), 1996, Seismotectonics of the I- Central California Coast Ranges: GeQlogical Society of America Special Paper 292. _ Buena Engineers, Inc" 1986, Soil Engineering Report for Royal Oaks Estates, Arroyo. Grande, California, . I Project No. B-8983-SIA, dated October 17, 1986. Buena Engineers, Inc., 1987, Limited Geotechnical Study for West -Bqu1ch Road Extension in Arroyo , Grande, California, Project No, B4-0009-SLl, dated September 17, 1987, California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG). 1975, Recommended Guidelines Cor Detennining the 1 Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes, California Division of Mines and Geology Note 46. , California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), 1982, Guidelines for Geologic/Seismic Considerations in Environmental Impact Repo~: California Division of Mines and Geology Note 46. ~ City of Arroyo Grande, undated, Initial Study for the Rodeo Heights Project, .Cityof Anoyo Grande, California: Leighton provided with Section III "Geophysical" checklist and Section III ."Geophysical" text. Engineering Development Associates, Inc., 1997, Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, Tract 2236. ~ Planned Unit Development, Sheet 1 of 1, Scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet, dated July 23, 1997. Hart, E.W" 1994, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California: California Division of Mines and Geology, ~ Special Publication 42, 32 p. I International Conference of Building Officials (lCBO), 1997, Unifonn BuildinhgCode, 1997 edition. , Terratech, Inc., 1996, Soil Engineering Report Update, Tract. 2236, Rodeo Drive, Arroyo Grande, I California, Project No. 301 170, dated December 18, 1996. I I , I --_._---......-~ - . "-- .,.-........ '.."'. '- - . ....... J ATTACHMENT B I BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES REPORT: RODEO HEIGHTS PROJECT I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Section Page "- I 1.0 Introduction .,......... ..... .......... ..... ....... ......... ..... ............................ ............ .... ........ ................. ..1 2.0 Methodology..................................................................................... ......................................1 " . 2.1 Literature Review.................................................................,.......................................1 I 2.2 Field Surveys.....................................................................,.......................................... 2 3.0 Existing Conditions '" .., ...... ..... .................... .......... .......... ......... ... ......... ..... ........ .....................3 3.1 Plant Communities... .... ...... ........ ................. .........,.. ............ ........... ...... .......... ...............3 3.2 Wildlife...................................... ........................................,.............,................. .........8 I 3.3 Soils.......................................................................,................................................... 10 3.4 Sensitive Biological Resources.....;............... ....................,.. .... .... ...... .... ................ .,. .... 12 3.5 Wildlife Movement Corridors ..... ...................... ..... ............................... ....................... 27 I 3.6 Jurisdictional Resources.. ........... .............. .......... ...,.... ......... .................. ....................... 28 4.0 References.............. ..... ......... ...... ...... ...... ................ .... ...... ........:... .... .................................... 30 I Figure Page , 1 Existing Plant Communities.... .......... .... ............ .... ..................... ..............................................4 I Table Page I I 1 Summary of Special-Status Plant Species Known to Occur In the Vicinity of the Rodeo Heights Site................................................................. 13 I 2 Summary of Sensitive Wildlife Species Known to Occur In the Vicinity of the Rodeo Heights Site................................................................. 21 I I I I I I I i , I ' .',~.: . - .. .................-.. ......_'- -- ~_'i BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES REPORT: RODEO HEIGHTS PROJECT 1,0 INTRODUCTION This report describes the existing biological resources that are known to occur or have the potential to "- occur on the Rodeo Heights project site. This report also describes the regulatory agencies that h a ve . .' permit authority with respect to biological resources that are known to occur or have the potential to -occur on the project site. The information presented in this report is based on a review of pertinent literature, and field surveys conducted by Impact Sciences biologists on the project site. 2,0 METHODOLOGY 2,1 Literature Review Various data sources were reviewed to evaluate botanical and zoological resources of the area, as well as the potential occurrence of special-status species (plant and wildlife species considered unique, rare, threatened, or endangered by state and federal resource agencies) . at the project site. . Historical occurrence records of special-status plant and wildlife species were obtained from: . (1) California I Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Rarefind 2 report (dated February 1998) and the California Native Plant Society's (CNPS) Electionic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California (dated August 1997) for the Oceano, Arroyo Grande NE, Pismo Beach, Lopez Mountain, San I Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Lake, Tar Spring Ridge, and Nipomo U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- minute topographic quadrangle maps; (2) California Department of Fish and Game's (CDFG) lists of I special-status plants, animals, and natural communities (dated 1998); (3) CDFG's Fish Species of Special Concern in California (Moyle et al. 1995); (4) CDFG's Amphibian and Reptile Species of I Special Concern in California Gennings and 'Hayes 1994); (5) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists of plant and wildlife species which have been designated as rare, t}-,reatened, or endangered, or I that are candidates or currently proposed for listing (dated 1997); and (6) Birds of Southern California - Status and Distribution (Garrett and Dunn 1981). Other literature sources reviewed include: (1) the Federal Register listing package for each federally listed endangered or threatened species potentially occurring at the project site or in the project vicinity; (2) literature pertaining to habitat requirements of special-status species potentially occurring on the project site; and (3) distributional data contained in Ipgles (1965); Grinnel and Miller ! (1944); Garrett and Dunn (1981); Holland (1986); Stebbins (1985); and Williams (1986). I 1 RoIko Heights Proj<<t April 1998 -~--- - --,-- -.-- . ._------,._~ ~ - _..~ .~ - . - Biological Resources Report . Sources used to determine the sensitivity status of biological resources are: Plants-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS 1997), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG 1998), CNDDB 1998, and California Native Plant Society (CNPS) (Skinner and Pavlik 1994); Wildlife-USFWS (1997), CDFG (1998), CNDDB (1998), Jennings and Hayes (1994),. Williams (1986), and Remsen (1978); Habitats-CNDDB (1998) and CDFG (1997). , ., 2.2 Field Surveys O. A field survey of the project site was conducted by an Impact Sciences biologistm 19 March 1998 to characterize on-site habitats and to. document the presence of plant.and wildlife species observed en the site., The site was also evaluated for the potential presence of any plant, animal, or habitats considered rare, threatened, sensitive, endangered, or otherwise unique by regulatory agencies. Sensitive biological resources are defined as those species of plants.oranimals that have been afforded special recognition by federal, state, or local resource conservation agencies and habitats that are unique, of relatively limited distribution, or of particular value to wildlife. The potential for the site to support sensitive plant and wildlife species, and habitats is presented in the Sensitive Biological Resources section of this report. The survey included vegetation characterization and mapping and a general floral inventory of the site. Plant communities were mapped with the aid of 6,000 scale (1 inch = 500 feet) color aerial photograph of the site (Pacific Western 1992). Plant specimens were identified with reference to Hickman (1993). Common plant names are taken from Hickman (1993), Roberts (1989), Beauchamp (1986), Munz (1974), Abrams (1923 and 1944), and Abrams and Ferris (1951 and 1960). Plant communities used in this report follow those of CDFG (1997), where applicable, with modifications to accommodate undescribed communities. Much of the ecological infonnation concerning these communities comes from Holland (1986). Plant communities and common plant species occurring m the site are presented iri the Plant Communities section of this report. All direct observations of reptiles, birds, and mammals were recorded during the survey, as were wildlife signs such as scat and tracks. In addition to species observed, expected use of the site by other wildlife was evaluated from habitat analysis of the site, combined with known habitat preferences of locally occurring wildlife species. Analysis of potential wildlife movement corridors associated with the project area was based on information compil~d from a review of pertinent literature, and analysis of the juxtaposition of regional open space area with the project site based en the aerial photograph and topographic maps of the area. No field-tested wildlife movement corridor evaluation was conducted. References used for the nomenclature of wildlife include Jennings (1983) for amphibians and 2 Rodeo Hrights Proj<<t April 1998 --_._-~_._-_._- '--- .,0,. ~{" .-- ".. . ,-. ...- ,. '. .. '_no I -=- ~ Biological Resources Report I reptiles, the American Ornithologists' Union (1983 and supplemental>" for birds, and Jones et al. (1992) I for mammals. Wildlife species occurring on the site and common species expected to occur on the site are presented in the Wildlife section of this report. I 3.0 EXISTING CONDmONS "- I 3.1 Plant Communities . .' I Plant communities present on the site are the result of the disturbance history' and edaphic factors (such as topography, aspect, and soil moistUre and type). During the field investigations, eight plant I communities were identified and characterized en the project site. These . locations of these plant communities are shown on Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, the principal vegetation community present is disturbed coyote brush scrub vegetation. Other vegetation communities that occur en site include I California annual grassland, native grassland, coyote brush-California sagebrush saub, coyote brush- California coffeeberry scrub, coast live oak woodland, central coast'riparian forest,"and seasonal pools. I .The following discussion describes each of these cQmmunities. I Herb Communities Native Grassland I Native grassland is typically dominated by perennial, tussock-forming pUrple needlegrass (Nassella I pulchra). Soils of this plant community are generally fine-textured clay that are moist to waterlogged during winter, but very dry in summer (Holland 1986). Native and introduced wildflowers commonly I occur between the grasses. This community is considered of high priority for inventory in the CNDDB (CDFG 1997). I Two patches of native grasslands occur en the west-facing slope located in the southeastern portion of the site. The on-site grassland contained a greater than 10 percent coverage of needlegrass. Non-native I plants observed within this community include Italian ryegrass, wild oats, and filaree. The on-site native grasslands supported a low diversity of native wildflowers, including occasional vinegar weed I (Trichostema lanceolatum) and blue-eyed-grass (Sisyrinchium bellum). California Annual Grassland I California. annual grasslands typically occur in previously disturbed areas. The soils are generally fine I textured, often deep clay soils, as contrasted with the more thin, rocky soils of most shrub communities (Holland 1986). The species composition of grassland areas varies in response to local soil nutrients, , 3 Rodeo Heights Projtt:t April 1998 .---~. \ n b t \ \ J ') % , ;)', ., I . , I , '. ~ 4h.; ;. - .' - ~ 0'"' :-.:'-", Biological Rtsources Report moisture, temperature, degree of past disturbance, and time elapsed since fire or disturbance. TIUs plant community is widespread throughout California en low hills and valley floors (Holland 1986). Vegetation structure is generally low, terrestrial surface cover usually less than 0.5 meters in height and varies from a sparse to a dense cover of non-native annual grasses, native annual wildflowers, and . non-native weeds (Holland 1986). , , " The C.a1ifornia annual grassland community en the site oc:cws en west~ andeast-!a~ingslopes in the southern portion of the site. The grasslands are dominated by non-native, annual grasses and.forbs of mostly' European and Mediterranean origin including wild oats (Avena spp.),ripgut grass (Bromus diandrus), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multifIorum), foxtail chess (Bromusmadritensis), fescue (Vulpia spp.), and barley (Hordeumspp.). Other grassland components include filaree (Erodium spp.), lupines (Lupinus spp.), and vetch (Vicia spp.). Seasonal Pool Ponded water was observed during the March 1998 survey at a graded terrace area in the southern portion of the site. This depression, which was created as a result of soil compaction from heavy . construction equipment, receives run-off from adjacent upland areas, including the residential area located to the west and the church parking lot located to the north/northeast. Several willow saplings and nutsedge (Cyperus sp.) were observed within the ponded water. Other hydrophytic plant species (plants growing in aquatic environments) observed at the waters edge included curly dock (Rumex crispus), grass poly (Lythrum hyssopifolium), and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). The pool was considered seasonal because of its shallow nature, which is expected to cause the water to disappear by summer. Due to the artificial nature of the pool, it was not considered a vernal pool, which is a highly sensitive habitat that occurs en natural soils that are underlain by various water I restricting layers. , Scrub Communities Coastal scrub often occurs en exposed, south-facing slopes with shallow, rocky soils. Holland (1986) describes central coastal scrub as a usually quite dense community with one to two meter tall shrubs. Diagnostic plants of this vegetation type include California sagebrush (Artemisia californica), coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), mock heather (Ericameria ericoides), coast buckwheat (Eriogonum latifolium), golden-yarrow (Eriophyllum confertifIorum ), saw-toothed goldenbush (Hazardia squarrosa), lupine (Lupinus albifrons), d\me bush lupine (Lupin us chamissonis), bush monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus), California coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica), spiny redberry (Rhamnus 5 Rodeo Hrights Project April 1998 ..... Biological Resources Report crocea), black sage (Salvia mellifera), western poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum), and Our Lord's candle (Yucca whipplei). Three coastal scrub series and associations were observed m the site and are described below. Coyote Brush-California Sagebrush Scrub , ,. One patch of coyote brush - California sagebrush scrub is present m a west-facing slope located in the , southeastern portion of the site. This plant community is co-dominated by coyote brush and California sagebrush, along with an understory of grassland species.. The presence of coyote brush likely indicates recent soil disturbance. Coyote Brush-California Coffeeberry Scrub This community ocx::urs along a drainage in the southwestern portion of the site, At the time of the March 1998 survey, the drainage contain pockets of standing water. The coyote brush - California coffeeberry scrub community is co-dominated by coyote brush and California coffeeberry. Other species observed scattered throughout this plant community include. western poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum), California sagebrush, wildrye (Leymus sp.), purple' needlegrass, and California-aster (Lessingia filaginifolia). Disturbed Coyote Brush Scrub This community ocx::urs within areas of the site that were previously grade~ The majority of the on- site disturbed coyote brush scrub is open, with only scattered coyote brush plants. Other areas of the site, specifically the east-facing slope adjacent to the riparian forest, is quite dense with a mixture of shrubs including coyote brush, acacia (Acacia sp.), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia), California sagebrush, and western poison-oak. Herbs observed in this community include non-native species such as brome grasses (Bromus spp,), Italian ryegrass, vetch (Vicia spp.), wild' oats, fescue, bur clover (Medica;,o polymorpha), filaree, and pampas grass (Cortaderia sp.). Only two native wildflowers, lupines (Lupin us spp.) and blue-eyed-grass, were observed in the 0 disturbed coyote brush scrub. Woodland Communities Coast Live Oak Woodland Coast live oak woodlands are dominated by coast live oak, .and evergreen trees that reaches 10 to 25 meters in height. The shrub layer is generally poorly developed, but may include toyon, gooseberry, laurel sumac (Malosma laurina), or blue elderberry (Sambucus mexicana). The herb layer is generally 6 Rodto Heights Project April 1998 - Biological Resources Report . well represented and dominated by brome grasses (Bromus spp.) and several other introduced species (Holland 1986). The majority of the west-facing slope m the site supports coast live oak woodland. This area is included in an existing tree preservation easement and supports anoverstory of coast live oak trees. The "- unders~ory contains scattered shrubs, such as California sagebrush, bush monkeyflower, western poison . ,. oak, and California coffeeberry. Non-native grasses also occur, along with a high diversity of native wildflowers including buttercup (Ranunculus sp.), sanicle (Sanicula sp.),Miner's lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata), fiesta flower (Pholistoma auritum var. auritum) check on, lupines, . blue dicks (Dichelostemma capi ta tum), blue-eyed-grass, Johnny-jump-up (Viola pedunculata), and Padres' shooting star (Dodecatheon clevelandii). Another coast live oak woodland is present m the east-facing. slope located in the western portion of the site. The coast live oaks in this area of the site support an understory of bush monkeyflower, deerweed (Lotus scoparius), western poison oak, and California sagebrush, along with vetch, goose grass (Galium aparine), lupines, and iceplant (Carpobrotus sp.). This woodland contains a higher coverage of non-native plants, which is likely the result of soil disturbance. Riparian Communities Central Coast Riparian Forest Central coast riparian forest is an ecotone community between central coast live oak riparian forest and central coast arroyo willow riparian forest (Holland 1986). Central coast live oak riparian forest is dominated by coast live oak trees and generally occurs m the drier, outer floodplains along perennial streams. Central coast arroyo willow community is dominated by arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis) trees and occurs on moist to saturated soils along low gradient stream reaches. This community occurs along two drainages on the site. Along the blue-line stream that nms almost the entire length of the site, the forest is dominated by coast live oak trees and scattered willows at the upstream portion of the stream, and by willows and occasional oak trees at the downstream portion. The willows occur along the drainage bottom and the oaks generally occur m the adjacent upland slopes. Understory species include California blackberry (Rubus ursinus), western poison oak, cattails (Typha sp.), bulrush (Scirpus sp.), and occasional pampas grass. .No water was observed within this stream courSe at the time of the March 1998 survey. However, the lower portion of the stream was inaccessible due to chain-link fencing. 7 Rodeo Heiglrt$ Project AJ?ril 1998 -. Biological Resources Report The riparian forest that occurs along the drainage in the western portion of the site is dominated by an overstory of coast live oak trees, along with occasional willows. Understory species observed in this community include coyote brush, bush monkeyflower, California coffeeberry, and western poison oak. Flowing water was observed along this drainage at the time of the survey. This stream formally flowed naturally into the larger blue-line stream (USGS 1993). A culvert connecting the two drainages ~ was placed under the dirt road that bisects the project site. 0' . 3,2 Wildlife Plant communities present on the project site provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species. While a few species of wildlife are entirely dependent on a single vegetation community, most species require a mosaic of vegetation communities to provide the necessary shelter, water, food, and other life cycle resources. Because of the disturbed nature of most grassland and'sage scrub commUnities en the project site, a higher diversity and abundance of wildlife species is expected to occur in the less disturbed riparian and woodland habitat types. Discussed below are common wildlife species observed or expected to occur en the site. Special-status wildlife species known to occur, or with a high potential for occurrence en the site, are discussed in the Sensitive Biological Resources section of this report. Invertebrates Notable invertebrates observed in the on-site coast live oak woodland in March 1998 include the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). Because this species is considered a special animal by CDFG, this species is discussed further in the Sensitive Biological Resources section of this report. Amphibians Although several amphibian species potentially occur en site, most of the habitats are too dry to support more than a few species. The central coast riparian forest, coast live oak woodland, coyote brush - California coffeeberry scrub, and seasonal pool have the highest potential to support -- amphibians. Tadpoles were observed within the seasonal pool at the time of the March 1998 survey. The most common terrestrial amphibians expected to occur on the site include black-bellied salamander (Batrachoseps nigriventris) and arboreal salamander (Aneides Iugubris). Salamanders are usually most abundant in the more moist areas, such as m north-facing slopes and at the bottQII\S, of ravines. ~ 8 Rodeo Heights Project - Aprill998 .. .< .--' Biological Resources Report . These species may occur in trees and surface debris of the woodlands, where they take refuge during the non-breeding season. Common aquatic amphibians expected to occur en site include western toad (Bufo boreas), California chorus frog (Pseudacris cadaverina), and Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla). When present, they occur in moist upland habitats and riparian communities during the non-breeding seasons. , { Reptiles '. No reptile species were observed during the March 1998 field survey of the site. Canmon reptiles expected to occur on site include western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), southern alligator lizard (EIgaria multicarinata), commm kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulus), gopher snake (Pituophis melanoleucus), whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis), and western rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis). Birds Fifteen species of birds were directly observed, or their vocalizations detected, during the survey of the site. Many other migrant species are expected to occur seasonally. Those species observed during the March 1998 survey include California towhee (Pipilo crissalis), house finch (Carpodacus mexican us), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), commcn raven (Corvus corax), scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens ), spotted towhee (Pipilo erythroph thalmus), red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), dark-eyed jun:o Uunco hyemalis), Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna), white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), cammen yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), rock dove (Columba livia), northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), and European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Avifauna expected in grassland habitats include cammm species such as western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) and Say's phoebe (Sayornis saya). Common bird species expected in the coast live oak woodland and central coast riparian forest habitats include acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), yellow-romped warbler (Dendroica' coronata), plain titmouse (Parus inornatus), western bluebird (Sialia mexicana), ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula), phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens), golden-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla), and northern oriole (Icterus galbula). Species richness is particularly high in well-developed riparian woodlands and forests because of its structural diversity, and the availability of food, water, cover, and nest sites. Riparian habitats also . are crucial in providing food-rich resources for migrating songbirds. The on-site central coast riparian forest supported the highest concentration of birds. 9 Rodeo Heights Project April 1998 ---- ---~ Biological Resources Report . Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) was the only raptor (birds of prey) species observed on or over the site. In addition,. nesting and roosting habitat for several raptor species is present in on-site woodland habitats. Both the red-tailed hawk and red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) may roost or nest at site. Additionally, barn owl (Tyto alba) and great homed owl (Bubo virginian us) potentially nest within the on-site woodland habitats. Several special-status raptors,Cooper's hawk (Accipiter , cooperii), northern harrier (Circus cyaneus), and white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) are also expected .~. to occur on site: These species are further discussed in the Sensitive Biological Resources section of this report. Mammals Other than domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and domestic cat (Felis catus), ro mammals were directly observed on site. Mammal sign (tracks, scat) detected during surveys of the property include California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) and pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae).Additional mammals expected to occur en the site include coyote (Canis latrans), Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), common raccoon (Procyon lotor), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), and brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani). Common small mammal species expected at site include western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis), California mouse (Peromyscus califomicus), California vole (Microtus californicus), Pacific kangaroo rat (Dipodomys agilis), California pocket mouse (Chaetodipus califor:nicus), deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), brush mouse (Peromyscus boylii), and dusky-footed woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes). Woodlands may represent potential summer roosting habitat for some species of bats. However, the absence of rock outcrops to provide roosting or hibernating habitat generally precludes most bat species from residing at site. Common bat species that may forage over the site include the Brazilian free- tailed bat (Tadarida .brasiliensis), California myotis (Myotis californicus), big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), and western pipistrelle (Pipistrellus hesperus). 3.3 Soils An examination of on-site soil types were necessary to evaluate the potential occurrence of special- status biological resources, particularly plant species. As such, a review of the Natural Resources Conservation Service's (formally known as Soil Conservation Service) soil maps revealed four soil types that occur on the site: chamise shaly loam, Pismo loamy sand, Tierra sandy loam, and Santa 10 Rodeo Hrights Proj<<t Apn1 199B -_.~ ---- ',i-' Biological Resources Report . Lucia shaly clay loam (United States Department of Agriculture 1984). The following discusses each of the soil types. Chamise Shaly Loam This soil consists of very deep, well-drained soils that formed in old alluvium weathered from , . " sediinentary rocks. It has an approximately 12-inch thick surface layerofshaly loam and a subsoil of weakly cemented very shaly clay. Chamise shaly loam occurs in portions of the southern and northwestern sections of site, which include the two s~alldrainages that support coyote brush- California coffeeberry scrub and central coast live oak riparian forest, and portions or all of the following plant communities: native grassland, California annual grassland, coyote brush-California sagebrush scrub, disturbed coyote brush scrub, coast live oak woodland, central coast riparian forest, and seasonal pond. Pismo Loamy Sand This shallow soil is somewhat excessively drained and occurs en steep to moderately sloping foothills and mountains. It formed in residual material weathered from soft sandstone, and has an approximately 19-inch. thick surface layer of loamy sand, arid a subsoil of soft fractured sandstone. Pismo loamy sand occurs within disturbed coyote brush scrub vegetation that is located in the northern ! portion of the site, specifically south/southwest of the church parking lot and west/northwest of the I I central coast riparian forest plant community. Historically, this area was a moderately steep slope, but heavy equipment has since changed the topography to level terrain. Due to the soil movement in this portion of the site, it is not known if Pismo loamy sand is still present. Tierra Sandy Loam This very deep soil is moderately well drained and occurs en gently to moderately sloping dissected terraces and hills. It formed in old alluvium weathered from sedimentary rocks and has an approximately ll-inch thick surface layer of sandy loam, and a subsoil of sandy clay. Tierra sandy loam is mapped in the southwestern portion of the site. This soil type supports disturbed coyote brush scrub, central coast riparian forest, and California annual grassland on the site. Santa Lucia Shaly Clay Loam This soil consists of moderately deep, well drained soils that formed in residual material weathered from acid shale. It has an approximately 17-inch thick surface layer of shaly clay loam and a subsoil 11 Rodeo Hrights Project April J998 '- ,- Biological Resources Report . of very shaly clay loam. Santa Lucia shaly clay loam supports the coast live oak woodland that is located in the eastern portion of the site. 3.4 Sensitive Biological Resources ~ Special-Status Plant Species . " Special-status plants include those species that are classified. as Endangered, Threatened, or Rare, proposed for listing as Endangered or Threatened, federal or state candidate species for listing, or are considered federal Species of Concern. In addition, plants included on Lists 1 or 2 of the CNPS are also considered of special-status. Numerous special-status plant species are known to occur in the vicinity of the site based m searches of the CNDDB and CNPS databases, but were not observed during the field surveys. However, because plant species bloom at various times during the, spring and summer months, depending m the species' particular blooming period, some species occurring or potentiallyoccurringmthesite would not have been detected during the March survey. These species were considered to have varying probabilities of occurrence based m their habitat requirements, their present and historic range, and the geographic location of the property. These sensitive plant species are included in Table 1. The low number of special-status plant species that have a moderate to high potential of occurring at the site is due to the lack of suitable habitat for many of the species known from the Arroyo Grande area. Most of these occur in association with active, stabilized, and ancient dunes, and serpentine soils, none of which are present at the site (United States Department of Agriculture 1984). As such, these species are not expected to occur Q1 the site. Those species determined. to have a moderate or high potential for occurrence on the Rodeo Heights site are discussed below. Special-Status Plant Species With a Moderate to High Potential of Occurring On Site Pismo clarkia (Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata); State-listed Rare, Federally Endangered, This annual herb of the evening primrose family occurs within chaparral margins and openings, cismontane woodlands, and grasslands near the coast. It is associated with ancient sand dunes and sandy soils between 80 and 610 feet. Because this species has been observed in close proximity to the site (CNDDB 1998), and since the site supports suitable soils and plant communities, there is a high potential this species to occur on the site. This species may not have been detected during the March survey since its blooming period is from May.;. July. 12 Rodeo Heights Project April 1998 ------ -- t .. ..... fI). ...... t:~ Q . 0 0 .- CO 0 0 ~ . .~.... t} ~ >..6.!!J ~ m c: c: c: ,,~ !II ~ c: c:;:: ]i .~ ~ : ~ U) ~C:"'7C ca:E~ .!!J. .!!J ; .5.... .!!J .!!J 1lI:s~ ~'i ~!I!"""" m....:s .... .... ~u"" .... .... c:oiS.. ..,~ ~ c: e::fJI!o.- g.4i' ca ca en:::: - ca ca <n m .~ \> 0 ....t:{J ~...H:::: :::: ~<n.SO :::: :::: ._.!!Jm :t: t .!!J e:: O.J:: <II..E ~ {J {J <n l! " 0 .g .g ~ ~ :E ~ ~ ~ 1:.!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ .E.J:: .J:: ~ .... ~ Z .J:: .J:: '0 'U; .:::: "g " c: caQ..<<I:C :E~-g ~ ~ :C6t;~ ~ ~ ~~o co: ~ ~ Q..~UJS 6-S....:c :c JS.... 51 ~ :E :E ~ ro _ ... tIJ <IIo~'6' -,,~ ca ca 'Se::.o:::: ca ca <II e:: 3 e ~ ~.- >-..IoC t/) ~ e-~ is..:::: :::: t/) m 0 <n :::: ::::.- vi ca 'r'. U _ -,::!'a;! <II ~mx :s :s t:~ =' :s..J::.... 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Moderately suitable habitat for this plant, which blooms from , April - ,May, is present within the coast live oak woodland that supports shaly clay loam soil. . Cambria morning-glory (Calystegia subacaulis ssp, episcopalis); Federal Species o/Concern, CNPS List 1B, This perennial herb of the moming-glory family occurs within 'chaparra1..and cismontane woodland habitats between 200 and 1,640 feet. Cambria inoming-glory is endemic to San Luis Obispo County (Skinner and Pavlik 1994). This species, which blooms from April - May, has a moderate potential to occur within the coast live oak woodland. San Luis Obispo County lupine (Lupinus ludovicianus)i Federal Species of Concern, CNPS List 1B. This perennial herb of the legume family 0CCUl'S within open areas in chaparral andcismontane woodland habitats that support carbonate and sandy soils between 160 to 1,720 feet. San Luis Obispo County lupine is endemic to San Luis Obispo County (Skinner and Pavlik 1994). This plant, which blooms from April - June, has a moderate potential to occur within the open, sandy areas of the site. Sensitive Plant Communities Plant communities t1i.at are considered sensitive include those habitats that support rare, threatened, or endangered plant or wildlife species, are locally diminishing and of special concern to resomce agencies, are unique or of particular value to wildlife or native plants, or come under the jurisdiction of CDFG, pursuant to Section 1600 of the California Fish and Game Code, or Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. In general, all wetland and riparian habitat is considered sensitive by the resource agencies. In addition, the CNDDB (1998) has ranked the natural communities of California according to priority for preservation. Those communities that have few occurrences and small acreage amounts remaining are of highest priority. Plant communities on the project site considered sensitive are discussed below. The biologic components of each of these communities have been described earlier in this section. Native grassland is considered a sensitive habitat type by resource agencies because of its scarcity, declining status in southern California, and known function as preferred habitat for numerous special- 18 Rodeo Hrights Project Apn1 1998 .~ ' ".~~. Biological Resources Report status plant species. This community is ranked by CDFG as 53.1, which is, described as "very threatened" and is of high priority for preservation (CNDDB 1998). Seasonal pool habitat may qualify as an ACOE jurisdictional wetland. Wetlands are also considered sensitive because of their. high biological value to a number of common and special-status species, their ~ declining nature, and their important hydrological and ecological functions. (nutrient removal, grot.md - water discharge, etc.). A formal delineation for either state or federal wetland jurisdiction was not 0" . conducted for this analysis. Further discussion pertaining to regulation of water features by.s~ate and federal agencies is presented in the Jurisdictional Resources section of this report. Coast live oak woodland habitat has been assigned the rank of 54 by CDFG, which is defined as apparently secure throughout its state range, but factors exist to cause some concern (CDFG 1998). Oak woodlands provide habitat for breeding, foraging, or over-wintering iorover300 species of vertebrates in California (Block, Morrison, and Verner 1990). In addition, the loss of large oak trees (those with a trunk that is greater than four inches in diameter at breast height) must be mitigated by relocation or replacement (City of Arroyo Grande 1990). Central coast riparian forest habitat is regarded as an important ecosystem because of its value as breeding, cover, foraging, and movement habitat for a wide range of common and special-status wildlife species and because of its function as a means to transport sediment, remove nutrients, and recharge groundwater tables. In addition, riparian forests are of very limited distribution in San Luis Obispo County. Remaining locations are small fragments of a broader historical distribution. Loss of these resources is attributed to conversion of habitat to agricultural and wban land uses. In response to the reduction of riparian forests the CDFG has ranked the central coast riparian forest community as threatened (53.2). In addition, the central coast riparian forest may qualify as a CDFG or ACOE jurisdictional resource. A formal delineation for either state or federal wetland jurisdiction was not conducted for this analysis. Further discussion pertaining to regulation of natural water features by state and federal agencies is presented in the Jurisdictional Resources section of this report. Special-Status Wildlife Species Special-status wildlife species include those that are state- or federally-listed as Endangered or Threatened, have been proposed for listing as Endangered or Threatened, have been designated as candidate species for listing by federal or state resource agencies, are considered state or federal Species of Concern, or are considered by the state as a Special Animal or Fully Protected. 19 Rodeo Heights Project April 1998 -, Biological Resources Report One special-status wildlife species, the Monarch butterfly, was observed m the site during the reconnaissance field survey conducted m March 1998. Several additional special-status wildlife species are known to occur in the site vicinity or project region. These species are presented in Table 2. Special-status wildlife species observed, or that have a high potential of occurrence, are described below. Expectations of occurrence are based m known individual 'habitat requirements, historical , occurrences in the region, and documented distribution of each species. ... Special-Status Wildlife Species Known to Occur On Site Invertebrates Monarch (Danaus plexippus)i CDFG Special Animal. This butterfly is notable as the only migratory insect occurring along the west coast. Large groups of monarchs fly south in the ,fall, . pausing ,each night to roost in dense clusters in selected trees. There are two dIstinct populations of monarchs, me which migrates along the west coast and an eastern population which occurs east of the Rocky Mountains. The western monarchs spend the winter in Southern California. They typically use gum trees (Eucalyptus sp.), and other trees such as Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), cypress, oaks, and western sycamores (Platanus racemosa) for .roost sites along the flyway. One Monarch butterfly was observed during the reconnaissance-level survey conducted in March 1998. The Monarch was observed in the large coast live oak woodland located in the eastern portion of the site. There did not presently appear to be a roost at this location or elsewhere on the site and,. therefore, this butterfly species is not expected to roost on the site. Special-Status Wildlife Species With High Potential to Occur On Site Amphibians Coast range newt (Taricha torosa torosa)i California Species of Special Concern. This species was - historically distributed in coastal drainages from the vicinity of central Mendocino County in the North Coast Ranges, south to Boulder Creek, San Diego County ijennings and Hayes 1994). The known elevation range of this species extends from near sea level to approximately 1830 meters (Stebbins 1985 in CDFG 1994). This species frequents terrestrial habitats, but requires water for breeding. Due to the presence of high quality suitable habitat on the project site (e.g., woodland and riparian habitat), and because the site is located within the geographic range of this taxon, this species is considered to have, a high potential to occur on the site. 20 Rodto Heights Projtd 'April 1998 ~. ~" it ." J!' ~.!! ~ · .;;-:: . _ "" _ ,,-J! '" ~- '" ~. ~J\ 0 ... ",."'.' ." .~ : ..; \;;01:1\ 2-'!!; tU~Ii~ 6'" 1; :;;.~ ~ "'0- ,,0.- -"\iv,\\'~: .' ' ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ h-b ~!~ ~t ~ . 'IS ~._ .'U-'" · ...0 - 0 "" ~ 0 i:! 8 ~ ~ : 'ti -1!'> :?~ ,g~"Q.~-fi\ ~-a ~~.'" .. ".. U~ 2. 'II.!! "..\\-!-O~ ~ l'1 ~ to!! -i. 1;:S ~Ii\\. ~-s.!!i ~h,!!6 I\"2" ':9:10'" . oS. S ~ ~ t.!! 'II.~i\'S ji i~''\\ 0" .~~~ .~ 1$ ~ 1\ fe ~ ~.:;"'. 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II %,.. ~ M '" 1! .~~~t:b'.\2 '" "'" ~. - '" .........- ~ ~ C).. r- -~..------------ Biological Resources Repo'1 . Western spadefoot (Scaphiopus hammondii)i Federal Species of Concern, California Species of Special Concern. This toad species occurs in the Central Valley and Coast Ranges that are located south of San Francisco, and extends south into northwestern Baja California, Mexico. This species prefers relatively open areas in lowland grasslands, chaparral, and pine-oak woodlands. Thespadefoot is dependent m temporary ponds, vemal pools, and occasionally perennial ponds and streams for breeding. sites and "- typically avoids flowing water. Spadefoots are chiefly noctuma1. and feed (1\ a variety of .' invertebrates. It estivates (remains inactive) much of the year in deep .undergrmmd burrows. Western .. spadefoots are presumed extinct throughout much of its historical range. It has been estimated that more than 80 percent of occupied habitat has been developed or converted to incompatible uses ijennings and Hayes 1994). Because of the relatively high quality of suitable habitat (1\ the site,. westem spadefoots have a high potential to occur within the on-site seasonal pool and central coast riparian forest. Birds Sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus)i California Species of Special Concern. This species inhabits most of North America, in woodlands, parks, and residential areas. Breeding takes place in mountainous coniferous/deciduous forests, with nests usually within 90 meters. of water (Zeiner et al. 1990). Breeding occurs April through August, primarily in the northem most portions of the state (Zeiner et al. 1990). Due to the presence of suitable foraging androosfu1g habitat (scrub, oak woodland, and riparian habitats) on the site, and because this species has been recorded in the immediate area of the project site, the potential for this raptor to occur on-site during the winter months is considered high. White-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus ); California Fully Protected. White-tailed kites are a conunon to uncommon, year-round resident of the coastal and lo,:"land valleys of Califomia. Locally, this raptor typically nests in riparian woodlands where it uses oak trees and western sycamore trees for nest sites. Open areas on the property are likely used as forage sites by this species. White-tailed kites were not directly observed foraging during the March 1998 field investigations. However, suitable habitat is present m site for this species, and it is known to occur in similar habitats in the project vicinity; therefore, there is a high potential for occurrence on the site. Northern harrier (Circus cyaneus)i California Species of Special Concern. This raptor is principally a winter visitor in all regions of southern California. However, summer nesting is known to occur at a variety of locations in southern California. Northern harriers were not directly observed during the field investigations. However, suitable foraging habitat is present m site for this species, and it is 26 Rodto Heights Project April 1998 ------- -- Biological R~souTces Report . known to occur in similar habitats in the project vicinity; therefore, there is a high potential for OCCUITence en the site. This species is not expected to nest en the site due to lack of suitable nesting habitat. Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii); California Species of SpecialConcem, Northern 'populations of , the Cooper's hawk typically migrate through the area in the winter. Resident populations of this . " species are uncommon in the region. It nests in riparian woodlands 'and IrtOW\tain.canyons,' buUt is more widespread during the winter when it occurs in a variety ofwood1andand'semi~pen habitats. Cooper's hawks were not directly observed during the March 1998 survey, however, this .species has been recorded in the vicinity of the project site. As such, this species has a high oc:currence potential en the project site, and may possible nest within the riparian forest habitat. Loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus); California Species of.5peciaLConcem, ..:Loggerhead shrikes are a fairly common resident in open areas throughout southern California. This species is expected to utilize a variety of habitats that occur en the project site, particularly in the open scrub areas. Loggerhead shrikes were not directly observed during the March 19980field surveys. . However, suitable habitat is present en site for this species, and it is known to occur in similar habitats in the project vicinity; therefore, there is a high potential for occurrence on the site. California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris actia); California Species of Special Concern. Typical habitats include open grasslands, disturbed areas, agricultural fields, and sandy shores. As such, the project site contains suitable habitat to support this species. No California horned larks were observed during the biological field surveys. However, suitable habitat is present on site for this species, and it is known to occur in sim~ar habitats in the project vicii1ity; therefore, there is a high potential for occurrence on the site. 3.5 Wildlife Movement Corridors Wildlife corridors link together areas of suitable wildlife habitat that are otherwise separated by rugged terrain, changes in vegetation, or by human disturbance. The fragmentation of wildlife habitat. by urbanization creates isolated "islands" of wildlife habitat. Corridors mitigate the effects of this fragmentation by (1) allowing animals to move between remaining habitats which allows depleted populations to be replenished and promotes genetic exchange with separate populations; (2) providing escape routes from fire, predators, and human disturbances, thus mucing the risk that catastrophic events (such as fire or disease) will result in population or species extinction; and (3) serving as travel I 27 Rodeo Heights Project J April 1998 --"..".- " Biological Resources Report . paths for individual animals as they wander about their home ranges in search of food, water, mates, and other needs. The project site is essentially surrounded by urban development, with residential homes to the north, east, and west, and the 101 freeway to the south. Based ro a review of aerial photography and , regional maps, the project site does not appear to serve as part of.aregionaLhabitat-linkage between . .' large open space areas. While some small open space areas occur adjacent to the site to the north and south, these areas do not appear to link to other open space habitats. Jrrparticular,the open space lot to the south, which supports a continuation of the riparian foresthabitatro the project site, abuts against West Branch Street and the 101 freeway. The open space. area north of the site is essentially a vacant lot that has been graded and disked, supports some non-native grassland and weedy plant species, and abuts against another road to the north. The riparian forest habitat ro the project site is likely used by coyotes, common gray fox, bobcat, mule deer, and other 'species as a local travel. corridor to move around and across the project site because of the cover, food,and water it provides. However, because the open space areas adjacent to the project site do not appear to link to other riparian or open space habitats, neither the project site nor the habitats comprising the site are considered to be part of a regional movement corridor. 3.6 Jurisdictional Resources Regulatory Framework The following section discusses the jurisdiction that reso~e agencies, particularly the ACOE and CDFG, have over certain wetland and riparian habitats. If jurisdictional resources are present, then any disturbance to the resources would fall under the regulatory review of one or both of these agencies. u.s, Army Corps of Engineers Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the ACOE is primarily responsible for making jurisdictional determinations and for issuing permits for discharge of fill into waters of the United States. Waters of the United States, as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 328.3 (Dep~ent of Defense 1986), include: (1) waters which are currently used, or were used in the past, or maybe susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce; (2) waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide;. (3) all interstate waters including interstate wetlands; (4) all other waters such as lakes, rivers, intermittent and perennial streams, mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, natural ponds for which the use, degradation or destruction could affect interstate or foreign commerce; and (5) areas which are or could be used for 28 Rodeo Hrights Project April 2998 .- Biological Resources Report . recreation by interstate or foreign travelers, from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce, use as habitat for birds that migrate across state boundaries, and use for species protected by the federal Endangered Species Act. ACOE jurisdiction in non-tidal waters extends to the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). In , intermittent streams, for example, this line can be established by "the. fluctuations . of water as " indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, naturallinesAmpressed m.thebank, shelving, . changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the. presenceHof Jitter. and debris, or other' appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas" (33 code of Federal Regulation 328.3 (e)). Beyond the OHWM, ACOE jurisdiction extends to the limit of adjacent wetlands, if they are present. Adjacent is defined to mean "bordering, contiguous, or neighboring."'Wetlandsseparatedfrom other waters by construction dikes or barriers and natural river berms are considered.. adjacent wetlands (33 Code of Federal Regulation 328.3 (c)). Wetlands are defined as "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions" (33 Code of Federal Regulation 328.3 (b)). California Department of Fish and Game In addition to the Federal Section 404 regulatory process, the State of California regulates water resources under sections 1600 to 1603 of the Fish and Game Code of California (1995). Section 1601 mandates that "...general plans sufficient to indicate the nature of a project for construction by, or Q1 behalf of, any state or local governmental agency or any public utility shall be submitted to the department if the project will (1) divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or the bed, channel, or bank of any river, stream, or lake designated by the department in which there is at any time an existing fish or wildlife resource or from which these resources derive benefit, (2) use material from the [ streambeds designated by the deparbnent, or (3) result in the disposal or deposition of debris, waste, or other material containing crumbled, flaked, or ground pavement where it can pass into any river, stream, or lake designated by the department." CDFG considers most natural drainages to be streambeds unless it can be demonstrated otherwise. Streambeds are defined in the California State Register (No. 87, No.9, Section 1.72) as follows: "A stream is a body of water that flows at least periodically or intermittently through a bed or channel , 29 Rodeo Heights Proj<<t A,ril1998 --. - Biological Resources Report having banks and that support fish or other aquatic life. This includes watercourses having surface or subsurfa~e flow that supports or has supported riparian vegetation." CDFG jurisdiction includes ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial watercourses, and is often extended to the limit of riparian habitats that are located contiguous to the water resource and that function as ~ part of the watercourse system. .,' ,. '. Regional Water Quality Control Board The State of California regulates water quality issues under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, which provides regulatory authority to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The Sta te regulates discharge of fill into wetlands and waters to ensure that clean water goals are met. Projects qualifying for an ACOE Section 404 permit must submit materials for review to the appropriate RWQCB and request a Section 401 certification. Results of Preliminary Jurisdictional Analysis No detailed jurisdictional analysis was conducted a\ the site as part of this study. Based a\ the preliminary field investigation, several areas of the site may qualify as ACOE "waters of the United States" per Sections 401-404 of the Federal Clean Water Act and "streambeds" per Sections 200-210 and 1600-1603 of the California Fish and Game Code; As shown a\ Figure 1, the three on-site drainages that support central coast riparian forest and coyote brush - California coffeeberry scrub would qualify as ACOE waters of the U.S. and as a CDFG streambed. In addition, the graded areas of the site contains two short, incised channels and isolated depressions that contained saturated soils or ponded water (i.e., seasonal pool) at the time of the March 1998 survey. A detailed field survey is necessary to delineate the boundaries of ACOE and CDFG jurisdiction. 4.0 REFERENCES Abrams, 1., Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Vol. I, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1923. Abrams, L., Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Vol. II, Sta,nIord University Press, Stanford, California, 1944. Abrams, 1., and R.S. Ferris, lllustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Vol. III, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1951. 30 Rodto Heights Proj<<t April 1998 . ..;,. Biological Resources Report . Abrams, L., and R.S. Ferris, Illustrated Flora of the Pacific ,States, Vol. IV, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1960. American Ornithologists' Union. The Checklist of North American Birds. 6th edition. Allen Press. Lawrence, Kansas. 1983. American Ornithologists' Union. Thirty-Seventh Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union , Checklist of North American Birds. The Auk. 1989. Vol. 106, pp. 532-538. .' Beauchamp, R.M. A Flora of San Diego County, California. Sweetwater River Press. National City, .. California. 1986. Block, W., M. Morrison, and J. Verner. Wildlife and Oak WoodIan&Interdependency. In Fremontia. Yol. 18(3), pp. 72-76. 1990. California Department of Fish and Game. (Dec.). List of California Terrestrial Natural Communities Recognized by the Natural Diversity Data Base. Natural Heritage Division. 1997. California Department of Fish and Game. State and Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants of California. State of California Resources Agency, Natural Heritage Division. Sacramento, California. January 1998. California Department of Fish and Game. State and Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Animals of California. State of California Resources Agency, Natural Heritage Division. Sacramento, California. January 1998. California Native Plant Society. Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California for the Oceano, Arroyo Grande NE, Pismo Beach, .Lopez Mountain, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Lake, Tar Spring Ridge, and Nipomo U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- minute topographic quadrangle maps, August 1997. California Natural Diversity Data Base. Rarefind 2 Computer Program Data Base Record Search for Information on Threatened, Endangered, Rare, or Otherwise Sensitive Species and Communities Located on the Oceano, Arroyo Grande NE, Pismo Beach, Lopez Mountain, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Lake, Tar Spring Ridge, and Nipomo U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- t minute topographic quadrangle maps. Prepared by California Department of Fish and Game, State of California Resources Agency. Sacramento, California. February 1998. I Ehrlich, P.R., D.S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye. The Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural I History of North American Birds. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1988. Garrett, K. and J. Dunn. Birds of Southern California: Status and Distribution. Audubcn Society. Los Angeles, California. 1981. Grinnell, J., and A.H. Miller. The Distribution of the Birds of California. In Pacific Coast Avifauna. Cooper Ornithological Club. Berkeley, California, 1944, No. 27. Hickman, J.e. (Editor). The. Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press. Berkeley, California, 1993. Holland, R.F. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California. Non- game Heritage Program. California Department of Fish and Game. Sacramento, California, 1986. 31 Rodeo Hrights Prr1j<<t . April J998 ....;, TRACT 2236. GRACE LANE A TT ACHMENT C CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P,U,D, FUEL MODIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS In accordance with Municipal Section 8,44,020 all grass. weeds. brush. and other combustibles will be maintained in a condition that will make it unlikely that it will become easily ignited or support the spread of fire. The Fire Department encourages the property owner to consider the use of livestock (goats. cattle. etc.) to ecologically maintain the fire safety of this land. ZONE 1 Grasses shall be cut down to a length of 4 inches or less yearly, or as required by the City of ArroY9 Grande Fire Department. All brush and pampas grasses will be also be cut down in this zone, Zone 2 Shrubs under oaks and within 10 feet of tree canopies shall be removed, Brush in this area shall be thinned to the satisfaction of the Arroyo Grande Fire Department to allow for minimal 'spread of fire and to allow adequate access for firefighting suppression efforts, Grasses and brush shall be kept mowed in this zone as well, Zone 3 To eliminate ladder fuels beneath oak trees. oak tree limbs to be considered for removal shall be less than 4 inches in diameter and within 4 feet of the ground. Branches must be chipped for mulch and spread on site. Grasses in this zone shall be kept mowed where practical. . Trees with shrubs adjacent to the canopy shall likewise have limbs 4 inches or less removed until clearance is achieved between canopy and shrubs, Some shrubs in this area maybe indicated in the field to be thinned, Existing fallen branches located in treated zones shall be chipped and used as mulch, Removal of larger tree limbs over 4 inches in diameter which pose a hazard or are within 4 feet of vertical clearance zone must be approved by an arborist and the Director of Parks. Recreation. and Facilities, All pruning work done on oak trees in this zone shall be done only after the issuance of a Pruning Permit by the Director of Parks, Recreation. and Facilities. Notes A site walk with the owner or Homeowners Association's Representative and the City of Arroyo Grande Fire Marshall is required prior to the commencement of any work in the defined open space areas. All work on and around existing oak trees shaH conform to the conditions of the City of Arroyo Grande Community Tree Ordinance 431 C.S. All pruning of oak trees shall be executed per documented recommendations by a certified arborist using ISA approved pruning standards, All contractors and subcontractors shall have read the community tree ordinance and be familiar with the conditions therein, LEGEND - ZONE 1 I I ZONE 2 - ZONE 3 _._----~. -------~ - ~ ..~i;:;.. '.._,:. --=-"" Biological Resources Report . Ingles, L.G. Mammals of the Pacific States. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California, 1965. - - Jennings and Hayes. Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern in California. Final report to the Inland Fisheries Division, California Department of Fish and Game. Rancho Cordova, California, 1994. Jennings,M.R. An Annotated Checklist of the Amphibians and Reptiles of California. InCalifornia .... Fish and Game, 1983, 69(3): 151-171. , Jones, ].K., Jr., C. Jones, M.D. Engstrom, R.J.. Baker, R.S.Hoffman, ,and D. W. . Rice. Revised Checklist of ,. North American Mammals North of Mexico, 1991. Occasionalpap~,ofthe'MuseumofTexas Tech University. 1992, No. 146. Moyle, P.B., R.M. Yoshiyama, J.E. Williams, andE.D. Wikramanayake. Fish . ,Species o/Special Concern of California. Final report to the Inland Fisheries Division, California Department of Fish and Game. Rancho Cordova, California, 1995. Munz, P.A. A Flora of Southern California. University of California Press. Berkeley, California. Pacific Western. 1992 (Nov.). Approximately 6,000-scale (1 inch =500 feet).coloraerial'photograph of the site (Coie PWSLO 7-16-2), 1974. Reed, P.B., Jr. National List of Plant Species That Occur In Wetlands: California (Region 0). Biological Report 88 (26.10). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1988. Remsen,].V. 1978. Bird Species of Special Concern in California: An Annotated List of Declining or Vulnerable Bird Species. Non-game Wildlife Investigations. Wildlife-Management Branch, California Department of Fish and Game. Administrative Report, No. 78-1. Roberts, F.M., Jr. 1989. A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Orange County, California. Museum of \ Systematic Biology, University of California, Irvine, Research Series No.6. Sawyer, J.O., and T. Keeler-Wolf. 1995. A Manual of California Vegetation. California Native Plant Society. Skinner, M.W., and B.M. Pavlik. 1994. California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California. California Native Plant Society. Special Publication, No.1, 5th ed. Stebbins, R.c. 1985. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. 2nd ed. Houghton-Mifflin Company. Boston, Mas~~chusetts. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1984. Soil Survey of San Luis Obispo County, California--Coastal Part. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996a (Feb. 28). Endangered. and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Review of Plant and Animal Taxa that are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species. Volume 61, Number 40. Federal Register 50 CFR Part 17. U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996b (Feb. 28). Endangered and Threatened Species; Notice of Reclassification of 96 Candidate Taxa, Volume 61, Number 40. Federal Register 50 CFR Part 17. U.S, Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. 32 Rodeo Heiglrts PrDj<<t Apn1 1998 - _.~ ---------- ."-;':.';.i". ..'!,.;.:" _h --:':., Biological Resources Report . U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997 (Sept.). . Review of Plant and Animal Taxa that are Candidates or Proposed for Listing as Endangered or Threatened, Annual Notice of Findings on Recycled Petitions, and Annual Description of Progress on Listing Actions. U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. U.S. Geological Survey, 1993 (revised). Arroyo Grande NE Quadrangle; California, San Luis Obispo County; 7.S-Minute Series (Topographic); Scale 1:24,000 "ClinCh =2,000 ft.). U.S:Department of "- the Interior, Geological Survey. " United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of San Luis Obispo . County- Coastal Part, September 1984. William~, D.F. 1986. Mammalian Species of Special Concern in California. Non-game Wildlife Investigations, Wildlife Management BranCh, California Department ofFish and Game. Administrative Report, No. 86-1. Zeiner, D.C., W.F. Laudenslayer, Jr., and KE. Mayer. 1988. California's Wildlife. Vol. I. Amphibians and Reptiles. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. 272 pp. , 33 RDtho Heights Proj<<t Apn1 1998 _._~___ ___0- ~______ _____~_~__o_ ______._-' --_.~- .~.~ - .. l , \ ,i i' . " ~~ ... . : .- /; \, ,~i\ ii~ i i i liD' - - - 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR fr SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATION TO CONTRACT FOR A RETAIL TRADE AREA DETERMINATION STUDY AND COMMUNITY RETAIL ID PROGRAM DATE: JANUARY 13, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors appropriate $11,000 in the Redevelopment Agency budget and authorize the City Manager/Redevelopment Agency Executive Director to enter into an agreement with The Buxton Company to prepare Phase I of a retail trade area determination study and Community RetaillD Program. FUNDING: The total cost to the Redevelopment Agency to prepare Phase I of the study is a maximum of $11,000, which is proposed to be funded from the Redevelopment Agency budget. Based on tax increment data provided by the County, the Redevelopment Agency is projected to receive approximately $35,000 above that originally estimated in the FY 2003-04 budget. There is also an estimated $4,000 still available in the Redevelopment Agency contractual services account. Therefore, this expenditure can be approved without impacting the plan in place to address the Redevelopment Agency shortfall. DISCUSSION: The Buxton Company is a firm that specializes in the preparation of retail site selection studies. Their clients include over 600 retailets, developers and municipalities. They provide a service specifically designed for municipalities, which they have titled their Community ID program. The program consists of an analysis of retail opportunities for a targeted site or area. The study analyzes a variety of data, including demographics, customer and household profiles, retail product demand, drive patterns, and other trade area characteristics. Under the Buxton Company proposal, the study is prepared on three identified sites. Phase I includes the overall analysis and general findings regarding the S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\1.l3.04 Buxton Company Agreement.doc -------------- --~. ..-- ..- CITY COUNCIL RETAIL TRADE AREA DETERMINATION STUDY JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 feasibility of retail business categories. Under Phase II of the study, they will match the data with location criteria for national retailers and identify a specific listing of retailers that would be feasible to attract to the targeted sites. Staff proposes the study be conducted on E. Grand Avenue since this area has provided the most challenges in attracting new retail businesses. The City has been conducting a retail business recruitment program, but the majority of those contacted have not responded favorably due to a number of factors, including lack of freeway visibility, rent and land costs, and housing densities. This study will provide two important tools for the City's economic development program. First, it will enable the City to target its efforts on specific retail businesses that will be feasible to recruit. This will enable the City to be much more efficient and strategic in its efforts. Second, it will provide the City with important data and information that can be used to demonstrate to targeted retailers that the appropriate market exists for their business to be successful. Normal rates for this study are $20,000 ($22,000 when including reimbursement for travel costs) for Phase I and $40,000 for Phase II. In order to make the cost more feasible for the City to undertake, staff proposes to contract for the service jointly with the City of Grover Beach. Since the consultant will evaluate three sites and the market area for Grand Avenue is essentially the same for both jurisdictions, this provides a logical opportunity to share these costs. It is proposed that one site be Elm Street and E. Grand Avenue, one site be at Oak Park Boulevard and Grand Avenue, and the third site be on W. Grand Avenue in Grover Beach. At their January 5, 2004 meeting, the City of Grover Beach City Council approved a contract for Phase I of the program contingent upon approval by the City of Arroyo Grande participation. Staff also proposes the Redevelopment Agency begin by contracting for Phase I only. Based on the results, staff and the Redevelopment Agency Board can evaluate whether it will be worthwhile to proceed with Phase II. While the primary benefit of the program is provided in Phase II, staff would not recommend proceeding unless it appeared likely that it would produce a sufficient list of retail opportunities to make the project cost effective. Staff is also working with City of Grover Beach staff to determine if there are other ways to reduce and/or negotiate a lower cost for Phase II. References from other jurisdictions that have participated in the program have been contacted. They have verified that the information provided by the study has been valuable to their efforts. A representative from The Buxton Company will be attending the City Council meeting to make a brief presentation on their services and be available to answer Redevelopment Agency Board questions. A copy of the proposed agreement is attached. , -~,- ~.~---,-_._--~-- ~ - j CITY COUNCIL RETAIL TRADE AREA DETERMINATION STUDY JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors' consideration: - Appropriate $11,000 in the Redevelopment Agency budget and authorize the City Manager/Redevelopment Agency Executive Director to enter into an agreement with The Buxton Company to prepare Phase I of a retail trade area determination study; - Direct staff to negotiate changes to the Agreement and appropriate the funding necessary; - Continue the item and request additional information; - Do not approve the funding or agreement; - Provide staff direction. Attachments: 1. Consultant Services Agreement .~---~---_.__.._-_. J CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made upon the date of execution, as set forth below, by and between THE BUXTON COMPANY (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANr'), and the ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "AGENCY"). The parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: 1.00 G~NERAL PROVISIONS 1.01 TERMS: This Agreement will become effective on the date of execution set forth below, and will continue in effect until terminated as provided herein. 1.02 CONTRACT COORDINATION a. AGENCY. The City Manager shall be the representative of AGENCY for all purposes under this Agreement. The City Manager, or his designated representative, hereby is designated as the Contract Manager for the AGENCY. He shall supervise the progress and execution of this Agreement. b. CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall assign a single Contract Manager to have overall responsibility for the progress and execution of this Agreement for CONSULTANT. 1.03 SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT: CONSULTANT agrees to prepare a Retail Trade Area Determination Study, known as the Community ID Program, which shall include the following tasks: a. Analysis of potential retail zones to include: . Identification of potential retail zones; . Analysis of the viability for retail development in each identified zone. b. Analysis of households . Geocode all households in the zones identified above; . Determine and analyze psychographies of these households; . Segment and profile all households in each of the zones identified. c. Product Demand Analysis . Determine average annual household purchases by product (approximately 400 products); . Index these purchases to measure product demand compared to national averages. d. Deliverables - A written presentation to include: . Map of the drive time trade area for each selected zone; . Household profiles based on psychographies; . Product demand analysis for the drive time trade area; . Conclusions and recommendations. 1.04 COMPENSATION: In consideration for the services to be performed by CONSULTANT, AGENCY agrees to pay CONSULTANT ten thousand dollars ($10,000). The AGENCY also agrees to pay CONSULTANT actual cost of travel and related out-of-pocket expenses not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). , ! The following rates shall apply for all services rendered outside the scope of this Agreement: i I CEO/President $250.00 per hour I;xecutive/Senior Vice President $225.00 per hour Vice President/Director/Manager $200.00 per hour GIS Senior AnalysVAnalyst $175.00 per hour Administrative $50.00 per hour 1.05 JOINT PROJECT WITH CITY OF GROVER BEACH: The Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency is contracting jointly for services set forth in the scope of this Agreement with the City of Grover Beach. AGENCY agrees that the costs set forth in this Agreement represent 50% of the total cost for services to be rendered by CONSULTANT under this Agreement. The remaining 50% of the total costs shall be paid by the City of Grover Beach to CONSULTANT under a separate and independent Agreement with CONSULTANT, and CONSULTANT agrees that Agency is not responsible for payment of those. funds. If CONSULTANT fails to execute such Agreement with the City of Grover Beach, this Agreement shall become null and void. 2.00 OBLIGATIONS OF CONSULTAN'! 2.01 MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SERVICE BY CONSULTANT: CONSULTANT agrees to devote the hours necessary to perform the services set forth in this Agreement in an efficient and effective manner. CONSULTANT may represent, perform services for and be employed by additional individuals or entities, in CONSULTANTS sole discretion, as long as the performance of these extra-contractual services does not interfere with or present a conflict with AGENCY'S business. 2.02 TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTALITIES: CONSULTANT shall provide all tools and instrumentalities necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. 2.03 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. CONSULTANT shall: a. Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement; b. Keep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in CONSULTANTS performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; c. At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; d. Immediately report to the AGENCY'S Contract Manager in. writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. 2.04 RELEASE OF REPORTS AND INFORMATI(')N, Any video tape, reports, information, data, or other material given to, or prepared or assembled by, CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall be the property of AGENCY and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by CONSULTANT without the prior written approval of the AGENCY'S Contract Manager. 2.05 COPIES OF VIDEO TAPES, REPORTS AND INFORMATION. If AGENCY requests additional copies of videotapes, reports, drawings, specifications, or any other material in addition to what the CONSULTANT is required to furnish in limited quantities as part of the services under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall provide such additional copies as are requested, and AGENCY shall compensate CONSULTANT for the costs of duplicating ofsuch copies at CONSULTANTS direct expense. I ------'_.-.._-------- -- 2.06 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to furnish the services described under this Agreement. 2.07 WORKFRS' COMPFNSATION AND OTHER EMPlOVEF BENEFITS: AGENCY and CONSULTANT intend and agree that CONSULTANT is an independent contractor of AGENCY and agrees that CONSULTANT and CONSULTANTS employees and agents have no right to Workers' Compensation and other employee benefits. If any worker insurance protection is desired, CONSULTANT agrees to provide Workers' Compensation and other employee benefits, where required by law, for. CONSULTANTS employees and agents. CONSULTANT agrees to hold harmless and indemnify AGENCY for any and all claims arising out of any claim for . injury, disability, or death of CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT'S employees or agents. 2.08 INDEMNIFICATION: CONSULTANT hereby agrees to, and shall, hold AGENCY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, harmless and shall defend the same from any liability for damage or claims for damage, or suits or actions at law or in equity which may allegedly arise from CONSULTANTS or any of CONSULTANTS employees' or agents' operations under this Agreement, whether such operations be by CONSULTANT or by anyone or more persons directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for, CONSULTANT provided as follows: a. That AGENCY does not, and shall not, waive any rights against CONSULTANT which it may have by reason of the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement, because of the acceptance by AGENCY, or the deposit with AGENCY by CONSULTANT, of any of the insurance policies hereinafter described. b. That the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement by CONSULTANT shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations of CONSULTANT or any agent or employee of CONSULTANT regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 2.09 INSURANCE: CONSULTANT shall not commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required under this section and such insurance shall have been approved by AGENCY as to form, amount and carrier: a. Pllhlic I i::lhility ::Inn Prnparty D::Im::lga In~llr::lnt'.A. CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect AGENCY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, and CONSULTANT and any agents and employees performing work covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANTS or any subcontractor's operations under this Agreement, whether such operations be by CONSULTANT or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (1) Pllhlic I i::lhility In~lIr::lnt'.A. In an amount not less than $1,000,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death to anyone person and, subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 on account of anyone occurrence: (2) Prnparty D::Imaga In~lIn:!Int'.A, In an amount of not less than $1,000,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (3) Cnmprahan~iva Alltnmnhila I i::lhility. Bodily injury liability coverage of $1,000,000 for each person in anyone accident and for injuries sustained by two or more persons in anyone accident. Property damage liability of $1,000,000 for each accident. (4) Wnrkp.r~' Cnmpp.n~~tjnn In~1 J~n(".P.. In the amounts required by law as set forth in Section 2.03 above. b. np.dllctihlp.~ ~nd Sp.lf-ln~lIrp.d Rp.tp.ntinn~. Any deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to, and approved by, AGENCY. AGENCY may require that either the insurer reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects AGENCY, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents or volunteers; or CONSULTANT shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of all losses, and related investigation, claims administration and legal expenses. c. Prnnf nf In~lIr~nr.p.. CONSULTANT shall furnish AGENCY, concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required, and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give AGENCY at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of this Agreement. The certificate or policy of liability of insurance shall name AGENCY as an additional insured with CONSULTANT. 3.00 TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK Tasks set forth under scope of services shall be completed within six (6) rnonths from the effective date of this Agreement. Time extensions may be allowed for delays caused by AGENCY, other governmental agencie~, or factors not directly brought about by the negligence or lack of due care on the part of the CONSULTANT. 4.00 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION The AGENCY'S Contract Manager shall have the authority to suspend this Agreement wholly or in part, for such period, as she deems necessary due to unfavorable conditions or to the fanure on the part of the CONSULTANT to perform any provision of this Agreement. CONSULTANT will be paid the , compensation due and payable to the date of temporary suspension. I 5.00 INSPECTION CONSULTANT shall furnish AGENCY with every reasonable opportunity for AGENCY to ascertain that the services of CONSULTANT are being performed .in accordance with the requirements and intentions of this Agreement. All work done and all materials furnished, if any, shall be subject to the AGENCY'S Contract Manager's inspection and approval. The inspection of such work shall not relieve CONSULTANT of any of its obligations to fulfill its Agreement as prescribed. 6.00 OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS All original drawings, videotapes and other materials prepared by or in possession of CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall become the permanent property of the AGENCY, and shall be delivered to the AGENCY upon demand. 7.00 OBLIGATIONS OF AGENCY 7.01 COOPF:RATION: AGENCY agrees to comply with all reasonable requests of CONSULTANT necessary to the performance of CONSULTANT'S duties under this Agreement. 7.02 MATERIAL S AND REPORTS: AGENCY shall provide CONSULTANT with the following materials and reports: a. Economic planning analysis, community visioning or future studies; b. Current zoning map; c. Current electronic file of street network, if available; ----- d. Maps or plans for any major highway or roadway upgrade or construction planned in the next five years; e. Most current traffic count reports; f. List and locate on map, up to three sites or areas on Grand Avenue to be analyzed for desirability for retail or shopping center development after the completion of Phase I, one shall be in Arroyo Grande, one in Grover Beach and one shall be in the area of the City limit at Oak Park; g. List and locate on map all shopping centers or malls in the city or ET J; h. List and locate on map all major national retailers in the city or ET J; i. List of any shopping center or national retailers that have purchased property, but not opened. Indicate if project is under construction; j. Economic development marketing materials currently used by the community; k. Ownership of potential retail or shopping center locations, only if specifically requested. 7.03 AGENCY shall provide meeting room to accommodate final report session. 8.00 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 8.01 TERMINATION OF NOTICE, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, any party hereto may terminate this Agreement, at any time, without cause by giving at least thirty- (30) days prior written notice to the other parties to this Agreement. If terminated, AGENCY/shall pay CONSULTANT cost for services performed up to the date the written notice is received. I 8.02 TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATEn EVENTS. This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; , a. i b. Sale of the business of any party; c. Death of any party; d. End of the Agreement to which CONSULTANT'S services were necessary: or e. Assignment of this Agreement by CONSULTANT without the consent of AGENCY. 8.03 TERMINATION BY ANY PARTY FOR nEFAUL T OF CONSULTANT: Should any party default in the performance of this Agreement or materially breach" any of its provisions, a non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate this Agreement, immediately, by giving written notice of termination to the breaching party. 8.04 TERMINATION: This Agreement shall terminate on upon completion of services unless extended as set forth in this section. AGENCY, with the agreement of CONSULTANT, is authorized to extend the term of this Agreement beyond the termination date, as needed, under the same terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Any such extension shall be in writing and be an amendment to this Agreement. 8.05 RETURN OF MATERIALS. Upon such termination, CONSULTANT shall tum over to the AGENCY immediately any and all copies of videotapes, studies, sketches, drawings, computations, and other data, whether or not completed, prepared by CONSULTANT, and for which CONSULTANT has received reasonable compensation, or given to CONSULTANT in connection with this Agreement. Such materials shall become the permanent property of AGENCY. CONSULTANT, however, shall not be liable for AGENCY'S use of incomplete materials or for AGENCY'S use of complete documents if used for other than the project or scope of services contemplated by this Agreement. 9.00 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 9.01 INTEREST OF CONSULTANT CONSULTANT covenants that it presently has no interest. and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect. financial or otherwise, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the services hereunder. CONSULTANT further covenants that. in the performance of this Agreement, no subcontractor or person having such an interest shall be employed. CONSULTANT certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or employee of AGENCY. It is expressly agreed that, in the performance of the services hereunder, CONSULTANT shall at all times be deemed an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of AGENCY. 9.02 DISCRIMINATION No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because of the race, color, national origin, ancestry. religion or sex of such person. If CONSULTANT is found in violation of the nondiscrimination provisions of the State of California Fair Employment Practices Act or similar provisions of federal law or executive order in the performance of this Agreement, it shall thereby be found in material breach of this Agreement. Thereupon. AGENCY shall have the power to cancel or suspend this Agreement. in whole or in part. or to deduct from the amount payable to CONSULTANT the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25) for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against, as damages for said breach of contract. or both. Only a finding of the State of California Fair Employment Practices Commission or the equivalent federal agency or officer shall constitute evidence of a violation of contract under this paragraph. If CONSULTANT is found in violation of the nondiscrimination provisions of this Agreement or the applicable affirmative action guidelines pertaining to this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall be found in material breach of the Agreement. Thereupon. AGENCY shall have the power to cancel or suspend this Agreement. in whole or in part, or to deduct from the amount payable to CONSULTANT the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) for each calendar day during which CONSULTANT is found to have been in such noncompliance as damages for said breach of contract. or both. 10.00 MISCEU ANEOllS 10.01 REMEDIES: The remedies set forth in this Agreement shall not be exclusive but shall be cumulative with, and in addition to. all remedies now or hereafter allowed by law or equity. . 10.02 NO WAIVER: The waiver of any breach by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement. 10.03 ASSIGNI\I!ENT: This Agreement is specifically not assignable by CONSULTANT to any person or entity. Any assignment or attempt to assign by CONSULTANT, whether it be voluntary or involuntary, by operation of law or otherwise, is void and is a material breach of this Agreement giving rise to a right to terminate as set forth in Section 8.03. 10.04 ATTORNEY FEES; In the event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto, arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to other such relief as may be granted, to a reasonable sum as and for attorney fees. -----~-- -- 10.05 TIME FOR PERFORMANCE: Except as otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement, should the performance of any act required by this Agreement to be performed by either party be prevented or delayed by reason by any act of God, strike, lockout, labor trouble, inability to secure materials, or any other cause except financial inability not the fault of the party required to perform the act, the time for performance of the act will be extended for a period of time equivalent to the period of delay and performance of the act during the period of delay will be excused; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall exclude the prompt payment by either party as required by this Agreement or the performance of any act rendered difficult or impossible solely because of the financial condition of the party required to perform the act. 10.06 NOTICES: Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, any and all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be served on or given to any party to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly served and given when personally delivered or in lieu of such personal service when deposited in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid to the following address for each respective party: AGENCY: Steven Adams, City Manager/Executive Director City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421-0550 CONSULTANT: Amy Wetzel i Executive Director The Buxton Company 2651 South Polaris Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4479 10.07 GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement and all matters relating to this Agreement shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Califomia in force at the time any need for the interpretation of this Agreement or any decision or holding conceming this Agreement arises. 10.08 BINDING EFFECT~ This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this section shall be construed as a consent by AGENCY to any assignment of this Agreement or any interest in this Agreement. 10.09 SEVERABILlTY~ Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a court of competent I jurisdiction or by a legislative or rule making act to be either invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unimpaired by the holding, legislation or rule. , 10.10 SOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT; This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire t f agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement correctly sets forth t the obligations of the parties hereto to each other as of the date of this Agreement. All ag~eements or ~ representations respecting the subject matter of this Agreement not expressly set forth or referred to in this Agreement are null and void. 10.11 TIME: Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this Agreement. 10.12 DUE AUTHORITY: The parties hereby represent that the individuals executing this Agreement are expressly authorized to do so on and in behalf of the parties. 10.13 CONSTRUCTION: The parties agree that each has had an opportunity to have their counsel review this Agreement and that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments ,------- or exhibits thereto. The captions of the sections are for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to be construed to define or limit the provisions to which they relate. 10.14 AMFNDMENTS: Amendments to this Agreement ~h~1I hA in writing and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. Executed on , at Arroyo Grande, California. ARROYO GRANDE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Steven Adams, City Manager/Executive Director ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Agency Secretary CONSULTANT APPROVED AS TO FORM: Timothy J. Carmel, General Counsel -. 12.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: JIM DICKENS, COUNCIL MEMBER AND CHAlRPERSON~ COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SUBCOMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 2, 2004 SUBJECT: USE OF THE SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER FOR SENIORS . In the spring of 1998, the senior Advisory commission directed the Parks and Recreation Department to conduct a Senior Needs Assessment. The purpose of the assessment was to try to determine what senior programs, activities, and facilities were available in the City and what were needed. The Senior Advisory Commission was particularly interested in determining whether a senior center was warranted within the City limits, According to the needs assessment, 80% of Arroyo Grande respondents indicated that they would use an Arroyo Grande Senior Center and 70% responded that they would suppol1 a center through dues and volunteering. In addition, results of the General Plan Update Citizen's Survey indicate that a senior center ranked third for recreation facilities that residents would like in Arroyo Grande, At the City Council Meeting of March 23, 1999, per the recommendation of the Senior Advisory Commission, the City Council authorized the formation of a Community Center Subcommittee to explor~ the feasibility of a Recreation Center in the South County and expanded the scope to include consideration of a multi-generational facility, At its September 6, 2000 meeting, the Senior Advisory Commission directed staff to prepare a memorandum to the Community Recreation Center Subcommittee, recommending the Subcommittee approach the Chamber of Commerce about the possibility of renting the South County Regional Center. On November 8, 2000, a letter was sent to the Arroyo Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce, (Attached) A proposal was received from the Chamber of Commerce dated October 23, 2000, (Attach~d) The proposal from the Chamber of Commerce was rejected for the following reasons: 1) The unmet needs identified by the Subcommittee for the senior population required facility use on a daily basis.. ~- -~------ ~ (Monday -Friday); 2) The specified fees were considered unreasonable due to the nature and needs of the population being served and the apparent availability of the South County Regional Center; 3) The $1,000,000 general liability insurance required was unattainable to the "Senior Citizen Group" requesting the use. In the Spring of 2001, the formation of a 501 (c){3) called "The Five Cities Senior Activity" was organized for the purpose of establishing and operating a senior center within the Five Cities area, (attached) The founder of this local private non-profit, Earl Paulding, has remained in contact with me even though the Community Recreation Center Subcommittee no longer meets on a regular monthly basis. As a result of timing and the cOntinued lack of a facility to address the needs of our senior community, a letter was sent to 4th District Supervisor, Katcho Achadjian and 3th District Supervisor, Peg Pinard in November 2003 requesting the County reevaluate its current contract for the South County Regional Center and pursue possible alternatives which would include its use by seniors. (Attached) Also attached is the 2003 "Financial Statement South County Regional Center" from the Arroyo Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce. . I met with Supervisor Achadjian on December 22nd where he shared his support for meeting the senior's needs in his District and committed to working with county staff to evaluate the contract for the South County Regional Center. It is also my understanding that his office has contacted Earl Paulding with the Five Cities Senior Activity group and has arranged a meeting in late January, This memorandum is provided as an informational update and will be formally presented to th~ City Council at its January 13,2004 meeting under City Council Member Items. -.--....---- -- -- --_.-._~--- --~- .. - ' . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMlVIUNITY RECREATION CENTER SUBCO:M:MITTEE SUBCQMMI'ITEE TlDl Dickens - City Co~cil Betty Branch - Senior AdviSory Commission Bill Borgman - Parka and Recreation Commission Bailey London - Y outll AdvisOr Earl P~!iing - Senior Advisor Matt Gallagher - At Large Andy S~e - At Large Susie Cox - City of Grover Beach Representative Bill Co~ - City ofPismo Beach Representative Carol Harvey - Lucia Mar USD, Representative s:rAff Dan Hemandc:z - Parka, Recreation & Facilities Director Doug Perrin .:... Recreation Supervisor Novemba: 8, 2000 Heather Jensen, President/C.E,O. Arroyo Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce 800 West Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 - Dear Hea1:hei, ~ The Community Recreation Center Subcommittee appreciates the opportunity to c~mment on the October 23,2000 contract proposal to tbe Senior Support Group regarding use of the South County Regional Center. We discussed the proposal at our October 25th meeting and the , following refl~ts the general response from the subcommittee, BACKGROUND The Arroyo Grande City Council established the ,Community Recreation Center Subcommittee March 23, 1999. The subcommittee's task is to explore the feasibility of a multi-generational recreation center in the South County. The subcommittee members represent a wide range of interests 'and backgrounds. To date, the subcommittee has surveyed South County community needs, developed a suggested list of amenities, researched existing facilities and identified available land resources. We have partnered \"{i~ the Cal Poly Architecture Department to refine these outcomeS and develop a conceptual project proposal, As a result of the work completed by the subcommittee, it was determined that the South County Regional Center,:currently under lease to the Arroyo Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce, is underutilized and could potentially accommodate some of the unmet needs identified by our members. Due to the apparent daytime availability of the Regional Center, it is the opinion of our subcommittee that this public facility could ideally house senior citizen ac#vities and programming. 1bis would be a temporary solution while our subcommittee works toward recomm.endations regarding a permanent facility. ' --- - --~. -- . Heather Jensen, PresidentlC.E,O. Page 2 . - PROPOSAL RESPONSE' ~ The current use proposal does not facilitate the" senior citizen needs identified by the subcommittee, The 1JDJIlet need$ of Uris gro:up within our community would include a regular meeting place to conduct a wide variety of services, These services would include: health serYices (Alzheimer outreac~ flu shots, 1iealth screenjngs, blood driv-e,etc,); fi,nancial services (tax assistance, legal advising, estate planning,-etc,); and social activities (games, crafts, . community volunteer outreach, etc.), . The subcommittee is requesting the use or-the South County Regional Center by the seniors in our community on a regular daily basis (Monday - Friday). It is important for'seniors to have. a consistent location to conduct worksho~s and p1'C?vide drop-in accommodations, We would also request a 100% fee waiver, The subcommittee believes this request is wmanted on the basis that this Use requ~ is not from a specific organizatiol1, but from a coalition of . senior groups addressing the needs of this population within the South County, The ~enior group . is self-monitoring. It would r~quire no facility supervision' and minimal scheduling coordination. The Regional Center currently sits vacant a large percent of the daytime hours. We believe it would result in no monetary loss for the Chamber to open its doors for. senior use, .We understand and support the need to determine a priority use system, and feeltbis can be accomplished by publishing a 30-day.advanced master calendar for the Center. This allows the Chamber to collect'and retain reasonable fees sufficient to maintain a positive annual cash flow. It is our understanding the Senior Support Group, with repres~on fro~ multiple seirior organi.,.,ations, has formed to be one voice for the senior population throughout our communitY, The subcomnrlttee supports and encourages this formation and directs all negotiation in regards to potential Regional Center use, scheduling, fee waivers and irisurance to this group. Earl Paulding, spokesperson for the S~or Support Gro.UP,. c~ be reached at: EarI"Paulding 232 La Cresta Drive Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Thank you for considering this feedback and for working toward a solution which meets senior needs. . ~o~ J ickens, Subcommittee Chair City of AIroyo Grande CC: Arroyo Grande Senior Advisoxy Commission Steve Adams, Arroyo Grande City Manager Katcho Achadjian, 4da District County Supervisor Earl Paulding, Senior Support Group ~pokesperson -- ._.~._-_.- ---- ARR.OYO. GRANDE VALLEY CIIAl\tBER OF CO~RCE October 23, 2000. Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Comniission City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 . Attention: Community Center Subcommittee Attached is a proposal for your consideration. If you have questions or would like to discuss this further, please give me a call. ~~ Heather Jensen, C: City Manager Steve Adams C: Supervisor Katcho Achadjian 800 WEST BRANCH STREET . ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 805-489-1488 . FAX 805-489-2239 . e-mail agcoc@axroyograndecc.com - - .-- .. . ARRoyo GRANDE VALLEY CHAMBER. OF COl\tJMERCE October 23, 2000 ~ Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commission Attention: Community Center Subco~ttee In due consideration for the requested use of the South County Regional Center, by a coalition of Senior Citizens Groups, the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce is offering this contract arrangement: The Senior Citizen Groups would be able to use the South County Regional Center auditorium for one day a week trom 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (which weekday to be . determined) Time includes the set up, take down and clean up times. , The requirements for use would be as follows: L The special rental rate wotild be $70.00 per day, which equates to $10.00.per hour 2. . This would be on a contract renewable every six months 3. Clients would be responsible for set up and take down each day, 4. Clients would be responsible to cleaning up after each use (trash, etc) 5. No storage is available . . 6. For any additional.week day use, the rental rates of $35.00 per hour would apply or $55.00 per hour on weekends would apply Priority Bookings: . Adequate notice will be given to Senior Citizen GToup (at least one week prior) . County Government always has priority use and may require "bumping" an existing rental . Eleqtion Day always has a priority use . A full rate rental may require "bumping" ; however, this will try to be avoided whenever possible . Insurance: . The Senior Citizen GToup would provide insurance providing $1,000,000.00 general liability insurance naming the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce as additionally insured during their use. 800 WEST BRANCH STREET . ARRoyo GRANDE, CA 93420 -- '"'''~ Iln" ~ 'Inn T:'~..._.DO~ lion nOQn _ ~ .-.,.,~l Qn"'~Q"""''''''''TI'\IT~g,.,nprJ'' rnm .~ : 1-" nr:-f~~CEIVEO Date: March 7, 200 I -" I I '-'I ARROYO Gf; ql~:- -. ,/\1 ;....1.:. To: City of Arroyo Grande Community Recreation Center Subcommittee. OIHAR 12 PH 2: 30 From: Five Cities Senior Activity Subject: A Senior Center The Five Cities Senior Activity is comprised of a group of older adults, fonn~ to seek a senior center. We are in the process now of becoming a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We have submitted the proper documents to the Secretary of State to become a charitable public benefit California corporation. An application has been submitted to the IRS for a federal employers identification number. We have also submitte4 an application and bylaws to the State of California Franchise Tax Board to become tax exempt in the state. When this is approved, the request will go to the IRS for federal tax exemption. There should be a response trom the Secretary of State within the next 30 days. There are five directors of this newly fonning corporation. They are; Earl L. Paulding President John Roger Barker Vice-president Rosemary Torres Secretary Yolanda Alarcio Treasurer Margaret Haak The purpose of this organization is to seek a senior center. We want to establish and operate a senior .center at any suitable location in the Five Cities area. Of particular interest is the 5.03 acre parcel ofland on west ~~anch Street adjacent to the Arroyo Grande Community Center and Womens Club. Our first intention is to seek funds trom donations, foundations, and grants. At the same tune, we will pursue the possibility of acquiring used modular buildings, to have them moved to the site on the 5.03 acres adjacent to the Community Center and Women's Club. Halfway up the grade, and above to Eucalyptus trees, is a good site to locate the modular buildings. The upper parking lot of the Community Center and Womens Club, already in existence on city property, would be on the same approximate grade level as the site where the modular buildings for a senior center could be located. This would result in easy access from this parking lot to the modular buildings. Then, the modular buildings would be out of the way for future development ofa larger community recreation center on the level lower part of the property, when it is time to build it. We ask that this 5.03 acre lot be set aside for use as a senior center. It would be especially nice if the City of Arroyo Grande could install the necessary utility connections, and perhaps help with other requirements of setting up the modular buildings to be used as a senior center. Any such support would be most welcome, and we ask for consideration in this respect. Thank you. ~. EarIL.Pau1~ cc: Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commission -- --"- --- November 12, 2003 Katcho Achadjian County Government Center 1050 Monterey St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Dear Katcho, As you are aware, I have been working with a community subcommittee for the past several years to address m~y of the unmet recreational needs here in the South County. One of our most pressing needs and a top priority for a large portion of those involved in our subcommittee is a senior center. The need for a facility were seniors can gather on a daily basis to socialize, receive health screenings and attend workshops in areas of interest sucb as; housing, safety, estate planning and health care has been a resounding theme for years. It has come to my attention that the contract for special services between the County of San Luis Obispo and the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of maintaining and operating the South County Regional Center expires on June 30, 2004. The tinting is appropriate to reevaluate this contract and pursue possible alternatives, which include access to this public facility by our senior community, A group of seniors, called "The Five Cities Senior Activity" has formed a 501 (c )(3) for the purpose of establishing and operating a senior center. This south county organization is comprised of representatives from many senior groups such as the South County Seniors, the local AARP chapter, the RAMS, and the American Legion Post #136 in Arroyo Grande. Currently, the. South County Regional Center is vacant the majority of the time between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, It is my feeling that The South County Regional Center could be put to better use and made available to a larger segment of our community given alternative management agreements. Several options may include, 1.) Amending the current contract with The Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce to include Senior use of the Center; 2.) Contract with another organization, such as The Five Cities Senior Activity group; 3.) Contract with the City of Arroyo Grande to maintain and operate the facility. The following is a breakdown of the contracted financial terms between the County of San Luis Obispo (County) and the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce (AGCC) for your information: Rent: AGCC shall pay County an annual rent of one (1) dollar, Use: AGCC shall use the premises for the purpose of public meeting place and community building. AGCC may charge reasonable fees and retain all . fees so charged and collected. - ~ Utilities: AGCC shall pay all cost for telephone, electricity (in excess of 120,000 kilowatts per year), natural gas (in excess of 3,600 therms per year). County will pay for all costs for water, sewer, trash collection and; electricity and natural gas as stated above. Janitorial: AGCC shall provide janitorial services for the premises. Maintenance. Repairs and Alterations: County will provide for all repair costs to the premise up to Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500) in each instance. I would like to discuss these options further and would be interested in your feedback. I appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jim Dickens Wk. 474-3200 ext. 2256 Hm.481-3917 . . ! I - -..~~-'- nee 28 03 03:2Bp 5LO Boara OY ~upervlsor. au;;, 'aA .&,;oo~u ...-- - ARROYO GRANDE V ALLEY " Chamber of Commerce Positioned FINANCIAL STATEMENT SOtJI'H COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER. ; for January I, 2003 - Decembe(' 10. 2003 Progress INCO~: Rent: $31,257.50 ':.~,~ EXPENSES: Telephone S 1.020.14 Office Supplies 44S.00 . Postage 240.00 -t11 Insurance 1.023.40 -Salaries 22,993.00 payroU Taxcs 2,217.59 ~~ I WOrkmai'1 Comp 753.21 ~~. Property Taxes 551.04 Maintenance 10,403.81 / Cleaning Supplies/Other 1,175.10 S40,822.29 ..Deficient of $3,564."79 i.'i This statement contains the hard ~s for operations at the South ~ W-opat Center. . .... . . .PayroU: This line item includes payroU for the monitors that are always on duty at eacb eve~ 50 % ofthc Administrative Assistant saIuy and 23% of the C.E.O. salary. .-Deficient is subsidized by Chamber ofCommen:e program iDcome. f 800 W. Arnnch Arroyo Gande. Calitomi..93420 (80n 489.1188 (ax (80~) 489.2239 .~CIIIII -' ROUTING SLIP - _Cj'-o 'f TO: PHONE: FOR ACTIO:'ll AS INDICATED o REPLY. MY SIGNA1URE o SIGNATURE o INFORMATION o REP!.'-. COpy TO ~IE o APPROVAL o PLEASE SEE ME o PLEASE Snl\IARIZE o AC110N o NaTE a. RE'ruRN o PLEASE 1~\.EsrIGATE o COMMENTS o PLEASE PHON.E ME i i I -,,--~-----_.------ -- -~.._.- " Earl Paulding, From: "Earl Paulding" <p8uldlng3876@charter.net> To: "Jim Dickens" <jdickens@c2on.net>. Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 2: 13 PM Subject: South County Regional Center I ha". been talking to seniors and the group leaders held B meeting November 4, 2003. All the reaction I hS\le received Is negative. The seniors don't want to get involved In something as serious 8S taking over the Regional ce~t~r. They feel the r8sponsibllty and the potentlalllabllty is too much for them. I personally would go for it, but without the support of the seniors, I couldn't do it. ( Here Is the problem. The senior organizations .re losing membel$hlp, and not having any success with recruitment of nelN members. The Is true of the South County Seniors, the local AARP chapter, the RAMS, and even American Legion Post #136 In Arroyo Grende. So this hurts our efforts to expand and grOIN, and to accomplish the tasks of getting better facilities. I feel that If we had B senior center the last few years, we would be a bigger and more cohesive group. So we cannot get 8 senior center because we are shrinking, and we are shrinking because we don't have a senior center. I guess they call that B catch 22. So could we explore alternatives? For example, could the city of Arroyo Grande step in Bnd secure the lease next June,ln the name of community activities? It would "ecesslt,t. a Joint alia nee with Gro"er Beach and Pismo Beach, but they should be agreeable. Certainly, if the lease could be obtained In this manner, then I'm sure the seniors would come forth and want to share the use of the building. But taking over the entire operation and the premises just does not look feasable .to the seniors. I would be glad to help In any way to tlY to get the county to let the community-at-large have the lease. The Regional Center represents such a great opportunity for use by the peopfe, that surely the prubllc would support auch a change, Earl Paulding , , . . ~~ .-