Agenda Packet 2004-01-27 CITY COUNCIL Clt! of AGENDA Arr~o GrancLe Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Sandy Lubin Mayor Pro Tern Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Joe Costello Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 27,2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P,M, 2. ROLL CALL 3, FLAG SALUTE: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4, INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT UNDERWOOD FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6, AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. - AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 27,2004 PAGE 2 7, COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listings of cash disbursements for the period January 1, 2004 - January 15, 2004. 8.b. Consideration of Cash Flow Analvsis/ADDroval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the December 2003 cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at December 31, 2003. 8.c. Consideration of ADDroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of January 13, 2004 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of AcceDtance of the East Grand Avenue Phase III StreetscaDe and Street ImDrovement Project. PW 2003-01 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Accept the project improvements, as constructed by Papich Construction Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement Project; 2) Direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorize release of retention thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. - AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 27,2004 PAGE 3 8, CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.e. Consideration of Reiection of Claim Aaainst City - C, Waller (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Reject claim. 8.1. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Amendina Ordinance No, 355 C,S, "Royal Oaks Estates" to Increase the Maximum Allowed Density Within the Planned DeveloDment. and Amendina the Zonina MaD to Desianate the Subiect Property as Residential Rural (RR) with a Planned DeveloDment Overlay: DeveloDment Code Amendment 02-001. ADPlied for by Don McHaney. for ProDerty Located on Grace Lane (Lot 182 and Portion of Lot B of Tract 1390) (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt the Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. and the Zoning Map for property located on Grace Lane. 9, PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Resolution Modifvina the DeveloDment ImDact Fee Schedule for Low and Very Low Income Affordable Units (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution modifying development impact fees for low and very low-income affordable units. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Modification to California Public EmDloyees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) Contract (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Introduce an Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System; and 2) Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System. 11.b. Consideration of Villaae Area Pedestrian Liahtina System and "Let There Be Liahts" Proaram Status ReDort (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the proposed light fixture; 2) Accept the donations offered; and, 3) Direct staff to initiate fundraising efforts and proceed with installation of new light fixtures, poles and bases as Phase I of the proposed Village Area Pedestrian Lighting System, utilizing the design plans and specifications as submitted, once remaining funds have been secured. - AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 4 12, CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY M, FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A, RUNELS: I (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board I I (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) ! (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Youth Coalition (2) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (2) Other 13, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the Mayor and/or a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 14, CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. AGENDA SUMMARY - JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 5 16, STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT ......... All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ......... Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www,arrovoarande,ora 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR~ .. SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: JANUARY 27,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period January 1 - January 15, 2004. FUNDING: There is a $457,318.33 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - January 2,2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - January 7, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4 - January 9,2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - January 9,2004 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS 7M de 'Peri4d 05 ~ 1 7~ ~ 15. 2004 =, ' ,'.' "~"w""" ... ,". '<W" """.., w, w January 27, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period January 1 to January 15, 2004. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT ATTACHMENT AMOUNT January 2, 2004 Accounts Payable Check 113844 2 $ 1,405.27 January 7, 2004 Accounts Payable Check 113846 3 4,279.49 January 9, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 113847-113926 4 112,399.69 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 5 339,233.88 451,633.57 Two Weeks Total $ 457 ,318,33 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. 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() .... ~ 0...... ...... >0 OJ > :2 I , ATTACHHENT 5 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 12/19/03 - 01/01/04 01/09/04 FUND 010 304,835.60 Salaries Full time 116,108.84 FUND 220 14,544.86 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 20,694.13 FUND 284 909.97 Salaries Part-Time - TPT 4,300.81 FUND 612 5,348.62 Salaries OverTime 10,483.90 FUND 640 13,594.83 Salaries Standby 422.81 339,233.88 Holiday Pay 50,685.09 Sick Pay 3,108.57 Annual Leave Buyback - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 18,709.81 Comp Pay 8,772.45 Annual Leave Pay 6,552.43 PERS Retirement 37,086.57 Social Security 17,383.73 PARS Retirement 221.38 State Disability Ins. 1,124.83 Deferred Compensation 700.00 Health Insurance 35,960.37 Dental Insurance 4,247.93 Vision Insurance 967.23 Life Insurance 728.00 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 875.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance - Boot Allowance - Motor Pay 100.00 - 339,233.88 8.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K, SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF CASH FLOW ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANCES FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: JANUARY 27, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the December 2003 cash report, . Approve the interfund advance of $2,189,418 from the Water and the Water Facility Funds to cover cash deficits in other funds as of December 31,2003. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. DISCUSSION: Revenues in individual funds are earned in uneven amounts during each month of the year; however, expenses in these funds are paid out in fairly consistent amounts. These differences cause some funds to have temporary cash deficits while waiting for revenues to equal expenses. For investment purposes, the City pools cash in individual funds into one bank account. Since the City pools the cash of all funds, individual fund shortages are not readily apparent. However, in reality, funds with excess cash are "financing" the shortages in other funds until revenues equal expenses. This report is prepared to present to the City Council individual fund shortages and the funds financing those shortages. By year-end, all funds are expected to have positive cash balances. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendation and accept the annual report; - Do not approve staff recommendation and decline the annual report; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: A - Cash Balance/lnterfund Advance Report - ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE / INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT At December 31, 2003 Balance at Recommended Revised Fund Advances Balance 010 General Fund 2,528,553 2,528,553 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees 184,447 184,447 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 40,549 40,549 213 Park Development 575,505 575,505 214 Park Improvement 138,011 138,011 215 Recreation Community Center 10,398 10,398 217 Landscape Maintenance 33,843 33,843 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 91,552 91,552 221 Traffic Congestion Relief 42,971 42,971 222 Traffic Signalization 479,794 479,794 223 Traffic Circulation 464,843 464,843 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,898,387 1,898,387 225 Transportation (5,765) 5,765 0 226 Water Neutralization Impact 779,147 779,147 I 230 Construction Tax 105,095 105,095 231 Drainage Facility 26,264 26,264 I 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 937,327 937,327 241 Lopez Facility Fund 1,106,899 1, I 06,899 I 250 CDBG Fund (20,904) 20,904 0 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 52,168 52,168 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant (7,259) 7,259 0 279 00-01 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 67 67 284 Redevelopment Agency (8 J ,629) 81,629 0 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 123,082 123,082 350 Capital Projects (1,775,704) 1,775,704 0 612 Sewer Fund (15,806) 15,806 0 634 Sewer Facility 165,527 165,527 ! 640 Water Fund 2,818,731 (1,189,418) 1,629,313 I 641 Lopez (282,351 ) 282,351 0 642 Water Facility 1,301,590 (1,000,000) 301,590 751 Downtown Parking 19,990 19,990 760 Sanitation District Fund 17,800 17,800 Total City Wide Cash 11,753,122 0 11,753,122 THE ABOVE LISTING ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2003. g~~~ ~J;4~ da K. Snodgrass Director of Financial Services B.c. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS,215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2, ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin, and Mayor Ferrara were present. RDA: Board Members Runels, Dickens, Costello, Vice Chair Lubin, and Chair Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Director of Financial Services Snodgrass, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, Community Development Director Strong, Chief Building Inspector Schmidt, and Assistant Planner Bergman. 3, FLAG SALUTE Members of Camp Fire, Wi-Be-Fu-Lo-Fri-Gi, led the Flag Salute. 4,INVOCATION Pastor Richard Scharn delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6, AGENDA REVIEW 6,a, Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7, CITIZENS'INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Craie Kaiser, Arroyo Grande, urged the Council to explore alternatives for establishing a senior center in Arroyo Grande. He suggested the Council consider entering into discussions with the County of San Luis Obispo regarding the potential availability and use of the South County Regional Center for senior activities. Joe Gilpin, representing the SLO County Bicycle Coalition, thanked the City and the Council for adding bike lines on E. Grand Avenue. He suggested the City consider restriping Halcyon Road to provide similar bike lanes. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 2 Matt Horan, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns regarding the number of recent closures of Rancho Grande Park and requested that the City either post signs or better notify the neighborhood in the event of future closures. 8, CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Costello moved, and Council Member Runels seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items B.a. through B.o., with the recommended courses of action. City Attorney Carmel read the titles of the Ordinances in Items 8.k and 8.0. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Runels, Dickens, Lubin, and Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8,a, Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period December 1,2003 through December 31,2003. 8,b, Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of December 31,2003. 8,c, Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund, Action: Received and filed the November 2003 cash report and approve the interfund advance from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at November 30, 2003. 8,d, Consideration of Annual Adjustment of Impact Fees. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3729 approving the annual adjustment to the City's Impact Fees. 8,e, Consideration of In-lieu Fee for Off-Street Parking Adjustment. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3730 approving an adjustment to the in-lieu fee for off-street parking in the Parking and Business Improvement Area of the . Village. 8.1, Consideration of Report on Development Impact (AB-1600) Fees, Action: Accepted and filed the report on the receipt and use of AB-1600 fees during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 8,g, Consideration of Communications Site Lease Agreement with Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC dba Cingular Wireless, Action: Approved and authorized the Mayor to execute the Communications Site. Lease Agreement with Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC dba Cingular Wireless for use of approximately five hundred ten (510) feet of property located at Reservoir #4. 8,h, Consideration of Approval of Minutes, Action: Approved the minutes of the Special City Council Meetings and Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings of November 25, 2003 and December 9, 2003 as submitted. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 3 8.1, Consideration of Acceptance of Federal FIRE (Fire Investment and Response Enhancement) Act Grant Funding. Action: Accepted the Federal FIRE Act Grant funding in the amount of $237,867.00. 8,j, Consideration of Authorization to Purchase Replacement Canine Vehicle, Action: Authorized staff to purchase one (1) replacement Police Department canine vehicle from Mullahey Ford for $22,897.50. 8,k, Consideration of Ordinance Amending the Redevelopment Plan to Extend the Time Limit of the Redevelopment Plan by One Year. [COUNCIURDA] Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 551 amending the Redevelopment Plan to extend the term of the Plan by one year. 8.1, Consideration of Authorization to Refund Application Fees for Christmas Concert in the Gazebo, Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting. Action: Approved the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association to refund the fees for Temporary Use Permits 03-029 and 03-030. 8,m, Consideration to Award a Contract for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program to SLO Plumbing, Action: 1) Awarded a contract for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program to SLO Plumbing in the amount of $267,650; and, 2) Directed staff to issue the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed with other necessary contract documents. 8,n, Consideration of Acceptance of the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project, PW 2003-02, Action: 1) Accepted the project improvements as constructed by Lee Wilson Electric Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Soto Sports Complex Lighting Project; 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorized release of the retention of $19,292.50, thirty- five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8,0: Consideration of Development Code Amendment 03-006 - Adopt Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code for the Traffic Way and Station Way Area, Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 552 amending the Zoning Map and portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Development Code Amendment 03-006), rezoning a portion of the Highway Commercial, General Commercial and Village Mixed Use Districts to Traffic Way Mixed Use; and amending Design Guidelines and Standards for Design Overlay District D- 2.11. 9, PUBLIC HEARINGS: g,a, Consideration of Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Reservoir No, 1 Replacement Project. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 4 Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Adopt a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project; and 2) Approve tree mitigation recommendations. Director Spagnolo, Shawna Scott, representing Morro Group, and Parks Maintenance Worker Pete McClure responded to questions from Council regarding the proposed tree mitigation measures, soil conditions at the site, and the success rate for transplanting Oak trees. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council discussion ensued regarding support for the Reservoir No. 1 replacement project; the construction project timeline; the advisability and cost factors of transplanting the Oak trees; and suggested alternatives for the oak tree mitigation plan. Mayor Ferrara stated that no attempt had been made in the City to transplant an Oak tree and suggested that as an experiment, the City should consider transplanting one tree instead of three. Following further discussion, a majority of the Council agreed to modify the alternative tree mitigation plan by reducing the number of oaks to be relocated on site from 3 to 1. Council cited high cost ($22-24,OOO per tree) and limited success rates (50% or less) in transplanting Coast Live Oak trees, particularly when the relocation process is started at this time of year. Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project, as modified to reduce the number of trees to be relocated from three (3) to one (1). Council Member Costello seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Costello, Dickens, Runels, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Thete being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,b, Consideration of Preliminary Approval of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Community Development Block Grant Projects (CDBG), Assistant Planner Bergman presented the staff report and recommended the Council provide preliminary approval on the proposed funding of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 CDBG Projects. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. Herman Olave, President of Harvest Bag, expressed concerns that the funds awarded to Harvest Bag last year had not yet been received. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 5 Assistant Planner Bergman explained the Federal funding process and assured Mr. Olave that he would follow up on the issue. Michelle Lady, representing Big Brothers/Big Sisters, spoke about the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization and thanked the Council for consideration of their application. Dori Younger, representing the EOC, thanked the Council in advance for consideration of their application. Bernadette Bernardi, representing the SLO Literacy Council, thanked the Council for consideration of its application. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello moved to provide preliminary approval on the proposed funding of Fiscal Year 2003-04 CDBG projects, as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Costello, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9,c, Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No, 355 and Approving Development Code Amendment 02- 001, and a Residential Subdivision of a 29,46-Acre Site into 15 Single Family Lots, Two (2) Open Space Parcels, and a 1,28-Acre Parcel for Future Development of Four (4) Moderate-Income Units for Property Located Within the Royal Oaks Planned Development; Lot 182 and Portion of Lot B, Tract 1390; Don McHaney, Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the CoUncil: 1) Introduce an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 and the Zoning Map and approving Development Code Amendment 02-001; and 2) Adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 02-005. Project Architect Craig Smith responded to questions from Council regarding the proposed affordable housing component of the project; the proposed safety railing along the trail; access issues concerning the trail; and whether or not the size of the proposed affordable homes could be increased within the proposed building footprints. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. CraiQ Smith, project architect, spoke in favor of the project and highlighted a few changes made to the project to address the Council's previous concerns, such as the driveway/garage design and automobile maneuverability. He addressed the topography of the site as it related to the buildability of Lot C, and suggested a green CITY COUNCIUREDEVElOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 6 rail for the proposed safety rail. He referred to condition #73 of the proposed resolution and expressed concern regarding the requirement for providing a 10-foot wide bench along the open space side of the roadway. He indicated that because of physical site conditions it should be six (6) feet wide in some areas. , Associate Planner Heffernon relayed that the 10-foot requirement was pursuant to Council direction given at the previous meeting. Jim Guthrie, Arroyo Grande, spoke regarding the affordable housing component of the project and stated that there was a significant separation of land between the development of the 15 market rate units and the 4 affordable housing units and supported the project as proposed. Matt Horan, Arroyo Grande, supported the placement of a barrier between Grace Lane and the proposed development. Tyler Brown, Arroyo Grande, expressed concerns regarding increased traffic volume and noise and decreased quality of life. He also encouraged the Council to carefully review the quality and width of the proposed trail; stated that he did not see any trees on the proposed plans; and commented that pulling out onto Grace Lane is dangerous. Craia Smith, project architect, responded by stating that the site plan includes many trees and that with regard to traffic, the proposed extension of Grace Lane will reduce trip counts on Rodeo Drive. Bill Nester, project developer, expressed concern about being able to meet the 10- foot wide bench requireme'nt for the open space side due to the slope and grading work that would be required. Discussion ensued with regard to the possibility of varying the width of the trail in certain areas due to the sloping terrain. Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public hearing. Council comments and discussion ensued regarding the size of the affordable units; reducing the width of the trail where necessary; and ensuring that the fencing material is appropriate to the site. Mayor Ferrara also expressed concern with allowing horses on the trail and suggested that appropriate signage be posted to ensure pedestrian and equestrian safety. It was agreed by a majority of the Council to amend Conditions of Approval #'s 10.b. and 73 to read as follows: 10.b. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant shall demonstrate the buildability of Lot C (through soils testing and foundation engineering). If the City reasonably determines that Lot C is buildable, the applicant shall submit a parcel map application to create four (4) separate lots and, if subsequently approved, building permit applications to construct the units, and shall record a restrictive covenant on Lot C that it be developed with four (4) housing units, each a minimum of 1.700 square feet, affordable to moderate-income households. ...." CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 7 73. . 6 feet wide concrete sidewalks with concrete curb and gutter on residential side of the street and, to the Qreatest extent feasible, a ten- foot wide bench on open space side with decomposed granite surfacing. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to introduce an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. "Royal Oaks Estates" to increase the maximum allowed density within the Planned Development, and amending the Zoning Map to designate the subject property as Residential Rural (RR) with a Planned Development Overlay; Development Code Amendment 02-001, applied for by Don McHaney, for property located on Grace Lane (Lot 182 and portion of Lot B of Tract 1390). Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution, as amended (Conditions 10.b. and 73), adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, instructing the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination, and approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No.02-005, located on Grace Lane (Lot 182 & portion of Lot B of Tract 1390), applied for by Don McHaney. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin, Runels, Dickens, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. . Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 9:15 p.m. The Councit reconvened at 9:22 p.m. 10, CONTINUED BUSINESS: ' None. 11, NEW BUSINESS: 11,a, Consideration of Agreement and Appropriation to Contract for a Retail Trade Area Determination Study and Community RetaillD Program, [COUNCIURDA] City Manager/Executive Director Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors appropriate $11,000 in the CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 8 Redevelopment Agency budget and authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to enter into an agreement with The Buxton Company to prepare Phase I of a retail trade area determination study and community retaillD program. Amy Wetzel, representing The Buxton Company, gave a brief presentation and responded to questions from Council regarding the nature and type of data used, the scope of Phase I analysis, site selection issues, and time needed to produce the Phase I analysis. Chair Ferrara opened the item for public comment. Steve Ross, Arroyo Grande, asked if the study would ever be expanded to include areas outside of Grand Avenue. Executive Director Adams responded that based on the success of the study, the City may consider expanding the study area. Upon hearing no further public comments, Chair Ferrara closed the item to public comment. Following Board comments in support of Phase I of the study, Board Member Dickens moved to appropriate $11,000 in the Redevelopment Agency budget and authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to enter into an agreement with The Buxton Company to prepare Phase I of a retail trade area determination study and community retaillD program. Board Member Costello seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens, Costello, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. f 12, CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: a) Discussion of Requested Use of South County Regional Center by Local Senior Group for Senior Activities. (DICKENS) Council Member Dickens gave an overview of the activities that had taken place over the past two years in an effort to identify a facility where seniors can gather on a daily basis. He reported that it had come to his attention that the contract between the County of San Luis Obispo and the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for operation of the South County Regional Center was due to expire in June 2004. He referred to "The Five Cities Senior Activity" group, which had formed a non-profit IRC Section 501 (c)(3) entity for the purpose of establishing and operating a senior center, and that Mr. Earl Paulding was present tonight to address the Council regarding this CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 9 unmet need. Council Member Dickens stated that he had sent a letter to Supervisors Achadjian and. Pinard requesting that the contract be reevaluated to pursue possible alternatives, including access to the Regional Center by the South County's senior community. Council Member Dickens requested discussion and feedback from the Council. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment. Earl PauldinQ, Arroyo Grande, stated he had been trying for some time to find a senior center. He referred to the South County Regional Center and stated that he had observed that it is being underutilized. He spoke of the need to provide a community center for seniors, and supported all efforts to secure use of the Regional Center for this purpose. He stated that he would be meeting with Supervisor Achadjian in the next week to discuss the issue. Heather Jensen, CEO of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, gave an overview of the Chamber's arrangement with the County to maintain and operate the South County Regional Center, which is rented out to many community service organizations and to residents for social events. She indicated that it has been a successful arrangement with the County. She reported that discussions had taken place in the past in an effort to provide space for the seniors; however, the senior group had turned down an offer that had been made to use the Center at a very minimal cost. She expressed concern that this issue was before the City Council since the Regional Center is not a City building and is owned by the County. She noted that the County has already provided senior centers in Oceano and Nipomo; however, she indicated that the Chamber is willing to work cooperatively to meet this unmet need. Mayor Ferrara closed the issue to public comment. Council Member Dickens responded that the reason the issue was before the Council was because in 1999, the Council approved the formation of a Community Recreation Center Subcommittee to explore alternatives in the South County for providing a multi-use recreational facility. He gave an overview of the Committee's efforts to identify locations, which included the South County Regional Center because it is a public facility. Council Member Runels referred to the Council approved senior development project on Camino Mercado, which is to include a large senior community room open to the senior public at specified times, and inquired what the status of that project was. Council Member Costello asked questions regarding senior use of various facilities. He supported recommending to the County that they consider providing a balanced use of the Regional Center to meet the needs of the community. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 10 Mayor Pro Tem Lubin stated that he was on the Chamber Board 15 years ago when the contract between the County and the Chamber of Commerce for the Regional Center was approved. He stated that from a manpower and financial standpoint, maintaining, operating, and staffing the facility is a significant task. He referred to correspondence from Mr. Paulding dated November 7th which indicated that in his discussions with the senior groups, the senior organizations were not in favor of taking over the Regional Center due to the responsibility and potential liability. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin referred to the Oceano Senior Center, which is not fully utilized and was specifically designed for the use by South County seniors. Mayor Pro T em Lubin also commented that he had spoken with Supervisor Achadjian who clarified that he was interested in making sure the seniors have activities and facilities to meet their needs; however, he was not interested at this time in taking operation of the Regional Center away from the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin concluded by stating that the seniors are very important to our community and it is important to provide them with facilities. He stated he did not think this was the appropriate avenue to take at this time; he would not support the City taking over the operation and maintenance of the Regional Center; and encouraged additional meetings to explore the issue. Mayor Ferrara observed that he was not as concerned about providing a single venue as he was about the need for a comprehensive and vibrant senior program. He suggested that all the appropriate stakeholders in the community meet to work cooperatively to address the issue of a senior program, which might involve more than one venue on an interim basis, so that some sort of a schedule could be developed for utilization of both facilities in such a way that it would not impede other use of the Woman's Club or Regional Center. Council Member Dickens stated that the intent was to look at this public facility and to ask the County to review the South County needs as a whole. He commented that the Regional Center was a public facility under contract and the contract could be re- evaluated to meet a particular need. . Following further discussion, staff was directed to prepare a letter to Supervisor Achadjian communicating the City Council's discussion regarding use of the Regional Center for senior activities. b) Request to provide status report and discussion regarding retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings. (COSTELLO) Council Member Costello requested staff to provide a status report regarding seismic retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings located in the City. Chief Building Inspector Schmidt reported that in 1990, the City initiated an inspection program and identified 26 unreinforced masonry structures. During that year, the City held several town meetings to educate property owners of the need to reinforce CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 13, 2004 PAGE 11 these buildings. In response, property owners moved forward with an aggressive retrofit program on an entirely volunteer basis. Since then, all 26 buildings have been issued permits for their retrofit projects, and 25 of them have been completed. He stated he had been informed that the one remaining building retrofit would soon be under way. Following discussion, staff was directed to prepare a press release regarding the retrofitting of unreinforced masonry buildings completed by owners on a voluntary basis and the impact that program had in avoiding damage during the recent earthquake. 13, CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Runels requested that staff research and report back to the Council regarding potential City participation in the Nacimiento water project. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 16, COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 11 :00 p.m. Tony M, Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/ Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Meeting ) B.d. I MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER A'o SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE EAST GRAND AVENUE, PHASE III STREETSCAPE AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PW 2003-01 DATE: JANUARY 27, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: - _. A. accept the project improvements, as constructed by Papich Construction Company, in accordance with the plans and specifications for the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement Project; B. direct staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, C. authorize release of the retention thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. FUNDING: On April 22, 2003, the City Council awarded the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement to Papich Construction Company in the amount of $1,103,134.90 and authorized a contingency of $110,315.00 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. The total construction budget was $1,213,448.39 and the final adjusted contract amount was $1,111,991.53. DISCUSSION: Papich Construction Company has completed all items of work on the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications. The project scope provided for the rehabilitation of the roadway for East Grand Avenue between Elm Street and Oak Park Blvd. The work included grinding the edge of the existing pavement, installation of water main and service laterals, installation of conduits at major crossings for future underground utilities, replacement of sewer service laterals, storm drain improvements, placement of an asphalt concrete overlay, and pavement striping. Roadway enhancements included the construction of landscaped center , CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE EAST GRAND AVENUE PHASE III I STREETSCAPE AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PW 2003-01 JANUARY 27,2004 PAGE 2 medians, six mid-block concrete bulb outs and a "Welcome to Arroyo Grande" monument sign. Also, due to an adjustment in the actual asphalt tonnage and optimization of the asphalt grinding, the City was able to perform an asphalt concrete overlay on Courtland Street between East Grand Avenue and Newport Avenue. Staff is recommending the Council accept the improvements as constructed, authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion, and release the remaining portion of the 10% retention ($111,199.15), to Papich Construction Company thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens are filed. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Notice of Completion RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ATTACHMENT 1 CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.O. BOX 550 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is owner or agent of owner of the interest or estate stated below the property hereinafter describe. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is: The Citv of Arroyo Grande 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is: 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California 93420 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: in fee 5. THE FULL NAME and FULL ADDRESS of ALL PERSONS, if any, who hold such interest or estate with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. THE FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of the PREDECESSOR'S in interest of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvements herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None 7. All work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED December 8. 2003 8. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is: Pavich Construction Comvanv. 9. The street address of said property is: East Grand Avenue. from Elm Street to Oak Park Boulevard 10. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Steet Imvrovement Proiect. PW 2003-01 Verification of NON-INDIVIDUAL owner: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of peIjuryunder the laws of the State ofCalifomia that I am the Public Works Director of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property described in the above notice; that I have read the said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. Don Spagnolo, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 27,2004, Arroyo Grande, California -- END OF DOCUMENT -- 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUBJECT: REJECTION OF CLAIM AGAINST CITY - C. WALLER . ~ DATE: JANUARY 27,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council reject the attached Claim for Damages against the City filed by Chris Waller, 1155 Carpenter Canyon Road, Arroyo Grande. FUNDING: None. DISCUSSION: The City's insurance administrators have reviewed the claim of Chris Waller and recommend it be rejected. Attachments: 1. Claim 2. Status Report 3. Rejection Letter . - I NOTICE OF CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA (Government Code 9 910, 910:2) INSTRUCTIONS (Please read carefully): + Claims related to injury to person or damage to personal property must be presented to the City within six (6) months from the date of 1055. z.~-;' + Claims related to any other 1055 must be presented not later C> --I than one (1) year from the date of loss_ y w --.. + Answer all items fully and to the best of your knowledge and CJ 0 r1 -'-1..._ information. Failure to do so may result in your claim being ('"') ,-'-' ):," r q found insufficient. N :;::)0 u:> ?JT'1 + If more space is needed to provide requested information, ~ r':>- please attach additional pages identifying paragraphs(s) being C: fWM~ ~g answered. ~~ '; ':l TO: CITY CLERK ~:fJ~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ts)&~ P. O. BOX 550 (214 E. BRANCH STREET) I ).4 ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 Date and Time Filed with the City Clerk [City Use Only] 1. Claimant's Name: /31 /' / j {A.Jii/k~ Date of Birth: /:.1;; 7 h- 3 Daytime Phone: (~~ ..3~3- ~CO~ / / 2. Claimant's Mailing Addres: C,ft\J yorY '/ '.-- .., ?, 2 . f.-;) / _ a.... "y-- " ;. Street Number - Street - Apt No. - - State 3. Claimant's S S N: ~73- tb~ _3~Y;1 Home Phone: ~1 ' 71-- (/, ~ e:;, 4. Date of Loss: OC*~.:;./ r;:l? '7 (~C'" ?4" ~("'~ ---- ~ --> Time of Loss: ~-, ,. - _I p.......y , ' . . f . 7. What specific injury, pamages qr other losses C'Jid you incur?, l.cJO* fc $'("ltd' Car- /'1~'l('!f6.."../ /0.$-.1' to ;::>11-7 to- hcd'7' { / : ( - NOTICE OF CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Page 2 8. What amount of money are you seeking to recover? (Check one of the boxes below): kflhe amount claimed total~ Jess than $10,000. Enter the amount claimed here: $ ~CO. (JC . [] The amount claimed is more than $10,000 but not over $25,000; jurisdiction rests in Municipal Court. [] The amount claimed is more than $25,000; jurisdiction rests in Superior Court. 9. How was this amount calculated? (Itemize and attach bills, repair estimates, receipts, etc.; if claim is for vehicle damage, obtain and attach two (2) repair estimates): if. " ., o/!ac/{ M ----- 12. N~e. address and phone number of any witnesses who can substantiate your claim: e l4yvt~. . d) C #nC?rCf C) {,. a.- 1..r It .;." - , <:;; # 3' ~,c 'f . ~ .:s 7'rl;> (2. 7:;>~;. z,: ::;d'?t:onallnformation thai you believe might be helpful to the City in considering this claim: Or Of/u~'- ;;J&o./'/e.. /!CUd) Cot1-f~/tJ"~ed a6Q.J-f- N~(J.} Q/U'pf"rl~A.lr- I ;.-::> ffflk/rl.[ :s,OczO es _ I , II 14. All notices and communications with regard to this claim will be directed to the Claimant shown in lines 1 and 2 above unless you complete the following to identify to whom further communication should be directed: Name: Relationship: , Address: State: ZIP: Daytime Phone: (_) Home Phone: ( ) IlWe, the undersigned. dee/are under penalty of perjury that I/we have read the foregoing claim for damages and know the contents thereof; that the same is true of my/our own knowledge and belief, save and except as to those matters wherein stated on information and belief, and as to them, I/we believe to be true. eA,/oS 5-" ('u4//t'..,.-- ~/Jczdu-- ~ / /....2. ~ ~ /0..-3 Claimant Printed Name Claimant Signature Dat~ Signed' (Note: If someone files the claim on behalf of the claimant, the person making the claim on behalf of the claimant should sign above.) Claimant Printed Name Claimant Signature Date Signed WARNING: PRESENTATION FOR ALLOWANCE OR PAYMENT OF A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM, WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD, IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE AS A FELONY UNDER CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE, SECTION 72, AND INSURANCE CODE, SECTION 1871.1. - r- ---.- - - . · Pab IIk-S5 [)(olll Rt-palr 678 Mt-S<i Sands way . Ughl SnalCh Rt.'IIIO\ 711 Nipnmo. f""'" 93444 . T()tI<ill~) . St'nior l)l<;eOI un .-r frY . (1111 Cf'nifirnlcs . t."~JiI(' Oc:'liIiI (.y (805) 710-1634- CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. DEPARTMENT I DATE '77'/- So , N~V /$~ : NAME ~&/.>' W,4'u.. ADDRESS {T 19 Jf P.E A/n=:.e' //5- ~O CITY, STATE. ZIP ..4A'; SOLD BY I PAID OUT .J~y QUAN. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I NU,$",#A/' ~r/~ ! 2 i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 17 I I 18 I I~ I SALES/ORDER FORM .. " ~~. R!=""EIVr.-O r'''''' I \~\J. L.,t ...1 i) OF' ARROYO G(:i\N~xt Report Due: February 9,2004 04 JMl 2 I PH 12: SO January IS, 2004 City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Attention: Steven Adams, City Manager RE: My Principal City of Arroyo Grande DOl 10/29/03 Claimant Chris Waller My File No. S142790 Dear Mr. Adams: PREVIEW: The claimant alleges parking spaces too narrow and caused him to hit parked vehicle. REPLY REOUEST GOVERNMENT CODE REOUIREMENTS Action By Public Entity: I recommend that the City forward a standard rejection letter to the following claimant: Chris Waller 1155 Carpenter Canyon Rd. , . Arroyo Grande CA 93420 , . Please forward a copy of this rejection letter to this office for our file. Statute Of Limitations: The statute of limitations will expire six months ITom the rejection CARL WARREN & CO. An Employee-Owned Company CLAIMS MANAGEMENT. CLAIMS ADJUSTERS P.O. Box 1052 · San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1052 Phone: (805) 544-7963 . Fax: (805) 544-1068 . City of Arroyo Grande Steven Adams January 15, 2004 Page Two (S 142790) CITY REPORT The area was inspected, measured and photographed. It was noted that there were three parking spaces with different widths. One was 90" wide, the one adjacent to it was 102" and the one adjacent to that was 78". It is not clear which parking space the claimant tried to maneuver into. The City informed this office the claimant had passed away. LIABILITY The City is not responsible for this loss. The claimant struck a stationary object. The claimant had a duty to proceed in a safe manner. He should have been able to judge the distances and found another parking space. The claim should be rejected. COMMENT: I am placing my file on diary for February 9,2004 awaiting receipt of the requested rejection letter. Very truly yours, Carl Warren & Company Keith Swanson, LPCS, CCLA cc Carl Warren & Co. Attention: Dwight Kunz , . - 9!it:f df' P.O. Box SSO ~8J... " " . ..."~ 214 East Branch Street . ... ..." '.. . ""' :... . '. . " '.' "Arroyo Grand~ CA 93421' '. cADMINlSTRATIVESERVICES . Phone: (805)47~5414 " . FAX: (80S) 473-0386 " . E-Man: agclty@arroyogrand~ora ; , . January.28,2004 Estate of Qhris.Waller At:tn: Personal. Representative. . f155 Carpenter CahyonRoad . . . Arroyo GrandeCA93420 . .i.. . .' . . ," -. -:, . ,'~. ," . REJECTION OF CLAIM PRESENTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS Notice is hereby given t~at the claim presented. by Chris Waller to the City of Arroyo Grande on December 29; '2003, was rejected by' the City Council on Janu~ry 27, 2004.~ " WARNING - Subject to certain exceptions, you have" only six (6) months from the date this notice.was personally delivered or depo~ited in the United States mail to file a Court Action ina Municipal or a ,Superior Courtof the State of California on this, claim (See Government Code Section 945.6).. . -," " .' - -, -. . . .. You may seek the advice of an'attorneyof your choice in. connection with this matter. If you desire to consult an attorney, y~ushoul~ dose> immediately.. , , ~.", . Kelly Wetmore, . ." . Director of Administrative Se'rvices c: City Manager City Attorney Di'rector of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Carl Warren&Co. - "- 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM:~ ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 355 C.S, "ROYAL OAKS EST A TES" TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY WITHIN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO DESIGNATE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RESIDENTIAL RURAL (RR) WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02-001, APPLIED FOR BY DON McHANEY, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON GRACE LANE (LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390) DATE: JANUARY 27, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. and the Zoning Map for property located on Grace Lane. FUNDING: There are no direct City costs related to the subject rezoning. DISCUSSION: The City Council, at its meeting of January 13, 2004, introduced for first reading an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. to increase the maximum allowed density within the Royal Oaks Planned Development, and amending a portion of the Zoning Map to designate the subject property as Residential Rural (RR) with a Planned Development overlay. The project includes fifteen (15) residential lots ranging in size from 0.41 to 1.14 acres, two (2) open space lots totaling 16.42 acres, and the probable development of four (4) moderate-income family residences on a 1.28-acre site located adjacent to the open space parcel. It is recommended the City Council adopt the Ordinance. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached Ordinance; - Modify the Ordinance as appropriate and reintroduce; - Do not adopt the Ordinance and provide direction to staff. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 355 C,S, "ROYAL OAKS ESTATES" TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY WITHIN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO DESIGNATE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RESIDENTIAL RURAL (RR) WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02-Q01,APPLlED FOR BY DON McHANEY, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON GRACE LANE (LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390) WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande Zoning Map indicates that the subject 29.46-acre property is located within the Royal Oaks Planned Development (PD 1.3) and designated as "Estate Homes" in Ordinance No. 355 C.S., an Appendix to the Development Code; I and , r , I WHEREAS, the applicant, Don McHaney, has filed an application for Development Code 1 Amendment 02-001 to amend Ordinance No. 355 C.S., changing the zoning designation for the subject property to Residential Rural with a Planned Development overlay (RR- PD) allowing one dwelling unit per acre; and WHEREAS, adoption of the proposed zoning designation would establish land use, development and design standards for the subject property; and WHEREAS. the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed Development Code Amendment 02-001 at a duly noticed public hearing on October 7, 2003, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Development Code Amendment 02-001 at duly noticed public hearings on October 28, 2003 and January 13, 2004, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings, staff reports, and all other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. Based on the information contained in the staff report and accompanying materials, the proposed Development Code Amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan and is necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 2 B. The proposed Development Code Amendment will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. The proposed Low Density development is consistent with the surrounding development within the Royal Oaks and Rancho Grande Planned Developments and will not impact public services beyond what the General Plan anticipates for this area. C. The proposed Development Code Amendment is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Development Code. Low density residential development within the project area would be required to meet development and design standards under the RR zoning designation that insures orderly development. D. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed Development Code Amendment were considered as part of the 2001 General Plan Program EIR, and are less than significant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts Development Code Amendment 02-001 amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. and a portion of the Zoning Map as follows: SECTION 1" The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2" Sections 2(3), 2(5), 5(8), and Exhibit "A" map of Ordinance No. 355 C.S. are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16.24.020 (Zoning Map) is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4" If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 5' Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 6' A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative ,- ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of January 2004. f ,.,..... ORDINANCE NO, PAGE 4 TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ArrEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER I I I APPROVED AS TO FORM: , I , , EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ROYAL OAKS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD 1,3) 1. Section 2. entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 3, is hereby amended to read as follows: This Planned Development amendment approves a maximum allowed density of 249 dwelling units. Any change or amendment of the uses authorized herein shall constitute a rezoning and shall require an amendment of this ordinance. The final tract map shall contain the following restrictions: Approved Residential Density Lots Dwelling Units Drainage and Park A 0 Patio Homes 11-100 & 157 100 Single Family Homes 1-11. 11 0-156. 131 158-181 , 183 & 185-233 Estate Homes B & 184 2 Custom Homes 182 15 Agriculture C 1 235 249 2. Section 2, entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 5. is hereby amended to read as follows: Land uses shall be consistent with the approved development plan and the , standards of RR, single-family residential districts for all lots, except 11-109, 157, 182 and Lot 8 and Lots A, 8 and C. Lots 11-109 and 157 shall be allowed site and lot width, coverage and yard variations pursuant to Section 16.32.050 of the Municipal Code, Lot A shall be a drainage and park- recreation site. Lot C is intended as an individual single-family estate lot, restricted to one single-family dwelling and residential related, accessory or agricultural uses allowed in the R-A zone. Residential Agricultural (R-A) uses permitted are: A. Single -family dwellings, one per building site; B. Ugh t farming, except commercial dairies, commercial rabbit, fox, goat, or hog farms, or commercial chicken or poultry ranches; - C. Livestock limited to two (2) animals only when combined with a 8.3 District. A like number of animals may be permitted for additional acreage. Pens or fencing used for the housing of such animals shall be located not less than 150 feet from the boundary of the Residential Agricultural (F-A) District; D. Crop and tree farming; E. One noncommercial guest house; except where there is an existing second residential dwelling unit; F. Mobile homes subject to the provisions of Municipal Code Section 16.48.100. 3. Section 2, entitled "Development Provisions," Subsection 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8. The planned development shall be constructed in two phases. Phase I. The initial and first phase of planned development shall be called Phase I. Phase I development shall permit the concurrent development of all public and private improvements identified on-site and within the area defined as Phase I upon the approved tentative tract map, plus all off-site improvements, excepting "Eu Street. Phase I improvements shall include the construction of all patio and other homes contained within the Phase I tentative tract map area, but shall exclude construction of building upon Lots 8, C, 182 and 184. Grading, drainage and non-building improvements may take place upon Lots 8, C, 182 and 184 according to approved City plans during Phase I. No building permits shall be issued for Phase I development until after City acceptance of all water system improvements and until the developer provides the City Council with a construction schedule which Council, in its . sole judgment, determines shall provide for the total completion and City acceptance of any on and off-site improvements required in Phase I. Prior to commencing Phase I development, the developer shall provide the Public Works Director with a five-year construction bond guarantee sufficient to cover off-site "E" Street public improvements to be constructed in Phase II. Developer is permitted to grade in the Phase II area during Phase I according to the grading plan approved by the Public Works Director and only for purposes of transporting excess fill from the Phase Ii area to the Phase I area. - Phase II. The second and final phase of the planned development shall be completed after Phase I. Phase II development shall permit the concurrent development of all public and private improvements identified on-site and within the area defined as Phase ii upon the approved tentative map, plus off-site "E" Street. Phase II improvements shall include the construction of all homes contained within the Phase II tentative tract map area. No building permits shall be issued for Phase II development until the developer provides the City Council with a construction schedule which Council, in its sole judgment, determines shall provide for the total completion and City acceptance of all on-and off-site public improvements prior to, or concurrent with, the completion of any residential housing proposed upon said schedule. In no event shall the City issue occupancy permits for residential buildings prior to City acceptance of all public on- and off-site improvements required in Phase II. 4. Exhibit "A" (map) of Ordinance 355 C.S. is hereby amended to read as follows: Notes: ZONING 1. Lot A zoned PD Drainage and Park 2. Lot C zoned PD Agriculture 3. Lots 1-10,110-156,158-181,183 and 185-233 zoned PO Single Family Homes 4. Lots 11-109 and 157 zoned PO Patio Homes 5. Lots 182 and B zoned PD Single Family Homes and Conservation Open Space. Lots 182 and B to be developed as a cluster subdivision in order to retain slopes, drainage, vegetation, and to provide opportunities for open space and recreational facilities. 6. Lot 184 zoned PO Single Family Estate Homes and may include an institutional use , ,,..... EXHIBIT B S '00 g,> Q) J q ~ 0 f ~ ~ I ~ -- g '" '2 "0 1! ~ N 0 f ~ 0 CJJ ~ 0 0 _ :J 51 _0 . :J TI ~ co (I) ~ - 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to consider the following item: MODIFICATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE APPLICANT: City of Arroyo Grande PROPOSAL: The Council will consider adoption of a proposed Resolution modifying the development impact fee schedule for existing development impact fees which are imposed as a condition of approval upon all development projects in the City to provide a separate rate for low and very low income housing units. The impact fees are established for the following public facilities: fire protection, police facilities, community center, park improvement, water facilities, traffic signalization, and transportation fees. REPRESENTATIVE: City Manager Any person affected or concerned by the proposal may submit written comments to the Office of the City Manager before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the City Manager's Office at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5404 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The proposal will be available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Date and Time of Hearing: TUESDAY, JANUARY 27,2004 AT 7:00 P.M. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 93420 inistrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 2 times, Friday, January 16, 2004 and Friday, January 23, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER fit' SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION MODIFYING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES FOR LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME AFFORDABLE UNITS DATE: JANUARY 27,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt the attached resolution modifying development impact fees for low and very low-income affordable units. FUNDING: There are no direct expenses associated with this item. It is difficult to accurately project what the impact of these changes will be on revenues. If the total number of low and very low-income units set forth in the Regional Housing Needs Plan (RHNP) were constructed and if the units were assumed to be all multi-family, this would result in a decrease in fees of nearly $1.5 million for these units over the five-year period remaining in the plan. However, the 310 very low and 223 low-income unit figures are extremely optimistic. It is also assumed that a large portion of units in these categories will be achieved through density bonuses, which means that the overall fees paid by the project for the remaining market rate units would remain the same. Therefore, the net impact in revenues would be substantially less. DISCUSSION: The City's Housing Element Update was approved by the City Council on November 25, 2003. Policy 8.3-1 of the Housing Element states that "the City shall modify its development impact fee schedule to charge no impact fees, excluding water and sewer fees, for very low-income housing units, and 75 percent lower fees for low- income housing units." Attached is a resolution that modifies the development impact fees for Fire Protection, Police Facilities, Traffic Signalization, Transportation Facilities, Community Center and Park Improvement to implement this policy. If approved, the new fees will go into effect in 60 days. The objectives of the changes are to provide financial incentives for the construction of affordable housing, to make construction of affordable housing units more feasible for developers, to more accurately reflect the impact of higher density housing on the City's infrastructure, and to make the fee structure better reflect the community's overall policy goals. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION MODIFYING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES FOR LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME AFFORDABLE UNITS JAN UARY 27, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution modifying development impact fees for low and very low-income affordable units; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the resolution; - Do not adopt the resolution; - Provide direction to staff. S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports\1.27.04 Affordable Housing Development Impact Fee Changes. doc RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MODIFYING THE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.36.040 of the Municipal Code, the amount of development impact fees shall be established by resolution adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby intends to modify the development impact fee schedule in order to implement Policy 8.3-1 ofthe City's 2003 Housing Element regarding fees for low and very low-income affordable housing units and to implement fees that reflect the community's policy goals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fees and fee schedule set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days after its adoption, per Government Code Section 66017. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2004. , - RESOLUTION NO, TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: f TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES REVISED 1/27/04 Fire Protection Development Fee per Acres Fee Type Units Acre Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 2.500 $ 3,432.21 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 1.000 $ 1,372.88 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 1.000 $ 1,372.88 . Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 343.22 1.000 $ 343.22 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.000 $ - Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 0.090 $ 123.56 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 343.22 0.090 $ 30.89 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.090 $ - Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 1,372.88 0.120 $ 164.75 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 343.22 0.120 $ 41.19 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.120 $ - Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.091 $ 120.77 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.091 $ 120.77 Hotel/Motel Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.050 $ 68.64 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.077 $ 102.19 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 1,372.88 0.067 $ 88.57 Police Facilities Development Fee per Calls Fee Type Units Call Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.250 $ 28.65 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.250 $ 28.65 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.750 $ 85.94 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 28.65 0.750 $ 21.48 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.750 $ - Residential- Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 1.320 $ 151 .25 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 28.65 1.320 $ 37.81 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.320 $ - Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 114.58 0.750 $ 85.94 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 28.65 0.750 $ 21.48 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.750 $ - Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 3.909 $ 447.92 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 2.273 $ 260.42 Hotel/Motel Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 1.195 $ 136.93 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 0.095 $ 10.93 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 114.58 0.045 $ 5.19 - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES REVISED 1/27/04 Traffic Signalization Development Fee per PeakTrips Fee Type Units Trip Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.200 $ 605.82 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.200 $ 605.82 Residential - Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 1.000 $ 504.85 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 126.21 1.000 $ 126.21 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.000 $ - Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 0.700 $ 353.39 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 126.21 0.700 $ 88.35 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.700 $ - Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 504.85 0.500 $ 252.42 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 126.21 0.500 $ 63.11 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.500 $ - Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 7.000 $ 3,533.93 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 4.000 $ 2,019.39 Hotel/Motel Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 1.800 $ 908.72 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 2.800 $ 1,413.57 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 504.85 0.800 $ 403.88 Transportation Facilities Development Fee per PeakTrips Fee Type Units Trip Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.200 $ 1,653.62 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.200 $ 1,653.62 Residential - Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 1.000 $ 1,378.02 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 344.50 1.000 $ 344.50 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.000 $ - Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 0.700 $ 964.61 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 344.50 0.700 $ 241.15 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.700 $ - Residential M9bile Home Dwelling Unit $ 1,378.02 0.500 $ 689.01 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 344.50 0.500 $ 172.25 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 0.500 $ - Commercial - General Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 7.000 $ 9,646.13 Commercial - Service Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 4.000 $ 5,512.07 Hotel/Motel Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 1.800 $ 2,480.43 Professional Office Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 2.800 $ 3,858.45 Industrial Thousand Square Feet $ 1,378.02 0.800 $ 1,102.41 - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES REVISED 1/21/04 i i I Community Center Development Fee per Persons Fee Type Units Capita Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.700 $ 101.59 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.700 $ 101.59 Residential- Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.700 $ 101.59 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 9.41 2.700 $ 25.40 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 2.700 $ - Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 2.000 $ 75.25 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 9.41 2.000 $ 18.81 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 2.000 $ - Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 37.63 1.500 $ 56.44 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 9.41 1.500 $ 14.11 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.500 $ - Park Improvement Development Fee per Persons Fee Type Units Capita Per Unit Per Unit Residential - Estate Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.700 $ 1,753.18 Residential Rural Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.700 $ 1,753.18 Residential - Single-Family Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.700 $ 1,753.18 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 162.33 2.700 $ 438.30 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 2.700 $ - Residential - Multi-Family Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 2.000 $ 1,298.65 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 162.33 2.000 $ 324.66 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 2.000 $ - Residential Mobile Home Dwelling Unit $ 649.33 1.500 $ 973.99 Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ 162.33 1.500 $ 243.50 Very Low-Income Dwelling Unit $ - 1.500 $ - . Water Facilities Meter Size Fee 5/8 inch - 3/4 inch $ 713.83 1 inch $ 1,189.71 1 1/2 inch $ 2,379.40 2 inch $ 3,807.05 3 inch $ 7,138.21 4 inch $ 11,897.03 6 inch $ 23,805.38 8 inch $ 47,610.80 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF MODIFICATION TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) CONTRACT DATE: JANUARY 27,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Introduce for first reading the attached Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System, . Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City the attached Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System. FUNDING: There is no current fiscal impact expected from the proposed modifications. DISCUSSION: The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide retirement benefits to employees. The retiree benefits are based on the number of years of service, the employee earnings, and the benefit provisions of the contract. To meet the varying needs of the contracting agencies, CalPERS offers a wide variety of benefit provisions. To provide the future benefits, each agency contributes a percentage of its employees' salaries. The percentage contribution is based on benefits provided, future cost to provide the benefits, and the amount of assets accumulated to pay those benefits. Contracts with greater benefits require larger accumulated assets to pay for future benefits. CalPERS invests agency's contributions in an effort to increase accumulated assets. Annually, CalPERS evaluates the agency's accumulated assets and the actuarial projections of the cost to provide future retiree benefits. This evaluation results in the setting of the employee contribution rate for the coming year. An agency that has not accumulated sufficient assets will have a higher contribution rate than an agency with sufficient assets. In July 2000 the retirement contracts for police personnel and miscellaneous employees were modified to include the Single Highest Year provision. This provision changed the CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF MODIFICATION TO PERS CONTRACT JANUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 2 method of calculating an employee's retirement from a highest three-year earnings average to the single highest year of earnings. However, this change did not apply to the three budgeted full-time fire employees, as these employees are not a part of the police or miscellaneous groups. During last year's City negotiations with the Arroyo Grande Career Firefighters, the single highest year provision was discussed, the cost calculated, and ultimately a clause was included in the final Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) whereby the single highest year compensation calculation will be effective on July 1, 2004. At the time of negotiations, the cost of the provision for FY 2004-05 was estimated to be $16,500. CalPERS recently provided the employer contribution rate for FY 2004-05 and a current actuarial cost of the single highest year provision. CalPERS calculated the new provision would increase City costs by 2.237% of firefighter wages. This calculates into approximately $10,500 annually. However, the FY 2004-05 budget was drafted using estimated employer rates of 27.01 %; the CalPERS stipulated rate after the provision will be 26.023%; which will result in a small saving of approximately $6,000. Therefore, all costs can be accommodated within the adopted FY 2003-04 budget. Though there is no current cost for the contract modifications, it must be noted that this change increases costs for future years. The employer portion of the CalPERS contribution will increase by 2.237% for the near future, and 1.397% for the long-term future. The .84% difference between near future and long-term future rates is the result of three years of investment losses by CalPERS that affected accumulated assets. The first step in the process is to introduce for first reading an ordinance to modify the contract and adoption of a resolution of intention to amend the current contract. The attached Resolution is supplied by PERS, and must be adopted as prepared by the PERS agency. The Ordinance in the City's format has been developed to meet the City's requirements from a sample format supplied by CaIPERS. It is important for the City to provide its employees with benefits that are competitive with other agencies and with the private sector and are consistent with benefits offered to other employee groups within the City. Modifying the CalPERS contract provisions for fire employees meets the provisions of the adopted MOU and provides equity with other full time employee groups. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations by introducing an Ordinance and adopting the Resolution of Intention to amend the CalPERS contract; - CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF MODI FICA TION TO PERS CONTRACT JANUARY 24, 2004 PAGE 3 - Do not approve staff recommendations, which would require staff to re- negotiate the approved MOU with the AGCF; - Provide direction to staff. Exhibits: - Amendment to Contract - Contract Amendment Cost Analysis ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California ("City") is duly authorized and existing under the laws of said State; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has contracted with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to provide retirement benefits to the employees; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande wishes to adopt the provisions of Section 20042 (One-Year Final Compensation) for safety fire members only. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: Section 1: That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit", and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. Section 2: The Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said City. Section 3: Within fifteen (15) days after passage of this Ordinance, it shall be published, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this day of 2004. - ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 TONY M, FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J, CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY I I I RESOLUTION OF INTENTION I TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT I BETWEEN THE t BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agemcies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to amend this contract is the adoption by the governing body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution I shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: , I To provide Section 20042 (One-Year Final Compensation) I for local fire members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the above agency does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between said public agency and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. By: Presiding Officer Title Date adopted and approved (Amendment) CON-302 (Rev. 4/96) I A I , ! I ! f CalPERS , EXHIBIT California Public Employees' Retirement System I . AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council City of Arroyo Grande . The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract effective July 10, 1964, and witnessed June 16, 1964, and as amended effective September 16, 1966, May 24, 1973, July 4, 1980, June 24, 1988, February 12, 1999, October 15, 1999, September 28, 2000 and January 4, 2002 which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 13 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective January 4, 2002, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 13 inclusive: 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 55 for local miscellaneous members; age 50 for local fire members and age 55 for local police members. t\V'T C'I ;'1 ~ ~ PLEASE DO I ~U I vI 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement I ! System from and after July 10, 1964 making its employees as hereinafter I provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a I contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions t thereof, apply only on the election of a contracting agency. I 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become I members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as i are excluded by law or this agreement: i I i a. Local Fire Fighters (herein referred to as local safety members); i , ! ! b. Local Police Officers (herein referred to as local safety members); c. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as I local miscellaneous members). I i 4. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: a, EMPLOYEES COMPENSATED ON AN HOURLY BASIS; AND b. ELECTED OFFICIALS. 5. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 55 Modified and Full). 6. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local fire member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21362 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 50 Modified). 7. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local police member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21363.1 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (3% at age 55 Modified). I ., ,..!\ ('r DO V\1nT CiCri': . ; ,<,.II ':< p! ,- i,e 11\'0 ui\..,\;.~ r L-Lr\v . I 8. Public Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following optional I ! provisions: a. Section 21222.1 (One-Time 5% Increase - 1970). Legislation repealed said Section effective January 1, 1980. b. Section 20965 (Credit for Unused Sick Leave). c. Section 21024 (Military Service Credit as Public Service), Statutes of 1976. d. Section 21027 (Military Service Creditfor Retired Persons). e. Section 20042 (One-Year Final Compensation). 9. Public Agency, in accordance with Government Code Section 20790, ceased to be an "employer" for purposes of Section 20834 effective on July 4, 1980. Accumulated contributions of Public Agency shall be fixed and determined as provided in Government Code Section 20834, and accumulated contributions thereafter shall be held by the Board as provided in Government Code Section 20834. 10. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System the contributions determined by actuarial valuations of prior and future service liability with respect to local miscellaneous members and local safety members of said Retirement System. 11. Public Agency shall also contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. b. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. , . 13. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within fifteen days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances. Adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments between the employee and the Board. B. This amendment shall be effective on the day of , BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION "" CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SY~M CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~' ,'~ ~~v , BY ,~<; ~ BY ~,'; KENNETH W. MARZION, C= v PRESIDING OFFICER . . <':~, · ACTUARIAL & EMPLOY~' NICES DIVISION __.~,>\" PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' ~ '.$ EMENT SYSTEM ,~,Ci. ~~ r~ (<:-<, c \. ,.(. 'v -< .. / .,.', Witness Date ~~\ '.. ('.' <,'.. . / \,' Attest: " c" ",' Clerk AMENDMENT ER# 0545 PERS-CON-702A (Rev. 8\02) CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 SAFETY FIRE PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: Section 20042, One Year Final Compensation Present Value of Projected Benefits The table below shows the change in the total present value of benefits for the proposed plan amendment. The present value of benefits represents the total dollars needed today to fund all future benefits for current members ofthe plan, i.e. without regard to future employees. The difference between this amount and current plan assets must be paid by future employee and employer contributions. As such, the change in the present value of benefits due to the plan amendment represents the "cost" of the plan amendment. However, for plans with excess assets some or all ofthis "cost" may already be covered by current excess assets. As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment Total Assets at Market Value (MY A) $ 615,788 $ 615,788 Actuarial Value of Assets (A V A) 677,367 677,367 AVA/MYA 110.0% 110.0% Present Value of Projected Benefits (PVB) $ 1,157,401 $ 1, 196,863 Actuarial Value of Assets (A V A) 677,367 677,367 Present Value of Future Employer and Employee Contributions (PVB - A V A) $ 480,034 $ 519,496 Change to PVB 39,462 Accrued Liability It is not required, nor necessarily desirable, to have accumulated assets sufficient to cover the total present value of benefits until every member has left employment. Instead, the actuarial funding process calculates a regular contribution schedule of employee contributions and employer contributions (called normal costs) which are designed to accumulate with interest to equal the total present value of benefits by the time every member has left employment. As of each June 30, the actuary calculates the "desirable" level of plan assets as of that point in time by subtracting the present value of scheduled future employee contributions and future employer normal costs from the total present value of benefits. The resulting "desirable" level of assets is called the accrued liability. A plan with assets exactly equal to the plan's accrued liability is simply "on schedule" in funding that plan, and only future employee contributions and future employer normal costs are needed. A plan with assets below the accrued liability is "behind schedule", or is said to have an unfunded liability, and must . temporarily increase contributions to get back on schedule. A plan with assets in excess of the plan's accrued liability is "ahead of schedule", or is said to have excess assets, and can temporarily reduce future contributions. A plan with assets(A V A) in excess ofthe total present value of benefits is called super- funded, and neither future employer nor employee contributions are required. Of course, events such as plan amendments and investment or demographic gains or losses can change a plan's condition from year to year. For example, a plan amendment could cause a plan to move all the way from being super-funded to being in an unfunded position. November 13,2003 Page 1 of6 2:01 PM CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA TION BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 SAFETY FIRE PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: Section 20042, One Year Final Compensation The changes in your plan's accrued liability, unfunded accrued liability, and the funded ratio as of June 30, 2002 due to the plan amendment are shown in the table below. As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment I Entry Age Normal Accrued Liability (AL) $ 721,239 $ 741,782 Actuarial Value of Assets (A V A) 677,367 677,367 Unfunded Liability/(Excess Assets) (UAL = AL - A V A) $ 43,872 $ 64,415 Funded Ratio (A V A/ AL) 93.9% 91.3% Change to AL 20,543 Total Employer Contribution Rate While the tables above give the changes in the accrued liability and funded status of the plan due to the amendment, there remains the question of what will happen to the employer contribution rate because of the change in plan provisions. CalPERS policy is to implement rate changes due to plan amendments immediately on the effective date of the change in plan benefits. This change is displayed as the "Change to Total Employer Rate" on the following page. If the contract amendment effective date is on or before June 30,2004, the change in the employer contribution rate should be added to the employer's current rate. In general, the policy also provides that the change in unfunded liability due to the plan amendment will be separately amortized over a period of20 years from the effective date of the amendment and all other components of the plan's unfunded liability/excess assets will continue to be amortized separately. However, your actuary may choose to apply different rules to plans with a current emplQyer contribution rate of zero. The pre-amendment excess assets in these plans were sufficient to cover the employer's normal cost for one or more years into the future. A plan amendment will use up some or all of the pre- amendment excess assets. In order to maintain our goal of providing rates that are relatively stable, while taking into account known or expected future events, your actuary may decide to spread any remaining excess assets over a single number of years. This is known as a "fresh start" and will generally be for a period not less than 15 years, and in no case less than 5 years. You may call your actuary to discuss further aitemative financing options. If the amendment uses up all excess assets and creates an unfunded liability (i.e. from being ahead of schedule to behind schedule), the total post-amendment unfunded liability may be amortized over 20 years. In no case may the annual contribution with regard to a positive unfunded liability be less than the amount which would be required to amortize that unfunded liability, as a level percent of pay, over 30 years. , The table on the following page shows the change in your plan's employer contribution rate due to the plan amendment for fiscal 2004-2005. November 13,2003 Page 2 of6 2:01 PM CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 SAFETY FIRE PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: Section 20042, One Year Final Compensation As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment 2004-2005 Employer Rate Payment for Normal Cost 22.636% 24.033% Payment on Amortization Bases 1.150% 1. 990% Payment for 1959 Survivor Benefit Program 0.000% 0.000% Total Employer Rate 23.786% 26.023% Change to Normal Cost 1.397% Change to Total Employer Rate 2.237% Current Amortization Base J 30-year Amendment Amortization Base _ Fresh Start 2 N/A _ Multiple Base 3 20-year 2004-2005 Employee Rate Total Employee Rate 8.777% 8.777% Change to Total Employee Rate 0.000% 2005-2006 Estimated Employer Rate 4 (recognizing 4% 25.0% 27.3% investment return for 2002-2003) Projection Amortization Base Mulitple Base Multiple Base 1 - Details of the current amortization base are shown on page 10 of June 30, 2002 annual valuation report. If you have adopted any other subsequent amendments, the current amortization base is the schedule after these adopted amendments. 2 - If a fixed number of years is shown, it means that the current unfunded actuarial liability is projected and amortized over this fixed number of years. This amortization replaces the amortization schedule shown in your June 30, 2002 annual valuation and any other subsequent amendments you have adopted. 3 - If20-year is shown, it means that the change in liability due to plan amendments is amortized separately over a 20-year period. This amortization schedule is in addition to the amortization schedule shown in the June 30, 2002 annual valuation and any other subsequent amendments you have adopted. 4 - Excludes 1959 Survivor Benefit Program rate. In the above table, the information shown in the 2004-2005 box represents the actual initial contribution rate that will apply during fiscal 2004-2005 if you adopt the amendment. However, these figures do not incorporate the 4% investment return in 2002-2003. The estimated employer rates shown in the 2005- 2006 box will give you a good estimate of what to expect in 2005-2006 Note that the change in normal cost in the table above may be much more indicative ofthe long term change in the employer contribution rate due to the plan amendment. The plan's payment on amortization bases shown in the table above is a temporary adjustment to the employer contribution to . "get the plan back on schedule". This temporary adjustment to the employer rate varies in duration from plan to plan. For example, a plan with initial excess assets being amortized over a short period of time will typically experience a large rate increase when excess assets are fully amortized. While a plan amendment for such a plan may produce little or no increase in the employer contribution rate now, the change in normal cost due to the plan amendment will become fully reflected in the employer contribution rate as soon as initial excess assets are fully amortized. November 13, 2003 Page 3 of6 2:01 PM CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 SAFETY FIRE PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: Section 20042, One Year Final Compensation Disclosure If your agency is requesting cost information for two or more benefit changes, the cost of adopting more than one of these changes may not be obtained by adding the individual costs. Instead, a separate valuation must be done to provide a cost analysis for the combination of benefit changes. If the proposed plan amendment applies to only some of the employees in the plan, the rate change due to the plan amendment still applies to the entire plan, and is still based on the total plan payroll. Any mandated benefit improvements not included in the June 30,2002 annual valuation have not been incorporated into this cost analysis. Please note that the cost analysis provided in this document may not be relied upon once the CalPERS actuarial staff have completed the next annual valuation, that is, the annual valuation as of June 30, 2003. If you have not taken action to amend your contract, and we have already completed the June 30, 2003 annual valuation report, you must contact our office for an updated cost analysis, based on the new annual valuation. Descriptions ofthe actuarial methodologies, actuarial assumptions, and plan benefit provisions may be found in the appendices of the June 30, 2002 annual report. Please note that the results shown here are subject to change if any of the data or plan provisions change from what was used in this study. Certification This actuarial valuation for the proposed plan amendment is based on the participant, benefits, and asset data used in the June 30,2002 annual valuation, with the benefits modified if necessary to reflect what is currently provided under your contract with CaIPERS, and further modified to reflect the proposed plan amendment. The valuation has been performed in accordance with standards of practice prescribed by the Actuarial Standards Board, and the assumptions and methods are internally consistent and reasonable for this plan, as prescribed by the CalPERS Board of Administration according to provisions set forth in the California Public Employees' Retirement Law. ~~~ Enrolled Actuary Senior Pension Actuary, CalPERS Fin Process Ids: Annual-143877 Base-159913 Proposal-159914 November 13,2003 Page 4 of6 2:01 PM ii.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM~OB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VILLAGE AREA PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING SYSTEM AND "LET THERE BE LIGHTS" PROGRAM STATUS REPORT DATE: JANUARY 27, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve the proposed light fixture; 2. Accept the donations offered; and 3. Direct staff to initiate fundraising efforts and proceed with installation of new light fixtures, poles and bases as Phase I of the proposed Village Area Pedestrian Lighting System, utilizing the design plans and specifications as outlined herein, once remaining funds needed have been secured. FUNDING: The concept of the "Let There Be Lights" program started last year with limited City contribution of design and fixture selection, coordination with PG&E, and construction of underground portions of The Creek Promenade electrical system. The key to future implementation of the phased improvement program is dependent on private donations of approximately $1,500 per existing pole and $2,000 per new pole for cost of new fixture, decorative base and pole, installation, and wiring. Each pole and base would provide for a small brass plaque to acknowledge the donor and/or commemorate an organization or individual. The recent event that made the year-old concept program an immediate reality is the generous proposed donation by two Village business owners and a local service club: . Eddie and Dorothy EI-Helou, owners of Broadway Jewelers and Buttons and Bows stores have offered $10,000 to initiate the campaign and accomplish new lights along the Creek Promenade. . Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis Club, the Thursday morning service club, has offered $1,500 to place a new pole, fixture and base at the entry to Kiwanis Park also on the Creek Promenade. With these donations, future contributions, and the balance of Creekside Path, Phase III project funds, the City will have sufficient funds to pay for the phase I fixture order of six poles, 12 bases and 12 light fixtures. There is approximately $6,600 remaining from the Creekside Path, Phase III project funding. Approximately $21,000 will be needed to complete Phase I of the lighting system. Therefore, an additional estimated $3,000 (2 contributors) is needed to proceed. CITY COUNCIL VILLAGE AREA PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING SYSTEM AND "LET THERE BE LIGHTS" PROGRAM STATUS REPORT JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 2 Regarding operation and maintenance costs, the City currently pays a flat rate of approximately $13.50 per month to PG&E for each 100-watt lamp within their system serving streets, and other public outdoor places using their distribution system and equipment. This includes the costs of owning, maintaining and operating the lighting system including estimated energy use per month (based on rate schedule LS-1). After the City acquires the PG&E poles and interconnecting circuits, PG&E will supply energy services only, and assuming the same size and type of lamps as currently used. the City would pay $5.36 per month, for each light. The $8.13 per month per light reduction in rate would offset the City's potential maintenance and replacement cost of the fixture, pole, base or lamp components (based on rate schedule LS-2). It is estimated that the City will save approximately $100.00 per month for each phase of 12 lights it converts. There is no local experience with City owned street lighting systems to enable an estimate of potential maintenance and replacement costs. PG&E has generously agreed to allow the City to take over existing poles without charging for their replacement cost or expense of removal and new system installation. (See letter from PG&E, Attachment 5.) DISCUSSION: During 2003, in cooperation with the Village Improvement Association and Times Press Recorder, the City conducted an informal public preference poll regarding three sample pedestrian light fixtures for replacement of the generic PG&E lanterns in the Village. The poll indicated a 60% preference for the rounder fixture located in front of the Building Department at the corner of Short and East Branch Streets (See Attachment 6 - Number 2). The fixture in front of City Hall (Number 1) received 25%, the one near the Council Chambers (Number 3) was 13%, and 2% suggested no new lamps to save money. Staff obtained a lighting analysis for the existing pole placement along Branch Street and the proposed spacing along the Creek Promenade. Negotiations were then initiated with PG&E to allow use of the existing systems. Cost estimates were obtained from three suppliers for similar fixtures, poles, and decorative bases that would enable phased installation and retrofit of the existing pedestrian lighting system within the Village core downtown and along the new Creek Promenade. The recommended fixture was identified, which is similar in shape to the preferred fixture, but also includes desirable features of the second place fixture and is less expensive. It also has the best quality and easiest maintenance combination that met the design criteria. Additionally, an optional decorative base to retrofit new and existing poles to provide a historic design character is recommended. These proposed selections have been presented to, and were unanimously supported, by the Village Improvement Association. The Creekside Path Phase III project along Olohan Alley included installation of service meters, electrical conduit and wiring for six proposed new poles and fixtures, as well as installation of receptacles for special event power. Additionally, there are six existing PG&E lanterns and poles near Short Street around the gazebo that should be concurrently CITY COUNCIL VILLAGE AREA PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING SYSTEM AND "LET THERE BE LIGHTS" PROGRAM STATUS REPORT JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 3 converted with new lights and bases, subject to approval between the City and PG&E regarding retrofit. A second phase of system conversion would involve E. Branch Street from Bridge and Nevada Streets to Mason Street, which includes ten (10) existing and two proposed new poles. A third phase of system conversion would involve West Branch Street from Bridge Street to Traffic Way, which includes 11 existing and one new pole. A future phase will propose conversion of seven existing poles east of Mason Street and four existing and four new poles on the south side of Arroyo Grande Creek in the Village Green. New private projects in the Village area, such as East Village Plaza and Loomis Creekside Center, shall also specify the City approved lighting fixture, pole and base for new installations. An aerial photo of the proposed phasing and pole locations is attached. PG&E has favorably responded to the City request to convert the system and retrofit the existing poles with new fixtures and bases to avoid disruption and major expense of reinstallation of new poles and wiring. Some disconnect boxes may be required and the cost of this detail is not yet resolved, but the price of the new poles, fixtures and bases is estimated in the attached cost and design drawings provided by Lumec and Prudential Lighting. (See Attachments 1 - 4 ). A sample of the recommended fixture and base will be displayed at the City Council meeting. Please note that each phase assumes bulk purchase of 12 fixtures and bases for more economical unit prices and efficient shipping and installation. The recommended action provides for selection and purchase of the recommended fixtures, poles and bases, and authorizes call for bids on the first phase, including installation of six new poles and retrofit of six existing poles. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Accept the donations offered and initiate additional fund raising and acquisition of six poles, 12 fixtures and 12 bases for phase 1 installation, per plans and specifications recommended; - Modify plans and specifications for lighting system and defer acceptance of donations until reconsideration; - Provide other direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Aerial with proposed pole locations and phasing. 2. Specifications and price list. 3. Design drawing. 4. Photo of recommended fixture and base. 5. Letter from PG&E. 6. Preference survey of sample fixtures ?'";:" , ,.". /' j'..~ ,/"" .. ...; .,; .- "'''' (' "....' ~. \ ,::; ~ .. ~J .., . Rob Strong - FIXT SPREAD SHEET FINAL.xls PagE! 1 ' ATTACHMENT 2 ':"''''-~ ~f;~::'-r,~~ ',- ,,,...... 1"$:' Th~ OJ~ll [J u ~ ",,:' "':;~~ 'I (,is hI' ins ",,, ,,,;,;, - /,~:;;'/;' Products ",,, ,n LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXTURE TOTAL ITEM TYPE QTY CATALOG# ANUFACTUREI DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE 1 BASE 12 340 LUMEC DECORATIVE BASE COVER $275.56 $3 306.67 2 POLE 12 I\PR4F-14-BKTX LUMEC 14' STRAIGHT AL POLE WI BASE COVER $346.67 $4160.00 3 C 12 50HPS-L50-ACDR-FC-SE3-QT A/120-SFZS3-FN1-PH7/120-BKTX-LMS33835A LUMEC L50 WI CAGE $766.33 $9 196.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 5 $0.00 $0.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 $16,662.67 MAY-05-2003 11:14 AM PRUDENTIAL NORTHHY 805 . ..-.... A TT ACHMENT 3 L U m lIE c: 1'0. b..... 0,. 80Iwtn Tel: ~4aG~&>>-70.0 8oIobr1and (Ck). CCIIIOdG,. 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" - .- ,"; ...' t ,,\ ,,- ,'" ..- , ATTACHMENT 5 m Pacific Gas and .. & Electric Company --_._---~--_..._-- . i.<JS Padras Division 4325 South Higuera Street ;:2:1 Luis Obispo, CA 93401 January 14, 2004 RECEIVED JAN 2 0 7004 Rob Strong CITY OF AMKOYO GRANDE City of Arroyo Grande COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Rob: I am writing in response to the City's request to acquire PG&E's streetlight system located in the Arroyo Grande Village and Creek Promenade area. The specific lights, locations, and phasing plan are outlined in your letter and plan dated December 23,2003. In an effort to save resources for both the City and PG&E, we are willing to deed the existing streetlight standards to the City at no cost. The construction details required to complete this transfer will follow in a subsequent letter and agreement. As part of this transfer of ownership, the streetlight rate schedule will change from LS I D to LS2A. Attached for your review is a copy of the LS2 rate schedule. Please note that the City will be responsible for all labor costs required to remove or re-arrange facilities associated with the transfer. If you have any questions please call me at (805) 546-5236. Sincerely, Bob Burke Senior New Business Representative - -t-- ..~.'_,. I'~ ... <~~. .S'~'8. gj &.S-'<<1 i,(J;~~o~, -:2.?' _.- -- -. - - ~ C/) ...-. ..Q.<.C ~ .", S g' . <<:'C),..-f"':;'<':;x3:: ~'(/)gj' :u-~~: ~:_ E ~ 0' ,~ "~'~ '(1 O. - O' ..... . ...:;: 8 ~. ::::j ~ N 0 ~ cI:t bO . ::s .u - :, .'-' . ... .. -.. .u' S - '<to .~ ~ Q) (/) ~ ".ct i~Sb.S ii!.B! .~]~ ~~H ~~J!.lj~~h ATTACHMENT6 ~ I . . .- a.. - CD (/) ~ - (/) &1 0 (/) ~ 'S .g Q) bJ .- '._ . '. - .. , . ,1;;,.... ro A.. 0 ....... Cf} ..... ~ .+ I .h'O '.-..0. '..,0.:> -<:C ~ ~~ ] ~ ~ ~'. .~a-'~:o ~ Q)', ~ ~ ~[ I. , Z . - -' . . ..... I s u . P. S (/) ~ 'C ~ S !:;j ~ ~ ~ .1:: ,. ~ ~ OO~ 0 ~.5'~ < '(/).$ S u3' 1-<' Q) B'~ ~ .~ ;g ~ ~ 6D . 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