O 484 C.S. ORDINANCE NO. 484 c. s. A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF --J ARROYO GRANDE REPEAUNG THE EXISTING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "SIGN h. REGULATIONS. IN ITS ENTIRETY: ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION; ADOPTING A NEW TITLE 9 ;]. CHAPTER 13; ADOPTING REVISIONS TO TITLE 9, . CHAPTERS 3, 10 AND 18; AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION WHEREAS, the City Council has considered amending Title 9, Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the amendments. being considered for' Chapter 13 require amendments to Chapters 3, 10, and 18; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has found that it is necessary and desirable to regulate sign standards and construction to promote the general welfare' an~.'public interest of. t~e community; .and . WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce; Village Improvement Association, Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board, and Architectural Advisory Committee have been consulted about the proposed amendments and pertinent comments are incorporated in the amendments; and ~ . . WHEREAS. a duly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on the proposed amendments on February 4, 1997, at which time all inter~sted persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings and in the proposed documents and staff ~eports; and WHEREAS, based on the above information, the Planning Commission rec.ommended approval of the amendments to the City Council; and . WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on the proposed amendments on February 25, 1997, at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and J WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and . · public testimony presented at the public hearings-and in the proposed "documents and ;' staff reports; and ", WHEREAS, a negative declaration has been preparad on' the proposed Tl.". amendments pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA iJ Guidelines, and the City's Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds,. after due study, deliberation, and public hearing that the following circumstances exist: Ordinance No. 484 c. s. Page 2 1. The proposed. revisions to Title 9 are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies,' and programs of the General Plan, and are necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. 2. The proposed revisions to Title 9 will not adversely' affect the public health, safety or welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. 3. The .proposed revisions to Title 9 'are consistent with the intent of Title 9 (or the portion of Title 9 they are amending. 4. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed revisions to Title 9 are insignificant. Department of Fish and Game Required Findings of Exemption 1. The City of Arroyo Grande has prepared an initial study pursuant to Section 1 5063 of the Gl,Iidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act for the proposed revisions to Chapters 3, 10, 13 and 18 of Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 2. Based on the initial study, a negative declaration was prepared for review by the public and the Planning Commission, and review and approval by the City I Council. .. 3. After holding a public hearing pursuant to State and ~ity Codes, and considering the. record as a whole, the City Council adopts the negative declaration and finds that there is no substantial evidence of any significant. adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively on wildlife resources as defined by section 711.2 of the Rsh and Game Code or 'on the habitat upon . . which the wildlife depends as a result of development of this project. -. NOW # THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a negative declaration; instructs the City Clerk to file a 'Notice of Determination; repeals th'e existing Title 9, Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, entitled "Sign Regulations;" ~nd adopts a new Title 9, Chapter 13; and adopts revisions to Title 9, Chapters 3, 10 and 18. Said new Title 9, Chapter 13 and revisions to Title 9, Chapters 3, 10, and 18 are attached hereto as Attachment n An and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member Lady , seconded by Council Member Tolley,.- and by the following roll call vote, to wit: . . A YES: Council Members Lady, Tolley, Fuller,' Runels, ani Mayor I:k>ugall NOES: None -- ABSENT: None . "," . _____~ on Ordinance No. 4-84 C. S . Page 3 ._~\ I .._~ the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this1lthdayof March , 1997. J ATTEST: --il - a.~ NANC~VIS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~ktrL.H~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: -- I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Ordinance No.484 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted' at a regular meeting of the Arroyo Grande City Council on the 11th day of March, 1997. ~~' WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14th 11:: day of March , '997. . . Uti 11 ~ :iU a. ..J . . NAN~AVIS, CITY CLERK CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Section 9-03.140 Administrative Sign Permit A. Purpose and Intent An Administrative Sign Permit is intended to allow planning review of signs for projects consisting of a single permitted use having a total aggregate sign area not exceeding one hundred (1 CO) square feet, and having sign heights of eight (8) feet. or less, as set forth in Chapter 9-13 of this TrtJe. . B. Authority The Community Development Director is authorized to approve Adn:ainistrative Sign Permits subject to the appeal provisions of Section 9-02.150 of this TrtJe. Depending on the location and/or type of sign, the Architectural Advisory Committee, or a representative thereof may be asked to review the permit and provide a recommendation to ~e Community Development Director. A public hearing. is not required. c. Submittal and Review Requirements 1. Administrative Sign Permit applications shall contain the following: a. Completed planning application form and required fee and attachments . (see also Section 9-O2.030). . b. Five (5) copies of a plot plan, drawn to a standard engineer's scale (approval necessary for use of scale smaller than 1 :30, Le., 1 :40 or 1 :50) II and with a north arrow, showing: (1 ) Location, exterior boundaries and dimensions of the entire property that .is the subject of the application. - (2) Public 'and/or private . adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and easements. (3) Site access, circulation and off-street parking facilities. (4) Existing and proposed. buildings and structures. -. (5) Wall, fences, exterior nghting structures and planted areas. c. FIVe (5) copies of a sign plan showing: (1 ) Dimensions and areas of all signs. - (2) Dimensions and areas of building walls on which signs are to be located: (3) Heights of all signs. . (4) Means of lighting, if any. (5) . Message that will appear on each sign. -- (6) Description. of materials and colors for letters and background. . --------. ~l (7) Scaled drawing of each sign showing typeface and design details. (8) Relationship of sign appearance and design to existing or .'-..... proposed buildings. ] (9) Method of attachment to any structure and details of all t: :~ connections, supporting members, guylines and footings.' (10) Statement of sign valuation. d. A statistics table showing: . (1) A cajculation of the total allowable and proposed square footage of signs. . (2) . A calculation of the total number of signs allowed and proposed. (3) Square footage. of proposed signs listed by sign type. (4) Square footage of existing signs listed by sign type. Signs to remain and to be removed must be clearly indicated. . e. Other information that the Community Development Director may reasonably require to secure compliance with the Chapter 9-13 of this Title and all applicable design guidelines. ~ 2. After receipt of a completed application, the Community Development Director shall approve an Administrative Sign Permit when the proposed sign satisfies all applicable provisions of this TrtJe. 3. If the Community Development Director approves the Administrative Sign Permit, the Building Department shall be notified. A building permit and payment of applicable fees may be required. 4. If the Community Development Director determines the sign to be unacceptable, the Director shall inform the applicant of identifiable issues and suggest. alternatives to resolve such issues. The applicant shall then be directed to return -- with revisions and/or work with staff to resolve issues. If issues can not be resolved, the Community Development Director shall deny the Administrative Sign Permit D. Required Findings U An Administrative Sign Permit may be approved if the following findings are made: 1. The proposed sign is consistent with the goals, objectives, poncies and programs of the Arroyo Grande General Plan and any applicable design guidelines. 2. The proposed sign cpnforms to applicable development standards and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety 'Or welfare. D .~. : ., 3.' The physical location or placement of the sign is compatible with the surrounding :/. neighborhood and does not pose a safety risk. ... ___n_._ Section 9-03.145 Administrative Sign Program A. Purpose and Intent To ensure compatibirrty and consistency within a development, an Administrative Sign Program shall be required for: . 1. All multi-tenant developments of two (2) to eight (8) separate, permitted uses, that share either the same lot or building and/or use common access and parking facilities; 2. Projects or developments with a total aggregate sign area exceeding 1 00 square feet but less than 150 square feet; 3. Ground signs between eight (8) and twenty (20) feet high; and 4. Minor tenant signs in older centers (regardless of the number of tenants) without an established sign program. B. Authority The Community Development Director' is authorized to approve. Administrative Sign Programs subject to the appeal provisions of Section 9-02.150. The Architectural Advisory Committee shall provide recommendations to the Community Development Director regarding Administrative Sign Program requests. A public hearing is not required. C. Submittal and Review Procedures ..- 1. Administrative Sign Program applications shall contain the following: a. Completed planning application form and required fee and attachments - (see also Section g.()2.030). b. FIVe (5) copies of a plot plan, drawn to standard engineer's scale (approval necessary for use of scale smaller than 1 :30, Le., 1:40 or 1 :50) and with a north arrow, showing: -' (1) Location, exterior boundaries and dimensions of the entire property that is the subject of the application. (2) Public and/or private adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and easements. (3) Site access, circulation and off-street parking faci1ities. (4) Existing and proposed buildings and structures. (5) Walt, fences, exterior lighting structures and planted areas. c. FIVe (5) copies of a sign plan. showing: .,.. (1) Dimensions and areas of all signs. (2) Dimensions and areas of buDding walls on which signs are to be - located. -~"..._"_._._- J (3) Heights of all signs. (4) Means of lighting, if any. (5) Message that Will appear on each sign. ] (6) Description of materials and colors for letters and background: (7) Scaled drawing of each sign showing typeface and design details. (8) Relationship of sign appearance and design to existing or proposed buildings. . (9) Method of attachment to any structure and details of all connections, supporting members, guylines and footings. (10) Statement of sign valuation. d. A statistics table may be required, showing: . . (1) A calculation of the total allowable and proposed square footage of signs. (2) A calculation of the total number of signs allowed and proposed. ~ (3) Square footage of proposed signs listed by sign type. (4) Square footage of existing signs listed by sign. type. Signs to remain and to be removed must be clearly indicated. . e. Other information that the Community Development Director may reasonably require to secure compliance with the Chapter 9-13 of this Title. 2. After receipt of a completed appfication, the Community Development Director shall. schedule an Administrative Sign Program for review by the Architectural Advisory Committee. 3. Upon recommendation by the Architectural Advisory Committee and when the -- proposed sign satisfies all applicable provisions of this Title the Community Development Director may approve an Administrative Sign Program provided the findings are met 4. If the Community Development Director approves the Administra~ve Sign Program, . the Building Department shall be notified. A building permit and payment of ~ applicable fees may be required. :fr. 5. It the Community Development. Director determines the sign(s) to be unacceptable, the Director shall inform the applicant of identifiable issues and ~i suggest alternatives to resolve such issues. The applicant shall then be directed to return with revisions and/or work with staff to resolve issues. It issues can not. be resolved, the Community Development Director shall deny the Administrative ~ Sign Program. r. l' t" 3; ~-"--_._"._"'-'-'~-~ D. Required Findings The Community Development Director may approve an Administrative Sign Program only if all of the following findings of fact can be made' in an affirmative manner: 1. . The proposed sign is consistent with the goals, objectives,. policies and programs of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, Specific Plan and any applicable design guidelines or approvals. - 2. The proposed sign conforms to app6cable development standards and provisions of this Title and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. 3. The physical location or. placement of the sign is. compatible with the stJrrounding neighborhood ~d does not pose. a safety risk. . . Section 9-03.150 Planned Sign Program A. Purpose and Intent To ensure compatibility and consistency within a development a Planned Sign Program shall be required for: 1. All multi-tenant development of nine (9) or more separate permitted uses that share either the same lot or building and use common access and parking facilities; . 'f",. .' 2. Projects or developments with a total aggr~gate sign area exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet; 3. Ground signs between twenty (20) and fifty (50)'feet high; and 4. For those uses set forth in Chapter 9-13 of this Title. B. Authority -- The Planning Commission is authorized to approve Planned Sign Programs subject to the appeal provisions of Section 9-02.150. The Planning Community Development Director, Architectural Advisory Committee, and Staff Advisory Committee shall provide recommendations t~ the Planning Commission regarding Planned Sign Program requests. A public hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-02.160 of this Title shall be required. c. Submittal and Review Procedures 1. Planned Sign Program applications shall contain the following: a. Completed planning application fOm1 and required fee and attachments ..' (see also Section 9-02.030). . b. Ten (10) copies of a plot plan, drawn to standard engineer'A; scale (approval necessary for use of scale smaJlerthan 1 :30, i.e., 1 :40 or 1 :50) and with a north arrow, showing: , --- J (1) Location, exterior boundaries an~ dimensions of the entire property I that is the subject of the application. ...1 (2) Public and/or private adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and easements. 'l . . (3) Site' access, circulation and off-street parking facilities. . _0 (4) Existing and proposed buildings and. structures. (5) . Wall, fences, exterior lighting structures and planted areas. c. . Ten' (10) copies of a sign plan showing: (1) . Dimensions and areas of all signs. (2) Dimensions and areas of building walls on which signs are to be . located. (3) Heights of all signs. (4) Means of lighting, if any. -, (5) Message that will appear on each sign. ~ (6) Description of materials and colors for letterS and background. (7) Scaled drawing of each sign showing typeface and design details. (8) Relationship of sign appearance and design to existing or proposed buildings. (9) Method of' attachment to any structure and details of all connections, supporting members, guylines and footings. -. (10) Statement of sign valuation. d. A statistics table showing: J (1) A calculation of the total allowable and proposed square 'footage of signs. (2) A calculation of the total number of signs allowed and proposed. i' . (3) Square footage of proposed siQ~ listed by sign type. ~ (4) Square footage of existing signs listed by sign type. Signs to . ..~ .! . > . i. ; remain and to b~ removed must be clearly indicated. e. Other information that the Community Development Director may reasonably require to secure compliance with the Chapter 9-13 of this Title. . . 2. A Planned Sign Program application shall be processed and reviewed for approval in the same manner as a Conditional Use Permit (Section 9-03.050) 3. Following a review of the application and public hearing pursuant to Section 9-02. 160 of this Title, the Planning Commission shall adopt a resolution stating their de~ision and containing the findings of fact upon which such decision is based. D. Required Findings The Planning Commission may approve a Planned Sign Program. only if all of the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner: 1. -The proposed sign is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the Arroyo Grande General ~Ian, Specific Plan, and any applicable design guidelines or approvals. 2. The proposed sign conforms to applicable development standards and provisions of this Title and will not be detri~ental to the public health, safety or welfare. 3. The physical location or placement of the sign is compatible with.the surrounding neighborhood and d~es not pose a safety risk. . Section 9-03.155 Mural Permit A. Purpose and Intent To ensure a mural enhances the architecture or aesthetics of a building or wall and to ensure a mural does not detract from the character of the district within. which it is located and. to ensure a mural is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, a mural permit shall be required for all murals. A mural permit is in addition to signs. a-. Authority The Community Development Director is authorized to approve Mural Permits subject to the appeal provisions of Section 9-02.150. The Architectural Advisory Co~mittee shall provide recommendations to the Community Development Director regarding Mural Permits requests. A p~blic hearing is not required. C. Submittal and Review Procedures . 1. Mural Permit applications shall contain the following: a. Completed planning application form qnd required fee and. attachments (see also Section ~2.030). . ~.--,._.. ] b. Five (5) copies of. a plot plan, drawn to standard engineer's scale (approval necessary for use of scale smaller than 1 :30, Le., 1 :40 or 1 :50) -.-' and with a north arrow, showing: .J' (1) Location, exterior boundaries and dimensions of the entire property . .. that is the subject of the application. (2) Public and/or private adjacent streets, rights-of-way, and easements. (3) Site access, circulation and off-street parking facilities. (4) Existing and proposed buildings and structures. (5) Wall, fences, exterior Dghting structures and planted areas. c. FIVe (5) copies of a mural plan showing: (1) Dimensions and area Qn square feet) of the mural. (2) Dimensions and areas of building walls on which the mural is to be located. J . (3) Height of !he mural above !he average ground surface. ~ (4) Means of fighting, if any. (5) Description of materials and colors. (6) Scaled drawing of the mural showing design details. d. One (1) colored rendering depicting the mural on the side of the building or wall, at a scale sufficient to clearly show all elements of the proposed design. e. Color photographs of the. subject wall or building and surrounding sites. 1. Other information that the Community Development Director may reasonably require to secure compliance with this Title. ~'....: .. 2. After receipt of a completed application, the Community Development Director .. shall schedule a Mural Permit application for review by the Architectural Advisory i; . Committee. r: : 3. Upon recommendation by the Architectural Advisory Committee and when the U ..... proposed' mural satisfies all applicable provisions of this Title the Community ~J; : Development Director shall approve a Mural Permit. '. 4. If the Community Development Director approves the Mural Permit, the Building Department shall be notified. A building permit anc;f payment of applicable fees may be required. 5. If the. Community Development Director determines the proposed mural to be unacceptable, the Director shall inform the applicant of iQentifiable issues and suggest atternatives to resolve such issues. The applicant shall thEm be directed to return with revisions and/or work with staff to resolve issues. If issues can riot be resolved, the Community Development Director shall deny the Mural Permit application. D. . Required Findings. . The Community Development Director may approve a Mural Permit only if all of the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner. 1. The proposed mural is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, Specific Plan, and any applicable . design guidelines or approvals. 2- The proposed mural will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. 3. . The proposed mural, including the physical location or' placement, size, and design, is consistent with the character of the district and the neighborhood within . which it is located. .4. The proposed mural, including the physical location or placement, size, and design, is consistent with the character of the building or wall upon which it is placed and will complement the architecture or aesthetics of the building or wall. 5. The proposed mural does not contain any advertising material (murals containing advertising materials may be reviewed as signs subject to the provisions of Chapter 9-13 of this Title). .. - . . . -- . Section 9-10.1 00B.3.C Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Lots .'-. c. Signs . Signs existing prior to February 13, 1987 that do not comply with the provisions herein shall be regarded as nonconforming signs and the following provisions apply. '"" (1 ) I Historical Signs. Upon written request by a sign owner, the City Council may I j determine, that a sign is historical based on the following findings: i ! a. The sign is more than 40 years old or represents an important period in the City's history. b. The design of the sign is unique because its shape, colors, materials, or other aspects of sign design are indicative of the historical period within which it was constructed; or c. The design of the sign is unique because it is integrated into the design of an historical building and removal of the sign would jeopardize the historical integrity of the building. Billboards may not be considered for historical sign classification. Hist9rical signs may be maintained, reconstructed, modified or expanded consistent with the historical nature of the sign through the Administrative Sign Permit process. New signs proposed on the property shall comply with this Title and shall be ---, complementary to the historical sign. I ~ (2) Signs not qualifying for historical status shall be permitted to remain until such time as: a. There is a change in the use of the property on which the sign is located and discretionary approval for the change of use is required; b. There are alterations or enlargements to the site or building on the property in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the existing site or building. The amount of alterations shall be cumulative over time; or c. Expansion, movement or modification of the sign. A change of copy or normal maintenance and repair does not constitute grounds for modification of a nonconforming sign. J (3) Any business with a nonconforming sign shall not be entitled to any additional signs unless the nonconforming sign is made to comply with the provisions of this Chapter. This subdivision shall not apply if the existir:tg nonconforming sign is located within the same commercial 'complex but at a different business location, or if the existing nonconforming sign is not owned or controlled by the sign permit applicant, or if the applicant is not the agent of the business that owns or controls ] the existing nonconforming sign. Chapter 9-13 SIGN REGULATIONS. Sections: Section 9-13.010 Purpose and Intent Section 9-13.020 Administration Section 9-13.030 General Provisions Section 9-13.040 Permitted Signs Section 9-13.050 Exempt Signs Section 9-13.060 Prohibited Signs Section 9-13.070 Revisions . Section 9-13.080 Abandoned Signs Section 9-13.090 Signs Required to be Removed . Section 9-13.100 Construction Specifications and Safety . . i j J ! Chapter 9-13 j j SIGN REGULATIONS ] Section 9-13.010 Purpose and Intent ' . ~' Signs have an obvious impact on the character, quality of life and economic health of the City. ~ a prominent aspect of the scenery, they either attract or repel the viewing public, and may affect the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Their' suitability and appropriateness helps define the character of a neighborhood and the larger community. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate signs in a manner that will benefit the public and maintain a high quality of ,development throughout the City. The regulations contained herein are intended to~ 1. Direct persons to various activities and enterprises, in order to provide for the maxi,:"um public co~venience; '. 2. . Provide a. reasonable system of regulations for signs in order to ensure the , development .of a high quality visual environment; . . 3. encOurage signs that are well designed and pleasing in appearance, recognizing that a well designed sign enhances a business's image and economic vitality; 4. Provide incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationships, and spacing ~ of signs; 5. Encourage a desirable urban character that has a minimu~ of overhead clutter; 6. Enhance the economic value of the community and each area thereof through the regulation of such things as size, number, location design and illumination of signs; 7. Encourage'signs that are compatible with adjacent land uses and that provide pedestrian-scale atmosphere; . . 8. Reduce possible traffic and safety hazards through good signage; _. . 9. Ensure the maintenance of signs; and 10. Implement the community design goals, objectives, policies, and programs of the General Plan, Design Guidelines for Historic Districts, and other applicable City guidelines and ordinances. This Chapter establishes the legal framework' for a comprehensive system for the J regulation of signs. It presents a set of reasonable, non-arbitrary, and non-cfiscriminatory standards and controls, that are designed to optimize communication between the citizens and their environment, to facilitate the protection not only of the public, but the aesthetic character : . .of the City, and to ensure the availability to the community of adequate, high quality signs. ,; Administration - Section 9-13.020 . . g Unless eXpressly exempted in this Chapter,. no sign may be erected, displayed, reconstructed, or altered until a permit is approved as set forth in. Sections 9-03.140, 9-03.145, 9-03.150, or 9-03.155 of this Title and a building permit has been issued or Building Department clearance has been received. . .--..-...-.---.-----'. -. '. The four separate methods of planning review are established for the following reasons: 1. To provide a means of review appropriate to the magnitude of the proposed signage; . . 2. To recognize the 'planned character of large or multi-tenant centers; . 3. To provide a means of flexible appncation of the sign regulations so as to encourage maximum incentive and latitude in the design and display of signs in order to achieve, not circumvent, the' intent of this Chapter. A. . Planned Sign Program . Planned Sign Programs shall be processed in accordance with Section 9-03.150 of this Title. A Planned Sign Program shall be required for the following: 1. . . Multi-tenant developments of nine (9) or more separate, permitted uses, that share either' the same legal parcel or building and use common access and . . .~ parking faCIlities. 2. Projects or developments with a total aggregate sign. area exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square feet 3, Ground signs between twenty' (20) and fifty (50) feet high. 4. Two (2) or more contiguous legal parcels may be combigetl for purposes of calculating sign area and number, with the permission of. the. property and business owners and at the written request of the sign applicants. M The purpose of a Planned Sign Program shall be to integrate signs with building and landscape design into a unified architectural unit, and to ensure the magnitude of the proposed signs is consistent with existing and proposed buildings and the character of the area within which the signs are proposed. This shall be achieved by: 1. Requiring that sign colors be generally compatible with building color; 2. Using the same type of cabinet supports or method of mounting for signs of the same type; by using the same type of construction material for components, .- such as sign copy, cabinets,'and supports; or by using dissimilar signing that is Cletermined by the approval authority to be compatible; 3. : . Using the same form' of Ulumination for all signs, or by using varied forms of 'illumination that have been determined by the approval authority to be compatible; and 4. Requiring that signs not over-power buildings, and be of 'appropriate scale and character with existing signs in the general.area. B. . Administrative Sign .program J Administrative Sign Programs shall be processed in accordance with Section 9-03.145 01 this . Title. An Administrative Sign Program shall be required for the following: 1. Multi-tenant developments of two (2) to eight (8) separate, permitted uses, that .- share either the same legal parcel or building and use common access and u~ parking facilities. - ""---,- -l 2. Projects or developments with a total aggregate sign area exceeding one I hundred (100) square feet but less than one hundred fifty (150) square feet. " . .I 3. Ground signs between eight (8) and twenty (20) feet high. J 4. Minor tenant signs in older' multi-tenant developments (regardless of the number of tenants) without an established sign program. C. Administrative Sign Permit All signs not required to have a Planned Sign Program or Administrative Sign Program, must receive approval of an Administrative Sign Permit, if not exempt by Section 9-13.050. Administrative Sign Permits shall be processed in accordance with Section 9-03.140 of this Trtle. D. Mural- Permit All murals shall receive approval of a mural permit in accordance witt) Section 9-03.155 of this Title. Murals ar~ not considered signs and shall not include the name, logo, or other representation that advertises a business, product. service or other commercial activity. Murals are considered a means to enhance the architecture or aesthetics of a building or wall and not a form of advertisement If"a mural is proposed that contains advertising materials, it shall be treated as a sign and reviewed pursuant to subsections A, 8, or C above and shall comply with Table 9-13.060A. The mural permit process allows City review of murals to ensure that size, location, and placement is consistent with the character of the district within which it is located;. the character of the building or wall upon which it is placed; and that the mural is not ~ . detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Section 9-13.030 General Provisions Unless exempt by Section 9-13.050, off-site signs shall not be allowed. Signs may be erected, altered and maintained only for those uses permitted in the zone in which they are located. Signs shall be located on the same legal parcel as the permitted use and shall be clearly incidental, customary and commonly associated with the operation of the permitted use. For the purposes of this Chapter, a shopping center shall be considered a single parcel regardless of whether the center is comprised of more than one legal parcel. A. Determining the Number of Signs -. 1. For the purpose of determining the number of signs, a sign shall be considered to be a single display surface or display device containing sign faces physically connected and having a coterminous boundary, with the following exception: combination canopy and under-canopy signs shall be considered as one sign. 2. A two-sided or multi-sided sign shall be regarded as one sign subject to the following: J a. A -V-type- sign shall be regarded' as a single sign only if the two sides are. ~eparated by no more than three (3) feet at any point , ~; , ' b. Double-faced (back-te-back:) signs shall be regarded as a single sign only if the distance between the backs of each face of the sign does not exceed two (2) feet. . . .' . . U ;. B. Computation of Sign Surface Area and Height ~i~ ~ 1. All Signs Except Awning Signs .- ->..-----. - a. The 'surface area of a sign shall be the total number of square feet calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of the writing, logo, representation, emblem, or' other display, together with any frame, background area, structural trim, or other material or color forming an integral part of the backgrour)d of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the backdrop or surface against which it is placed, within a single continuous perimeter composed of circles, squares, or rectangles. The surface area of spherical signs. shall be the actual sign surface area calculated by the following formula: Area = 12.56 x r'; where r = radius of the sphere. See Figure 9-13.03o-A for an illustration of how surface . area is calculated. Notwithstanding Figure 9-13.03o-A, the Community Development Director may allow an increase in sign area in rough proportion to the. open area in a sign not comprised of squares or rectangles. . b. Supporting framework or braCing that is clearly incidental to the display itself shall not be included as sign surface area. . c. If the sign consists of more than one section or module, all of the area, including the area between the sections of modules, shall be included in the computation of sign surface area. Sections or modules must touch one another to count as one sign. d. For multi-sided' signs, the sign surface ar~a' shall be computed by including . the total area of all sides designed to attract attention or communicate information. e. . For two-sided signs, the sign surface area shall be computed by including .- the total area of only one side, provided that double-faced (back to back) . signs have a distance of two (2) feet or less between the backs of each face; or provided that faces of -V-type- signs are separated by no more. than three (3) feet. at any point 2. Awning or Canopy' Signs a. The sign surface area of a canopy or awning sign shall be calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of the writing, logo, representation, emblem, or other display within a single continuous perimeter composed of circles, -- squares, or rectangles. b. If more than one surface of the awning or canopy is utilized for signage or if an undercanopy sign is attached to the main canopy,..the aggregate sign area shall be calculated by totaling the surface area of each surface. 3. Height of Signs The height of a sign shall be determined by measuring the distance from the average adjacent ground level within five (5) feet of the base of the sign to the top of the sign. '.:"~ . . t .--- ---.------- J AGURE 9-13.03Q-A ". COMPUTATION OF SIGN AREA . _ v .1:' : ~~6. w~-l' m!OOoo@[Q 1-"""":: ~I I . I ~. .~, In ~f5)~~ . . --------i.. LL;rlJ;_U_U~ _ /\ . 'tit O"rH .;\ v V . /l Wlt1T"H /1 .. . . . I' . ~Ele..n- : . HeJG~ I I . I .1 I I I' I ~____ ____1 ~ 1-- v v 1~ ~ .... J \AI t::"i'H A . I /. wn::n-~ / ~ .. . >I"'SIT I J _ _ _ _-l v . "" * 1/- Wlt1T"\.f ~ . 'W'lt'T1-I A .=J~ . 'WtIm<"""'""'1 )!C . 51GI\I AREA'" 'WI Dn..j><H EI G HT J . .... GW2.. i".~J . ". . J~. . . . " . ':-, SJ6.J t!: : . · 5te:N~= 51GN 1"T'2.+~~ CQI'1BrINE.!? . CAlUOP'Y f . UUDE R-CA"JOPY &1 G~ 275-1 C. : lIIuminatic)O of Signs ,1. All sign D1umination shall be from the interior or by indirect lighting that shall be turned off after business hours, or at 10:00 p.m., whichever is later. !2. Neon tubing as a sign material shall be permitted to the extent that it composes 20% or less of the total allowable sign surface area for. the use as set forth in Table 9-13.040-A. Neon tubing used as an architectural detail is prohibited in the Village Commercial or Office Professional districts. Neon tubing as an architectural detail may be used in limited quantities in the General Commercial . or Highway Commercial districts subject to approval as part of a sign application or architectural review. An neon tubing used as an architectural detail shall be . integrated into the design of the building. VISible neon tubing outlining the . interior of a window shall be corlSidered a sign. D. I Projecting Signs and Sign Clearances I. . 1. All projecting sigrlS, except awning or canopy sigrlS, must be double-faced. 2. An encroachment permit from the City Engineer is required for signs that project more than 2 inches over a public right-of-way. 3. Projection allowed: ~ a No awnillg or canopy sign may project more than six (6) feet over a public right-of-way. . b. No projecting sign other than an awning or canopy sign may project more than six (6) feet over a public right-of-way; however, the sign itself may not occupy more than four (4) feet of the projection. The remaining two (2) or more feet may tie a gap between the building wall and the sign or the distance between the edge of the sign and the sign support. c. . The outside face of a wall sign may extend no more than twelve (12) inches from the surface of a building or waiL 4. All signs that project more than two (2) inches over a public right-of-way shall have a minimum height clearance of seven (7) feet ~. . _ No permit for any sign shall be issued and no sign shall be constructed or maintained that has less horizontal or vertical clearance from communication lines and energized electrical power lines than that prescribed by the laws of the State of California or riJles and regulatlQl1$ duly promulgated by agencies thereof. ] E. Accessory Signs Signs that advertise products sold or services provided on the premises, such as beer signs or. an automated tener machine (ATM) signs, shan be considered accessory signs and do J not count towards the permitted signage listed in Table 9-13.040-A. Accessory signs shall be ,<', .~.._\; .restricted to 20% or less of the window or wall area on which. it is placed. The design. number, location, and size of acc~ssory signs shall be reviewed and approved as part of an ;.: Administrative Sign Permit, Administrative Sign Prog~, or Planned. Sign Program by the Architectural : Advisory Committee. The Architectural Advisory Committee may recommend approval of accessory signs if the following findings are made: 1. The proposed general design, arrangement, texture, colors, and lighting placement are consistent with the purposes and regulations of this Chapter and any applicable design guidelines; and 2. The appropriateness of the proposed accesSory sign is compatible with other signs and other structures on the premises and contiguous area.. F. Incidental and Supplemental Signs Signs that are incidental or supp)e~ental to the use of the property, such as drive ~ through menu boards or vendi~g machine signs do not count towards the permitted signage .listed in Table 9-13.06D-A. Incidental or supplemental signs shall be no larger-than 32 square feet and shall not be legible to a person of average eyesight standing on any property line. .' The design, number, location, and size' of incidental' or supplemental signs shall be reviewed and approved as part of an Administrative Sign Permit, Administrative Sign Program. or Planned Sign Program by the Architectural Advisory Committee. The Architectural Advisory Committee may recommend approval of incidental or supplemental signs if the following findings are made: 1. The proposed gener~ design, arrangement; texture, colors, and lighting placement are consistent with the purposes and regulations of this Chapter and any applicable design guidelines; and -. 2.' The appropriateness of the proposed signs are compatible with other signs and other structures on the premises and contiguous area. Section 9-13.040 Permitted Signs J Table 9-13.040-A lists the sign regulations for different uses and specifies if Planned Sign , Program. or Administrative Sign Program Review is required. In addition to the following regulations, the requirements of any applicable design guidelines shall.be incorporated into the size, design and placement of signs. . .: " . .- - ~ TABLE 9-13.04D-A . STANDARDS FOR SIGNS REQUIRING PLANNING PERMITS ~ Residenlilll Uses 1. Single FamDy . Two (2) waD; or 6" 2D s.f. for each At. major Urnited to name and logo of Neighborhood sign .entrances neighborhood. Maintenance Identification one (1) ground 4' responsibility shall be that of an appropriate maintenance per major entrance district or homeowners' association. 2. Multiple-FamlJy 2 of1he ~ng: 2D s.1. .for each At. major Minimum of 11 units to Complex wall; or S' sign entrances qualify as M.F. Identification neighborhood. Umited to ground 4' name, logo and address. 3. Apartment Rental 1 wall; or Below roof One or Total area not or Leasing Office top of waD structure to exceed 12 . . s.f. , ground 4' 4. Temporary Model 2 of 1he following: Be,ow roof line or Total area not At. public Sign shall not be ilIumin~ or Leasing OffICe wall; or top of waD structure to exceed 12 street frontage Sign must be removed after sJ. with. direct all homes .are sold. ground 4' . access to model 5. Mobile Horne 2 of 1he foUowing: 2D s.1. for each At. major Umited to name, logo and Park Identification wall; or 6" sign entrances address of neighborhood. ground 4' '- - , -.- - - J B. Coovnen:iaI u.s '1.'~' 1. Commercial 1 ground; or S' Total area for Wall signs to Administrative Sign Program :: . Business .!!2! all signs shall . be separated required if total sign area within commercial 1 projecting Below roof rille or not exceed 2 by 6' 'permitted according to complex within top of wall structure sJ. of sign ansa minimum formula exceed 100 s.t. General '7 clearance per linear foot Planned Sign Program __ Commercial or required. of buDding required if total sign area Office frontage for the permitted according to ProfeSsional and one of the first 25 feet of formula exceeds 150 s.f. zoning cflStrict following per buDding MaxImum of 4 signs per site. and more than public street frontage then 1- and maximum of one groun::: 300 feet from frontage: 1/2 Lf. of sign or projecting sign per site. HWt' 101 right..of- area for each way combination Below roof line or linear foot of Ground signs shall be canopy and ~nder-. top of wall structure building located in a landscaped area canopy (see 7 clearance frontage for the equal to a minimum of 2 Illustration In requited. next 75' of times the area of the sign. Definitions building chapter); or frontage, then 1/2 Lf. of sign wall Below roof line or area for each top of wall structure 6near foot of building OR 2 of the frontage there- following per after. Each I public street sign not to ~ frontage: exceed 70 Lf. .... combination Below roof 6ne or canopy and under- top of wall structure canopy (see 7 clearance Illustration In required. DefInitions . chapter); or wall aelow roof line or top of wall structure 2. Commercial 1 ground per 8' 70 s.f. Parking area Planned Sign Program 9.omplex public street or adjacent to required. Ground signs sha/: Identification for . frOntage listing the access drive be loc&ted in a landscaped Commercial complex name to parking area equal to a minimum of Complexes with 9 only. area 2 times the area of the sign. or more tenants within General Commercial or ~ ~:monal zoning district .. and more than 300 feet from :, HWY 101 rig_ way g .,. .' ., : ~' .. ;.;:\ - 3. Commercial 1 ground per S' . 50 sJ. Parking .,.. Administrative Sign Program Complex with 2 to public street . or aO)8C8nt to required. Ground signs shall 8 tenants within trontage that lists access drive be located in a landscaped General 1M complex name to parking area equal to a minimum 0 Commercial or and/or tenants and .,.. 2 times the area of the sigr. Office street addrns P.ol.S8ional zoning district and more than 300 feet from HWY 101 right~ way 4. Commercial 1 ground; or 211 Total area for Wall signs to Administrative Sign Program Business not all signs shall be separated required .If total sign area within comm.rciaI 1 projecting Below roof flM or not exceed 2 by 6" permitted according to complex within top of wall structure So1. of sign .,.. minimum formula exceeds 100 s.f. General T clearance per linear foot . Planned Sign Program Commercial or requiAld. of builc:flllg required If total sign area Office fron1age for the permttted according to Professional and one of the first 25 feet of formula. zoning district following per building and more than public street frontage then 1- Ground signs shaI! be 300 feet from frontage: 1/2 sJ. of sign . located in a landscaped area HWY 101 right~ area for each equal to a minimum of 2 way combination Below roof Dne or Dnear foot of times the area of ihe sign. canopy and under- top of wall structure building canopy (see T clearance frontage for the Illustration in requiAld. next -n; of Definitions building ~ c:hapt8r);or frontage, then 1/2 So1. of sign waD Below roof Dne or .,.. for each top of wall structure linear foot of . building 002 of the frontage there- following per after. Each public street sign not to frontage: exceed 70 s.f. c:ombitiation Below roof line or canopy and under- top of wall structure canopy (see T clearance -- IDustration in required. Definitions. c:hapt8r);or wall Below roof fane or top of wall structure 5. Commercial Com- 1 ground per 20' 120 s.f. Parking area Planned Sign Program plex Identification public street or adjacent to required. Ground signs shr" for Commercial frontage fasting the 8ccess drive be located in a landscaped Complexes with 9 complex name to parking area equal to a minimum c or more tenants only. .,.. 2 times the area oithe sigr within Highway Commercial zon- ing district OR .- within General . .- . CommtR:ial or Office Pr0fess- ional zoning dis- trict and within 300 feet of J-N{'( .- 101 right-of-way - . --. . . - 0 .. .: :~... .~.."""" ...~~~~;'~;~;;;;~'~t,I'.li~ 6. Commercial 1 ground per 20' SOs.t. ParkIng 'area Administrative Sign Program Complex with 210 public street or acfJ&C8nt 10' required. Ground signs snail 8 tenants within frontage that lists access drive be located in a landscaped 1 Highway the complex name 10 parking area equal to a minimum of Commercial and/or tenants and area ,- 2 times the area of the sign. zoning crlStrict OR street address within General Commercial or Office Professional zoning crlStrict and within 300 feet from HWY 101 right-of-way 7. Commercial 1 ground per 6' 36s.t. Street frontage Planned Sign Program Complex pubrlC street or adjacent to required. Signs in D overlay Identification' frontage access drive districts shall comply with within the Village 10 parking applicable Design Guideline~ Commercial area Db.'trict 8. BusIness 1 waD; or Below roof rme or Total area for No buDding To be consistent with Identification top of wall structure each tenant's frontage. Administrative Sign Program within sign shall not Location of or Planned Sign Program. if Commercial 1 combination Below roof line or exceecI1-1/2 signs 10r any. Signs in D overlay Centers canopy and under- top of wall stiucture.. Lf. of sign area businesses districts shall comply with ~ canopy (see T clearance for each linear without the applicable Design Illustration in required. foot of buDding buDding Guidelines. DefinItions frontage for the frontage 10 be . . chapt8r);or business for the determined first 100' of during Sign 1 projecting Below roof line or frontage, then Program lop of wall structure. 1/2 Lf. of sign review T clearance ... for each required. linear foot of bw1ding per public street frontage the,.. frontage after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 s1. 9. Major Tenant 1 ground and S' Total area for No building To be consistent with Identification each tenant's frontage Administrative Sign Program within 1 waD; or Below roof line or sign shaD not or Planned Sign Program, if Commercial top of wall structure exceed 1-1/2 any. Signs in D overlay Centers Lf. of sign area districts shall comply with 1 combination Below roof line or tor each linear the applicable Design canopy and under- top of wall structure. foot of buDding Guidelines. U canopy (see T clearance frontage for the o' , ." Dlustrationln required. business for the Ground' signs shall be .. . DefinItions first 100' of located in a landscaped ar82 .. ". .- ~~ :.: chapt8r);or frontage, then equal to a minimum of 2 1/2 s.f. of sign times the area of the sign. 1 projecting Below roof line or area for each top of Wap structure. &near foot of . T clearance buDding' ~ required. frontage thef&- !L: after. Individual per building sign not to frontage for each exceed 70 s.f. business - -- -_._-~ _..~-- ... . - . -- 10. BusIness Majortlllnant:2 Below roof line or Major tIInant Planned Sign Program Identification exterior wall and 1 top of wall structure To be required. within Shopping interior wall per determined MalIa interior store during. Planned entrance Minor Sign Program tenant: 1 interior review Minor wall tenant 1 Lf. per each linear foot of building frontage in interior of mall 11. Business 1 .ground per SO 32 sJ. In pedestrian Directory SIgns public SIreet access area (for multi-t8nant fromage sites) 12. Automotive 1 of the following: Total area for Wall signs to Planned Sign Program Service Stations all signs shall be separated required. Price sign can be Signs ground B' (50' in Highway not 8xceec:t 300 by&" combined with other signs a Commercial Zone) square feet. minimum long as no single sign . Each sign not exceeds 70 s.f. Signs projecting: Below roof line or to exceed 70 advertising St,I,ch accessory top of wan structure Sof. uses as food markets, car T dearance washes and automotive Rlquired. repairs are included in permitted sign area. and and number. If 4 waD Below roof line or Ground signs shall be top of wan structure located in a landscaped area equal to a. minimum of 2 times the area of the sign. - 13. Fast Food 1 ground. and 50' 'r otaI area for WaD signs to Planned Sign Program Restaurants, all signs shaD be separated required. Restaurants, . 1 ground; S' not exceed 1 by&" Motels, and Mini- 1/2 sJ. of sign minimum Ground signs shall be Matts within the or area for each lOcated in a landscaped area Highway linear foot of equal to a minimum of 2 _ Commercial zone 2 waD per street Below roof line or street frontage times the area of the sign. or within the frontage . top or wall structure. for first 100' of General street frontage, Commercial zone ten 1/2 sJ. of and within 300' sign area for of tNI'( 101 each linear foot right-of-way of street frontage there- after. Each sign not to exceed 7Osl. , - . . # -- -,--,.---.--- , . 0 ~ 13. Bed and 1 of any type, as M approved M approved M approved M approved through the Br8aJcfastlnns appnMd through through the . through the through the conditional use permit the conditional use conditional use conditional use conditional process. Signs may not be J permit process permit process permit process use permit intemally illuminated and \:.." , . shall not Contain the words 1 process -hotel- "motel" or -bed and brealcfast" C. 0IIice Uses . . 1. Site identification , ground 6' 50 s.f. At street Planned Sign Program or Office and frontage with required. Mixed-Use access Office! per public street Commercial! frontage with industrial access Complexes 2. Office Building 1 waD Below roof One or 12s.1. Limited to name, symbol or identification top. of wall structure address only. . 3. . Business 1 waD; or Below roof 6ne or Total area for At building To be consistent with . identification top of' wall struCture each tenant's frontage. Administrative Sign Program within Office and sign shall not location of or Planned Sign Program. if Mixed-Use 1 combination Below roof One or exceed 1-1!2 signs for any. Signs in D overlay Office! canopy and uncIer- top of wall structure. s.f. of sign area businesses districts. shall comply with Commercial! canopy (see T clearance fQr each nnear without the applicable Design ~ Industrial Dlusttation in required. foot of building building Guidelines. Complexes Definitions frontage for the frontage to be chapter); or business for the determined first 100' of during Sign 1 projeding Below roof line or frontage, then Program top of wall structure. , /2 Lf. of sign review T clearance . area for each required. nnear foot of .building per public street frontage there- frontage after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 s.f. 4. BusIness 1 ground per SO 32 sJ. In pedestrian .' .Directory Sign public street access area frontage J <\.'. . . . . ~ ~/' ~. " : ..... ::.~. - ~-_.._-,--~ D. ntusIriat u.s 1. Business 1 ground; or S' Tatalarea for Wall signs 10 Planned Sign Program identification all signs shall be separated required If total sign area Single-Tenant , projecting Below roof line or not exceed 2' by&' permitted according to Sites lOp of waD structure s.f. of sign area minimum formula exceeds a total si, T clearance per &near foot area of 150 s.f. Umited 10 required. of building maximum of 4 signs per sit.. frontage for 1he and a maximum of , ground and one of 1he first 25 feet of or projecting sign per site. following per building pubflC street frontage then ,- Ground signs shall be frontage: 1/2 s.f. of sign located in a landscaped area area for each equal to a minimum of 2 combination Below roof line or linear foot Of times 1he area of 1he sign. canopy and under- top of waD structure building canopy (see T clearance frontage for 1he illustration in required. next 75' of Dlfinlllons buDding chapter); or frontage, then , /2 sJ. of sign waD Below roof Hne or area for each lOp of waD structure linear foot of building OR2 of the frontage the~ following per . after. Each public street sign not 10 frontage: exceed 7D sJ. . combination . Below roof line or canopy and under- lOp of wall structure canopy (see T clearance Dlustration in required. Definitions chapter); or wall Below roof line or top of wall structure 2. Complex , ground per S' 36 sJ. Parking area Planned Sign Program Identification: pubrlC street or adj;Icent 10 required Multiple-Tenant frontage access drive Sites 10 parking area -. .- --- ^_.__.o. . . \ J 3. Business 1 waD; or Below roof One or Total area for No building To be consistent with identification: top.of waD structure each tenant's 1rontage. Administrative Sign Prograr- '1 Multiple-Tenant sign shaD not Location of or Planned Sign Program. r Sites 1 combination Below roof Hne or exceecl1-1/2 signs for. ,~ any. Signs in D overlay canopy and under- top of wall structure. s.f. of sign area businesses districts shall comply with canopy (see T clearance for each rmear without the applicable Design Wustndion in required. foot of buikling buncting Guidelines for Historic DefinitIons frontage for the frontage to be Districts. c:hap1er);or business for the determined first 100' of . during Sign 1 Projecting Below roof line or frontage, then Program top of waD structure. 1/2 s.t of "sign review T clearance area for each required. '&near foot of buDding per pubrlC street frontage there- tronmge after. 'lndividual sign not to ~d 70 sJ. 4. Business 1 ground per SO 32 $of. In pedestrian Directory Signs: public street access area Multiple-Tenant ~ Sites . ~ E 0Iher Uses 1. Public and Quast. . 1 ground; or 6' 1 s.f. of sign No street Ground signs shall be Public uses area for each frontage located in a landscaped arac 1 wall; or Below roof line or fanear foot of equal to a minimum of 2 top of waD structure building times the area of the sign. frontage not to 1 combination Below roof fane or exceed 70 sJ. canopy and under- top of waD structure canopy (see T clearance . Hlustratlon in required. Definitions chapter); or -. 1 projecting per pubic street frontage J .\', . 0 :f: '#i 'Section 9-13.050 . ExemDt Signs The following signs shalf be exempt from the Administrative Sign Permit, Administrative Sign Program, and Planned Sign Program requirements, and shall be permitted subject to the . limitations contained herein. A greater number of signs or signs of larger size than specified below shall be prohibited, unless elsewhere specifically permitted by, and an apptopriate permit obtained consistent with the provisions of this Chapter. . A. Temporary .Advertising Signs or Special Event Displays painted on a window or constructed of paper, cloth, or similar mate~, including banners, flags, pennants and balloons provided that all of the following conditions are met: 1. Window Sigris, Banners, Rags, and Pennants. a. The total area of window signs does not exceed 20 percent of the. window area; b. The sign is no greater than twenty-four (24) square feet c. The sign is displayed for no more than 30 days prior to an event and seven (7) days afterward; and for no more than 60 calendar days each calendar year, to promote events or sales of products or merchandise. d. No more than one .such sign is allowed per street frontage. e. Roof signs are not permitted. 2. Gas and Hot Air Balloons or Inflatable Displays. ~ a. No more thari one (1) balloon or inflatable display is permitted per event. b. Use of balloons or inflatable displays may not exceed a consecutiv~ three (3) day period for a maximum of. twelve (12) such periods in each calendar year. The Community Development Director may grant extensions for special events. c. Balloons or inflatable displays shall not be locate(i on any roof structure nor shall they occupy any required parking spaces or walkways. -- d. Window Signs4 Banners, Rags, and Pennants may be used in conjunction with balloons or inflatable displays as listed in subsection a., above. 3. Beacons. a. Use. of a beacon may not exceed a consecutive three (3) day period for a maximum of twelve (12) such periods in each calendar year. . b. Beacons must be directed into the atmosphere and not at any point on land. c. Window Signs, Banners, Flags, Pennants, Balloons, and Inflatable Displays may be used in conjunction with beacons as listed in paragraphs'a. and b., above. B. Permanent Window Signs Hmited to hours of operation; address; and emergency information provided that all of the following are met . . . J.. . . 1. The total area of 'such signs does not exceed 20 percent of the window area. ~. 2. The sign is no greater than four (4) square feet ~1:..:~. C. Real Estate Signs for Sales, Rental, or Lease subject to the 10. IIOW.. .ing re.gUlations: 1. Reside~aI dweDings offered for sale, rent, or lease on an individual basis not in association with a subdivision or apartment complex, one (1) sign per separate street frontage not exceeding six (6) square feet each and six (6) feet in height. Such signs shall be removed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the sale has been closed or the property has been rented or leased. Signs shall not create sight distance hazards. . 2. One (1) sign per street frontage to advertise the sale, lease, or rent of commercial or industrial property provided all of the following are met: a. Such signs shall have a maximum area of thirty-two (32) square feet each, and be no greater than eight (8) teet in height b.. Signs shall not create. sight distance hazards for pedestrians or vehicles. c. Such signs shall be removed within ten (10) calendar days of the close of the sale or termination of the. lease or rental agreement d. Where a project has in excess of 600 lineal feet of street frontage, one (1) additional sign shall be permitted for each full 600 lineal feet of street ~ frontage. ~ D. 'Subdivision Signs subject to the following regulations: 1. Off-site unlighted signs advertising subdMsions within the City of Arroyo Grande, containing only the name of the subdivision, the name of the developer and/or agent, an identification emblem and a directional arrow shall be permitted, provided: a. There shall be no more than three (3) such signs located within the City limits for each subdMsion. Signs must be located on private property. u b. The total area of each sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. c. The total height of each sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet. d. Directional subdivision signs may be displayed during' the two years following the date of recordation of the final map or until ninety (90) percent of the lots have been sold, whichever is earlier. J. 2.. One' (1) on-site subdMsion sign per subdMsion entrance shall be permitted .. provided the total area per sign js not greater than thirty (30) square feet and . . sign heilJht does not exceed eight (8) feet. : Such. o",:sfte ~igns shall b~ p:rmitled h to remain only as long as a sales office IS maintained In the subdIVIsion and provided that such signs are maintained in good condition as determined by the Building Official. .. f1 E. Architect, Contractor or Construction Signs providing the name of architect(s) LJ and/or contractor{s).working on the site, subject to the following: . l --------..-._-" .- 1. For.residential projects. greater than four (4) dwelling units, up to two (2) signs may be placed on the constn.iction site, provided that the total area of each sign shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet, maximum height shall be six .(6) feet, and the sign is located no closer than ten (10) feet to any property line. 2. For commercial, and industrial projects, up to two (2) signs may be placed on ,., the construction site, provided that the total area of each sign ~hall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet, maximum height shall be six (6) feet, and the sign is located ~o closer than ten (10) feet to any property' fine. 3. For all other projects, a total of two (2) signs may be placed on the construction site, provided that the total area of each sign shall not eXceed eight (8) square feet, maximum height is six (6) feet, and the sign is located no closer than five (5) feet to any property fine. . . F. Future Tenant Identification Sign to advertise. the Mure use of an approved project on the property may be placed on vacant or developing property to give the location where information may be obtained, subject to the following: 1. Only one (1) future tenant identifi~on sign per parcel may be permitted. . . 2. Future tenant identification signs shall be Dmited to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet and four (4) feet in height 3. . The sign shall be placed no closer than ten (10) feet to any property line. 4. Such signs shalt not be e~ected until a building permit is issued for the development and shall be removed within one year from the date Of the building .. permit. 5. Where a project has in excess of 600 lineal feet of street frontage, one (1) additional future tenant identification sign shall be permitted for each full 600 .lineal feet of street frontage. G. Residential Signs 1. Multiple family residential .building identification signs fimited to address and building number or letter. One (1) wall sign per building frontage located below -. the reof fine, limited to a maximum ar~a of two (2) square feet and a maximum letter height of four (4) inches. 2. Residential name plate - One (1) name plate per parcel for single family residential or agricuttural uses, limited to a maximum area of two (2) square feet . and a maximum letter height of four (4) inches. H. Agricultural Signs identifying agricultural products grown or raised on the premises subject to the following: 1. The number of such signs shall be limited to one (1) per street frontage. 2. If wall mounted, the sign shall be located below the roof fine. 3. Freestanding. signs shalt be no higher than six (6) feel 4. Each sign shalt have an area no greater than sixteen (16) square feet and shall "--- be erected only during .the growing and harvest season. --, I. Political 'Signs on private property related to any issue, baDot measure, political ~J statements and expressions, or candidate in any' Federal, State, County, Municipal, or . Special District election subject to the following provisions and any other applicable provisions of this Chapter. j 1. Signs can be displayed for a period not to exceed sixty (50) days preceding an election and seven (7) days after an etection. 2. .TotaI area of each sign shall not exceed sixteen (15) square feet. . . J. Government and Noncommercial Flags - An official flag, except 'when displayed in connection with commercial promotion, provided that such flags are no greater in size than ten (10) feet by fifteen (15) feet or as approved by the City Council. K. Miscellaneous signs. 1. Interior signs completely within a building when not. visible or readable or . intended to be read from off-site or 'outside of the building or structure. 2. Memorial tablets, plaques, or directional signs for community historical and cultural reSources installed by the City or by a City recognized historical society or civic organization. . 3. Official and legal notices issued . by any court, public body or officer, or in furtherance of any non-judicial process by federal, state or local law. ~ 4. Public utility signs indicating danger or that serve as an aid to public safety,. or . . that show locations 01 underground facilities or public telephones. 5. Safety signs on' construction sites. 5. Public transportation vehicle signs, including, but not limited to buses and taxi cabs. .7. Signs on licensed commercial vehicles that are not used or intended for use as portable signs and that are not specifically prohibited by the provisions of this Chapter. 8. Change of copy within an approved Planned Sign Program or Administrative Sign Program ~at conforms to the provisions of said approved sign program. 9. Holiday decorations to' celebrate nationally recognized' holidays and local celebrations. ~ ! ... 10. Vehicle-oriented convenience and. directional signs solely for the purpose of guiding traffic and paoong on private property, and not bearing advertising ( . material, limited to a maximum area of two (2) square feet and a maximum letter ti,. height of four (4) inches. 11. Directional, warning, or informational signs as required or authorized. by law or g by .any Federal, State, County, Special District or City authority and -No J' Trespassing,- -No Parking,- -Neighborhood Watch- and similar warning signs, {L limited to a maximum area of two (2) square feet and a maximum letter height of four (4) inches. 12. Incidental signs for auto-related uses, motels snd hotels that show notices of services provic1edor required by law, trade affiliations, and credit cards accepted, provided such signs are. attached to an otherwise approved ground sign, structure, or building and limited to a maximum area of two (2) square feet and a maximum letter height of four (4) inches. 13. .Open- and .Closed" Signs - one (1) sign per entrance no larger than one (1) . square foot in area. 14. Automobile service stations are permitted to have the following additional signs provided they conform to the height and setback .requirements of the district in which they are located: a. State authorized testing centers. Four (4) square. feet per sign, wall mounted only. . b. Price signs. One (1) single or double faced sign per street frontage, twenty (20) square feet maximum per face. This exception is intended :to allow for full compliance with.State law for posting of gasoline prices. Portable price signs are not permitted. . - . c. Pump signs. One (1) sign for each gas pump unit not to exceed two (2) square feet per pump face or one (1) sign per bank of pumps, not to exceed eight (8) square feet per face, identifying the gasoline brand and rating only. 15. City-sponsored civic signs for community entrance, identifica~on, direction, or information. .~ L Any sign as determined by the Community Development Director to be simHar in use and size to the signs listed above. . Section 9-13.060 Prohibited Signs 1.. Any sign not in compliance with tfie provisions of this Code. Potential violations shall be processed pursuant to Development Code Section 9-01.150. 2. Roof signs extending. above the eave or parapet tine, except when, in the opinion -- of the Architectural Advisory Committee, the sign is a complementary architectural feature of the building. This provision does not apply to integral roof signs. 3. Flashing signs, except time. and temperature signs specifically permitted pursuant .to a site development approval, such as but not limited to Architectural review, plot plan review, conditional use permit review; or sign approval. 4. Animated signs conveying th~ illusion of motion. 5. .RevoMng or rotating signs. -. 6. Signs emitting audible SOUJ1ds~ odors, or visible matter. 7. . Vehicle mounted commercial signs when parked or stored on property or within the pubUc right-of-way to identify a business or a~ertise a product. - - 8. Portable signs not specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. . J 9. QfJ-site signs not specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. 10. Signs within the. pubnc right-of-way except those required by a governmental agency. l 11. Signs within the public right-of-way Oncluding planted strips, tree wells, fences, .... and street medians), on public property or in any location which interferes with vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation or safety. 12. Signs in proximity to utility lines that have less horizontal or vertical clearance from authorized communication or energized electrical power lines than that prescribed by the laws of the State of California, or rules and regulations duly prom~lgated by agencies thereof. 13. Signs blocking door or window openings or fire escapes. 14. Outdoor signs containing light bulb strings or exposed neon tubing (glass tubing filled with neon gas that is not" covered with a transparent or translucent material , to prevent rupture) outside of the building except for temporary uses such as, but not .limited to, Christmas tree lots, carnivals, and other similar uses subject to prior approval of a Temporary Use P~rinit 15. Banners; flags, pennants, balloons, and beacOns, except as specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. ~ 16. Inflatable advertising devices, including hot air balloons~ except as specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. 17. Statuary (statues or sculptures) advertising products or logos of the business that are located outside of the structure that houses the business. 18. 8ectric reader board signs that are not exempt by virtue of being interior signs, and that are not otherwise specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. 19. Signs that purport to be or are an imitation of or resemble official traffic warning devices or signs, that by.color, location, or lighting, may confuse or disorient -' vehicular or pedestrian traffic. This prohibition shall not include traffic or. directional signs installed on private property to control on-site traffic. 20. Signs in connection with a home occupation 21. Strobe or revoMng lights ~sed as an attention getting device except as specifically permitted by the provisions of this Chapter. J Section 9-13.070 Revisions Revisions 10 existing signs shalf be. processed as follows: A. Revisions to Planned Sign Programs 0 1. If the project consists of nine (9) or more tenants or has a total aggregate sign !; area of more than 150 square f~et and revisions are proposed that increase the a . .,.. total number of signs "by more than ten (10) percent or increase the sign area for a tenant by more than ten (10) percent, the revision shall' be processed pursuant to ~e provisions of. a Planned Sign Program. 2. If the project consists of nine (9) or more tenants or has a total aggregate sign area of more than 150 square feet and revisions are proposed that increase the total number of signs by less than ten (10) percent and increase the sign area for a tenant by less than ten (10) percent, the revision shall be processed -pursuant to the provisions of an Administrative Sign Program. . 3. If the project consists of eight (8) or fewer tenants with a total aggregate sign area of less than 150 square feet, the revision shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of an Administrative Sign Permit. B. ReVisions to Administrative Sign Programs . 1. If revistons are proposed that increase the total number of signs by more than ten (10) percent or increase the sign. area for a tenant by more than ten (10) percent, the revision shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of an Administrative Sign Program. 2. If revisions are proposed that increase the total number of signs by less than ten - (10) percent and increase the sign area for a tenant .by less than ten (10} percent, the revision shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of an _ Administrative Sign Permit. c. Administrative Sign Permit Revisions to Administrative Sign Permits require a new Administrative' Sign Permit and shall be processed pursuant to.the provisions of Section 9-13.020; . .D. Nonconforming Signs .. Signs existing prior to February 13, 1887 that do not comply with the provisions herein shall be regarde(f as nonconforming signs and the foUowing provisions apply. 1. Historical Signs. Upon written request by a sign owner, the City Council may determine, that a sign is historical based on the following findings: a. The sign is more than 40 years old or represents an important period in 1he City's. history. u b. The design of the sign is unique because its shape, colors, materials, or other aspects of sign design are indicative of the historical period within which it was constructed; or- . c. The design of the sign is unique because it is integrated into the design of an historical building and removal of the sign would jeopardize the hiStorical integrity of the building. Historical. signs may be maintained, reconstructed; modified or expanded consistent with the historical nature of the sign through the Administrative Sign Permit process. New signs proposed on the property shall comply with this Title and shaD be complementary to the historical sign. --' 2. Signs not quarRying for historiccd status shall be' permitted to remain until such time as: a. There is a change in the use of the property on which the sign is located and discretionary approval for the change of use is required; '-. --\ b. There are alterations or enlargements to the site or building on the' r property in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the existing . j site or building. The amount of atterations shall. be cumulative over time; or ""' c. Expansion, movement or modification of the sign.' A change of copy or f normal maintenance and repair does not constitute grounds for J modification of a nonconforming sign. J 3. Any business with a nonconforming sign shall not be entitled to any additional signs unless the nonconforming sign is made to comply with the provisions of this Chapter. This subdivision shall not apply if the existing nonconforming sign . is located within the SCb-:1e commercial complex but at a' different business location; or if the existing nonconforming sign is not owned or controlred by the . sign permit applicant, or if the applicant is not the agent of the business that owns or controls the existing nonconforming sign. ~ection 9-13.080 Abandoned Sians A. Any sign which pertains to a business or occupation which is no longer using the particular property, or which relates- to a time or event which no longer applies, . constitutes false advertising/identification. In such case the sign copy shall be removed within thirty (30) days and the sign structure within ninety (90) days after the associated business or occupation has vacated the property. or the associated event has ended. An abandoned sign is prohibited and the sign removal shall be the joint responsibility of the owner of the sign and the owner of the property. =:} B. Any sign copy which no longer identifies the subject matter for which.. it was intended ~ shall be removed or changed by the owner of the sign or the owner of the property upon which it is located within thirty (30) days of the event causing the improper identification. The structure shall be removed or replaced subject to the .appropriate approvals required by this Chapter. Section 9-13.090 Signs Reauired to be Removed Signs that are not removed in the specified time periods pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute a nuisance, and shall be subject to removal under the provisions of this Title. Section 9-13.100 Construction Specifications and Safety A. Compliance with Building Code . All signs shall comply with an applicable provisions of this Code. inclu~ing, but not limited to. the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Sign Code. relative to design and J" construction, structural integrity. connections and safety. Signs shall also comply with the ...... provisions of all applicable electric codes and the additional construction standards set forth in this Section. \j' D~;. ~: . l~ I~\' ; \- ~ . "----- -. .---,----.- . B. Construction of Signs 1.- All signs shall be structurally safe; shall be made of rust inhibitive materials; and shall be fabricated, constructed, erected or installed and maintained in such a manner as will complY with the provisions of this Code.. 2. Each sign hereafter erected or remodeled shall bear, in a permanent position, clearly legible identification decals stating the firm or corporation responsible for its construction and erection. Bectric signs shall be marked with input amperages at the full load input. . . . 3. No sign shall be attached in any form, shape or manner that will interfere with an opening required for ventilation, except in circumstances when not in violation of the Building or Fire Codes. 4. Signs shall' be located In such a way that they maintain. horizontal and vertical clearance of all overhead electrical conductors in accordance with the Electrical Code and the regulations of the affectadentity and the Public Utilities Commission. 5. Certain signs may be required to be properly guttered and connected with down spouts to storm drains so that ~er Will not drip or flow into public sidewalks or streets. : 6. All permanent free-standing signs or poles shall be self-supporting structures erected on and permanently attached to concrete foundations. Such structures or poles shall be fabricated only from steel or other such materials as approved by the Building .Otficial. . ~ 7. All signs shall be constructed to withstand wind loads, acceptable to the Building Official. 8. No sign shall be suspended by' chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall .be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or connections. C. Maintenance of Signs . .. 1. Every sign and all parts, portions, components, and materials thereof, shall be maintained aF'Id kept in good condition and proper repair. The dispkiy surface of all signs shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from rust and corrosion. .. Any cracked or broken surfaces, .and malfunctioning or damaged portions of a sign shall be repaired or replaced within thirty (30) calendar'days following notification by 1he City. Noncompliance with such a request shall constitute a nuisance, and may be abated in accordance with the provisions of this Code. 2. Any maintenance, except a change of copy not specifically exempted, shall be permitted. "- Section 9-18.030 Definitions Building Frontage: That side of a buDding which contains the main entrance for pedestrian ] ingress and egress. If more than one main entrance exists, the one that more nearty faces or is oriented to a parking area or the street of highest classification as portrayed in the current Circulation 8ement of the General Plan shall be considered the building frontage. For unique designs that do not allow use of the preceding discussion, the Community designs that do not allow use of the preceding discussion, the Community Development Director shall determine '1 building frontage. ...... ...\.... Beacon: Any light with one or more beams directed into the atmosph~re or directed at one or more points not on the same lot as the light source; also any light with one or more beams that rotate or move. Sign (Combination Canopy and Under Canopy): A sign consisting of a sign painted, placed or installed on an awning or canopy and a sign hanging under a canopy or awning to aid pedestrians. . ~F ,,\Gt.J (P~ &ITED) . ~ Ut-JDE.R- c..AJ,JoPY 516"-1 - Mur_~I: A work of art, s~ch as a painting, applied directly to a wall. Sign (Integral Roof): Any sign erected or constructed as an integral or' essentially integrai part of a normal roof structure of ariy design, ~uch that no part of the sign extends vertically above the highest portion of the roof, and such that no part of the sign is separated from the rest of the roof by a space of more than six (6) inches. ~ SIGN ~~: . D ~ ~ !! ~;e.. -~ h, - \tJTE.bR.AL ROOF S\6tJ . - -....--,.-.--.,.